happynightmarewitch · 2 years
i love sunsets, i love discovering new music, i love stargazing, i love walking, i love the smell of earth after it rains, i love coffee, i love the smell of books, i love quiet afternoons, i love open windows, i love the underlying flavors in food, i love poetry, i love freshly baked bread, i love painting my nails, i love flowers growing through cracks in the pavement. etc etc
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happynightmarewitch · 2 years
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Autumn Sonata (1978) dir. Ingmar Bergman Moments of Being, ‘A Sketch of the Past’ by Virginia Woolf The Lost Daughter (2021) dir. Maggie Gyllenhaal Midnight Mass (2021) dir. Mike Flanagan Susan Smith by Wych elm Stoker (2013) dir. Park Chan-wook Poplar Street by Chen Chen Yellowjackets (2021-) cr. Ashley Lyle and Bart Nickerson Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn Sharp Objects (2018) dir. Jean-Marc Vallée Succession (2018-) cr. Jesse Armstrong Please Look After Mother by Kyong-sook Shin Lady Bird (2017) dir. Greta Gerwig
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happynightmarewitch · 3 years
Animal suffering is wider than pain and fear. The AHAW panel report that the stress physiology in fish is “directly comparable to that of higher vertebrates” and manifested as primary, secondary and tertiary stress responses. The primary response includes the release of hormones e.g. cortisol.
In a number of studies, measurement of physiological variables (such as cortisol) and adverse behaviour have shown that fish suffer stress when caught (for example in gill nets and purse seine nets, in fish traps and by hooks) and when subjected to live chilling and asphyxiation.  
In her book “Do fish feel pain?”, Dr. Victoria Braithwaite brings the science behind the debate around pain in fish into the open. She describes the many different pieces of evidence that together build up a picture of fish as animals that, she concludes, “have the mental capacity to feel pain”.
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happynightmarewitch · 4 years
Don’t abuse dinosaurs
Hi! I would like to sort of draw some attention to a “tradition” carried out on Easter. Society has progressed with time and the expanded understanding of animal rights. However, we still see this occurrence fairly often enough to warrant some kind of awareness post.
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What you’re looking at isn’t photoshopped. These are baby chickens who were injected with a dye while they were inside their egg, or they were spray painted once their fuzz came in. Dyeing and spray painting are the two main ways the chicks are made colorful. These chicks sell for cheap, less than enough to count for how insanely cruel the process is. In the Philippines, the chicks will even sell for roughly 0.09$. All over the world, they’re given to children and used for display. People refer to them as, throw away pets.
Children will usally let them starve, some people wrap them up in garbage bags (dead or alive) to be thrown away, others just throw them into the wild, and some will even feed them to their pets. These chickens are carelessly tossed around like they’re made of plastic. Not to mention, the process of dyeing them with sketchy paint poses health risks. Owners of colored chicks, that have also raised other chickens, usually say the colored ones hardly make it to adulthood. They’ll die of disease, die prematurely, and their plumage won’t be as healthy as a normal chicken’s. Depending on the dye or paint used, the health issues can vary.
While some dyeing methods are safe and non-toxic, this doesn’t solve the issue of the mistreatment these chicks endure. Kids really don’t know any better, so the babies are left inside shoeboxes with air holes drilled into them. They’re not fed a proper diet, they don’t have a mother hen to watch over them, and sometimes kids will forget they left it inside a box. This is not okay. Something with lungs and a heartbeat is not a novelty.
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These baby birds are stuffed into tight and constricted crates, packed together like toys, sold dirt cheap, and usually die due to cruelty or a health concern brought on by an unsafe method of dyeing. An animal is not a souvenir, an animal is not a toy, an animal is not a decoration. These are living breathing birds with real bird needs. They need to be fed, hydrated, given space, and they need to be cared for. There are a FEW sanctuaries made for these chickens, but not nearly enough to account for the constant cycle of mistreatment caused by the ignorance of the consumer market.
It saddens me to see traditions like this still being carried out, especially since Florida is somewhat more okay with it than other states in the U.S. However, the U.S isn’t the only issue, other countries partake in this practice as well. Gathering hundreds of baby chickens, shipping them in inhumane conditions, and selling them to people who clearly do not know how to care for chickens. Kids get bored once the novelty of the holiday wears off, and they don’t want to hang onto their colored chickens anymore. Careless parents sometimes just toss the chicks away behind the kid’s back, not telling them at all.
Things like old holiday wreaths, cookies, and wrapping paper are objects you throw away. A living breathing animal is not one of those things. As a matter of fact, an animal isn’t a thing. It’s alive just like everyone else, and it deserves the basic amount of respect a living thing should be given.
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So not only is it stressful on the baby to not have a hen, not have a natrual plumage, and not know it’s surroundings...the birds are also tossed around violently in some cases. Whilst being sold in small shops or on streets, vendors will sometimes aggressively handle the chickens. Throwing them, pushing them, shaking them, and letting younger kids squeeze and poke them.
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They’re not given proper living conditions on the way to the vendors, at the vendor’s stand, or when they arrive at their “new home.” Even in countries like America, the chickens can still be found shoved into boxes being sold outside gas stations. A child more than likely doesn’t want to read about chicken care, and lets face it, most children don’t even live in areas that would support a chicken’s well-being. Chickens need space, grass, access to fresh water, food, dirt, and a place to sleep. Your average New York kid from the Bronx doesn’t have that. Hell, I don’t even have that much space for a chicken. Hundreds and thousands of these chicks are dyed/painted for an essentially worthless profit. An Easter prop in the discount isle of your local market probably has a higher price tag than a colored chicken.
A chick is not a toy, a chick is not for your kid’s amusement, a chick is not a prop, and a chick is not disposable. Life itself should NEVER be considered replaceable or disposable. You don’t suffocate the babies in a garbage bag after the party’s over. That’s horrific and supporting the colored chicken industry is animal abuse itself. Stop this trend, please. A pet is not an object, it’s an animal.
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happynightmarewitch · 4 years
crushes are banned, feelings are cancelled and romance is blockedt. im here only to be wrathful & alone until i unlock my uncorporeal form, BASTA.
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happynightmarewitch · 4 years
You can be vegan all you want, good for you, but not being vegan doesn't make someone a bad person. Not everyone in the world will convert to being a vegan so maybe y'all should stop being angry people and just get over it.
Of course the whole world will never be vegan, but I strongly believe that someday a majority of the world will be vegan. In fact, the world will have to go mostly vegan or we are screwed, anon. Veganism is the future, out of necessity, and the UN agrees.
Animal agriculture is destroying our world. 
40% of global marine catch is by-catch (basically we are throwing back enormous amounts of unusable species into the sea, dead and wasted)
An estimated 300,000 whales, dolphins and porpoises die in fishing nets every year.
Overgrazing is blamed for 35% of soil degradation, deforestation for 30%, and agriculture for 27%. These main causes are directly or indirectly related to the consumption of animal products.
Studies indicate that a varied vegan diet requires about a third of the land needed for conventional Western diets. We do not have enough land to feed everyone on an animal-based diet.
The livestock sector is a major player, responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions measured in CO2 equivalent. This is a higher share than transport.
Animal product consumption is causing deforestation: there are undiscovered plants and other things in these areas that could help with medicine, not to mention that rain forests and other land contributes to 20% or so of the Earth’s oxygen. 
60% of deforestation is related to animal agriculture
For every 4 lbs of retail fish caught, 1 lb of other fish dies.
It has been predicted that all the world’s fisheries will collapse in 2048 unless something is done to stop it.
It is estimated that over-fishing threatens the food security of about 200 million people.
The Lives of Slaughterhouse Workers: they are usually on shitty contracts, are usually poor and people of color (PoC), how they don’t have basic working rights, and how often times they are undocumented, so they can’t go for help.
Big, rich, Western, white countries go into other countries: usually (again) poor, underprivileged, native areas that are (again) usually inhabited by PoC. This takes land away from the people in that region or country and gives it to a) the livestock and/or b) the crops raised for that livestock.
Even in the west, people who live near slaughter farms have shitty water, shitty soil, shitty air, and they get really really sick. 
They’re also more likely to be poverty stricken.
Animal Agriculture Sickens Everyone
Nestle Milk Chocolate Products Brought To You By Child Slavery
Antibiotic use in meat production has been linked to the rise in ‘super bugs’, which are antibiotic-resistant bacteria, found in a lot of meats available in supermarkets. These maladies can kill people.
In 2004/5 there were 2270 injury claims made in the meat processing industry, most of which were due to falls, injuries with knives and ‘body stressing’.
People working in tanneries to make leather from the skin of animals that have been killed are exposed to numerous dangerous chemicals (chromium being the worst).  The chemicals can cause cancer, skin diseases, respiratory illnesses while the machinery is also dangerous and can result in amputations.  In India, people have died due to the exposure to these chemicals, due to unsafe working conditions.  People have also died in Bangladesh and are affected by the chemicals in a multitude of ways. These chemicals can also leach into the water supply and affect the air and soil quality, which in turn causes illnesses and diseases in nearby populations.
No, not being vegan does not make someone a bad person… but if you’re aware of the slaughter you’re contributing to and you’re able to change that and choose not to, that is extremely problematic. Especially if you mourn the deaths of companion animals, but not the ones on your plate. 
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happynightmarewitch · 4 years
vegans who refuse to even eat backyard eggs….why
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happynightmarewitch · 4 years
School just really sucks cause they take this wonderful concept of learning and discovering new things and just completely ruin it with the atmosphere of judgement and suppression of creativity and strict deadlines and basing your intelligence on a letter and wow you ruined it nice job
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happynightmarewitch · 5 years
Going to try to go Vegan...
I am going to try to transition to Vegan. It's a long term goal, not gonna lie. I have a freezer full of food that I am not going to waste.
I have just given up eggs for now. I am trying different breakfast stuff. I am going to give up milk next. Then CHEESE (Give me strength).I know sour cream will be difficult, because I put it on my vegetarian Chipotle dishes, tacos and all other appropriate dishes.
After I have successfully given up eggs and dairy, I'll start giving up meats. I almost never eat pork, so that's first. Then I'll try giving up poultry. Then I'll give up beef (I love steak). Lastly, I'll give up seafood.
Tips are welcome!
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happynightmarewitch · 5 years
If you can’t go vegan
if you absolutely can’t go vegan for health/economic/other reasons, you can still: -boycott zoos, circuses, and aquariums -boycott leather, fur, wool, and silk -adopt your pets from a shelter -educate yourself and others about the harms of animal agriculture -donate money or volunteer your time for vegan organizations -eat plant-based when it’s possible, even if it’s just for one meal a day
your options are never either “be 100% vegan” or “exploit animals in every way possible and be fiercely anti-vegan”. even those whose circumstances prevent them from being fully vegan can take meaningful steps to help animals! every bit counts!
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happynightmarewitch · 5 years
I am so tired of how horrifically people treat animals. And I’m not just talking about the obvious stuff like poaching/hunting/fishing and animal agriculture.
I’m talking about people who buy a pet without doing any research first and then keeping them in terrible conditions because the pet was more work than they were expecting. People who overbreed animals for new and interesting traits, despite the fact that many of these animals suffer from birth defects and hereditary diseases. People who buy foxes, monkeys, and other wild animals that should not be kept as pets, especially since there are already countless animals spending their lives alone in shelters. People who allow small prey animals to interact with predators such as dogs and cats and claim that it’s fine because they “always supervise them.” People who literally ship animals in the mail because someone in another city or state *has* to have a certain breed, species, or coloration that isn’t available near them. People who keep fish in tiny, cold, unfiltered bowls because “it’s just a fish.”
Animals are not products, decorations, or accessories. Every animal is a living individual and most of them (with the exception of some invertebrates) can feel pain and fear. If you truly loved animals, you wouldn’t treat them with such disrespect and cruelty.
Do extensive research before getting a pet. Adopt instead of buying from a store or a breeder. Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
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happynightmarewitch · 5 years
Animals are not property
Animals are not food
Animals are not tools
Animals are not test subjects
And they’re not slaves for entertainment
They deserve to be loved, cared for, and protected. It’s 2018 soon to be 2019, it’s time for a change in how we treat animals. 
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happynightmarewitch · 5 years
Veganism is 100% not about “treating animals better”, it’s about complete and total abolition of animal exploitation.
Vegans do not stand for family farms or “humane” labels because we don’t want claims of better treatment, we want the fucking cages empty. We want a world where animals are free from our greedy bullshit.
Do just a little research on what exactly veganism is before you come in claiming we should support local animal farms rather than being vegan.
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happynightmarewitch · 5 years
PLEASE don’t have children
-If you are not financially independent.
-If you are mentally ill without consistent means of treatment
-If you cannot afford doctor’s bills
-If the thought of having a gay, trans, or nonbinary child makes you upset.
-If the cant accept having to care for a child with a disability or special needs.
-If the thought of having a fat child makes you upset.
-If you have a bad/short temper
-If you’re in an abusive relationship
-If you’re not ready to put someone else’s needs first, EVERY SINGLE DAY, for 18 years.
-If you have an ideal of what this person is going to be like and anything other than that image makes you upset. 
-If you need to have a quiet and tidy home at all times.
-If you need to control all aspects of their life even into adulthood.
-if you believe they owe you unconditional, unquestionable respect regardless of your own behavior. 
-If you don’t believe they have the right to privacy in their own home.
-If you’re unwilling to change your lifestyle to accommodate the demands of parenthood.
-If you do not believe ALL humans of every race, gender, sexuality, religion, and career deserve the same rights and respect. 
Look. Your baby could be fat. Your “son” could actually be your daughter; or both or neither. They could be a lawyer or a porn star. You could have a boy who loves makeup and grows up to be an athiest that brings home an alaskan lumberjack named Boris and the two make a living doing gay camshows . You could have a daughter with blue hair, pierced tits, who is a YouTube rapping sensation called Krispee Kareem and marries a black man and wants 8 kids with him
But what I DO know is that parenthood isnt Build-a-Baby; you get what you fuckin’ get and if you’re not prepared to love and support the shit outta that baby; WHOEVER they grow up to be–
Do. Not. Have. Kids.
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happynightmarewitch · 5 years
Imagine a world where nobody has kids unless they feel like it.
With the declining birth rates, everyone is needed and there is plenty of space for everyone.
 Automation is honed to perfection, as human workers are too rare and valuable to be put into manual labour.
With less mouths to feed, basic income and a post-scarcity society are not only possible, but any other option would be unthinkable.
 The few, rare children that are born are showered with not only the love and affection of parents and grandparents, but flocks of aunts and uncles and the parent’s/parents’ friends who chose not to reproduce, and have plenty of time and energy to invest in the little ones and give the parents a much-needed rest.
 People who don’t like kids or do not get along with them have no trouble avoiding them, and children grow up without unpleasant experiences with them.
Cityscapes are broad and the people are scarce, no infrastructure is forced to hold more than it was intended to handle.
No-one is told they are less of a man, less of a woman or less of an adult for choosing to not have a child. Numerous childless adults pour their energy and devotion to developing a society of sparser and sparser, but happier people.
Humanity does not end with war, in a cramped, stressed nightmare suddenly ending with a bang, but by gently lulling into a soft sleep.
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happynightmarewitch · 5 years
You don’t have to love animals to be vegans. Honestly, you don’t even have to like them. If I were to see people or types of people the same way as you might see animals, then I still could not morally justify subjecting them to needless harm, suffering, and exploitation. I define myself as an intelligent, empathetic creature that understands the concept of pain and suffering, and so I try to live up to this. Could I truly live up to this idea if I constantly support, invest in, excuse, justify, and encourage a system that is unethical? If I inflict pain, or support the inflicting of pain upon others, knowing it to be pain, then am I empathetic? Am I a creature of morality, justice, and ethics? If someone were to live up to this concept of morality and empathy as an intelligent and understanding human, then doing things that are immoral or show no empathy would be unthinkable, even if the one who would fall victim to these immoral or inhumane actions isn’t particularly liked by you. You understand what pain is, and that is it almost a universal truth that sentient creatures try to avoid suffering, and so it is cruel to create needless suffering.
Veganism challenges your values as a person, not necessarily just your love of animals.
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happynightmarewitch · 5 years
The Animal Culture
If you think about it, the animal-human relationship has been present since the existence of the human race.
The human record from prehistoric times through the classical and modern periods is filled with examples of animals shaping our understanding of how we live. Animals are evident in the roots of our traditions, religions, literature/parables and many other cultural aspects.
Humans made the transition from the early stages of a hunting and gathering lifestyle to the lifestyle of agriculture and pastoralism (herding of domestic animals). It is ironic to see how much our society's lifestyle has evolved - early pastoralists lived with their flocks, aiding in their birth and constantly keeping an eye on them to ensure protection. But now in a modern society where we still largely depend on animal products, drastic separation and an evident isolation has formed between most humans and agricultural animals. 
Introducing the domestication of animals dramatically changed human relation with animals. We had always labeled the human as hunter and animals as prey, but now humans could be considered the “master” and animals as the “servant”. Close human protection of domesticated animals has allowed them to multiply and transform so much that they bear little resemblance to their wild ancestors. The process of selective breeding for desired characteristics in a domestic animal has defined them into “cultural objects”, and allowing them into our homes as pets allows animals to gain special status as a companion for its owner and live exclusively within the bounds of human culture. 
So we think we’re doing these pets a favour? Not likely. We are just creating more societal problems like the increasing rate of abandoned pets and feral animals (domestic animals that live in the wild). And sometimes what we think is luxury for the animal is really torture and stress. A popular example of this? Animals in entertainment. 
We create circuses, dog races, horse races and marine parks to use animals as a means of entertainment. These trained animals seem to be living the life - unlimited food, fame and love from the amused public. However hindering wild animals who are adapted to their natural habitats overall worsens the animal’s well-being. For example:
Orcas and dolphins living in a marine park live only 25% as long as its wild relatives - being enclosed in small pools does not allow the animal to swim long distances that it normally should so they can suffer from stress and increased rates of disease
Eleplants are not normally aggressive animals, however since 1990, circus elephants have killed 43 people. This unusual aggression stems from the stress the elephants experience in cramped captivity 
By observing how humans have treated animals through isolation, domestication and entertainment, it is easy to conclude that humans consider themselves the more dominant species that can easily control the lives of animals to meet their own standards and desires. The next post will be covering how religion can be an impacting factor to the treatment of animals and how many worldwide religions have values that try to respect the lives of animals.
- Erin
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