gowavetothewaves · 13 days
I just saw a comment that basically said
"Penelope opens her eyes first after every kiss to make sure this is real and Colin doesn't open them as not to wake up if it was a dream."
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Shoutout to cocoboo.mx, congrats, you made me instantly cry, like fully ugly sob.
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gowavetothewaves · 13 days
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gowavetothewaves · 11 months
He was a 10 but then he said “And, then, inexplicably, you had the absolute audacity to love me back”.
Now he’s ∞
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gowavetothewaves · 11 months
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I’m not crying you are
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
Watched Queen Charlotte 3 days ago and I can't stop thinking about how it portrayed love in its purest form. We met Charlotte and George for the first time back in Bridgerton and when they were going through one of their bad days. Back then I used to think that George lost his marbles much later into the marriage and Charlotte just had to step up and put up with it. It made watching Queen Charlotte so much more beautiful cause she has always loved him for who he really was.
Charlotte and George had their good days and their bad ones but they always had each other and that's love. I once read that love is a choice. Every morning you have a choice to just wake up and leave. Or you could stay. When you choose to stay, you've made your choice. You've chosen to love.
I would once again like to rant about the ending and how well written it was. I still remember myself sitting on my bed at 3 am crying but with a smile on my face cause that was the happiest and saddest ending one could get. I love how they switched between their old and younger selves, how Charlotte knew how to deal with George when was on his bad days through all those years. That's love. At its finest form. And i love them for it. Love isn't a fairy tale with a happily ever after. Love is hard. Love is full of sacrifices. But it is the most beautiful thing in the world.
"You did not go over the wall"
"No, George. I did not go over the wall"
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
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Starry Night over the Dunes (Bedouin with Arabian Horse) 2023
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
I saw a video of someone who had just read iwwv, saying they were surprised about the “gay” in the ending and that it was unnecessary.
…have we been reading the same book? That boy spent the first half of the story describing how pretty and talented his roommate was and you really thought there was nothing suspicious? I mean of course it was gonna be addressed, their dynamic is one of the things that carry the plot!
Idk maybe straight people are just oblivious but I was like 20 pages in when I went “oh yeah those two. Those two are gay.”
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
The Sex scene between imogen and Mr. Argeus is so well filmed
And the following prison scene between Vignette and Philo with him begging her on repeat: „stay with me.“ and her not having a voice anymore to scream… shivers all over me! The Show is so good
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
the secret history is so wild. like there's a hundred different analysis essays you could write about it and it's meaning and whatnot. but there's also a genius who thinks of elaborate ways to kill someone but didn't know or believe that the moon landing happened. they pull off the murder of their classmate and don't get caught. they try to hit a wasp with a prayer book during said classmate's funeral service. the unreliable narrator does cocaine in a burger king parking lot. said unreliable narrator lives in a hippie's house that has a hole in the roof in a vermont winter and doesn't realize it's literally killing him. the absolute hilarious unhinged energy from this book is overshadowed by a writing style where the most batshit things seem almost mundane. i love it.
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
Francis's snide expression faded. 'You're mad, aren't you?' he said anxiously.
'Yes you are.'
'No, I'm not,' I said.
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Without warning I had a vision of Francis – twenty years later, fifty years, in a wheelchair. And of myself – older, too, sitting around with him in some smoky room, the two of us repeating this exchange for the thousandth time.
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
Dumbledore's love language is words of affirmation, he was always open about what he felt, words were always his strong suit and his greatest wealth. Grindelwald's love language is clearly physical touch. He didn't give in or showed vulnerability the entire movie- until Albus touched his chest. That's when he stopped attacking and broke completely in addition to trying to get closer. The touch hit him hard.
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
I've seen some people online saying how shipping Grindeldore is gross due to what Gellert stands for.
I think that's exactly why Grindeldore is such an interesting ship.
We know Dumbledore as this loving and protective character; the greatest wizard of all time. Even the bloody qilin bowed for him.
And yet even he still loves this twisted dark wizard.
We need to know more about Grindelwalds background. I love how Mads said that he believes something bad happened to his family which is why he's carrying this hate around and spreading it.
There has to be more to the story and I NEED IT NOW!!!!
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
So are we all in agreement that these two
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Are just these two
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In a different font?
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2 is a good movie. An amazing movie in fact, but it's missing like the best scenes in the books
Aberforth practically calling the death eaters idiots because his patronus is a goat not a stag
Teddy Lupin
Harry crucio-ing the Carrows cause they spit in Minnie's face
Ginny being Harry's last thought
McGonagall's scream after Harry dies
Fred dying
Harry having more visions and more dramatic reactions
The actual kiss of Ron and Hermione
Random but Lily and James are cast badly and you can't tell me otherwise (yes they look like Lily and James but they appear too old)
The Malfoy's kinda just chilling in the great hall while all the other death eaters are being captured
Harry repairing his holly wand and placing the elder wand back in Dumbledores grave
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
"The god's envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."
Homer, Iliad
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gowavetothewaves · 1 year
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Greek myth posts released from the draft-vault.
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