gon-recs · 3 years
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[6:18 am] ~ yeonjun
tw: mentions feeling numb/empty
how could you feel so empty yet so overwhelmed with emotion? in your dark, soul-crushing room you lay in bed curled up into a ball.
your covers seemed to be your only comfort as you gripped onto them tightly while you choked back sobs. your heart seemed to clench with the pain of the constant loneliness you felt.
it seemed like this world had left you to live a dispassionate life where you wandered around aimlessly trying to find your place in the world.
there seemed to be no finish line... or no start line.
after all the hectic work you had to do and the fake personas you had to show off. laying in your bed trying to live through the pain... that was all you did when your day would end.
now you finally turned towards the ceiling- the only thing that seemed to draw out the false security in your heart.
who were you really? what did you enjoy? what made you as a person? did anyone know you? did anyone trust you?
does anyone love you?
your whole body seemed to freeze over as you lost yourself. you didn’t want to move, not even after hearing the knock at the door.
won’t you just leave me here alone?
the door creaked signaling the door opening. all you could think about was if you were as displeasing as the sound.
“y/n?” that soft caring voice. the one that always brought the light with it. how could you forget about it?
it was as if your body craved for the source of the voice, finally unfrozen the emotions overwhelmed you.
you sat up and looked at yeonjun as the tears poured down your face. “i’m so tired yeonjun.” you choked out.
although it was blurry from the tears streaming down your face, you could see the empathy written across his face as he walked over to your bed. he had such a lovely face, but the real beauty was in his eyes.
his eyes. the ones that always met yours to read your mind. just like they were now as he gently placed his hands against your face, wiping the tears from your cheeks. his eyes were dark in this lighting, but they were filled with worry, sadness, and the eternal flame that usually presented itself was replaced with a powerful waterfall. you wondered if your eyes were dull, they definitely were compared to his.
“it’s going to be okay. i’m here. i’ll always be here. you don’t have to carry this weight alone.” he wrapped you in a strong hug that filled your stomach with the feeling of spring.
you always seemed to forget about that one person. the only person that truly mattered and the only one who could point you towards the light.
“thank you.” it was truly all you could say, but yeonjun knew what those two words meant for you.
“i’ll be that one person for you because you’re mine.” he didn’t even have to tell you that. he knew you had only found comfort in him for years now, but he shone a light on you with that sentence.
he would always see you in a crowd and always make you feel needed. you didn’t need a big group of friends because he was enough.
“now get some sleep y/n. you need it.”
just like how yeonjun showed up and lit a light in the dark, the sun finally began to rise.
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gon-recs · 3 years
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s/o comes out as bisexual to them
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𖧵 anon requested: txt reaction to s/o coming out as bisexual??
𖧵 word count: 551
𖧵 pairing: txt x gn reader
𖧵 warnings: none !
𖧵 genre: fluff !
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♡ — soobin
initially soobin would be kind of surprised, especially if you happen to just blurt it out
but don’t take it negatively at all
and if he sees that you take it negatively, he’ll do his best to clear the misunderstanding
“it’s not like that y/n! it just surprised me a little, that’s all”
would comfort you after and assure you that you’re really brave and that he supports you
“i’m not sure if it was hard for you to tell me. but i still love you no matter what, okay?”
give him some time though, bc he would def want to do more research so he can get a better understanding of your sexuality
♡ — yeonjun
yeonjun honestly does not care
not in a bad way or anything but like he’s just a really supportive boyfriend and you being bi doesn’t bother him at all
and is honestly really cool abt it when you tell him
“that’s all you wanted to tell me? because if you’re worried that i would feel some way about you being bisexual, dont.”
pulls you into the softest hug and let you know that he stills loves you because you’re you
but he would also ask something like
“i would still be hot if i was a girl though, right y/n?”
and yeonjun will 100% come to the rescue if he even hears that someone who happened to find out that you’re bisexual bothered you because of it
♡ — beomgyu
usually beomgyu teases you or jokes around a lot
but he’s pretty serious about this, especially if you tell him that you want to talk to him about something
once you say that you’re bisexual, he’s pretty relieved
“that’s all y/n? phew for a second i thought you were going to break up with me”
makes it super clear to you that his view of you will never change, whether you’re bi or mono or anything else
buttt he does want even more attention from you
“don't fall in love with anyone else though, okay?” he’ll huff out, feeling like he has twice as much competition now
♡ — taehyun
idk but i have the feeling like he’d already know
but wouldn’t want to say anything bc he wants you to come to him when he’s ready
but anyways taehyun is also pretty cool abt it too
like he wouldn’t be surprised or anything when you tell him and will subtly lead into a conversation just because he wants to know more abt you
like “when did you find out?” or “how did you know?”
and he’ll listen to you talk all day
overall taehyun would be glad that you trusted him enough come out to him, esp since it’s difficult for a lot of people
♡ — hueningkai
kai would honestly be happy and pretty excited that you told him
“really y/n?? that’s do cool!! 🥺”
he’s like an open book around you, so you opening up about yourself makes his heart all fluttery and happy
also sees it as a sign that you trust him and feel comfortable enough around him to be yourself
he’s pretty much the most involved though
like he would be super excited if you ever bought up the idea of going to a pride parade, or might even bring up the idea himself
would honestly become more aware through research too so that he can show that he 100% supports and loves you
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gon-recs · 3 years
— YOUNG LOVE ⌇·˚ ༘
requested prompt: #1 + #20 ( “holding and squeezing their hands” + “loving eye contact → bursting into a huge smile” )
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pairing: bf! hueningkai x s/o! reader
genre: loads of fluff ( PG )
word count: 110
“What are you thinking about luv?” you said to your distracted boyfriend. In all honesty, Hueningkai was just lost in your sparkling eyes.With a simple hand movement across his face, he comes back to reality.
“I’m sorry, did you say something?” he asked embarrassingly. You giggled along with a slight pout, “so you didn’t hear what I said earlier”.
He burst into laughter feeling extra embarrassed, “ah it’s not like that ____! I was just…”
“Just what hmm?”
Hueningkai looks down, smiling widely as he reached for your hands and lightly squeezed them. “I was just appreciating how lucky I am to have you with me”.
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gon-recs · 3 years
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➤idol!yeonjun x non!idol reader, pure fluffy goodness, yeonjun gets teased a lot lmao
↳yeonjun has always been a hard worker; reaching above and beyond the expectations of every person he’d even met and even himself. There was only one part of his life he knew was impossible to better–you. In Yeonjun’s eyes, you’d never been anything less than perfect from the day he met you. He never lets you forget it either, even if everyone else was beyond tired of hearing it.
Word Count: 1,501
Requested: yes!
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, very small sprinkle of angst (self-doubt in reader)
A/N: I wrote this super fast so it may not be my best work but it felt really good to get something out and posted again! Love you all, hope you had a happy holiday!
“Are you sure they want me to come?” You asked, shifting anxiously on the balls of your feet. “I mean, it seems like a thing reserved for just the five of you- celebrating the album- and none of the other guys have significant others to bring.” Yeonjun stopped in his tracks, leaving his shirt halfway buttoned up. Gently, he ran his warm hands up and down your arms. The sun had begun to set at some point while you were getting ready, and the light cascading in through the window opposite you washed Yeonjun in a golden ring of light.
You were so distracted by the sight that you almost missed the words coming out of his mouth.
“Baby, the guys love you. And they want you to be there. I promise. I wouldn’t ask you to come if it weren’t true. Hell, I wouldn’t even be going myself if it weren’t true. I’d much rather stay here with you and cuddle.” Your heart softened at his reassurance, anxiety bubbling away from your bloodstream in a few instants. Humming happily, you crushed Yeonjun into a hug that felt as if it could meld your bodies together.
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gon-recs · 4 years
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
Requested by @/miyoung07 ♡
Genre: fluff
🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦 
「𝘊𝘩𝘰𝘪 𝘠𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘯」
these moments make yeonjun turn into a photographer 📸(≧∇≦o)
the amount of pictures he has of you sleeping is insane 
that sounds kind of creepy, but I promise it’s all soft- (*꧆▽꧆*)
he thinks it’s so cute and endearing!
loves it the most when you’re hugging him
but second best options are stuff that are from him (〃 ω 〃)
he may start leaving hoodies at your place just so you can cuddle up to them in your sleep ♡
never fails to slightly tease you about it afterwards tho (/ω\)
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gon-recs · 4 years
ᝰ just because! for choi beomgyu ˎˊ˗
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pairing: choi beomgyu x gender neutral! reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
description: little ways in which beomgyu spoils you.
word count: 249
note: the title is not original, i got the idea from an anime. also, i was inspired by @/bugsbinnie’s headcanons for yeonjun.
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THIS SEAT IS YOURS!¦beomgyu loves being as close to you as possible, and the feeling is mutual. whenever you want to with to him, but there’s no more seats around, he politely asks whomever is sitting next to him if you could have the seat or if you could squeeze in. if it’s yeonjun or soobin that has stolen your seat, he’s most likely to just playfully say “move hyung! that’s ____’s spot”. sometimes they refuse just to stress him out, so you end up having to hear him beg for them to let you sit next to him.
CLOTHES SHOPPING!¦beomgyu would much rather spend his money on you than on himself. he enjoys taking you shopping whenever he has the free time and energy. picking out cute or cool outfits for you, and sometimes even matching sweaters, is his favorite way to spoil you. he thinks you look in everything, and loves having you try on the clothes and show him how they look on you.
QUALITY TIME!¦the two of you love spending time together, and try to do so every small chance you since beomgyu is often busy. gyu tries to offer up whatever free time he can to a movie night with you filled with cuddles and snacks, or a game of uno with plenty of hand holding. that kind of makes putting cards down a tough action, but beomgyu would rather close his eyes and risk you checking cards then let go of your hand.
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gon-recs · 4 years
you feel insecure about your looks
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his heart DROPS
he hates that you feel this way
hates himself for allowing you to feel insecure about your looks
"listen to me. you are the most beautiful person I've layed eyes on."
holds you close to his chest as you sob and struggles to hold back his own tears
finally he looks at you
"you are beautiful"
"say it"
you sniffle and look at him "you're beautiful"
you giggle at the stern look he gives you
"say it"
"I'm beautiful"
soft boi
doesnt even realize
your so PRETTY
he's confused as to why youre insecure
"no no baby please dont cry."
gently rocks you back and forth as you cry into his chest
when your crying begins to subside he softy states all the reasons he loves you
and all the ways you are beautiful
it's a long list
you didnt mean to tell him
it just kinda slipped out
he looked at you with wide eyes and mouth agape (°o°:)
then you both just kinda stare at eachother for a second
you are tackled by your boyfriend
compliments mixed with apologies spew out if his mouth
he probably had a feeling
he hates it
he feels awful
so he just starts complimenting you more
because you deserve it (*´ω`*)
tries to be subtle but
he. has. so. much. to. compliment
huening kai:
you are beautiful!!
leaves little notes on the mirror or in your bag "
you're beautiful!!"
"I didnt think it was possible for someone to be so pretty"
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gon-recs · 4 years
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EEEK my brain was on fire while writing this lmao i think i did this in like 15 minutes hehe sorry if there are any mistakes (>人<;)
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i think the first thing we all associate boyfriend!yeonjun as is protective and possessive ! he’s mostly chill when it comes to you talking to / hanging out with other guys, but if you’re getting uncomfy… he’s ready to square up !
yeonjun: grrrr ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
yeonjun becomes genuinely, GENUINELY happy when he’s with you / talking to you. he loves you so so so much and the fact that there’s someone in the world who loves him just as much… he gets so soft just thinking of it. everyone knows when he’s texting you - his face lights up (and i mean LIGHTS UP) he cant hold back giggles when you send him selfies or text him “i love you”s in the middle of the day
we all know cheesy yeonjun is hehe not only would he’d be cheesy verbally - pamper you with pick-up lines and compliments all day - but he’d also be cheesy physically. he loves giving you gifts: flowers, jewelry, snacks, etc. most of his cheesy actions are also super romantic too ! if you’re cooking dinner for him, he’d play pretty songs (psst his music taste is absolutely exquisite) and come up from behind you and start dancing with you… yes, he does this to steal food, but he also thinks it’s cute when you giggle and bury your head in his chest. he then proceeds to tease you when the food burns as if he wasn’t the one at fault.
it’s a universal truth that yeonjun !! loves !!pda !! he wants to let the world know that, yes, the prettiest person in the room is taken by him !! pda varies from quick pecks on the lips to very, very, very long hugs. to choi yeonjun’s logic, pda is the best because not only will everyone know that you belong to him, but he also gets to see how flustered you get !
speaking of being flustered, i feel like a common mischaracterization is that yeonjun doesn’t get flustered (???) but no no no yeonjun gets flustered quite easily ! i mean, of course he’s the one doing most of the.. “flustering” (?) but if you do the same thing to him, he’d get so shy ! a simple “you look so cute today” can turn him into a blushing mess ! in fact, he likes it when you compliment him / when you make him flustered because it really hits him how whipped he is for you
a big part of dating yeonjun is the fashion that comes with it. fashion is very important to yeonjun, so of course he’d pass that love onto you, too. he likes to pick out outfits for you and going shopping with you. he also loves to wear matching outfits (if you’re up for it) ! it boosts his ego when you’re matching in public because he just knows everyone is watching you guys (omfg the power you two hold…). just like how he shops for you, you shop for him as well. if you’re out running errands and see something that reminds you of him, buy it. wow he’d absolutely love that shit… the fact that you’re thinking of him out of the blue !!! he’d wear it all the time. definitely his favorite clothing item. would totally brag about it.
yeonjun’s primary love language is physical touch, but !!! acts of service are very important to him, too !!! he likes doing small things for you, like keeping a hair tie on his wrist (if your hair is long enough to be tied) or reminding you to do your assignments. he has your schedule memorized by heart and always uses his breaks to text / call you and ask if you’ve eaten yet.
tldr ; yeonjun is the biggest sweetheart and would do so much just to make you happy
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gon-recs · 4 years
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hueningkai x reader
requested by: 🧃anon
A/N: the thought of half asleep, very fluffy Kai has me so soft right now 
⇒ two: “Can we make cake? I like cake.”
A thin sliver of moonlight snaked its way through the most threadbare section of your curtains, casting pale yellow across the rumpled sheets of your bed. It was a warm night, so you’d pushed the comforter haphazardly to the foot of the bed, leaving it balled up and needing straightened in the morning. If you were ever able to go to sleep to see the morning, that is. 
Normally you were prone to dragging yourself to bed in the wee hours of the night; the unfortunate side effect of losing track of time within your homework or mindless social media scrolling. Tonight you’d managed to crawl into the sheets at the reasonable hour of 11pm, much to the delight of your boyfriend, who was used to falling asleep with the absence of your body heat. Hueningkai had grinned at you sleepily when you slipped into your side of the bed, opening his arms with the promising invitation of cuddles. 
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gon-recs · 4 years
coming home to you was one of the best things that beomgyu could hope for. 
yelling out greetings from the doorway after a long day, smelling the dinner you had made for him from the kitchen and hearing your hurried footsteps as you struggled to make it to him as fast as possible. 
his entire figure relaxing when feeling you wrap your arms around his back, you snuzzling your face to him and him holding your hands happily. 
that slight surprise that still clouded his features when you managed to drag him to the couch, cuddling up to him from behind to hold him close. 
the love he felt when you started playing with his hair and asking him how his day had gone.
it was the only thing he hoped for, it was the one thing he craved. 
and seeing that bright smile on your face, once you finally left him get up, made him want to be in that position all over again.
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gon-recs · 4 years
when you're sick
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at first he's all
no dont get me sick
but then you pout and all his resolve crumbles
FLYS into bed with you
rubs your tummy
brushes your hair for you
make you soup
soupbin tm
he literally feeds it to you
"I can do it myself binnie"
"that's a lot coming from the person who acted like they were dying"
kisses your forehead a lot
he says hes just feeling your temperature
but we know hes lying
personal space? never heard of her
cuddles you until you feel better ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
even if you're over heating
runs you a bath and washes your hair for you
will literally pick up your snotty tissues
hes the best boyfriend (⌒∇⌒)
prepared boi
hes got every type of medicine ready
tissues, soap, homemade soup, fluffy blankets
and of course his cuddles
puts on your favourite movies
runs you a bath and sings for you
huening kai
hes! so! sad!
he hates that you feel like junk and just wants those nasty germs to take a hike (>△<Uu
belly rubs
makes you eat some soup
but then gives you ice cream (๑>ᴗ<๑)
makes a nest out of his stuffies for maximum comfort
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gon-recs · 4 years
Hello there! 🎈 if the orders are not closed and it doesn’t bother you... do you write a reaction to txt when his girlfriend wears heals (she’s 1.65-1.66) and the heals make her reach him heigth or nearly close? If request are closed ignore me please! I LOVE BERRY BERRY MUCH 💙
𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬~
Genre: 5 cups of fluff
Warnings: None !
(Awwe, thank you so much bubs !! And I love you berry berry much too, I see you’re picking up on what I say~~ 🥺🥺 I’m short so I can’t relate to this, but I tried my best to see what I could do !! I hope you’ll enjoy reading this one !)
。.* Yeonjun 。.*
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.* Ooh, guess what !! It’s date night with Yeonjun !!
.* And that means someone is going to be cooed like a baby tonight~~
.* This time, you decided to throw on some heels for some extra boldness to your outfit
.* It was so pretty though !! It was the finishing piece to your clothes, it made you stand out from the rest
.* Good thing that Yeonjun decided not to peek at what you were wearing today due to his curiosity unlike what he usually does !!
.* He said he wanted to be surprised, so you put in your best efforts to look much more gorgeous tonight (not like you aren’t bubs, you must be stunning~)
.* but n e way, when you shyly came out of the house with a nervous smile on your face, Yeonjun’s heart went ^%%*^#*:’ basically crazy oml
.* He noticed you were wearing heels, and immediately compared the height. His face um... fell?? but in a good way of course !!
.* Yeonjun being Yeonjun, didn’t notice that you were close to him in height :ll he just thought of you of a tiny bean who needed to be protected by him because you were his girlfriend !!
.* “so... you’re a young lady now, huh?” Yeonjun said while glaring at you up and down jokingly
.* “shut up, jun. we’re literally the same height because of these heels,” you countered back with a huge smile on your face since he finally noticed
.* You know, he’d be sweet though. He’d treat you the same but in the back of his mind, he would be like “wtf... i thought she was tiny or sumn.”
。.* Soobin  。.* 
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.* Shoe shopping with Soobders here !!
.* You were both treating each other with a variety of things because it was your first anniversary !! For your boyfriend, you bought him a lot of bread and ice cream ! He was in awe of how persistent you were in wanting to get a few of his favorite foods. 
.* Then after your little food date, Soobin made a suggestion to go to the shoe place !!
.* Well, isn’t he the sweetest ? He knew all along how much you were in awe of those piercing heels in the display window
.* When you two got there... not only did you freak out about them, but found one that you really really liked !
.* “Woah, bubs. Calm down there ! I’ll get them for you, you just need to-”
.* “YOU WILL??!! I LOVE YOUU !!”
.* so... here we are. With Soobin being a total sweetheart prince and sliding them onto your feet. He told you to stand up to see you all, head to toe !! Especially with the clothes he bought you earlier; he thought it would be perfect
.* when you did, you were almost the same height that he was almost blown away- eyes wide and all, even a mouth dropped
.* he’s like 6 feet and an inch... how are you like that tall ?? You could only giggle at his reaction, and ask him what was wrong
.* This only made him love you more, to be honest :)) you seem to get more beautiful as the day passes whenever you’re with him~~
。.*  Beomgyu 。.* 
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.* so let’s just say that the two of you were going to this wedding !!
.* you wanted to put on something special since it wasn’t a day where you could get off the hook on whatever you wore
.* checking your closet, you found some of the heels that Beomgyu bought you for your anniverary. you never got the chance to wear it because his schedule was always busy !!
.* A wedding would be the perfect opportunity to wear something as special as this !!
.* Beomgyu was over at the mirror trying to do his tie right so he could look great for the wedding 
.* You already slipped on the heels, curious enough to see his reaction if it was going to be shock... or perhaps disgust :((
.* He saw you peeking over at him in the mirror and he jumped back
.* You were almost tall- to as tall as him !!
.* Poor boy was taken by surprise at your height
.* but that doesn’t mean he loves you less !! 
.* He just loved how confident you were whenever you were wearing heels !! and if not more, it simply made you more alluring to me !!
.* Thanks to your heels, Beomgyu is sort of imagining you on your wedding day <333 
。.*  Taehyun 。.* 
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.* Graduation day, wya
.* You were at the ceremony and taking pictures 
.* When he glanced at how happy you were, he couldn’t help but bury you in his chest with a cozy hug
.* Words of congratulations kept falling from your lips and his as well, while both of your parents smiled at the sweet sight
.* Taehyun decided to look at you, his mouth falling down from how your eyes were able to reach his
.* Needless to say, he sort of... looked you up and down in surprise??? 
.* He saw the stars in your eyes and then his heart just dipped
.* playing it off with a cough, he pulled away with an endearing pout on his lips like an adorable baby :((
.* Tsundere hyun here, huh ? He doesn’t want to admit it since he loves teasing you most of the time, but you looked absolutely amazing in those heels
.* ++ wanted to mention you were as tall as him !!
.* he knew that you were close to him in height but this made you barely close to the same height he owned :00
.* one thing that Taehyun and I can conclude is that heels are indeed scary :)
。.*  Kai 。.*
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.* good morning !
.* yes, it’s like six in the morning, i know. 
.* It’s time to go on your picnic date with Kai early in the morning so that you could see the pretty sunrise !
.* awwe, all he could think about was how cute you were in your lil heels that made everything better
.* I feel like he wouldn’t even acknowledge how tall you were compared to him ??
.* He was just so thankful that you were his sweet pea, cuddle bear (ahh so cheesy, i’m sorry !)
.* Seeing you twirl in your cute heels made his heart skip in his chest~~
.* It was so so so sweet !!
.* Kai was slow dancing with you as you waltzed gracefully on your heels
.* The picnic was probably abandoned after?? I mean, it’s already a quarter til 7 which means the sun already rose up to a beautiful day
.* There were so many things you could do together today !! like shopping for more heels hehe
.* It’s okay though :)) as long as you have each other, then you’re perfect !
Posted: 11/11/20- 12:53pm
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gon-recs · 4 years
𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥
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𝙮𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙟𝙪𝙣: lips
have you seen his lips… they’re practically begging to be kissed… and how he’s pouting all the time?? he knows how attractive his lips are and he knows how much you want to kiss them. he loves it when you kiss his lips because he thinks it's cute how your legs give in and how he can practically feel how fast your heart is beating. you can 100% feel how fast his is beating, too, and it makes you even more flustered.
𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙣: forehead
obviously, soobin kisses your forehead all the time. easy access ! when you do the same to him… omg… he’s such a sucker for your forehead kisses. sometimes he lifts you up (if needed) so that you can kiss his forehead - that’s how much he loves it. forehead kisses have to be immediately followed by nose kisses. there’s no other way soobin will accept it.
𝙗𝙚𝙤𝙢𝙜𝙮𝙪: neck
...fine, i’ll admit that i have an unhealthy obsession with beomgyu’s neck… but it’s just so indescribably perfect I WANT TO KISS !! but beomgyu loves it because it tickles hehehe his squirming makes you giggle, which makes him giggle too ! he loves it when kisses are followed by smiles, and neck kisses accomplish just that.
𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣: cheek
cheek kisses make him feel giddy. like a rush of serotonin. cheek kisses = love. he’s often in the studio writing lyrics while you’re doing homework next to him (his favorite part of the day). loves it when you sneak in cheek kisses here and there. also, it really helps with writers block heehee. likes to call you his muse : )
𝙝𝙪𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙠𝙖𝙞: top of the head
kai is 100% the small spoon. small spoon who likes to give belly rubs. when you guys are cuddling, please please please give him top of the head kisses : ( when you do, he lets out soft giggles and curls up closer to you (if that’s even possible - he likes to be very close when cuddling). pays you back with belly rubs
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gon-recs · 4 years
hello yes it is gon aka @ilytyun 😭 i’ve gotten SO lazy with reading nowadays so i’m hoping a blog dedicated to sharing the works of the talented writers i follow can fix that !!!!
here’s a paddington that’s supposed to be me reading everyone’s lovely work. i hope you all have a great day !!💓
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