hai-ru · 2 years
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Drunk Aki 🥺
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hai-ru · 2 years
Rich boy! gojo getting all pouty because some guy hits on you at an event he takes you to and now you have a 6 foot GIANT leaning all his weight over you as he whines about not getting attention
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“satoru, you’re still pouting,” you hum, poking his cheek as he huffs.
“‘m not,” gojo mumbles, bitterly turning his head away from you. you can hear geto’s amused chuckle from the distance, making your boyfriend growl out a shut up, suguru under his breath, and because you’re supportive, you hide your own laugh.
“baby, he’s gone,” you cup his cheeks, grinning as he stubbornly refuses to meet your eyes, “you don’t have to be jealous anymore.”
“jealous?” he pulls away from you like you’ve insulted him—like the idea is simply too crazy to hear out loud, “me? jealous? what gives you that idea?”
“toru,” you snort, “you couldn’t be anymore obvious.”
“neither could you,” he accuses, narrowing his eyes at you, “you were trying to make me mad.”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say with faux innocence, making his arms cross.
and now his lips are even further jutted in a pout, though you know saying something will only make him more upset, so you choose to keep your mouth shut for now. but gojo can still sense your amusement, glaring at you before turning his head away with a petulant hmph.
“flirting with other men is considered cheating, you know.”
“i wasn’t flirting,” you giggle, “i was just making friends. like you told me to.”
“making friends doesn’t include zenin naoya,” gojo glares at you, prompting out a supportive yeah, he sucks from geto. gojo nods, pointing a thumb at geto in agreement, making you roll your eyes.
“you never told me you hated him,” you defend, “but i wasn’t trying to make you mad,” you add softly, cupping his cheeks again.
“yeah you were,” he mumbles bitterly. his cheeks are squeezed together by your palms, and his voice is slightly whiny—and suddenly, you think you fall in love all over again.
“i’m sorry, toru,” you smile gently, “i just thought you looked cute all pouty. i didn’t wanna make you mad.”
“i wasn’t pouting,” he grumbles, “i don’t pout. i’m a man.”
“you cry during movies,” geto points out—and you’re glad there’s no wine in your vicinity, otherwise you think gojo might splash it on his best friend’s crisp, white button down. and you don’t think his father would take kindly to the scene—which would only further complicate things.
“i’m a man with a heart,” gojo scowls, “that’s why i’m not single.”
“okay,” you break up the bickering, distracting gojo with a kiss to his cheek—he grins at the gesture, giving you one in return even though he’s still slightly upset with you (though he won’t admit it.)
satoru gojo is not a jealous man.
that’s what he’ll tell you, at least—but you know better. you can see it in the way his lips alternate back and forth from a tiny pout to an irritated scowl, in the way his eyebrows furrow with irritation, in the way he huffs and tries to act like he doesn’t care when suguru elbows him in amusement.
and it’s not as though you enjoy attention from…whoever it was you were talking to (apparently zenin naoya according to gojo), but there’s just a small part of you that’s lightly amused. gojo is like a magnet—the girls flock to him left and right like a slice of bread left out for the crows to fight for. you’re used to it by now, have learned to ignore the slight creep of doubt and simply ignore the jealous glares sent your way as you take his hand.
but that doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy the change of pace every once in a while—the rare turn of tables that have him irritated instead of you.
naoya is a little too entitled for your taste. there’s too much expensive cologne sprayed on and you’re sure if he could without seeming tacky, he’d have left the tag on his suit to show its brand new. that’s the case with all rich people, you think, too busy watering the roots to pull for the weeds.
you don’t particularly enjoy talking to him—but you amuse yourself all the same. he’s far too cocky when he asks are you an intern for the gojo’s? i haven’t seen you before—
and before you can answer, you hear a familiar voice spit: actually, they’re my date. you don’t even hear gojo come up behind you, and you know as soon as his arm wraps around your waist, your stuck to his side for the rest of the night whether you like it or not.
“don’t talk to naoya he sucks,” gojo mutters. you nod, agreeing with him to console the bitterly wounded pride he seems to be sporting.
“he’s the worst,” you agree, “and his cologne smells gross.”
“i have that cologne,” he gasps, “it’s my favorite. you hate it?”
“no,” you say quickly, “it smells nice on you. everything smells nice on you.” geto snorts, and you shoot him a warning glance before he can make the situation worse.
gojo doesn’t look convinced—eyes narrowed and lips curled in that soft pout of his when he doesn’t get his way. it’s a bit spoiled, just a little bratty in its own right, but makes you melt all the same, pinching his cheek gently as you chuckle.
“if i were you,” geto turns to you, “i’d talk to naoya more. it might humble satoru just a little—”
“if i were you, i’d shut up before getting punched—”
“you wouldn’t land a punch on me if you tried—”
“you don’t know that—”
“actually i do because you can’t fight for shit—”
“i’m an excellent fighter—”
“alright,” you hiss, glancing at the few heads that have turned to watch the bickering between gojo and geto, making you glare at them in slight embarrassment.
“baby,” gojo whines, “tell him i can fight.”
and because his ego has been wounded one too many times tonight, you let him slump onto you, ignoring the heavy weight as you sigh and wrap your arms around him. you’re sure quite a few people are staring by now—but you suppose people always stare when you date someone like gojo.
“you could totally fight naoya,” you agree. you think you’ve finally said something right—because he seems to brighten at your words.
“i could, couldn’t i?”
“yes,” you nod, “and you smell better. and you have better hair.”
“and i’m cuter.”
“of course,” you sigh, eyeing geto for help. but he grins, sends you a small wave with mischief in his expression as he wanders off—leaving you all alone to nurse gojo’s ego back to full health.
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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hai-ru · 2 years
infinity is made by two (a dyad) — g. satoru
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— series masterlist (ao3)
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Most beloved, poets say.
When gods cursed Gojo Satoru, he would laugh in their faces. When gods blessed Gojo Satoru with divinity and honor, he would say: I, alone, am the honored one. When Gojo Satoru fell in love there was little else he could do but kiss you.
Divinity ran in his blood like how the many rivers and streams ran through Gaia; He was destined for greatness, the honor of the divine, but he grounded himself in the mortal realm with the promise of loving you. Perhaps it’s because it’s a well known fact that Gojo Satoru can ascend to Godhood anytime that makes his words so easy to fall in love with.
Gojo Satoru didn’t fall in love with you; He was destined for it.
(Or: You are the Patroclus to Gojo Satoru’s Achilles. )
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pairing: gojo satoru x gn! reader
tags: ancient greece au, hurt/comfort, angst, mild violence, sappiness, romance,
warnings: slight plasma vessel spoilers and beyond (just a hint, no actual descriptions)
status: coming soon.
a/n: comment or request to be added to the taglist. there will only be two parts! it will be split in reader pov and gojo’s pov. this will also be crossposted on ao3 when it’s finished.
(other tags will be added)
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01 | to love, to have been loved, to have loved (reader pov)
02 | greece’s best beloved mortal god (gojo pov)
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taglist: none
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hai-ru · 2 years
Artem loves cooking dinner for you. It’s the one meal that, most nights without fail, you can share together.
Artem leaves too early most mornings, of course when time allows breakfast is something he also loves making for you. But, of course, it’s not always in the the cards.
Dinner, however, is usually in the cards.
The best sight to see is your lover with his back to you, eyes focused on the pan at the stovetop. He’s so focused, in fact, he doesn’t hear the squeak of the kitchen door opening. He just feels your arms around his torso, hands intertwining together at the front of his apron. Your head resting in the space between his neck and shoulder.
Now that felt like home. He could never, ever replace that feeling. And what matters more, he would never want to.
He moves his gaze from the stove for just a few seconds. A mere few seconds. It was enough time to tilt his head and kiss the side of your head.
Artem’s free hand, the one not occupied by the spoon, comes to hold both of your hands. His hand is larger and much warmer than yours. You can’t see it, but he’s smiling, smiling so wide.
This was…his favorite time with you.
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hai-ru · 2 years
Hey, hello & hi! I'm back to make hc request again haha. How do u think would Artem, Vyn and Marius(or just vyn and Artem, doesnt matter) react if their s/o who loves to Draw drew them? Have a good day and thank you!
Thank you for another fun request, JuJu! I am really sorry it took me this long to fullfill it, but I hope you like it nontheless!
This piece had been sitting in my computer half complete for much longer than I would have liked, but it is finally finished! Thank you so much for all the likes and reblogs on my previous works.
Being your muse In these little ficlets, the ToT boys mentioned and you, the reader, are already dating. Enjoy the fluff! Order: Marius – Artem - Vyn 
Marius: When the artist became the muse.  
You met at an art exhibit, so Marius knew you were some kind of artist, like him. 
You put ''art time'' in your routine every so often, just to satisfy those creative urges. 
Marius was the painter and you were the drawer. It made a perfect combo, where Marius created the most stunning paintings from your excellent sketches.  
Both your houses hung full of those paintings. 
There was one thing you wanted to draw more than anything; him. But as an artist himself, you were afraid your sketch would never do him justice, until now. 
You were both in his office, him going over some paperwork and you lazily scrolling on your phone, waiting for him to finish work so you could go to dinner. When you glanced at him, the late afternoon sun glowed around him, softening his features. The artist in you almost jumped out of your chest, a picture perfect.  
Today was as good a day as ever to reveal your need to draw him. You knew Marius kept supplies in his office for the both of you, making art as a calming past time between you. 
Not wanting to disturb him, you tiptoed to the cabinet, carefully opening it. But as perceptive as always, Marius noticed you eyeing the supplies instantly. ''What are you doing, Miss?'' 
His question didn’t stop you from grabbing some lightweight paper and pencils, reclaiming your place at the table before answering. ''Starting my art time.'' You smiled, and you could see his face falter. ''Ah miss, why don't you wait for me to finish this? '' A pout formed on his beautiful face.  
''I don't want to wait. Just continue your work, you will see mine later.'' You showed a mischievous smile. He could only mumble a not fair, before his phone rang, beckoning him back to work. 
After a long silence, both of you focused on your own work, Marius noticed your gaze flickering back and forth between him and your paper. When he was done signing some documents, he patted over to you slowly, not wanting to disturb you. ''Babe, can I see?'' His curiosity made him giddy, almost jumping in his step. 
''Almost.'' You finished a line and looked at your work, judging if it was good enough to show. Before you could decide, Marius was already standing behind you, looking over your shoulder. When you heard a gasp escape his lips, you froze. You were afraid of this; that he wouldn't like it. But you turned around anyway, ready to explain your thoughts.  
Marius looked at you with an unfamiliar spark in his eyes, a big smile adorning his lips. A second of silence later, Marius dared to speak. ''You... you drew... me?'' He stumbled over his words, but admiration flowed from them. Your own smile grew bigger, realising he actually liked the drawing. You held up your sketchbook for him to see what you drew clearly. 
''Yes. You, being at work with that afternoon sun behind you, it was so pretty.'' You explained. Before you could say anything else, Marius wrapped his arms around you for a tight hug. It might have been because he did not want to show his real emotions, but you didn’t mind; it was confirmation enough for you that he loved it. 
Artem: A priceless piece of art made his house feel like home. 
Artem never understood art, or the world around it.  
He tried to do his research, like always, but not having the feeling for it made it that much more difficult. 
He learned a lot from you, and he was glad he could understand your thrills and creative moments. 
In time, he started to notice at which moments you were feeling more artsy than others, and he would encourage you to take time to explore those moments. 
The first few times you were at Artem's place for dinner, you would scroll on your phone, sitting at the kitchen table while he cooked the most amazing meals. When you two started getting closer, he noticed your drawing talents, finding books full of sketches around your house. From that moment on you felt comfortable enough to put time in your talent while he used his in the kitchen. 
This evening was no different. The sketchpad Artem bought you last week was laying in front of you, the page blank; there was no inspiration at the moment. When your boyfriend retreated from his home office to start meal preparations, wrapping the adorable apron around his torso, a flash of creativity coursed through you. 
Every so often Artem would look at you over his shoulder, a smile adorning his lips seeing you focused on your art. The whole scene you were in felt very homey, making him blush.  
The colour on his cheeks made your drawing even better; capturing him in his element with crimson adorning his face was wat you were going for. When you added the blush to your sketch, you felt it was done, looking at your model a few times to make sure. 
Artem finished making dinner, turning around from the stove with a pan, ready to put it on the kitchen table. The moment he turned around; he saw a content smile on your face. He put the pan down quickly, and aimed his eyes on you with curiosity. ''I can see you made something you are proud of. Can I look?'' 
Even though you were nervous you might have to show him at first, his gentle voice made it easier. He was genuinely curious, which made your heart jump a bit. You regained yourself and smelled the aromas of his food preparations. ''After your amazing dinner, deal?'' You smiled at him while closing the pad. He nodded. ''Deal.'' 
Once dinner was finished you started to get nervous again. You knew Artem would never judge you on your art, but him being the object of your latest work, you didn't know what that would do to him; he never liked being in the spotlight. To stall your moment of reveal, you started cleaning the table and filling the dishwasher. 
Fortunately for you, your boyfriend knew better than to push you in showing your work, but he needed to let you know it was okay. ''You don't have to show it, you know. I am just glad you found your vibe again.'' He smiled at you.  
He guided you to the couch, gently cradling you in his arms. He turned on the tv and you were both ready to watch some unknown movie while enjoying each other's close company. Half way through the movie not only your nerves but your curiosity spiked; you actually wanted to know what Artem thought of your drawing.  
Not wasting any time, you jumped off the couch and grabbed your pad. When Artem saw what you were going for, he paused the movie; a smile splayed on his lips.  
You returned at his side rather quickly. ''I hope you like it.'' You opened the pad to the correct page and gave it to him. The moment Artem's eyes focused on the paper, his heart grew. It was him in that silly apron, standing by the stove while looking over his shoulder at you. The blush adorning his cheeks made the sketch even more realistic and beautiful.  
The fact you drew him with such care and detail, made him fall for you even more. He put the pad on the coffee table, words lost on him. After a few seconds of silence, in which you started chewing your bottom lip in anxiety, Artem turned to you.  You had no time to react, for he pulled you in his arms tightly.  
''Thank you, I love it.'' He whispered. You found yourself melting in to his embrace, your nerves all but forgotten.  
Vyn: His beauty mark never looked so natural. 
Vyn admired certain types of art, especially sculptures.  
He didn't dedicate much time to visit exhibits, but when you came around, he was more than happy to accompany you. 
Whenever Vyn noticed you were in an artsy mood, he would put on classical music.  
He realised very early on in your relationship that the music made you relax, while putting your time and effort in your artwork.  
Sunday afternoons were reserved for leisure. Sitting in the garden sipping tea, or lounging in the living room with a book. It was time for both of you to destress, enjoy time together and energize for the coming week. 
This Sunday Vyn invited you into the garden, a floral tea set ready next to his garden materials. Vyn felt you were in your art mood again, so he made preparations for you to occupy the lounge set while he gave some much needed attention to his flowers.  
 ''My love, I apologise, it seems my flowers need urgent tending. Please forgive me.'' He lowered his head when both of you entered his garden. 
''Don't worry Vyn, I like spending time together, even if it's doing different things.'' Your warm smile made his heart skip a beat. Your ability to see the beauty in his missteps made him let go of his worries once again.  
''Thank you, love. Then please indulge me.'' He motioned to the new sketchbook and pencils, placed neatly on the table. Surprise written on your face, you let out a small gasp. Before you could mutter random words, Vyn speaks. ''I noticed you ran out of paper yesterday, while you were in your art vibe, as you like to call it.'' He took a deep breath before continuing. ''It pained me to see you weren't able to continue, and thus I made it my mission to give you more art time, with the proper tools. ''  
Your voice was barely a whisper, your heart tugged at the utter sweet gesture. ''Thank you, Vyn.'' The only thing you could think of was getting a closer look at your new supplies. After giving Vyn a chaste kiss on his cheek, you bounced up to the table and took a seat behind it. Your eyes were gleaming the moment you ran your fingertips over the book's cover. 
Recovering from your burst of intimacy, Vyn approached you. ''This must mean you like it?'' He asked. Vyn knew you did, but he was always hesitant when it came to your art and your dedication to it. He never wanted to push you, or buy the wrong supplies, you were more than sufficient in that yourself. ''I love it.'' You reply.  
''Then let me leave you to it. '' He smiled, his golden eyes smouldering in the afternoon sun. He returned your kiss with one of his own on your forehead and turned on the remote music box. Notes of Beethoven filled the garden, cascading both of you in the relaxed atmosphere you always find yourself in with this kind of music. 
While Vyn prepared himself with his gloves and other materials, you cautiously opened the sketchbook, deciding on which pencil to use. The truth was, your ‘artsy vibe’ was long gone after last night's running out of paper. You didn't have the heart to tell Vyn, even though you had a feeling he knew already. That man could see right through you, and you expected nothing less from the greatest psychiatrist of Stellis. 
Looking at your boyfriend on his knees next to the blooming rosebushes, your vibe started to return to you. Before this day you never wanted to draw him, your sketch wouldn't be as beautiful as the man himself. But seeing him humbly tending to his precious flowers, your pencil holding hand started gliding over the paper without a second thought. 
The afternoon went by quietly, until the last rays of the sun dimmed and the only light came from the moon. A cold breeze shook you out of your trance, and you decided it was time to go inside and prepare dinner. You notified Vyn, and he agreed.  
''May I see it now?'' Curiosity got the best of him. ''After you wash up.'' you scolded him, and gently pushed him towards the kitchen sink. By the time he cleaned his hands and arms, you placed the book on the table, ready for him to see. When he turned around and gazed at the paper, a version of himself greeted him warmly. 
''It's...'' Vyn rarely found himself lost for words, but the sketch was beyond beautiful. He noted the beauty mark on his collar did not get lost in your observation. The way you portrayed him felt pure and natural; it made him smile tenderly. 
Regaining his composure, he walked over to your side of the table. His arms wrapped around your waist for a tight embrace. ''It is very beautiful. Thank you, my love.''  
I hope you all like it! on to the next ask.
See you in the next drabble!
Love, Hann ❤
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hai-ru · 2 years
finally read marius' anniversary ssr and I'm rolling around in bed giggling from start to finish but let me talk about how funny it is how INVOLVED the von hagen household is in marius' love life—
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it's so adorable ! really gave insight on the dynamics of marius' immediate surroundings and why he sees them as "normal" — this is his normal. him being razzed.
and don't get me started on the marius kiss holy shit i won't shut up about it the words "domineering" and "fervent" were used and that they kissed for "God knows how long" HHHHHHHHHH
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hai-ru · 2 years
now that marius had confessed and the two of you are now together, you get to see an entirely new side of marius.
a marius that's more clingy, more needy, more forward — believe it or not. he's a lot more lighter, more youthful; more keen on giving you winks and smirks and teasing remarks like it's his job (the tone of his "onee-san" is lower now, more playful than ever). a lot of it is new and tentative; much like a kid testing what he can and can't do, marius explores the dynamics of your new relationship with excitement and joy.
what he's quick to find out, however, is that he really really likes kissing you.
marius' lips are hot and insistent against yours as he pushes against you, cradling your face with his hands and framing your body between the door and his. you let slip a little whimper when his teeth bite down on your lower lip and you think you hear him groan lowly in reply — but his hands that snake to the back of your neck and your waist are incredibly distracting.
—is exactly what he's doing!
you pull away with a gasp. "marius!" you try to sound as stern as you can, breathless as you are. "I have to go—"
he whines. "one more kiss, onee-san, just one more—"
you push him back with a hand on his chest. he's already looking at you with his puppy eyes, his lower lip already in a pout. "that kiss was already your last kiss, mister von hagen. you've asked for multiple last kisses from the time I've said I had to go!"
it's a surprise that he can pout harder. "then why can't I have this one?"
"because it's already the last-est last kiss—"
"I won't be able to see you for half a day, onee-san! I won't survive with zero kisses, I'll die—"
you laugh. "no, you won't!"
he places a hand on his chest. "I will! you occupy every thought I have and you think I would survive with no affection from my girlfriend for half a day—"
"okay, okay!" there's a grin on your face as you step back into his arms. "last one for real this time! I'm going to be late for work. mr wing and i have cases to go through."
marius' eyes twinkle as he places his hands on your waist. "ah, ditching me for artem. I'm meeting with crusty old men for my day and you—"
you peck him on the lips to shut him up, and immediately he tries to follow you when you pull away. "shut up."
"make me?"
you laugh and untangle yourself from him and head for the door. "goodbye, mr von hagen. I'll see you for dinner later."
marius follows to grab your hand. he squeezes it and brings it to his lips, looking up at you with a soft smile. "see you later."
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hai-ru · 2 years
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Lee Jae Wook as Jang Uk ALCHEMY OF SOULS 환혼 (2022) dir. Park Joon Hwa
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hai-ru · 2 years
Heloo! I loved reading you "sharing a bed" trop it was amazing 😭 would you mind if i request one with the tot men? 🥺
Your work stays awesome as always 😭😭
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hearts sealed by starlight
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✦ artem wing. luke pearce. marius von hagen. vyn richter. x gn!reader
✦ tags: sharing a bed (completely SFW, although slightly suggestive jokes are made in marius' part) + various tropes. slight spoilers for luke's part if you've never played through his personal story.
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artem wing *. ⋆ fake dating relationship
"ARTEM?" your tentative voice comes out as a whisper of sound.
artem hums in response. it was beginning to feel like, somehow, the silence had gotten louder now that you were both settled in for the night — with you occupying the bed, and artem laying on his makeshift cot on the floor.
your head pops out from above, and you look straight into his eyes with what seemed like surprise.
"you haven't fallen asleep." a statement, not a question.
work had been exhausting, to say the least. on the other hand, he was uncharacteristically wide awake despite the fatigue he'd accumulated throughout the past few days.
artem sighs through a smile. "it appears you haven't as well."
a beat. then, "would you like to come up and talk?"
"anything, really!" your head peeks further out in your sudden burst of excitement, the blanket around your shoulders slipping. "let's just think of this as a sleepover. we can even share the bed!"
his forehead creases, "we never discussed, nor drafted a written testimony, should an event like ... bed-sharing occur during our agreed time together within the scope of our contract."
"artem, it's fine. it's not like i would file a lawsuit against you." you shook your head, laughing. "i probably wouldn't win anyway. so, come up."
he frowns. if he was being truly honest, the contract and terms were there more for his sake, since artem doesn't really know if he could control himself around you without them in place.
but then you're already scooting over, and he finds himself swiftly slipping in beside you.
the sheets rustled as adjustments were made, and you both soon realized with slight, sinking, horror that the bed was much smaller than you anticipated — evident in the way your skin inevitably brushed against his with every movement.
you clear your throat, offering him a sheepish smile. "i think people will definitely believe our story now ... but you still seem worried."
"although i do trust the judgment of celestine and my peers, i sometimes wonder if i'd gone too far in trying to protect my reputation," he admits quietly. "i'm likewise ashamed for involving you like this."
aside from the strain that came regularly with his responsibilities, artem found himself under extreme pressure and criticism from his environment.
somehow, being single while he neared his thirties labeled him as "unreliable and untrustworthy", and the firm subsequently saw a decline in clients.
this unfortunate reality is what brought him to you. by agreeing to become his pretend (keyword being, pretend. other synonyms included: fake, not real, an act) romantic partner, artem would be able to secure his image.
"hey. we do what we need to survive." you slid a hand across the bed and threaded your fingers with his. "and also, i've never been this happy before. so, i want you to stop burdening yourself with guilt."
he swallows, trying to ignore the warmth that spread from your touch and your voice — so soft and incredibly kind.
artem throws an arm over your stomach, keeping you as close as possible. skinship and other forms of physical contact were deliberated upon prior to this entire scheme, although nothing in your agreement explicitly stated that these had to be made only within public view.
artem only hopes you don't report him for taking advantage of this loophole. "you might fall off," he reasons out.
fitting yourself against the length of his body, your answering smile is warm, sweet, and playful. "swear to fall with me?"
"i swear," he vows, and nothing more is exchanged between you that night. when the moon rises high enough to peek through the clouds, you've already fallen fast asleep in his arms.
and artem stays awake throughout, wondering if he should someday reveal the truth of his worries.
what he expressed earlier wasn't a complete lie, but truthfully, he's becoming less concerned with preserving his name the longer he spends in your presence and focusing more on figuring out how to keep you as his.
because artem no longer cared if this was all fake, as long as he could stay by your side.
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luke pearce *. ⋆ reluctant allies to lovers
"you never said anything about us sharing a room," LUKE snaps brusquely, trapping the phone between his ear and his shoulder. "i only agreed to this because you insisted that we could find a potential cure around here."
"just think of it as a vacation! you don't need any added stress, so don't worry about it and have fun. but not too much fun, if you catch my meaning. also, try to keep your hands to your —"
luke promptly ends the phone call as he steps back into the bedroom. two lamps had been left burning by the bedside tables, casting the space in a soft, warm glow.
you were already tucked into bed, cream-colored sheets dipping with the shape of your figure. you look up when he enters, setting the tablet in your hands aside. "was that doctor aaron?"
luke nods, dropping to the armchair. he rubs his forehead, trying to center himself. he's aware that he was being irrational, a far cry from his usual self.
the tension hanging precariously between you both wasn't the most ideal as well — another issue he admitted to being the cause for acting so cold and standoffish.
you purse your lips. "is something wrong? did he have any new leads?"
"no, no. he was just ..." playing matchmaker where his services were clearly unwanted, his mind provided. he coughs into his fist. "checking in."
an awkward silence ensues, one you break by nodding to where he was sitting. "okay ... are you sure you're comfortable sleeping there?"
"i've slept in a lot worse places. this is fine."
a sigh leaves your lips. "you don't have to. we can share, alright?" you propose, more forcefully this time. "i'd rather not have dr. aaron find out and scold me for not taking care of my patient."
ah, right. it wasn't unusual to find yourselves paired up frequently and you've played plenty of roles together in the past — albeit begrudgingly on luke's part.
and when you accidentally learn about his illness, you agreed to become his nurse/investigative partner as per the meddlesome doctor's request.
why? luke has absolutely no clue.
it takes all of his self-restraint to not glare at the bed, which would be the bane of his existence for the next ten hours.
"fine," he concedes. he lifts one side of the sheets, revealing your bare legs underneath. there wasn't anything remotely scandalous about your nightwear, but he squeezes the phone in his hands, terrifyingly similar to how a scandalized victorian woman would clutch her pearls.
he placed the gadget down with much more force than intended, and hopped into bed as quickly as humanely possible.
a cool palm — yours, he realizes — presses itself unannounced on his forehead, brushing away his bangs. he sits up jerkily, confident he was redder than a tomato.
"luke, you look like you're burning up. have you taken your medicine? how about some water?" you soothe gently, raising your hands to show you meant no harm. "or would you like me to leave? i can find somewhere else to stay the night, no problem."
and this is exactly why he dislikes working with you.
he doesn't even know you that well — has been trying not to learn more, has been doing his utmost to keep his distance — and yet, you relentlessly look out for him without making him feel as if he was glass.
and all luke wants to do is surrender.
he blew out another frustrated breath, stubbornly denying how you made him feel. it wouldn't be right. it wouldn't be fair. he shouldn't aspire for the bond between you to develop into something more.
not when he'd be leaving you too.
and so, he remains resolute in his decision to push you away — like all the other times in the past.
before you got too close. before his heart fell any further.
"it's nothing," he rasps, swinging a leg over the bed. "you should get some rest."
"do you ... want me to hold you?"
luke's entire brain halts, as does his attempt to escape. "wha — what?!" he sputters, heat climbing up even further on his cheeks.
"i heard it helps," you shrug. a yawn eclipses the next words that leave you. "doctor aaron said so."
he almost groans. luke should decline. conjure some sort of excuse or half-ass lie. drive the wedge between you even deeper than it already is — once and for all.
yet, when he clears the thickness lodged in his throat, something else comes out of his mouth entirely.
you nod, motioning for him to come closer. "yeah."
he blinks. just this once, he convinces himself.
"okay." his nerves settle when he shuffles hesitantly into your waiting arms. his arms wrap around your torso as you settle back down on the mattress, burrowing deeper with his weight above you.
your hand starts carding through his hair, the sensation so relaxing that his eyes begin to droop shut. without thinking, he breathes you in, calming his heart in the process.
after a long while — when more stars eventually come out of their slumber and take their place in the night sky — you whisper, "are you feeling much better?"
he does. but that didn't mean he wanted to let you go.
"could we stay like this a bit longer?" he mumbles, lips grazing your collar bone.
you don't deny him. "sure, luke. as long as you want."
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marius von hagen *. ⋆ arranged marriage
"you can take the left side," MARIUS offers, quietly going around the hotel room and flicking off the lamps.
you embrace the soft pillow in your hands a little tighter, trying to ease the nervousness quivering in your stomach. you find refuge in the queen-sized bed — which was ironic, considering that the bed was the last place you should be in given your present circumstances.
"is this another one of your cheesy pick-up lines?" you joke, attempting to lighten the subtly-charged air by adding, "because you're always right?"
the corner of his lips twitch the slightest before he shakes his head in amusement. "i am. but also because you always sleep on the left."
the sky had already deepened to a purple haze that reminded you of marius's gaze as you regard one another silently for a drawn-out beat.
your eyebrows draw up when his observation slowly sinks in, and you likewise couldn't help the suspicion that laces your tone. "i do? how do you know that?"
"you're my spouse." he shrugs easily. the bed shifts as he settles in next to you; the rustling of covers accompanying his movements. "these are things i should know."
you ignore the way your pulse trips over itself. instead, you flipped on your side to face him, gesturing vaguely between the two of you. "but we've never even ..."
marius raises an eyebrow, and the smirk that followed after spelled purely of mischief.
"what? slept together?"
at your appalled expression, marius tips his head back and bursts into laughter, his hair a splash of color on the satin sheets. you're certain the warmth surging up your neck could rival even the hottest of stars.
"why would you phrase it in that manner," you grumble, sitting up and smacking him playfully with a pillow.
it was true. you've been married for a couple of months now, but still slept in separate bedrooms. he'd generously offered you a space of your own at his own house, and you'd always managed to get adjoining rooms during business trips.
this time, however, your parents were adamant about finally sending you off on a honeymoon they planned and prepared for — much like your marriage, and everything else that concerned your relationship — when you both initially refused and made excuses to take one shortly after the wedding.
his arm shoots out to grab hold of the pillow, bringing it down to catch a clearer view of your face. he stares at you for a few seconds, his expression softening, but his smile never slips.
"i check on you every night whenever i arrive home from work."
"and despite how spacious the bed is, i somehow always find you taking up the left side," marius continues, completely unaware of how your heart just shot itself up your throat.
"it's not really meant for one," you answer breathlessly, awkwardly huffing out a laugh. your hands fiddle with the edge of the pillow, "maybe we should start ... you know."
"sleeping together?" he unhelpfully — and too cheerfully — supplies.
your entire face bursts into flames again, but you refuse to let it show. "yes. you're my husband." you stick your chin up, feigning nonchalance. "it's only natural for married couples to share a bed. it'll also allow us to become more comfortable with one another in the future."
he'd be yours for real, if only you knew, and if only you asked.
carefully, he brushes your cheek with his knuckles, the ring on his finger glinting in the dark. "if it's alright with you."
"it is." you lean into his touch. certain you won't be running away from him anytime soon, he opens his arms out to you.
you duck your head to conceal your smile, laying your cheek against the center of his chest.
"but only sleep. no funny business, mr. von hagen."
marius wonders if you could hear the beating of his heart sounding out your name.
"i would never. sweet dreams, mx. von hagen."
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vyn richter *. ⋆ childhood best friends to lovers
a hesitant knock resounds on VYN's bedroom door. he glances at the grandfather clock, takes note of the time, and smiles inwardly.
it seemed like you'd never changed. 
"come in," he calls out.
the door creaks open, and your head peeks in first, your shoulders and the rest of your body obscured behind the polished wood.
"good evening. was the bedroom not to your tastes?" he asks, something that sounded very similar to amusement lacing his voice.
embarrassment flickers across your face before your eyes narrow in defense. "no, you know exactly why i'm here. can i please stay?"
"you're very welcome to. come in," he repeats, already fixing the sheets and fluffing the pillows to your desired liking.
you finally step in, closing the door behind you and heading straight for his bed. he stifles a laugh when you flop down — ruining his handiwork — and pat the space next to you.
he complies, although he settles in much more gracefully. "i presume you were experiencing some difficulties falling asleep?"
"it's nothing new." you nod, throwing the duvet covers across both of you. it flutters down similar to a butterfly's ceasing wings, cocooning you together.
"you're aware that i am a licensed psychiatrist, right?"
"how could i ever forget your two doctorate degrees?" you snort, rolling your eyes playfully. "you only mention them like — all the time."
he chuckles, lightly pinching your nose. "do not play smart with me," he tuts fondly, evading your attempts to swat his hand away.
you tackle him into an embrace instead, which he reciprocates. when you've both quieted from your fit of laughter, his hand moves to rub circles on your shoulder blade.
"still, you know that i can help you with this." he urges, more earnestly now.
you shook your head. truth be told, your response is one he's already predicted, but it wouldn't hurt to try and convince you once more. convince you like he's done for several years already.
"you're my best friend. i don't want you to take a look inside my brain. that's just weird and scary," you'd whispered to him on an evening similar to this. only this time, the features he's long memorized on your face were a whole lot younger. 
"why not?" vyn prods. "it wouldn't change anything."
"you can't promise that. not when there might be something truly wrong with me. or even worse, you'll bear witness to pieces of me that might lead you to regret ever becoming my friend." 
'impossible. i adore you too deeply, and cherish our memories together too fondly, to ever consider any part of you unsightly,' he'd wanted to argue back then. 
he only refrained from doing so and bit his tongue because that would mean upsetting the delicate thread in which your relationship hung.
it would mean crossing the line of platonic and leaving the safe barriers of "in-betweens". and vyn was not about to hastily gamble it all away with a poorly thought-out confession.
neither of you needed to say it aloud, but losing one another was yours, and his, greatest fear. 
"nah, s'okay. i fall asleep just fine whenever i'm with you." you yawn, bringing him out of his fleeting flashback while you snuggle deeper into his side — far too close to be "just best friends".
"really now?" he murmurs, masking the satisfaction that fills his heart and threatens to bleed into his tone. he presses you closer to his chest, his other hand wrapping around your waist, intent to hold you like he's done so, so many times before.
you hum, looking up at him one last time with a dazed smile on your face. "yeah. your bed is always much more comfortable than mine. maybe i should find one similar to yours."
or you can stay here, in my arms, forever, vyn thinks. he doesn't mind waking up with dead, aching, limbs for the rest of his life as long as your face was the first thing he woke up to each morning.
"sleep now," he tucks your head underneath his chin. "or else you'll keep me up all night with your rambling." 
"you adore my rambling," you add petulantly.
even though you never said the words to each other, both of you knew.
"i do. now, rest. wake me if you must," vyn says over your head. 
i love you. 
"mhm. good night, vyn."
i love you too.
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✦ byeol’s notes: just to be clear, these were submitted waaay before i closed my requests. i worked on this quite late since i wanted to prioritize my event first, so i apologize for the exremely long wait!
✦ reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated! thank you and ily ♡
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hai-ru · 2 years
𖣠 how they moan feat. marius : vyn : luke : artem x fem! reader
𖣠 warnings: nsfw
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low bear splitting groans with marius because the feeling deep inside your cunt was just way too much for him to bear. He‘s so lost, the way marius is feeling you clench around him was resulting in him biting back a moan, pants leaving his lips before he‘s grinding himself deeper into you. 
your legs threatened to give up on you yet marius was quick to pick up on that, placing his hands on your knees to push them against your chest in order for him to reach deeper n faster into your tight hole. His girth was stretching you open without much to try, the vein— which was decorating his shaft sensully, grazed over your delicate walls while brushing against that little sweet spot of yours over and over again. "I‘m so close." the way he was groaning against your ears now was like the finest music to you, looping your arms around his neck to pull marius closer into your embrace, showing him how good he made you feel right now. 
dark heavy breathing with vyn against the shell of your ear, lowly humming to himself while hovering over you like a lost man. He‘s so close, practically tasting his climax approach him any moment now, picking up on pace which had you roll your eyes back in delight. "You‘re beautiful." his voice turning almost shy once saying that sentence out loud.
you really tried to say something back, anything, yet all you were able to answer were incoherent babbles of soft praises which had the man above you smile lovingly at your flustered state. You‘re panting when you felt vyn retract his hips a bit in order to reach deeper. His cock hard and heavy inside of you, coated with both his cum and your slick, looking all too sinful yet you couldn‘t stop staring at it, it was so lewd yet hot in your eyes. There was something so comforting about having vyn on top of you like that, his warmth radiating through you as you became entirely consumed in him. Vyn was utterly in love with the whole moment, not to mention the way you were squeezing him right now, groaning yet again sweetly against the shell of your ear, goosebumps rising up your skin in the process.
whiny whimpers with luke because he‘s so fucking sensitive in the way you were engulfing him so fucking nicely right now. He‘s gentle with you, trying his best to taste everything you gave him while tracing his slender fingers around the natural curves of your figure. 
luke is caging you in with his brought arms, sweat glistering on both of your bodies and connecting you further while he pushed himself in and out sensually. You‘re whining alongside his husky breathing, encircling your arms around his neck for additional support and most importantly, in order to push him closer towards you. The next you knew you kissed him like a starved woman, more tongue and teeth than anything else as he groaned further into the kiss, only coaxing him on to pick up on pace. "I love you." luke‘s saying that in a low tone, barely a whisper, only dedicated towards you once one of his hands traced down your body until hitting your sweet bundle of nerves, flicking your clit with his fingers in combination with his fastened thrusts, making you throw your head back, climax approaching any second now.
loud and guttural moans with artem against your sweet cunt while he desperately ate you out, not being able to refrain himself from your perfect pussy. He‘s so in love with you! that‘s why he wants to please you in every way imaginable. 
for him it‘s all about showing just how crazy he was for you, his tongue flicking over your slit to collect the juices in his mouth which were already melting together with his spit. He adored the way you tasted against his lips, so sweet with the perfect amount of bitterness, artem was sure he was going to grow addicted to the feeling of your warm cunt against his mouth. He‘s so sloppy with it too, in all honesty he didn‘t have any experience hence why he tried himself out a bit. Artem wasn‘t even sure if he was supposed to be loud yet he couldn‘t stop himself, groaning hard against your pussy whenever you decided to pull on his hair strands, lazily massaging his scalp while he circled his tongue over your glistering folds. His nose was nudging over your bundle of nerves now, grinding down harshly while you rid artem‘s face without daring to stop. He‘s so pussy drunk— he figured, wouldn‘t know how to stop either.
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do not! share, copy or repost my work. ✎ ©ANANTXRU 2022
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hai-ru · 2 years
heyy! i absolutely love all your hcs! they just make me melt or cry or both xD i was wondering if you are taking any requests and you are, could i request a hc of how the nxx boys would react if their s/o receives a really sweet anonymous love letter?? thanks in advance!
tot boys when their s/o gets a love letter
characters: all
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finds solace in the fact that it’s anonymous. if the person who sent it was as sweet as the letter was, he’d have some serious competition.
awkward laughing as he impatiently waits for u to chuck the letter in the trash.
“what are you going to do with it? are you going to keep it?” say yes and he has no idea what to say, a bit of stuttering and silence
kind of gets downcast if you want to keep it, but tbf id get upset too if my s/o wanted to keep a love letter from someone else
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he’s so offended anyone would even dare.
do you have cctv footage? cmon show him...he needs to know...mc please....
pretty much throws it in the trash for you. ofc u could always ask him not to, and he wont, but why would u do that????
“forget about it” <- marius whos already planning your next date together
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the horror on his face, oh my god.
he’s not going to ask you outright to like, put the letter aside (or in the trash), but hes definitely hoping that out of respect for him, you would
gets a bit prissy tbh, ur gonna have to deal with bratty luke. he wont be immature but hes not too calm about it
eventually asks you to like,, throw it away or do something with it at least. he doesnt want that thing in his near vicinity
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smug bastard, tbh
youd think he wrote it, but nope. honestly kind of wants to keep it just to spite the person who wrote it, bc theyll never have u lol
he doesnt know who its from and he doesnt try to find out either, but one way or another he’ll know anyways. he wont do anything about it though
he knows ur hot, not his fault others can see how amazing u are too. like hell yeah his s/o is fucking on fire
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hai-ru · 2 years
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tears of themis boys reacting to you almost dying in the oxygen tank | angst
i recently caught up with the story after not playing for like six years and i've had the absolute biggest brain rot for how they'd all immediately react since we technically didn't get to see it :)
i've also had this song in mind when writing so feel free to give it a listen while you read !
tw/cw: violence (marius), almost death, swearing, just general angst, artem isn't included since we see his reaction in game, this is the route where you choose to sacrifice yourself to save artem
- marius absolutely loses his shit i won't even lie to you, he was begging you to save yourself and he didn't even care about risking jerry's life in order to save yours
- his heart halts when you dash for the lever before him, he's crying and trying to smash the glass in order to reach you
- in that moment he realises what his biggest fear is; losing you
marius sank to the floor, his fists bright red and bleeding from his repeated banging on the glass. you sank to the floor moments after him, you're face draining of all previous light and colour.
"fuck!" he yells, slamming his fists even harder onto the glass. he knew it was shatterproof but he hoped and prayed he was strong enough to break it. but even that was too optimistic even for him.
"please please please, come on don't be stupid please!" he's crying at this point, fresh tears spill down his pale cheeks. blood dripping in slow motion onto the floor, staining his designer shirt.
he's tuned out kendrick's malicious laughter, he's forgotten her existence at this moment in time. all he can do is watch as you fade away from him. he's never feared death as much as he has now.
at first vyn is cool and collected. he's smart than kendrick and he knows it. she was smart to use you as bait, clearly aware of the much you meant to him. he originally thought she was bluffing.
his facade shatters as you pull the lever towards not deciding not to risk losing him. his eyes widen in shock, watching as you wilt in front of him. he's accustomed to wilting, after all he tended to flowers for many years.
but nothing breaks his heart more than watching his beautiful rose decay before his very eyes. unsurprisingly he's not moved to tears, he doesn't scream or sob or shout. he becomes limp placing a hand on the glass as though he's watching a flower rather than a person die.
he's startled when you place your hand next to his, he's angry you're using the last of your strength on him. he sinks to the floor as you do, hoping to provide you with a sense of comfort as you lose your consciousness so you don't have to see what he's about to do.
when damaging a rose. you deal with the thorns.
- out of all the boys luke is definitely the one who is affected the most, after all you were the one who was supposed to live a happy and healthy life not him
- think of the pain we all felt when we saw his medieval card,,, that but part 2
luke didn't realise he was crying until he tasted salt on his lips. you were supposed to listen to him but then again when in your decade of friendship have you ever taken his advice.
you crumbled before him. he was only able to watch in pure horror as you had the life he was trying so hard to protect greedily snatched away. milliseconds passed and he began to breakdown.
tears and screams filled the small oxygen take as he begged god to swap your places.
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hai-ru · 2 years
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✦ ft: the tot boys x gn!reader
✦ a/n: what i think being in love w the boys would be like :(
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✦ ARTEM often shows his love for you in subtle ways, whether it be by sending a sweet "good morning" text, or by praising you for your hard work. it's not that he doesn't like grand gestures — he'd rather save those for private nights in his apartment, hidden from the rest of the world. his favorite way to express how much he cares for you is to bring you homemade snacks and meals for long, draining workdays. and despite the never-ending stress he faces at work, he feels lucky to be able to see you every day. your positivity and gleaming smile bring him a sense of security and tranquility. artem tends to wander by your desk often, asking if you've eaten, if you've taken a break, if you want to have some coffee with him. and every time he leaves for his meetings, he places a water bottle and a single clementine on your desk with a little sticky note — "take care of yourself" scribbled on it. and some days, he prepares a large lunch for the both of you to share, wiping the crumbs off your cheek before placing a quick and soft kiss there. 
✦ MARIUS always tries to put you first. he has everything: money, cars, fame. and sometimes, he takes them for granted, but he’ll never do the same to you. you’re always in the forefront of his mind. so when you ask him if you two can go on a date and see the stunning stellis skyline, he’s quick to respond with an “anything for you, baby.” he lives for moments like these, when your eyes are wide and filled with so much joy and excitement. he forgets about all his worries surrounding the company. and although he’s not one to dote, he always places his jacket on your shoulders. the simple action itself brings him pride — knowing that only he gets to keep you warm and safe. he's a loud lover, there's no doubt about it. he tells you he loves you every day, leaves a trail of kisses along your jaw with obnoxious kissy noises, and buys you extravagant presents, but he treasures the quiet type of love just a bit more.
✦ LUKE won't tell you, but his camera roll is full of candid pictures of you. he snaps pictures of you when you're sleeping, cheeks puffed out and drool making it's way down your chin, when you're busy washing dishes, when you're simply getting into the car with him. he looks back at them often, especially when he's feeling tired from a long and dreary day. and as he's seen every aspect of you, he never fails to compliment you. words of affirmation flood from his lips, complimenting your pretty eyes, that smile he's always waiting for, the sound of your laugh. he never lets you feel anything less than beautiful — his sweet words can be heard when you goes in to kiss you right behind your ear (you've learned that it's his favorite place to kiss because of the way you shiver in response). somehow, his compliments have made their way into his greetings, a low "lookin' cute" spills from his mouth the second he sees you walk into the room.
✦ VYN never goes a day without calling you during work so he can check up on you and ask about your day. he cares so, so much about your wellbeing. the low timbre of his "how've you been, love" makes your heart flutter, and even when he's busy checking up on patients or teaching, he'll shoot you a quick text so you know that you haven't been forgotten — an "i'll talk to you in a bit :)" text popping up on your screen. his favorite part of his day is coming home to you. he tells you about work as he changes into his comfy pajamas, pulling you into a hug as he strokes your hair and places a kiss to your forehead like clockwork. vyn's love is gentle, reassuring, and comfortable. every night is spent in the security of his arms. he falls asleep to the sound of your voice and a kiss to his soft lips.
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reblogs are appreciated!
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hai-ru · 2 years
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Anne Sexton, Suicide Note, The Complete Poems / Maud Hart Lovelace / Unknown / Unknown / Edgar Allan Poe / F. Scott Fitzgerald / Al Bernstein / Unknown / John Keats, To the Ladies who Saw Me Crowned /  Louisa May Alcott, Little Women / Frederick Seidel, June, The Cosmos Trilogy / Unknown / L. M. Montgomery / Iris Murdoch, The Italian Girl / Unknown / Greg Sellers, haiku journal entry, 16 June 2019 / Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath / Scout Clementine / James Russell Lowell, The Vision of Sir Launfal
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hai-ru · 2 years
How do you kill a God?
Aphrodite laughs, head tossed back with stars in her hair, ‘We are immortal. We are ageless. We will never die.’ 
How do you kill a God?
Hera sighs, ‘You rob them of love and loyalty. They will be alone and unhappy, and eternity will seem like a punishment, but it is not death.’ 
How do you kill a God?
Zeus declares, rather confidently, ‘You deny them their power. Poseidon nods his head in agreement. ‘They will be weak and defeated, perhaps even chopped up into pieces, but it is not death.’ 
How do you kill a God?
Apollo closes his eyes. ‘You strip them of their senses. Their eyes, and they cease to see. Their ears, and they are rendered silent. They will be in the dark, conscious and cut off for millennium, but it is not death.’
How do you kill a God?
Hades whispers, though still his voice carries, ‘With another God. An immortal for an immortal. Era for an Era. A celestial being to strip another’s soul. He pauses, the rest are silent. ‘A God for a God.’
L.H.Z // How do you kill a God?
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hai-ru · 2 years
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Pantalone with a sick!reader
sorry if dialogue sounds a little awkward, it’s currently 2am and I’m extremely nauseous (reason why I wrote this).
gender-neutral reader
cw/tw: none
genre: fluff
Your dry coughs and sniffling resounded throughout the entire room, ladies coming in and out on scheduled times to check your temperature and wet the cloth on your forehead again and again, you hated being sick.
You could hear your lover, Pantalone, speak to one of the attendants about your condition and he sounded less than pleased. He dismissed the attendant he spoke to and entered your room
“Dear, don’t get too close…” you coughed, your voice becoming more and more hoarse “…you might get sick too”
He gave a weak smile towards you and continued walking to your bedridden body, he sat on a stool next to you with a sigh
“Have you forgotten that I’m your lover? I need to take care of you too, not just the attendants” he lifted a hand towards your cheek and gently stroked it with his thumb, you unconsciously leaned into his hand, closing your eyes in relaxation.
Until you broke out another cough.
Pantalone stood up and stroked your back, calling out to the ladies waiting outside your room as you gripped your chest tightly. He helped you slowly lay back down on your bed, your face flushed pink from your fever.
As he got up to fetch a doctor to request a check-up, you weakly gripped onto his coat with what little strength you still had
“Love, I’ll go outside to fetch you a doctor, I’ll be back don’t worry” he gave you a soft smile as he held your face gently with both of his hands
“Please stay” you pleaded, your hand holding his
Pantalone smiled and sat back down on the stool “Oh how weak you get me…” he sighed, you softly laughed at him.
As time passed by, you slowly fell asleep. Seeing that you’re not going to wake up soon, Pantalone quietly gets up and leaves the room, off to the hospital to request for a doctor to check your condition.
Normally he would ask one of his many attendants to fetch one, that is if he was the one sick, but if it was you he doesn’t mind using his status in the Fatui to make the process a little bit faster.
wow this is the first time I uploaded a one-shot style fic instead of just imagines, I’m still getting used to writing again so constructive criticism is always welcome :)
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hai-ru · 2 years
Sugar daddy! Pantalone headcanons
Warnings: nsfw content under the cut, sorta yandere pantalone/ him being jealous
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Sugar daddy! Pantalone fell in love with you at first sight when he saw you cleaning up the tsaritas room. He was so mesmerized by your beauty he just had to win you over!
Sugar daddy! Pantalone who loves your personality. He doesn't care if you're just using him for his money at least it's his money, not some old rich fuck whos on the verge of meeting signora.
Sugar daddy! Pantalone loves it when you wear some of his gifts. Sometimes he even makes custom-made gifts with his name on them for you to wear, that way everyone who dares to hurt you knows what's coming to them
Sugar daddy! Pantalone was so happy when you finally said yes to him after months of him spoiling you. Now that you two are official he can finally brag about his beautiful darling. I mean it's not like he hasn't bragged about you before
Sugar daddy! Pantalone who gets envious when someone gives you gifts. He knows he can give you something better(and he does get you a better version of the gift you received)
Sugar daddy! Pantalone who loves overstimulating you until you're crying and begging for him to stop. Like I said before he loves spoiling you, he makes sure he gives you the best orgasms no matter what.
"Too much to handle? im sorry, princess but you better be grateful im even letting you cum this many times"
Sugar daddy! Pantalone loves showing you off to his comrades but hates it when one of them flirts with you. On the occasions someone does flirt at you he would make sure no one dares to do that again. He would fuck you somewhere where his comrades would hear. He doesn't give a fuck if he would get a lecture from Pierro he's gotta show not to miss you.
"Thats it princess moan for me. Don't be shy now im sure they love to hear you moan my name"
Sugar daddy! Pantalone who loves praising you while you suck him off. I mean you look so pretty sucking him off while wearing the necklace he gave you; bouncing as you bobbed your head around his cock.
"Mhm so pretty for me, darling. You're doing so fucking good"
Sugar daddy! Pantalone loves praising you but doesn't take advantage of his kindness for he's a heavy degrader and has cruel punishments if you're a brat.
"Didn't I tell you to stop being a brat? I give you everything and this is what I get? This just won't do, darling."
"Oh ? Not liking your punishment? Good, this would make you think twice before disobeying me"
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