guyunweek · 3 months
And that's it! Thank you to everyone who joined in - this was my first time trying to run an event like this and I was so worried nobody would participate.
The ao3 collection will stay open, and I'll check back any late additions (because every week is Gu Yun week in our hearts <3)
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guyunweek · 3 months
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Gu Yun Week Day 7 - Black Iron | Warm Wine
Hardship versus comfort
Mental/emotional armor
Drunken shenanigans
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guyunweek · 3 months
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Gu Yun Week Day 6 - Northwest Flower | Hot Springs
Flourishing in the face of adversity
Beauty in barrenness
The emperor's concubine
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guyunweek · 3 months
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Gu Yun week
Day 4 ~ sacrifice
"Take a look at me now, have I made you proud?"
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guyunweek · 3 months
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Gu Yun Week Day 5 - Nudes | Nood(le)s
Yes, I did save the slightly cheeky one for the leap day on purpose ;) Today's ideas for alternative interpretations:
Being metaphorically naked (vulnerable, easily perceived)
Noodle incidents
Pool noodles
Noodle-like animals (ferrets, snakes, etc)
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guyunweek · 3 months
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Gu Yun Week day 4 - Acts of Service | Sacrifice
Service kink
Service to an idea
Acts of service as a love language
Sacrifice of something intangible
Willing/unwilling sacrifice
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guyunweek · 3 months
Gu Yun Week Day 3 - Fathers & Sons
As much as I would like to write some real fucked up changgu fic based on the idea of filial cannibalism, I have already written more this week than I think I did like, all of last year, so instead I'm just gonna thought-dump about Gu Yun and Gu Shen. Not really meta, as I don't think this is anything the text doesn't already cover, but just. Thoughts. Mostly that it's interesting that through most of the novel we only see Gu Shen through the distortion of the public's perception of him, or Gu Yun's memories, which are distorted in other ways. And neither of these are particularly kind to Gu Shen. In public opinion, he's a skilled military leader, but also absolutely heartless. To Gu Yun, he is the memory of childhood trauma, of one of the hardest periods in his life.
And then we get to the 'Gu Shen' extra. This is the first time we actually see Gu Shen first-hand, rather than filtered through another person. While the narrative presents the possibility that what we're seeing is a dream Gu Yun is having, I'd argue that the long sections without Gu Yun present and the 'present day' evidence of the box of toys means that Gu Yun's dream is just a transition device - we as readers are getting the full view of a memory that Gu Yun remembers just the tail end of as part of his dream. The first-hand view we get of Gu Shen is far more nuanced - he's still imposing in command, but also seems to love his wife deeply, and flirts with her with the same sort of charm Gu Yun later uses on Changgeng. And with Gu Yun, we see a man who has had access to zero parenting books and who is perhaps out of his depth with his troublemaker son, but who still cares and wants him to prosper.
And that view makes me think that the Black Iron camp incident was a trauma that affected more than just Gu Yun, even though he's the focal character. To Gu Shen and the First Princess, their hopes of their son having an easier, brighter life them are shattered. And I think that's what we see in the secondhand story in the Qingming extra - Gu Shen seems to be angry with Gu Yun, but it's an anger born of fear, that if he can't make Gu Yun stronger, the world would destroy him. And this is something that even Gu Yun acknowledges to himself in the 'Gu Shen' extra - that looking back on it from an adult's perspective, less clouded by his own feelings, he can understand why his father acted the way he did. And understanding isn't forgiveness, but it definitely gives their relationship more depth.
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guyunweek · 3 months
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Gu Yun Week day 3 - Fathers & Sons | Filial Piety
Today's starter ideas:
Gu Yun and Gu Shen
Gu Yun and Emperor Yuanhe
The 24 Filial Exemplars
Filial cannibalism
Confucian role ethics in general 
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guyunweek · 3 months
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Gu Yun week '24
Day 3 ~ father and son 🌼
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guyunweek · 3 months
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Gu Yun week '24 💙
day 2 ~ monocle
(The poem was inspired from his famous line to Chang Geng in the book ~ "yifu loves you to death") 💙💛
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guyunweek · 3 months
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Gu Yun Week day 2 - Spectacles | Monocle | Senses
Some ideas:
Accessibility devices
Nonstandard senses (proprioception, nociception, etc)
Sensory deprivation (sexy)
Sensory deprivation (traumatic)
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guyunweek · 4 months
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Day 1 - Birthday | Anniversary | Celebrations
Some ideas to get you started:
Personal/romantic anniversaries
National celebrations
Birthday traditions
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guyunweek · 4 months
Starting in four days!
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Just under two weeks out now, so here are the prompts! There'll be some extra bits of inspo and whatnot linked day of :)
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guyunweek · 4 months
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Just under two weeks out now, so here are the prompts! There'll be some extra bits of inspo and whatnot linked day of :)
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guyunweek · 4 months
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Gu Yun Week
February 25 - March 2
(prompts coming soon!)
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guyunweek · 4 months
About the Event
How do I participate?
Look at the prompts.
Make Gu Yun fanwork inspired by the prompts
Post it on the day for that prompt
Tag it so other people (including this organizer! can find and reshare it!
On Twitter, the hashtag will be #guyunweek. On tumblr, #gu yun week. If you post it on AO3, you can also add it to the collection, and you're also welcome to post works elsewhere and link them on tumblr and twitter (there is just a limit to the number of social media accounts one person can run in their free time for an event)
Do works have to be in English?
Absolutely not! Your humble event runner only speaks English (which is why all these posts are in English), but you're welcome to work in any language you want.
Are there restrictions on content?
Aside from it needing to be Gu Yun related, nope! This includes no restrictions on explicit content, kinks, dark content, etc. Just tag your work as appropriate for the platform you post on (such as using AO3's required warnings). There are also no minimums or maximums for length or complexity.
Do I have to write fic or draw fanart?
While fanfiction and fanart are perhaps the most common forms of fan creativity, they aren't the only ones, and any and all Gu Yun fan content is welcome! Some ideas for other types of works:
cosplay photos
themed playlists or moodboards
fanart or fanfic recs
calligraphy of book quotes
doll/figurine dioramas
I have a question about how to interpret a prompt.
I will do my best to answer any asks that come in, but generally speaking - this event is for fun, to encourage more fanworks in Sha Po Lang fandom. If your question is 'could [x] also mean [y]' and you can come up with even the most tenuous connection between x and y, go for it.
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guyunweek · 5 months
Just getting things set up around here :)
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