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These are the rest of the pages, the ones that I’ve done so far. I’ve started to add the text of where I should put the speech and how I can lay them out to show the character and the speech at the same time. 
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This is a mock up of how my comic would look visually. As I’m still conflicted about the cover design, It might change overtime. I wasn’t thinking of having my book stapled as it won’t look as appealing and professional and I wasn’t thinking of using spiral binding as it would break the flow of the comic panels. 
The book size would be a A5 size, it would be easy to carry around and it won’t take much shelving space or bag space too. 
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These are 1 - 10 pages of the comic. I haven’t completely finish doing all the pages as I have trouble controlling my time management. What I regretted the most is that I should’ve started this concept before I thought of doing the short stories one. This would give me more time to complete this story and I would have time to complete and do other things for this project too. 
I’ve mostly spent my time drawing the comic out and planning out the positions of the characters. 
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This exhibition piece is a room itself, its interactive. You can type on the keyboard and the computer screen would show it.
I really like how all of this became a room. The amount of effort this must've taken is amazing. Unlike other exhibition pieces, this one was created to make it look like a room.
†he wallpaper, the journal thats wrapped in string and the beer thats placed on the table tells the story of what's happening.
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This piece shows how the robots are taking over the working class, the two screens on the right shows how advanced the robots has become. The pixel/robotic image that’s dragging across the ground looks like a receipt. It reminds me of those hacking wallpapers that have the binary numbers zooming down through the screen. 
However, I thought that the wires that are showing on the right side could be unethical, as it could harm someone, like making them trip or even the wire could get damaged or overfuse.
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The meaning behind this is simple yet it can be so effective in a way. You understand what’s the message behind this piece, people are being so consumed to their phones and social media that they would literally do anything to get more likes and followers, even to copy other influencers to get recognition. I like how Davante used old iPhone as this was the start of social media popularity and many people where influenced into getting iPhone because it was new and unique from the other phone brands. 
I would’ve liked this piece more if it was on the wall. Audiences can use the phones to take a mirror photo look and also it could also show that everyone can be influenced, making the viewers reflect on themselves.
Ethic wise, I liked how Davante used old iPhone for this piece because they’re cheap and he could use iPhone that no one were using. However, considering there’s so many wires in the exhibition, the wires could’ve harm the building if it over fuses. I like how the phones that are off could also think to ethics, as it kept the similar theme whether if the phone was on or off. The off phones could represent how people isn’t interest in social media or doesn’t bother with it but still keep a phone because it became a necessity in society. 
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I like the shape of this piece is a arcade machine, relating it back to gaming or visting the arcade with your childhood friends. I also thought that it could also represent the gambling machines at casinos, linking both of the shape to childhood and maturity.
It would've been better if there was a control stick on the machine, It would've looked more like a arcade machine.
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This is made by Barry Leung, his piece represents how childhood is getting restored and the interests that you’ve gained during your childhood continues on when you go to adulthood. This piece reminds the adults who are viewing this to show what childhood they have abandoned and shook off. 
The puzzle in the box, could show the crack and how you should open up to the childhood memories and let yourself spend time on things that’ll make you feel like a child. 
Furthermore, what I thought that needs to improve is the puzzle size being a little bigger or it’s a shape that you could see the character. 
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Jade Stone’s piece is about keeping peace in society. It shows that there’s shouldn’t be any violence and conflict amongst communities. 
The lines inside the plastic demonstrates the peace and harmony. The shapes also shows the fluidity of how the peace is spreading. 
At first I didn’t get what this was about. I thought this piece was some abstract design with the plastics being grouped together whilst the piece that are floating shows the cut out of something. 
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I like how Amani used recycled bottle and lids for their piece. The stickers on the floor could make the piece more spaced and how it brings the viewers into the work. I also like how they’ve hung vegetables at the top.
But, since the theme is about plants and the environment, I’ve thought about how the stickers can also potentially harm the environment. I wonder if the artist ethically thought of using biodegradable stickers? or even using water soluble stickers that you can wash it away with when they’re done? 
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The typefaces in this pieces shows the randomness of the concept, it projects the memories and that the texts doesn’t need to be as neat and organised. 
What I like about this is the way the typefaces are stretched and how the words are going over each other to show how scattered the memories are. 
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This piece is very bright and colourful. The sets here reminds me of a child playground, the ones you would play with during nursery. This piece reminds me of childhood, the text thats sewn in wool reminds me that I should be more calm and feel relaxed. 
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This is what is on the television, the creatures would call that channel / video, 'Trash Tv'. I assume this animation shows the life style of these creatures and how clean, breathable their environment is.
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This is one of my favourite exhibition piece. The illustrations on the wall and the orange hue of the lamp made this piece very welcoming and homey. 
I like the concept, The creatures that you see sitting on the tyres, on the carpet and the one that’s lying on top of the TV are creatures that would consume human trash. Showing that the artist was thinking ethically. Reusing batteries, putting plants to represent the harmless environment they live in.
The various sizes of the frames made me though of how I could present my own exhibition work and how, instead of using the board I could have various sizes of the illustration of the characters. The sizing showing how they impacted the main character, who’s frame could be larger than the others. 
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Ethics - 3
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I’ve considered using shopping website called Mixam. It gives you an option on whether you want your books or other printed items to use printed recycled paper or if you want to use normal textured paper. 
Mixam is also cheap, so if you wanted to start a business or want to find a way to get quick money on selling your art work this website is good for that. It also lets you see a preview of how your prints would look like so, you wouldn’t need to stress on whether you printed it out wrong and ending up wasting your money. 
Moreover, their ink are vegetable based inks making it environmental free and the company also can confirm that their products are recycled and are eco friendly too. 
I’m going to use this company to print out my comic after I’m done completing it. Readers who are environmental and care about the eco can enjoy my comic and wouldn’t worry if my comic would harm the environment. 
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Ethics - 2
The city in my comic, which is called,‘Tartarus’. It means hell in Greek mythology. Many names in this comic are inspired by Greek mythology. For instance ‘Theos’ means God / greater gods. ‘Azrail’ was taken inspired by ‘Azrael’, A angel of death in Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. I’ve researched online about whether if I could name my character ‘Azrail’ and I’ve discovered that I can use the name without offending the religions, I’ve looked on ‘Stack Exchange’ its a Islamic forum that lets Muslims and other individual asks about Islam and could also ask something they’re confused about. Moreover, I was going to name Blaze, ‘Kathan’ but as soon as I started creating the comic I figured that it was too late. 
The comic name ‘Inferior’ was inspired by one of my favourites song that have the same title, The chorus of the song contrasted with the second and the third line, showing that they’re different and don’t want to be the same as the others. The chorus is mainly the part where I was inspired to name my comic Inferior but also there’s another meaning of why I’ve named it that too. The other reason being that I wanted to show the Hierarchy system in the title, showing the status of the Mc being inferior to the people who he surrounds himself with, how Blaze actually sees himself and how other people who doesn’t know him might see him like too. 
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