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I explain my thoughts in audio form
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I decided to go with a geometric clean design, I decided to not use the rocket design because it looked too childish and it just did’t look like it fits.
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Because the brand want to pose as a swiss brand I was thinking of what remind me of swiserland that could be tied to coffe and what I came up with is cows‭. ‬Maybe for the pacage desighn I could use cow print‭. ‬I was thinking of redoing the glass jars‭. ‬The lid is fairly iconic so but something has to be done about the inconsistant graphic stickers‭. ‬
The second idea is to show the taste of the coffee by appointing a country to go with the blends‭. ‬For example Arabica blend in obviously represented my an Arabic theme or Brazilian theme because a lot of the beans grow there‭.‬
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What did I achieve with this? I don’t know, I just did it.
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Here is work by Shigeo Fukuda that I would like to draw inspiration from.
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After some reaserch it seams like the main plastic free solution besides from capsul coffe is paper packegign and mettal‭. ‬Glass‭ ‬is an option too but it is harder‭. ‬Glass is a good option if the consumer is planing to incoparete the glass bottle in their kitchen for further use beacuese unless their country takes resicling sereusly with Russia does not it would be the same as using a‭ ‬plastick package because glass doesn not biodegrate but glass has an unlimited life and can keep being recycled over and over to make new glass‭. ‬It never loses quality‭, ‬unlike plastic and paper‭.‬
The glass is crushed‭, ‬then blended‭, ‬and then melted with sand‭, ‬limestone‭, ‬and other raw materials‭, ‬including more glass‭. ‬The end‭ ‬result is new jars and bottles that don‮!&‬t look any different to all the other jaws and bottles you have seen before‭.‬
‭ ‬I would like to go further with paper‭. ‬A lot can be done with card and paper as shown in examples slide above‭.  ‬I would like to‭ ‬have a colourful pacaging that could stand out on the shelves and with paper that is posible‭.‬
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I was thinking of changing the coffee brand design to something similar to this. Illustrative, simplified and colourful.
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This is my second option for the “You” project. I would like to point out the inconsistency of the design. That is the reason why I would like to do this for repackaging. 
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Evian is one of the premium water brands. Evian is known for it’s clean taste and premium feel but even after re-branding they only have 1 sustainable option that is usually served in restaurants. But evian has made major steps in the right direction by getting rid of labels on most of their bottles. Instead of labels the now print on stickers.
 Evian uses premium plastic that is the most recyclable at the moment but the problem with is still the fact that it is plastic. With people in the UK not taking recycling seriously enough it doesn’t make a difference if the plastic could be recycled 10 time if only 44% of plastic that is put in the recycle bin is actually recycled, not even mentioning how a lot of people don’t even have a second bin (for recycles). 
That is why using bio degradable plastic is the way to go or glass, because glass is just sand, it can be recycled an infinite amount of times or it will return to it’s original form of sand by being crushed.
The aim for this project would be to design a water container that would have 0 plastic and design marketing for the new recyclable design.
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After lots of thought I decided that having a dance are upstarts. It will basically a party bus with a shop at the bottom and a party at the top with a DJ playing all the latest kpop bops.
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This is where the inspiration came from.
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