goblinqueen626 · 3 months
Blog #20
Officially been at Taco Bell for 2 weeks and I feel like each day I work there I get better. Everyone is nice and the jobs not too too hard. There are some days that are harder then others, like on the 28th are was a song apparently by a country dude about getting drunk and getting tacos from taco bell, so it was so busy aaaaall day. Last night was a friend and it was busy til 1:30 am bro, shit you not. I wanted to die.
Everyday before work I have a meltdown because everyday I wake up, some days drive all the way out to Pocahontas to drop Caleb off at Peco where he works, then all the way back to Paragould, work til 3am, then go back to Pocahontas to pick Caleb up, get home at around 4:30am, clean the litter box, do dishes, go to bed, wake up and do the same thing over again at 2pm. All week until the weekends. I get that that's having a job for you and this is my first time doing full time and I'm not used to it yet, I want to be so badly though, but honestly it's not the fact that I have to work so much that bothers me. It's because these past weekends were always doing something and I haven't been able to do anything myself. Like someone will have a bday party or a baby shower, or we have to get our taxes done which we still haven't done.
Our anniversary is on Monday, it'll be 5 years. And Greene County is making do jury duty. At least it's only in the morning at 8:30. I asked off for that day and they didn't give it to me at first and I panicked really bad but it's all good now thankfully. Today me and Caleb are buying anniversary gifts for each other. He's going to Grateful Headz rn, he tried to be secretive about it but it didn't work. When he gets back I'm going to Grateful Headz and then Special Moments to get something special, idk what yet. I'm thinking lingerie but I don't know yet. Then after that we're gonna go to Spencer's!! I'm gonna get a beanie there and a gauge kit because I've been thinking since I got my septum last year to gauge my ears and now I finally want to really do it. I've seen so many people in the drive thru having gauges of every style and I want some now. I also been wanting to get my nails done but still debating on it. If I have money left over which I doubt I will, I'll get them done with Zoey. But I doubt I'll have money since nails are like $50.
- 2:56 on a fuckin Saturday mate
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goblinqueen626 · 3 months
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in my au/hc, smile dog kinda got like upgrades so to speak, when she excelled at killing and whatnot. she is a simple doggo, striking terror into her victims :)
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goblinqueen626 · 3 months
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I'm sure Jack hates combing his hair.
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goblinqueen626 · 4 months
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would anyone like this anymore
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goblinqueen626 · 4 months
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I needed a small reference for her so here's my design of this silly-goofy-lover girl Wanted to give her a heart shaped hairstyle, but I think she change it everyday
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goblinqueen626 · 4 months
happy late Valentine’s Day!! ❣️
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two other versions of this on insta ‼️ this is personally my fav
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goblinqueen626 · 4 months
Reposting some LJ doodles I’ve deleted!!
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someone said they specifically liked when I drew in this style…I personally consider it ugly but here you go 🤲 I wonder if anyone else likes this style more 💀
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goblinqueen626 · 5 months
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Quite The Party
They are there for business they promise
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goblinqueen626 · 5 months
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willy wonk
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goblinqueen626 · 5 months
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LJ turned anime man 💀
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goblinqueen626 · 5 months
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idk if y’all noticed yet, but i mainly draw him in two different body types!!!!
this is gonna be some head canon stuff btw:
in the first pic, that’s essentially how his body looks while he’s stuck in the box and roaming around for years. since he’s some sorta monster, he doesn’t have all the organ systems that humans have. as such, he has no digestive system!!!! he depends on human interaction for strength and energy. any human interaction will do, but positive interaction definitely benefits him more. he’s still able to function properly with negative interaction, but he isn’t at his most optimal state. in the second pic, that’s how he looks when he’s able to get positive interaction!!! of course, his body doesn’t immediately change—it happens gradually as he attains more and more positive interaction.
idk if any of that made sense!!! enjoy!!!!
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goblinqueen626 · 5 months
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something a bit more simple!!!
ppl always draw him so good…and emo and creepy…..i wanna do that……
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goblinqueen626 · 5 months
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“Simon says…”
fill in the blank!!!!
ik his hands are supposed to be black but!!!! i’m just gonna leave them 😋 also the shading is horrendous 😭 just pretend it looks very very good!!!!!
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goblinqueen626 · 5 months
Can I request a Laughing jack comfort headcanons for a fem!reader who is feeling achy and has pulled muscles and a few bruises from a long day filled with crazy things
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lil comfort headcanons~~ (meant to do this a while back 💀 sorry they don’t exactly fit the criteria!!)
-he’s surprisingly gentle and serious, but only with the people he cares about.
-LJ is pretty touch-starved, but he doesn’t realize it most of the time….so whenever he hugs someone, he goes a little overboard and smothers them a little. He’s also the type to bury his head into your shoulder while hugging
-He’s a very empathetic/sympathetic person. If someone is feeling sad or upset, he’ll instantly try to comfort them….he knows what it’s like to feel sad, so he feels the need to personally help people through their problems. It’s something that he would’ve appreciated when he was feeling down.
-If someone’s feelings are strong enough, LJ can actually experience those feelings too. Essentially, he can even experience love!! He gets a little confused about his true feelings because of this.
-He’s pretty clueless about all things associated with love…so he’d probably say something like “Let’s sleep together!” and think nothing of it….it really makes people embarrassed when he does that.
-Whenever LJ has a special someone, he’ll want their attention 24/7. He gets jealous if they’re even the slightest bit interested in someone else. Thankfully, he doesn’t get too annoying about it. He just mutters to himself…Indeed, a very possessive and needy man!!
-He’ll ask to hold your hand whenever you’re walking around…and then want to hold it for hours. You’ll try to let go, but LJ will just give a little 😄 and hold on tighter. He doesn’t want you to dislike him though, so he can tell when it’s time to stop.
-He’s a give-and-take type..he gives praise, but he’ll expect it back at some point. If he doesn’t get any back, he gets all pouty….
-LJ plays a little game with himself where he makes faces at someone behind their back and tries to stop before they catch him. He hasn’t lost once!!
my headcanons feel either random or generic….hope you enjoyed anyways!!
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goblinqueen626 · 5 months
LJ sketches!! (suggestive cw)
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these will only stay sketches 💀
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goblinqueen626 · 5 months
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bloodshed ❣️
something a bit more simple as i finish something else up!!
I’ll work on the asks at some point!!! 💀 I’ll do them in order but dw I’ll get to them 🤞🤞
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goblinqueen626 · 5 months
LJ doodles 💕
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hc: i imagine he walks so sassy, like he’s running down a catwalk at all times 😽
also!! i’m gonna be doing something along the lines of “ask LJ anything” but it’s more just my hc version of LJ…so if you wanna ask LJ something, i’ll give a lil doodle!!
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