gswmyunghwa · 1 year
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Behind the scenes pictures of KIM HYE JUN for VOGUE KOREA (2021)
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
A mysterious gift had arrived at your door step. Could it be from the island? Or perhaps a lost spirit wandering about the forest. Nope, sorry to disappoint, you don’t get anything that exciting. Your weird friend Guan Yiming had decided to make you a birthday gift offering of a cat-shaped keyring made out of wood. The product looked rather…handmade. Perhaps he had carved it himself using the knife he had gaslighted you into not seeing that fateful night. 
Anyway, enjoy. Here’s to another year older…and preferably wiser. At least enough to not break into an ex-criminal’s bedroom again. 
the last time she went out looking for a birthday gift, she’d been presented with outdated jewelry and a disconcerting image. the mysterious box therefore raised red flags as soon as it appeared. perhaps a package of sponsored products, she’d quickly justified. yet the present was among the last to be opened. for no amount of rationalizing could convince her that it looked anything like the sponsorships she received before. warily, the cardboard was pulled back, unsure of what awaited her within. a keyring? that was not what she expected. gingerly pulling out the wooden trinket, the accompanied indication of the sender brought a small smile to her face. despite all her continued claims that he was a threat to her life ( and despite her breaking into his home ), yiming had remembered her birthday. for that, she was grateful. myunghwa took a moment to run her fingers along the smooth edges, craftsmanship surprising for a man who was but a photographer. she fetched her keys, quickly removing the prior keychain to replace it with her new, handmade gift.
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
( hyun )
Starter for @gswmyunghwa​
A bet was a bet, no matter how ridiculous it was. People were dying (literally, a woman had died!) yet here he was, wearing ridiculous clothes and trying different poses for Myungwha’s camera just because he had lost the bet during the festival of lights. Somehow, he had become this submissive man that ended up doing whatever she asked, like a little puppet or worse, a puppy who followed her everywhere and took action only when she said and to whatever she said only.
He wasn’t sure how long this would last, harmless pictures he had heard her said, but then again, she was the expert in these things, pictures being her second (or first?) nature. “You better buy me a drink after this, is the least you could do, you know?” He told her, unsure if there were bars opened with this blackout. She didn’t seem to worry, her camera and the ‘lightning’ being apparently perfect for what she needed.
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“And you better not show those pictures to anyone without my consent” He added, unsure of what the purpose of this was. Maybe she would try to convince him to get himself a social media account, he wasn’t sure. Still, having some nice pictures taken wasn’t all that bad, hence why he wasn’t complaining that bad. Posing was easy, he just needed to do whatever she said and it apparently seemed okay because despite her being bossy, she wasn’t scolding him as much as he imagined…yet.
confidence was rarely misplaced. or so she’d claim. many others would insist ( as many had tried ) that what she possessed was not self-confidence. it was hubris. characterize as they may, life had given her no reason to question her abilities. had it taken away potential, stunted her growth before it had fully burgeoned? certainly. but she hadn’t been lying when she told hyun she was unaccustomed to losing. once her mind was set on something, victory was inevitable if only because she was persistent enough. the doctor however was a good sport and that she could appreciate. instructions and location had been sent with glee that morning. there was little battery left in her phone, her portable chargers slowly running out of power as well. she could only hope the blackout did not last much longer for the lifestyle blogger was unsure of much longer she could go without connectivity. 
“doctor hyun,” emphasizing his profession, pausing her tinkering with the lens of her camera she looked up at him. “here i won a bet and yet i’m trying to help you by bringing you out of the dark ages. if that isn’t evidence enough of my generosity, no number of drinks will convince you.” not to suggest she wouldn’t buy him whatever beverage of choice for being her entertainment for the afternoon. but it wouldn’t be myunghwa if she didn’t contest a few times before finally agreeing. unlike doctor hyun who appeared to grumble only on the surface while still following instructions. 
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“i can make no such promises for i am a philanthropist. i cannot hide my artwork from the world.” a few more shots taken, she appreciated her own handiwork, unaffected by his orders to not show the pictures. not that she had anyone to show them to anyways seeing as she would have no reason to feature him on her own page. “you know, you’re being so selfish,” disapproval colored her features before elaborating on how refusing to share pictures made a man uncharitable. “there’s probably someone out there who’s been trying to stalking you on instagram. by having no pictures, you’re making it impossible for them to look at your profile and cook up all sorts of fantasies. how inconsiderate of you!” 
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
( hangyeol )
A certain inescapable irritation washed over Hangyeol. A strange ailment put him out of commission for a week, his recovery only blessed by the full moon ( and cursed after by violent circumstance ). The power outage greatly limited the functionality of the lighthouse, forcing him to tinker with the less than modern technology that had long since been replaced. There would be no way of contacting ships or ferries on their way to the island, warning them not to come. Radio static filled the airwaves and the beacon no longer shined. Far be it from the keeper’s thoughts to fall under the conclusion that the island was cursed — and more specifically: the lighthouse.
He ignored the announcements from the island leaders, ignored the frantic urges to simply remain at home and wait for power to be restored. He had no doubt this was something supernatural in natural. A punishment doled onto the naive citizens who have been a bit too greedy. Or, perhaps, a test to see who would handle crisis with grace, who would follow, and who would crack under the pressure.
Fortunately, the reliable old man running his favorite convenience store kept his business running. He had the brilliant idea of hauling out much of the frozen product outdoors, settling the containers and drinks into the freezing snow as a buffer for the expiration dates. Hangyeol pushed inside, nearly colliding with a familiar face.
“Oh, it’s you,” Unlike their previous interaction that left them on a sour note, his tone was absent of disdain. Rather, he found himself surprised that Myunghwa did not hole herself into her apartment or rush to the hospital to take in the last breadth of power. Until the situation improved, regardless, Hangyeol was under the assumption that the young woman would certainly be struggling with the hardships forced upon her. He would be subject to lying if he could not admit that he was quite worried about her in particular. Other acquaintances of his had more chances of fairing well under these circumstances. 
“You haven’t been able to call me and pester me about fixing something for you. Is that what you were thinking about?" He gave a hum of discontent. "You look a little… frazzled.”
his displeasure was her delight. their prior interaction and the radio silence in the days following would discourage most. a clear enough signal to seek help elsewhere. he was no longer an option. but obstinance ( or sheer foolishness ) convinced her, if she were to plead, he wouldn’t refuse. a baseless faith in her ability to cajole him through appeals to his humanity. and she may very well have been in for a rude awakening when he would do just that. for the time being however, hangyeol’s presence was promising. his lighthouse might not have been operational, but at present, the keeper himself certainly appeared as a beckon of hope.
her laugh cut the otherwise morose atmosphere at he correctly guessed what she had been thinking. perhaps his opinion of her not so off base, he was spot on in his assessment. granted, her reasons for reaching out to him ran deeper than merely needing a handyman. nonetheless, his conclusion remained unchallenged, affirming he hadn’t fully uncovered her misdeed just yet. “among other things,” response cryptic, much like her present company.
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his evaluation caught her off guard. she seemed frazzled? that was meant to be masked. when asked to stay with her parents until the power was restored, myunghwa refused. if not for nightmares and insomnia, she’d have shifted to the comfort of her parents’ home without batting an eye. but the power outage was temporary. her parents concern, if rekindled, would last much longer. that even a third-party could make out she was nervous reinforced that her decision had been the right one. they’d have seen through her in a second if she stayed for more than a night.
“do i?” feigned ignorance, deflection easier than divulging the reasons for her anxiety. her attention returned to the shelves around them, most of the inventory depleted. “must just be the power outage. as you can probably guess, i’m not used to living without electricity.” an excuse she was certain he would accept at face value. “i assume you’re here to stock up on essentials as well? though if i’m being honest, you strike me as the type of guy that has a bunker full of survival tools and nonperishable goods, in case there is an apocalypse.” snagging one of last two remaining ramen packets, the other was offered to him. 
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
( sunhee )
Sunhee was used to the reaction, people not believing she was going through a breakup because they seemed so good together, like the perfect couple with no troubles and granted, Sunhee thought the same, so she understood the initial surprise. It was not something she particularly enjoyed talking to but to Myunghwa? She liked her and she needed some well deserved girl talk. Too bad the only thing she had to say was how surprised she was and how unexpected it had been.
“I told him a lot of things” In between tears, most of them, the pain of his words making her question herself more and more. She was more insecure now, a painful gift that he had given her as his good bye, and now as time passed Sunhee thought of more and more things she would like to say, except that now she didn’t have the chance to. Even for a small town, he was doing a great job avoiding her. “I hope he goes bald, sadly, he is still very much attractive” Maybe it was because it was still fresh but she found it difficult to find bad things to say about him. After all, he was the love of her life. Or had been. She wasn’t sure yet.
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“The other day a girl showed up at my place” She told her, deciding it was too painful to speak about her ex, and instead, she would tell her another painful thing “She was six or seven, little girl had no home, she was starving” She still remembered each second of it, still questioned if she had done right or wrong. “I considered keeping her to myself, if that’s something people can do. But someone must be looking for her right? I went to the police station and they said they would take care of her. Did I do wrong? Should I have kept her?”
“i’ve recently been starting a criminal enterprise.” dramatized statement uttered softly with a cast over her shoulder, as though anyone were interested in the ramblings of a lunatic. thus far, lee myunghwa the only member, engaging in crimes of all types. “so if you want, i can go rough him up a little for you. make him lose a few teeth.” because only assault and battery was missing from the list. what convinced her she could be the island’s next mob boss? taekwondo classes and time spent in jail. taken out of context, she’d seem a formidable opponent. with the surrounding detail, she was all bark and  no bite. “and i can sneak into his place and shave off his hair. let’s see how attractive he is after i’m done with him.” conviction behind the offer alarming, suggestive of it perhaps not being a joke. 
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even for someone as dense as myunghwa, another’s pain in discussing a breakup was apparent. so rather than dwell, she chose to focus on the far more bizarre news shared. a random girl showing up? maybe too influenced by the stories shared with her about japanese toilet ghosts or sacrifices of children to the gods, thoughts immediately went to the supernatural. ghosts were not real, she would insist. yet it seemed to take little convincing to have her thoughts leaning towards the unnatural. the story progressed, luckily verifying that the child was human, not spirit. hardly the one to be giving advice on children or ethics, sunhee had picked the worst of the lot to guide her through this moral dilemma.  
"no you did the right thing.” because the last thing she intended to do was worsen the already guilt-ridden woman’s state. “doesn’t everyone know everyone here?” or was that just a stereotype of small towns? “kids don’t just appear out of thin air. if she didn’t have a home, people would know. especially one so young.” faith in the police was strong, as was her belief that sunhee had done the right thing not keeping the child. “it’s better that the police look into it. and you can keep in touch. be a fun auntie!” though the other’s words warranted a follow-up question. “you considered keeping her? a random kid you don’t even know?” 
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
( sihyun​ )
Comparisons could not help but flood to Sihyun’s mind when in the presence of the younger woman. Personality wise, she was nothing like the little sister she knew the former was well-acquainted with by now; a possible good influence on Sieun’s social life that was always strived for by Sihyun and their mother, alike. But the actress was just that: an actress, something created and molded by the expectations of an overbearing parent. She found her escape in films and television shows, hoping there had to be something more to this, that she might as well keep up her habit of acting. ( And her mind waders to an old Hollywood movie, Mommy Dearest. A shudder washes down her spine. ) There were thoughts that, perhaps, Myunghwa felt the same, that what if Lee Taeho was equally persistent and controlling. She certainly hoped not.
With a sigh, Sihyun leaned back against the cushioned bench ( and away from her thoughts ). “You are so right. Standing and waiting around for one to see you or pick up their phone is so nerve-wracking, too. I honestly can’t imagine it’s any easier for foreign tourists when they get here. What a pain in the rear.” Another exhale of exasperation escaped the foppish woman. A dark pair of sunglasses still covered her eyes. Either she forgot they were still fixed to her face or she was intentionally concealing her eyes, and with the way they shifted behind them, it was more than clear the latter.
She opened her mouth to speak again when the server slides their cups of tea onto the table, a warm grin on his face. Sihyun offered her own platitudes of thanks in return, muttering several saccharine courtesies for his service. She leaned over the cup. “Smells like a lovely green tea,” An inhale. The steam rolled into the air, catching the incoming beams of light from the window. “Anyway, let’s cut to the chase, Miss Myunghwa.” The actress lowered her voice. “Why did you really want to meet like this so suddenly? Do you need help with something? Advice? Maybe you’re finally taking up my offer to get you that beverage brand deal?”
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palms pressed together and legs intertwined under the table. inexplicable nerves consumed her thoughts for reasons beyond even her comprehension. not that she expected to learn something she shouldn’t know, given no reason to anticipate the worst. perhaps the island had imbued her with suspicions never present before. because now, everything struck her as odd. the handwritten letter, the unfamiliar name, the vintage jewelry, the dated picture. the perfect avenue to avoid her chosen topic presented itself in the useless conversation about public transport. gone were the days of small talk consisting of weather and sports. should she choose, an entire afternoon could pass listing various gripes with gwasuwon. perhaps she too could nail a manifesto on the doors of those in charge.
a feigned smile to mask apprehension, much like the glasses that veiled sihyun’s eyes. not that it made much of a difference. discerning one’s honesty or motives from their gaze remained a skill beyond myunghwa’s grasp. response on the tip of her tongue, the universe thwarted such plans, intent on forcing her to discuss what was pressing. not what was convenient. all deflection tactics, distracting even her otherwise anxiety-ridden mind. taking the beverage in hand, the moment of opportunity slipped through her fingers. sihyun’s question was pointed, underscoring the bizarre nature of the younger woman’s request to meet asap. “unnie, you know i’d never turn down a chance to be in front of the camera. so say the word, and i’ll model for whatever you want.” the usual excitement absent from her voice, a slow sip of tea the only liquid courage available today.
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“i actually had a question.” a backstory was required. otherwise, those who called her crazy would have evidence to back it up. why else would she be so worried about a stupid picture and some precious stones? “you know how i’m taking classes at the university.” no lies detected up until this point. “i have to submit a report about political history of the island or something.” the natural question of why she didn’t just approach her father should arise right about here ( along with how someone so unstudious became conscientious all of a sudden ). “i tried to ask my dad but he’s too busy. so i’m tapping into my contacts a little. and since you grew up here and are related to the mayor. . .” so far, so good. talent for long preambles exhausted, eyes cast back up to meet the other’s. “do you know anything about the elections in 2004?”
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
( jisu )
the birch tree apartment isn’t alike the apartments in seoul, at least not the one where jisu had stayed as a dorm back when he was in the main city. it’s slower, probably outdated and with two out of three elevators being out of serviced for twenty-nine days out of the month. it’s crazy, he knows not all seoul apartment elevators are like the ones he had, but birch tree apartment is definitely a bit more ‘posh’ the very least. it’s all thanks to his severance pay (as the ex idol would put it - instead of lawsuit money) that he’s gotten a single unit block on this island. jisu likes it here already.
as he tries to drag the heavier boxes into the elevator and possible almost facing a close dreaded moment where the doors would shut before his very eyes, it’s thankfully stopped by the lady in it; someone he did not recognize.
he hears her talk about the elevators but honestly jisu is zoned out from being breathless when he had sped his way to stop the elevator. admitting to no one in particular but himself, he was so close to almost crashing into the stranger and that would have been disastrous; especially for first impression. as breathless as he almost is, the raven haired mutters a quick ‘thanks’ glancing at the lady before exiting the door and picking up what’s left of his remaining boxes.
“thank you again-” he mumbles quickly yet out of breath, “just- gimme a moment.” he tries to steady his breath. jisu swears it’s easier to do a two times speed of dancing to his group’s entire discovery than to carry his boxes for moving in day.
before the elevator could reach his floor, jisu stands up straight, now looking at the stranger properly. “oh, i’m sorry- i’m a new resident, as you can tell. literally moved in this morning, and well, still trying to move my things. you’re a big help, by the way! oh- sorry, i forgot to introduce myself” jisu mumbles in his train of thoughts - all spoken aloud. “i’m sorry, again. i must be rambling- but i’m jisu!” he finally introduces himself. “i would offer my hand, but it’s quite sweaty now- but it’s very nice to meet you, neighbor!”
assistance only went so far as keeping the doors open. her move had been seamless, apartment furnished upon arrival, an entire battalion prepared to ease her into life on the island. never having lifted a single finger, not even for herself, myunghwa could only watch the man struggling sympathetically. for all her strengths, helping with heavy boxes certainly was not one of them. “you know,” unhelpful and unsolicited advice to follow. “there are movers for these kinds of things. why bother doing it yourself when there are people who can do that for you?” the possibility that movers were a luxury not available to all never even occurred to her. instead his choice seemed foolish as it was clearly not his forte either. 
her floor was merely one above his. pausing for a second to allow him to catch his breath, she instead did some mental math. boxes x the amount of time it took to move them = her not getting home in time for her insta live. the solution? taking the single flight of stairs to her apartment, leaving him ample time with the elevator. so she refrained from selecting her own floor as the elevator ascended. attention returned back to the stranger, wide smile ever present at his introduction and slight rambling. ah, another of my kind, myunghwa too prone to rambles and bouts of nonsense. “lee myunghwa, president of the welcome committee.” a made-up committee and a self-anointed title. he was still new. with time, he’d learn her penchant for overstatement, and thus see through her antics. so while possible, his greenness would be exploited a bit longer. “and founding” ( and sole ) “member of the party-planning committee.” 
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“i’m also just one floor above you. so if you ever need flour or sugar. . .” as if her pantry was reliably stocked enough to make such promises. “i can point you in the direction of the best quickie-mart in the area.” arriving at his floor, her plan to spare him the awkwardness of standing around while he moved executed. she propped the lightest and smallest box in between the doors. “there, now you don’t have to worry about losing your stuff.” what was that saying? give a man a fish versus teach a man to fish. a triumphant smile at her ingenuity, she stepped around the box to exit. “oh and here.” a bag of chocolate croissants plopped down atop his possessions. “a little welcome to the building treat!” 
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
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↪ lmghw posted: the first of many cakes of the day 😋 another year older, none the wiser. wishing for a lifetime of adventures and prosperity for all my followers this birthday 💕    
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
( hyun )
Hyun knew of some doctors who liked to share knowledge and educate people through social media, but that didn’t mean he would do the same. “Their choice” He simply said because there was no way she would find anything secret about him, but the way she put it made him laugh, something that didn’t happen often. Hyun was more of the serious type, even when he could have a conversation with a stranger and have a good time, laughing was not something that  happened often.
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It made him suspicious that she didn’t say anything else about the matter, but maybe he had won the argument and that’s why she didn’t add anything else. It made him feel good, to know he was right when talking to someone as stubborn as his new friend. “There’s no point on asking you to buy a board so you’ll use mine, I’m a good teacher I’ll have you riding waves in no time” He assured her, confidence on his tone since he truly believed he could teach her.
“You’ll grant me a wish? Interesting, I need to start thinking of what I’m going to ask, especially because I know I’m gonna win” He assured her, laughing again at the pat on his back “Why do I feel like a loyal dog that is being congratulated for being good at his training?” He said, more pictures being taken. He was being trained and he was getting better so maybe he did deserve the pat on the back.
his laughter sounded like a challenge to her. she would be sure to uncover something, anything. she would have the last laugh. the scene played out in her head, exciting her already. confident strides would bring her in front of him. a file full of incriminating ( hopefully embarrassing ) social media posts slammed on the table before him. he’d tremble in fear at what she could do with such damning information and she’d gloat. just you wait doctor hyun. her personal competition with him ( that she’d forget later that night ) aside, she was excited at the current gauntlet tossed before her.
it was her turn to laugh at his characterization, not bothering to correct him. though not precisely her intention, he wasn’t wrong to say she had been a bit patronizing in her praise. that he took it in good spirits allowed her to continue from the second they met. somehow she’d managed to use both the carrot and the stick with this man, whether he recognized it or not. and myunghwa was far from an expert in human psychology. so either she had become a genius overnight ( which was quite impossible ) or he was just very simple. either way, she appreciated his ability to humor her, whether wittingly or unwittingly.  
“doctor hyun, i’m sorry to burst your bubble on such a beautiful night,” voice laced with confidence, steps gingerly placed backwards so as not to arouse his suspicion or draw attention to the movement. she deserved a head-start, she’d justify. he was taller and could cover more ground horizontally and vertically! “but i always win. so my advice?” braced and ready, she flashed him a final cheshire grin. “write your wish on a charm. because only the gods will be granting you anything tonight.” with the last word in, she set off, fully expecting to the end the night victorious. 
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
( yongsoo​ )
Once the others arrived on scene and hoses were set up, the fire was quickly put out. By then, Yongsoo had already made his way out of the building with the girl who remained semi-unresponsive in tow.
“Chief-” Someone called out to him, but Yongsoo was busy checking the girl for injuries. Now that they were out of the danger’s path, he had time to have a proper look. After introducing himself to the girl, he turned her around for a full body scan.
No injuries, the kid was real lucky.
“Time to call the parents, this party is over.” He gave a stern look to the young couple lying by the nearby bush, alcohol still strong on their breaths. “Everybody, back up and stand in that corner. You two, get up and join the rest.”
As for this one.
“Oi, kid! Don’t just stand there during a fire.” Yongsoo was talking to the girl he had physically carried out of the fire. This kid was called Myunghwa, he dimly recalled, but could not be certain so he did not risk using her name. “That was actually dangerous. Did you not pay attention when we went to your school to talk about fire safety? Recite to me what is the first thing you should do upon discovery of a fire.” When she didn’t respond fast enough, he lifted his hand and gave her the lightest flick on the forehead. Just enough to demonstrate his need for her to pay attention to this scolding, not to inflict pain.
a slight chill in the air broke the trauma induced trance. firefighters surrounded the building, dousing the flame with hoses while partygoers crowded the perimeter. observing the good samaritan who’d rescued her, his features triggered no recognition. was he at the party? or had he just jumped into a burning building to save her? the outfit didn’t tip her off to his occupation. nor did the reference to a chief. so rather than the most natural explanation, myunghwa settled with another. he was cosplaying as a firefighter for the festival. and lo-and-behold, the universe presented him with the opportunity to live out his fantasy. it wasn’t called the festival of wishes for nothing, apparently. 
inspection of her complete, his attention returned to the others, directions barked with authority. blame it on the near-miss with death, blame the alcohol, blame her dull wit. but even then, his position ( or profession ) did not register. no instruction given to her, myunghwa remained grounded in place. despite her constant commanding of others, obedience seemed appropriate tonight. while her demands rarely had a basis with strangers, she especially had no ground to stand on with her savior. eyes remained cast to the ground when he turned back to her, like a schoolchild being chided by a teacher. 
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“ah!” exaggerated by nature, brow furrowed in insolence out of habit when his forefinger hit her forehead lightly. quickly softening, gaze and a slight nod silently apologized. it had been dangerous. “stay low to the ground and move towards an exit?” the answer to his question a mere guess, unsurprisingly, she’d paid little attention during her childhood lessons. only because myunghwa never anticipated getting caught in a fire ( as though anyone did expect it to happen to them ). not questioning why he was taking his pretend job so seriously, she braced to receive another light flick for an incorrect answer. before he could punish her once more, she uttered a “thank you.” whispered gratitude was hardly sufficient compensation for his bravery. if not for the make-believer firefighter, the blaze that had failed to kill her years ago would have claimed its victim today. 
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
with @gswhan​
images of gods dueling, unnatural discoloration of the water, dead birds. such harbingers of an apocalypse could be written off. but a woman ( younger than herself ) found dead in her apartment? another missing? these were harder to shake. reminded of another death she’d learned of recently, her apartment suddenly felt both vast and claustrophobic. many possibilities existed to explain the sudden passing of a woman she’d never even met. natural causes, an overdose, perhaps even a suicide. yet she couldn’t help but wonder whether something more sinister was at play. while not a detective by any means, even the dullest tool in the shed understood that if one woman was found dead and her neighbor missing, something was amiss. 
sleep was already hard enough to come by without added concerns of home invasions. as though to obstruct justice, the world itself fell into darkness. she doubted this island saw many sudden deaths. if things out of the ordinary were happening, who was to say whether this was the end or just the beginning. . . was the solution to not being murdered in her home to wander the streets? no. so for once, myunghwa very much intended to get home before the roads completely emptied. no longer able to rely on delivery apps to bring food and supplies to her doorstep, the young woman was forced out of her house for essentials. in and out. that was the plan. yet the road to hell was paved with good intentions. and seemingly, she was about to end up on the front page of the newspaper the next morning as well as in the fiery pit. 
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the only convenience store that was still open and hadn’t been ransacked served as temporary shelter. perusing the aisles for whatever she could scavenge, relief washed over her when she came upon her favorite hermit ( not that she knew all that many ). “aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” he had crossed her mind when the power went out. but numerous other repair requests remained unanswered, his resolve to cut all communication strong. besides, considering the entire neighborhood lost power, there was likely little hangyeol could do. the thought of paying him a visit had occurred to her, but for once, she wasn’t deliberately seeking him out. the familiar face ( even one that often wore a scowl around her ) was just welcome serendipity. “what is that saying? ask and you shall receive. i was just thinking about you.” not exactly, but close enough. if flattery would soften him towards her, in this moment, she’d try it all. 
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
with @gswyijoons​
with the entire island plunged into darkness, it was all on hands on deck. being the upstanding citizen she was, myunghwa naturally volunteered her time to remedy situations around the island. the lack of cell service, leaving her with little else to do, had nothing to do with the sudden stroke of altruism. neither did the order of the wonderful officers who’d let her off with a slap on the wrist in exchange for community service. of the options, this wasn’t terrible. having flown off to paris before graduating, the school fascinated her. for even when she did attend, hers resembled a country club more than a place of education. though not one to set foot in a school of her own volition, she reminisced about schooldays and her ignorance of what life had in store for her. 
grateful to no longer be required to don the hideous neon vest, instructions were followed carefully. with thick glass blocking the wind and cold from seeping in through cracks, insulating windows for winter was foreign to her. as were many of the day to day habits of the townspeople. perhaps another would have been more efficient at completing the task. but she was diligent,  working methodically ( at a pace slower than the turtles in their namesake park ), she finished a couple classrooms before they announced lunchtime. one by one, students, staff, and volunteers, shuffled out of the rooms and, beaming, myunghwa followed suit. 
what did they say about food after a hard days work ( her labor qualifying as neither hard nor a full day’s worth )? it was sweeter! and though picky with her meals, the tray of basics was  mouthwatering in the moment. scanning the cafeteria for other volunteers or even students, a familiar face stood out. of course yijoon would be here. why hadn’t it occurred to her before? the fact that he was a teacher being one of the few things she knew about the man, it had merely slipped her mind. so for once, rather than weaseling her way into another’s conversation, she made a beeline straight towards him. tray placed on the table, she slid into the empty seat across from him without asking. this was a public place after all. 
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“do you get to eat this stuff every day? i never thought i’d like cafeteria food but this is really good. or is today’s menu special because the power is out and they are trying to appease everyone?”  like they were old friends, the conversation started in the middle with no greeting or basic pleasantries. 
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
( sunhee )
Sunhee took pride on knowing her clients, and she didn’t mind taking the waitress role for her favorite people. Most managers would stay behind the curtain when it came to serving, but Sunhee had started as a waitress herself so she did not mind replacing others and taking the task herself. And Myunghwa was a regular, one she enjoyed talking to and it was the perfect distraction she needed in that moment. “I’m glad it is then, I still have my touch” She hadn’t lost it while working as a manager.
“The latest tea?” She asked, thinking about all the news that inevitably came to the Pink Room  “You know the owner knows more about that than me” Although it was part of her job description to keep the old lady up to date with everything that happened around “There is a divorce, a man who has not paid for child support in months and I’m afraid I can be a little tea of my own, if I even qualify for that” She said with a chuckle, taking a seat in front of her since the conversation was just starting.
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She ordered a drink for herself before sighing “I got dumped, can you believe it? After 8 years I was expecting a ring and all I got was a good bye” She said it with no pain in her words, that would come after, when she was alone. 
what could the spiciest gossip of gwasuwon be? someone’s child winning a local writing competition. maybe the love confessions of the resident, ‘will-they, won’t-they’ couple. a business going under. myunghwa wasn’t sure what she was even fishing for in asking such a question. the answer was predictable. yet the same news packaged differently had excited her in the past. their family friend’s son winning a national writing award. when gyuri and jihoon finally started dating ( their romance short-lived ). the party that came after her father acquired a bankrupt business rival. less the subject-matter, disinterest was caused more by her lack of familiarity with the characters. because to her, they were just that. characters in a story with no buy-in from the listener.
now sunhee’s own tea, that was intriguing. she had context. sunhee was known and thus, myunghwa was invested in her life. a divorce or missing child support payments was no different than reading the newspaper ( which unsurprisingly, she rarely did ). scooting slightly to ensure she had enough room, myunghwa’s patience was limited.  she was itching to know what it was that happened. yet when the news came, she was aghast. “what?” a breakup?! the last time they’d spoken, she remembered sunhee mentioning a partner, seeming absolutely lovestruck. myunghwa’s own romantic past far from simple, few relationships, many flings, the other’s stable relationship was a thing of envy. 
so who was this man that dared break-up with her? outrage rarely displayed in her love life surfaced at the injustice towards sunhee. “how dare he?!” she began, asking no other details. “what was he even thinking? how ridiculous. eight years!” people were lucky if relationships lasted eight months, let alone eight years. here she’d been thinking they’d begun dating recently. “what an asshole.” alcohol and food all of a sudden less appealing, her entire focus shifted. “did you tell him that? did you tell him he’s an asshole and he will never do better? and that he’ll go bald? and his teeth will fall out? and,” curses cut off abruptly, an important question unasked before she’d launched into her tirade. 
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“how are you doing?” her hand covered the older woman’s, doing her best to be empathetic. yet it was easier to rage than understand because she’d never really been in this position before.  
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
( yiming ) 
“Trying to kill you?” He echoed, deliberating whether or not he should attempt an incredulous gasp but decided last minute that may be a tad out of his comfort zone in terms of acting. He was, after all, still new to this harmless freelance photographer character. “Considering the situation, I should be accusing you of trying to kill me.” Behold, the gaslighting has begun. Yiming would feel bad, really, except guilt was something he was still working on finding again. It might take some time, since he spent a good twentyish years trying to eliminate its existence in order to survive. 
Shuffling over, he helpfully extended a hand to Myunghwa with the intention of pulling her into a more comfortable sitting position. “Yes, you broke in. This is the Jeon residence.” He grabbed an ash tray, which was thankfully cleaned just this morning, and handed it to her. “I don’t own this space, so if you must throw up, try using that.” Hopefully she didn’t need a larger container because his garbage can was new and he did not want it ruined.
“Wild party?” He asked, getting up from his previously crouched position to walk to his night stand. “Have a sip of this.” Yiming unscrewed the lid of his thermo cup and watched steam rise. “Poison, of the highest quality.” He pressed the cup towards Myunghwa, not releasing his hold just in case she had unsteady fingers and would dump the whole thing onto the pristine wooden floor. “I am kidding,” he added in his robotic voice. “It is a goji berry and mixed herbs tea.” Though some did hate the taste of it and considered the brew much worse than poison. 
Now, he should probably get her out of here. 
“Need a ride home?” It would be via his bicycle. What? Don’t worry, Yiming excelled in getting drunk people home regardless of what the situation involved and what mode of transportation he must work with. “Unless you rather stay here for the night?”
a scoff. though sarcasm not part of her daily vernacular, his ridiculous accusation warranted an equally incredulous response. was she quickly realizing that she may have committed another felony by breaking and entering into his room? most certainly. had she practically confessed that she was aware of this fact? unfortunately so. a lawyer’s worst nightmare, eyes still narrowed at his allegation. “you were the one holding a knife!” gaze shifted to where she’d seen the handle now finding only empty air. the same eyes she’d narrowed quickly widened, as if doing so would materialize a weapon that was never there. was she now seeing things too? maybe she was actually the one trying to kill him. . . 
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her side ( and now her head ) hurt. all she wanted was her bed. and if not hers, then someone’s. his weight shifted, no longer straddling her. outstretched hand accepted, she straightened into a sitting position. observing the surroundings confirmed once more—indeed, this was not her room. “jeon. . . jeon noeul? no wonder.” understanding quickly dawned upon her. “we have the same taste. of course i’d think it was my apartment.” even to her sober self this would make sense. the ash tray was accepted without protest or question, though at no risk of throwing up. in this state, she’d accept anything handed to her. when drunk, myunghwa could be the perfect scapegoat for another’s crimes ( when she wasn’t committing her own apparently ).  
next accepted? the bitter drink that she could barely stomach. no alarm bells rang when he implied it was poison, barely registering the fact before he clarified it was just tea. nose scrunched along with the rest of her features, attention turned back to her killer. “you’re trying to kill me for breaking in, aren’t you? why else serve a guest,” ah, a clever attempt to try and mask her faux pas ( slash felony ) “something so bitter?” for crying attempted murder so many times, her conversation was quite calm. a stroke of absolutely useless genius reminded her she clearly didn’t know which way home was. “do you know where i live?”
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
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Inspector Koo (2021) dir. Lee Jung Heum
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
( sieun​ )
yoyoing emotions
Sieun had treated her return to the island as a self-imposed exile from not only the mainland, but her cherished lifestyle was a thing of the past and that had become her punishment. She had once felt flattered when she captured people’s attention, but now she refused to make eye-contact with any of the islanders. Her mother hadn’t allowed her to sulk for longer than a week. She had set up the perfect play date with Myunghwa as if the two were children and needed to be told which friendship would be beneficial for their social standing.
Had her stubbornness gotten in the way, she wouldn’t have met someone that understood at a deeper level without needing to say too much. The pair could read between the lines, or assess their mood by a simple twitch of the lips, and still be mindful of their unspoken boundaries. She cherished her friendship with the younger woman, and affectionately nicknamed: her gem. If it hadn’t been for Myunghwa, she would have lost herself completely. Perhaps, she was being too sentimental, or her hormones were unbalanced and she needed actual intervention.
Was retail therapy not the best kind of therapy? She could spend time with Myunghwa, add another unnecessary clothing item to her closet, and bask in the sun for longer than a few minutes when she needed to collect the mail. It was a last minute invitation, but she had been excited when the younger woman had accepted to meet her at the popular boutique after one of her classes. Her face brightened, corner of her lips tugging upwards into a warm smile when she spotted Myunghwa across the street.
“Was I the only one deceived by the sun?” Sieun asks, feeling grateful that she didn’t have to tilt her head upwards too much to make eye-contact with her friend. “Fall is really here. Let’s go inside, I’m freezing.”
for the most part, myunghwa could count on one hand the number of genuine friends she had on the island ( or in life more generally ). sifting sincere from pretense was not her strong suit. some tolerated her out of courtesy, others out of greed. while unable to distinguish the two, she could classify people into buckets of acquaintance and friend. and though socializing had never been a chore, the island ( and her mental state upon arrival ) proved otherwise. thus, amenable to meeting anyone, desperate for someone who wouldn’t immediately shun her, myunghwa welcomed the orchestrated introduction. she’d forever claim their friendship began with a blind date. two strangers given a litany of reasons they were compatible, told they would make great friends! it was certain, under different circumstances, they would have been set up together. 
her own mother, while far from overbearing in comparison to moon boram, had worried for myunghwa’s emotional health. taken away from friends she’d known since 14, brought to a place she’d only briefly visited in the past, the change was traumatic. so she was well aware that her mother also hoped that this arrangement would blossom into a genuine friendship. and though stilted at first, sieun quickly became myunghwa’s closest confidante on the island. one whose judgment she did not fear. and though rarely expressed ( her words reserved for nonsense alone ), she appreciated these social calls, no matter the plans. the days grew monotonous and boring on the island and there were only so many hobbies she could cycle through before she exhausted all that gwasuwon had to offer. 
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“i never check the weather before leaving the house so i’m just chronically underprepared.” a terrible habit she just could not shake. seasons would change but she and her fashion paid temperature no mind. entering the boutique with sieun, eyes scanned across the selection first but shifted back to the other. “before we venture any deeper,” tone serious, pause dramatic, her hands were placed on sieun’s shoulders to keep her from wandering any further. “why are we shopping today?” how ironic! for two women who lacked direction in other aspects of life, setting a goal for shopping should be the least of their concerns. 
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gswmyunghwa · 1 year
( ataru​ )
she couldn’t tell whether this woman was being sincere. not in a suspicious way though- if anything the listener’s reactions were giving her a sense of gratification that usually ataru doesn’t get. but always secretly looks for. that disappointing and villainous voice in her consciousness just had to remind her of her growing sense of imposter syndrome. still, she relished in this small moment of successful entertainment and allowed the corners of her mouth to bashfully fight off an accomplished grin. her fingers, itching in controlled excitement, scratched behind her ears.
an actual laugh leaves ataru when questions shuffle out so quickly. “no- no, not any toilet. public bathrooms are totally all fair game though.” back when she was little hearing about it, she’d wondered the same thing. she spent too much time rushing her bathroom trips for the sake of leaving the spirit alone before realizing she’d been safe in her own home. finally, the other stands still letting her eyes scan over once more. another small win on this foreign island, a sponsor for her roughly put together ensemble. “ah- that’s true..” a spark of happiness dusted her expression, a bit enchanted by the grace of her hair flip. “by the way, i’m ataru.” 
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that was a fact that she found to be true as well, lots of legends and ghosts are given the description of long black hair. she guessed there was something unsettling about not having a regular hairdresser. “oh-…” ataru was only joking, at least- in that moment she was. now that her new acquaintance was holding a stick of red, she was kind of.. wanting to except the offer. introverted energy swelled in her once again, and her shoulders got stiff as she thought about it. the faint sound of the lipstick twisting off rushed her decision. hesitantly, she started to nod- a bit shy almost. “it doesn’t stain does it?” 
confusion mixed with a mirrored smile at the other’s laugh. was it an unreasonable question to ask whether or not she now needed to fear all toilets? by no means a horror expert, certainly there must have been rules to supernatural hauntings. how were victims chosen if this ghost traveled across seas and into private residences as well? and for a moment myunghwa considered her own decisions were she a ghost. if she were to haunt anyone, first would be myungjun ( he deserved a bit of a friendly fright ). next on the roster would be friends, if only to confirm they were mourning her properly. finally, she’d settle down with a person much like herself. one with excellent taste in home décor and by extension, excellent taste in toilets. “well lucky for me i have a very strong bladder. i’m swearing off public bathrooms from this day forward. not only germs, now i have to fear spirits as well!” an announcement that was only good so long as she didn’t get drunk.
“myunhwa! pleasure to meet you ataru.” the hesitation and contemplation of her offer went over her head. obviously if someone offered to improve her costume, she’d deliberate as well. she knew the vision best. but when the tables were turned, she expected immediate acceptance. which she received when ataru nodded, apprehension and reluctance visible to anyone who bothered to observe ( anyone but myunghwa ). digging through her purse now for a q-tip, she victoriously produced yet another staple in her daily routine. lightly dabbing at the color with the cotton head, her phone was offered to the young woman, an image of the toilet ghost pulled up on the screen. 
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it was her turn to laugh at the other’s question, shaking her head. “i’m very careful with the makeup i buy. there’s a lot of terrible stuff out there,” and there were a few such products sent to her on occasion. she made it a point to be honest in all reviews, sponsorships hardly necessary for supporting herself and her brand. voice slightly distracted, she did her best to emulate the blood in the image, carefully adjusting the pattern to suit the woman’s face. “it is actually smudge proof too. and between you and me, i've tested that claim with enough people to verify that it is 100% true.” her tmi couched behind a wink and smile, she stepped back to appreciate her handiwork, motioning for ataru to check as well. 
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