haileyguidelli · 5 years
Most Expensive Vacation Homes
For most people, taking a vacation involves searching for the cheapest motel they can find in the area they want to stay. Besides, what’s the point in spending a lot of money on a vacation home when you should be out exploring the new location?
But, for some of the world’s wealthiest people, vacation homes can be a vacation themselves. Many of these wealthy individuals own multimillion-dollar homes in their favorite destinations. The desirable locations and luxurious nature of these homes make them worth millions of dollars.
Some still choose not to buy a home. Instead, they look to rent. In which case, you’ll find some incredible and outrageously expensive vacation rentals in some of the world’s most popular locales.
So, where do the wealthy spend their time during a vacation? Below are a few of the most expensive vacation homes on the market.
Villa Jane – Aspen, CO
Villa Jane is an incredible chateau located in beautiful Aspen, Colorado. Surrounded by exceptional views and landscapes, this elegant vacation destination is equipped with an indoor pool, a recreation room, several bars, a wine cellar, a gym, and much more.
With 15,000 SQ FT of indoor space, this home has six bedrooms and nine bathrooms in addition to its various amenities — making it perfect if you want to invite guests. Located close to outdoor activities, like skiing, resorts, and sports venues, Villa Jane is located in a perfect location to take advantage of Aspen’s beautiful outdoors. For 12 people, this villa will cost around $400,000.
Beachside Craftsman – Carmel, CA
Carmel, CA is a popular vacation for San Franciscans. It has a rich artistic history and sits right on the sea.
This beachside estate has three beds and four baths and sits on eight lots in Carmel Point. Amenities include a gym, master suite, office, living room, grand open kitchen, and more. The fortunate owner has access to all the incredible amenities found in Carmel, CA.
The home is currently not on the market, but Trulia currently estimates its value at over $6.5 million.
Oceanfront Estate – South Hampton, NY
Built at the beginning of the 1900s, this 12-bedroom estate is located in South Hampton, New York — a desirable vacation destination for New Yorkers.
Together, the main house and guesthouse are an incredible 22,000 SQ FT. The owner also gets to take advantage of two pools, a tennis court, massage room, theater, sunroom, and more luxurious amenities. If you lived here, you’d find yourself alongside many of Hollywood’s most notable names.
According to Trulia, this immense estate is worth an astounding $145 million.
Should You Invest in a Vacation Home?
These homes are from a very small selection of a few of the most expensive vacation homes in the United States. However, the cost of these homes far exceeds what most people can afford.
Be that as it may, should you consider investing in your own (cheaper) vacation home?
If you can afford one, a vacation home might be a desirable investment. It would give you a place to go when you want to get away for a little while. You also wouldn’t have to worry about making detailed vacation plans, whether or not be able to find sufficient accommodations, or where to go.
But you should always keep in mind the costs of owning a vacation home. Even when you’re not there, you’ll have to maintain the property — never mind the cost to buy the home itself.
However, if you find yourself attracted to a certain vacation destination, it may make sense to purchase a vacation home so that you can go whenever you please. Just be sure that the cost won’t hurt you financially.
  The post Most Expensive Vacation Homes appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/most-expensive-vacation-homes/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/most-expensive-vacation-homes.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
Reasons Why Your Home May Not Be Selling
So you have finally gone through the steps and listed your home. Unfortunately, it’s been a few months and there haven’t been any bites. If that’s the case, it’s time to go back to the drawing board. If your home has been on the market for more than a month and you haven’t had any luck, we’ve got some tips for you to sell faster!
 We also recommend that you check out the average selling time in your local area to get a better idea of how fast other homes are selling, as the average time differs from city to city.
  1. Get Your Staging Right
First impressions are always the most important, especially when trying to sell a home. Many buyers are looking for a nice place that they can make their own in the long run. If your yard is full of weeds, the paint is chipped and worn, and the carpets are stained, you’re going to scare potential buyers away, as many buyers make instinct decisions on what they feel when they first walk into a home.
 Even something as important as proper landscaping can have a major impact.
  2. Hire a Pro Photographer
Seriously, the amount of low-light, low-quality photos that we see on real estate listings is outrageous. The age of the Internet is here. People like to look through houses online before they buy. Why would someone want to come see your house if the photos make it look like a dump?
 Want to see how much a good photo can increase the price of your house? Check out this article from the Wall Street Journal on real estate photography.
  3. Your Home Is Too Expensive
One of the number one reasons that people have trouble selling their homes is that they are priced way too high. There are a few ways to know if your home is priced too high, though that doesn’t mean it’s easy to swallow. To price your home correctly, you’ll want to compare it to other homes in the area and use that analysis to decide the fair market value.
 We also recommend talking to top real estate agents in your area, as they’ll have a bigger finger on the pulse of the market value in your vicinity.
  4. Your Home Is Unusual
If your home is unique, you might have a harder time finding the proper buyer. A number of different things might fall under the umbrella of a “unique property”, including homes that are way bigger than other homes in the area, homes that are incredibly expensive, homes in unusual areas, or homes that have strange features such as multiple living areas.
You might have to change up your description and find a way to “normalize” your home or find that niche market that is looking for a strange home.
Just because you’ve been having trouble selling your home does not mean that you should give up! By analyzing and altering your home’s photos, pricing, condition, or other features, you will be able to sell your home with much more efficiency.
 This may include re-listing your house altogether, which is not a bad idea if you need to change multiple things. We hope that this article helped you in your selling journey. Do you or someone you know have experience selling a home successfully? Let us know about your story in the comments!
The post Reasons Why Your Home May Not Be Selling appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/reasons-why-your-home-may-not-be-selling/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/reasons-why-your-home-may-not-be-selling.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
How To Save Up To Buy Your Dream Home
So this year you’ve finally decided that you want to start saving up to buy that home that you’ve been dreaming about for years?
 You’ve narrowed down your choices and found that perfect little mid-century cottage in the heart of that new, hipster neighborhood. Unfortunately, the down payment seems to be a bit of a stretch. Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
 There are young people all over the U.S. who have trouble saving up that 20% to make a down payment on a new place. Luckily, we’ve got a couple tricks up our sleeves on how you can start saving this year to get closer to buying that home you’ve always wanted.
  1. Get A Side-Hustle Going
This may seem pretty obvious, but it’s true that making more money will help you to save more money. It isn’t out-of-the-ordinary for people to have multiple jobs or streams of income these days. Having a side-hustle can mean anything from working a part-time job after your day job to starting an online business. It’s up to you what works best!
  2. Pay Off High Interest Rate Debt
You might have a high interest rate credit card or loan at this moment. The higher the interest rate, the harder saving money in the long run becomes. There are many ways to pay off high interest rate credit cards, including transferring the balance to a low interest rate card or seek out the help of a credit counselor.
  3. If You Have Investments, Start Selling
Your home is going to end up being one of the biggest investments in your life. The cool thing is, as you begin to pay off your mortgage more and more, the more equity you have in your home. If the value of that home increases over the years, you can say that you’ve made a return on that investment. Essentially, it would make sense to sell some of your smaller investments now to make this bigger investment for the future.
  4. No More Big Vacations For a While
If you’re serious about saving up some money for your down payment, the $5,000 trip to Europe is out of the question. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself though. See what’s going on in your own neck of the woods. Plan an inexpensive road trip. Go camping! There are plenty of ways to explore and adventure without spending an arm and a leg.
  5. Start Transferring Into Your Savings
One of the best ways to save is to transfer a portion of your paycheck away at an allotted time. If you get paid bi-weekly, for example, set up an automatic direct deposit from your checking account to your savings. Your savings will now act as your down payment account. Don’t dig into this unless it’s an emergency and you will soon realize how much extra money you have that you aren’t spending.
There are so many ways to save up for a down payment on your dream home. A lot of it comes down to budgeting, lowering your overall expenses, and putting away money periodically. Do you have any life hacks that help to save up for a down payment? Let us know in the comments!
The post How To Save Up To Buy Your Dream Home appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/how-to-save-up-to-buy-your-dream-home/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/how-to-save-up-to-buy-your-dream-home.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
Top 5 Ways to Modify Your Home to Make It Attractive
Property remodeling is one of the essential things every homeowner needs to do to improve the worth and aesthetic of a building. Most of the time, people tend to run bankrupt while renovating their buildings because they spend more than what they budgeted. Some people are even scared of renovating their houses because of the bogus cost of modification. However, the good news is that you can remodel your building without going bankrupt. All you need to do is to embrace affordable home modification.
  What is Affordable Home Modification?
Does your home need a severe remodeling and you can’t afford to get a contractor for the work? You might want to create your dream house without breaking the budget, and yet you do not want to look cheap. Then you need an Affordable Home Modification. Affordable Home Modification is the act of thinking strategically about the material, design, and timing of renovation of your building to reduce cost. There are inexpensive things that you can do to remodel your house, and some of them are listed here.
  Organization and Efficiency Matters
Sometimes, what you need in your home is not more space but a logical arrangement of your things. Unfortunately, most homeowners do not understand this as they are always ready to enlarge their home. The result of this is bankruptcy or high cost of renovation. For example, you can replace a spacing-hogging shelf with a portable cabinet instead of expanding a kitchen. With the shelf, you would have more space to keep other kitchen utensils. Thus, you do not need to demolish and rebuild anything.
    Do the demolition yourself
Do not rush to a contractor when you discover a part that needs to be pulled down. What you need to do is to access the weak area and consider whether you could successfully demolish the area with care and caution. Doing so will save you some bucks of dollars. It would help if you took note that a lousy demolition could cost you hundreds of dollars for rectification. In addition to this, you should contact a professional to demolish any internal part to prevent your house from unnecessary stress.
  Driveway Projects
Summer is the best period to renovate your driveway. You can do this by either hiring an expert or by doing it yourself. You could save a considerable amount of money if you do it by yourself. However, without a good knowledge of the driveway renovation, you would waste money.
There are two available types of coats and sealers for your driveways. Knowing the one that fits your taste would determine how much you would spend and how long it would last. The oil-based coats and sealers adhere well. Unfortunately, it is hard to remove, harmful and not eco-friendly. The water-based coatings and sealers, on the other hand, is less toxic and easy to remove. The advantage of using a water-based material is that it is eco-friendly compared to the oil based.
  Paint during the Summer
Summer is the best period to renovate or paint your building. The weather – warm and sunny – is the best for painters to work and for the paint to stick effectively. There is also a decrease in the cost charged during this period as there is always a high competition at this period.
You can save some bucks by doing the painting yourself. Several people do the interior painting themselves and call professionals to take care of the exterior. However, if you think you would have challenges with the high ceilings and walls, then you may need a professional to do the job.
  Know Prices of Supplies and Materials
There are some contractors out there that would want to cheat you if you are not conversant with the quality and cost for the modification. Most of them might give you a high quotation which might be twice the regular price. It is advisable for you to have a good knowledge of what you would need, the quality of the materials that you would need, the cost of those materials among others.  You should never be in haste to pay the suppliers as they would want to squeeze some funds out of you.
With all these strategies and ideas, you do not need to prepare a bogus budget for remodeling. All you need to do is to be creative and unique.
The post Top 5 Ways to Modify Your Home to Make It Attractive appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/top-5-ways-to-modify-your-home-to-make-it-attractive/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/top-5-ways-to-modify-your-home-to-make.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
Should You Paint Your Walls White Before Selling Your House?
If you are planning on putting your home on the market, you surely have heard that painting your walls before hanging that “for sale” sign is a must. After all, years of living in a space leave trace that buyers may find less than attractive, from dents to holes in the walls and the shadows left by pictures and furniture. It is a reasonably cheap and easy fix to give your home a good spruce up and make it attractive for potential buyers.
 Since the recommendation is to make your home as neutral as possible so that prospective buyers can envision themselves living in the space, painting the walls also allows you to remove personalized spaces, like a child’s room or a hand-painted fresco that might be meaningful to you, but might not be to everybody’s taste.
 Choosing the perfect shade to paint the walls in your home can be a headache, and many sellers revert to painting all the walls white. There is no more neutral or classic shade, and white gives your home a clean and airy feel.
  However, is it a must to paint your walls white before selling your house?
As a matter of fact, a 2017 Zillow study has shown that, unlike what you might think, white is not the color that may attract the most buyers. Each room has a different optimal color, but generally speaking, opting for shades of blue or light grey might be a better bet than an all-white home.
 Painting your walls the right color could make a significant difference in how much your home will sell for: over $5,000 for a blue bathroom for example. On the other hand, choosing the wrong paint color for your space could affect the resale value of your home despite your efforts and your investment in new paint and the cost of labor. For example, an off-white bathroom could lower the value of your home by over $4,000.
 If you are planning on repainting the walls of your house before putting it on the market, it is a good idea to stay clear of darker, brighter colors like dark brown and terracotta that potential buyers may not find as attractive. Surprisingly eggshell white is not a popular choice among home buyers either: some find it too cookie-cutter, especially in small spaces like bathrooms and kitchens.
 So if you are going to get out your paint brushes before selling your house, you might as well stay clear of painting on your home all shades of white. You are better off opting for an all-blue home with a brown living room, or a light grey which is also a favorite color at the moment.
 It might not be the perfect fit for your taste, but as with any renovations done while intending to put a house on the market, keep in mind that you will not likely live there for long. Save the bright colors of the home of your dream for your next purchase instead, and play it safe with neutral tones for now.
The post Should You Paint Your Walls White Before Selling Your House? appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/should-you-paint-your-walls-white-before-selling-your-house/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/should-you-paint-your-walls-white.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
How Pests Can Prevent You From Selling Your House 

No one is interested in buying a home occupied by pests.  Whether it is termites, mice, squirrels, cockroaches or a pest of another variety, the presence of a single critter really can decrease a home’s selling price.  Just about every home buyer will have an inspection performed before making a financial commitment.  If pests are found during this analysis or if any pests are seen during the open house, it will prove challenging to sell the home for a price equal to or greater than  local comparables, also known as comps. 
  Why Pests are Such a Problem if You are Selling Your Home
Pests are a problem for reasons beyond their ugly aesthetics.  Pets have the potential to damage the structure of your home.  Carpenter ants, termites, mice, squirrels and other pests can chew your home’s walls, floors and electrical wiring.  Carpenter ants and termites have the potential to eat right through your home’s wood beams, floors, walls, wallpaper and beyond.  Termites love to much on the cellulose in wood, making your home less structurally sound and consequently, less attractive to potential bidders.
 A rodent in your home will be a problem beyond noise.  Rodents eat away at electrical wiring.  Some rodents set up nests near the home’s heat sources, creating a hospitable environment for their offspring.  It will prove that much more difficult to sell a home if an entire family of mice, rats or other rodents are living in the walls, attics, basement, etc. 
  Picture from PestWorld.org
  Pests and Human Health
Some rodents and pests are a threat to human health.  Mosquitoes, ticks, cockroaches and insects that sting are a direct threat to the well-being of those who move into the home.  Ticks can transmit Lyme disease.  Cockroaches can cause asthma attacks.  Mosquitoes transmit the West Nile virus.  Even something as simple as a spider can cause problems.  If your property has a black widow or brown recluse spider and prospective buyers know about its presence, you might  not get a single bid.  These spiders’ bites are painful to the point that the victim has to go to the emergency room.  If you do not take care of your home’s bug problem, it will only worsen to the point that it feels like mission impossible to get the market rate.
  Pests are a Sign of a Poorly-sealed Home
A house laden with bugs, rodents or other critters is a house that is likely lacking in sealing and insulation.  The doors and windows should be properly sealed before the home is put on the market.  Every potential point of entry for critters must be secured.  Otherwise, bugs will invade your living space looking for warmth and food.  The sight of a single bug can sway a prospective buyer’s opinion from favorable to unfavorable.  Do not take the risk!  If you are worried about your home being overrun by bugs or the presence of a bug ruining the open house, take action now. 
 Have a professional pest removal company treat your living space well ahead of the open house so bugs do not send potential bidders scurrying away in disgust.  It will also help to seal the small openings around windows, doors and other openings to make it that much more difficult for pests to invade your living space.  Be proactive, combat bug infestation today and you will minimize the odds of a bug appearing when it comes time to sell.
The post How Pests Can Prevent You From Selling Your House 

 appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/how-pests-can-prevent-you-from-selling-your-house-%e2%80%a8%e2%80%a8/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/how-pests-can-prevent-you-from-selling.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
Options For People Who Can’t Afford Their Mortgage
When the 2010’s rolled around, the number of foreclosures started to increase considerably. Thanks to the things like unemployment increase and economic downfall, many homeowners were not able to pay their mortgages.
 If you are someone who is struggling to make your mortgage payments, you’ll be happy to know that there are a few options for you.
  1. Refinance
You may be eligible to refinance your loan if you’ve been good with paying on time up until now. Let’s say that you pulled out a ten-year loan. You could visit your lender and ask them to extend your loan, which would in turn stretch out your overall payment into smaller payments.
 Do be aware that when you refinance, you might have incur some fees for doing so. If you want to find out if refinancing is even a good option for you, we recommend checking this guide out. Unfortunately, refinancing might not even be in the cards if you’ve already extended your loan past a certain point.
  2. Set Up a Short Sale
If you don’t want to get foreclosed on, your best bet might be to sell your house. You just have to find the right way to list it. In many cases, a person’s mortgage might trump the value of their house, meaning they won’t have the option to put their house up on the market in the traditional sense. In this case, a short sale is the best option.
 Short sales are when a lender allows a homeowner to sell their house for a lesser value than the mortgage. The disadvantage to this is that is that it is completely up to the lender. It can also put a big dent in your credit, though not as big a dent as foreclosure.
  3. Turn In a Loan Modification Application
A homeowner has the option to sit down with their lender and try to work out a loan modification plan if they cannot afford their mortgage. A loan modification could entail a number of things, such as a change to the overall term or mortgage rate, as well as a difference in the monthly payments. As you may have guessed, loan modifications are sort of like refinancing.
 With that said, one of the requirements of a loan modification is that you need to prove your financial hardship to your lender.
  If All Else Fails…
Take your keys off the chain and leave your home. Sometimes sending a bit of jingle mail to your lender is the best way to go. Many aren’t able to figure things out and that’s okay. It’s happened to millions of people. You’re not alone. Instead of trying to hold onto something that is sucking the life out of you, it is sometimes best to just let go.
 We hope that our article has given you some ideas on how to go about your expensive mortgage payments. Have you or someone you know been close to foreclosure and figured a way around it? Feel free to share your story in the comments!
The post Options For People Who Can’t Afford Their Mortgage appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/options-for-people-who-cant-afford-their-mortgage/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/options-for-people-who-cant-afford.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
Advantages Selling to An Investor Over A Traditional Buyer
When planning to sell their home, most people probably assume their only options are to list with a real estate agent or manage a ‘For Sale By Owner’ themselves. Both methods can be more time-consuming and expensive than you think. Fortunately, those aren’t your only options. Selling to a home investor can be an excellent choice for some homeowners, and there are several reasons why.
  It’s Quicker
Selling a home the traditional way can take a long time, even if you use a professional real estate agent. You will need to compile a seller’s disclosure with details about your home, as well as have it staged for photographs, and this is before it even goes on the market! Once you do find a prospective buyer, if they are financing, it will typically take 46 days until the deal can close. Traditional buyers also typically make the sale contingent on your home passing a home inspection, which can create extra hurdles to overcome in the transaction.
 On the other hand, developers are usually ready to buy in cash and close the deal immediately. If you need to sell your home quickly, selling to a developer can present significant advantages that a traditional buyer cannot.
  It’s Cheaper
Nobody wants to work for free, least of all real estate agents. When you list your home with an agent, you will typically owe a commission based upon a percentage of the selling price. Usually this is around 6%. But if you think selling by owner is the answer – think again! While you may be tempted to try and sell your home to a buyer on your own, FSBO’s usually sit on the market longer, costing you more in mortgage repayments and taxes in the long-run. Not only do FSBO’s take longer to sell, but you also have to market the property yourself and vet prospective buyers. All of this costs time and money.
 Most developers do not charge you fees for buying your home. You should not have any out of pocket expenses by selling to a developer, and this advantage can be beneficial to a lot of homeowners.
  No Renovations Needed
When you plan to sell your home to a traditional buyer, you typically have to make some upgrades and changes before it goes on to the market. For example, refreshing interior paint, creating curb appeal with new landscaping, and even installing a new roof or HVAC system. Not only is this time consuming, but you also aren’t guaranteed that any of your work will be reflected in the sales price. If you aren’t able to recoup your investment, selling your home can be a bitter pill to swallow.
 Developers, on the other hand, tend to buy homes in an as-is condition. They are not concerned that the living room is painted lime green, or that there are stains on the carpet from that glass of red wine you spilled a few months ago. When it comes to buying property, investors see the potential of the home. This means that rather than worrying about renovating a home they’re leaving, the seller can focus on their fresh start instead!
The post Advantages Selling to An Investor Over A Traditional Buyer appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/advantages-selling-to-an-investor-over-a-traditional-buyer/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/advantages-selling-to-investor-over.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
What Interior Paint Colors Sell Your Home Quicker
If you’re thinking of revamping your home before you sell, that’s a great idea. Even small changes will make a big difference in the value of your home. One of the easiest DIY fixes to do before you sell your home is to paint the inside walls.
 However, before you head out to the paint store, make sure you know what colors actually result in higher home value. Believe it or not, some colors will make matters worse. Interior paint colors are a highly personal thing.
 They have an impact on how we feel, they set the tone of a room, and they’re highly personal to each individual’s interior design style. If you choose the wrong colors, you might as well have skipped the project in the first place. Here are the best interior paint colors that sell your home faster.
  Understanding Your Taste
No matter your home design skill level, you have to realize that no two buyers have 100% the same style. What you like in your space, others might find tasteless. This is just the very nature of how interior style works, though this can be a hard pill to swallow.
 There are some colors that are known to reflect the right feelings. If you’ve ever studied the basics of color theory, you already know that color plays a role in our moods. This is why most experts recommend staying away from home paint colors that are too loud, bold, or might not match with someone else’s existing style.
 Realize that most people moving into your home will be bringing their existing belongings and style with them. The more neutral and versatile your color choice, the better your chances will be of selling your home quickly.
 Colors for Every Room
First, let’s consider the colors that look best for every room. If you’d rather not bother with room-by-room color selection, you can’t go wrong with any of the basics below.
Graige (light grey/beige)
 Of course, when in doubt, just go with white. It looks clean, bright, and it’s prime for the new owners to paint with their own color choice. These are the best options for all-over color. If you want to choose specific colors for each room of the house, keep reading.
 Room Specific Interior Paint Colors
The colors above are perfect for any room in the house, but if you want to add a pop of color to your living room, bathroom, or kitchen, look no further than the list before. Adding a unique, though still neutral color, will help add more excitement and interest to your home.
 Kitchen – Look for colors you’ll find in nature and food specifically. Light reds, oranges, or even light green can all give a plant-focused hue that feels perfect in the kitchen.
Living Room – Add warmth with light browns or a modern touch with light blue or grey.
Bathroom – Pales do well in the bathroom where you want everything looking sharp and clean. Pale blue, green, or even red are great picks.
Bedrooms – Finally, it’s best to keep your bedrooms as neutral as possible since it’s so easy to clash with existing designs in these rooms. Stick with nuetrals here!
 There you have it. These are the best interior paint colors that will sell your home quicker. The wrong color scheme will deter buyers, so make sure you’re selecting your paint wisely before you start your DIY project.
 These picks above are perfect whether you’re keeping things basic and traditional or trying something new. Remember that styles differ widely, so simple is always better.
The post What Interior Paint Colors Sell Your Home Quicker appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/what-interior-paint-colors-sell-your-home-quicker/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/what-interior-paint-colors-sell-your.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
Safety Issues To Check When Preparing Your Home to Sell
Before you sell your home, there are several things you need to do to prepare your home for buyers. One factor, in particular, is whether or not your home presents any safety issues.
Not only will safety issues reduce the value of your home, but they can also put the health of you and potential buyers at risk, so it’s important to inspect your home before putting it on the market.
In order to find these potential safety issues, you have to know where to look. You should understand the importance of making these renovations and what inspectors will look for in order to identify areas in your home that need work.
Why You Should Make Renovations
Identifying safety issues and getting a home inspection before you sell your home should be a priority.
First, this will help your buyers feel more confident in purchasing your home. Making safety preparations will demonstrate that you have done all you can to ensure that your home is safe and has been well-cared for. This can be particularly important if you aren’t enlisting the help of a real estate agent. In which case, you need to do all you can do build trust and confidence with buyers.
Moreover, any renovations that you make can add value to your home. In many cases, the added value will outweigh the expense of fixing safety issues. Any changes you make to your home before selling are changes that buyers don’t have to worry about handling themselves.
What Does an Inspector Look for?
Home inspectors take a detailed look at the quality of your home and appliances to ensure that there aren’t any apparent safety risks. This includes:
The Structural Integrity of Your Home: Inspectors will check your roof, attic, doors, garage, windows, and more to make sure that they are all in good working order. Damage to these features can pose many risks, so it’s important that they are in good shape.
Appliances: Kitchen appliances like your fridge, oven, and stove can be hazardous when damaged. Other appliances like your water heater and washer and dryer can lead to fires or floods when damaged.
Utility Systems: Inspectors will also take a look at utility systems like gas, electricity, and more. It’s important that these systems are free from faults in order to avoid safety risks.
These are the major things that home inspectors will take a look at. If any issues are identified, you should be sure to fix them as quickly as possible before putting your home on the market.
Potential Safety Issues You Should Check
Getting a home inspection is a great way to understand which areas of your home need immediate improvement. However, before getting an inspection, there are many things you can do on your own in order to identify and fix many safety issues.
Safety Devices
You should be sure to test safety devices, such as fire alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers. Make sure these items are working and be sure to put in new batteries and refill fire extinguishers, if necessary.
Additionally, you should take the time to exterminate any bugs or rodents before selling your home.
Make sure to inspect your home’s appliances. From your kitchen appliances to your water heater, every appliance should be thoroughly checked to identify malfunctions or failing equipment. These appliances can cause some serious consequences if unchecked. Water heaters, in particular, are a common cause of home floods.
Necessary Repairs
Most homes could do with a few basic repairs before being put on the market. Be sure to check:
Doors (check seals)
Windows (check seals and fix cracks)
Light Bulbs
Light Switches
Drains (clogs)
Ceiling Fans
These items, along with others, may need to be replaced or fixed before selling your home. They can present health risks when in poor condition.
Outdoor Renovations
One of the most important things to check is the condition of your roof. A damaged roof can lead to floods, insect infestations, and other unwanted consequences.
Additionally, you should clean your gutters and perform basic lawn maintenance. This can improve your home’s safety while increasing its curbside appeal.
A careful inspection of your home’s features may identify many safety issues. Before you sell your home, it’s important to address these issues and fix them in order to add value to your home and reduce health risks.
The post Safety Issues To Check When Preparing Your Home to Sell appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/safety-issues-to-check-when-preparing-your-home-to-sell/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/safety-issues-to-check-when-preparing.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
Is It Worth It to Hire a Professional Photographer to Help You Sell Your Home?
When you’re trying to sell your home, you want to make it look as appealing as possible. While you shouldn’t judge a book (or house) by its cover, that’s exactly what many homebuyers do when they’re searching online for the house of their dreams.
 Humans are visual. When we decide whether we like something, we use our eyes as a leading factor. Since most homebuying is done online, at least in the initial marketing stages, the photos used in your home listing matter. In this guide, we’ll discuss why you should hire a professional photographer to help sell your home.
  Your Photos are Your First Impression
The photos you or your agent posts of your home act as a first impression. This is what prospective buyers see when they’re scrolling through available homes. If the first photo doesn’t stand out or fails to show the property in a good light, online browsers will likely just keep scrolling.
 Buyers show with their eyes. A research study revealed that 95% of buyers look at pictures before they look at any other information on your home listing. If you post poor quality photos of your home, you’re making a poor first impression. If you or your seller is sloppy with photo taking, the buyer might get the idea that you’re a sloppy homeowner. While this sounds like a big jump to make, the point stands that these photographs matter.
 Additionally, the better your home photography is, the more versatile it becomes. The right photos perform highly not just on popular home listing websites, but also on social media. Think of how many photos you’re bombarded with on your social media feed. Now, consider your own home photos. Do they stand out? Can they hold users’ attention? If the answer is no, you need to bring in a professional.
 What Makes a Good Home Photo?
Now that we’ve defined why home photography is so essential, it’s time to define what good home photography is. Smartphone cameras are better than ever. While you might be able to get away with average or even above average photos on your smartphone, this still doesn’t compare with the work of a professional.
 Everyone is attracted to beautiful photography. It speaks for itself. A professional photographer is a master at:
 Art direction – They know how to create stunning visuals.
Staging – They can help with staging furniture, items, and more to make the room look welcoming and homey.
Composition – A professional composition will elevate your space, making it appear more editorial and expensive.
Lighting – Nothing ruins a photo faster than poor lighting.
Editing – Finally, a professional can bring out the best of the photo with editing.
 In addition to traditional photography, many real estate agents are adding new forms of media like video into the home selling process. A video walkthrough, for instance, is a great way to bring buyers into a space virtually.
 Professional photos give you a competitive edge over the homes in your market. They encourage buyers to take action now, and they can even do wonders for your home value by showing off the best your home has to offer.
 Talk to Your Agent About Photography
If you’ve been using average photography to sell your home, it’s time to talk to your real estate agent. Many agents today include photography as a marketing cost, and they can help arrange a professional session that will transform your home’s online presence.
 Buyers can tell the difference between sloppy photos and professional photos. It’s time to elevate your home photography with the help of a professional. You should hire a professional photographer when selling your home. It will make all of the difference.
 The post Is It Worth It to Hire a Professional Photographer to Help You Sell Your Home? appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/is-it-worth-it-to-hire-a-professional-photographer-to-help-you-sell-your-home/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/is-it-worth-it-to-hire-professional.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
What Is Annual Percentage Rate and Why Is It Important To Borrowers?
Shopping for a loan can be a daunting part of the home buying process since it can dramatically impact how much borrowers will end up paying for the property they are purchasing. When comparing different loan options, borrowers should consider several factors, but most importantly what interest rate and Annual percentage rate (APR) each lender is offering. Lending institutions are required by the Truth In Lending Act to disclose both these elements to borrowers.
 Although they are both expressed as a percentage, interest rate and APR are different. The interest rate is the cost of borrowing money on the principal and can be fixed or variable. APRs, on the other hand, include not only the interest rate, but also all the additional costs associated with borrowing the money such as broker fees, mortgage insurance, closing costs, rebates, and discount points which is why they are usually higher (often between 0.15% and 0.25%) than simple interest rates. APRs do not take into account compounding. To simplify, APRs represent how much it will actually cost you to borrow money.
  When comparing different loans, a good rule of thumb is to choose the loan with the lowest interest rate and APR. However, it is possible for two loans to have the same interest rate and fees, but different APRs depending on what charges the lender includes in the calculation so be sure to ask your lending institution which costs are included. Since the APRs are also calculated differently depending on the type of loan, it is preferable to compare similar products only.
 However, in practice, APRs are not to enough to determine whether or not a loan is the right fit for you. The major downside is that the annual percentage rate is calculated assuming that the upfront fees will be paid over the life of the mortgage (usually 30 years), like the interest. The result is that the APR tends to understate the cost of the loan. If you are planning to keep the same mortgage for a long time, it is not an issue. On the other hand, if you are planning to sell your home or refinance before the end of the loan, you may end up paying more than you need to. If you do not intend to keep the property for decades, it may make more financial sense to pay fewer upfront fees and get a higher rate — and a higher APR — since the total cost will be lower for a short period of time.
 If you intend for the house you are purchasing to be your forever home, or if you are considering refinancing in the future, it is worth pulling out your calculators or asking advice from an expert to determine what the break-even point would be between different loans.
 Besides, when it comes to adjustable-rate mortgages, APRs base their calculation off a constant rate of interest since the future interest rate on an ARM is uncertain. In consequence, the APR presented by the lender could be way off if the interest rates were to increase significantly in the future.
Although APRs are an essential element to consider for potential borrowers, you will also need to pay close attention to the interest rate and the lender’s breakdown of loan fees to determine the best loan for you.
The post What Is Annual Percentage Rate and Why Is It Important To Borrowers? appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/what-is-annual-percentage-rate-and-why-is-it-important-to-borrowers/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/what-is-annual-percentage-rate-and-why.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
Staging vs. Renovating; Which Will Sell Your House Faster?
If you are thinking about selling your home, you might be wondering whether it is prudent to renovate it prior to listing or simply stage the home.  There are positives and negatives to each of these strategies.  Let’s take a look at whether staging or renovating is the better approach to expedite a home sale.
  The Case for Staging
Staging is the preparation of a home for sale.  Most stagings require the assistance of a professional who understands how to present a home in the most marketable fashion.  Staging will certainly help sell your home quickly yet it will cost some money if you hire a professional.  In most cases, staging is worth the minor investment as it can spark interest in a home that would otherwise be looked over in favor of more aesthetically pleasing properties.  Though staging a home will not enhance its appeal as much as a series of major renovations, staging is quite cheap compared to renovating. 
 Stage your home properly and you will be able to list it at a higher price.  There is no guarantee you will receive a bid at this lofty asking price yet the fact that you were willing to stage the home justifies bumping up the price.  Perhaps most importantly, staging a home in a highly strategic manner will help sell the property as quickly as possible.  Selling a home sooner rather than later is helpful as it eliminates the need to reduce the price and also helps you transition to your new digs without delay.  The best part is staging does not take nearly as much time, effort or money as extensive renovations. 
    Renovating a Home to be Sold
Renovate your home prior to listing it and you will be able to hike the selling price yet there is no guarantee anyone will pay what you are asking.  Furthermore, there is no guarantee you will receive the money back that you invested in the renovations.  Making matters worse is the fact that it will take significantly more time to perform renovations than stage the home.  Most significant home renovations cost several thousands of dollars if not tens of thousands of dollars.  If you invest this much in home improvement, your listing price will skyrocket and possibly decrease the pool of potential buyers. 
 The truth is small starter homes are uber-hot right now, partially because so many millennials are moving out of apartments and their parents’ houses in search of a place to live with their significant other.  The societal trend is to have one or no children, live in a small home and hope the economy stays afloat.  Those who shell out big bucks to renovate a home might find they inadvertently shrink the market. 
  Improve Everything or a few Things?  That is the Question
In the end, the decision to renovate or stage a home to fast-track its sale depends on the market, the seller’s ability to finance potential renovations and his or her timetable.  In most cases, staging a home will expedite the sale as it enhances the entirety of the home rather than a few aspects of the property.  Staged homes sell 73% faster than homes without staging.  There is little sense investing large sums of money improving something like hardwood floors or the kitchen when staging can present the home in a marketable fashion, speed up the sale and spur more than acceptable offers. 
The post Staging vs. Renovating; Which Will Sell Your House Faster? appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/staging-vs-renovating-which-will-sell-your-house-faster/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/staging-vs-renovating-which-will-sell.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
Who Can You Trust When Selling An Inherited Home?
If you inherit a property from a loved one, you have to choose between a number of options.
Do you move in? Should you rent out the property? Should you sell the home?
 It’s common for people to choose to sell an inherited home. Whether it’s because the home is out of state, you need the money, or plenty of other reasons, selling an inherited property can be a great idea.
However, it’s important to be able to get the most value when selling a home. As such, you should be sure to work with trustworthy professionals to avoid being taken advantage of.
  Get an Appraisal
One of the first things you should do before putting your inherited home in the market is get an appraisal.
An appraisal will give you the fair, unbiased value that the property is worth. It will help you identify which areas can be improved in order to increase the property value of the home.
Getting an appraisal is pretty much a requirement when selling a home. Not only does it help you come up with a fair listing price, but it can also be presented to buyers as evidence that your asking price is fair.
In some cases, you might be more concerned with selling the property as quickly as possible.
However, if time is not a major factor, making renovations to your property can maximize your profits. It will require you to make an initial investment, but the returns are often well worth it.
Simple renovations like bathroom remodels, upgrading kitchen appliances, replacing the roof, and other upgrades can add significant value to your home.
  Finding a Trustworthy Buyer
Once you’ve gotten an appraisal and made any necessary improvements, you need to find a trustworthy buyer.
Selling a home is a complicated task on its own. Selling an inherited home, though, can present its own difficulties. Aside from dealing with estate laws, many buyers may try to take advantage of those who are grieving from a recent loss. It’s important to be able to recognize when someone is trying to lowball you.
  Get a Realtor
Hiring a reputable realtor may be the easiest way to sell your home quickly and maximize the value of the sale.
Contact friends and family and read plenty of reviews online before choosing a realtor. Good real estate brokers aren’t difficult to find, but it’s important to do your due diligence in order to find the best one in your area.
  Cash Buyers
If time is more of a concern than money, you can always consider selling your inherited property to a home buying company.
Cash buyers will buy your property as is based on the estimated resale value of the home. You may get less than you would by selling through a real estate agent; however, the transaction will be completed quickly and you won’t have to deal with the stress of renovations and other tasks.
 Selling an inherited home can be difficult. Between dealing with estate laws and trying to maximize the value of the property, it can be a stressful process.
However, by sticking with reputable realtors and home buyers, you can be sure to sell your home in a timely manner without being taken advantage of.
The post Who Can You Trust When Selling An Inherited Home? appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/who-can-you-trust-when-selling-an-inherited-home/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/who-can-you-trust-when-selling.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
How Furniture Can Sell Your Home
First impressions are everything. When a buyer walks into a house that is for sale, they typically decide whether they like it within 30 seconds of being inside it. This may seem unfair on the surface. How can they possibly know whether a house is right for them within 30 seconds? Fortunately, there are ways that you can ensure that your home makes the best first impression possible. From the furniture and soft-finishings to the color scheme, there are certain decor styles that help to sell your home more quickly and for a higher price. Read on to find out how furniture can help to sell your home.
  Create An Instant Impression
Furniture in a home should be in keeping with the style and size of the property. For example, a Mediterranean style modern property may look a little odd if inside the furniture and decor is all mid-century modern. Although both styles have their fans, it is essential that you cater to the potential buyer of your property specifically. Likewise, furniture that is too large for a space can cause it to look smaller than it is. If you have a dining room table that seats twelve people in a 10×12 room, it will become extremely distracting to potential buyers, and they will worry that the home cannot accommodate their needs.
  Create A Cohesive Style
There is a multitude of decor styles that you can decorate a home in. Whether you live near the beach and adopt a coastal style, or you prefer traditional interior design elements, it is essential that the styles marry with each other. Going from room to room and not having a cohesive flow can hinder a buyers ability to recognize your home’s potential. It is important that all of your furniture pieces compliment each other in style and size. If you are not sure what style your home should be, consider utilizing the services of a professional staging company or interior designer who can help you to devise an aesthetically pleasing decor plan.
    An Empty Space
Sometimes homes are left empty, and all furniture and soft furnishings are taken with the owners. While a lot of people think that a blank canvas is the best way to sell a home, it can actually make it harder. Most people have difficulty visualizing a space. If your floor plan isn’t blatantly set up in a traditional manner, furniture can help to direct buyers attention to the usage of the rooms. A home should include basic essentials such as a living room set, including a sofa and coffee table, plus lighting and light fixtures. It is also helpful to have the master bedroom set up. Remember, you are selling a lifestyle, and your home should convey that.
  Keep It Neutral
Although you don’t want a home that is empty and lacks personality, you also don’t want to bombard potential buyers with loud colors and busy fabrics. When it comes to selling your home, neutrality is the best route. Think clean, bright colors and soft furnishings that open up space and create a warm and inviting atmosphere. It is okay to have pieces of furniture that are unique, or a pop of color, but be mindful that your personal style may not be to everyone else’s taste.
 Styling your home for sale is an art, and requires a certain amount of knowledge about current trends and what buyers are looking for. If you aren’t sure about how to get your home ready to hit the market, consider finding a good interior designer or staging company who can guide you through the process. A professional with knowledge about interior design can help to sell your home quickly and for the best possible price.
The post How Furniture Can Sell Your Home appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/how-furniture-can-sell-your-home/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/how-furniture-can-sell-your-home.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
How to Inspect a Renovation Before Listing It for Sale
A pre-listing inspection is paid for by the current owner or seller of the home, but it’s a necessary step if you’re listing a renovated home for sale. Why would you have your home renovation inspected before you list it on the market? In short, inspecting your home can help catch potential problems early on to have a smoother sales process.
It’s easy to miss a lot of the wear and tear that’s normal in a house that’s been livening in for several years or even decades. These small things add up. Cleaning and fixing up these small repairs and renovations will not only boost the value of your home, but it will also lead to better results when selling. However, don’t trust that your renovations are perfect. It’s always best to get a second, trusted opinion.
 In this guide, we’ll talk about why you should inspect your home before you list it for sale. In addition, we’ll cover the best steps to take to inspect your home or renovation before listing it for sale.
  Why Inspect Your Renovation?
If you’ve been working on improving your home for a while, it’s easy to think it’s ready for the housing market. You’ve put in a lot of care to make sure all of your updates and upgrades are perfect, what else could you need to do before listing your house?
 Think of it this way. One of the biggest fears for new sellers is that once the buyer does their own inspection of the home, something will be discovered about the condition of the house that will potentially ruin the sale. This is something that does happen, and it’s especially common for renovated homes which are likely to have some things overlooked.
 As the seller, you don’t have to wait around for the buyer to conduct their own inspection. You can do your own inspection with a professional to determine just what condition your home is in. This way, there will be no surprises when it’s time for your buyer to do their own inspection.
 Doing your own home inspection before you list your home has a lot of benefits:
 You know what to expect. Because you know exactly what condition your home is in, you can be upfront with buyers and avoid surprises.
It’s less stressful. There are no “what ifs” about the condition of your home. You don’t have to worry that something will go wrong with your sale as far as the condition of your home is concerned.
Pricing is simpler. It’s easier to price your home accurately now that you know the exact condition.
You have time to make repairs. More importantly, you now have time to make repairs and boost the value and condition of your home before it hits the market.
 Now that you know why a home inspection can be a great idea before listing your home, let’s discuss how to proceed with your inspection after a renovation.
 Steps to a Successful Pre-Listing Inspection
If you’ve never sourced an inspection on your own, it can be a confusing process. Your real estate agent will be a helpful resource during this process, and they can likely recommend a respected local home inspector. From there, schedule a time for them to meet you at your property to conduct the inspection.
 Be mindful of any recent renovations. Be upfront with these changes and any other challenges you’ve experienced with the home to your inspector. This is an area they’ll want to spend extra time.
 There are some known repairs that many inspectors recommend before you list your home. Talk to your inspector about whether any of these would be a good idea for your home in particular.
 Fresh paint
Exterior refresh
Kitchen appliances
Bathroom fixtures
A/C and Heating System
 Final Thoughts
Choosing to perform a home inspection before you list your home as for sale is a proactive way to ensure your home sale is successful. There’s a lot of stress that comes into selling your home. You never know what the buyer might discover about your property.
 By doing an inspection on your renovation, you know exactly how your home stacks up against other homes in your market. You’re then in a position to make positive improvements and repairs before your home hits the market.
   The post How to Inspect a Renovation Before Listing It for Sale appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/how-to-inspect-a-renovation-before-listing-it-for-sale/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/how-to-inspect-renovation-before.html
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haileyguidelli · 5 years
Is Hiring An Interior Designer Worth It?
From adding a pool to updating your landscaping, when people decided to add value to their home, many forget about the impact that the interior can have. Interior designers do more than just make spaces beautiful – they also make interior spaces functional and in keeping with their occupant’s lifestyle. But can they add value to your home when you come to sell it, and if they can, how do they do it?
  Get Your Property Ready For Market
Experienced interior designers not only stay abreast with current decor styles, furnishings, finishes, and architectural trends that are of the moment; they also understand the importance of using timeless decor to add value. Most homeowners do not want to buy a house that requires a lot of work and renovations – unless of course, it is a flip. By creating a comfortable space with a neutral color scheme, an interior designer can help to ensure a home appeals to the majority of potential buyers.
  A Cohesive Layout
If you want to increase the value of your home, it is important that you optimize all of its available floor space. Clever interior design can open up small spaces and make them appear larger, while simultaneously brightening dark areas and making them more pleasant. Few people have an elaborate design imagination, and a strange floor plan or wacky color scheme can be difficult for potential buyers to see past. By utilizing the services of an interior designer, homeowners can get advice on everything from furniture placement, floor layout, to finishes.
    Highlight The Selling Points
What is special about your property? Does it have a unique architectural design?  Or is it an older home that requires thoughtful interior design? Whatever interesting aspects your property has, it is important to accentuate them. This could be as simple as using beautiful drapes at the windows to highlight the gorgeous view or using a color scheme that is in keeping with the era of the home. By appealing to the property’s potential buyers, an interior designer can help you to add value to your home.
  Update Key Rooms
Bathrooms and kitchens are two areas that can have the most significant effect on the value of your home. Even relatively simple changes, such as tiling or repainting cabinets can have a huge impact on the overall look of a space. An interior designer can help you to decide whether installing that steam room you’ve always wanted is worth it, or whether a power shower is the modern must-have fitting. Oftentimes a beautiful bathroom or stylish kitchen is enough to sell a home, so it can pay to have an experienced interior designer advising you on what is valuable in a buyer’s eyes.
 Whether you are getting your property ready for market, or improving the functionality of your home and hoping to add value, a knowledgeable and creative interior designer can create a space that you love, and that potential buyers will love too!
The post Is Hiring An Interior Designer Worth It? appeared first on National Cash Offer.
source https://nationalcashoffer.com/is-hiring-an-interior-designer-worth-it/ from https://nationalcashoffer.blogspot.com/2019/04/is-hiring-interior-designer-worth-it.html
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