hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
open starter for paris
“It’s stunning, isn’t it?” The brunette said as she stepped up to the painting the other person had been admiring. “The brush strokes, the colors, the contrast, it’s all ingenuous.” Ophelie enjoyed wandering through the local art museums. Paris was a city of culture, and even spies could indulge themselves. Unfortunately this had been for work, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have a little pit stop. Her brown eyes wandered to the frame and she looked around it. “Unfortunately it’s a fake.”
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
@bellewritesthings natalya & geneva
It had been a late night for the American. Her and her husband were supposed to have dinner together, but work held him so they didn’t eat until around eleven. So, when his alarm went off at five the next morning, Ginny thought long and hard about the necessity of a second bedroom for herself. But she managed to drag herself out of bed and make it to the private room in the ornate library for her eight o’clock study session with the younger of the Russians. Geneva had started to fall asleep when the door flew open and she jumped awake. The brunette rubbed her eyes before looking up. “Доброе утро.”
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
“I don’t know why you always have to compare me to her!” Barbara snapped at whoever was on the other end of that phone call, but whoever it was there was a clear animosity harbored for the other. “I’m fine and I’m not in England anymore and I’m not coming home.” Sinking lower into her seat in The Paris Métro, Barbara found herself clutching tighter and tighter onto that cell phone of hers. Her bottom lip caught between her teeth as her left leg bounced up and down in some attempt to calm her anger and nerves that never really seemed to work. “Did you ever think maybe college wasn’t meant for me? Yes, it does!” Barbara found herself nearly shouting only too glance around quickly after to see far too many people nearby. They didn’t need to hear the woes of life from an American with mommy issues. “I’ll talk to you later,” the last words Barbara muttered before hanging up the call with green eyes glancing to her left, the person who had been there to listen to all of it. She should say something…that would make it better maybe make her look less like some snotty young adult. “I hope you didn’t hear all of that. Sorry if you did.” 
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“Yeah, love you too.” Zoie smiled as she hung up the phone with her husband. Luckily she’d been alone in the back of the train car, so she hadn’t disturbed anyone with - grossly cute - conversation. Unfortunately it seemed the woman who got on the metro at the next stop wasn’t having as pleasant of a conversation. Zoie tried not to listen, but she had noticed that Americans were, in fact, significantly louder than the French. The woman tried to look away, but soon the girl had hung up and started talking. She looked over at her and gave her a sympathetic smile. “It’s okay. Family issues, I get it.” Zoie had enough issues with her brother to understand those arguments. “But not everyone needs college. But I do believe everyone needs a French pastry at least once in their life.”
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
@bellewritesthings utp & poppy (paris)
“This is secretly the best pastry shop in Paris.” Poppy told them with a grin. “Their chocolate croissants are to die for.” The Englishwoman started back down the cobblestone street. She lead her client through the alley and out onto the street with a beautiful view of the Seine. “And this little shortcut helps a lot.” After a pause, Poppy spun around. “Now...where to next?”
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
There wasn’t anything to be said while following his brother to wherever it was that he wanted to eat so Elias stayed silent until his brother spoke. “Why would I be happy about hiding? I don’t like running away from my problems.” There was no doubt that the threat to young royals was a pretty big problem, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to face the whole thing a bit more head on.
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“I know you don’t, but this is different.” He wasn’t about to argue with his brother, but all he wanted was for him to be safe. “Maybe while we’re here we can try to think of a plan or something.” Theo wasn’t sure if that would be possible, but there was something he had to do to ease his brother’s mind.
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
Flynn shrugged his shoulders without a conscious thought and immediately regretted it as he winced at the sharp stab that seemed to pierce through his right arm. “No need to apologize, Blondie.” He assured her, trying to keep his voice steady and to breathe through the pain. He really did appreciate the kindness she often showed him and if it wouldn’t raise suspicion, he come to her every time he got a little too scuffed up by someone he’d taken advantage of. “I could use a strong drink if you’ve got it.”
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“D-” Before she could stop him, the shrug was already done and he was tensed up. Raina just sighed and finished working on his arm. He was kind of a disaster, but there was an attraction that just pulled her to him, and she felt powerless to stop it. “Umm, I have some painkillers but I don’t have any booze in the house.” The blonde turned to go grab one of the bottles to see if he would accept it.
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
Jonas had been so preoccupied with Clara and his daughter consuming the man’s every waking thought that he hadn’t even bothered to pay attention to his form. So when the sound of a woman caught his attention the man was slow to glance up to the blonde, only doing so after she had taken initiative to properly situate his form. “Drive into the heels,” he noted, setting the weights down on the ground as his brown eyes gazed up at the woman. “Yes, thank you, but you shouldn’t be interrupting your workout to help.” 
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“Drive into the heels.” She confirmed with a soft smile. “No, that’s fine, I was just finishing up. Plus it’s not as fun unless you’re actually on the water.” Aimee walked back over and grabbed her water bottle before turning back to him. “You’re Jonas, right? The Austrian.” Aimee wasn’t the best with names, but she never forgot a handsome face.
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
“It would make you happy,” Alexei made sure to stress. Though that smug expression he held on his face, turning his lips into a smirk seemed to only increase when he noticed how bringing up Geneva’s husband seemed to be a bit of a weak spot for the translator. “Of course he is, that’s why I consider him a friend. I hope you won’t miss him too much next week, we’ll be needing him quite a bit.” It was a send-off, his way of saying goodbye in a less than pleasant way as Alexei went to sidestep Ginny in an attempt to make his way out of her presence and go off to find his niece, but he paused midstride. Once again, the Russian turned back to the translator, a brow arched in blatant curiosity. “Why are you here, Geneva?” 
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“Only because it would bring you such disdain.” She responded with a smile. His snarky comment didn’t really work on her. The woman didn’t care who her husband was friends with, but she also doubted her Petya could be friends with a snake like him. “Either way I get someone at my side at night.” Geneva spun on her heel and cocked her hip when he continued to question here. “I’m here to tutor my student in English like her parents asked me to. I’m assuming you’re here to spew some more elitist bullshit at her.”
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
“If you have your way,” Alexei snapped back only after the realization that he’d now be conversing with Geneva until Karina showed up or one of the two of them managed to bite each other’s heads off. Though the latter was likely the case. “No desire to keep a bit of mystery between everyone?” The Russian questioned as he took a few steps closer with his hands behind his back. “At least we know who to blame when secrets start to spill. Now, where’s your husband? He’s much…” Alexei paused momentarily, his gaze shifting elsewhere as he attempted to come up with the word that was on the tip of his tongue. The type that always pushed a few buttons as it seemed to be his forte with certain residents among the castle.“…preferred company. At least we knew what we were getting into when he was hired.”  
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“God, could you imagine the world? If everyone understood each other? What a fucking nightmare.” Ginny all but growled at him. There was something about his attitude that turned her even more angry and snarky than usual. “Perhaps you should just keep your mouth shut. It would make a lot of people happier.” When her husband was brought up, the woman crossed her arms. Her brow arched, challenging him to find his words. “My husband is just a good person. You could learn a thing or two from him if your ego ever deflates.”
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
“No, your looks and your position as a prince are not nearly enough to impress me.” Karina replied, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. After all, as much of an annoyance as he was, he was her future husband. Was he attractive? Absolutely but her position as crown princess meant that she met plenty of beautiful people so it didn’t mean much to her. Nor did his role as a prince when she was constantly surrounded by royals. “Liking having you in front of me or liking being surrounded by other royals?” she questioned. The answer was very much so the same.
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“So I’ve noticed.” Majed quipped back at her. “Which is why I’ve been trying to figure out how to convince you I’m not the jerk you think I am.” Well, he was kind of a jerk, but he was trying is best. “The second one. I already know the answer to the first one.” Majed relaxed his stance so he was leaning closer to the wall, leaving plenty of room in the hallway for her to leave if she wanted. Sure, it would end the conversation, but he didn’t want to make her feel trapped.
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
The abrupt change of locations from one castle to the next in Russia mixed with the sudden onset of royal after royal arriving for shelter and safekeeping had left everyone who called Russia their home feeling a bit misplaced. While he did his best to fit right into the stark changes, this included Alexei, uncle of the crown princess of Russia and advisor to her and the rest of the family. His first few weeks had spent amongst the shadows, learning what was kept behind closed doors and sealed lips to the best of his abilities which would have come to explain his absence among all the bustle of the welcome dinner and child ranked of importance to properly situate themselves. Yes, this included his own niece he had just now sent for and expected to be the pair of footsteps he heard coming up behind him. “Speak English, Karina. The servants are the best way to get secrets around and you don’t always want that,” Alexei spoke up as he turned his broad frame away from the window towards the expected crown princess of Russia. 
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Ever-thankful for her good relationship with the Crown princess of Russia, Geneva felt bad about disliking the castle sometimes. She was lucky enough to have her husband there with her, but it didn’t stop her from rolling her eyes at royal etiquette. It was still a learning experience for the American. As she walked down the hall toward Karina’s room for her lesson, she heard a familiar voice, one she wasn’t entirely a fan of. The tutor waited until she was in the room to roll her eyes. “You really are great at advice.” She said sarcastically. “Thought most of the staff speaks English too. Or will soon.”
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
“Bella!” Donatella greeted when she saw the Slovenian princess make her way into the Italian’s room with a bottle of her favorite red. “Come, come,” she gestured for the other to enter as the princess stood by her bed with her hands placed on her hips. Her blue eyes were fixated on a selection of dresses mainly from Italian designers with collections that would never be released to the public. Certainly one of the perks of being a princess with the entire country wanting to be represented by the royal family. “What do you think?” She finally inquired of Antonija as she directed the girl’s attention to the light pink dress with a floral print at the end designed by Dolce and Gabbana. “I was thinking of giving this one to Maddalena and this one,” she directed the attention to a white-based Sicilian design dress. “This one to you. It will match your eyes with the blue.” 
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Ella’s accent always made Antonija smile. She’d tried to learn some basic Italian for her, but it was too fun listening to her excited voice speak English. The bottle of wine was set down before Nia made her way over to the rack of dresses. “It must be so hard coming from a country with the world’s best fashion designers.” She teased, tacking on a fake pout at the end as she let some glittery satin slip through her fingers. “I think your sister would look wonderful in that.” Nia said with a smile. Her gaze shifted over to the white dress and she nodded. “It is really pretty, but I’m afraid it might be too short on me. And...white dresses still seem to taunt me.” Antonija needed to tell her best friend that her ex-boyfriend was there, but she didn’t want to ruin the mood. “But I could try it on.” The Slovene decided before grabbing it off the rack.
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
Nothing more than dead weight, the man could hardly keep his eyes open as he was pushed down onto the cool sheets and pillow, his body sinking into the form of the mattress with bloodshot eyes and a discomfort pooling in the pit of his stomach. He had no real sense of where he was or how he even managed to get there but before questions could even be asked or Mateo could mutter out a single slurred word he had passed out cold on the bed. Though it only took a few minutes before that less than peaceful slumber had been interrupted by the feeling of discomfort increasing and soon causing the male to lean over and empty whatever contents had once been in his stomach onto the floor. With a groan and the back his hand failing to wipe the residue from his mouth he fell back onto the mattress with little care for anything and a pressing desire to close his heavy-lidded eyes. So he did, once more passing out on the cool bedsheets until the alcohol would wear off leaving him with a pounding headache and hangover he’d more than likely want to drink away as was so predictable of the man. Only this time there was a chance, however small, that Mateo might have had someone to be there when he woke up at the very least he had someone there when he passed out. 
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The only solace she could find was the fact that he could barely hold himself up, much less hit or push her again. It didn’t take long for him to pass out at all, and Antonija thought she was in the clear. The Slovene was ready to leave before she heard a sound she’d heard far too much. Her hand covered her mouth as he emptied his stomach over the side of his bed and into a too-perfectly placed wastebasket. Nia tensed up until she’d heard him roll back onto his bed. Unfortunately, he had fallen onto his back. He was far too large for her to move him back to his side, and Antonija would never be able to live with herself if he died in his sleep because he was alone. The blonde stood there for an hour before deciding to just stay. By the light of the bright moon Antonija started the routine up again like she’d never stopped doing it. The wastebasket was taken into the shower to be emptied and rinsed out before being placed in the same spot. A bottle of water was placed next to the bed along with three aspirins. Two didn’t do the trick, but three would be enough to keep him off the bottle until she could leave. She was able to find an extra blanket for him and covered him up before grabbing the blanket his grandmother had made for him. It had always been Nia’s favorite blanket, and he wouldn’t know the difference. Antonija crossed the room to the comfy chair in the corner and curled up. The sky had started to get lighter before the princess finally fell asleep, her head pressed against the side of the chair it rested on. She’d had no intention of falling asleep, but it just happened.
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
@and-rosiesarered donatella & antonija
The Croatian’s were going to give her a heart attack. Between Mateo’s continuous drunken behavior and Petra’s denial, it was too much to handle. Nia had considered leaving like Petra had suggested, but she wanted to stand her ground. Her bodyguard had arrived and was getting acclimated, so Antonija decided to go visit her best friend. Ella was the first person she went to after that night, and they had only grown closer over the years. So, once she’d found her room, Antonija had no problem storming in with treats and a bottle of wine. “Ella! I know you’re here!” She called out. “And I brought wine!”
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
@faithriellewrites scarlett & elodie
“Scarlett!” The redhead shrieked as she sprinted down the hall with a bag in her hand. She came to such a quick stop in front of her door that she slid and nearly fell. “Whoa.” Elodie laughed and opened the door, closing it behind her with a grin. “I have some exciting news.” There was a long, excessive pause because Elodie whipped the plastic package out of the bag. “Mom sent me Tim-Tams.” Their favorite treat, and she had plans to finish at least one of the packages at that moment.
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hanstiewrites-blog · 5 years
@faithriellewrites christine & laurel
“So I had this left from my spring sample collection and I thought it would perfect on you.” This little leftover was a gorgeous floral tea-length dress with lace sleeves. Laurel hung it up on the coat rack before following her friend inside. “I also made some brownies for you.” Laurel knew it was likely her words would be met with silence, but even spending time with Christine made her feel better. “Where would you like me to put them?”
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