haisayonaraa · 15 hours
I forgets wat dis is called but I did it an it's my first, yippee
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(I dunno if he grumpy or jus seepy, but I luv him)
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haisayonaraa · 19 hours
Gartic phoneeee
doing garlic phone on a phone was... interesting...
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those are supposed to be the pillar men
I've been told esidisi looks like a fnf character soooo-
beep beep boop bop ig
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haisayonaraa · 1 day
Ah, what a nice day where I have nothing to do... I do have a few stories brewing in my mind.. maybe I should write them down ;)
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haisayonaraa · 6 days
listen, I'm going to blow out all my steam in one post, this isn't going to be nice or happy.
alright so I'm so fucking lost rn, I feel like throwing everything, killing things, while also crying and wanting to be held at the same time, I don't know who I am anymore, I've followed people for so long I don't know who I am as an individual anymore. I can't find myself, and I feel like I'm always seeking attention from the people around be but they also don't understand how BADLY I need it, I just need people to tell me I'm doing good and that they like me for who I am, without me feeling like it's fake and they're saying it to make me feel better, or to make themselves feel like a better person. Sometimes I even think the closest people around me are fake, I don't know how to stop it, I can't stop thinking like this. And then I think I'm too self conscious, yet not enough self conscious st the same time, I feel like everyone either pities me or hates me sometimes, and I can't stop those thoughts, I hate people sometimes, but I need them so badly at the same time. I think I'm really gross, yet I have times where I do like myself. I think the things I do are a load of shit, and yet I have the nerve to show people because I'm a praise seeking worm. I hate the things people have done to me yet sometimes I get bad thoughts and like it. I can't stop any of this, I've been to therapy, but everytime I go I feel the need to lie, I don't know why, I don't know what's wrong with me, and I'm so sorry for posting this but I don't know what else to do, my head is just so full of thoughts it hurts, it hurts so much and I'm going to be an adult soon, and I don't know what to do at all, I don't know anything, and I can't stop anything. I just feel so useless and empty.
Thank you.
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haisayonaraa · 6 days
i actually tried today! T^T
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Kakyoins doin some art (jumbo crayons are the best change my mind I dare you)
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And Kars is seepy
Hope you all are doing good today, I'm definitely not having a existential crisis T~T
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haisayonaraa · 7 days
Random stuff in my art book (also send me some prompts plz and thank you TwT)
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Diego eating crayons
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Insane amounts of bunnies as I lost my sanity
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Garfield and sonic
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Lil guy posin
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A portrait of a friend
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Elmo "0-0
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I was NOT feeling good that day T^T
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Help his hair and face don't line up at all also wtf is that pose? T~T
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Bill cipher??
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Art I did when I was smol, I still forget what that scraggidly guy is
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I wanted to make a comic with these guys so BAD
thats all for now TwT
(Also if you guys wanna send in requests for the lil agere fix I'm doing, I've had a major writers block lately T^T)
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haisayonaraa · 7 days
Criminal on the loose
the criminal has escaped from prison! We urge all civilians to be on the look out!
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haisayonaraa · 7 days
laywer needed
Joseph is now requesting a lawyer, sadly he's poorer then a church mouse, so if anyone would like to be an unpayed lawyer to mister Joestar, be would greatly appreciate it
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haisayonaraa · 7 days
Criminal arrested today
Today, as of May 25, 2024. Joseph Joestar has been arrested for the crime of eating his plush friend Caesar Zeppeli.
Caesar was reported by plush apartment owner bun bun when Caesar didn't arrive home last night "this is the first time I haven't seen mister Zeppeli not return to his apartment! "
His last where abouts where with the convict at a Salad bar in Rome. No one has seen him since
Joseph is pleading guilty, stating "i just took my friend out to eat a Caesar salad! I'm as innocent as it gets!"
he will be held at the Plush county Jail until his court hearing
His bail is set for five dollars
If anybody has any info on the where abouts of zeppeli, or any evidence of Joseph's innocents, please come forward
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haisayonaraa · 7 days
Kars has a blankie now :3
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haisayonaraa · 8 days
kars is wukin ad a cafes! N he got cusamers :3
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haisayonaraa · 8 days
flashback to when I had patients enough to make my art good
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Or at least the hair
Also here's some lil guys I did a long time ago
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haisayonaraa · 9 days
enjoying de rain
Venny is enjoying his first rain :3
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A gud end to a icky day TwT
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haisayonaraa · 9 days
Jjba character and de flower they remind you of?
Ex: when I think of Jonathan, I think of violets cause dere sweet, but are pretty strong n durable lil guys :3
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haisayonaraa · 10 days
Guys I finished my bat! And though his designed changed in the procesd, but I luv him! Soooo
Meet venny :3 (very short for lavender)
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Sery about de quality of de last one but I forgot to show day his wings wrap around his lil body so he can seepy :3
I also put a little bell in him so he's gotta soft 'tinkle tinkle' sound :3
Any who, not much else to say, I was gunna give him a nose, but I like him dis way :3
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haisayonaraa · 11 days
@baby-zakarii here de book :3
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haisayonaraa · 11 days
Ur lil agere fic book.. so good.. dey are so cute... I luv dem..
dank u, sorry I haven't been posting anything new, schools been stinky, but I promise I'll get back to work on it!
(I honestly have a hard time feeling good about my work sometimes so dis really helps! Dank u ♡)
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