grandorder ¡ 2 years
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❅ “It has been, hasn’t it…” She’s not the kind to keep track of these things, let alone something along the lines of an anniversary. Has it really been that long? Time sure flies. Huh. “Just say you dislike having even more doors between us, idiot.” Who knew mages could be so clingy? Not FrostNova. “I am… not against it.”
“It has.” It’s perhaps the longest relationship in his entire life ( romantic or otherwise, and not counting Caeneus ). Which many would consider sad, but Kirsch is only ever focused on the positives. And yes, he has been keeping track. There’s a little red circle around New Years to boot.
“Alright. I dislike having even more between us.” Completely matter-of-fact, though he’s most definitely smiling through the whole thing. “And I dislike the idea of having to take a bus to visit you every other day. But I would do it for you.”
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“So, that being said, where would you like to have a house? Somewhere quiet, away from people? By the beach, maybe?”
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
     ❅ “Kirschtaria.” He’s wearing the expression of mischief again. Nothing could ever prepare her.
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     “I wouldn’t consider myself to be… the normal image of a… house owner… Where did this come from?” Actually, it’s fine. He’s noble. He can afford houses. Plural.
Whoops, a little too carefree there. Reign it back in, pretty boy. Okay, now he looks marginally presentable; like he knows what he’s talking about.
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“Nowhere in particular; I was just thinking things over. It’s been over a year since we got together, no? It would be nice to move in together, don’t you think?” Jokes on you girl, this man is as poor as everyone else. “Well, that, and I found I moved one apartment down, and I don’t particularly relish the idea of moving halfway across the city from you should it happen next time.” 
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
“—Any? Even say like cola or a slushie?“ He’s straying off the straight and narrow like he’s reaching for the sky.
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"Do you think hot beverages would be plausible? I thought it might be inefficient with the shape of a wine glass, but do you speak from experience?” Is this a peek behind the Crypter curtain, Kirsch?
“Correct, any.” He sounds far more serious than he should, all things considered. But this is serious business -- sort of. Maybe. Totally not admitting he’s done it himself once or twice, away from prying eyes. 
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“I haven’t tried anything hot,” yet, “but I don’t see why not. If a wine glass doesn’t suffice, there are plenty others. Like tumblers, for example.” 
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
“Yelena.” Oh my god where did he even come from. Actually, no, nevermind. Some times mages teleport. 
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“How do you feel about owning... a house?” Not a bone of subtlety in this man today. 
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
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“What about something lighter, like fruit punch? You could swivel it around to give the illusion of wine”. It might be childish, but he’s not proud of seeing himself wielding the milk.
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“Right, that also works. In fact, you can substitute the wine for almost anything non-alcoholic and enjoy it freely. The sky’s the limit.” It’s not childish if no one sees you do it.
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
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“I can’t quite wrap my head around why someone might serve milk in a wine glass. There are more unusual options, but it’s still a peculiar choice”.
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“There’s no better way to put a wine glass to use, especially if you don’t drink wine.” Says the man who’s probably done exactly that. 
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
“Thank you,” she chimed, relieving his grip of the cup, nestled neatly between both hands. “It’s nothing to worry about. If that were the case, it’s just like another flavour to try”. His question after required a moment — so much had happened since last time, everything had changed. Not even just as the girl facing the Incineration of Humanity, as recent as summer, she felt like they were entirely different people. “It would be difficult to say so and do so honestly. Shortly after you told me everything, I saw it. Your Lostbelt and those before it”.
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Hearing of his fate, of the Alien God’s appearance… they were one thing, but spectating them first-hand was another. Still it was so difficult to believe that when they last spoke, for her, he was alive. “It was a lot to take in at once and I didn’t handle it well. But the support of those around has helped manage far better. The past two months have taught me a lot about how to keep going forward.
And you… it’s been much longer, but things here are much kinder to you still I hope?”
Your Lostbelt. He had wondered when it would come. How hard it would hit, and what kind of impression it would leave in its wake. So far, it seems nothing’s changed for Mashu. But looks can be ever deceiving ( take himself, for example; the impossible wall between mask and player ). “I see.” 
For as iron-hearted as Mashu is, she’s still human. More human, he should say. There have been ample changes between their first meeting and now, an ocean of difference between the girl she had been and has become. “I’m glad to hear that. You have a wonderful support system to work with, Mashu.”
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As for himself, well: “Kind is a very particular word to use here. Comfortable, maybe? Though, I will admit it’s been very different over the months.” But there’s little he can do about that. Time will forever march onwards; sands passing idle through an hourglass. Here, he has nothing but time: to think, to consider, to wander, but never to regret. 
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
@hopeled​ said:  " Catch." would be the only warning give before Ritsuka lightly tosses a ribbon-clasped treat bag towards the other mage. inside was an abundance of small, animal shaped chocolates (mostly bunnies) in different flavors, as well as a few shaped like stars. " Feel free to share them with FrostNova-- I even added a little alcohol to some just for her. "
“Oh, that was rather thoughtful of--”
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“... How did she know.”
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
     ❅ The way she catches a slight shift of tone in his voice suggests a grander scheme at play, and one look at his face is the only clue she will get. Having known him — really known him — for quite some time, the cautus has learned how to tell when he is up to something. Whether it be good or bad usually remains to be determined, but he never drags her into anything malicious.
     And so, on the fine line between winter and spring, she may or may not decide to let him lead. ( Usually she is the one who takes the lead, or so she would like to believe. ) “Neither have I.” It would be a poor excuse to say she dislikes unfamiliar places, no? “And yet I have no choice but to agree, don’t I?”
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     Gloved hands find each other, their breaths turning to white-ish mist with the temperatures dancing the freezing edge, like her own body does forevermore. “Lead on. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Totally nailed it. Even when the scheme isn’t really a scheme ( more a gift, or a surprise, or a combination thereof ), it’s near impossible for him to act otherwise. Though with her, because it’s Yelena, who knows him so well, too well unlike most, he can do so without worry. Well, much worry. There’s always that tiny, impossible worry she’ll catch on ahead of time, and that would ruin the surprise, wouldn’t it?
“You know you’re always free to say no,” though he knows otherwise by now. For all the casual back and forth between them, the other’s always ( more than ) willing to go along, regardless of how potentially tiresome or inane it may be. But that’s how it is with these types of things, this strange little thing called love ( and to think it, even stranger still ). 
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They tangle hands together, Kirsch just a step ahead to lead the way there. “But of course, I promise to make it worthwhile. When have I ever disappointed?” And even if the worst was to happen ( like that? falling in? catching each other in some embarrassing moment? ) it would still be worth it. Completely and totally. But first, he has to get her there. 
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
@castilium​ said:  they're arranged in line with Cygnus — ten stars in all. one for each of Team A's members, their unofficial eighth and the two juniors who carried their mission. the pain of what befell more than half its members hurts her, but for Kirschtaria, it must be a pain far greater than she can truly understand. but she appreciates them, admires them, and wishes to express as such through this gesture, the only way she can think of other than just words to commit to memory. other than the swan, a heart rests beneath its crossroads, marked with 'happy Valentine' on one side, and the other, 'thank you for everything'.
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“Heh...” She really knew how to pick them, didn’t she? It was the second time he’d been on the receiving end of these kind of gifts, a rarity in itself. “Which means I should repay in kind at some point, right? That only seems fair.” An all-out attack for his stately kouhai. Right, it was only fair in the end.
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
The season’s shift and change, but a coldness still lingers in the air; the remains of a once-past winter. Morning’s remain brisk until the frost melts, making it perfect for something warm and welcoming. Hot chocolate, in other word. Which serve as the perfect thing to pass between once-colleagues so early in the day.
Truly, it’s been months since they last spoke, and that had been precarious at best. It’s been too long - far too long - since they sat and simply talked. “Here,” he says, passing the hot cup over to Mashu. “Hopefully it isn’t too sweet. Unfortunately I couldn’t recall what your tastes were on these things before.” 
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The snow’s all but gone now; spring just on the cusp of blooming. It leaves the city in an unusual place, but not an unwelcomed kind. “Have you been doing well since last time, Mashu?”
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
It’s almost the end of winter, and with it, the end of winter festivities. Almost, but not quite. Almost, but not yet. There’s still time, even as it ticks downward to zero, and so he chooses to chance it. Just this once, a little more frivolous than usual. There are no grand schemes, no secret tricks, only a flyer that says, ‘onsens and offsens’ in cursive script.
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“Actually, there’s part of the festival I wouldn’t mind investigating while we’re out and about.” Right, perfect start. Totally not scheme-y or anything. “It’s over in the City of Glass. I haven’t explored much over there since it opened up. Did you want to explore it with me, Yelena?”
Nailed it.
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
               he should have remained still.
     the sudden noise causes her to go still, head snapping towards the source of the sound. her gaze narrows immediately at the sight of him– one Kirschtaria Wodime – frozen as if he just got caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar. or like someone who knew their demise was imminent. oh hell no. Olga Marie was intent on leaving him in place, on turning around and leaving just as quickly as she had arrived. but then she remembers that star which manifested out of nowhere and the feeling akin to someone pouring ice cold water on her settles as she connects the pieces.
       after five days of having to deal with these stars and their meaning, Olga knows. she has come to understand well their purpose and while she has struggled with believing such a thing, she has not outright refuted it. 
                    until now, that is.
   it isn’t a secret that she wants nothing to do with Kirschtaria. she’s made it clear with both her words and actions alone. after that incident at the gallery, the former Director has pointedly avoided him. it helped that she lived in a place separate from the main city, making that endeavor as easy as breathing. but it could not go on forever. however, if– if she had to see him once more, why did it have to be now? why did it have to be during this? she could try. try to ignore it and him and all of the implications ( everything that goes against what she’s thought for years ) but when has that ever worked for her…..? 
            it won’t make the star go away and it won’t change what it means.
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   she sighs. loud, annoyed, fingers rising to pinch the bridge of her nose. running would do no good. so instead – while cursing everything under the sun, mind you – she approaches the former Crypter. her logic is this: if she asks him right out, if he answers her quickly, then that will be all she needs. she won’t have to stand there and be questioned too deep. she can be on her way home and push the entire encounter to the back of her mind. but plans never really always pan out, do they?
the star floats along behind her though it keeps a distance, mimicking the other mage. when she speaks, it is anything but kind. “ Were you watching me?”
“Watching you?” This is a first. It’s certainly not the kind of accusation he’d expect right off the bat given everything, but. Well. He can almost see Olga’s line of thought to it. Like tracing the trajectory of something right before it burns and crashes. Was their relationship in such a state? Probably. Very likely. Every instance of interaction only made the fire worse, the unfortunate onset more horrifying. And the ending all the more unfixable. 
“No. I’ve made it a point in avoiding places I knew you’d frequent, so I wouldn’t upset you.” Which is not an answer, so, “But no, I wasn’t. I come here sometimes, that’s all.” It’s a park, after all. A public space for everyone to enjoy, precarious relationships or not. Trapped in such a precarious place, sealed off from simply leaving, it’s only a matter of time before their paths crossed eventually.
Here is that eventuality, unfortunate though it is. But there’s a simple solution for both of them: simply say ‘sorry’ and leave. That would be easy, would it? An effective retreat from any potential blowouts, any further injuries. Olga would still-- despise him, hate him, loathe him and all of his terrible little secrets and his iron had around them, but it would be better than the alternative, mysterious though it is. Theirs is a fractured relationship, never to be mended, so why try in the first place? He could think of numerous reasons why he should try, how he could, but his respect for Olga and her wishes win out in the end ( and never will she know ). 
“I was just...--” He starts, aiming for that tactical retreat, that easy and effective solution to all of their problems. But his eyes wander into the background, a few inches around Olga’s head, and his words trail off into unusual quiet. A star? It shouldn’t be unusual. It isn’t, really. But he finds his attention drawn to its unusual colour, its strange distance as it hangs quietly within Olga’s orbit, trying and failing to trace her path. “Going to...” This is not a form of magecraft he’s aware of. Not a form of gravity as he knows. And curiosity, the grandest killer of them all, gets the better of him. “Hm. Curious.”
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He points at the miniature fleck of gold, trailing Olga like something lost, and asks, “Would that be yours, Olga? The star.”
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
Admittedly, his word were truthful. Were they to engage with their full potential, the bout might not last five seconds, and the fun would be over in the blink of an eye. it would do no good to take their opponents lightly, and risk disrespecting by not engaging with the trust in their ability to contend, even they could tell they were terribly outmatched. “Perhaps I was a little too enthusiastic. Can you blame me with the grand prize waiting ahead?” A year’s worth of free visits to one of the beachfront’s most popular stands? How could one pass up the chance?
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“Then I shall leave the long-range tactics to you, Kirschtaria. They won’t get anywhere near you: you’ve my word as a knight”. The whistle squealed and immediately, she was airborne, sailing over the division between their territory and that of the unfortunate adversaries. That would suffice to draw their eye away from Kirschtaria while he took aim and lessen the chance for a charge upon him. The foam blade rose, tucking itself behind her head, the sun’s light securing an additional hindrance by blinding the two gazing upon the king.
“Hardly.” They’re mere steps from victory, a single obstacle before them ( well, two ). An instant win would be a glorious thing for either of them, and rumours often abound. What’s one meteor shower between  ( former ? ) enemies, after all. But as wondrous as the idea is, putting it into practice is another thing entire. 
Nevermind that-- well, he doesn’t have all of his abilities anymore. And even if he did, his spells would be less than glorious these days. But those are cards no one needs to see, let alone know. Best to keep it small for the time being. Besides, between the King of Knights and himself, this would be a simple thing. That prize is his, and those free trips for himself and a certain other.
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“Excellent. I leave the front of the battle to you then, Saber.” The water guns rest in his hands, heavy and ready, locked and loaded. Victory lay beyond today’s hot summer horizon, and it would be theirs. “Let’s take home this prize.” A shrill whistle signals the start of their match and, naturally, it goes to chaos. But it’s the perfect opening for a water gun to the eye; a sly and horrible mage tactic, without any of the magic.
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
     ❅ Icy-gray hues glued to notes scattered all over the desk, a headache starting to form somewhere near her temples and the faint smell of coffee stuck on her clothes — heralds of yet another long day, one she brings upon herself each time and one without rest. Overworked is the word others would use to describe her, but he is not others.
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     His words don’t register until the plate is set before her, in response to which she merely blinks before looking at him. “Oh.” A pause. And then: “Yeah, yeah. I know. I’ll finish up in a moment.” She leaves the plate for now and stacks up her notes neatly before setting them aside, though her eyes wander over every now and then. “Dear… What is this a bribe for, exactly?”
Dedicated is the word he’d use here, rather than anything else. Overwork implies something else entirely, and he’s not so course as to use it on either of them ( though many others would ). Dedicated to an idea, to a cause, to something better. There’s nothing negative to be seen in this wondrous little vision. Though, as with anything these days, everything in moderation: in work, in play, in baking and in sweets.
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“A moment or two of your time,” though his gaze wonders generously to the clock on the wall, ticking quietly away. “Well, maybe an hour, given how long you’ve been working. Or however long it takes you to finish this plate of things, at least. It would be remiss of me to let you keep going on an empty stomach, you know, love.” 
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
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it’s time to get back into the swing of things. so! here’s a starter call, with a soft cap of three - may or may not be winterfes related, depending on inspiration.
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grandorder ¡ 2 years
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He takes a long sip of tea. “Well... Alright.”
That’s a thing.
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