haitens-journal · 5 years
Chaotic Antic Series
An IM: Great Priest Imhotep fanfic that is oc-centric and their relationship with a certain God and God’s Vessel
A sequel and spin-off for Remnant of you, so I suggest reading the first fic first before reading this.
It tells the story of life of the oc that appears in the fic Remnant of you, and their relationship with other High Priests in Amen Priest HQ.
Link for “Remnant of you”: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13204077/1/Remnant-of-you
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haitens-journal · 5 years
Remnant of you
An IM: Great Priest Imhotep fanfic that is oc-centric and their relationship with a certain God and God’s Vessel
A certain child born with Seth as their ka. A certain child born with terrible Soul Destiny. A certain child who befriended a certain God’s Vessel
Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13204077/1/Remnant-of-you
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haitens-journal · 5 years
remnants of you, part 1
An IM: Great Priest Imhotep manga fic, because this fandom needs more fic.
An OC centric fic depicting the relationship of my OC, the “I” in this fic, with a certain God’s Vessel, the “you” in this fic.
“I” in this fic is a child whose Ka is connected to Set of Ennead, thus they can chat mentally from time to time and meet up in dream.
(I apologize in advance for any grammar or spelling mistake, I’m new to making fic especially for this fandom)
It was fall when I was 6 years old
When I first met you. You quickly became my friend. You were impulsive, picks a fight, and loud like a thunder.
But you were also quick thinking when you saved that puppy drowned in river, punched the bully who were ripping my notebooks, and your laughter helped clear my day.
It was winter when I was going to have my 7th birthday soon.
I confessed to you that it’s hard to start calling my new parents “Papa” and “Mama”, so all this time I’ve been calling them formally like ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’.
You told me that maybe me trying to call them those nickname might be a good idea but I don’t have to force myself.
I didn’t confess to you that actually nearly everyday my parents have a fight at my home and my birth parents actually kidnapped me away from hospital right after my birth because they apparently ‘cannot pay them’.
It was spring after my 8th birthday.
We watched after-school hours animes that’s on air and do homework together at your house, and play some Game Boy games.
It was my only reprieve and time to relax to escape from my home. I hate my home. It was loud and annoying and so full of screaming and breaking things.
But for some reason I didn’t hate your very loud laughter whenever you lose or win a round of game from me.
It was summer when I was 8 years old.
Even though we promised we’d play everyday and have sleepovers during summer holiday,
You suddenly said you’ll be going away. You suddenly said some nonsense that ‘everyone will forget about me anyways’.
I was angry and at the heat of that moment I said I hated you. You said that’s okay. That it’s okay if I hated you. As long as I will remember you.
“Even if everyone forgets about me, I pray that with some miracles you will still remember me.” You said teary eyed.
I don’t understand a thing that happened. So I went home.
At home, as usual, a fight happened. But something’s weirder. A black like tattoo appeared on my mother’s and father’s body. Soon enough everything was engulfed in fire and darkness. For some reason only a great pain I remember
I woke up at hospital. In front of me were familiar faces. It was auntie and uncle, your parents.
As I was dazed, I asked where are you.
But they.....
They were confused. As if you vanished from their memories. They didn’t know whose name I uttered. I lied then, saying it’s a name of a teddy bear that I lost in the house thats now ashes
‘Ah was this what you meant?’ ‘Does that mean only I remember you now?’
I feel pain from my arm, so I checked it. But there were nothing, I have no left arm now. I cried myself to sleep.
In my sleep, I meet him.
“Seth sama?” I asked. “Why did this happen to me? I lost my friend, all 4 of my parents. Is it true that it was because if my Soul Destiny that I must suffer from this?” I cried
He picked me up and put me in his lap. “It is true li’l brat, unfortunately “ he sounded even more upset than usual.
“It’s annoying.” I said and he nodded. “It’s unfair” “it sure is,” he replied.
“Seth sama are you a bad god?” I asked, “HELL NO” he roared. “Sorry” I said but I chuckled. His anger reminds me of my friend’s so it’s actually calming me. “But you are a god of destruction right?”
He huffed in proud. “Of course.” “Then I pray to you, Oh God of Destruction. If you are my ka, just like you said and taught me since years ago.
Please, Destroy this so called Soul Destiny. So that nobody had to suffer like me.
In exchange. I will always be de.... devo... LOYAL. I will always be loyal to you... won’t let you be called a bad god ever again by anybody else!” I said, stuttering and a bit embarassed at my poor attempt of a vocabulary.
He chuckled and roared like a thunder. “You sure brat? Staying and being loyal to a God of Destruction? Really? Wont you be bullied and suffer more?”
“I don’t mind. Because its for defending you. You who stayed with me much much linger than anybody else. To me you are my hero more than anybody else.” I smiled at him.
“I hope you won’t have any regrets kid.” He smiled and I fell asleep.
After waking up.....
My life changed....
Priests with some familiar robes came greeting me.....
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haitens-journal · 6 years
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One happy Sindrian family!! All my feels!!! (You all should go back to Sindria like now!!)
Translator note: In the original there’s a wordplay with “sachi” (happiness in Japanese) and “Sadi” (apparently happiness in Persian/happy child in Arabic).
Scans provided by dranzy, typesetting by naoscifra and translation by yours truly. As always, English is not our mother language, sorry for any mistakes.
EDIT: Special thanks to eleore for a last minute QC.   
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haitens-journal · 6 years
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Note to self: Never ask Aladdin for help on delicate matters.
Translation by myself, typesetting by naoscifra, QC by eleore & extra checking by kamapon. Thanks, girls!
Neither the translator nor the typesetter are native English speakers, sorry if there’s any mistake.
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haitens-journal · 6 years
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Based on the last Magi omake, in which Sinbad digievolves from ‘ojisan’ to ‘ojiisan’ and this time… he likes it?!! 
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haitens-journal · 6 years
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Judar & Yunan & Alibaba (comatose)
Judar’s trolling turns Alibaba into a fashion victim guinea pig.
Raws obtained with the help of dranzy. Typesetting by naoscifra and translation by yours truly. None of us are native English speakers, sorry if there’s any mistake. 
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haitens-journal · 6 years
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Magi volume 25 special paper.
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haitens-journal · 6 years
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I DIDN’T NOTICE THIS PANEL UNTIL NOW! Look at Kouha hiding behind his big brother then all of a sudden coming out like, “YEA BITCH I’M HERE!”
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haitens-journal · 6 years
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Yunan’s life a as a magi - Magi volume 32- Omake
After nine lives of sorrow, a small beam of hope…?
Really, Ohtaka knows how to tug at our heartstrings… Poor Yunan…  
Originals scanned by @kamapon, typesetting by @naoscifra, translation by @arashidono and QC by @eleore.
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haitens-journal · 6 years
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Magi volume 32 message paper.
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haitens-journal · 6 years
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Magi. Volume 27. Kouha omake
Scans by kamapon, typesetting by naoscifra & translation from me. (No native English speakers here, sorry if there’s any mistake)
So many feels here. Kouha baby….   T_T Ohtaka, you’re killing us 
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haitens-journal · 6 years
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Here’s what practicing wings have brought me~ 
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haitens-journal · 6 years
Nocturne Ch.2
In which the first creature to arrive bonded with a certain Metal Vessel user and a Magic
Day 2
The young men have healed lost of their wound. Judar snickered as he floats down towards Hakuryuu. “Luckily the dungeon didn’t drop us too far!” Judar told Hakuryuu, in which Hakuryuu then showed his ability, letting the netsumegusa plants coil around them “I can follow you with this anyway”
Judar then quickly told Hakuryuu that they should try killing Gyokuen this time, now that they’ve gotten themselves new power to help them. But to his surprise, Hakuryuu declined his suggestion.
“Do you want to plunge straight into Kou? When you learned your history, you must have considered immediately killing everyone in Al-Thamen, but you didn’t do it right?” Judar pondered and agreed when Hakuryuu told him that. He admits that Gyokuen is tough to deal with and that the doll members of Al-thamen would be even more difficult and tiring to deal with. And the fact that they always share information with their network, to inform Gyokuen.
In fact, both of them realized how they are being watched by some of the member right now.
“Yea, that’s right. So.....
Yoru. Slash them both down.” He ordered calmly.
The Absol, now named Yoru. Did used Slash onto the two Al Thamen member spying on them. Making them both fall down onto the boys. Yoru held down one of them using his body as Hakuryuu’s plant and insects coil around them.
The very scene surprised Judar “HUH?!”
Hakuryuu smirked, “Before returning, we must build up our strength somewhere THEY cannot see” he said as some of the plants act as rope to hold them down, as Yoru get away from the hooded priests.
“No that’s not what I mean. I mean......” he pointed to Yoru. “What is.... isn’t that whitey creature that helped us last night?? Why is it with you now. In fact, WHAT IS HE???” He curiously stared and squinted his eye on the black cat face creature.
“I don’t know myself. Maybe it’s a local mutated creature. Maybe it’s a dungeon creature. Some things for sure:
1. It brought by himself some magic item that only work on himself,
2. It seems to genuinely wanting to help us.
And I don’t mind him as an ally. So I thought it’ll need a name. That’s why I named it Yoru (Night). Because of his help last night. It also can use some magic based attacks. So it’ll prove very helpful for us to have.”
Judar sighed but had a snicker. “How amazing this king of mine, even a mysterious creature you made into your subordinate.
So? What are these magic items you said?” Judar leaned onto him.
“Well..... one of them. I’ll show you later. But for now this. Apparently, this ball act as a storage function and resting place for him.” He took out a black ball, the Luxury Ball. And pointed it to Absol, as it got absorbed to the ball. Judar gasped in awe , commenting that seems like a cool function, especially for sneak attacks. Hakuryuu agreed with him on that.
They changed back their topic then what they should do for their first act.
Location: Supply Base No. 9, Southern Tenzan Front Line, Kou Imperial Territory.
The sky cracked as Hakuryuu, Judar, and Yoru arrived at the location. Some of them had murmur of surprise. Why would their 4th prince and high priest at a location this far?
Judar commented how shabby their first conquer is a small front line base. But Hakuryuu smirked as he began his speech.
Of how he is taking control of the base, how Ren Kouen is an usurper. Judar snickered at how foolishly the soldiers still supporting Kouen.
One of the leader of the soldier still insistently defended Kouen’s goal to unify the world, while Hakuryuu still mocks Kouen at his face for letting his brothers died. Around this time then, he started using Belial’s magic, towards his own subordinate. Soon enough. Both chief and the subordinate was given false memories and hallucination and keep chanting “Ren Kouen is an usurper”
Judar was dumbfounded, he commented how Belial’s a nasty metal vessel, that even he was surprised the extent of its power even after Hakuryuu explained it to him.
Soon enough, nearly all soldiers in said base has been brainwashed by his combined power of Zagan and Belial’s abilty. Judar then told him as well how he has put out a barrier used in Magnostadt to precent andy leak of magic information.
Judar then glanced at Yoru, who have been following them silently and obediently, if not, even helping him prevent any soldiers from escaping using slashing like attacks. Judar observed how it’s true that some of its power resemble magic, especially 7th type of magic.
“By the way Hakuryuu. Did you use Belial on this whitey?” He asked as Hakuryuu ordered Yoru to Pursuit the men from escaping again so he can control them. “No I didn’t. To my surprise, he followed me out of their own will like you.” He commented . “That’s nice and all, but what about them?” He pointed to the Al Thamen member they captured yesterday, “did you do the same thing to them?”
Hakuryuu said no, as he explained that he will use them for a different purpose. They talked for a while as Judar explained how he got multitudes of knowledge thanks to absorbing Matal Mogamett’s black rukhs.
Day 3-5
While Judar spend his days trying hard to pacify the black rukhs so they can obediently gave him the necessary knowledge of some useful magics, Hakuryuu has succeeded in controlling the clones of Al Thamen. As well as completing the Mega Evolution.
“An evolution you said?” Judar was resting from trying hard to control the rukh as they chatted, Yoru resting beneath Hakuryuu’s legs, snuggling to him.
“Yes. Using this stone Yoru handed to me. And a stone he had that he always carry around. A connection of rukh similar to that of a Household or Assimilated Household Vessel is established and it gave him more power enough that he changed shapes to accommodate.
It just that this power only can be used during a combat situation, although I don’t know why. Why don’t I show you. This is the second great bonus other than that ball that he brought to me.” He smirked and went to the yard. Making the soldiers then pretend to attack him, he activates the Evolution.
Yoru then is surrounded by a ball of light as its emerged with a new form. With more fur resembling feathers, more horns and all, it growled so hard the doll-like soldier immediately collapse. Hakuryuu smirked as Judar was again, dumb-founded.
“Amazing... the amount of magoi amplified just now was great!” He chuckled then cackled “YOU ARE GREAT ALLY YORU!” He giggled. Then glanced at the rukh nearby Yoru. He then mumbled something like he was chatting with the rukhs
“I see... Hakuryuu. Apparently that process is called Mega Evolution. And you need to hold onto each other’s stone or at least it must be touched physically by you two to activate it.” He smirked and leave them as he told them to leave that problem to him.
At the end of the day then, he gave Yoru a pendant shaped like a black rukh to store the Mega Stone in. And gave Hakuryuu a gold bangle to hold the Key Stone in.
Day 7-10
While both Hakuryuu and Judar tired from the lack of sleep for preparing for their battles, Hakuryuu then told Judar to learn a certain spell. The telescopic, Clairvoyant Magic Spell, which Hakuryuu pointed out as a very necessary mean. Hakuryuu provoked Judar and he took up the challenge to learn it in a few days.
The next day, Hakuryuu took Judar to the courtyard again. There, Yoru was training alone. “What do you need me for? You already told me to learn another spell dude!” He whined a bit, but still followed him.
Hakuryuu pointed at Yoru. “Try using Ice Magic next to him.” Judar’s confused at first but did walked next to the creature.
“THALG AL SALOS” he screamed and shot barrage of big sharp ice shards to a wall.
“So?” Judar looked back at Hakuryuu questioning. Hakuryuu then explained “I realized, Yoru does sometimes looked out for you. Not just as a mean to guard but to learn from you. Watch this.
Yoru. That Ice Attack just now.
Try using it as well” he smirked. Yoru smirked as well as he opened his mouth and summoned multiple ice shards as well. Maybe not as big as Judar’s but the quantity is still much more. It attacked the same wall as Judar as well. Giving out nearly half the damage.
“Hooooooooly fuuuuuuck” he shivered a bit with excitement. “Let’s see , the rukh said that attack is called Blizzard? THAT’S AWESOME” he laughed like a child seeing magic trick. “Now I assume you know what you need to do?” Hakuryuu smirked and Judar nodded.
Since then Judar taught Yoru some spells/attacks based on Ice, Thunder, and Gravity Magics, all are his fortes.
Day 10
“Are your plans ready Hakuryuu?” Judar asked as he ruffles Yoru’s fur out of boredom. The metal vessel screeched a warning , as the sound of horse galloping towards their base comes nearer.
“Judar, We’re out of time.” Hakuryuu warned. Judar and Yoru looked up then. “Huh?”
They both then saw, the reinforcement from the main base are coming to investigate on them. “Now what, Hakuryuu?” Judar smirked.
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haitens-journal · 6 years
Nocturne Ch.1
(This fic is made based on my au and my rp with @pendaymonium so some of the words are made by their help)
In which several strange creatures that belonged to another world arrived in the world of Magi, where magic and dungeons existed.
(New starter of kou arc hakuryuu. I'll play judar and the pokemons)
Absol had a feeling this would happen. Sooner or later. The portal that somehow led to an unknown world was opened right in front of him. From there, an emerging sense of disaster about to come is appearing.
He felt the need to stop it. Instinctively, he also felt he needed a human to help him with this. So he went to that human, whose work to heal Pokemons.
He sprinted to the human and quickly communicate with the special human, who somehow can understand the speech of pokemon.
"I see...." the young doctor said. "But Absol. For that human. Couldn't it be me? I could travel there with you as your human partner?"
Absol rejected his offer. He says, his personality might be unsuitable for this kind of job. And instead asked him to give him the Key Stone he have or he'll Thief it out of him.
The orange haired doctor laughed a bit. "Okay then....
I don't mind. You have your own mega stone right?" Absol nodded at his question. The Absolite he had from years ago is in his neck fur hidden.
"Okay here you go. I'll give you this bag and a Luxury Ball. So you'll bond with your future partner faster." He fastened a hip bag containing a golden bracelet Key stone and the Luxury Ball to Absol's neck.
"...... good luck Absol...." he said with a tint of sadness.
Absol quickly departed to the oortla that is still somewhat opened.
When he arrived. He saw two unconscious male. Both with heavy wounds and dark haired and tored clothes.
'Their soul... is dark like mine.....
Maybe.... just maybe.... they could be my partner....' with that in mind.
Absol quickly gathered foods and any prey for their food and to heal the males
Hakuryuu groaned, his eyelids fluttering open to harsh sunlight. His body ached, and he was barely able to tilt his head. Warm blood seeped from his shoulder. He clenched his teeth and hissed, but he continued to absorb his surroundings. Judar lay unconscious beside him, breathing raggedly under blood soaked clothes. Visible rukh fluttered around judar, trying to help his injuries. Hakuryuu grunted as he turned his head again, spotting a creature. His eyes followed it while he strained himself to keep conscious. He hadn’t seen such a creature here, especially with a horn like that.
His vision became spotty as he shifted his leg, his wound reopening. His head hit the ground, unconscious once again.
Meanwhile, Judar was bleeding profusely as well but he was able to open his eyes a bit, even if it was heavy for him. He groaned and saw the creature looming and sniffing over Hakuryuu. He was gonna attack him, if it wasn't for his arm too weak to even grab the new bigger staff.
Absol sniffed him. This is no good. The humans were to weak to even wake up. Hell, they might die soon. He need to make them stay awake so they can move a bit to a safer place. That orange fruit he gathered looked a bit like Oran Berry. A food he usually eats to regain health or smear the juice on his wound. Maybe it'll work the same, even if the smell is more sour than the usual Oran Berry.
So he tried to put the orange next to Hakuryuu's wound. And crushed it with his foot to let the juice seep and touch the wounds.
Hakuryuu was in and out of consciousness, the blood loss being difficult for him to stay awake. He was frustrated, this battle shouldn’t have ended like this. Eventually, his wound, stung and he instinctively looked at the cause. His vision blurry, he could only make out this.. creature. He supposed it was the one he had seen earlier. He stared at it, hissing under his breath from the sting of the citrus. He rested his head on the ground and stared at the sky. It wouldn’t be long before they were found, he realized.
Now that the humans were awake. And lifted their torso a bit, he could...... slipped in underneath. His body is as flexible as a cat anyway. So he slipped in and then start carrying him on his back. Being a mountain pokemon, it was easy to jump and run around carefully until they arrived in a safer cave, cool and humid with the moss.
He did two round of this. One to carry Judar as well, and one to carry the foods he gathered. His white fur, now soaked with blood. But he still try helping Hakuryuu and Judar so at least they are both in a sitting
Hakuryuu has blacked out again, and when he woke up he tried to move. Fear welled up in his chest as he looked around. Where were they? Had they been captured? Judar was still unconscious, his breathing shallow but thankfully present. He glanced over at some movement, watching the creature he had seen before. He looked at them, his breathing becoming gentler. He wondered if they had brought judar and himself up here. He noticed the blood soaked fur, concluding so. He hissed as his wound reminded him of his current state. He clenched his teeth, relaxing his body so the pain lessened.
He then gave out a bag, and pushed the bag and the foods to Hakuryuu with its foot. It seems he just now had Snarled at a local traveler and robbed them for the medicine.
He growl-purr waiting for Hakuryuu's response.
Hakuryuu was confused at the creature. What does it want him to do? He then glanced down and saw the bag. A foreign bag. It’s different than the bag in the creature’s neck. He tried to weakly reach it after the bag was pushed towards him and he found in the bag, some foods and basic first aid kit.
“Where.....” he coughed up painfully “did you get this bag...?” The creature was silent, as it’s shaking and ruffling up his fur to clean up the blood soaked fur.
So he’s ignored. Well, not like this kind of creature can answer him anyway. He used the bandages in the bag and tend to his own wounds. Staggeringly, Hakuryuu then tried to tend to Judar’s wound as well.
The stinging pain then woke Judar up as he groaned. “Hakuryuu.....?” He saw what he was doing and how bad his wounds are and mumbled some swear words. He glanced to behind Hakuryuu and suddenly scurry backwards making his back hit the walls
“HAKURYUU.... BEHIND YOU...” he hacked a cough painfully as he warned him of the white-black creature.
“Oh him?” He glanced back as well, seeing the creature now isn’t that blood soaked like before. “I don’t know what he is but he’s been helpful in trying to help us....” he sighed and scolded Judar for making reckless movements as he fixed the bandages again.
“We have some foods too. Here, you’ll need it.” He tossed some fruits for Judar after finished tending to each of their wounds. Judar grumbled but munched on the fruits anyway. Hakuryuu then saw the creature was looking out of the cave, like guarding him. ‘Well..... at least there’s nothing wrong with letting it help us....’
“Oy. You.” He called and walked staggeringly to Absol, and threw some of the fruits for him. “Your portion. If you want to help us then eat it.” It looked back at him silently and started eating the fruits as well with them.
The night then went by.
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haitens-journal · 6 years
This is a test post
Because im an idiot
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haitens-journal · 6 years
So uh yeah, the fic Nocturne (where Hakuryuu meet pokemon) that you all know is on hiatus, will be revamped. The story will be a tad diferent. More pokemons will be added . But the title will be the same.
The current nocturne will he something like a basis for second part of the fic.
The new fic will start with new pokemon and new ocs/au characters (possibly). Au character will be based on my au blog, @notmyself-whenimnotme
Someof the writing of the new nocturne fic is made by @pendaymonium since they helped me on an rp to write it.
Thanks for reading this anyway.
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