gurilihi · 2 years
Michael Afton x fem!Reader
Hey there guys! This is my first ever fanfiction I published somewhere, so don't expect too much, but I had this idea for a while and the guts to share it. Keep in mind that english isn't my native language, so sincerest apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes (althought I reread it a thousand time)
Written in 3rd pov, texts are in Michael's pov
Word count: ~4500
Warning: reader described as female, she/her pronouns used, slight angst by the end, cursing, reader has some piercings (😏) (sorry for anyone who doesn't), underage drinking, other than that wholesome fluff and crack /I apologise if I missed something/
I have some ideas so if you'd like a part two, or maybe even make this into a fluffy series then let me know!
Hope you enjoy! <3
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"I'm leaving!" Y/n shouted back to her mom, who was also getting ready to leave for work. She shut the door behind herself, starting the 20 minute walk to the city's attraction, Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, owned by the one and only William Afton and Henry Emily. 'Why am I doing this again?' she tought to herself as she neared the doors, showing her ID to the security guard and entering after he nodded and opened the doors for her, saying a quick 'Have a nice shift, kiddo', then letting go of the automatic door. She went straight to the owner's office, hoping for instructions. She knocked, hearing a quiet 'Come in' and stepping in the office, getting face to face with the infamous Mr. Afton. "Good morning Mr. Afton. I'm here for the summer job we've talked about." She stepped closer as the purple suited man stood up from his desk.
"Ah, yes. Y/n Wenner, I assume? Let me show you arround and tell you what your job is going to be." He said, a friendly smile plastered on his face as he walked towards the girl, placing his hand on her upper back and leading her out of the office and around the building. "So if I'm not wrong, you know my son." He glanced at the girl, raising one of his eyebrows in a questioning manner.
"Michael? Oh yeah, we're classmates but we don't talk that much." She lied, hoping to get away without further questioning.
"Is that so? That's unfortunate. I'm sure you two would get along well." He offered as they stopped in front a restaurant on the third floor. Oh, if only he knew."Well, we're here. You're going to be taking the orders of the guests and serving them if needed. Noel will give you further instructions and your uniform." She nodded as a man, possibly in his late 20's, walked out of El Chip's. "That's it for now. If you have any questions or problems, you're welcome in my office anytime." And with that, he walked away, probably going back to whatever he was doing before. Y/n turned to Noel, who welcomed her with a slight smile.
"Well, welcome to the Pizzaplex. Here's your uniform-" He handed her a black bottom-up, the facility's name embroided on it in neon colors and black suit pants with a black belt. "and you can change in the back in the staff room and also put your stuff down there. Here's a key." She nodded, taking the key and mumbling a 'Thanks' before disappearing into the staff rooms.
The first day wasn't as bad as she expected it to be. She only had one Karen to deal with, regardless of the size and popularity of the building. She'll only have to work as a waitress in the first two weeks, as William told her. When she arrived home, she went straight for the bathroom, showering, then laying down on her bed, trying to get some sleep before her next shift.
Next day, same rutine, same building, same door, same security guard. Same uniform, cleaning everything until it was spotless before opening and serving costumers. Repeating it over and over again. She mentally prepared herself for the costumer as she walked out from her break, tying her hair up. She walked up to the booth where two smaller kids were sitting, another person -probably their dad or older brother- sitting opposite of them, his back facing Y/n as she neared the table. She turned so she could look at all of them, forcing a smile on her face which almost got wiped off when she faced the kids' brother.
"Hi, welcome to El Chip's, what can I get for you?" She said how she usually did, not letting the surprise show in her voice. I mean- it is their dad's place aftet all. Michael looked up at Y/n and seemed to think for a moment before looking her up and down.
"What are you doing here?"
"Summer job. It pays well. But not for chit-chat, so may I get your order?" She clicked on her pen, taking the little notebook from her pocket and flipping a page, waiting patiently, just as Noel teached her. Michael looked back down at his siblings expectingly, but not getting an answer as they only stared up at Y/n.
"Evan? Lizzy? Are you listening?"
"Mikey, she has rings in her mouth!" Elizabeth pointed up at the snake bites piercings in the teenage girl's lips, turning to his older brother and bouncing a little in her seat. "Like you!"
"Yes, now- you know what, we'll just take..." he glanced at the menu. "Two kid's menus with ketchup and a medium grilled cheese salad with extra barbeque." He held his forehead and sighed.
"-Extra barbeque... Noted. Any drinks?"
"No, thanks." He waved her off.
"Okay. I'll be right back." She wavered off, going in the kitchen area and telling the order to a cook-bot. Michael stared at her as she walked to another table with a family of six, noticing the annoyed expression on her face before repainting it for a smile. He placed his head in the palm of his hand, his elbow keeping it up as he observed the girl.
"Mikey?" Came the small voice of his little brother. He sighed, turning to Evan, who was squeezing the life out of his fredbear plush, only humming back in a questioning way. "Who is she?"
"Yeah, Mikey, who is she? You seem to like her!" Michael's eyes widened as he immediately shushed his sister, looking around if the girl in question heard it.
"Can you two please keep it down?!" He wisper-shouted at them, leaning over the table a little. "She's just one of my classmates, and no, I don't like her like that!"
"But you mentioned a girl to Dad before."
"Yes, because we worked on a group project together with others and hung out once or twice with the group, but nothing more!" Evan and Elizabeth remained silent after that, patiently waiting for their food to arrive, while Michael scribbled on a piece of paper, glancing up from time to time at the girl speedwalking between tables. He quickly looked back down at his paper and put it away when he noticed the girl walking back to their table with all four plates stacked on her arms, holding the little freddy charms in her right hand before handing one to each kid.
"Two kids' menus with ketchup and a medium grilled cheese salad with extra barbeque sause."
"Yes, thank you." He glanced at his siblings expectingly before clearing his throat. They snapped their heads up before smiling up at Y/n.
"Thank you!" They said at the same time.
"Good. Now eat before Monty gets here and eats you instead!" He made a roaring sound in the direction of poor Evan, who digged his face in his plush. Lizzy just shook her head and turned to the older girl.
"Boys will be boys." Y/n chuckled at the little girl's humor, patting her head.
"You couldn't be more right." She smiled, turning to Micheal, who was messing up his little brother's hair. "Bon Appetit! And just call if you want something." And with that she walked away, grabbing more plates and placing it on the right tables. The kids started eating, but Michael took out his phone, reading the messages his friends sent in the groupchat.
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"Who are you talking to?" Michael didn't answer his sister, just put his phone away and started eating.
Before Y/n could've known, she was already getting ready to head home on Friday and go to the party.
"Bye Noel! I'm going home!" She shouted as she headed out of the staff room.
"Bye kiddo! Have a nice weekend!" He waved at her as all the cook-bots looked up from what they were doing, all of them saying a quick "Bye Y/n" in uninion, which earned a slight giggle and a wave back from the girl. On her way out she ran into Foxy as usual, giving him a high-five and a friendly smile. Pirate Cove was always one of her favourite things in the Freddy Fazbear foodchain, aspecially since there usually wasn't many, if any children running around the enthusiastic fox animatronic. While she walked she messaged the groupchat, saying that she got off her shift and asking what the address was again, which turned out to only be one of her friends' house. When she got home, she immediately ran up to her room to change, packing only the neccesary things in her little backpack, quitely slipping in a bottle of vodka next to her phone's charger, change of clothes, pajamas appaerently as it was aquired by Jeremy, and wallet.
"I'm leaving and I'm taking my motor!" She shouted at her mom, closing the door after grabbing her motor's key. She went in their garage, taking her helmet and pushing the motorbike out, closing the garage and hopping on the vehicle, speeding off to her friend's house. When she arrived at the large house, she leaned the motor to the wall, ringing the bell. Jeremy opened the door after a minute. He was holding his phone in his other hand, an annoyed expression darking his face. "'Sup! What's with the sour face?"
"Greetings, Y/n. Mike just messaged me his car broke down, so he has to walk."
"Ask him where's he. I'll pick him up. Do you have a spare helmet?" Jeremy shoke his bead as he looked down at his phone, typing a text. "Then he'll use mine. Did he answer?" Jess and Oliver came down the stares, standing behind Jack. "Hey Ols, Hi Jess!" She waved at the pare.
"He's at the city courthouse. I told him to wait there, we're coming to get him."
"And by we, you mean me." Y/n glared and the shorter boy.
"Of course, you two have to confess your love sometime." He turned around, slamming the door after saying a quick "drive safe".
"Fucking srimp." She turned around starting back up her bike and driving off to the courthouse. It was a 15 minute drive and when she slowed down in front of the bulding, she saw Michael's figure sitting down on the staires. She stopped in front of him on the road, taking off her helmet. "Hop on whimp, they're waiting for us." He looked up, placing his phone in his bag and standing up.
"So this is what Jeremy meant by "we"." He stopped in front of the girl, not yet taking the helmet she was offering.
"Yeah, get on with it if you don't want to walk." She streched out her arm more, gesturing for him to finally take the helmet.
"Where's yours?"
"I only have one and passenger safety first, so will you stop whining and take the fucking helmet before I leave you here?" He huffed, accepting it and following her in sitting on.
"Since when do you have a motorbike anyway?"
"God, you do not stop asking questions, do you?" She started the bike, already driving back to the house. "Hold on to something. I wouldn't want a pretty boy like you to fell off."
"I might well just say that it's hot that you ride a bike if we're here." He smirked, carefully placing his hands right above her waist, trying not to invade her space too much.
"I'd say that it's not the only thing that I'm riding, but that would be lie." She bickered back when they stopped at a red light.
"We could change that." He slid his hands a bit lower, testing the waters. "You just have to say so, princess."
"Keep your hands and cheesy nicknames for yourself for now." She rolled her eyes, just as a car rolled up next to them, a young looking male rolling down the window and shamelessly staring at Y/n. Michael turned his head in the man's direction, squeezing her waist a little in a warning manner. She looked back at her passenger before following his gaze. Just as she looked at the car's rolled down window, the driver whistled.
"Hey there, doll. How about you drop that asshole down and pull over to give me your number?" She rolled her eyes, preparing to speed away from the catcaller.
"That asshole is my brother and the only number you'll be getting from me is thr number on your hospital bills if you don't shut up, bitch." She flipped him off and looked both way before continuing to drive.
"Why did you say I was your brother?" Michael asked after a minute of deafening silence between them.
"If I said you were my boyfriend he wouldn't have left us alone and we would be followed still. Catcallers tend to be more scared of a brother than a boyfriend. But your surprised face probably bailed on us." She chuckled, slowing as they entered the familiar neighbourhood.
"How many times do you get catcalled on a regular day?" He asked coutiously, softening on his grip.
"When I dress casually then usually zero. Revealing clothes are a bit different though but it still depends of what type of a guy I'm passing by." She explained. The boy behind her nodded, thinking a little.
"What type of guy I am?"
"That's a thing only you know." She stopped the vehicle, letting Mike get off first, then herself before turning to him. "But if you ask for my opinion, then I'm honest when I say that you look like a dick at first sigh, but I trust you to walk with you in a dark alleyway at night and dress like a slut and I wouldn't get called out on it or stared at one bit." She ran her fingers through her hair. "You're a nice guy Mike, any girl would be lucky to have a respectful partner like you." She smiled up at him, then walked to the door. Michael was just standing there, eyes wide and his cheeks reddening. He shook the strange feeling off, trying to slow down his pounding heart and followed her in the house. "We're back!"
"Good God, I thought you two pulled over to fuck or something. What took so long?" George shufled out of the kitchen, holding a bowl of chips. Y/n grimaced, taking a piece of the snack.
"We thought about it but we came to the conclusion that Jeremy's bed is probably confier." Michael shrugged, taking the house keys. "I'll go, put your bike in the garage."
"Thanks." George waited until the tall boy shut the door before elbowing the girl in her ribs.
"So? How was the ride?" She shrugged, searching the kitchen cabinets.
"We ran into a douchebag."
"Oooooh. Did he protect you?"
"Didn't need much protection." George hummed, eating more of the chips.
"I heard your little confession outside."
"It was hardly a confession. I just said he's nice and I trust him."
"And that any girl would be lucky to have him as a boyfriend." She blushed a little, giving up on finding more snacks, searching for cider instead. "I'm just saying that I see him eyeing you all the time. You two seriously need to talk a little heart to heart. Let yourself flow with the tides. You're basically a couple now, just didn't confess your feelings."
"I don't know George. He doesn't seem that interested in me. And even if he would like me, he deserves someone better anyway." The girl looked to the side, holding a twelve pack Summersby.
"For fuck's sake, there's noone better for him than you! You have so much similarities, same interests, trust, everything he needs and wants is in you!" They snapped their head in the direction of the stairs, looking at Matt who walked down.
"Where's that fucking bowl of chips, Geor- oh, welcome back. Looks like the lovebirds arrived. C'mon, we were about to start without you." Everyone walked up and into Jeremy's bedroom, Y/n placing the drinks down in the middle of the circle they sat down in.
"And I brought a spare bottle of vodka."
"Nice, can we start now?" Jeremy looked around, everyone nodding or shrugging. "Nice. But with what though?"
"Spin the bottle is unnecessary as we're by ourselves, so I suggest truth or dare." Jess stated, opening a bottle of cider.
"I wanna start." Oliver copied Jess' actions, looking around as he took a sip. "Jeremy."
"Ok, so now we know that Mike is afraid of fucking foxes, Oliver is an ex Dream SMP fan, Jess would fuck anybody, George plays Roblox in his free time, Y/n has her nipples pierced and Matt can play the flute. And I thought we knew everything about eachother." Jeremy fake sniffled. "But it's time we spice things up ladies and gentleman, so the girls can go to the bathroom to change." He pushed the girls out with her bags and shut the door behind them.
"I start to think that this was just an excuse so they could jack off." Jess laughed, taking her pajamas out of her bag, Y/n doing the same as she scoffed. "Ok I have to ask this. Do you really have nipple piercings?"
"Yeah." She answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Are they healed?"
"I got them after my 16th birthday, so yeah, pretty much."
"I dare you to not wear a bra under that shirt." Jess smirked after she pulled up her pants. Y/n froze, slowly turning her head in her best friend's direction.
"Are you nuts?!
"Yeah, but HE's in there and you're super hot, so why not. And it's not like it's cold or something." The black haired girl thought for a second before turning her back to Jess and clipping off her bra, throwing it in her bag and pulling the oversized shirt over her head.
"There. Are you happy?"
"Yeah, and he will be too." Jess opened the door, stepping outside.
"I hate you so much." Y/n muttered, crossing her arms in front of her chest before they stepped back inside Jeremy's room. They boys were discussing something, all of them sitting in shorts and a shirt or tank top as they turned their heads towards the girls. Y/n hopped down between Matt and Oliver, Jess sitting on the other side of Jeremy, next to George.
"You're back. I thought you guys were gonna take a year." Matt commented, taking a sip of his drink.
"I'm sick of those type of girls, you know that."
"Can we continue? It's my turn." Oliver complained.
"Yeah, sure whatever."
"Mike." Oliver smirked, glancing at the three other boys who mirrored his expression.
"And you can't say truth, because you choose that for the last two rounds."
"Then why even ask? Just spit it out." He glared at the blond.
"I dare you to go to the other bedroom with Y/n. For at least fifteen minutes." The mentioned girl almost spat her drink out, founding herself in a coughing fit after.
"Why am I involved in this shit again?" She managed to croak out. "It's his dare, not mine!"
"Because I said so. Now go! The earlier you start you earlier you can get out." Oliver pulled her up and pushed her in the direction of the guest bedroom, Mike standing up on his own and following them after giving a death glare to Jeremy, George and Matt. "And try to be quiet!" And with that he shut the door behind them. Y/n sighed, hopping on the bed and crossing her legs, Michael sitting down on the other end of the bed.
"I might as well ask if we're here." He whispered after a long minute of silence. "Did you mean it? What you said outside?" Clare hugged her legs to her body, resting her chin on her knees.
"Yeah... I never really experienced real love and friendship until now, and you guys are very important to me, however weak that may sound. And I want you to be happy, whatever it takes."
"It doesn't make you weak, but an awesome friend."
"I also heard your conversation dowstairs with George." Y/n froze, her heart speeding up as slight blush covered her cheeks. "I don't know who you were talking about, but believe me when I say that guy is lucky as fuck. To have you fallen so much head over heels for him that you think you're less than perfect. And he's an idiot if he doesn't see it and not appreciate you for even a second."
"It's funny." Y/n chuckled, tears starting to cloud her vision.
"You trashtalking yourself." Mike's heart skipped a beat as he stared in front of him with wide eyes. Y/n gasped, starting to get off the bed and wiping the tears. "Fuck, sorry, I'm gonna go." She ran out the door, the others snapping their heads at the harsh sound.
"No, wait, fuck. Y/n, come back!" Mike stood up, starting to step after the girl, but he was stopped by Jess running after her. The boys stood in front of Mike with a worried expression.
"How did you fuck up this time?"
"I didn't! She just didn't give me any time to answer before she ran out." The boys were silent as they looked at eachother with furrowed eyebrows.
"Answer to what?"
"Y/n? Y/n?!" Jess shouted after her as the black haired girl ran under the stairs and sat down, pulling her knees close. "Y/n?" She asked again softly as she searched for her. She finally walked to the stairs, looking under after she heard Y/n's muffled sniffles. She frowned at the sight of her best friend, mascara running down her red cheeks, her nose rosy and runy, trying to slow down her breathing. "Hey there. Can I sit down, so we can talk about it?" She only nodded as an answer and Jess didn't hasitate crawling next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, letting her sob into her pajama shirt. "What the fuck did he do? Do I need to beat him up?"
"No-no." She forced out after she slowed her breathing. "I was the one who fucked up. He said that he heard my conversation with George and said whoever the guy is we were talking, he's very lucky and an idiot if he doesn't see how much he means to me and I said that it's funny that he's trashtalking himself."
"And what did he answer to that?"
"I didn't let him. I told him and now we can never be the same. He probably dispises me if not hates me, he'll tell his dad and I'll get fired and our friendsgroup's gonna brake because he'll never talk to me again. I'm a failure just like my mother said." She started crying again. "I just- I just hope he'll find the perfect girl he deserves and be happy."
"That's you." Y/n squeezed Jess' arm at the sound of Michael's voice. "And your mother's a bitch for saying things like that to you. You're the kindest, sweetest, strongest, most beautiful and creative person I have ever met. You're not afraid of shit life punches you in the face with. Even after all the crap you've been through, you manage to smile every day, which can light up the whole world. Your laugh is adorable and could melt me on the spot. You bring meaning to my days, a reason to get up and keep going. I'm sorry I didn't answer right away, I was just surprised someone like you could have feelings for me." He stood up from sitting on the stairs, leaning down to look her in the eyes. He offered her a hand, helping her stand. He cupped her rosy cheeks, gentle thumbs wiping away the salty tears running down. "Can I?" He carefully pulled her closer, holding eye contact as she muttered a hazy "yeah", closing his eyes, leaning close, lips ever so softly touching hers. Her hands snaked up to around his neck, melting into the kiss. He grabbed her waist, gently pulling her closer as they forgot everything else existed, only foxusing on eachother, completely blocking out the cheers of their friends. She slowly pulled away, lingering in the feeling of his plump lips against hers, leaning her forehead against his. Y/n sighed, carefully opening her eyes and they met with his, making her dig her face in his shirt, hiding her red cheeks. After giving them a smug side-glance, Jess walked up the stairs, pulling the other four with her.
"C'mon guys, we gotta leave them alone for a bit. Let them have their moment." She whispered, tiptoeing back up to her twin brother's room.
"But I wanna hear what they talk about." George whined, pulling his wrist away from the girl's grip.
"Knowing Mike there won't be too much talking." Matt muttered, turning his head away to try and muffle his snicker.
"I meant every word I said, y'know." He whispered, comfortingly sliding his hand up and down her back slowly while staring at the wall over her head. "I know we haven't known eachother well for that long, and feel free to tell me to shut up if you feel uncomfortable, but god, I don't know what I would do without you. I get butterflies whenever I look at your smile or hear your laugh. You look so beautiful no matter what and I just want to make all your pain and insecurities go away. I could stare at you for hours without a single thought of ever looking away. You are truely entirely perfect in every way. Just the thought of someone else holding your hand like I want twists my heart... You mean a hella lot to me. A reason to keep going, put up with my shitty dad, get out of bed every day." He took a breath, afraid of saying anything else, fearing that his words will bring negative consequences. "What I'm trying to say is... I'm in love with you."There was a moment of silence before he felt her squeeze him thighter.
"I think I'm in love with you too. So fucking much."
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If I made any mistakes, let me know! Hope you enjoyed anyway and have a wonderful rest of your day! <3
If there will be a part two and you'd like to added to the taglist, message me
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