hajiike-blog · 5 years
Hi, Hi!! I made a Bambi side blog!
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You can also view my rules post to make it easier for everyone!
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
aaaaaaaAAAAAAA!!!! I love this board SO MUCH!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME SUCH A CUTE GIFT!!!!!! 
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     HAPPY BIRTHDAY @hajiike
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
That was one thing that probably would never change and to be honest he was glad it did not. No matter how often he had told her that she should stop calling him Shiro chan she never did. Just now they were alone and so for once he did not remind her that it actually was Hitsugaya Taicho. The situation felt awkward enough as it was for some reason. Which was ridiculous really. They had grown up together and knew each other so well.
“No…stay… Matsumoto just ditched me with the paperwork again…most of it is hers anyway” he said nodding towards the biggest stack. 
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Why did he do it? Probably because he was a retard. Well and he did not have anything better to do. Which was sort of sad really. Now he had better things to do.
“You want some tea?” he asked after a moment of silence.
“Are you done for today or just taking a break?”
What a relief. She felt silly even worrying, after all, it was still Toshiro! Taking a seat beside him, Hinamori couldn't help the smile tugging at her lips - he was always so caring. Noticing the looming pile of paperwork just waiting to be done, the girl thought back to her far-too-relaxed captain drowning in paperwork but still insisting for her to not worry, while shooing her off into the day in his usual casual manner (he'd probably be napping right about now...).
"uh, I've sorta been dismissed for the day!" she let out a small sigh in defeat. There was just no arguing with her captain once he decided she needed to "play more, stress less".
"I'm basically free for the whole day. I can help you tackle that pile of work while we wait for the tea, Shiro-chan!"
If anyone needed a day off, it was Toshiro but she also knew that he wouldn't be able to relax as easily if there were a lot of work to do. Naturally, her offering to help would be the best solution to both help Toshiro and spend time with him - simple!
Quality time
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
The knock at the door made him look up from his paperwork. Hitsugaya was alone and had disappeared behind a pile of reports. He had not moved for hours so when he straightened up his back made a nasty cracking sound.
“Come” he said grimacing against the pain and got up.
“Hinamori” he uttered, clearly surprised to see her. It was not that it was an unwelcome visit but it was an unexpected one.
“Is something wrong?” he asked looking at her expectantly. He was far too protective of her. Deep down he knew that. She was a lieutenant and could take care of herself. She looked fine though. So probably no crisis. No matter what he could use the break.
It had been a while since she had spent some time with her dear friend and longed for a little company... besides, it was such a lovely day and she had been given the whole day off (again). Before she knew it, she had unconsciously made her way to Hitsugaya and found herself before the door leading to his study. She knocked gently.
             Why was she suddenly nervous?
The voice that answered her sounded distracted - maybe he was busy, maybe she shouldn't disturb him. Shaking her thoughts away, the girl entered the room.
"Shiro-chan!" she smiled, referring to his childhood pet name.
"Oh, nothing's wrong, I just wanted to come by and see how you were going! I hope I haven't interrupted anything important..." the girl paused, smile fading slightly; Toshiro was surrounded by paperwork, he was busy and she just made her way here unannounced. Even if they were friends, he was still captain with duties and responsibilities, she shouldn’t bother him.
"I can come back later, if you're working!"
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Quality time
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
     “Move.” The word, tutted as it was by the seireitei’s most infamously irate fifth seat, was accompanied by a non-too gentle shoulder check which most probably hadn’t really been intentional, but was, at the very least, enough to cause the taller shinigami to pause and take stock of whom he had almost accidentally knocked flat into the ground. 
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     “Oh, Hinamori fukutaichou.” Well, that was to be expected then. The girl was tiny; of course he’d hardly seen her as he’d been pushing his way through the morning crowd. Regardless of the realisation that he’d almost bowled down a lieutenant, however, his expression remained unapologetic. “I didn’t see you there.” Still no apology. “Aren’t you supposed to be….” chasing your weirdly horse-faced captain around the seireitei? “….somewhere else at this time of day?”
She had gone out to buy some tea and was heading back when the girl was roughly nudged by someone in the morning crowd. Scrambling up her spilled items and straightening herself up, the small girl faced her assailant.
"Ayasegawa-san! I didn't see you." From the look of things, it seems the 11th division's fifth seat hadn't seen her either. She smiled sweetly up at the elegant man, the small accident quickly forgotten.
"I was just heading back!" Lifting up the bag filled with tea and sweets to further the girl's answer, she thought of an idea. It was a rare situation she found herself in - up until now, she had hardly had the honour of exchanging words with the fifth seat -  and didn't wish to waste such an opportunity as this.
"If you're not busy, would you like to join me for some tea, Ayasegawa-san?" She hoped he'd accept her invitation; the girl knew very well of Yumichika's notorious mood and assured herself to not take it too personally if he were to decline. Nonetheless, she always hoped they could be on amiable terms, maybe even friends one day and this was the perfect chance!
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
Toshiro: So I’ve got my suspect list down to four.
Hinamori: Four?
Toshiro: Well originally I had ten. Technically nine. I had Gin on there twice.
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
Momo’s bad habits
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nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking |swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming I singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back of their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
tagged by: took it from @kingdomcollapsing tagging: Who ever would like to do it!
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
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                             "Justice is not something that can be expressed in mere words.“
                                              Independent rp blog for Tōsen Kaname
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
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                                                                    I Hear Their Mouths 
                                                                 Making Foreign Sounds
                                                                    Sometimes I Think
                                              They’re All Just Speaking Tongues
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
cheek kiss under the mistletoe
The kiss came as a surprise and even though Hirako taichou explained the custom of the strange leaf, she was undoubtedly taken by surprise by her friend awkwardly leaning down and kissing her cheek. As unexpected as it was, it wasn’t unwelcome and she might as well return the gesture as it was custom.
With a shy smile and burning cheeks, she motioned the red-head to lean down and reached up on tip-toes to gingerly peck his cheek back.
“Merry Christmas, Abarai-san”
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
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I was going through a lot of my old sketch pads from my teen years and the only style I ever drew in was sailor moon. It was nice to revisit it and honestly, might actually do a commission sale for this style if anyone would be interested.
Anyway, here’s Momo!
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
"It's jazz." He explained with a quick glance over his shoulder at his questioning lieutenant, and /oh/, if this experience didn't seem so /eerily/ similar t one he'd had a hundred years prior. Hopefully /this/ lieutenant wouldn't be inclined to /stab/ him in the back ten years down the track. "It's music from the world of the living." -kingdomcollapsing
 She like this “jazz”, the music was so very different to what she was used to but it sounded so… fun! The notes seemed to bounce and skip in chaotic symphony, filling the young woman with a giddiness with every note that encircled her. The music reminded her so much of her captain: smooth but deliriously disordered in a way that made complete sense - it was thrilling and mysterious all at once!
“I really like this music. How do you dance to jazz?” She beamed, swaying slightly to the rhythm.
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
@kingdomcollapsing continuing from [ x ] 
    “It’s a human Christmas tradition.” He explained, answering the silent question he knew she was putting together in her mind as she stared upwards, brows slightly furrowed in confusion, at the little green and red plant sticky-taped to the top of the doorframe. He couldn’t blame her; had he not known the purpose of the foliage he too would have been wondering exactly why someone had seen fit to decorate the doorway with such a sparse dot of colour, and in such a tacky manner too. “When two people stand underneath it, they’re s’pposed t’kiss.”
    And then, with his ( rather fleeting ) explanation for why he was about to do what he was going to do in place, the captain offered his lieutenant a boyish grin, leaned in, and planted a quick, chaste kiss to the young woman’s cheek.
    “Merry Christmas, Momo-chan. Take th’rest of th’day off, yeah?”
Her captain’s brief explanation of the strange plant left her with lingering questions as the girl looked between the small foliage above them and the lanky man before her. 
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“...supposed to kiss?” She blinked up at her captain (why was he looking at her like that?). Her thoughts were interrupted when the blond leaned down and pecked her cheek, leaving the girl in blushing, stunted silence as the man sauntered off. 
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hajiike-blog · 5 years
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My favorite Division in Bleach , Gobantai (5th Division)
I could not see much 5th Division pair ,so here it is…
Expect more fanarts on them, specially on HitsuHina ;D
If you want to repost credit me , thanks :D
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