hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
{ Okay so, I need more activity and Ghost needs more friends. Isola folks, like this for a short, probably generic starter? }
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
☀ = giving them a gift of a flower crown
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
☀ = giving them a gift of a flower crown
Oh? What’s this?
They peer down at the crown in their hands, giving off an air of wide-eyed curiosity even without a proper face. They run their fingers gently over the petals...and then try to put the crown on their head.
It hangs awkwardly from one horn, but they don’t seem to mind, waving at the strange girl in thanks. They’re pretty now.
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
Give my muse unwanted advice!
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
{ Sorry about the activity, let's try this again. Reapping Little Ghost/the player character from Hollow Knight! }
Welcome back, Little Ghost!
You’ll be staying in Townhouse 201.
You will retain everything you had during your previous stay.
-  ⋆ capella!
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
They’re very confused. There’s no...secret about them, other than being made of Void. They’ll mention that part to those who ask, they just know their Shade can get violent and scare people who aren’t used to it.
There’s no hidden identity, no agenda, just...them. Just Ghost. Why would anyone think different? Was that not enough?
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
hmm for disney headcanons: pinocchio, tarzan, dalmatians, sleeping beauty?
Disney Headcanon Meme
Pinocchio - How honest is your muse? What is their moral stance on white lies?
Ghost sees no reason to lie. They’ll tell the absolute truth even when it may be best not to, because lying is one of the more nuanced parts of social communication, and they just don’t understand it. They also don’t know why others would, either–they know people do, but the reasons confuse them.
Tarzan - How did the place your muse grew up in affect them?
Well, they don’t remember ‘growing up’ in Hallownest, partially because they never grew up to begin with and partially because they left shortly after escaping the Abyss, forfeiting their memories along with their faint sentience, meaning they don’t remember much of what they did outside the kingdom either. But their time in Hallownest has still affected them; it’s taught them how to run, how to survive. That life is fleeting and can be taken away at any moment, so it’s best not to get attached. There’s a certain beauty in abandoned places, but it’s best not to get too comfortable in any one area. Always prepare for the worst. Everyone around you has lost something dear to them. And, of course, to dream is a terribly dangerous thing.
101 Dalmatians - Does your muse have a large collection of any particular thing?
Do their badges count? In addition to the nifty abilities and strength boosts the badges grant, Ghost started enjoying seeing how many they could find, admiring the designs and craftsmanship even if they have no personal attachment to things like that. They’ve probably started collecting buttons and pins in Spirale. Other than that, they’re prone to keeping little trinkets that may not be worth anything, but that they find interesting or that remind them of a past time; this can include anything from funny shaped rocks to abandoned, rusted-over jewelry. They’re just a tiny bit of a magpie.
Sleeping Beauty - What is the worst possible curse your muse could face?
Either actually being taken by the infection, becoming a mindless shell of who they were just like the Hollow Knight, or being cursed to forcibly relive the battles they’ve had with Broken Vessel or the Hollow Knight, or other siblings who’ve either been corrupted or see them as an enemy of the void.
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
oliver and company
Disney Headcanon Meme
Oliver and Company - Is your muse more street smart or book smart?
Definitely street smart, though for a very specific definition of “street”. They’ve never had the opportunity or reason to read a lot, not that there was much left in Hallownest to read, and they’ve never been tutored or taught in anything. Their knowledge is pretty much limited to knowing how to survive most places, look before you leap, and how to defend themself. They can solve simple puzzles, as well, but they absolutely can’t do math. 
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
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Hercules - Is your muse more physically strong, or emotionally strong? 
Cinderella - Did your muse experience any childhood traumas? Did they overcome them?
Bambi - What is your muse’s relationship with their parents like?
Pinocchio - How honest is your muse? What is their moral stance on white lies?
Fantasia - Does your muse believe in magic? What is their view on it?
Dumbo - Has your muse ever been bullied for a physical difference?
Mulan - Is your muse secure in their gender identity? Have they ever experienced sexism or transphobia?
Aladdin - If your muse had 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
Zootopia - Would your muse enjoy living in a utopia, or would they feel out of place?
Tarzan - How did the place your muse grew up in affect them?
Moana - Does your muse believe in fate or destiny? What is theirs?
Atlantis - Is your muse adventurous or do they prefer to seclude themselves?
101 Dalmatians - Does your muse have a large collection of any particular thing?
Frozen - What is your muse’s relationship with their siblings like?
Beauty and the Beast - How has your muse changed as a person over their life? Have they changed for the better or for worse?
Sleeping Beauty - What is the worst possible curse your muse could face?
Pocahontas - How does your muse deal with being exposed to unfamiliar cultures? Are they open and accepting?
The Jungle Book - Is your muse happy living off of the bare necessities, or do they need more in life?
Oliver and Company - Is your muse more street smart or book smart?
The Hunchback of Notre Dame - What is your muse’s religious beliefs? Have they ever experienced oppression at the hands of religion?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - How trusting of strangers is your muse? Would they accept a gift from a stranger?
The Princess and the Frog - Would your muse accept someone else’s help in fulfilling their dreams, or would they want to earn it for themself?
The Emperor’s New Groove - What animal would you associate your muse with? Why?
The Lion King - Is your muse prepared for the responsibilities laid out for them in life?
The Little Mermaid - Would your muse change themself for love, or would they wait to find someone who loves them for who they are?
Peter Pan - Is your muse a child at heart? What is their mental age or maturity?
Wreck-It Ralph - What does ‘being a winner’ mean to your muse?
Lilo & Stitch - Does your muse have any pets? Do they want any?
Lady and the Tramp - What are your muses romantic standards? Would they ever fall for someone of a lower class?
Alice in Wonderland - What does your muse often dream of? Do they have strange dreams? Pleasant ones? Nightmares?
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
@needlenailed - Fantasia Raid
They know battle probably better than anything else. Back in Hallownest, combat was all they had ever known, and even in Spirale, they’d been growing restless without it. 
They don’t understand what Oifuco says, but they can appreciate someone rebelling against their creator, and so they fight to see tomorrow.
It’s a familiar rhythm, though with a lot more combatants involved. Having all of their abilities back helps; they can use the techniques from the Nailmasters, now, or dive into enemies and bowl them over with a burst of Void energy. Every hit they take, they easily heal just by slipping back out of the fray for a few moments.
Maybe Grimm had a point when he called their fight a dance.
Ghost isn’t worried about their siblings--they know Hollow and Hornet can handle themselves. They can’t find Otus or Quirrel, but have to assume at least Quirrel is doing all right by himself, and Otus has friends behind him. So they fight for their own sake...until a blur of red flies past them.
They shoot off a Shade Soul, dissolving the twisted quadruped they’d been engaged with, and glance over to watch Hornet go. She seems to be heading towards the center of the fray, towards Oifuco and the Dark Lord...
What is she doing? Does she...does she think she can take them on herself?
Quickly, they sheathe their nail, and make several Shade Dashes forward. They make sure the last dash is directly through her to get her attention, before they land on their feet and turn around, waving their arms out to their sides in front of her. They don’t have the time to get out their phone, nor the wherewithal to use words properly, but the message is still clear.
What are you doing?!
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
It’s father’s day?
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
In Opalaria, few families hold all the power, and Ghost doesn’t like that very much at all. And there are a few individuals Ghost doesn’t like either; the crooked and corrupt they’ve seen suppressing the weak and helpless, trampling those in their way, flaunting their power over others. Those without honor.
They’re not afraid to get their hands dirty, and apparently they need food now, which requires money. A contract to get rid of one of these twisted humans isn’t exactly a quandary for them; morality’s still something they don’t know well. This would-be politician they’re told of is exactly the sort they hate. And so they follow him, from the streets and from the canals both, and around nightfall they’re prepared, back to an alley, their nail drawn. But they have to bring him to them, if they don’t want to get caught. The corruption in Opalaria is a much less mindless one than the infection.
And so they start humming.
It’s a low, resonating sound laced with magic that’s almost felt more in the chest than it is heard with the ears, and yet the man reacts immediately, turning to search for the source. Brow furrowed and eyes slightly unfocused, he starts trying to follow the not-sound, shuffling and stopping and starting again, some part of him apparently noticing how poor a decision this is, but the larger part listening to the whispering in his ears beckoning him forward.
It’s something the Void has done to many, in its time. And the result is almost the same here. The man turns the corner into the alley, walks towards Ghost seemingly without seeing them, and they dash forward, plunging their nail into his chest.
The man’s eyes clear just enough to register the glowing freckles and the fact that he’s too late. He opens his mouth to cry out anyway, and Ghost blanks, throwing their free arm around his waist and void-dashing towards the nearest canal. They drag him in and under, losing their glamoured shape along the way, and once they’re themself again, they open their mouth impossibly wide and clamp their teeth upon teeth around his ankle, pulling him in deeper, blood staining the water.
And still, they’re humming. They’re humming so loudly that the man forgets to resist, his body going limp as his cry for help escapes in a stream of bubbles.
The method’s not something they’re proud of, but at least it’s done. Now, what are they to do with the body, besides gnaw on its leg? They’ve forgotten about food, so they’re hungry enough to consider doing that for a while.
That is, until they notice the twitching tendrils of a jellyfish not too far from them, and freeze as their newfound emotions come rushing back to them.
They don’t have a name for what they feel in that moment. If they did, it would be “dread”.
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
♓ + 🌱!!
Fantasia War Meme
♓ : What RPG music does someone hear when they run into your muse?
Time to plug the game’s soundtrack aggressively because I can
For a casual interaction, something a little melancholy. For a battle? Well, there’s the obvious option, or they could steal a theme from a sibling who doesn’t need it anymore…
🌱 : What’s a thread you really want to do with your muse?
…I may be a little messed up but, they may be Babey but they’re still willing to get their hands dirty which I haven’t totally explored, so maybe a fight thread for the sake of the kingdom or as part of a quest. Or someone running into them charming and drowning someone they deem nasty enough to be worth accepting some kind of assassination contract.
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hallowknighted-blog · 5 years
♉ : Does your muse enjoy their new form?
Fantasia War Meme
♉ : Does your muse enjoy their new form?
Despite how bizarre it is to not be a vessel anymore, and how much they have to get used to the peculiarities of their predicament, Ghost actually doesn’t think it’s half bad! It helps that this isn’t the first time they’ve been turned into a non-vessel, so their newfound emotions aren’t running nearly as hot and strong as they were the last time. They are a bit alarmed that they can’t tell how Hollow’s faring just by ‘listening’ to the Void, but they find their new magic quite interesting. Plus, they’ve been in water before, but could never fully submerge themself and ‘swim’ due to both their buoyancy and the fact that it would involve having to dump a lot of water out of their shell afterwards, so this is a new thing for them.
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