goandadventure · 5 years
The yellow mouse couldn’t help but smile waving back at the other Pikachu. Since other trainers hardly had Pikachu and usually evolved them into Raichu, he never gets to see others in the same evolutionary stage. (He didn’t like to admit, but he had a small fear of thunderstones.)
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“Pika! Pi pikachu!” 
Red smiles at the Pikachu’s warm reaction. “I haven’t seen Pika so excited since my wanderin’ trainer days.” Pika jumps off Red’s arm and wags his tail happily, an invitation to play.
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“…huh? Team Rocket has Mew?” No wonder his search has been so unsuccessful, from what he heard there was only one Mew in the world. As well as some other secret Pokemon, but from what he heard from other trainers they couldn’t give him any clear answers.
“…were you able to see the new Pokemon they had made? Were you able to save it? I think it was a clone. A…A MewTwo if you will.”
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“Pikachu pikapika!!” Pikachu’s tail wags in response and she hops down from Elaine’s shoulder, darting to the other Pikachu and curiously sniffing at him before offering her tail for what Elaine assumed was the Pokemon equivalent of a handshake. 
“They’re probably excited to see someone else like them, Pikachu are pretty rare outside Viridian Forest,” Elaine says, laughing softly as she watches the two electric-types. Turning her attention back to Red, her expression turns serious.
“No, we didn’t find the Pokemon they made, but we found some old journal entries about it, and...the lab it broke out of.” Just thinking about the place made her feel uneasy. “It...looked like Mew wasn’t the only Pokemon they were trying to clone. I don’t know if they still have Mew, or if it escaped with the clone, but whatever happened there was really bad. It was a mess when we went there...”
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goandadventure · 5 years
There were many things that Gladion expected to happen from this encounter.
The possible death of said trainer from her own pokemon was not one of them.
He was beyond horrified, watching the girl get fried alongside Lee. Gladion aimed to try to catch both- harsh he may be he wasn’t going to just let Lee nor this girl hit the ground and get matching concessions. Alas, his reaction came too late, both parties fell to the ground with matching thuds, kicking up the dry dirt from the path.
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He had to wonder which Tapu did he piss off for this to happen to him of all people?
Glancing at the pikachu, his team (who all had varying ranges of reaction to this happening) then the two who were passed out wonder what he should try to do first. 
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Allen moved into action first, checking Lee over with a look on his muzzle that spelled ‘seriously taken out by one (1) thunderbolt?’
Knowing Lee was in good hands and by far in less danger than the girl, Gladion instead focused his attention on the trainer and what little first aid he knew.
“Are you still conscious, did the blast knock you out?” he asked not knowing if she was in the right mind to speak anyway. He was careful to move forward slowly, not wanting to trigger the Pikachu to go off again.
“Piika...” Pikachu scratched her head with one paw, unsure what to do. It wasn’t the first time her trainer had gotten hurt like this and certainly wouldn’t be the last, but she still felt guilty for being unable to protect her properly. Black-tipped ears perked up as the electric mouse realized the Golbat’s trainer was approaching, but he seemed to be trying to help so Pikachu simply stood back to stay out of his way.
Elaine didn’t respond at first, but after a minute a groan escaped her lips. Her eyes slowly opened and she carefully pushed herself up into a sitting position, lifting a hand to rub her head. Moving was difficult and she was sore all over, but she’d live. 
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“S-Sorry...” She looked up at the other trainer and then at the Lucario helping the Golbat. “Is your Golbat okay? I didn’t mean to spook it...”
“Chu!” Pikachu sounded angry as she jumped into Elaine’s arms. She was used to her trainer worrying more about others than herself, but it still frustrated her. “Pikachu chu!”
“I-I’m fine, Pikachu,” Elaine insisted, forcing a smile. 
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goandadventure · 5 years
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Mewtwo taking care of his new trainers
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goandadventure · 5 years
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“Oh no they’re onto us!”
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goandadventure · 5 years
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“Of course, who wouldn’t help someone in that situation?”
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goandadventure · 5 years
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“Elaine! I have some big news!”
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“Really!? What is it!?” She bounced excitedly as she waited for Trace’s answer, the Pikachu on her shoulder listening intently. 
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goandadventure · 6 years
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Party on the S.S. Anne
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goandadventure · 6 years
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“Santa hats for everyone!!”
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“Pi pika!”
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goandadventure · 6 years
There was some news that there was a new Kanto champion. Lot’s of talk between the other trainers he would walk by. Red didn’t mind not keeping the championship title, well not anymore. There were other things on his mind. A lot of other things…he had to be stronger. He stood at the end of the Indigo Plateau watching as other trainers go by.
 The only reason he left his post was to help the Professor find one last Pokemon, not wanting to be behind Blue. Sadly his findings turned out to be for naught. That one Pokemon…Mew. His Pikachu looked at his trainer worriedly, sometimes it was hard to tell what he was going to do. Red was always a mystery, odd since he used to be a talkitive boy.
He looks back at the Indigo Plateau one last time, trying to decide if he should give it one more go or not. He did kind of miss the days of battling. He checks to see if he had all eight badges.
Though he was startled by a voice, jumping a bit as he heard. 
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“……?” A girl? She was really young too, maybe a year or two younger than him. He nods his head and gives a small smile at her knowing who he was. “Congratulations on becoming champion. Ah, you gotta Pikachu too? So do I.” Over his shoulder Pikachu popped up, smiling at the girl and her Pikachu. 
“Ah, I remember when I was champ. Though goin’ back to the Elite Four was borin’. Stayin’ in one place, ya know? But I know you’ll do fine!” He takes out a old warn out notebook and writes in it for a second. “I was more into findin’ more Pokemon and discoverin’ new ones. Like right now, I’m tryin’ to find one called a Mew, but I can’t find anythin’ ‘bout it.”
“Pika!” Pikachu perks up at the sight of the other electric-type, lifting a paw to wave at them. 
“Boring, huh?” She could understand what he meant, but so far the whole experience had been nerve-wracking for her. Somehow she’d managed to pull through so far with the help of her Pokemon, but it seemed every time she turned a corner there was another, even stronger trainer waiting for her. Elaine lets out a nervous laugh, though she was grateful to have Red’s support. 
“Thanks, I sure hope you’re right! Pikachu and I have been doing our best, right?” Her partner nods in response, a confident grin on its face. 
“Pi pika!”
The notebook catches Elaine’s interest and she leans forward to get a better look, tilting her head to the side. Why did that name sound so familiar? Mew?
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“Wait, that Pokemon Team Rocket has!?” Had? She wasn’t sure. The journals she’d found in what she could only assume was Team Rocket’s old hideout were vague on what happened to Mew, but they were enough to give her a horrible feeling. 
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goandadventure · 6 years
Oh boy, this definitely was a bit of a problem.
“Pixie, you know what to do.”
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“Vul vulpix!”
The little, shiny Vulpix chirped and hopped off of her shoulder, heading off right after the two Pokemon. The older of the trio definitely knew what she was doing, given she usually had to round up baby Pokemon on a day to day basis.
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“Pixie should be able to round the two of them up and talk some sense into Bulbasaur. She does this all the time back at home with the babies.” She chuckled before turning her attention back to the trainer, looking her over before she smiled,” What’s your name? You must be a new trainer, right?”
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“Y-Yeah, I just became a trainer a couple weeks ago. My name’s Elaine,” she answered. This trainer was clearly more experienced and knew what she was doing, so Elaine forced herself to relax as she watched the three Pokemon run off. 
Bulbasaur glanced back when it heard the unfamiliar voice, eyes widening as it realized it now had two Pokemon on its tail. The grass-type picked up speed as it darted around the corner, but Pikachu was faster and managed to get ahead, cutting it off.
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“Saur!” Bulbasaur turned to run the other way, only to nearly run right into Pixie.
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goandadventure · 6 years
Gladion wasn’t paying attention to the rare passerby’s more focused on taking care of his team than anything. All of them were out- except for Null, he’d have to wait until he got back to his motel room to double check him over. 
They had all just gotten out of a nasty battle, it ended in their victory with the backlash only being a few poison stings along with some thistles. Gladion was dabbing a bit of oil from his pokemon care kit into Allen’s fur, using it to help loosen the thistles grip.
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Noticing Allens eyes flicking to the side he caught sight of a girl looking their way- he prepared himself to say a brief hello only…
To be completely ignored 
His eye twitched in annoyance. 
Didn’t she have any manners at all? You’re suppose to ask the trainer if it’s okay to pet their pokemon in case the pokemon doesn’t like strangers! He sent her an unimpressed look deciding to let Lee show her just why you don’t pet random pokemon without asking. 
Lee did exactly that- mouth opening widely then biting down upon the hand- it wasn’t a harsh bite nor malicious in nature, it was what Gladion would call her “love nibbles.”
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“You couldn’t have just asked me first could you?"  He sighed deeply at the scene readying for the girl to scream or try to shake Lee off. He was hoping Lee would just lick her and gross her out not this…..
She’d been bitten by Pokemon before, sometimes much harder than this, but usually not by anything bigger than a Rattata. Being attacked by a Golbat was scary, and while this one wasn’t trying to hurt her, the bite definitely startled her enough to get a scream out of her. 
It would have been fine once she realized the Pokemon meant no harm, but the Pikachu on her shoulder had already heard her scream and was very much horrified that this Pokemon was clearly trying to eat her trainer!!
“Piiikaa...” Sparks of electricity flew off the Pikachu’s cheeks and Elaine let out a gasp, quickly realizing her partner was preparing an attack and what that meant for her, who’s hand was still in the Golbat’s mouth.
“Pikachu wait don’t-”
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“CHUUU!!!” The electric mouse jumped into the air, unleashing a Thunderbolt attack at the Golbat. It didn’t occur to her that her attack would also hit the trainer she was trying to save until it was too late. Landing safely on the ground, Pikachu watched as Elaine fell over. Oops. 
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goandadventure · 6 years
//I’m going to see the new Pokémon movie but I’ll work on replies when I get back c:
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goandadventure · 6 years
@nullum-nocte liked for a starter
She hadn’t felt this overwhelmed since she first became a trainer. She’d barely set foot in Alola and already there were a dozen Pokemon she didn’t recognize. She jumped as a black rat darted past her feet - was that a Rattata? - and watched as it disappeared into the bushes. 
“Pikapika chu!” Pikachu’s voice caught her attention, and Elaine followed the electric mouse’s gaze to see a boy with a bunch more Pokemon she didn’t recognize - except the Golbat. 
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“Oh wow! You’re right Pikachu, there are Kantonian Pokemon here!” It was a relief to see a Pokemon familiar to her, and she approached the Golbat without thinking, holding a hand out to it.
“Hi there, Golbat!”
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goandadventure · 6 years
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goandadventure · 6 years
cacturnefortheworse replied to your photo “//I found this while I was debating hunting for a shiny asdfghj”
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goandadventure · 6 years
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//I found this while I was debating hunting for a shiny asdfghj
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goandadventure · 6 years
@champofpallet liked for a starter
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“You’re Red, aren’t you?” He certainly matched Blue’s description. Elaine had thought that after becoming Champion she wouldn’t be as intimidated by strong trainers, but here she was staring at the older trainer in awe. 
“U-Um, it’s nice to meet you!” she stammered, bowing politely. “I’m Elaine, and this is my partner, Pikachu! We’re still...kinda new to the whole League Champion thing.”
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