happytaffeta · 2 hours
Well Portal is haunting me today and, yeah. Yeah. She was right.
I've been so incredibly nice the last several months. I've been so intensely, obscenely, shockingly nice. Honestly kinda wanna go off.
the lesbian computer from portal was right. given the circumstances ive been shockingly nice
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happytaffeta · 11 hours
My dad had several firearms when I was growing up, and still has at least a couple. He keeps them locked up when not in use but I've been along on a hunting/camping trip or two and have also seen them around when wildlife encroached and he needed to go make sure things were safe around the house.
A note: My dad is not a gun nut, he actually would really rather not have them, he's more of an archery/fishing kind of guy. But I grew up rural and my parents still live out there in the mountains. In rural areas, many folks have a gun in the house, sometimes multiple, out of necessity/practicality. When six foot rattlesnakes, packs of coyotes, singular or families of mountain lions, and the occasional bear all live within a reasonable stroll from your front door, it's just smart to have something around that can make a loud, sudden noise to discourage most of them from coming closer and, in a pinch, stop the remainder by force.
purpose of this poll: basically im wondering if my gran having a pistol was a typical american experience
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happytaffeta · 2 days
They just don't appeal and I already have a kind of shit respiratory system. Why would I make it worse on purpose with something that doesn't even interest me?
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happytaffeta · 2 days
Hi I grew up rural in a small mountain town, closest anyone in my area ever got to shooting a dog was when my neighbor shot at a coyote who was chasing my dog across his property on her way up out of the canyon we all lived on the east wall of. And that was just a warning shot to scare it off. Edit: Been reading through the reblogs and yeah, agreed, folks talking about extenuating circumstances such as 'The dog is a clear and immediate danger to others', that can be a reason to deal with the problem as quickly as possible. And oh my fucking god that poor goat. Just don't get a buck goat if you don't want buck goat things to be happening, holy hell. I used to keep a couple of goats growing up and we didn't want to deal with a buck so my family kept exclusively does and one wether. That wether was mine and he was a prince among critters. Loved him immensely. A great little guy, fluent in sarcasm, very sassy, and also very awesome. Goats are so cool and buck problems can be solved by simply not keeping bucks!
I was saying to Emet earlier that one of the big things I was worried about with this fucking Kristi Noem thing was that she was trying to present this as "a rural thing"
Like "oh you city people just don't understand, this is just how it is in rural places"
And I really didn't want to see this just accepted by the news media, most of whom have never lived anywhere rural, as just "how we are"
Like, no, absolutely not, we don't just fucking shoot dogs bc they aren't good at being hunting dogs. Everybody I've ever personally known who hunts with dogs knows that a dog that is a bad hunting dog may be a great family pet. It's clear that people like that must exist - she's a person, after all - but it's not just How Things Are.
There are enough bad stereotypes about Rural People. We don't need more.
However, I have been relieved to see that a bunch of places covering this have had people on who grew up in rural places & who were pushing back on this hard, saying exactly that: no, this isn't normal.
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happytaffeta · 3 days
Wait shit Sailor moon is my third anime, minimum, cause I had a videotape of the 1970s anime The Little Mermaid that I watched a lot as a child but it was after we moved when I was five(this was well after the 70s of course, as I did not even exist til the mid 1980s), while I have distinct pre-move Kimba memories.
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happytaffeta · 3 days
lol sailor moon is at best my second anime and i was no younger than first grade by then. possibly second or third.
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happytaffeta · 6 days
"Curse breaking" which, yeah that tracks.
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying 👀
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happytaffeta · 7 days
Fuck it, have the exact version of the song I've got on repeat that's been making my day nice. It's just got a nice sway and bob for my head, and the aforementioned refrain line keeps making me smile.
I have had one song on repeat for most of the day, with a couple of breaks for other songs or non-music tasks, because the refrain contains the line 'There are men of over ninety that have never yet kissed a girl' and, it's not what the song intends probably but every single time, my brain is like 'fuck yeah, you go, queer grandpas!' and it is giving me so much good brain sauce.
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happytaffeta · 7 days
I have had one song on repeat for most of the day, with a couple of breaks for other songs or non-music tasks, because the refrain contains the line 'There are men of over ninety that have never yet kissed a girl' and, it's not what the song intends probably but every single time, my brain is like 'fuck yeah, you go, queer grandpas!' and it is giving me so much good brain sauce.
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happytaffeta · 7 days
Making a ridiculous fantasy outfit for a certain beloved tabletop character I keep playing over and over again every time someone runs a game even slightly on-theme. I've got a skirt in need of a hem, a belt/overskirt dealio with pockets and stuff built in(fairy bauble collection style, as a nod to the character's fairytale creature heritage), and several shawls in different fabrics and styles. I have made a hat, but I don't love how it turned out. As this character is a bit feral and tends to do a lot of foraging for and repurposing materials, a lot of the textiles I'm using are scavenged from my stash, given to me by friends, or repurposed from other items. The hat and one of the shawls are part of a blanket and a whole second blanket, for instance, and another shawl is literally just a hardware store canvas dropcloth I've altered, while the skirt and yet another of the shawls are made of yardage I originally intended to become a dress for a different character entirely. I'm also making a dress from another dropcloth, as a base layer. I've been lazy-felling the side seam of this t tunic style dress for like three days and I've finally finished. Still need to do the other side and then the hem. Neckline and cuffs are fine, though I may change the neckline later idk. Got a hood to figure out later as well. Trying to decide if it's gonna be the canvas again, the rest of the hat blanket, or maybe both? I want it to be a bit weird, for specific reasons. I actually made a little bitty mockup that's currently on a doll in hat mode, but she hasn't got a wig on under it right now, so it looks incredibly silly but it could look so much sillier. I also need to finish the seams and hem that. There's kind of a lot to do on this outfit. I work tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday. The next session is Saturday. After that, the game is probably going to be on hiatus until the second half of July. I might wear this thing or parts of it to comic con, if it's done in time, honestly.
edited for typo
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happytaffeta · 9 days
All of this and also, sometimes if you're patient with those friends and let them keep trying til they fully acclimate, they become the most badass backup you could hope for. They don't always, some people are nonconfrontational and are better suited to helping you cheer up or unwind or just vibe. And that's good and important too! I'm just saying, the ones who will take up the proverbial fight with you are going to kick just, all of the ass.
These are all people who had your back when they didn't even get it. Think of how much they're gonna rock and how staunchly they will defend you, how earnestly they will listen, how much fun they will have with you, once they do.
That 'I don't get this thing but I care about you so I will learn'? That's real love, platonic or otherwise. Those folks already kick ass at giving a damn and they will only get better at it as they learn.
Let your cis friends love you, and love them back.
Give them room to be beginners, and just like with anything else, they will often become skilled pros.
“stop congratulating cis allies for doing the bare minimum” NO!!! i want to encourage speaking out and being on trans people’s side!!! stop being assholes to people just trying to support you and give them room to grow!!!
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happytaffeta · 9 days
hey congrats on the breakaway popular post, dude. Hang in there, I hear they can get intense if they keep it up.
Jason doesn't know how to ride a bike because it was seen as a childish thing and he had to grow up too quickly
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happytaffeta · 12 days
Griping about a thing from work today. Body image and weight chatter below the cut.
Today at work, a kid (who is not one of my students, she was in a group who was going to be using the classroom we use for origami after we finished up and we crossed paths as my coworkers and I were leaving) decided it was extremely important that I know she thought I am very fat. She said it about three times, but the first two, I ignored her, because I was mid-conversation with my coworkers.
The third time, I was not speaking and neither were they, so I responded to the kid with a big smile and an 'And proud of it!' but the aftercare adult in charge of the group, an older lady perhaps in her 50s? Idk and her attitudes may not be related to her age range but anyhow, she insisted on having the kid apologize. I was gonna leave it at showing the kid that her comment had no power over my mood and that I was in fact taking it as a compliment, but this lady was really insistent, to the point that she actually made me feel worse than the kid had.
Like, lady, I like being fat. I like having the bulk to throw into shoving something heavy or stuck that I just really need to move. I like having extra padding between me and anything that comes at me or anything uncomfy I need to sit or lean or lie on. I like the way my ass and hips look in clothes. I like having the squish to compress my waist and fill out a dramatic waspie corset. I like that if I slap on a binder and dress just so and stand up straight with my shoulders back, I can look like a tank built of squares, but if I put on a cable sweater and let my tum relax I look super cozy and soft like I was drawn in circles. I like not putting myself through the psychological and physical pain of dieting in addition to my existing exercise hobbies to try and lose weight, to end up losing maybe a few pounds in two years, and gaining that and more back when I can't keep that misery cycle up. I am comfortable with my weight and build. It took me a long time to get here, because of that attitude of yours being incredibly common. Could do without the bust but that's not a fatness thing that's a puberty side effect thing. Stop making it weird. I already threw the kid off her roast game by not taking her bait. I also tried to plant the seed of 'maybe someone being fat is okay and fine actually' and you? Are pouring herbicide on that body acceptance garden.
Anyway I'm not mad with the kid she was like, eight to ten range, she's a kid, and she's also right. I am definitely fat. But I 100% have beef with that lady now.
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happytaffeta · 13 days
oh dang this will be fun in my spare time perhaps, and help me use up some fabric pieces that are too small or ill-suited for other things without having to worry too much about designing things from scratch.
A thing I love to do is telling prepper dudes that one of my disaster readiness skills is making stuffed animals. They never get it. Like, my dude, when things get very bad and we're all sharing overcrowded shelters, you're gonna want the power to comfort children. Trust me.
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happytaffeta · 18 days
note to self: when funds allow, acquire little fancy rat doll
Rat doll! Rat doll! Rat doll!
I printed this last night, it's one of Aelith Art's Runway Rodent dolls (a doll that I suggested the name for ☺️).
This doll is his take on Trashion Alley, I also printed an additional faceplate that I modded.
Excited to get them cleaned up and strung. I'll be listing prints of these on my Ko-Fi soon (with the one-part foot). The second photo is from Aelith's product listing for the files.
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I printed and will be selling the version compatible with G3 MH clothes (not shoes though because of proportions).
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happytaffeta · 19 days
SoCal: alternately forced to eat outside in intolerable heat and forced to eat inside in intolerable social climate.
i feel like high school/middle school sitcoms set the unrealistic expectation of being able to have lunch time outside
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happytaffeta · 19 days
Wow I sure managed to make this post months ago and not include the song in question didn't I? Here ya go. It's called The Game Pieces.
Musical vindication!
So, for the first time in a little while but not the first time ever, I woke up with a song in my head that I heard in my teens, once, and then could never find again because all I remembered was two or three lines from the refrain.
But! For the first time in two and a half decades, give or take, when I typed what little I remembered into a search, it actually turned up the song.
Turns out it's spooky. I give you: the song that has haunted me for more than half my life.
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