green-wheels · 19 hours
It's unfortunate how often the solution to a problem is just talking to people. You'd think it could be something easier like making a comprehensive chart or list, or reading everything you can find on the subject, but no, so often you can do all that and you still have to talk to people.
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green-wheels · 19 hours
pros: it would most likely vastly improve my life in a multitude of ways
cons: might get scared
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green-wheels · 19 hours
no more group chats. we meet once a week from now on and everyone prepares 2 personal stories and 3-5 memes and we sit in a circle and have a Socratic seminar covering these topics
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green-wheels · 2 days
before you ship something stop and ask yourself... Is this otp material? Make sure your characters are:
Obstinate and inflexible in their actions
Terrible for each other in most circumstances
Poor communicators
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green-wheels · 2 days
You have every right to be cautious with men. You have every right to turn down a man, even if it’ll hurt his little ego. You have every right to go to measures to protect yourself against the possibility of a man attacking you. You have every right to not want male friends. You have every right to pick the bear. Stop putting men’s feelings and egos over your safety and livelihoods. You don’t need to feel bad about insulting a man who has done you worse. Don’t let stupid people who have no understanding of statistics and female experience. Be mean to men if they won’t take no for an answer and don’t feel bad about it.
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green-wheels · 2 days
how life feels when you dgaf about male loneliness
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green-wheels · 2 days
Truly I do think people in general care more about traumatized characters than they do traumatized people. Not a targeted post, it's just an observation. People will demonize and look down upon expressions of trauma that don't align with the common consensus of a "perfect victim" in real breathing people, while simultaneously praising and holding up fictional characters that show just how bitter and angry trauma can make you. It's just a bit bizarre to me. Where is this energy for the real people who struggle to or are unwilling to heal in a way that is palatable? People fold into themselves and can't get out, and all the positivity posts about what they might be going through are for fake people, it feels like a slap to the face.
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green-wheels · 2 days
It’s weird how people on this website are so obsessed with discussing the intricacies of their sexuality and kinks while simultaneously being so virginal. Like there’s no shame in being a virgin, but why don’t you just try having normal sex before identifying yourself as a polysexual bdsm kinkster? I feel like porn has caused a bunch of young people to form weird fantasies that are very unlikely to be fulfilled in real life
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green-wheels · 2 days
cannot stop thinking about how good the fabrication of consent in squid game was… like yeah, the participants consent! over and over, from agreeing to the slapping game to ringing up the number of their own accord to meeting at the location to signing a separate sheet once more upon arrival… they can even disband the game if the majority decrees it. but this is all performative. because of course they’ll agree - of course they’ll come back.
the second episode is even all about addressing this ‘consent’, and that potential audience superiority: “so why don’t they just leave???? if they can??? why did they even do all this to start with?? it’s so extreme, to do all that just for money, i would never”
because, the show says, look at what they’re returning to. look at the life that’s offered as their alternative. debt up to their ears, money-brokers beating them up, poverty at its worst. do you see? do you see how yeah, joining that game is optional, but it’s optional in the sense of choosing to be stabbed or shot: theres consent, but not actual desire. that theres agreement, but under exploitation. there’s a reason only poor people are chosen to compete and it’s so obvious but i fucking love how the show handles it and addresses any audience superiority anyway
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green-wheels · 2 days
This isn’t commonly known but one of the rings of hell is actually being in a fandom wherein the popular bloggers have the worst opinions known to man that everyone else parrots
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green-wheels · 2 days
i bet on crazy frogs
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green-wheels · 2 days
edit: this post is not for terfs. trans women are women.
you ever just think about how across the whole of human history, the window of time where women have been able to choose not to spend their lives cooking and cleaning and being pregnant for men they never wanted to marry is so vanishingly small, and even then that’s not an option for women in lots of areas of the world, and there are girls being taken out of school and forced to marry at 12 years old, and if nothing changes for them then all they’ll ever know is a life of forced servitude and abuse and rape, and how some men just see this as fucking normal
you ever just think about how the gulf between women’s rights in different countries is so massive and there are men working their fingers to the bone to strip back reproductive rights because they look at their society where women can live their lives free from being shackled to men through financial dependence and constant pregnancy and childbirth and think ‘this won’t do at all’
you ever just think about the surge of ‘tradwife’ propaganda and how people are romanticising the vulnerability and dependence that some women would kill to break out of. how women are romanticising their own oppression
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green-wheels · 23 days
Something to be said about how often butch lesbians are drawn with narrow hips and barely any tit as compared to drawings of femmes and osa women.
It just doesn't feel progressive to me, sorry.
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green-wheels · 23 days
telling a joke on tumblr is fun but watch out! if it gets over 1000 notes your joke is automatically exposed to people who have never once heard a joke in their life.
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green-wheels · 24 days
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green-wheels · 24 days
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Felt like sharing these two....
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green-wheels · 29 days
‘what’re u going to do w ur degree’ nothing. i’m going to start blowing things up
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