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#challengecoin #lapelpin
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Challenge Coin/ Lapel Pin Colors Filling Machine #challengecoin #policeb...
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When designing your challenge coin, changing the plating option can completely alter the look and feel of your coin. Since the challenge coin’s plating plays such a vital role in the overall aesthetic of your coin, we’ve put together this article to help you learn a bit about our available options, and how you can leverage each one to improve your custom challenge coin design. However, before we begin, let’s take a quick look at just what a challenge coin's plating is!
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What is the Difference between Die Struck and Die Cast Coin?
If you’re unfamiliar with the world of coins, you may not know just how many different variants there can be. Two of the most common molds are die struck and die cast. When you’re deciding between different products, it’s important to understand some of the key distinctions between the two main types.
Die Struck Challenge Coin
Die striking started centuries ago when blacksmiths would use a forge and heavy tools to hammer down a piece of heated metal. Die striking is helpful for coins that have a lot of color in their designs. They’re also useful if you’re looking to use a higher quality metal in your finished product. In many ways, die striking is somewhat self-explanatory. It entails striking the metal with your chosen design. This helps to press it into the metal. It allows for a solid level of detail that is both sharp and crisp without sacrificing much of the original quality.
Often, die striking is done on metals like iron and brass. They’re malleable enough for the striking product. They’re also higher quality than some other materials that might be a bit more suitable for the casting process. There are also a few primary differences between these common metals. The first is that iron is a bit more affordable. This comes with a small caveat, though: Iron is also not as high-quality as brass. Of course, on the other hand, brass is an excellent material but you have to be prepared to budget if you’re going to select this metal for your die struck coin.
Die Casting Coins
Die casting is typically done with more malleable metals so it’s easier to achieve the level of intricacy. If you’ve ever seen a coin and wondered where are those intricate designs come from, you’re quite possibly looking at something that is die cast. Typically, once the casting process is done, you’ll have your coin finished to your specifications and then polished so it looks fresh and new.
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Die struck Challenge Coin and Lapel Pins making.
If you want to use bronze or iron material to make police coins, military challenge coins. This is the die struck machines.
#challengecoin #lapelpin #policebadge
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Police Badge Manufacture.:) #policebadge #policedepartment #police #chri...#policebadge
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Full 3D Challenge Coin. #full3D #3Dchallengecoin #challengecoin #challe...
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Die casting working for lapel pin, challenge coin and so on
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Die Casting Making for lapel pin, challenge coin, police badges and so on metal gifts.
#flyingtigers #challengecoin #challengecoins #coinscollectors #customcoin #militarycoins #coinmaker
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Lapel Pin Die Casting
 #flyingtigers #challengecoin #challengecoins #coinscollectors #customcoin #militarycoins #coinmaker
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Challenge Coin& Lapel Pin Molding #christmaspin #christmas #christmasdec...
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Brazil Challenge Coin produced by green tree gifts. #armycoins #lawenforcementchallenge coins #pokerchipchallengecoins #custommilitarychallengecoins #challengecoinsfast #firedepartmentchallengecoin #customchallengecoinscheap #customchallengecoinscheap #challengecoindesigntool #armorofgodcoin
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Christmas Brooch& christmas pin in store. 0.6$/pc Extra shipping fee. Min. 50pcs. #christmaspin #christmaspin #xmasbrooches #christmasbroochpins #xmaspins #broochchristmastree
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Christmas Brooch& christmas pin in store. 0.6$/pc Extra shipping fee. Min. 50pcs. #christmaspin #christmaspin #xmasbrooches #christmasbroochpins #xmaspins #broochchristmastree
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2023 Christmas Embroidery Patches #embroidery patches #pvcpatch
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Careful Packing for all metal gifts
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Metal Keychain
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