Remember to make space for the heteros this month too - yes, really.
Lesbians who became straight men
Gay men who became straight women
All straight drag artists (note that not all of them are cis!)
People with complex identities who thusly encompass multiple orientations (like genderfluid and multigender people who, yes, are sometimes straight, or even simultaneously with other labels)
Hetero aro and ace people. Especially. Seriously.
People with fluid orientations
Gnc people who find joy in their straightness
Many queer people are also straight. Queerness is note solely reliant on gayness. These people too, are a part of pride. Remember that.
[All discourse attempts will be swiftly blocked. Exclusionists fuck off]
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one final video of me making spotty go boing boing boing
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isabelle: its 4:32 a.m on this island and our player has left us for dead
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The difference between my family and other people is that my family thinks I'm manipulative and fake to everyone else in the world because they've never seen me act like a huge cunt like family has. The thing is, when I'm thrown off the loop and need like 30 minutes of silence to sit down on the floor an let the gunk in my brain settle back down to the bottom sediment layer without stirring them back up again, other people just let me do that.
Most people have never seen me become a huge cunt because they don't consider "please just let me sit down in silence for like 30 minutes so I don't turn into a huge cunt" to be an unreasonable request.
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how can you not be angry
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A friend of mine had this idea, and I’d love to see it in an urban fantasy: magic is real and it stays secret because it looks like bad CGI. The fakest thing ever.
People who witness magic in person can always have their minds clouded, as they have been for most of human history, but all this newfangled technology has to be handled a different way. A video camera records exactly what it sees.
So, what it sees is … something that looks laughably fake. For any time period. The various secret magicians of the world make a point to keep their spells up to date with the current mundane trends — some of them even have running contests for who can make the most fake-looking spell.
I imagine they have a great time doing it. I sure would.
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Generic stupid horny fantasy harem isekai anime ending idea:
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Generic stupid horny fantasy harem isekai anime ending idea:
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When you’re low key a couple
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This may be controversial but I think polyamory should be in tv shows and video games. I think there’s so many unexplored dynamics for romcom relationships and we simply deserve these kinds of stories.
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Lil comic interaction I had thought of yesterday
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im just begging people to stop saying shit like "afabs are always infantilized" "afab people can only be seen as victims by society" please. for the love of god. it's such a shallow take on misogyny. especially if you know anything about like antiblack racism or lesbophobia or whorephobia or. y'know. anti transmasculinity? we can and should talk about infantilization and it's deadly consequences but the way some of y'all talk about it is eerily similar to Those Kinds of white cis radfem-adjacent girls who are almost in love with the narrative of their own victimhood. maybe we only bring up infantilization once we already have an understanding that it is only one aspect of misogyny & its variants.
& frankly a lot of the time even when people talk about infantilization often it's in ways that i think fail to properly capture its harm because its being seen as the opposite of demonization instead of them being two tools in the same toolbox
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Shades & Shadows + Webby
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Happy Pride Month 💛🤍💜🖤
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I swear to fucking god i did not edit this screenshot in any way 
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