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The Liberator, Boston, Massachusetts, October 21, 1842 
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it’s sad that puppets are more accepting than people…
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@carrotsnhorses thank you so much!Even if somebody could help me though it'd be amazing.It’s more of a family issue than anything else.But it means the world that you actually care💝
fucked up again
I fucked up.I hate myself so much.I’ve been dysphoric for ages but today was terrible.The worst in about 9 months.And I did it.I haven’t done it in a year but I did it.I binded with ace bandages.It hurt and it felt the tight compression I haven’t felt in a year again.It was terrible and wrong but it felt so good to see what I want in the mirror.My chest hurts so bad.I don’t know what’s wrong with me.I need help but I can’t.I wish I could just get a binders.
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I wanna add to this post: A podcast featuring Daryl Davis and his amazing story how he convinced klan members to renounce their allegiance.
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His name was Robert Paulson. Are his descendants going to receive a portion of the company’s $122,000,000/year in sales?
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fucked up again
I fucked up.I hate myself so much.I've been dysphoric for ages but today was terrible.The worst in about 9 months.And I did it.I haven't done it in a year but I did it.I binded with ace bandages.It hurt and it felt the tight compression I haven't felt in a year again.It was terrible and wrong but it felt so good to see what I want in the mirror.My chest hurts so bad.I don't know what's wrong with me.I need help but I can't.I wish I could just get a binders.
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Hey, Trans Community
Can we stop with the whole idea that medical transition is necessary to be trans?
There are kids questioning themselves. Aged 12, 13 and 14, even younger. Some kids who don’t even know what dysphoria is or how they feel about their bodies. All they know is that they are not what they were born as.
With the constant idea that trans people need to medically transition, they are pressuring themselves into something they may not even fully understand yet. Medical transition is serious and permanent.
The trans community literally blurs surgery and hormones, as though it’s just something you take and do with no risks. Surgery is still surgery, it is literally being under anaesthetic and being operated on. There are risks. Hormones change your body. It is not some game, really…it is okay to be scared, overwhelmed and not be sure about this, I mean, who wouldn’t be?
When I came out, my doctor asked me if I was going to go through hormones and surgery. I didn’t feel like this was necessary and it didn’t really cross my mind. I didn’t know I had to do this. All I knew was that I wanted to socially transition, to look male. I literally had just come out to him.
I told my doctor that I didn’t think I would ever have hormones or want surgery, all I wanted was to just dress masculine and be called male because I think I wanted to test myself out. He seemed shocked and asked me why and I said that needles and surgery terrified me.
He said he was just wondering because it was common for trans people to go through hormones and surgery, and then asked me about how I feel about my body. I said that I didn’t like it and I wanted it to be more male but with the current methods, I was at odds with what I wanted and what I was scared to go through with. I didn’t feel comfortable with it but told him that I might do when I am older. He then said that it was okay and “that’s just not what you want to do at the moment.”
He was a good doctor believe me, considering he had no knowledge on trans issues. Yet, what he said still made me feel somewhat wrong, like I wasn’t really trans. I felt like medical transition was absolutely necessary to be trans, but listen: it’s not. You are going through your own process and it takes time to understand how you feel about yourself and your body.
Just take your time and experiment with your gender expression. It’s not just waking up one day and knowing you need to go through medical transtion. That’s not how this works. It’s a gradual process, about coming to terms with yourself and what’s necessary and best for you. Don’t feel like you need to do all this to be valid. You are valid, you’re just taking your time and that is okay. If down the line you change your mind, that is okay.
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You’re all perfect and your hair is beautiful. Having long hair does not make you any less of a man!!
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Jared Leto:
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Captain Jack Sparrow:
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Sam Winchester:
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What’s the deal with T and pregnancy?
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Someone asked us:
If I take testosterone (as a trans man) could I still get pregnant and carry a child to term?
Yup, you can definitely get pregnant. While taking testosterone can have an impact on fertility, it’s not birth control, so pregnancy is definitely still possible as long as you still have your uterus and ovaries.
If you get pregnant while you’re taking testosterone, contact your doctor or nurse right away. If you want to carry the pregnancy to term, you’ll need to stop taking testosterone until after you give birth.  
If you’re taking testosterone and you know you want to become pregnant, tell your nurse or doctor  so you can get the healthiest start to your babymakin’. They can help you come up with a plan to prepare for pregnancy.
-Mylanie at Planned Parenthood
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Be safe when binding, it is not worth it.
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Shout out to trans kids who started school today or recently.
Shout out to afab trans people who are forced to wear skirts/dresses for school, whether they’re out or not.
Shout out to amab trans people who aren’t allowed to wear skirts/dresses for school, whether they’re out or not.
Shout out to trans people who aren’t out and are deadnamed and misgendered.
Shout out to trans people who are out and are still deadnamed and misgendered.
Shout out to trans people who are out and and are spoken to with the right name and pronouns.
Shout out to afab trans people who are in friendship groups with girls.
Shout out to amab trans people who are in friendship groups with boys.
Shout out to afab trans people stuck in “all girls” schools.
Shout out to amab trans people stuck in “all boys” schools.
Shout out to all trans people for going to school. Just existing takes courage, bravery and emotional strength, and I am so proud of all of you. Remember that you are valid and important, and you’re doing great.
- Claude.
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I think this speaks for itself. Accepting a person doesn’t mean you get to put limits on their freedom. You can’t be an ally and want us to stop talking, or labeling, or demanding to be heard.  
Acceptance has no exceptions. Period. 
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Reblog if you agree
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Has this been done yet? I love this video and their new looks, might do some fanart later. :3
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I love the idea for Verge.These are so good!
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Me trying to draw the sander sides with wings, the hardest ones were Logan and Verg,
with Paton i wanted him to have a cute childish wings so I gave home a more butterfly wings showing he’s cute and childish but he is still grown
Roman was kinda simple to I wanted him to have big guardian angle vibe so it was not that hard to depict but I wanted to show him defending something so yah add fire haha
Now with Logan his wings are more or less not wings, I had to think of “smart wings” so what I went with was an elegant mechanical design, and the little orbs between the diamonds are what’s making him fly
Verg he was kinda tricky at first I was going to do the Classic bat or demon wings but that’s not who he is so I wanted to show him breaking out of them, I tried to show them cracking to show the true Verg we will soon see
Thank you for looking at my bad art
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