h-ycinth · 1 month
challengers is so good i don't understand if art and patrick are like that bc they had gay sex or bc they didn't.
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h-ycinth · 1 month
this scene has been playing on loop in my mind since i first watched it . it’s like a drug.
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h-ycinth · 2 months
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when connor comes to visit
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h-ycinth · 6 months
i love wally clark so bad, its not even funny
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h-ycinth · 10 months
the last good oscars was the one in 1967 when evelyn hugo and celia st. james fucked in the bathroom
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h-ycinth · 2 years
duffer brothers im in your walls.
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h-ycinth · 2 years
Duffer brothers read the fucking room
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h-ycinth · 3 years
Mother of gods I salute you. In your blood stained gown and blood curling scream. Heavily may your breathes draw in and out. Witness and axe murderer. Heart broken mother fiddling with the watch your son gave before he was laid out. Silently you took the axe handed to you by a casino bound hero and Mother I salute you.
King of a broken nation I salute you. Reminded how you were among the first to break trust. That you were never crowned out of the unity you crave. Historian and traitor on your knees in the offering pit. Gown pooling at your feet on the sacrificial altar. Grieving a friend and a future and a past you cannot know, oh King I salute you.
Warden of the god cell I salute you. Preparing to be betrayed and coughing up the useless gunpowder. Imprison the alien that did imprison you. Eat at its table like it made you eat yourself. Captor and rioter and guardian of men, Warden I salute you.
God of life’s renewal I salute you. Your totems sacrifice themselves in another’s place, it’s only fitting for you to do the same. Even as your mother screams and best friend cries. You offer up your godlihood to die. Avenger of the totem barer and ruler of coming back again, God I salute you.
Card dealer of a losing game I salute you. Bring forth the army, hand the mother her axe. Bring forth the muscle and power to end a massacre. Take your enemy and make him look you in your blind eye. Deal your cards carefully so the dominos fall right. Game changer and life savior and general of an army of three men, Dealer I salute you.
Anarchist of the northern cold I salute you. You put that scar on the man you stand beside. You bring the wolves with blood on your mind. If they all laid silent long enough they could hear the voices riot within you. Slayer and freedom fighter, Anarchist I salute you.
Mercenary in the purple suit I salute you. Break into the party out of dress code. Double cross for the better price. Be called a hero but respond with “I try my best,”. Lead the lambs from the slaughter house and with them face the sky, oh Mercenary I salute you.
Rose lined traitor I salute you. Double sided thief. Imposter among the sacrifices. Wolf among sheep. May all your reds turn white and may you sleep at night. In the bed the God you have slain did make for you. Thorn in their side, flower by their side, oh Rose I salute you.
Emperor of the egg I salute you. Pretty dresses, pretty suits, pretty words, all laid out to bleed. Red upon red. You dragged over the King. I noticed you didn’t invite your son to this party. I noticed your husband isn’t here. Leader of the mind-washed and father of fire, Emperor I salute you.
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h-ycinth · 3 years
Wanda said, Fix it fic | AU | Crossover | Some characters might be a little OOC but it’s my fic I don’t care, and I respect her for it.
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h-ycinth · 3 years
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h-ycinth · 3 years
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h-ycinth · 3 years
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h-ycinth · 3 years
Angsty SBI au:
Phil has three kids, the twins (Techno and Wilbur) at the age 16, and little Tommy at 11. The twins were both Piglin hybrids, with Wilbur looking more human and Techno more Piglin. Tommy was assumed human since he's shown no sign of a hybrid status.
Phil wasn't a very good dad, and the avian hybrid favored Techno more than the others. It was never intentional, but that's what happened. While Phil took Techno on adventures, he left Wilbur to take care of and raise Tommy.
When Tommy was 15, and Wilbur 18, they left to go to the Dream SMP.
After Tommy's 16th birthday, he grew wings. They were a beautiful red, but Tommy despised them. They were painful when they tore through his back, and Tommy had wanted to claw through his skin to remove them. Wilbur felt useless the whole time, not knowing how to help his baby brother, and Tubbo had held Tommy's hand throughout it. After the cleanup process, Tommy felt repulsed looking at the new appendages. He cried and begged for Wilbur to cut them off. Tommy despised the connection to Phil, and Wilbur couldn't blame him. Still, he refused to dismember the wings, and instead offered to help Tommy hide them.
Tommy learned to keep his new wings pressed firmly against his back, even to the point of almost forgetting that they were there at all. They remained hidden under his shirt, and nobody else knew of their existence.
Wilbur loved his bright red wings, saying that they suited Tommy. He would always preen them for his younger brother and help him stretch them out. Wilbur knew how to take care of the wings from years of watching their dad. Wilbur also taught Tubbo to take care of them since he knew Tommy was stubborn. The youngest brother would've never unfolded them if given the chance.
"Tubbo," Wilbur had said. "When dealing with his wings, make sure he stretches and gets preened regularly. It's important for an avian hybrid to stretch out their wings or they risk locking the muscles up."
Time went on, they went through wars... Tommy made friends and enemies. Still, nobody other than Tubbo and Wilbur knew about his wings. Not even a techno found out when he joined Pogtopia!
Wilbur had stopped taking care of Tommy's wings when his mental state started deteriorating. Tubbo took over that duty completely, forcing his friend to stretch them out. Tubbo was never quite as gentle, through no fault of his own, and Tommy missed Wilbur's delicate fingers.
Everything went downhill from there.
L'Manberg blew up; Wilbur died; Techno betrayed them.... Phil was there... Phil tried to act like he was still his dad, and that made Tommy angry.
"You killed Wilbur." Tommy has growled when Philza tried to fuss over Tommy's latest injury. "You don't get to play dad when you killed the only parental figure I had!"
Tommy got exiled by Tubbo; nobody visited him; his only friend was Dream... Dream wasn't his friend... Tommy runs away to live under Techno's house. He was later found out by his older brother and their father. They start to build up a trust that Tommy had wished for when he was younger.
It was one day, upon waking up, Tommy found that he couldn't move. His back was in excruciating pain, and he could barely breathe. Tommy didn't know what was wrong with the stupid wings, except that he needed help. After a bit, Techno goes down to the basement below his basement to find why Tommy hasn't emerged yet... only to find Tommy whimpering and twitching.
"What hurts, Tommy?"
Despite the situation, Techno remains calm and collected.
"Back— fuck!"
Something under Tommy's shirt spasmed, and Techno made quick work of pulling his younger brother's shirt off. The sight of red feathers forced a surprised exhale out of the Piglin hybrid, though. Knowing that this was not his department, Techno calls for Phil. Their father hurries down the ladder, only to freeze upon seeing the red wings. After collecting himself, Philza recognizes the problem, has Techno sit Tommy up, and manually stretches out his youngest's wings. Throughout the process, Tommy whimpers and swears up a storm.
Luckily, although the raccoon hole wasn't all that big, Tommy's wings were on the smaller side so they could stretch out to their full length. Phil also massages the muscles in the back around the wings. When everything settles down, Techno hands back Tommy's roughly-patched shirt with two new holes cut into the back for the wings. With help, Tommy gets it back on, and they all go upstairs where it's warmer.
Tommy is handed a glass of water, and he sips at it, trying to ignore the stares at his newly unveiled appendages. The wings shift uncomfortably on his back. They're greasy and messy— honestly in such a horrid shape that made Phil nauseous. He can't imagine how awful they feel to Tommy.
"Can you guys not fucking stare at me like I'm some kind of circus freak?"
Phil clears his throat, "You, uh, have wings, mate."
He scoffs, "Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. Care to make any other observations about me?" Delight fills him at the way his neglectful father flinched at his harsh tone.
Techno, ever the blunt one of the family steps in; "I think what Phil means is that we don't remember seeing you with wings before."
"That's because I was living with Wilbur when the bitches tore their way out of my back." Tommy snapped. "Maybe you would've known about them if you hadn't fucked off with Techno. Happy birthday, newly sixteen year old Tommy! Have the most traumatizing experience of your life as a birthday present!" So maybe he was weaponizing his bad experiences; Wilbur taught him that words hurt in a way that swords don't.
"Why would you hide this? Phil hesitantly asks, unsure of how to act.
Growling, Tommy looks Phil in the eyes: "Why would I want this kind of connection to my absentee father!?"
The room falls silent, Tommy's words cut deep. The conversation ends there, and Techno and Phil leave. Tommy keeps his wings stretched out, purely because he doesn't want to hurt again.
Ghostbur stops by a few hours later and squeals in delight at the red feathers. He remembered them, of course— even wrote 'The feeling soft red feathers between my fingers' in his What I Remember book. Nobody else could figure that one out.
Although it hasn't been practiced in a long time, Ghostbur sits on the couch behind Tommy and automatically gets to work sorting out Tommy's wings. He chatters mindlessly as Tommy sits somewhere between uncomfortable with the wings, and relaxed at his brother's gentle preening.
"Wasn't Tubbo supposed to help you with your wings? You know I taught him everything I knew," Ghostbusters babbles. "Because you're very stubborn."
Tommy forces out a laugh, "Yeah... I know, Ghostbur... it's just that Tubbo and I aren't on the best of terms right now."
"Oh." Ghostbur pauses in his movements for a second before carrying on. "Well then you should learn to take care of them! Your feathers are so beautiful... I wish you'd see them the way I do."
The ghost doesn't get an answer, and is instead met with soft snores. When the preening is finished, he drapes a nearby blanket over Tommy, looking down at his younger brother fondly.
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h-ycinth · 3 years
no.  you know what?  fuck you.  *finishes your symphony*
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h-ycinth · 3 years
sapnap whenever he's in a vc with dream and george: i support homosexuals but you are all so goddamn annoying god bless
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h-ycinth · 4 years
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where are the diamonds?
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h-ycinth · 4 years
Hey fandom, go check out this animatic
Seriously, it has so many gorgeous frames like this one
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Go give it some love, it deserves it
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