goblin-waifu · 1 year
A New World Part 18 (SMUT)
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( Not my best work, but I hope you all enjoy)
The hand that held her chin moved to the back of her neck, holding her closer as the kiss grew more heated. This may not have been the right time or place for something like this, but neither seemed to care. Asuna moved her leg over his waist, straddling him as both hands rested on his chest. His arm moved around her, sitting up to bring their bodies closer together. Their lips never parted for a moment as hands moved to explore each other, clothing being the only barrier between them.  
As if growing desperate, Chishiya pulled away, tugging Asuna’s shirt off while her fingers unzipped his hoodie, the articles being tossed somewhere and soon forgotten as their lips met again. Even after all the times they kissed, she couldn’t get enough of his lips. He was a drug for her, something that made her feel more alive than anything else in this world. When it came to him, she was a moth to a flame. She knew that one of them could end up hurt giving in to their emotions, but any care or concern was ignored a long time ago.  
His hands ran down his sides, lips soon moving along her jaw to her neck leaving bites and kisses in their wake. A small whimper passed her lips, her fingers running through his hair. Her hips pressed against his, desperate to get any form of friction, and the simple motion caused a groan to pass his lips as he bit her neck a little harder. 
Delicate fingers moved under his shirt, quickly pulling it off only to discard it with everything else. Her fingers found the warm skin hidden underneath, memorizing every inch she could get her fingers on. Her hips next stopped moving, the grip he had on her hip tightening with each rock. He moved quickly, her back pushing against the bed they were on, a gasp leaving her lips. “So, you planned to tease me then?” He purred in her ear, gripping her thigh as he pushed against her heated core, being rewarded with a moan. She felt him smirk, the breathy laugh he let out tickling her heated skin. “Let me show you what you would have missed out on.” 
His lips pressed against hers once more in a hungry kiss, her body arching against his. His hand moved between them, slithering into her pants and to her heated core. His middle finger teased her wet folds, her hips bucking as she begged for more. He pulled his hand away, lifting his head as he put his finger in his mouth, licking it clean. “Someone is needy for me.” Sitting back, he made quick work of stripping the rest of her clothing, leaving her bare before him. 
Dark eyes stayed on her as he pulled her thighs further apart for him, peppering them with little kisses and bites. “I wonder just how badly you want me.” He mused, his tongue darting out to tease her clit. She gasped, her body responding instantly to him. He hummed softly, settling between her legs, his tongue circling her entrance teasingly slow. He watched her face, drinking in her expressions before finally giving in.  
His lips wrapped around your clit, gently sucking as he inserted a finger, curling it as he moved his hand. Her hips rose against his face, hand moving into his hair as pleasure took over, all coherent thought leaving her mind. His eyes never once left her face as he inserted another finger, continuing his movements. His name fell from her lips as his tongue swirled around the sensitive nub, his fingers hitting the bundle of nerves inside of her.  
He continued, moaning against her when she tugged his hair, her back arching. He felt her walls clench around his fingers, and she desperately wanted him to bring her to orgasm. But he stopped, pulling his mouth and fingers away from her all too soon. Before she could protest, his fingers were in her mouth, her tongue cleaning her juices off of them. “When we get home, I’m going to savor those beautiful sounds.” He growled, his fingers wrapping lightly around her throat. “But right now, I can’t wait.” 
Pulling away from her, she watched him strip, leaning up on her elbows to watch him. She knew he was a beautiful man, but seeing him fully naked before her, she truly got to see how beautiful he was. Every part of him was perfect in her eyes, but this was a sight she would savor for her darkest times. He settled between her legs once more, resting on his forearms above her. His lips met hers once more, and she relished the kiss, taking the moment to bring her hand between them, fingers wrapping around the hardened length between him. 
He inhaled sharply when her hand moved along his shaft, thumb rubbing against the tip a few times. He cursed against her lips, allowing her this moment to tease him as he did her. But she was impatient, hoping for another time to enjoy those sounds she could bring from him. Bringing her hips up, she felt the tip slowly push into her, a hiss of pleasure passing between them. Her hand moved back to his hair, leaning up to bite his bottom lip. 
Any other time she would have wanted things to happen slowly, but the moment Chishiya thrust into her, pushing his full length between her wet folds, she was thankful he was just as impatient as she was. A cry of pleasure fell from her, his head resting on her shoulder for a moment. “My good girl is so tight and wet for me.” He finally said when he collected himself, pulling back only to slam into her again, lifting his head to watch her. 
She didn’t know why his words caused such a reaction from her, but her walls clenched around him, causing him to chuckle. He continued to move above her, sprinkling in words of praise of how well she was taking him in between moans of pleasure. His hands moved down as he picked her up, settling her into his lap without missing a thrust. One hand moved to her hips, the other hand moving up to her throat, gripping it as he made her look at him. 
“Ride my fucking cock.” He purred, thrusting up into her with a grunt. Her lips lifted, matching the rough pace of his from earlier. Her hands were on his shoulders for support, her eyes never left his, the new position causing his cock to hit her deeper. “That’s a good girl. Fuck you feel so good.” He whispered his words a stark contrast to how he normally behaved. But his words spurred her on, moving above him as she felt herself getting closer to another orgasm. 
His breathing got heavier with each downward push of her hips, her walls clenching around him every so often. She couldn’t speak, wanting to tell him she was close, but he already knew. His eyes said everything she needed to hear from him, seeing that he was holding on by a thread, wanting this to keep going as long as they both could stand.  
With a few more hard thrusts, she cried out his name, her hips jerking against his as she rode out her high. His grip on her ass told her he could last much longer, causing her to lift herself up, already missing the feeling of him deep inside of her. Wrapping her lips around his cock, she swirled her head around the shaft as her head bobbed, taking as much of him in her mouth as she could. He fisted her hair, hips thrusting into her hot mouth until she tasted his cum on her tongue. She swallowed every drop, before pulling back, his lips finding hers once more in a rough kiss. 
After a moment to regain their breathing, they redressed and settled back in the bed, Asuna laying her head on his chest. “Now I regret not dragging you into that cell.” She finally said with a laugh, Chishiya laughing with her. 
“Well, if we are going to die, that’s how I’d want to go,” he replied, smirking down at her. She slapped his chest playfully before getting settled once more. “I’m glad you didn’t. I don’t want anyone else to see you naked, or hear you screaming out my name like that. Only I get to enjoy all of that.” he added, running his fingers through her hair. 
“Then I guess we have to make sure to find more private places in order for you to enjoy all of that.” She teased, feeling his laughter shake him. 
“Get some sleep. We’re probably going to have to play another game tomorrow.” He mumbled, sleeping taking over both of them. With his arms wrapped around her, she didn’t have time to worry about the games that were awaiting them as sleep took over her not long after.  
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to the new world part 17
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Heading down to get a snack, Asuna couldn't help but think about who the Jack could be. Chishiya clearly already had an idea of who it could possibly be, but he wasn't planning on sharing his theory just yet. Asuna, however, already had an idea of who could be the mast of this game. Glancing between the gap of the shelves, she watched as the submissive woman came through with her head down, seeming afraid to be away from her master. Acting like she was picking out her own snack, she watched the woman grab a snack of her own before walking away. Not long after Banda's partner came through heading for the same snacks. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she sat back down next to Chishiya, looking for Ippei. As if reading her mind, Chishiya shook his head, his eyes never once leaving their group.
She finally looked over at them, legs crossed. There was tension between everyone and it was clear someone was set to die this next round and a few of the people couldn't handle it. She started to rethink her theory, but it still seemed far too obvious. "So, what's your theory?" She asked quietly, turning around as if she had asked him what her symbol was. She felt him turn his fingers brushing against her skin as he moved her hair out of the way.
"Spade." He said softly, his hand moving away far too soon for her liking. After the confession at the beach, they had always found time to be alone together. Always stealing kisses and touches, but with this game, it became far harder to do that. They had to be careful, and both knew that, but it was clear to anyone that knew them well enough that they were not liking how long this was going on. Just one kiss and she'd be fine for a little longer, but she'd have to do with that touch.
She turned around, doing the same for him, hiding her smile as she felt the slightest of shivers come from him. "Diamond." She stated simply before leaning back against the table, eyes daring around. "You saw those two picking the same snacks again." She already knew the answer to the question, but it was more so he would know she wasn't dropping the subject and wouldn't be dropping it any time soon. 
He nodded his head, turning to her as the announcement came once more. He smirked at her, a simple wink, and walked off, telling her all she needed to know. He knew who the Jack of Hearts was and it was about time to put an end to this. It also told her that she was right in her thinking, a satisfied sigh passing her lips as she stood up. Walking into her cell, she called out her symbol, hearing the explosions for hopefully the last time.
Stepping out, she saw far fewer people and knew the end was coming soon enough. Staying in the guard room, she watched carefully, seeing that the cookies were once again the same, but the package colors were different. A code. A way to ensure the Jack would get the right answer every time and his pawn would stay with him before he could kill her at the end. Closing her eyes, she moved her head from side to side, a frown forming as she remembered it was something her brother used to do. Of course, she'd think about him when she should be focusing. Taking some deep breaths to quell the rage that still sat inside of her, she opened her eyes in time to see Chishiya coming towards her. 
He turned around, leaning back against the fixture in the middle of the room. "Heart." She stated with a bored tone, doing her best to hide where her mind had just gone. But Chishiya could already tell something was wrong. He turned and eyed her, before motioning for her to turn around. "Diamond." He replied, an eyebrow raised as she turned around again. She looked past him, knowing now wasn't the time to talk about it. Tapping her fingers twice against the railing, it was her code for later. Something they both had come up with for moments they couldn't talk to one another but would have a moment later no matter what.
With another call, they all headed to the cells, and Asuna was done. The mask was cracking ever so slightly, and it was clear she was tired of all of this. She wanted out of this prison, even if it meant she'd come across the King of Spades. She wanted some rest and a chance to breathe for just a moment. With one final click of the door, she declared her symbol and waited. A door opened and she heard Matsushita laughing. It took everything in her to not start laughing, but she waited. Next came Chishiya, and some intelligent explanation of how he figured it out. How Banda was a murderer and it was weird Matsushita wanted to be in a group with him. At this point, Banda came out of his cell, and Matsushita started pointing fingers in a last-ditch effort to stay alive. Chishiya brought up the snacks, making it clear that Yaba's partner a pawn in all of this.
Yaba came around the corner then, making sure it was clear they figured out the plan. Asuna took that moment to step out of the cell as well, arms crossed over her shoulders. 
"How did you figure it out?" Matsushita asked, panic in his voice. 
"Easy. We just had to trust one another as the rules said. Trust one another as equals. Besides, you two made it a little obvious really quickly. Those cookies aren't that good." Asuna stated, earning a smirk from Chishiya and Banda. 
She turned to walk away, leaving the boys to do their thing. It was when Chishiya joined her that she was finally able to relax, leaning her head on his shoulder finally. "So, is it over?" She asked softly, exhaustion evident in her voice. He leaned his head against her, nodding in reply as they waited. Not too long after, the collars deactivated, letting them know they could leave.
"Finally." She said dramatically, smiling at Chishiya as they walked out. Leaving the prison they stopped when the blimp exploded, watching it for a moment before continuing on. It wasn't until they stopped somewhere to hide and rest that either of them fully relaxed for the game.
Laying down, Asuna let out a groan, happy to be out of that place. Chishiya moved next to her, taking the opportunity to check her wounds. When he seemed satisfied that she was okay, he raised a brow staring right at her.
"I was just thinking about Niragi. He's a pain in my ass, and I do hate him. But some small part of me still cares. I have no doubts that he's dead after everything at the beach, but at the same time, I hope he's not. That he's okay somewhere and I'll see him again." Her voice was low, eyes on the ceiling as she spoke. She learned quickly that she couldn't hide things from Chishiya for very long and gave up trying to do so.
"After everything he did to you, I'm surprised there's any part of you that cares about him." He stated simply, moving to lay next to her, gently pulling her into his arms. She settled against his chest, her arm wrapping around him.
"Maybe it's because I want to be the one to kill him." She said finally, earning a laugh from Chishiya. "I killed one of his bedmates. Only seems right to kill him too."
He shook his head, pulling her tighter against him. "I really hated not being able to touch you in there." He muttered, kissing the top of her head. "It was killing me not being to at least hold you hand. No matter where you were I felt like I needed to be there with you, and then I got worried you'd end of dead. I'm just glad it's done." He confessed softly, his fingers running along her back lightly.
"There were times I thought about pulling you into a cell with me just to have some time alone with you." She bit her lip, feeling him tense under her before his hand came to her face, his fingers lifting her chin to look up at him.
"Oh? And what did you plan to do once we were safely locked in that cell together?" He asked a smirk on his face, his eyes dancing with curiosity.
"I could tell you, or I could show you." She replied, moving her lips closer to his, barely touching him. "Which would you prefer?" 
He answered with a hungry kiss, the time they were deprived of each other resulting in a moment of desperation and need to make up for lost time.
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to the new world part 16
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Deciding on a game, they both looked up at the blimp for the Jack of hearts. They were good at these games and would require the least amount of movement. Though Asuna was starting to feel less pain, her leg was still throbbing if she stood for too long. But it was something she’d have to ignore while within the game.  
“Of course, the game is set in a prison.” She sighed, glancing at Chishiya, who seemed just as amused as she was. With a shrug, they walked inside, seeing a table before them. On the table sat collars, ones they knew were rigged to explode. It seemed to be a favorite of the game masters, and she understood why in a weird way.  
Putting one on, she heard the click as it locked in place, the instructions telling them to head to the main guard room. Following Chishiya, they stepped into the room, looking at the people around them. With one last long glance, they took their separate spaces, making sure there was no indication that they knew each other.  
“ Going into this game, we’re going to have to act like we don’t know each other. It’s going to be the safest way that we can ensure we both make it out alive.” Chishiya stated simply, hands in the pockets of the hoodie he wore. She didn’t know how he managed to produce another white hoodie after everything at the beach, but somehow, he had and in a way she was grateful. It would be a good way for her to find him no matter where he was.  
“I think that’s a good idea. See what the game wants from us and come up with a plan from there. Besides, if we stick together, we can’t see everything going on. We need to know everything going on.” She added, her hands in the back pockets of her jeans, her head tilted to the side as she eyed the large flag above them.  
“We’ll find a way to communicate. That way we can get out of this. Together.” He stated with certainty, his hand moving to take hers from her pocket, gently squeezing it as if to reassure her of this. Even though they both knew having connections like theirs, and allowing emotions to get in the way could get them killed, it seemed like the best thing in the world to them. They needed one another in some way, finding a piece of themselves that had been missing for so long.  
Squeezing his hand back, she brought it up to her lips, placing a gentle kiss on his knuckles and he did the same before they parted, getting into the role of strangers.  
She leaned against the wall; arms crossed over her chest as she looked around the room. Soon enough an announcement came on indicating that this game was about trust. How much can you trust the people around you? On the back of each collar was a symbol, and in order to make it through each round, they would have to guess the symbol correctly.  
But the only way they would know what that symbol happened to be is to trust that those around them wouldn’t lie. Guess wrong or use something reflective to try and see the symbol and the collars would explode. The game would go on for however many rounds it took for the group to either find and kill the jack of hearts, or for all the players to die. No time would be removed from their visas and there was enough food and drinks for everyone.  
“Well, this is going to be interesting.” She muttered, her head leaning against the wall, stealing a glance at Chishiya, who was glancing at her as well. He was thinking the same thing. They needed to find the Jack to make it out of this, but to do that, they had to watch everyone.  
Soon enough people started forming groups, with a girl in a blue dress recruiting people quickly. Asuna and Chishiya had both agreed to be part of her group, finding it to be the easiest way they would communicate without raising suspicion.  
The first few rounds went by smoothly, with only one person dying. But that was the catalyst that needed to happen in order for the Jack to really come out. The Jack needed to make a move, or people needed to start questioning their trust in each other, and at this point, it seemed like both happened at once.  
Asuna eyed everyone, watching how they moved, and spoke, silently following some of them to see where they went. Being quiet and injured meant that no one paid any attention to her. They were waiting for a moment to kill her off, assuming she was a weak link and she used this to her advantage. Who would care if she walked away and died somewhere?  
It also allowed her moments to hear who everyone thought Jack was, the wheels in her head turning as she thought through the possibilities.  
Finally sitting down next to Chishiya once her suit was told to her, he offered her a cookie, barely glancing her way. “Your suit is a heart, not a spade.” He whispered, and it became clear she was next on her group's list to die. Her eyes moved to the woman in the blue dress, seeing her giggle while enjoying her snacks. While many thought she was the jack, that would be too easy.  
“The jack is smart.” She whispered, leaning her chin on her hand as she glanced over at the wall as if it was somehow interesting. “He’s not making it obvious who he is, though everyone seems to think our group leader is the jack. That would be too easy, don’t you think?” she asked, her voice carrying a bored tone.  
“I have my own theory.” He stated before standing up and walking away, leaving Asuna to wonder what he meant by that. If he had already figured out who the Jack is, then why wouldn’t he tell her? She bit the inside of her cheek for a moment, the announcement to return to the cells sounding around them before she could decide how to get the information out of the blond.  
Going into the cell, she closed her eyes as the door closed, the voice asking her to state her symbol. “Heart.” She stated flatly, already bored of this game. With a few more explosions sounding from other cells, she stepped out, doing her best to hide the smirk as those that tried to kill her found her alive. This game was about to get far more interesting. 
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to the new world part 15
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Leaning against Kuina, Asuna looked at the large screen that stated the game would start soon. “I wonder what new hell they’re going to put us through.” She grunted, keeping her weight off her leg. Everything still hurt, but what time they had to rest helped just a little. Chishiya had kept an eye on her as she finally got some sleep, the pain killers Usagi managed to gather dulling the pain. The bruise was getting larger and angrier, but if anyone was worried, Arisu was the only one to voice his concern.  
Asuna was used to moving through pain, having lived through it before, but it didn’t mean it was easy. Waking up, a new wave of pain washed over her, but she never once let it stop her. Even as she stumbled, she refused to give up and showed weakness. They needed to keep fighting and find a way out of this place. She’d be damned if she was going to die in this place. 
That led them to this moment, staring at the screen, a mixture of annoyance and exhaustion taking over them in some form. With a sigh, she pushed off Kuina’s side, turning to walk away. “Well, we better get ready for whatever is coming. Don’t want to be caught off guard.” She muttered, ignoring the protests of Kuina. Asuna only stopped when she heard something, looking around as the sound echoed around them.  
“What is that?” Usagi asked, Asuna already surveying the area just in time to see people running towards them. Just as they started to get closer, they were shot down, bodies falling to the ground. Her eyes widened slightly, realization hitting. 
“Run!” She yelled, doing her best to run on her injured leg, not taking a moment to check that the others were following her. Usagi came to her side, helping her move quicker as more bullets were fired off, the echoes sounding around them. People scattered as they tried to escape, but all they could do is run and hope to not get shot.  
With Usagi’s help, they were able to keep going, getting away from the shots for a moment. Arisu caught up with them, and for a moment they hid behind a car. Peaking around, Asuna caught sight of Kuina, waving over at her. “I found Kuina.” She said softly, glancing over the car to see if she could find the people shooting. It had to be more than one person with how many shots were going off. But something told her it wouldn’t be that easy. These were face cards after all. 
With one last glance at the other two, she took off across the street, dodging bullets the best she could before diving behind a car, landing on Chishiya’s lap with a grunt. “What the hell is going on?” She hissed, sitting up with help, looking at the blond for answers. He simply shrugged, making her scowl. Usagi and Arisu finally joined them behind another car, the shots still ringing out around them. 
“We weren’t even told the rules of this game, or what card this is.” Kuina hissed, clearly annoyed with the turn of events. Asuna sighed, leaning back against the car.  
“Because the rules are to simply stay alive.” she muttered, her eyes opening when there was a sound above them. Looking at the large silver blimp, she saw the card displayed. 
“King of spades.” Chishiya stated, slightly amused. Of course, it was a spades game, and they had the unfortunate luck of landing getting the King card.  
“We have to take the king down to win.” Asuna concluded, her head thumping against the car once more. “Either we kill him, or we die. If there is a king of spades, then there has to be a queen and a jack of spades as well. 3 cards per face and four face cards. We have 12 more games to play and at least 12 people that we have to ensure die so we can end this.” Chishiya hummed in agreement, while Kuina cursed the logic.  
Just as the shots got closer, they heard a car horn, their heads lifting. The car stopped, Ann leaning out the window. “Get in.” 
Everyone got up and ran to the car, avoiding getting shot, but before Asuna and Chishiya could get in, he looked down. 
“Run!” He yelled before grabbing Asuna, diving back behind a car as an explosion went off. Asuna could faintly hear Kuina calling their names as the car sped off, but they kid behind the car for a moment, staying quiet and hidden as the blimp moved on. Finally, they got up and found a safe place. 
Chishiya sat her down on the ground, handing her some water as she smiled at him. “So, what now?” She asked, watching him for a moment as she drank the water, the cool liquid soothing the burning in her throat. She could see he was searching for the right answer, possibly one that would convince her not to do anything too stupid in her current condition.  
“I guess we go play other games.” He shrugged finally, sitting next to her. Asuna leaned her head against his shoulder, and after a moment his arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her closer. “I know I can’t stop you from playing, even though you’re injured, but I’d rather you not go after the king of spades right now.” 
She let out a laugh and moved her head to look at him. “So, we look for games we can play together, ones where the chances are high, we won’t have to kill one another. And leave the ones that require a less injured player to the others. I’m sure they’ll join other games soon enough too.”  
He nodded, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “We’ll find them again soon enough. And we will win all these games so we can get out of this place.” His voice was low, as if he was afraid someone would hear them.  
“Do you think we’ll find a way out of here? That there is any way out of Borderland?” she asked after some silence. She hummed in thought before nodding. “I think so. Otherwise, why else are we trying so hard to live?” he asked her, a small smirk on his face. 
Leaning up, she pressed a kiss to his lips, smiling as he returned it. He pulled away all too soon before leaning his head against the wall, his eyes closed. “Now get some sleep. You’ll need your strength for these games.” 
Settling against his side, she listened closely for the gunfire that never came, Chishyia’s steady breaths lulling her into a peaceful sleep.  
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
I miss you - Niragi One Shot
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Written to the song Deep End by Felix (Stray Kids) 
Finding herself in Borderland, it became a task to survive. The games took some getting used to, but in the end, her mind kept drifting back to someone she used to know. Someone she once loved so deeply that she hoped he hadn’t gotten stuck in this world with her. As days passed, there were no signs of him anywhere, and hope bloomed in her that he was somewhere safe, living his life happily. 
But then she found herself at the beach, and that’s when that hope shattered before her. Clad in a bathing suit as was standard attire, she was perched on one of the beach chairs by the pool, enjoying a conversation with Kuina when he came around. There was no mistaking that face, the sound of his laugh familiar yet so strange. 
The man before her was nothing like she remembered. The kind eyes that she could get lost in were replaced by eyes that were intense and gruel. The kind smile was a smug smirk, and his laugh was deranged. Before her stood a monster and her heart broke into pieces. “Suguru?” Her voice was a whisper, the sneer he gave her causing her to step back. 
“And who the hell do you think you are to call me that.” He spat, looking her over. If he remembered her at all, he made no indication and the way his eyes scanned her like she was nothing more than a toy made her sick to her stomach. “But if you want, we can get to know each other in my room.” he added, leaning close to her face. 
Clenching her jaw, she eyed him just like he had her before scoffing. “I had you confused with someone worth my time.” She shot back before walking away, doing her best to keep control of her emotions until she was locked safely in her room. The boy that had stollen her heart was gone. The one that always answered her messages, no matter the time of the day. The shared lunches and laughs were just a painful memory.  
He was her lifeline in a world where she was alone, the only person that cared if she lived or died. They saved each other so many times growing up and now, she had no doubt he’d kill her if it meant he would live. 
Shedding the last of her tears, she wiped her face and sighed. Looking in the mirror, she barely recognized herself. There was no longer life in her eyes, and the desire to survive the next game was gone. She felt numb, and would continue to do so, because the only thing that mattered to her was gone. She had nothing to return to, no one to worry about her. 
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to the new age part 14
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Watching through the screens how people got shot was shocking. Sure, the games were all about survival, and death was inevitable in this world. But she hadn’t expected everyone to suddenly turn on one another so quickly. But that was the beauty of hearts games. It was meant to play with your mind, twist everything around you and break you down. Kill you in every way possible and see if you could make it out in the end. 
But this was another level that shouldn’t have happened. Logically, they would have talked it out. Tried to see if there was a way to get fingerprints off the knife and go from there. But with the change in leadership, it was all shoot first and don’t ask any questions. 
“We have to find the Witch.” She said, never once taking her eyes off the screen. Outside, people ran, and they were picked off one by one. No doubt her brother was on the roof, enjoying himself. And there she was, hiding from the chaos while people died, and the witch was still on the loose. Kuina leaned in to look at one of the screens, looking back at them. They all saw the movement in the morgue and seemed to have the same thought. 
“I’ll deal with Niragi.” Chishiya said, giving her hand one last squeeze before letting it go. She looked at him, worry crossing her features for a moment before nodding. “Kill the fucker if you have to.” she finally said, resigning herself to the fact that her brother was probably going to die. He nodded, Kuina mentioning she was headed to the morgue. That allowed her to find Arisu and get him in the game.  
Going their separate ways, she took off down the halls, checking rooms on her way. Every time she heard gunshots, she stopped, listening for the direction before moving on. Moving up a floor, she found Usagi, sighing in relief. 
“Have you found him?” Usagi asked, frowning when there was a nod. With more gunshots, they took off again, checking every room possible. Eventually they stumbled into one of the rooms to hide, finding a militant hiding in the bathroom. Usagi questioned him, finding out the floor Arisu was on. They took off again, and Asuna hoped Chishiya and Kuina were having better luck. She hoped they were safe and would get out of this alive.  
She felt the wind leave her lungs, the wall hitting her back. One of the militants had attacked her, a knee coming up to connect with her face. Looking up at Usagi, she nodded, letting her know to go on without her. Standing up, she moved away from the woman before her, smiling wide as she eyed the woman. 
“What. Still upset I beat up Niragi?” she asked, dodging a punch to the face. Catching the hand, she flipped the woman and threw her to the ground, stepping around her. “I see. You got a thing for him. Hate to say it, he probably doesn’t even remember your name. Or that he fucked you.” 
Asuna was goading the woman. As much as she wanted to get the fight done with and get back to Usagi, she wasn’t going to miss a chance to let off some steam. A kick to the woman’s side brought her back down to the ground, and then another kick to the face made the woman fall on her back. Asuna was smart. She wouldn’t turn her back on someone who wanted a fight, so she waited for the woman to get up. 
Grabbing her hair, she lifted her up, punching her face until her hands were bloody, satisfied that the other woman wouldn’t be moving for a while. Turning around, she hissed in pain, seeing that a knife had been stabbed into her leg. She had been so focused on knocking the woman out that she hadn’t noticed the pain. Groaning, she pulled the knife out, safely tucking it in her boot before tearing off the end of her shirt. Once it was wrapped around the wound, she continued on, stumbling through the hall. 
As time went on, she was found by Tata, who helped her back down to the lobby. Arisu of course tried to get everyone to listen to reason, earning Aguni’s ire. But it didn’t stop there. Arisu saw what Asuna saw. The pain Aguni held close to him, causing him to claim to be the witch. The larger man wanted to die so badly because of what he did to Hatter. And as Arisu was barely holding on from the beating, he endured, Ann came in. She showed the bullet, making sure everyone knew Hatter was murdered. More than that, Momoka killed herself and was the witch. 
Just as they put the body on the fire, it was announced that the game was cleared. Everyone let out a little breath, but it was short lived. Niragi came in, shirt tied around his head. He had been burned and she knew that it was Chishiya that had done that. She had helped him build the particular gadget that would have caused those kinds of burns and there was pride within her in the fact that she had caused her brother to look like that. But before Niragi could continue his murderous spree, Aguni charged him, carrying him into the fire that was engulfing the building.  
Leaning against the wall, Asuna waited, looking at the table to see the card. Just as everyone cleared out, she saw the two people she hoped would have made it. Limping over to them, she smiled, glad the game was over with, and they could leave like they planned. Chishiya put his arm over his shoulder as she held the card, smiling wide at him. 
“Well, now we just need the face cards.” She groaned, feeling her back spasm, her body finally registering the pain. With Kuina’s help, they carried her outside, sitting her down so Chishiya could look her over. Kuina would get her first and hopefully only chance to see the brand on her back, glancing at the blond who shook his head. 
“What happened to you?” he asked, examining her back to see a large bruise forming. She groaned as he touched her back, trying to sit up straight. 
“One of Niragi’s last bed mates decided to pick a fight with me. I guess she didn’t like that I ruined Niragi’s face.” She snarked back, finally laying back with help, glad for the cold ground beneath her. She glanced at the blond when he pulled the cloth off her leg, his face giving nothing away. He pulled something out of his pocket and got to work stitching her leg up. 
“Were you a doctor or something before this?” she asked, looking up at Kuina, giving her a reassuring smile.  
“Or something.” He answered, finishing his work. “Come on, we have one last thing to do.” Helping her up, they moved along, eventually ending up underground. They made it to a door that was left open, carefully going inside to find that it was empty. All that was left were bodies and so many questions. 
“Someone’s coming.” Asuna whispered, following them into the shadows. They watched, looking to see that it was Arisu and Usagi. Stepping out, Usagi seemed relieved to see Asuna okay. Chishiya revealed how he found the place, a map left in the pocket of one of the players from the tag game.  
“Now we just need the face cards.” As if on cue the screens above them turned on, and Asuna narrowed her eyes. She should have known Mira would have been one of the game masters. It made sense how she, someone who was so good at hearts games, knew about the tension at The Beach.  
She announced the next round of games, and dread settled between them. They had some time to rest, but it wasn’t enough. Asuna knew she would be hindered by her leg, but she would still fight as much as she could. If Mira wanted to ramp up the games, then she’d make sure that the former executive learned how resilient the group was. They would make it out of this alive and return home.  
Though a part of her didn’t want to go back to the life she had left behind, she felt she could do it if she had Chishiya by her side. As long as she had him, everything would be fine. 
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to the new age part 13
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The beach seemed to be in a daze. While most still went off to the party, there seemed to be this fog around everyone in regard to the change in command. Everyone gave the militants more room than normal, and Asuna did everything she could to avoid them as much as possible.  
With Kuina posted up on one part of the hall, Asuna kept her eyes on another part, walkie in hand as Chishiya went to work. Now that they knew where the real safe was, it was now time to get the cards and run. But after the stunt with Arisu there was the fear that there would be eyes on the room. Of course, the militants were too busy throwing their weight and partying to really care. Aguni was sulking somewhere, and Niragi was busy. 
There was a bitter taste in both women’s mouths when thinking about what would happen to Usagi, but Asuna planned to get her and Arisu and escape as quickly as possible. Closing her eyes, she let out a breath before bringing the walking up. “Hurry up cat eyes.” She said softly, smiling at the nickname she had given him the night before.  
“That was supposed to stay between us.” He said back, a hint of annoyance in his voice, but she could also hear the amusement. Kuina didn’t have to say anything, but there was no doubt in Asuna’s mind that she was smiling.  
Asuna was lost in thought for a moment when she heard “Remind me not to get on your bad side.” Came from Kuina. It was a thought that had crossed her mind as well, and she wondered what happened to those that did. She glanced around the empty hall, making sure to keep a lookout as Chishiya replied back “Yeah, I get that a lot.” 
Before long, he was victorious and had the cards. “I’m going to go get Arisu and Usagi.” She said into the walkie, pushing off the wall. She waited for a reply, her feet carrying her towards Niragi’s room.  
“Asuna, leave them. We have to leave before anyone realizes the cards are gone.” Chishiya called back, and she stopped walking. She knew he was right. If they got caught the punishment would be bad, but she couldn’t just leave Usagi.  
“I can’t leave her to Niragi.” She stated, starting to walk again when that bad feeling in her gut hit again. She ran to Niragi’s room, her boots thudding on the floor, echoing in the empty hall. She stepped into her brother’s room just in time to see the TV turned on, the white screen bright.  
Niragi looked at her in anger for stepping into his room, already knowing why she was there, but his eyes settled on the TV, laughing when the 10 of hearts was shown on the screen. “I called it.” She groaned, rubbing her temples. She hadn’t expected The Beach to become one of the Arena’s, but it made sense. Though how the game masters knew about those problems within the beach in order to choose this night for a game made her suspicious. One of the game masters had to be an executive.  
A thought for another day she told herself as she pulled Usagi out of the room. “Go find Arisu. He has to be locked in one of the rooms and he needs to be a part of this game.” Shoving the girl down the hall, Asuna ran to the main entrance, meeting up with Chishiya and Kuina. 
“You were right.” He said simply, glancing over at her. His hook was pulled over his head, something he seemed to do every game. She nodded, glancing at him. 
“I didn’t expect this to be the Arena, but it makes sense. Considering everything that has happened.” She muttered back, closing her eyes for a moment. “I sent Usagi to find Arisu. He needs to participate in this game to up his visa, and we have no choice but to play.” Chishiya nodded, his eyes on the body before them. 
She finally took in the sight before them, looking at the body on the floor. Someone had killed her and left her in the place with the most traffic. However, it would also be empty for a time, meaning it would be a perfect spot for murder.  
Game: Witch Hunt. 
Time Limit: 2 hours. 
There is a witch among you all. They have murdered one of your own and you must find them. When you find the witch, burn them in the fire of judgement to clear the game. Players win when the witch is found. Players lose if the with is not found within the time limit. 
The announcement started, everyone looking at a fire was lit in the back. Just as everyone started to panic, Asuna looked at Chishiya. “This is going to be really bad.” She whispered, her eyes landing on Niragi and Aguni as they pushed through the crowd. 
“We have guns, so we’re not the Witch.” Aguni said, hands in his pockets. This didn’t seem to settle anyone, as fingers started to point at Momoka’s friend, then at Usagi. “Start burning people until we find the witch.” Aguni added after a moment, causing Niragi to cheer and let off a few shots. 
A hand on hers brought her out of her panicked thoughts, brain buzzing with ways to stop her brother. How to save everyone. Who the witch could be. Chishiya dragged her and Kuina into the surveillance room, the door shutting and locking. 
“Let’s lay low here and see what we can find out.” He squeezed her hand, looking at her in a way that told her to breathe. He saw all the ways her brain was working and knew it wouldn’t help anyone if she couldn’t focus. 
Finally getting her breathing under control, she nodded her head before looking at the screens. “It’s going to be a blood bath.” She sighed, never once letting go of Chishiya’s hand despite Kuina’s questioning look.  
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to the new age part 12
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The dreaded night came, and they watched Hatter leave. Asuna waited up most of the night for Hatter’s return, but it wasn’t until later in the day that the executives were called into the office. Asuna walked in, stopping in her tracks when she saw Hatter’s body on the table. Just as predicted, he had died. Walking closer, she saw the bullet wound to the chest, and she had no doubt in her mind Aguni was responsible.  
Niragi had a smug look on his face, the bruising doing nothing to hide how happy he was to have this chance to do what he wanted. Asuna looked at Aguni, seeing that his expression had a subtle change. While his facial expression remained the same, his eyes seemed dead. It was as if he had died with Hatter, and all that was left was his body.  
Ann came in, rushing to the body, but Niragi stopped her before she could do much. It was then that there was mention of who would take over. Of course, number two should have been promoted, just as Mira had expressed, but Niragi wasn’t going to hear it. He wanted Aguni. Everything that had been talked about the night before in private was becoming reality, and Arisu seemed to realize that. 
A vote. Niragi demanded a vote. When no one raised their hand, Mira explained that wasn’t how things were done. This time he used the gun as intimidation, earning some raised hands. Getting to Chishiya, Niragi was more annoyed than normal, making sure to keep his finger on the trigger. Chishiya of course, raised both hands after a few snarky comments, much to the amusement of everyone, though they hid it well.  
He walked to her and looked over her once, as if to see if Chishiya had marked her. Bored expression, she tilted her head to the side, watching Last Boss pull his sword, pointing it at her. “Please, as if you could use that one me.” She said flatly, eyeing him for a moment before looking at her brother. “I see you’re keeping that gun close. Afraid of another broken nose?” She wouldn’t waste the chance to poke the bear, even with Mira urging her to stop whatever she was doing in a silent plea. 
He scoffed and got close to her face, his eyes burning into her, though it didn’t affect her. “You think you’ll get a second chance to get the best of me? I know all your moves. I’ll win next time.” He hissed, a sick grin forming on his face. She smirked, her eyes challenging him as they stared down at one another. She finally relented and lifted her hand, giving him the middle finger before raising her arm for everyone to see that she agreed with the masses. 
Arisu was still shocked, jumping back with Last Boss lunging at him. But in the end, everyone agreed, and Aguni was named the new number one. Shit was about to get really bad, and it was clear everyone knew that. Fear was thick in the air, and that only seemed to fuel Niragi more. Asuna looked at Aguni once more, seeing that he hadn’t even moved, his eyes still on the body, but he seemed to be somewhere else.  
Before long, it was time for Aguni to get the code to the safe, signing her name on the black envelope before she left the meeting, the group meeting once more. This time Usagi was involved, hoping she would be helpful. Asuna knew the reality of the plan, but she agreed it was necessary to find the safe. 
With the plan in motion, Chishiya set up at the meeting as eyes on Aguni, and Arisu was set to go into Hatter’s room. Usagi was looking out, leaving Asuna to stand with the other executives, something Niragi had demanded. Why, she had no clue, but maybe it was so she could see just how much power he was going to have over everyone. 
With everything in motion, she soon followed Chishiya into Hatter’s old room, Arisu getting hit with Niragi’s gun. That glance to the wall was all the blond needed from Aguni to know where the actual safe was. It was a perfect plan, and now they just needed to work on step two. 
Usagi was dragged off screaming for Arisu and it took all her strength to stand there, listening to the pleas for help. Niragi looked at her triumphantly, as if he had finally gotten one over on her. But she ignored the look when she had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. As if something bad was coming and there would be no escape from it.  
Walking out of the room, Asuna walked next to the blond, her hands tucked in the back pockets of the shorts she had been allowed to wear. Something she was sure wouldn’t continue much longer with the change in command. 
“Something’s bothering you.” Chishiya stated, his hands tucked in his pockets, his eyes on the path before them. 
“It feels like something is about to happen. Something bad and we’re going to get caught in the crossfire.” Her voice was soft, her eyes on the ground. He stopped walking and put his hand on her chin, lifting her head to look at him. His cat-like eyes watched her for a moment before he shook her head slightly. 
“We’re going to get the cards and then leave this place. I promise you, nothing bad will happen to us.” His voice was reassuring, and had they not been standing in the hall, she would have hugged him. So instead, she followed him back to his room where she finally pulled him into a hug before they went on to get the final preparations done. 
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to the new age Part 11
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Arisu and Asuna had crossed paths a few times throughout their stay at the beach, but nothing major to really leave an impact. She watched as he defended Usagi in front of Niragi and Aguni, thinking he was stupid but brave. He seemed to care for the young girl, and that showed in his actions around her. Usagi seemed to care for him as well but was just as closed off as the rest of the people around.  
When an executive meeting had been called, she wasn’t shocked to see Arisu there. He was Hatters favorite at the moment, and that seemed to work well for him; especially when it came to keeping Usagi safe from her brother. Sitting on the arm of Chishiya’s chair, she watched her brother’s eye twitch as he glared that them, Chishiya looking innocent as always. 
It went unnoticed by most that Chishiya had his hand on her leg under the table, but it seemed like Niragi noticed the position of the blond man’s arm and the faint blush on his sister’s cheek. Since the kiss on the roof, the two ended up sharing a bed for the night. It seemed like they couldn’t part from one another and so they decided to curl up in each other’s arms and sleep. 
Waking up next to Chishiya was different. She had grown used to sleeping alone and once the moment of panic faded, she realized the arms around her waist belonged to someone she was starting to care for deeply. She watched him sleep, noting how relaxed he seemed as he slept. The contraptions they had been working on were forgotten not long after they started working on them, finding they wanted to spend time together. 
Hatter droned on about the cards, explaining that the last one aside from the face cards was the 10 of hearts. Ann mentioned it was hard to pinpoint which arena would hold that card, much to Hatter’s annoyance. Leaning back slightly, Asuna sighed, turning her attention to the number one man. 
“Consider what Hearts games entail, and the fact that it happens to be a card no one in Borderland has ever come across, logic dictates that it would be somewhere least expected. Probably some place where there is already tension rising. If there is already tension, then anything the game masters have in mind will make things worse. It could make or break us.” She stated simply, the bored expression on her face never leaving. 
Everyone seemed to take this in for a moment before Niragi started to laugh, leaning against the table. His nose was taped up, but you could see the bruising forming under his eyes. “You think you’re so smart Asuna.” He sneered, leaning back in his seat with a scoff. Asuna shrugged, her hands in her lap, one hand resting on Chishiya’s. 
“Well, I am a doctor.” She stated simply, earning a side glance from Ann. “Phycology.” She added, earning a nod from the other woman. Aguni glanced at Niragi who had rolled his eyes, muttering something under his breath. Chishiya had to cough to cover up the laugh that had started, looking away from everyone for a moment. 
Hatter sighed after a moment and stood up. “Either way, my visa is about to expire. I’ll have to participate in one of the games to extend it, and I hope it is the 10 of hearts.” He seemed so excited at the idea but failed to notice the shared looks between the three militants in the room. Glancing at Chishiya, Asuna frowned slightly before looking at Hatter.  
“I’ll go with you. If the game requires someone to die, better me than you.” Asuna said as she stood up, earning a glare from Niragi and Chishiya. Hatter simply laughed and walked over, putting his hands on her shoulders. 
“Do you have little faith in my abilities?” he asked, the smile wide on his face. He was a cocky man, and it seemed that the longer he stayed as number one, the further from reality he got.  
“I know you can pass any game. But think of everyone here at the beach. They need you to keep us safe and get us home. You gave them hope when Borderland took that away. These games are life and death, and we cannot afford for you to die.” She stated simply, feeling the glare burning into the side of her head.  
Hatter patted her shoulders before looking at Aguni. “I’ll have the head of the Militants with me. I’ll come back safe. Don’t you worry your little head.” Turning, he walked to the wall with the cards painted on it, looking over it. “Tomorrow night, I will attend a game.” He said finally, motioning the end of the meeting. 
Walking out of the room, she caught the look Chishiya gave her and knew she had to find Kuina. Whatever he had been planning, she was now part of it, and it was time to get everything in motion. Finding the tall woman was easy, motioning for her to follow. In Chishiya’s room, they saw that Arisu was there as well, all four of them sitting in various spots. 
“Aguni is going to make his move tomorrow night.” Asuna said simply, running her fingers through her hair. Kuina hung her head while Arisu seemed confused. “The militants have wanted power over The Beach for some time. Whatever bond between Hatter and Aguni has been the only thing keeping the peace, but that bond is breaking. They plan to kill Hatter tomorrow night and take control.” she added, seeing the realization cross his face. 
Chishiya sat down, hands clasped in front of him. “That means Usagi will no longer be safe.” He cut right to the chase, looking at Arisu. The one thing the hopeful man had cared about in this broken world was the key to getting him to agree to help. “If you want to keep her safe, we need your help.” 
Arisu thought for a moment before nodding his head. “What do I need to do?” he asked, a fire in his eyes once more. 
“We need to steal the cards from Hatter’s room and leave.” 
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to The new Age Part 10
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She felt his body tense against her, her breath getting caught in her throat. ‘Shit.’ She thought as she pulled back, quickly pulling away. She didn’t know what had come over her, but the moment he looked at her, she felt the undeniable urge to kiss him. He made her feel safe, which was a weird feeling for someone in her position. While most avoided Chishiya, she found herself drawn to him like a moth to the flame. 
She was about to apologize once she managed to breathe again, burring the embarrassment deep within her when his hands suddenly wrapped around her, pulling her into his lap. Hands on his shoulders, she felt his hands rest on her hips, his eyes watching her as the familiar smirk graced his face. Her cheeks flushed under his intense gaze, words failing her. One hand moved up her back and to the base of her neck.  
“Who said you could move away?” he asked softly, his voice commanding. Her breath caught once more in her throat, the tone sending a shiver through her. His soft lips found hers, molding against them perfectly. His kiss ignited a fire inside of her, one she had thought had died out a long time ago. She kissed him with passion, feeling like she’d drown without him. 
He brought his hand to her hair, gripping it at the base of her skull, causing her to moan into the kiss. He took this chance to move his tongue into hers, fighting for dominance, she was all too willing to give over to him. They continued the passionate kiss until they had to pull back for air, a soft laugh passing his lips as his forehead rested against hers. 
“What’s funny?” she asked quietly, her fingers playing with the ends of his blond hair. He stayed like that for a bit before leaning back to look at her, his smirk bigger than it was before. 
“Niragi would be so pissed if he found out I kissed his sister.” he stated, his dark eyes watching for her reaction. She blinked before laughing and shaking her head. She pulled him in for another kiss, her body pressing against his once more, not wanting any space to come between them.  
“Then we won’t tell him.” She mumbled against his lips, gently biting his bottom lip, earning a soft groan from him. She loved that sound, wanting to see what others she could cause him to make when she suddenly lifted her head, a long sigh passing her lips. 
“Someone’s coming.” she muttered, moving out of his lap, sitting back next to him. He seemed upset by this, glancing over his shoulder just in time to see Kuina come into view. She looked between the two, who acted as if she hadn’t just interrupted them. 
“There you two are.” She sighed, sitting on the other side of Chishiya. “Did you two hear? Someone beat up Niragi. His nose is broken.” Asuna couldn’t help but smile, knowing he would have had to find Ann for help, and in doing this, others would have seen what happened to him. Of course, this would piss her brother off, but she didn’t care. Not after everything. 
“Serves him right.” Chishiya said beside her, leaning back on his hands. Kuina looked between the two again before raising her brow.  
“Maybe if he wasn’t such an asshole someone wouldn’t have had to put him in his place.” Asuna shrugged, giving no further explanation, but it was clear from how Kuina reacted that she understood who had done the damage. Of course, Asuna made no gesture to hide her bruised knuckles or the small cut on her lip. 
The three sat in silence for some time, listening to the party down below before Kuina huffed. “I’m going to head off. Behave you two.” She gave them a stern look before walking off, leaving them alone once more. 
Asuna looked at Chishiya, his eyes dancing with mischief. ” She acts like we’re going to set the place on fire or something.” Chishiya made a small motion with his head, as if considering the idea. “It was a thought, but what fun would it be to set this place on fire.” He said simply, reaching a hand over to run his thumb along her bottom lip.  
“Besides, I have something better planned.” He winked, causing her to blush once more gently biting his thumb with a wink. He groaned again, causing her to laugh softly, finding that she loved that sound coming from him.  
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to the new age Part 9
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(This is a bit of how Asuna's feelings developed. Italics means Flashback)
Since she and Chishiya had formed the plan to annoy her brother, she found she spent most of her time with him and Kuina. The other woman would force her to the pool to sunbathe or drink, something she enjoyed but would put up a fight over. She didn’t want anyone to see through the walls she had carefully put up. But as time went on, she let herself relax, laughing with Kuina as they had fun. She was always aware that Chishiya was close by, eyes on her as she spent time with the other woman. 
She had known that Chishiya would wait for her when she’d come back from games, seeing him in the crowd next to Kuina. When he seemed satisfied that she was okay, he’d nod before walking away. She soon started to do the same, both forming the habit of checking on one other without making it obvious. But she always seemed to know when he was looking for her, finding his gaze in the crowd. He grounded her when she needed It most and he was not aware of the effect he had on her. 
If she was not out by the pool, she would be in the room with Chishiya working on something. Whatever his mind came up with, she was right there helping him. It started as his way of distracting from nightmares, something he had witnessed while passing her room. She was crying for help, and he had come in, waking her up before she fell off the bed. He asked for her help, ignoring the reason he had woken her to begin with, thus starting the routine.  
Waking from another nightmare, she trudged to his room, opening the door without even thinking and stepping inside. She found him hunched over his desk, fingers working on something. She leaned against the desk, looking down at the contraption that looked like a bomb. She watched for a moment, a smirk on her lips as he huffed in annoyance as the wires refused to stay so he could secure them.  
Leaning over, she pushed his hands away before grabbing the wires, holding them in place as he went back to work. They continued in comfortable silence, working together without a single word, she’d look at him every so often, taking in how his lips formed a thin line as he worked out the best way to make things work. His hair was tied back, but some fell into his face, only giving her the satisfaction of seeing his eyes when his head would tilt to the side in thought. 
She couldn’t deny that he looked like a cat in many ways, and it was endearing to her. His brown eyes sparked with flecks of gold, the light on the desk making them seem brighter as they shone with satisfaction when the first of many were done. His fingers brush hers as he moved the completed project aside, causing her skin to burn in the best way possible. She shuddered at the touch, though he gave no indication that he noticed.  
As they worked in comfortable silence, she watched his hands, his fingers working carefully with the skill of a surgeon. She idly wondered what his hands would feel like on her skin, before shaking the thought from her head. She knew she was getting in too deep; her heart skipping beats every time he looked at her. It was when she looked at his face again, eyes landing on his lips and wondered what it would be like to kiss him that she stepped back, stretching her arms over her head as if she didn’t need space to think. 
The demons in her head reminded her that she was branded. Marked by the man she was engaged to but did not love one bit. No, the man that had her heart was sitting next to her, tinkering away without a glance her way. He did not break her walls down, but instead found a way in and made himself at home. It scared her to think that she felt this way about him, but she couldn't deny it anymore. He had her heart, and there was no getting back. It was firmly held in his hands, and he could break her without a second thought. 
As much as she knew she should put distance between them, she couldn’t bring herself to do that. He made her feel alive. Wanted. And she would rather die than give that up. 
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to the new age Part 8
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*Chishiya’s POV* 
Ever since Asuna came to the Beach, Chishiya saw her as a way to gather information about the militants. Being Niragi’s younger sister only aided in his desire to annoy the taller male, but in the end, all he wanted was information. The balance was shifting, and he knew it. Hatter only had so much control left over this place before the gun toting maniacs took over and things would change. He wanted out and he thought Asuna was the key to his escape. 
What he had not planned, however, was to find her captivating. She never gave away anything indicating her emotions, making her like him in that regard. The only emotion she ever showed was anger, and that was directed at her brother. Some nights he would wonder what had caused problems between them, but quickly brushed them aside as idle curiosity. A way to use them to get her to do as he wanted.  
But the more time she spent around him as they had planned, the more he would look for her in the crowd. He’d stay off to the side after games and wait for her, wanting to see her return unharmed. Kuina questioned him each time, and every time he answered the same. “We need her.” Simple statement that should have left the matter alone, but he was sure Kuina understood what he really meant. HE needed her. He needed her to be okay and return to him. 
He had grown used to her company, even if they only sat in comfortable silence. The nights she would be in his room helping him with his latest toy, he reveled in how close they were. Each brush of her fingers against his had ignited something inside of him, and the longer he fought against feelings he felt unnecessary, the harder they came. 
He needed air. The last game had tested everyone, but seeing Asuna work in the game was something else. Her mind worked differently than others, and panic never affected her. He could see how she tensed as everyone around her freaked out, but she never let it affect her, working hard to ensure they lived. But he saw something else in her eyes that night, something haunted. It bothered him to his core wondering what happened to her to cause such a look and he needed to clear his mind if he were to find the underlying cause of it before it drove him mad.  
Walking through the hall towards the exit to the roof, he stopped when he heard the noises. He was no stranger to what Niragi did in his room, but what made him stop in his tracks was Asuna standing there. She looked as if she hadn’t slept in days, her eyes dull and face damp with sweat. Worry would have crossed his features if he had not noticed her move to the door, opening it and stepping inside. He watched her move the rifle quietly, no one noticing she had come in. In the next moment, she had thrown Niragi to the floor with strength he did not think she had, the young girl running past her. The other militants followed, allowing him to come into the room. 
He barely had time to register the slap, his fists balling inside the pockets of his jacket. He took a step forward, but the siren had already landed a blow to her elder's face, the sound telling him something was broken. She continued to beat him, and it took all his strength and willpower to stop her. As much as he would have enjoyed letting her continue, he knew better. He felt her shake against his chest, his arms around her waist to keep her close. Under any other circumstances he would have enjoyed having her in his arms, but not now. Not like this. 
When he was sure she had calmed down just enough he finally let her go, holding his hands up in mock surrender as Niragi threatened him. He watched the shirt come off, his face turning away for a moment before looking back at her. What he had pictured to be untouched skin was anything but that. The scars on her back were a remarkable sight. But it was the brand that caught his eye. He knew some businessmen would buy women for brides or mistresses, and brand them so no one would touch them. This was something he had seen, especially with the men his father spent time with. He did not care much about it, finding that it was a challenge to him if he really cared. But the fact that her own father sold her off to the man that hurt her, and her unborn child made his blood boil. He hated people like that, considering them to be lesser than him. But why did he feel the need to show her that he was different? Why did he care so much?  
He snapped out of his thoughts just in time to see that scars lay on her chest and abdomen as well, a new wave of anger flooding through him. Her shirt was in her hands as she stepped past him, quickly pulled over her body before she even stepped into the hall. He glanced at Niragi, smirking down at the man before following behind Asuna. They were headed to the same place. 
The roof had become their haven, a safe spot away from everyone else where they could continue to plan their escape and enjoy being away from everyone else. Though Kuina would find them at times, it was always when one of them had decided they were bored and needed something else to stimulate the brain. But tonight, they both needed to be away from everyone. To talk about what transpired in that room and clear the air. Or at least get the answers that prodded his brain. 
Stepping outside, she sat down, and he sat next to her, an arm around her shoulders before he could stop himself. He told himself it was simply to comfort her, to ensure she still had trust in him for what was to come, but even he knew better. He needed her in his arms. He liked it far too much to deny that and he’d use any excuse to ensure no one else knew the truth.  
Tears had started again, feeling the wet drops hit his chest as she curled into him. Bringing a hand up, he wiped them away, frowning as he moved away from him. He did not like that she would not look at him. He wanted to see her face, to look at her as they spoke. The soft apology sounded broken, and it hurt him to hear it. He knew she was hurting, and there was only some much he could do to help her. The scars inside were deep and could not be healed by skill hands like his. 
“He needed to hear it.” He stated, wishing he could have inflicted some wounds on her brother as well. That thought didn’t sit well with him, but she was hurting, and he wanted so badly to take that pain away. 
"Yes, but you didn't need to be subjected to that." Came her next words and all he could do was shrug and pull her close again. After seeing the extent of the trauma, she had gone through, he needed this comfort just as much as she did. He needed to keep her close, to protect her and make sure she was alive. He needed her by his side and the thought scared him. He felt her head shift on his shoulder, and he had to prepare himself. Keep his walls up before they come crashing down just as hers had earlier.  
Finally glancing at her, a brow raised, he watched her, shocked to feel her lips against his. He had never expected that she would kiss him after everything that had just happened. He stilled; eyes wide as his brain tried to process his next move. But all he could think about was how she had shattered everything he had built up around him to keep himself safe and alive, and there was no way he would ever be able to go back. 
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome To The New Age Part 7
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Niragi pulled his hand away from his face, blood dripping from his nose. He looked at her with anger, before his eyes landed on Chishiya, who still had his arms around her, holding her back against his chest. “Get your hands off my sister.” Niragi growled, taking a step towards them. Asuna knew if Chishiya let her go, that those walls would fall apart, feeling like he was the only one holding her up.  
But he stepped back, hands up while she stood here, her body was still shaking. She couldn’t hold it all in anymore. “Don’t act like you care.” She screamed, hitting him again until he fell to the ground, arms up to protect himself from her hits.  
She stepped back, hands marked from hitting him. With shaky fingers she pulled the sweatshirt off, then her shirt, her body covered with scars. Most were healed, but a few pink marks still covered her skin. She felt both pairs of eyes on her, taking in the sight and the reality of things.  
“You want to be my brother? Then where were you when I was raped. I called you, and you ignored me. Pushed me away when I told you what happened that night. You even laughed when father arranged a marriage between me and one of my rapists. Said I brought it on myself.” Her voice held so much venom that she was sure it would burn him. But she didn’t care. She wanted to hurt him, bring him down and face the consequences of his actions.  
Kneeling down, she made sure he could see the scars. Pointing to one on her stomach, she didn’t bother to hide the pain she felt. “This one is from when they had to cut the baby out of me. Because that man beat me so badly, he killed it. I begged them to leave it. To let it kill me so I wouldn’t have to suffer anymore, but father forced their hand. And you were nowhere to be found. The big brother I had looked up to for so long. The one that protected me when I was a child, the one that said he would always protect me was gone. I took care of you when your classmates bullied you. Showed you how to become stronger, to not show fear and stand up for yourself. And when you got what you wanted, you left me behind.”  
Her voice shook, tears streaming down her face again. Niragi stared at the scars, realization crossing his face. Reality set in for him and she could see it. “You’re no different than those men. You’re doing to the women here what they did to me.” Her voice broke as she stood back up, turning her back to him to grab her shirt. More scars adorned her back, but in the midst of it stood a brand. Fully healed into her skin, a brand showing she was damaged. One that ensured she would remain untouched by most. Pulling her clothing back on, she glanced at Niragi, all emotion gone from her face and eyes.  
“You have no say in who I spend my time with. You lost that right when you pushed me away. Next time, I’ll do more than break your nose.” With those words hanging between them, she walked out of the room, finally heading up the stairs to the roof for some fresh air, hearing the footsteps of Chishiya behind her.  
Getting to the roof, she exhaled, her body sagging as everything left her. She sat down, staring down at the party going on below them. No words were spoken as he sat beside her, an arm wrapping around her shoulder, pulling her against his chest. She didn't fight him, didn't bother stopping him as she had no energy left. They sat there in comfortable silence, the sounds below the only thing to keep her mind from wandering too far.
She hadn't realized that she had started to cry again until his hand came to her cheeks, wiping tears away. Clearing her throat, she sat up, her eyes anywhere but on him. "Sorry." She whispered, wiping her face. She didn't want to see the pity on his face, the same look everyone gave her when she told them what happened. It was the reason she built her walls up so high, but this place shattered them so quickly she didn't know if she'd ever be able to put them back up again.
"He needed to hear it." Chishiya said simply, his arm still on her shoulder. She finally looked at him, seeing nothing but worry and compassion on his face. It was the second time that night he had shown any form of emotion in front of her, and she wondered if his walls were starting to come down as well.
"Yes, but you didn't need to be subjected to that." Her voice was raw, her throat sore from the crying and screaming. He shrugged, looking off into the distance as he pulled her close to him again. For someone who had shown no interest in touching another person, he seemed like he needed this as much as she did.
She found comfort in him being there, and her mind raced. It was the simply kiss to the forehead that made the thoughts worse, demons fighting with logic as she tried to decipher her feelings as well as the implications tonight would have on the rest of her time in Borderland. 
Lifting her head to look at him, she waited until he glanced back at her, a brow raised as if questioning what she may say next. But no words were spoken because nothing needed to be said. Her lips pushed against his softly, her heart slamming into her chest as her mind finally went blank.
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome To the New Age Part 6
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Finally, being free of questions, Asuna stepped into her room and stripped out of her clothing. She felt dirty and desperately needed a shower. She stepped into the warm water letting it wash away the game and the memories of what happened throughout the night. She knew the two people she would seek out would be staying in for the night, and she decided to do the same. She didn’t have it in her to deal with any more people or questions.  
Laying down in bed, she felt her body relax against the pillows, the exhaustion finally settling in. But sleep was short-lived, as the demons came back to her in the form of nightmares. Something about the game brought them back even worse, the pain she endured in the dream feeling all too familiar and real. She knew that pushing down the past wouldn’t help in any way, but there was nothing else for her to do. Who could she turn to when it came to these nightmares? The one person she wanted to listen to her had turned her away too many times already.  
Jolting awake, sweat coated her skin, her short locks sticking to her face. Closing her eyes, she let out a shaky breath, the tears still falling down her cheeks. The room suddenly felt too stuffy, and she needed to get out. Putting shorts and a sweatshirt on, her feet slipped into her boots before she exited the room, doing her best to hide the fear that still gripped her.  
She was headed to the roof, knowing that she’d most likely be alone, and if not, Chishiya would be there, distracting her from her thoughts. Turning the corner, she heard a sound coming from one of the rooms, just as her eyes landed on the familiar white hoodie that she had come to recognize in the crowd. Eyes met just as another cry came from behind the door. Both knew what was going on, but neither made a move.  
Asuna had enough. She needed a release and stopping Niragi from harming another person was the perfect outlet at the moment. Pushing the door open, she stepped inside, her jaw clenched. “Get off her,” she stated, her voice stern, her eyes daring anyone to say anything. Her brother looked over his shoulder at her before letting out a laugh.  
“And you think you can stop me? There are no rules here, so I can do what I want.” He stated, his eyes narrowing before turning back to his latest victim. With a sigh, Asuna moved to the bed, reaching over to grab Niragi’s hair. She pulled him off the bed with such force that he landed on the floor with a thud. The girl wasted no time running out the door, the other militants stepping back in shock. They saw that she had taken the handgun off the desk, and no one wanted to be on the other end of that.  
“Get.” She barked, motioning them to the door before looking at her brother on the floor. His shocked expression changed to anger as he stood up, reaching for the rifle before he realized Asuna had taken that too. In one quick motion, she unloaded both guns, pocketing the ammo before setting the guns aside.  
She turned to leave, satisfied in having pissed her brother off but was stopped when he grabbed her arm, turning her so he could slap her. The sound echoed in the room, and Chishiya took that moment to step inside, his eyes burning with anger. It was an emotion she hadn’t seen on the blonde’s face, though he showed no emotion if he could help it.  
Asuna simply laughed, her head turning to face her brother before she brought her arm up, punching him square in the nose. “You think a slap is going to do anything? I’ve had worse done to me.” She spat, punching him again until Chishiya pulled her back, her body shaking with rage. The walls she had built up around her demons were crumbling at that moment and she knew everything was about to spill out.  
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to the new Age Part 5
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GAME: Security Breach  
DIFFICULTY: 7 of Diamonds  
OBJECTIVE: One of these doors is your key to freedom. Find the way out before time runs out. Players win when they successfully find the right door. Fail to open the door in the time limit will result in toxic gas being released, killing everyone. Time for completion, 2 hours.  
The voice said over the intercom, causing some tension to build up within the room. “How are we supposed to find a way out? What are those bodies for?” some of the people asked. But Asuna was already starting to play out what could go wrong if they failed. With a sigh, she looked at Chishiya, who happened to be looking at her, his eyes dancing with excitement.  
The game Starts Now.  
Closing her eyes, she let out a long sigh before stepping to the window and looking at the bodies on the table. She didn’t even want to think about where they came from, deciding to ignore that thought, even though it was echoed by many of the players behind her.  
“What do we do?” came a frantic shout as a few players ran to try the doors, finding they were all locked. “How do we get out of here?” The tension was getting worse, the panic of everyone around her settling in her shoulders as she did her best to tune them out.  
Chishiya, on the other hand, looked at the doors, taking in the fact that they all had keyholes, though they seemed different in some way. Glancing back at the bodies, she noticed that they all had stitches on them, indicating they had been come open. Glancing away, she thought about what the announcement had said.  
“We have to cut the bodies open.” She said simply, looking at the blond as if seeking confirmation. When he lifted a brow, she continued. “All the doors are locked, so clearly, we have to unlock them. We’re looking for a key that will open the right door. The bodies have all been cut open at some point, so logically the key has to be in one of them. Nothing else we can do.” She stated simply, giving a blink before turning to walk through the plastic curtains that separated the rooms.  
She ignored the protests from the others, glancing at the bodies fully now. There were cuts in different spots, making it harder to pinpoint exactly where to start. Smart. This would take time to open them up and find the key, causing more panic. With a sigh, she grabbed one of the scalpels that were set on the table in the corner moving to the body closest to her.  
Cutting the stitching, she started to work on one of the larger cuts, thinking it would be too easy for it to be hidden in the smaller ones.  
Chishiya watched her hand push into the abdomen of the first body, amusement written on his face. He watched her as if waiting for her to freak out like the rest or throw up. But she kept her face relaxed, eyes on the work before her.  
“You could have started with the smaller cuts.” He stated simply, moving to stand on the opposite side of the body, hands still in his pocket.  
“If I were to set up this game, I would use those small cuts as a way to take up time. Most people will start freaking out and take up too much time avoiding this.” She nodded her head to the group that avoided looking at what she was doing. “I would put it somewhere else. Somewhere not many would consider digging around.” Her voice was neutral as she pulled out some of the guts, setting them aside as if they were nothing.  
He watched, regarding her with curiosity that she barely missed. He was good at hiding his emotions, but his eyes seemed to give him away easily she was finding. Not that she minded looking at his eyes, finding them almost as beautiful as he was. Giving herself a mental slap at the thought, she focused on the task at hand.  
She had finished digging before Chishiya grabbed one of the other scalpels, moving to the next body. He dug through the guts, coming up with nothing as well, and Asuna had a thought. Looking at the body, she moved to examine the scalp, finding another set of stitches. Clicking her tongue, she stood up straight and pursed her lips.  
“I guess we’re going to have to perform brain surgery.” She muttered, glancing at the body one more time before settling into the task. She was confident that the smaller cuts were a distraction, and that nothing was going to stop her task. Raising her hand, she found Chishiya had moved next to her, his own hand on hers.  
“I’ll do that. You work on the others.” He said, his voice low, his eyes avoiding hers. She didn’t want to cut into someone’s head, but the idea that he stopped her irked her. He finally glanced at her, his eyes showing nothing. “This is delicate work after all.” His tone teased her, and she wanted nothing more than to smack him, but she ignored the feeling.  
One Hour has passed.    
The voice stated, causing Asuna to tense. Keys were found, and one by one snatched from their hands before either could say anything. One by one people died before the others stopped rushing to find an end. It was after Asuna was elbow-deep within the last body that Chishiya let out a long sigh, his fingers holding up a key. No one moved as they two looked at one another as if thinking the same thing. They had looked at the locks on the doors, noting the differences between them. Like the keys, this one was different enough to be the one they needed.  
Walking to the door, they unlocked it and pushed it open. Nothing happened for a second, a breath passing between them all before Asuna took a step over the threshold. She stopped, waiting for something to happen, and when nothing did, she turned and looked at Chishiya. It was as if he was holding his breath when she stepped through, his eyes giving away the worry that he did his best to hide.  
Congratulations players. You have won the game.  
The walk to the car and ride home was a blur. It didn’t bother her to cut into the bodies to find those keys, but what did was how she started to enjoy the closeness of Chishiya’s body to hers. What emotions she was allowed to witness in those eyes of his was something different for her. No one had ever looked worried that she might get hurt, or proud of her mind. But he did. He seemed to be proud that she worked with a clear goal and used her mind instead of her heart to get through the game.  
Getting out of the car, Kuina rushed to them, seeing the blood on their arms. Brushing her off, Chishiya walked off, presumably to get cleaned up, leaving the two women to walk and talk. Telling the taller woman what had happened, reassuring her that neither had been harmed. But Kuina was smart, wanting to know what the two had shared a look before parting ways.
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to the New age Part 4
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Stepping outside to the cars, she found Chishiya already waiting for her, hood over his head. Stepping next to him, she felt the glare before she even saw her brother come around the corner. She did her best to hide her smirk, keeping her face neutral as she leaned closer to the blond, watching Kuina walk to one of the other groups. With a simple gesture of his hand, Chishiya motioned towards the car, letting Asuna get in first before he sat next to her, making sure he was seated next to her. Close enough that his knee rested against hers, but not close enough for anyone to get ideas.  
As they drove to their destination, she felt him shift beside her, leaning close so their conversation wouldn’t be heard. “How are you enjoying our agreement so far?” he asked, though she was sure he already knew the answer. How could he not when he seemed to read her mind before she could even form full thoughts?  
Glancing over at him, she saw the familiar smirk on his face and didn’t bother to hide her own. It seemed so much easier to let her guard down around him, though she had no idea what he was planning. If she had figured out anything about the blond beside her, it was that he was planning something, and had contingencies for those plans. He always seemed two steps ahead of everyone somehow and anticipated the smallest of changes in people.  
“Hopefully more than you are. He acted like I stole his girlfriend when he was told I’d be in this group with you.” Her voice was low, but not devoid of humor. The image of Niragi looking both betrayed and angry burned in her mind, something to keep her going no matter what this game had in store for them. “No, I just stole his sister.” He said simply before settling back in his seat, the statement hanging between them. What had he meant by that? She was left with her thoughts for the rest of the car ride, thinking back to the days at the beach.  
Chishiya had always been within her line of site, a constant yet silent pillar watching her as she dealt with her brother, doing her best to interact with people around her. How often had he been watching her argue with Niragi or hang out somewhere alone? Was he able to see the inner turmoil that lay within her as she struggled with the demons that woke her up at night?  
She was pulled from the rambling of her brain when the car stopped outside of the arena. Getting out, she walked inside, grabbing one of the phones. Keeping close to Chishiya, she leaned against the wall, chewing on her lip absent-mindedly. She hadn’t even realized that her anxious habit was evident until a hand was on her face, pulling her lip from her teeth.  
Looking at the brown eyes of the blond, she sighed and ran her fingers through her dark locks. “It’s going to be fine.” He whispered just as the game was announced to start. Stepping into the room, they saw nothing but doors along one wall. On the other side was a large window, showing bodies laid on metal tables.  
GAME: Operation  
DIFFICULTY: 7 of Diamonds  
OBJECTIVE: One of these doors is your key to freedom. Find the way out before time runs out. Players win when they successfully find the right door. Fail to open the door in the time limit will result in toxic gas being released, killing everyone. Time for completion, 2 hours.  
The voice said over the intercom, causing some tension to build up within the room. “How are we supposed to find a way out? What are those bodies for?” some of the people asked. But Asuna was already starting to play out what could go wrong if they failed. With a sigh, she looked at Chishiya, who happened to be looking at her, his eyes dancing with excitement.  
Game Starts Now.  
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goblin-waifu · 1 year
Welcome to the new age Part 3
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They met on the roof again that night as the sun was setting, knowing that the next round of games would come. There had been an executive meeting earlier that day, and Hatter had droned on once more about the cards and leaving Borderland. Asuna leaned against Chishiya’s chair, knowing that it annoyed her brother more than anything. While she wanted nothing to do with Niragi, she couldn’t deny that annoying him brought her some joy.  
Standing on the roof, Chishiya was the first to break the silence, much to her surprise. “So, what did he do to piss you off so much?” She pondered the question, her thumb idly running along the scar under her eye.  
“It’s nothing important.” She finally said, putting out the cancer stick, stowing the other half away, suddenly finding it undesirable. Chishiya simply humming but made no other comment on the matter. It was Kuina that broke her from her thoughts as to what someone cared so much about her relationship with her brother.  
“Hey, there’s a meeting. You two better get down there.” She said simply, leaning against the door, watching them both. With a long sigh, Asuna turned, giving him a bored look.  
“I have a proposition.” He said, instead of moving, finally looking at her, those brown eyes, giving nothing away of what he was thinking, but seemed to shine with mischief. She lifted a brow, nodding his head to signal she was curious.  
“I dislike your brother. He’s an egotistical prick and everyone here fears him. I find him tiresome and I’m sure you do too. I’ll make sure you don’t have to be with him in any games, but I want something in return.” His hands tucked in his pockets, she found it hard to read his body language. It annoyed her to no end that she couldn’t read him, and maybe that’s why she had become so fascinated with him.  
“And what is that?” she asked, her head moving to the side, regarding him with mild curiosity, doing her best to keep her emotions under control.  
“Help me annoy him. Stick around Kuina and I, we’ll make sure you’re safe in the games. As much as we can of course, but you get to help me annoy him far more than I already do. Besides, I’m sure you’re wondering what Aguni and Niragi are planning to go against Hatter.” His smirk grew, somehow knowing what was going on in her mind without even being around her much. Giving nothing more than a smile as a reply, they headed off to the meeting.  
And that was how the plan came to be. Understand the plan of the Militants and annoy Niragi as an added bonus. What she hadn’t learned until that meeting though, was that Chishiya had told Hatter he wanted Asuna to be paired with him or Kuina. Niragi was not to be around her, otherwise the crazy militant could end up dead. This played in Chishiya’s favor, but only furthered to drive Asuna mad.  
Standing on that roof, she narrowed her eyes slightly, eyeing him. “Why did you tell Hatter I am to be paired with you or Kuina? It can’t be just to annoy Niragi.” Her voice was low, though there was no need. The music was blasting below them, everyone partying before the games began.  
“You fascinate me.” He shrugged, his cat-like eyes on her as he spoke. That was all he said before leaving her there with her thoughts once more.  
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