hammerduo · 5 years
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hammerduo · 5 years
hc? popo has an oral fixation. i don't mean that in a sexual sort of way, i mean that in a 'he gnaws on rags and stuff and nana has to make him spit it out' sorta way.
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   [ Oh yeah. Definitely. My partner is giving me the most smug look right now because I too, like Popo, can’t stop putting stupid things in my mouth. ]
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hammerduo · 5 years
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   “ UGH. Candy should not be that hard to get out here, ” Popo grumbled, delicately unwrapping a single piece of chocolate he managed to swipe up.
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   “ Guess that just what happens when you live in the middle of nowhere... ” 
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hammerduo · 5 years
Two fingers’ scratching at her temple come first, and two innocent blinks follow — Soda’s gaze slides from the marshmallow encompassing the kid’s head to meeting her eyes, lips pursed in slight surprise.   “ Uh . . . Yeah, I am? ”   Don’t sound so doubtful, the smart part of her chides; the rest of her, however, is more concerned over the existence of a personified cloud. And, for that matter, how it got invited to Smash.
Another few quick blinks, but she manages an uncertain smile.
“ Yeah, I get that a lot, wouldn’tcha know? Inklings’re . . . special. ”   A twitch of her grin and she misses that muttering.   “ I try, though, yanno? S’pose it’s part’a the reason I’m here, after all. ”
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“ Oh, uh . . . ”   What, a tour from a kid? Useful for entertaining the littler ones here, she supposes, but she can’t take it seriously — not that she couldn’t ask Peach for a practical tip or two. And all that before she registers husband — her jaw drops of its own accord, a finger raising once more.
“ . . . Sorry, marshmallow, how old’ja say ya were again? An’ how long’ve you been here? Y’all fight wit’cher husband, for real? ”
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   “ I’m twenty-five years old! ” It was almost impressive how perfectly casual she was about this statement. “ In the world where my husband and I are from, we climb mountains and set world records! Pretty dangerous stuff, but it’s worth it! ” Her words were emphasized by a proud stance, her childish nature only contrasting the idea of such a dangerous hobby.
  She always expects to be questioned about her age, it was nothing new to her. At this point, she could probably start an entire club for all the fighters that were often mistaken for children. Her and her beloved, all those Villagers, a few of the older-yet-pint-sized Inklings, both Pit and Dark Pit...
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   “ We’ve been here for all but two tournaments. The very first one was only a super underground thing, and the other time... well, let’s just say we got the boot for being too good at fighting! Those sore losers kept complaining that they couldn’t do anything to stop our fancy grappling moves. ”
   “ You know, you remind me of someone else I know, eyepatch and all. Thank goodness you aren’t as rude as him, though... ” More low muttering followed, something about self-care and using soap. 
   “ But enough of my silly ol’ rambling, how about those pointers, stranger? I don’t think I caught your name, even! ”
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hammerduo · 5 years
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   “ I might miss my darling husband sooooooo much when he’s not around, but there’s still at least one advantage to being on my own! ”
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   “ I can break into my secret candy stash that I keep hidden in the vegetable drawer. ”
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hammerduo · 5 years
@chozopriimed || starter call!
   Getting into bars was always a pain for the duo. While their home village already knew them, and frankly didn’t care either way, they had been checked for their age at least a couple dozen times just to be let into the Smash Mansion’s bar. The other, much more mature-looking fighters that decorated this place could not possibly be any sharper a contrast to the cutesy couple. 
   Nonetheless, they casually found their way towards the only seats not currently occupied (and likely for good reason)... plopping down on the bar stools directly on both sides of Samus. Sure, they could’ve asked her to scoot over a seat so they could be directly next to each other, but where’s the fun in doing that?
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 “ Hiiiii Sammy~!! ” Nana beamed brightly at the hunter, her tone sweet enough to give the average person cavities. “You shouldn’t act so lonely and cold all the time! Lucky for you, we’re made to handle cold! Isn’t that right, Popo? ”
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   “ You’re exactly right, Nana. ” Popo nodded along with his energetic wife, before he moved on to playfully punch the bounty hunter in the arm. He then seemed to take a few moments to admire her muscles, as he had a habit of forgetting just how strong she could be without the power suit.” You wouldn’t be able to get rid of us even if you tried! ”
   He pressed his elbows against the counter and rested his chin in his hands, looking directly at Samus. “ It feels like it’s been FOREVER since the Brawl Tournament. Seems like you’re still as strong as ever, ” Probably even stronger, honestly. “ What are my chances of getting a super cool space alien from you? "
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hammerduo · 5 years
With all due respect, you two don't seem particularly suited to climbing mountains past your shoes and coats. Where do you store food on long journeys?
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   “ That one’s easy! It all just depends on the mountain. If we’re lucky, we can live off the land no sweat! And if it’s a really big or tough mountain in particular, we pack lightly. They’re a little gross, but there are special rations to keep us going on those ones. No need for fancy gear either when you can jump as high as we can! ”
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   “ Of course, sometimes I have to stop Popo from trying to hunt everything he sees instead of just taking our rations. I’d rather starve than try to eat polar bear meat. ”
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   “ Hey! Polar bear meat is a delicacy. Iunno how you can eat vegetables everyday. Bleh.  ”
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hammerduo · 5 years
Oh look, it’s the gremlin that got banned from the last tournament for illegal teaming. Wolf was legitimately surprised to see her poking her face around these  parts again, although he himself shouldn’t have been talking. Considering the fifth tournament’s declaration of everyone being present for this season, maybe the Hands had let bygones be bygones.
Then the toddler opened her mouth and began screeching at him over his stench, like it was her business or something. Sure, his mom had taught him that kind of stuff, but first off, he hadn’t seen the old lady years. Secondly, he was a grown-ass adult.
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“Didn’t your parents ever teach you to mind your own business, kid?” Wolf lit a cigarette as he sized her up, almost as an act of protest against the little brat hounding him. “Look, go find your little brother or whatever he is. Play with some Hello Kitties or Angry Birds, I don’t know what millennials like you are into these days. I don’t have to take this kind of whining from a literal five year old.”
On the last statement, he took a puff and blew the resulting smoke in her face. Sure he was being immature about this, but for all he knew? This pipsqueak was wasting her time harassing a hardened mercenary like him.
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   Oh boy.
   Keep cool, Nana.
   While she was always used to her age being questioned, it wasn’t often that people were this insulting about it. Perhaps it was mildly deserved with how quick she was to get on his case, but nobody said she was any good at receiving the same treatment she dished out.
   The puff of cigarette smoke seemingly didn’t faze the pink climber, this was no different from the annoying old men in her village and their pipes. Instead, her body ever-so-subtly shifted to better grip her hammer, the brutal force behind the grip likely enough to crush rocks. Though still seemingly non-threatening as she approached the canine, the intention became crystal clear as she suddenly bounded toward him, yanking him by the collar down to eye level. Her next words contained a very distinct tone of rage behind them. Not your everyday anger, no. 
   This was the tone of an angry mother that had just been disrespected.
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   “ First of all, punk, I am twenty-five years old. I have dealt with enough smelly, grumpy jerks like you to know that your little tough guy act is just a front to hide your sorry little insecurities, and your petty self-loathing. My husband and I did not get BANNED from the previous tournament for no reason at all. Do you even know how many bodies are frozen in the mountains we climb? Our hard work isn’t some childish game. ”
   Her free hand pressed her hammer downward, the ground beneath her cracking under the sheer pressure. She only paused for a brief moment, denying Wolf the chance to even cut into her words.
   “ If you’re really going to be like this, then I can very easily whistle for my husband and show you something I’m sure Fox or Falco should’ve warned you about. Or you can—and stick with me on this one:
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hammerduo · 5 years
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hammerduo · 5 years
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   “ Just let it go, darling. You’ve been on this quest for 34 years now. Just take what you can get, maybe that kind Wario person will let you show up in one of his games again for ‘free exposure.’ ”
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   “ That ‘free exposure’ ain’t worth anything if we don’t get attention out of it. Besides, he promised me money for that appearance... ” 
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hammerduo · 5 years
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   “ Just let it go, darling. You’ve been on this quest for 34 years now. Just take what you can get, maybe that kind Wario person will let you show up in one of his games again for ‘free exposure.’ ”
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   “ Can we get a new game. ”
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hammerduo · 5 years
cartoonlonk replied to your post: “ Can we get a new game. ”
you had a game??
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   “ Has it seriously been that long. ”
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hammerduo · 5 years
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   “ Can we get a new game. ”
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hammerduo · 5 years
He kinda sits there. With a big '>:3' face directed at Nana. He knew she was wary of him and his cute pinkness. He was competition, and he knew it.
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   “ Every day. Every day, you test my patience. ”
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hammerduo · 5 years
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   “ Ice skates. ”
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   “ Blocked. ” 
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hammerduo · 5 years
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   “ Ice skates. ”
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   “ Ya’ll don’t even know about my knife shoes. ”
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hammerduo · 5 years
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   “ Ya’ll don’t even know about my knife shoes. ”
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