glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Reverting Your Chemically Damaged Hair Back To Glory
Hair that has been treated with the use of strong chemicals tends to undergo an abrasive process to do so. The most common reason why curlies use chemicals on their hair is because of the following reason. First to  “relax” your hair using chemicals that work to straighten out the likely curly strands. Second,  is to dye it a different color using a variance of different types of chemicals, based on the color someone is aiming for.
Tinting, bleaching, and perming create tiny openings in the hair through damaging hair. Chemical processes involving peroxides, hydroxides, and thioglycolates and relaxing chemicals. This creates spaces in your . Eventually, though, after repeated applications, your hair feels coarse and dry, due to more holes than the chemicals can fill.
You may ask, Why does colored hair look so good right afterward, and so bad later on?
The chemical damage accumulates. Each time the peroxide and ammonia are applied to the hair, (and don’t be fooled by ammonia free and peroxide free colors, as they have alternatively damaging chemicals) the gases cause microscopic holes in the hair fabric. The first time causes just enough for the tint to adhere, but then, each application shatters the hair just a bit more, resulting in less surface for the color molecules to hold onto. These openings leave the hair feeling rough, dry, with a dull appearance, and when it’s really damaged can make the ends look off-tone.
If you’ve ever undergone one of these treatments, you probably understand how much of a nuisance your hair becomes once it starts growing back. When the roots start to come in, they’re a completely different texture than the rest of your hair. What was once hassle-free becomes extra trouble, since you now have to make sure your hair looks uniform. There may come a time when you decide to stop chemical treatments altogether. Maybe you’re tired of the damage, maybe you’re annoyed with having to deal with your roots, or maybe you’re just sick of the price. The enviable next step is the seemingly never-ending process of growing out your hair. So how do you go about this and still make sure it looks awesome? These tips will help you restore your hair to its former glory.
Know The First Sign On Chemical Damage To Revert IT ASAP
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When it comes to chemically damaged hair, it is always best to start at the earliest sign of damage, dryness or brittle strands. The most effective way to catch those pesky rouge strands is taking care of your hair daily. As you color or chemically alter your hair, check your hair for signs of damage. Again, with chemical treatments, it is typical to notice a small amount of damage; however, significant damage can be cause for alarm. The best step it to switch to a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. Sulfates can strip your hair of its natural oils and moisture-retention mechanisms leaving it drier and susceptible to damage. Shampoos and conditioners without sulfates can aid your hair with adding moisture to your strands. Much like picking out a hair mask, make sure the top ingredient of your new shampoo and conditioner is water. With chemically damaged hair, it is important to moisturize daily. Your strands are parched and in desperate need of moisture. By moisturizing daily, you are replenishing the moisture lost by damage, while also helping your hair rebuild its ability to retain moisture. In between your usual wash day, spritz a small amount of leave-in conditioner and add a dime-size amount of moisturizing styler to your hair. Avoid wetting your hair every day, which ironically will do the opposite of depositing water into your strands. Especially with tap water or hard water, the minerals in the water open the cuticle layer and allow for water to escape. Without adding a product to seal the layer, you will lose more water than you deposit. Try our Glammednaturallyoil Biotin Shampoo and Biotin Conditioner 
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Give Your Locks Some TLC - Hair Masks and Hot Oil
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Once you catch any sign of chemical damage to your hair, you want to start replenishing the moisture lost back into your strands immediately. The best way to do this is by applying a hair mask. You can purchase your favorite deep conditioner or go the DIY route. There are tons of recipes online for hair masks that will help your hair begin to retain moisture again. Be sure to look for ingredients that are considered a humectant, which means that it naturally keeps moisture inside your hair. Honey is an excellent humectant. If you are purchasing your mask, look for water or an aqueous solution as the number one ingredient. When water or aqueous is at the top of the ingredients list, you can be sure that the product contains a base of water and will supply your hair with the moisture and nutrients that it needs. Oils are also a great product to add to your hair to reverse that damage caused by chemicals. Oil helps to smooth down the cuticle layer of the hair, allowing your hair to retain more moisture. Oils also add back shine and smoothness to your hair to keep it from looking dry and dull. When your oils are hot or relatively warm, the molecules of the oils are better able to penetrate through your hair shaft. Use our Glammednaturallyoil Hair Growth Oil and Braid Oil and surely you’ll  get your hair back on track.
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Avoid Using Chemicals (Again) and Heating Tools
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It may be hard to break up with your hair color or perm that you have reapplied faithfully every 2-4 weeks. However, adding more chemicals to your hair is not helping but instead increasing the damage already done to your hair. Chemicals on hair previously color-treated only aids in the dry and brittleness of your hair. The second items you want to break up with are your heating tools. Yes, your flat iron, curling iron, and blow dryer should take a much-deserved break from your hair. Again heat only increases the amount of damage done to your hair. Do not send your strands to the desert with a flat iron trying to get perfectly straight hair. You can still look gorgeous rocking your natural curly hair.
Consider A Good Cut
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The hard truth is that chemically damaged hair is not fully reversible. Although you can do a variety of tricks to minimize the damage, sometimes the only other option is to cut your losses literally. Split ends, dry ends and straw-like texture is no way to live your best hair life. Consider going to a professional to at the very least trim your ends. Some may even resort to  Big Chop. Do not be afraid of change, try something new especially if it's going to be for the benefit of your hair’s health. Research a few haircuts that will compliment your face shape and fashion style. Try going to a professional stylist to see what they recommend as your best short style option. Experiencing chemically damaged hair can be traumatic, but it does not have to stop you from expressing your best self and looking great while doing it. Take the leap of faith! You never know the boldness and fabulous style you may uncover.
Overcoming chemically damaged hair can affect the way we view ourselves, our confidence and the ability to express our best self. Although some chemically damaged hair is irreversible, there are ways to restore and revert your hair to its former glory. If cutting your hair is the only option, consider again the opportunity to explore another style of yourself. It can be scary and saddening that you have to consider such drastic measures under unfortunate circumstances. However, your hair will grow back and be healthier than ever.
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Signs That You Need To Trim Your Curls - A Must For Every Naturalista
Any Naturalistas  trying to grow her hair hates the thought of cutting the ‘dead ends’. Why? They always feel it deprives them of the long hair they so much yearn for; and defeats the purpose of growing it in the first place.
Although many of us want to preserve our length, hair trims are necessary. In fact, we need trims to keep our strands healthy and strong. The ends of the hair shaft can begin to split for different reasons. Split ends can be caused by anything ranging from previous hair damage to over manipulation. Untreated split ends or going too long without a trim can cause further splitting up the hair shaft. This can result in breakage, and oftentimes visibly dry, brittle ends.
Many hair care professionals recommend that your hair be trimmed every 3-4 months. For some of us though, this time frame may be too frequent, or not frequent enough. There are varying factors that can affect how often one should get their hair trimmed, and it may not be the same each time depending on any underlying hair damage. Nonetheless, there are signs we can look for in our strands that show its time for a trim.
Interestingly though, trimming the hair makes it healthier and stronger. It is better to have short healthy hair than long and ragged hair. So why don’t we settle for healthier hair? This can only happen if we know the signs to look out for; signs that will tell me it’s time to trim your coils and curls.
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The only way to bring an end to split ends is by trimming them. There is no other way out. The split end products in the market only offer a temporary solution. Do not stay with your split ends long since the longer you stay with them, the higher the likelihood that the split ends will turn into split strands, hence, damaged hair. The moment you spot a split end, rush to your hairdresser and have the ends trimmed. Do not worry about losing an inch or two after the trim; it is worth it in the long run.
If you notice that your detangling process is becoming increasingly more difficult and / or time-consuming, this can be one of the signs its time for a trim in natural hair. More specifically, if you are getting multiple single-strand knots throughout your hair, it is time for a bit of a trim. To note, these kinds of knots are normal to get with the different types of curls, coils, and kinks of our natural hair. The spiral, oval-shaped strands and density of afro-textured hair tends to cause them to intertwine with each other recurrently.
While it is expected to get single-strands knots, repeated over manipulation can cause them to worsen. This ends up leading to breakage or hair that really does need to be cut due to the fact that these fairy knots can not be unraveled. One way you can limit tangles is by keeping the hair strands smooth with a heavy sealing oil. Like Glammenaturallyoil Hair Growth Oil  Keeping your hair in stretched styles can also lessen tangles.
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Place a sheet of paper behind the lower half and ends of your hair. If you can clearly see through the density of your hair, it may be time for a trim. Hair that is see-through at the ends may have some sort of underlying damage caused by heat damage, chemicals, etc. Using heat tools or chemicals repeatedly has been found to cause thinning hair. If this is the case, these dead ends will have to be trimmed off to restore your hair back to health.
This reason of signs that its time for a trim in natural hair is similar to what causes see-through ends. You can notice thinning tapered ends more clearly when your hair is in twists or braids. It is also caused by possible previous permanent hair damage. Harsh combing when detangling may additionally cause breakage at the ends, leading to the gradual appearance of thinner ends. To add, split ends that have traveled up the hair shaft can cause thin tapered ends. Since split ends cannot be mended and must be cut off, this is a sign that your hair needs a trim.
Have you noticed less curl definition than usual, particularly towards the ends of your hair, or frizzy ends with your styles? It may be time for a trim. Hair strands that have been deprived of moisture can result in the appearance of frizzy ends which is an easy fix. However, a consistent turnout of hairstyles with less definition than usual at the ends can mean that your strands are lacking anywhere from moisture to protein.
Our hair strands are made of protein and require it from our diet but protein treatments can also help. A weakened hair shaft can prevent your full curl formation from coming through. This can be from damage, over manipulation, or not enough protein consumption. You can strengthen your hair with the help of a protein treatment. However, if it is permanent damage it will need to be trimmed off.
Another one of the more obvious signs it's time for a trim in natural hair, is if your strands feel rough and brittle. While our natural hair is naturally prone to dryness, excessively dry hair can lead to rough and brittle ends. The natural oils our hair produces at the root have a more difficult time traveling down to the ends of curly, coily, and kinky strands. A good trim can help to make your hair appear and feel healthier. However, consistent moisture will alleviate dry ends. But, dry hair isn’t the only cause of brittle ends that may need to be trimmed.
The friction from the ends of the hair rubbing against our clothing can lead to rough ends and breakage, causing reduced length retention. Try to keep your hair off your shoulders when possible to keep your ends healthy and lessen the number of times you need a trim.
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Hair Care Routine Using GlammedNaturallyOil Products That Guarantee To Make Your Hair Healthy Strong, And Vibrant
Start by washing your hair with Glammednaturally Biotin Shampoo which gently cleanses hair. (Wash your hair  at least once a week or depending on your hair type to cleanse out dirt and to much unnecessary oils)
Next, apply a small amount of Glam Naturally Oil Biotin Conditioner  from the ear level to the ends. Let the conditioner sit and add moisture for several minutes while it works its magic. Then rinse with cool water. This will do to your hair without weighing it down. For deep conditioning leave it for 20 minutes and cover your hair with a bathing cap and rinse after. (Best to pair with our Biotin Shampoo, use it every time you wash your hair)
Gently dry your hair with a cotton t-shirt. Avoid using blow dryers or if you need to use one please keep it in warm settings instead of hot.
Use Glammednaturallyoil Whipped Coco Shea Butter or Whipped Mango Shea Butter To keep your hair moisturized. Apply a dime size amount of the products  and gently apply it from your root to scalp. This will definitely moisturize your hair   (We recommend you use it daily for best results ) I will give you a bonus. Both Mango and Coco Shea butters are also perfect skin moisturizers. Try it to get the glowing and healthy skin you’ve always wanted.
Apply a small amount of Glammenaturallyoil Hair Growth Oil  from roots to ends. This lightweight, body-boosting hair growth oil leaves hair looking thicker. Use a wide-tooth comb to work the product evenly through the hair.
Use a round brush to brush it and smoothen fly-away and frizz. You’ll be amazed at your hair.
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Glammednaturally Hair Growth Oil -  This 100% natural and organic hair growth oil just might be the answer to your hair's problems. When it comes to ingredients, this product takes no shortcuts—it's packed with 10 hardworking oils, like organic castor seed oil, organic extra virgin olive oil, organic jojoba oil, organic sesame seed oil, rosemary oil, tea tree essential oil, organic lavender oil, Vitamins E & B and some other essential oils which naturally promotes hair growth with no side effects. This oil helps stimulate both hair and scalp to promote hair growth.
So, if your length is at a standstill. This leave-in oil will speed up your healthy hair process.
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Whipped Mango Shea Butter - Infused with powerful hydrating and moisturizing ingredients  this product from Glammednaturallyoil is 100% organic blend of shea butter and mango butter which is a great way to keep your hair in its prime condition. This hair butter is known to help regulate oil production, stimulate circulation, and rejuvenate tired locks while keeping it hydrated and well moisturized. Also Mango Shea Butter can be used as a skin moisturizer as it keeps your skin moisturized and soft.
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Glammednaturally Biotin Shampoo - If your tresses are in need of a little extra TLC, make sure to pick up this formula. Given biotin’s strengthening benefits, it’s an excellent ingredient to seek out for reparative purposes. Our Biotin Shampoo is 100% organic and natural so it is safe and gentle to use.  Despite the fact that this sulfate-free option cleanses super gently and is hypoallergenic, it’s still packed with plenty of botanicals that make it ideal for thinning hair.
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Glammed Naturally Oil is on a mission to empower such women to claim their beauties back with their range of innocuous but highly effective hair products. All of our products are 100% made with love that are beneficial for women & men of all ages. We always wanted to give our best to them.
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Hair Breakage And How To Prevent It
Due to its molecular structure and small quantity of protective oils, natural hair tends to be dryer and have rough texture compared to other hair types, which is why natural hair is prone to hair breakage and damage. And we all know for a fact that most of naturalistas experienced it.
When the shafts of your hair break, resulting in split ends and shorter hair strands, it is known as hair breakage. Hair breakage usually occurs due to a dry scalp and damaged hair.
If you notice uncontrollable frizz, dryness, and split ends, you are probably experiencing hair breakage. Hair breakage is largely caused by the mishandling of your hair, like excess use of chemical products, heat styling tools, using the wrong hairbrush, etc.
It’s not that having a good hair day is easy, but dry and damaged hair just makes it all the more difficult to achieve. If you are wondering how to stop hair breakage, the answer is simple. Try the natural home remedies listed below to get your hair back to its healthy form and make it soft and lustrous.
Causes Of Hair Breakage
Lack of Moisture
Unusually dry hair is one of the precursors to damage and breakage. It’s also caused by a variety of factors, including dry weather, low humidity, and too much heat. Be sure you use warm and not hot water when you wash your hair — the latter leads to further drying. If your ends are dry, consider concentrating shampoo on your scalp only. Use Glammednaturalyoil Biotin Shampoo it doesn't have any harmful chemicals that strip off your hair natural oil keeping it moisturized.
Skipping conditioner is also a no-no. Use  If you’re pressed for time, spritz on some water with a conditioner before combing wet hair. Try Glammednaturallyoil Biotin Conditioner
Heat styling and blow-drying your hair
The perks of being natural is having very versatile hair. You can pretty style it the way you wanted. However, using hair tools like blow dryers, heat curlers and straighteners incorrectly or too much, damage your hair cuticle because of  extreme temperatures.
One way to prevent overall heat damage is to give your strands a break from all styling tools. To reduce the actual heat damage from your styling tools, select ceramic versions — these heat up more evenly so you don’t have to keep using them on the same sections of hair repeatedly. It’s also important to protect your hair before you apply the heat.
Lack of hair trims
It may seem like cutting your hair can damage it. Ironically though, hair trims help keep your hair healthy and free of split ends. You can think of a hair trim like you would exfoliate for skin — in both instances, you need to remove some of the old cells to help new ones grow. When you have split ends, these splits in the cuticle can travel up the rest of the length of your hair and lead to breakage.
See your stylist at least every eight weeks. Even if you’re growing out your hair, trimming damaged ends can prevent further breakage.
Wrong Diet
There’s actually a lot to the old saying “you are what you eat,” especially when it comes to hair and skin health. Certain nutrients help your hair grow and stave off breakage from damage. Make sure you’re getting enough zinc, iron, and folic acid in your daily diet. Adequate protein and antioxidants (found in plant foods) can also keep your hair damage-free
Improper towel drying
When you step out of the shower, it’s a natural response to rub a towel on your skin and hair. However, this rubbing motion actually damages your hair when it’s most vulnerable (after being wet). Instead of rubbing water out of your hair, blot an absorbent towel around your hair instead. You can also leave a towel in your hair as a temporary measure to absorb excess water.
There’s a multitude of evidence showing links between stress and hair loss, but it’s also known that stress can lead to hair breakage. Telogen effluvium is the type of stress most likely linked to hair damage. This type of stress makes your follicles go dormant, so hair that’s in the middle of a growth cycle may break off. You might notice old hair fall out, too. Managing your stress may result in healthier hair.
Trichorrhexis nodosa (TN)
Trichorrhexis nodosa (TN) is a common disorder characterized by hair breakage due to weak points in the hair. Though there are inherited forms, the most common type of TN is due to physical or chemical trauma to the hair.  It occurs more frequently in individuals of African origin with curly hair.1 The spiral shape of the hair follicle and hair shaft predispose African hair to breakage. Type 4c hair naturally is less dense and grows slower than other hair  groups and it is at increased risk for significant damage when exposed to cosmetic treatments. If you think you are suffering from TN you can contact us. We are here to help.
Preventive Tips To Avoid Hair Breakage:
Trim your hair regularly.
Avoid blow-drying and ironing your hair every day.
Do not comb your hair when it is wet.
Do not change your hair color often, or look for a natural alternative if you plan to do so.
Massage your hair and scalp with a good oil every now and then.
Use a hydrating conditioner to keep your hair well moisturized.
Do not wash your hair daily as it may damage it and make it dry.
Follow a healthy diet that consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meat, and lots of fluids.
Instead of buying chemical based hair products try making your own.  DIY HOMEMADE RECIPE FOR  NATURAL HAIR EBOOK will help you make your very own 100% organic and safe hair care recipe for your hair care needs.  
Use correct hair care products to help you nourish both hair and scalp
Try Glammednaturallyoil Dynamic Hair Trio and Glammednaturallyoil Everlasting Hair Growth Moisture Bundle
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Bonus Tip :
Prevent Breakage In Most Natural Way Using Ayurvedic Tea Rinse
There are many factors that can interfere with the health of our hair such as chemical treatments, use of heat, environment, stress, hormone imbalance or diet.  It is known that a cup of tea can relax and soothe the mind, body, and soul; but did you know tea can also work wonders for your hair?
Tea rinses are an ancient old beauty remedy used for treating scalp issues, enhancing hair color, and fixing a long list of other hair issues and that includes hair break due to dryness
If you’re noticing that you’re losing clumps of hair every time you style, this may be the solution for you. The main reason behind hair loss is a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Ayurvedic Tea Rinse  which blocks DHT, thus allowing your strands to flourish in endless growth. In addition, tea rinse  is also  known for thickening and strengthening hair.
General benefits of tea rinses include;
-Stimulates and improves circulation to the scalp thus encouraging hair growth
-Gently cleanses hair
-Increases shine
-Fights premature graying
-Relieves irritated, dry, flaky, dandruff ridden scalps
-Restores pH balance of scalp and hair
-Makes it soft and healthy
GlammedNaturallyOil Ayurvedic Hair Tea Rinse is made from high quality,  all organic  herbs that will surely nourish your hair and scalp. This herbal tea blend is a treatment you never knew your hair needed. Naturally nourishing and conditioning the hair and restoring softness, shine and manageability to all hair types. It also fights against itchy scalp and dandruff to soothe.
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How To Use Ayurvedic Hair Tea Rinse
Directions to use:  Take 2-3 tablespoons, place herbs in a glass container, boil water, cover the herbs and steep for 10-20 minutes. Strain the mixture and allow it to cool. Pour over the head after using our biotin shampoo and conditioner. DO NOT RINSE OUT For best results use right after using our shampoo and conditioner. After rinsing add a leave in conditioner, moisturize with our mango or coco shea butter and seal in with our hair oil.
For more instruction on how to use
Glammednaturallyoil Ayurvedic Hair Tea Rinse
please click this link to check out this video
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Can Depression Cause Hair Loss?
The effects of anxiety are both mental and physical. Some of the physical symptoms can include sweating, headaches, nausea, trembling, and rashes. Anxiety and hair loss is one physical side effect that is not so commonly mentioned. Many mental health conditions can cause thinning or unhealthy hair, forming a cycle of damage to self-esteem that may seem difficult to escape.  Most people don’t think anxiety affects the hair because it doesn’t affect everyone. However, anxiety can have an effect on your hair and when it does, it can be very distressing for those dealing with sudden hair loss. In this blog we  focus on four mental health conditions as they impact your hair, and what can be done to help.
Hair loss itself is not directly caused by depression, but rather the stress brought on by everyday difficulties for those suffering from anxiety. Depression  and stress are similar conditions, but depression itself can be a lifelong struggle. Studies have shown that stress and anxiety-induced stress can contribute to specific hair loss conditions.
Alopecia Areata. Large clumps of hair may suddenly fall out for no apparent reason, causing patches of hair loss. Some people may experience hair loss in other parts of the body. Although the hair will grow back, continued depression and stress can cause the hair loss to continue leading to different patches of hair and baldness.
Telogen Effluvium (TE). This is the second most common form of hair loss. In essence, it occurs when there is a change in the number of hair follicles growing. The number of hair follicles producing hair will drop, which means an increase in dormant hair follicles, with the end result being hair loss. TE can appear as thinning hair with the hair on the top of the scalp thinning more than the sides or back of the scalp.
Another reason anxiety and stress may cause hair loss is due to the reduction of key nutrients required for hair growth. Stress and anxiety can increase muscle tension, skin sebum production, and an increase in hormones processed in the body. As the body works to combat these issues, the supplies needed for hair growth can be diminished. Sebum can also clog the pores in the scalp, thus hindering hair growth.
If you’ve ever found yourself literally pulling out your hair when you’re stressed or tense, it could be a sign of trichotillomania. In this psychological condition, people deal with negative emotions, like stress and anxiety, by pulling hair from the scalp, face, and other parts of the body. It’s most commonly seen in teenage girls.
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How To Fight Hair Loss Due To Depression?
Stress management
Learning how to effectively manage your stress levels may help you reduce your risk for further hair loss. Of course, this is often easier said than done.
Popular ways to reduce stress:
Exercise. Exercise is a great way to eliminate stress. Try taking a light daily walk, signing up for a dance class, or doing some yard work.
Hobbies. Occupying yourself with something that you enjoy doing can be a great way to combat stress. Consider doing volunteer work, joining your local community theatre group, planting a garden, or starting an art project.
Writing. Try taking a few minutes each day to write about your feelings, and the things that cause you stress. Reviewing the daily items that trigger your stress may help you to discover ways of coping with it.
Breathing and meditation. Meditation and breathing exercises are great ways to allow yourself to focus on the present moment. You may also wish to try techniques that combine meditation with physical exercise.
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Proper Diet
Eating a balanced, nutritious diet of whole foods is necessary for the health of your body  and your hair. While it’s important to include all of the essential vitamins in a healthy diet, there are some that may be vital to hair growth:
Vitamin C. This vitamin is essential for building collagen, the skin’s connective tissue that is found in hair follicles. Foods that contain vitamin C include citrus fruits, broccoli, bell peppers, and strawberries.
Vitamin B. This complex of many vitamins promotes a healthy metabolism, as well as healthy skin and hair. B vitamins can be found in foods like dark leafy greens, beans, nuts, and avocados.
Vitamin E. This vitamin contains potent antioxidants, which can contribute to a healthy scalp. Foods rich in vitamin E include sunflower seeds, spinach, olive oil, broccoli, and shrimp.
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If you aren’t getting enough of these nutrients in your diet, talk to your doctor about supplements. They can discuss your options and recommend the best dosage for you. You should never add nutritional supplements to your routine without your doctor’s supervision.
Keeping properly hydrated is also essential to overall good health. Every cell in your body relies on water to function properly. Try our BIOTIN VEGETARIAN STRAWBERRY GUMMIES FOR HAIR GROWTH.
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Keeping Your Hair Moisturized And Hydrated
The biggest problem that naturals have to deal with is making sure our hair is moisturized and hydrated . Naturally hair  is considered the most delicate hair type. It grows from the scalp in tight helixes and although it may look full and compact, compared to other hair types. Dry natural hair is a pain, and making the moisture last can be a struggle for some of us. For others, their biggest struggle is getting the moisture inside the strands. No matter what our burden is, we all have to find ways to make it last as long as possible.
Each hair is surrounded by a gland which supplies it with a natural oil called sebum. This oil is meant to lubricate and waterproof the hair and skin while protecting it from bacteria and fungi. The tighter the curls and kinkier the texture it is almost impossible for the sebum to travel and coat the whole strand. This means that curly hair types don't have that essential layer of oil and it is prone to dryness and dehydration as moisture is able to leave freely. In this blog we will tackle the importance of hair hydration and moisturizing.
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                            Always Deep Condition Your Hair
Conditioning your hair is essential, adding products that mimic the protective layer that is often stripped from the hair helps to keep strands nourished. This is where a great deep conditioner comes into play. Conditioners help to protect proteins and lipids in the hair and strengthen the hair shaft.
According to our affiliate dermatologist  Dr. Lenzy, She recommends deep conditioning your hair every time you shampoo for maximum moisture. "Many of us aren't adding moisture back into our hair daily," she says. "Deep conditioning every time you shampoo will help the hair look and feel healthier." Once your conditioner is on, Dr. Lenzy recommends adding heat. "That will cause swelling of the cuticle and allow the ingredients to better penetrate the shaft," she says. Try our BIOTIN CONDITIONER.
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Know What Your Hair Needs
Before getting tons of products for your natural hair, you should get familiar with your hair's porosity.  In simple terms, porosity translates to how easily your hair absorbs moisture. Your hair can either be high porosity (easily absorbs moisture) or low porosity (doesn't easily absorb moisture). "Curly hair is more porous than straight hair by nature,
Chemical treatments (like keratin straighteners, relaxers, and permanent hair color) change the hair on a chemical level, damaging the outer layer of the shaft and making the hair more porous. But even if you've skipped all those treatments, your daily routine could affect your porosity. Excessive manipulation and brushing of the hair can also remove the outer protective layer over time, causing strands to be more porous.
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Your Hair Love H2O
Spritz then seal your dry hair with water and conditioner. It stands to reason that water would be good for dry hair…and it is!  So try this: fill a spray bottle with two-thirds water and one third moisturizing spray-on conditioner.  Mist your hair until it's damp but not dripping.  Then seal in the first layer of moisture with a rich conditioning cream or oil.
Also, the best way to make sure your hair is hydrated is by keeping your body well hydrated. Drinking lots of water each day will keep your scalp and follicles moisturized from the inside out. Oftentimes, a person whose hair is very dry is not drinking enough water. If you have trouble in this area, start slow by adding an extra glass per day, and work your way up to larger amounts!
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Hair steamers basically do two things in one step: the heat opens up the hair cuticle, allowing moisture to penetrate your strands, and steaming along with a deep conditioning treatment will help boost the conditioner’s effectiveness. You can get a similar effect by using a plastic cap with a hot towel wrapped around your head if you don’t have a steamer. This method is especially helpful for those with low-porosity hair!
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Try the LOC Method
Even though the LOC (leave-in, oil, cream) layering technique is typically used as the initial curl styling stage, it can also be useful for a moisture refresh. You can always tweak which product goes on at which point during the process based on your hair texture and density, but generally starting with the lightest product — like a liquid leave-in — and building up to the heaviest product — like a curl cream or butter — is going to structure your products for the greatest moisture retention.
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Can Sleep Deprivation Cause Hair Loss?
Sleep is something many of us take for granted. But if you dig in a little deeper, you’ll discover that sleep is not just a period of rest. Not getting enough sleep releases the stress hormone cortisone, a hormone that is responsible to control and regulate moods and emotions .  Sleep is restorative, When we sleep, our bodies and brains kick into gear. Tissues repair themselves, the brain dumps toxins, and memories are consolidated. If we don’t get enough sleep, our immune systems become weak, and we can’t absorb nutrients as well. Even our hair starts falling out. Chronic sleep deprivation places our bodies under a lot of stress, which manifests in many ways including hair loss.
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Sleep Deprivation and Stress is there any connection?
Stress is also often a contributing factor to hair loss. Insufficient sleep increases the level of stress in your body, and scalp tension. While you sleep soundly, your body undergoes many cycles necessary to promote the activity of the stem cells. In case you didn’t know before, the stem cell activity is vital for generating the epithelial cells that boost hair growth.
The American Journal of Pathology published research that proved the connection between the hair growth process and the level of stress. Prolonged levels of stress have the power to affect your skin and its capacity to function efficiently. This inefficiency, in turn, harms the vulnerable hair follicle. Also, they  explored the connection between stress and the hair follicle. Their study suggested that the cycle of hair growth would be disrupted because the adult stem cells responsible for the hair growth process depend on the internal circadian clock to activate. If this is true, then it’s as if your hair doesn’t know what to do because you’re not getting enough sleep. Your hair’s as foggy as your brain on four hours of sleep a night.
The same study highlights that your hair growth process benefits when you release cytokines, neurotransmitters, and hormones during a stress response.
Your adult stem cells need the internal circadian clock to perform actively. This activity, in turn, orchestrates the proliferation of your hair growth cycle.
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Worst Case Scenario - Lack of sleep can cause Alopecia Areata?
Telogen effluvium is another potential threat of an irregular sleeping pattern. This condition results from the emotional and physical stress you suffer when you do not sleep well regularly.
A regulated sleeping pattern, aimed at reducing the fluctuations in the quantity and quality of sleep, is the best way to keep stress levels down and avoid the onset of hair loss. Hair loss is typically not permanent due to lack of sleep but again if not treated it may cause more serious problems such as Alopecia Areata.
Alopecia Areata (AA) is an autoimmune disease that specifically targets hair follicles resulting in severe hair loss at a premature age. This disease affects both men and women of all ages, negatively impacting their health and their quality of life.
Alopecia Areata primarily affects the scalp, but in some cases may also have an impact on eyebrows, beard, and other hairy parts of the body. The shedding of hair usually starts in the form of patches, which in time extend to the whole scalp, predisposing the individual to early balding. Also (AA) raises their risk of developing psychological and psychiatric complications.
A 2018 study conducted on the Korean population has shown that patients under the age of 45 who suffered from low quality sleep, had a higher risk of acquiring AA. In addition, these individuals were stated to be more prone to developing other comorbid conditions due to dysfunctional sleeping patterns, such as autoimmune thyroiditis, vitiligo, rheumatoid arthritis, and solid-organ neoplasia.
A previous research conducted in Taiwan in 2015 focused instead on individuals with sleep disorders, which also found that patients with disturbed sleeping patterns had a higher risk of developing autoimmune conditions such as Alopecia Areata.
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How to prevent it:
Have a healthy sleep pattern; making sure that you're getting a decent amount of hours of sleep every night. Sleeping hours vary from adult to adult, however it's recommended that 7-9 hours a night is what's needed for your brain to properly function and stimulate hair growth. A healthy sleep pattern also refers to the conditions of sleep you have. Making sure your mattress is a little firmer, your pillow gives your neck the right support and you don't get interrupted sleep.
Exercise Daily; by getting a little more active than usual, your body gets tired and it's overall easier to get a nice fresh sleep. Not to mention exercise gets your body and blood pumping, which is amazing for hair growth stimulation! Walking for 20-30 mins a day is always a healthy start!
Eat healthy; we need to be eating good food to fuel our bodies and in return our bodies will love us back. Some of the BEST foods for hair growth are; eggs, sweet potatoes, nuts, spinach, avocados and protein meats. Eating regularly 3-4 times daily, and not going to bed hungry, will help aid in hair growth.
Establish healthy hair care; establishing a good hair care routine with good products will nourish your hair and keep it healthy. We recommend using a hair serum regularly to hydrate your ends and give your hair the love and nutrients it needs to grow!
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
How to use essential oils for hair growth
Problems like hair fall, dry hair, itchy scalp, hair-thinning, dermatitis, stunted hair growth can be frustrating. Taking care of hair with proper essential oils, serums, shampoo, conditioners is essential for preventing any damage. Well, if you are the one looking for hair growth solutions, then you must try natural essential oils extracted from plants. The essential oils are used as the ingredients in various hair care products, including special shampoos and conditioners. These oils are extracted through methods like distillation or evaporation from the non-fatty part of the plants.
People who have been noticing continuous hair loss should try scalp massage with essential oils daily to promote hair growth. You can use the essential oils in a diluted form as they are highly concentrated. Using essential oils regularly on your hair is an effective way to grow and strengthen your hair.
To know more about essential oil’s benefits and how you can use them to grow your hair, keep reading this blog further.
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are concentrated hydrophobic liquid that contains the compound extracts from the aromatic plants, flowers, roots, barks & grasses. These powerful oils are extracted through the distillation method and can be used in different products like perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, and other hair care products. These oils are extremely helpful in maintaining the quality of the hair and help in –
Stimulating hair growth
Reducing hair loss
Getting rid of dandruff and itchy flacky scalp
Preventing oily greasy hair
Nourishing hair
Increasing shine and luster in hair
Other properties of essential oils include balancing, stimulating, and relaxing the scalp from microbial and fungal hair problems. There are stimulating essential oils such as peppermint that promote the growth of the hair follicles. Essential oils having anti-fungal properties like tea tree oil helps in reducing scalp infections. Balancing essential oils like chamomile oil help in the production of sebum and increases hair shine and luster.
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List of essential oils that can be used for promoting hair growth
1.       Tea tree essential oil 
Tea tree oil is a powerful essential oil with cleansing, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Using this oil will not build up an excess of oil on the scalp and also removes the collection of dead skin cells. It helps in controlling the formation of dandruff and promotes better hair growth. Tea tree essential oil is also known for treating hair problems like scalp eczema.
You can use tea tree oil by mixing its 10 drops into your shampoo or conditioner and use it daily. Or either, you can mix 3 drops of tea tree oil with 2 tablespoons of carrier oil (such as coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, etc.). Apply this mix on your scalp and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it out.
2.       Lavender essential oil 
Use lavender oil to speed up your hair growth. This oil has properties that help in generating the growth of cells and also helps in reducing stress. Lavender essential oil is also considered for having antibacterial and anti-fungal components. Using lavender oil regularly will help in maintaining your hair follicles and scalp's health considerably. Applying lavender oil five times a week gives positive outcomes such as increasing the number of hair follicles, reducing the inflammatory cells, and promoting the thickness of the hair layers.
Mix few drops of this essential oil with 3 to 5 tablespoons of any carrier oil (coconut, olive, jojoba, castor oil) of your choice and massage it to your scalp. Leave it for at least half an hour and wash it off normally with shampoo.
3.       Rosemary essential oil 
If you want to increase your hair thickness and promote hair growth, rosemary oil is a great option. Rosemary oil helps in stimulating hair growth by expanding the blood vessels and promoting cell division in the scalp. It helps in delivering nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles and helps them to grow. Using rosemary oil also slows the process of hair greying and gives a cooling sensation to the scalp.
Mix few drops of rosemary oil with coconut or olive oil per your preference and apply it to your scalp. Leave it for 30 to 40 minutes and wash it off thoroughly with a mild shampoo. For best results, use rosemary oil twice a week.
4.       Peppermint essential oil 
Peppermint oil increases the circulation in the scalp. Peppermint oil has menthol in it, which causes the blood vessels just under the skin to open. Due to the increased stimulation and blood flow, it supports the healthy growth of hair. Mix 2 drops of peppermint oil with any other oil for your choices and massage it on your scalp. After 15 minutes, wash out thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner.
5.       Lemongrass essential oil 
This essential oil is known for strengthening the hair shafts and used for promoting hair growth. With anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, the lemongrass essential oil helps relieve the itchy and dry scalp. Lemongrass essential oil is highly effective and gives tremendous results within 7- 14 days of regular topical usage. You can use this oil by massaging few drops (4 to 5 drops) into your scalp while having a shower.
How to use essential oil to promote hair growth?
There are various ways in which you can incorporate essential oils into the regular hair care routine. You must always use the essential oil in a diluted form with a suitable carrier oil. It helps in reducing the concentration of the main essential oil. One should always decide the carrier oil depending upon the quality of their hair. People with oily hair should use a lighter carrier oil such as Apricot kernel oil, Sweet Almond oil, or Grapeseed oil. For dry hair, one should use oil such as Coconut, Shea, or Avocado, which will help remove the dryness from the scalp. After deciding on the right carrier oil, you can take few drops of the desired essential oil and blend it well. After blending, you can apply small quantities of the oil to your scalp and massage it well in a circular motion.
You can even add few drops of essential oil to your regular shampoo, conditioner, or hair mask. You can then use the product in its usual way and rinse it off thoroughly to get the best hair texture.  
Effective oils from Glammed Naturally Oil 
Essential oils are extremely beneficial for promoting healthy hair growth. You can get in touch with Glammed Naturally Oil for the best organically based oils made from essential oils. They have a wide range of hair care oils and other products that will stimulate hair growth within weeks. You can use their Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, Hair Growth Oil, Castor Oil, Hair Growth Vitamin Gummies, Whipped Mango Shea Butter, Whipped Coco Shea Butter, Hair Growth Tea Rinse. Products by Glammed Naturally Oil are made with the help of essential oils such as Lavender Oil, Rosemary Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil, etc.
Get instant hair growth results with Glammed Naturally Oil.
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
In the summer, you blame dry hair on the sun and heat. In the winter, you think perhaps cold and wind could be the culprits--stripping your hair’s moisture. And when it comes to your dry hair, those factors definitely contribute. But there’s more to understand about dry hair, and many ways to moisturize  dry hair so that it feels soft and supple.
There are two basic reasons for dry hair.  One is that your scalp doesn’t produce enough natural oil to moisturize your hair.  This can be hereditary, or it could be something that happens over time, because as we age, the body’s rate of oil production naturally slows down, leading to dryer skin and of course, dry hair.
It’s also possible that the condition or structure of your hair is causing the moisture to escape, which leads to dry hair.  A strand of hair is made up of three main segments. At the center is the medulla or core, which is the supporting structure.  Surrounding the medulla is the cortex, which forms the middle layer.  The cortex gives your hair its shape, resilience, elasticity and curl.
Surrounding and protecting the cortex is the cuticle.  Think of the cuticle structure as overlapping shingles on a roof.  When the “shingles” are compact, the hair appears glossy and shiny and moisture cannot escape.  When the “shingles” are loosened, hair can appear dull and flyaway, and it’s easier for natural oil and moisture to escape from the inner structure, which leads to weakened and dry hair.
This might take a little getting used to. But natural hair is dry. This means that our scalp produces natural oils that do not slide down our hair shafts easily as it would for people with straight hair. So these natural oils tend to just sit on the scalp, building up and being all flaky.
This is where a good moisturizing routine comes into the picture. Moisturizing your natural hair helps to seal in moisture into your hair strands, so your kinky curls stay hydrated and flourishing. To keep those curls popping, here are the best methods to keep your natural hair moisturized to prevent dryness and breakage.
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                                          Find Out What Your Hair Needs
The key to moisturizing your natural hair the right way and keeping it moisturized is to find out what your hair needs. You need to know what type of hair texture you have, and to determine the porosity of your hair.  A way to check your hair porosity is by placing a strand of product-free hair in a clear cup of water and observing. If your hair sinks, then it means that your cuticles are lifted, and you have high porosity hair. But if your hair floats to the top and remains there, then this just means that your cuticles are tightly sealed, and you have low porosity curls. If your strands fall somewhere in the middle, your hair porosity is normal. Knowing your hair porosity helps you to figure out which products will work best for your hair.
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                                    Your Hair Needs Water
Water is a very important element for your hair.  Your natural hair needs water, the way you need the popcorn to sit through a movie. You should spritz water over your hair daily, paying special attention to the ends. Water is a basic moisturizing agent for the hair and you should never run a comb through your hair without applying some water on it first. Drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water each day also helps to keep your natural hair moisturized. Try Our Macroupta Trigger Mist Spray Bottle it sprays fine micro mist that targets your scalp up to the ends of your hair. It is also propellant- free for continuous spraying action.
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                                                       Castor Oil
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                                           Use Only Natural Oil
Your natural hair needs oil, a reasonable quantity of it to properly moisturize your hair. If you have a super oily scalp, you should probably skip this part. But if you produce a very little quantity of sebum, then you may need to add an extra bit of oil to your scalp. You can do this by using some natural oils like coconut oil, olive oil, or castor oil. But applying oil to your scalp every day is a big no-no and not very effective. Also, remember that oil is not a moisturizer and you need to apply a light water-based mist to your scalp before the oiling process to get some moisture into your hair. We recommend GNO Castor Oil  hydrates and strengthens your hair, actively working against split ends or hair breakage.
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Moisturize Your Natural Hair With Sealants
Sealants contain oils that help to seal in moisture into your natural hair and keep your hair shafts soft and supple. Your sealants do the work of smoothing your hair cuticles. This process of sealing/smoothing the hair cuticles is a very important step of this routine because it helps to lock in moisture into the hair. Our GNO Hair Oil is perfect for this. It consists of organic oils that penetrate your hair roots and nourish them while also strengthening and tightening the hair strands from inside, to promote hair growth and prevent breakage.
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                                                   Hair Growth Oi
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                                   Wash Your Protective Styles
A protective style can become counter-intuitive and damage your hair if not properly cared for. You should wear your protective styles for a maximum of eight weeks and cleanse your scalp with a light shampoo every four weeks after each installation. When you follow a cleansing and moisturizing routine for your protective styles, this prevents dry hair and your natural hair can retain its moisture more. Try GNO BIOTIN Shampoo and Biotin Conditioner both help to restore damage and thinning hair back to health with consistent use and at the same time the ingredients help cleanse the scalp and condition your hair leaving it clean and hydrated. biotin shampoo and conditioner are packed with Biotin, Pro-Vitamin B5, Ginseng, and Seaweed Extract work to nourish the scalp and fortify strands for hair that grows strong from root to ends.  Available now at Glammednaturallyoil website for Pre-order.
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                                 Avoid Over Styling Your Natural Hair
Natural hair styling products can dry out your hair, build upon your scalp and weigh down your hair. Having to touch and style your natural hair too often can cause hair damage and breakage. Give your hair a break by wearing styles that don't require so many styling products or switch between high and low manipulation styles. This will ensure that your hair stays moisturized and hydrated for days.
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                                    Pre-pooing Your Natural Hair
A pre-poo is an oil treatment routine for washing natural hair to increase moisture and make the hair more manageable during wash day. Usually, when you shampoo your natural hair, the shampoo lifts oil from the surface of your hair and makes you feel like all the moisture has been stripped out of your hair. A pre-poo is applied to the hair prior to shampooing and conditioning of natural hair. A pre-poo adds extra moisture to your curls, protects your hair follicles, makes the detangling process a lot easier, and leaves you with soft, shiny hair.
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Trim Those Split Ends Off
Because natural hair is dry naturally it is more prone to frequent breakage and becomes unmanageable. Those split ends make it easy for moisture to escape your hair shafts, so you may need to trim your natural hair regularly to get rid of split ends, brittle ends, and single strand knots. Over time this would help your natural hair grow and retain moisture.
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                                  Protect Your Natural Curls
Natural elements like harsh winds or the sun can damage your hair, causing it to become brittle, dry, and then break off. To keep your natural hair moisturized you will need to protect your natural curls from these elements. When going out on a hot, sunny day, wear a cap or spray your hair with a UV protection spray. On colder days, just wear a hat or hood to keep your hair from drying out. If you have to go swimming, apply a rich conditioning cream to your hair and wear a swim cap to prevent your hair from drying out in chlorinated water. When you travel by road, cover up your natural hair with a scarf to avoid dust getting into your hair and drying it out. For extra hydration and to keep your natural hair moisturized, apply a rich moisturizing conditioner during the coldest time of the year. Use our Whipped Coco Shea, it helps to keep your hair soft while it protects it from harmful elements.
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Use Satin Pillowcases And Bonnets
Sleeping with cotton scarves or pillowcases will not only damage your hair or cause split ends. They strip your hair strands of its much-needed moisture which then results in dry and dull looking natural hair. If you have to sleep with a scarf, invest in a silk one, a satin pillowcase, or better still get a satin bonnet, which would stay firmly on your head overnight. The satin helps to keep moisture that is already in your hair from getting out like it would with a cotton pillowcase or scarf and prevent snags or split ends from friction.  We have a Silky Pillow Case Set and Satin Lace Sleeping Night Bonnet perfect for your needs.
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Bad Habits That Could Harm Your Hair and Scalp That You Stop Immediately
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Every naturalita’s desire it to have healthy beautiful hair and most of you try to take good care of it by following a daily hair care routine. The hair habits you have all add up, and they show in the quality of your hair. If you treat your hair well, it will show but if you neglect it that will show as well. Some of your daily habits might be damaging your precious tresses, unknowingly. This blog will focus on what hair habits you need to quit if you want to attain a soft, beautiful, healthy mane of hair.
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                                                 Hot Water On Your Hair
There is nothing more relaxing than a hot shower. Unfortunately, hot water is not suitable for shampooing your hair, as it can damage your hair and scalp. However, washing your hair with water that’s too hot is one of the worst hair habits. Hot water will damage your hair, splitting open the hair cuticle.  It dehydrates your scalp and hair by stripping them of their natural oils, which makes your hair dry, dull and brittle.
Switch to warm water while washing your hair. It is better to use lukewarm water, when you wash your hair and cold water for the final rinse to lock in the moisture.
After you get out of the shower, let your hair dry before towel drying it or blow drying it. Blow-drying sopping wet hair wastes time and damages the hair shaft.
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                                     Avoid Using Hot Styling Tools
While these tools help you achieve your desired hairstyle, they can also severely damage your hair. Try to avoid flat ironing and curling your hair as much as possible because when you do these things you’re causing more split ends that you’ll inevitably have to cut off.  Even with a heat protectant, every time you apply heat to your hair you’re damaging it. The hair shaft isn’t designed to handle high temperature from curling and flat irons.
Try a method that uses no heat at all. Braiding your hair before you go to bed is one way to wake up with soft, gorgeous waves. Pillow rollers are a fantastic way to create curls in the hair overnight while avoiding using a curling iron.
Try to avoid blow drying as much as possible by showering in the evenings or allowing your hair to dry naturally.
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                                     Using Wrong Hair Accessories
Tight ponytail, braid, or hair bun hairstyles create that sophisticated trendy look. However, Using damaging hair accessories is one of the hair habits to avoid at all cost. When you’re using hair accessories that pull on your hair cause excessive tension on the hair follicles. According to a study published in the American Academy of Dermatology, scalp pulling can cause traction alopecia, which is a type of hair loss condition that destroys the hair follicles permanently and makes it impossible for hair to grow. Instead, stick with soft hair ties and scrunchies that won’t get caught in your hair.
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                                 Washing Your Hair Too Often
Washing your hair keeps it fresh and clean as it removes dirt and excessive oils from your scalp. When you wash your hair every day, you strip it of its natural oils that your hair needs to be healthy. Meaning, excessive hair wash dries out the natural oils of your scalp, which results in dryness and hair breakage. On the plus side, hair that is slightly dirty holds curls easier so you can cut back on the hairspray. When you stop washing your hair every day, you’ll notice that it will start to look and feel healthier as you’re cutting down on chemicals by half. If you want beautiful hair, stick to washing it at least once a week.
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                            Using Hair Products With Harsh Chemicals
Chemicals like parabens, hydrogen peroxide, sodium hydroxide, and DHT can cause scalp irritation and infection, weakness and thinning of the hair and even hair loss. These ingredients are very common in hair care products. To reduce the hair damage caused by those chemicals, avoid using hair products that contain harmful ingredients, and instead choose natural, homemade or organic hair products like Glammednaturallyoil products , that will clean and nourish your hair in a healthy way. Switching to organic products can do wonders for the quality of your hair. Nourishing your hair with natural ingredients will make it feel softer and more manageable.
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                                      Restore Damage Hair Kit
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                                                    Poor Diet
You probably already know that you’re what you eat, and just like your general health, your hair is also affected by your diet. Consuming unhealthy foods on a regular basis leads to lack of nutrients, which can result in hair thinning and loss.
Hair is mostly made of protein and other nutrients, so eating healthy natural foods, that are rich with protein, minerals, vitamin B, vitamin C, Vitamin E, iron and zinc is essential for strong and healthy hair growth.
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Brushing wet hair
Your hair is too fragile when wet to handle a brush, and this will result in tearing and split ends. Brushing with a round brush should only be done when your hair dries completely. The reason behind that is, that hair strands are more vulnerable when they’re wet. In fact, brushing your hair while it’s still wet can cause hair breakage and split hair. The best practice is to brush your hair before you wash it. Use a wide tooth comb along with a detangler when your hair is wet to comb it out and get rid of pesky knots. Using a wide tooth comb is one of the best hair habits you can adopt.in order to reduce hair tangling; and after a shower, gently towel-dry your hair with a soft or microfiber towel and let your hair air dry before you start brushing or styling it.
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                                 Sleeping With Your Hair Loose
Loose hair causes breakage and tangles. If you always sleep with your hair down, you’ll wake up with big knots in your hair. A ponytail at the nape of your neck is enough to keep your hair from going wild. A braid down the middle of your hair will create soft waves upon waking up. Finally, two French braids will create more defined, voluptuous waves in your hair.
Sleeping with your hair secured is a great way to keep it from getting damaged. Also sleeping on satin pillowcases will further prevent damage when you sleep. Satin doesn’t pull against the hair as cotton or polyester pillowcases do.
Keeping your hair healthy and sleek doesn’t only depend on the good things you do for your hair, but also on avoiding bad habits that damage your hair. Whether you were doing it unknowingly or not, you should definitely stop those bad habits now, in order to ensure prettier, stronger and healthier hair.
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Effective tips for growing high porosity hair
Every person should be aware of their hair type and its requirements to stay healthy and natural. So, it is important to know the porosity level of your hair. Hair porosity means how easily your hair can absorb and retain moisture in them. Depending upon the porosity level, your hair can be categorized into three sections - high, medium, or low porosity. In this blog, we will discuss the high level of hair porosity in detail. 
A person having high porosity hair means that their hair can easily absorb water, oils, and other types of hair products but cannot retain them for a longer time. Hair having high porosity level is extremely tough to grow since they break off faster than it grows. If you have highly frizzy or dry hair, this means that you have hair with high porosity level. High porosity hair can be due to genetics, aging, or accumulative damage from heating products and chemicals. You can test your hair’s porosity level easily at your home just by following few simple steps. For this, you need to cleanse your hair first. After cleansing, take a bowl and fill it with water now; put one single hair strand into the bowl. You now have to see whether your hair strand sinks to the bottom of the bowl or floats at the top. Hair with low porosity will always stay on top of the water. Medium porosity level in hair will make them float in the middle of the water, and high porosity hair will always sink to the bottom of the bowl. 
Here are some common causes for high porosity hair 
High porosity hair can easily absorb water and other products; however, moisture is not easily retained in the hair. If your hair has a high porosity level, this means that the cuticle (outermost layer for hair) is open and rough. Generally, a healthy strand of hair with medium or low porosity looks smooth and much softer than the hair with high porosity. The porosity level entirely depends on how you take care of your hair. Colouring, frequent thermal styling, over-manipulation, using harsh chemical-based products affect your hair cuticles. Characteristics of hair with high porosity level – 
Prone to frizz
Feels dry quickly
Breaks and tangles easily
Absorbs water just as quickly as it releases water
Dull-looking hair
Even if your hair is in the condition of high porosity level, you can get them back into shape. However, it will take time and effort for regaining healthy hair cuticles. Now that you know about the high porosity, you must follow some healthy hair care tips that will help you in keeping your hair healthy and shiny.
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Tips for growing hair with a high porosity level 
Using aloe vera and coconut oil –  Applying coconut oil and     Aloe Vera gel to the hair with high porosity level helps seal the moisture, which is essential for your hair. You can make a mixed solution of aloe vera and coconut oil in a spray bottle. Now apply this solution to your hair for better hair growth results. 
Deep hair conditioning – Damaged caused by harsh chemicals, heating products, etc., makes your hair prone to dryness. So, it is important to make sure that your hair is well-hydrated. Conditioning your hair regularly helps in restoring the overall moisture and elasticity of hair. It is recommended to nourish your hair strands with a deep hydrating conditioner every  week. Using conditioners also helps in removing the dullness from your hair and help you grow high porosity hair
Protein treatment –  Damaged hair is one of the major causes of high porosity. Damaged hair requires proper protein treatment. So, getting an intense protein hair treatment helps in avoiding further hair damaging. Protein essentially fills the gaps in your hair, strengthens your hair from its roots, and helps avoid excessive breakage. So, if you have high porosity hair, you must incorporate a healthy hair care regime to get positive growth effects. 
Applying apple cider vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is useful for all hair types and regulates hair's overall health and growth. It is also beneficial in balancing the pH of hair cuticles. Mix the apple cider vinegar with water and apply it to your hair for holding the moisture level for a longer time. 
Detangle Your Hair Gently – Hair with high porosity level is more prone to tangles and then leads to breakage. So, women with high porosity hair must detangle their hair regularly to prevent any harm. You can use detangling combs with soft bristles to ensure that you’re removing all shed hairs and tangles gently. You can also detangle your hair gently with your fingers. Apply a good serum to your hair while detangling to avoid breakage. 
Use hair creams and oil –  People with high porosity hair are advised to use good creams and oils. These hair care products are essential for locking the moisture and smoothness in the hair. So, try using ultra-moisturizing products containing no harsh chemicals to treat your high porosity hair. Products like Mango Shea Butter, Coco Shea Butter,     Olive oil, Castor oil keep  your hair coated with moisture. You can also use Jojoba oil and other natural oils for keeping your hair conditioned. These products will retain moisture for a longer time and promotes healthy hair growth as well.  
Avoid using harsh shampoos – The shampoo you use should not be harsh. People with high porosity hair should not use shampoos containing sulphate. Sulphates are harsh chemicals that take away the natural oils from your scalp and cause dryness. So, try using sulphate-free shampoos that gently cleanse your hair scalp and helps in growing your high porosity hair. 
Using organically-based hair products by Glammed Naturally Oil for growing high porosity hair
Connect with Glammed Naturally Oil now and get organic products like Mango Shea Butter, Coco Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, Hair Growth Oil, Biotin Shampoo & Conditioner. All these products are clinically proven for effective results on hairs with high porosity levels. Their products will help in regaining the lost moisture and smoothness in your hair within weeks. Contact Glammed Naturally Oil now on +1 (201) 778-2990 / +1 (201) 778-4580.
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
How can you prevent your hair from shrinkage?
Natural hair is versatile and gives you endless possibilities for styling and enhancing your look. But there are several hairs related problems as well that every person goes through and one such problem is hair shrinkage.  The shrinkage effects might not be seen on certain natural hair, but some women might experience shrinkage up to eight inches when their hair goes from wet to dry. Although shrinkage is not unhealthy for your hair, women might feel annoyed and frustrated because of it. For a while, women who have been growing hair would barely see any increasing length due to the hair shrinkage.
So, we will discuss some tips for efficiently managing and retaining the original hair length for those who want to grow their hair without shrinkage. 
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But first, let's understand what natural hair shrinkage is?
Shrinkage is the decrease in the length of the hair when it goes from wet to dry. Natural hair shrinkage is when the curly or the coily hair shrinks and forms tightly compacted coils. The length of the natural hair may shrink up to 20% to 80%. It depends on your hair type; for instance, people with naturally tighter curls seem to have a lot of shrinkage because of the tightness of their coils. In this situation, when the hair dries up or loses moisture, the strand automatically contracts. 
Though shrinkage is not the sign of unhealthy hair, it only makes your hair texture curlier. Shrinkage is also a sign of good elasticity of your hair which means it doesn't break easily. But, you might lose some length of your hair, and if you don't want it, then by using the proper anti-shrinkage technique for natural hair, you can stop it. 
 Effective ways for reducing natural hair shrinkage
Leave-in conditioners – Leave-in conditioners help in providing extra moisture to the hair and keep the strands hydrated. Using plant-based conditioners regularly prevents hair from becoming dry. Every hair type (curly, straight, natural or color-treated) will benefit from using the conditioner. It also helps to reduce breakage and defines your curl pattern significantly. 
Regular moisturizing routine – Make sure that you use moisturizing hair products as it prevents hair shrinkage. The regular moisturizing routine will retain the hair length. You can use products that contain beeswax, silicone, hair oil or any other styling gel. For moisturizing your hair, make sure to section your hair and then apply the moisturizer on each side. After this, apply oil to your hair to lock in the moisture properly. It will help in getting a lustrous look on your hair without shrinkage. 
Plaits and twist-outs – Styling your hair with the help of plaits and twist-outs helps to prevent shrinkage significantly. These hairstyles offer a bouncy and manageable curls look and also prevent hair breakage. After applying oil, you can divide your hair into small partings and then braid and twist each section separately. It will help in keeping your hair stretched out for a longer time. 
Try a blowout – If you want to maximize your hair length, this blowout method is the best option. Using a blower helps in increasing the hair length and keeps them in a manageable condition. However, you must prepare your hair well with the help of heat protectants such as Moroccan oil, Hemp oil, Argan oil, or even Shea butter to prevent heat damage and breakage during the blowout. Do not blow-dry your hair immediately after washing them. While drying up your hair, always remember to maintain an adequate distance between the dryer and the hair. 
Banding – It is another helpful way that can help in making your curly hair long. Banding involves stretching your hair section with the help of elastic bands. After washing your hair, make different sections and then tie up the hair from the roots to the tips until it dries. Once the hair gets dried, you     can carefully remove the elastic bands. It helps in decreasing the risk of     tangles and also helps in retaining the proper hair length. 
Bantu Knots – Bantu knot is the most protective hairstyle that you can use for minimizing hair shrinkage. For making the Bantu knots, you have to twist the hair sections in the same direction and set them in coils. Using sufficient moisturizer before knotting up the hair will prevent damage. 
Using moisturizing hair products and oils by Glammed Naturally Oil for preventing hair shrinkage 
Preventing and managing hair from shrinkage is possible only if you follow the right techniques. You can now keep your hair moisturized and retain its length with the help of the organically-tested hair care products by Glammed Naturally Oil. They have a wide range of products that will help in retaining the moisture in your hair for a longer time. You can now visit Glammed Naturally Oil's website to check out the products such as Whipped Mango Shea, Whipped Coco shea, Biotin conditioner, Organic Coconut Oil, etc. Try the ultimate range of products by Glammed Naturally Oil to manage and maintain your hair's health. Contact them at +1 (201) 778-2990/ +1 (201) 778-4580
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
8 Must-have combs for every naturalista and when to use them
Combs are a MUST- HAVE for your mane. Infact, they are the first tools you think of when it comes to taking care of your hair and why not, combs help you to take out tangles and get your hair in shape before any other styling can happen. So yes, combs for the win!
Did you know? A lot of hair loss can be linked to using the wrong type of comb to straighten out your hair which is why I have compiled this list of combs you need to have and when you need to use them.
It can get tricky figuring out what comb to use for what situation as a natural hair girl. Natural hair is not like any other hair, which is why you must always use the right type of comb for the right type of situation to prevent hair breakage or split ends.
Let’s dive in!
The Wide-Toothed Comb
Unarguably the most commonly used type of comb and every naturalista needs to have one! Wide combs are perfect for combing out your hair when you wake up in the morning or the first comb you use on your hair before you start to style.
They are perfect for detangling wet hair as they have spaced out teeth which means a lot of hair can pass through at the same time so your hair is safe from being dragged or split during combing.
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The Fine-Toothed Comb
These combs have way smaller teeth than the wide toothed combs. You use this to put your hair back in place and smooth it down after detangling with the wide toothed comb. Now, I would advise every naturalista to be careful when using this comb because their small teeth can block natural hair when trying to pry tangles loose. A better option for doing this  is the bristle brush
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The Rattail comb
Are not to be used to comb your hair as a naturalista! I mostly used the pointy end of a rattail comb to part my hair because of how sharp and incredibly accurate it is! Asides this, you can also use it to smoothen your hair partings when applying gel to your hair for that extra sleek look.
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The Afro Comb
Every naturalista must own one of these! It’s not just a comb but a cultural symbol dating back to the 1970s when Africans wore them on their big afros as a way of saying NO to black oppression. So yeah, rock them afro combs girls!
I use my afro comb, also known as “The Pick” to comb out my hair after detangling it to give it that full look because it goes down to your scalp to better pick up hair that has shrunk and put some stretch in it.
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The Denman Brush
A naturalista fav for detangling!
This functions almost the same way as a wide toothed comb but gives you a sleeker look if that’s your aim. It’s great for detangling wet hair as it goes down to the root to loosen knots without disrupting your coil pattern, but you may need to do some finger detangling first and apply leave-in conditioner to minimize hair breakage.
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The Shower Detangler
This comb helps to detangle your hair when it’s wet and as the name implies, you can use it while in the shower. It’s uneven teeth help to detangle hair and a lot of hair can slip through it without breaking the ends. They are perfect for kids or if you have a tender scalp.
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Double Sided Edge Brush
If you’re a fan of extra laid edges then you definitely need this! It’s double sided, with a brush for laying your edges on one side and the comb part for creating ridges after laying your edges.
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The Boar Bristle Brush
Want some cool waves on your low or high bun for that chic look? A bristle brush is your best bet! The bristles on this brush create the perfect waves for your natural coils.
Use this along with a suitable hair gel to comb and style your hair, then tie a scarf over it for about 5 minutes so it lays well and voila! You’re good to go!
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Looking for work hairstyles? Here are some fabulous ways to rock your hair to work/interview
Until recently, rocking natural hair to work wasn’t something that was seen as feasible because it did not fit “that” professional standard in the corporate world. Humph!
Thanks to a continuous evolution of minds, there is now a call and acceptance of people to be just who they are across all social groups so yes - that means that you don’t have to cover up your hair with a wig just because you want to go to work. No, straight hair is not more professional than your coily kinks!
Rock your hair girl! And rock it everywhere!
It can be hard to find a style that is not only professional and allows you to be your best self even at work; it also has to be chic, elegant and not compromise your personal taste or the health of your hair.
Here are some inspirational videos for you to pick one or two chic work hairstyles to rock at your office *wink*
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If you have long hair, then this video is for you. Miss T1806 is a natural hair vlogger and in this tutorial, she demonstrates four different ways you can rock your natural hair to work. Enjoy!
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These styles are elegant and quite easy to pull off, considering that they require only minimal effort and time so yes, you’ll want this if you’re running late to work.
If you have shorter hair, the styles can easily be altered by using bobby pins where necessary and still having a similar finished look.
Here is a compilation of different amazing but versatile styles for natural hair while rocking it at the workplace. Whether you have short, long or medium length hair, you’ll find some inspiration here!
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I particularly like the updo styles because they’re so elegant and give your face that facelift and boss-chic look. Effortless!
You know braids are practically natural if you see it how we see it. LOL So here is a tutorial video from Faceover matter where she shares 12 different ways to style your braids to work
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You know how you make braids, promise yourself that you won’t carry it in the same style for a straight four weeks and still end up doing that? This video will help you get rid of that!
There are styles for an interview, random work day, or an event at the office; this video has you covered.
You’ll agree with me that natural hair is so versatile; the possibilities are endless! So many ways to rock your beautiful mane while looking like a beautiful black goddess that you are!
You can also click here for further inspo on how to rock your natural hair in different amazing styles and follow my YT Channel for more Hair Care Videos!
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Jummie Grow
Which style is your favourite? And how do you normally rock your hair to work? Let’s chat in the comments.
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
We need to talk about Biotin; Discover the hidden goodness in Supplements!
The food you eat may not be able to give you the amount of Biotin that your body needs. Infact, if I asked you how much Vitamin B you’re getting or what foods you regularly eat that contain Biotin, can you tell me? Your answer is most probably No.
Biotin, popularly known as Vitamin B or H is an important vitamin that your body needs to convert certain nutrients into energy. Most importantly, it helps to rejuvenate your hair, skin and nails, leaving them looking healthy and shiny not just on the outside but from within as well.
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A lack of Biotin in your body can lead to hair loss and decreases the rate at which your hair grows which is why you need supplements to provide you with the nutrients that your hair needs to remain healthy and beautiful.
Your hair is made up of Keratin, which is basically a protein that makes up the structure of your hair. Biotin helps to maintain the structure of keratin as well as improve it, leading to better and increased rate of hair growth.
If you experience hair loss due to one reason or the other, Biotin is guaranteed to grow your hair back steadily and with no adverse effects. This is because Biotin is a naturally occurring  nutrient which is available in supplements as you may not have enough in your regular diet which your hair needs at the rate you want it to grow.
You don’t have to deal with that, this is why we have created the Biotin Gummies.
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They are formulated to cover for any losses from your regular diet so that you hair doesn’t suffer.
Biotin combats hair loss or hair thinning
Biotin gives you thicker hair with more shine
Biotin helps to improve your skin and nail health; so if you have nails that are easily broken then Biotin will help you improve nail hardness to prevent breaking.
Biotin rebuilds body tissues
Biotin helps with fetal and child development; for pregnant women
Infact, Biotin as a supplement  is a great addition to whatever hair care regimen you may have like; Eating healthy; Hair masks or protein treatment; Using good products to nourish and hydrate your hair; Doing less manipulative styles etc.
I mean, your hair needs all the TLC it can get so why not Biotin, which is guaranteed to boost hair growth, treat hair loss and contribute to the general look of your hair, skin and nails.
Asides its many beauty benefits, Biotin also contributes to your general body health;
It reduces inflammation
It helps to lower blood sugar (Great for people who have diabetes)
It improves your body’s cognitive functions
It increases good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol in your body (HDL and LDL)
The great thing about Biotin is that you begin to see results in as little as 90 days! This includes general hair growth and luster. Consistency is key to achieving the best results in anything so with Biotin, you have to be consistent as well.
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What better way to be consistent than through our Chewable Biotin Gummies? Made to supplement your Biotin intake and help hair regrowth if you’re experiencing hair loss or hair thinning. Glammed Gummies also help to boost overall hair quality and growth, giving your hair thickness and better shine. If you also have dull skin, brittle nails, then you NEED Biotin.
What’s more, they’re sweet to taste and trust me, you won’t forget to take them! You get sweet, chewable gummies and nutrients needed for your hair growth in one go! How cool is that?
Click this link to order your Biotin Gummies NOW!
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Biotin; Myth or Miracle? 10 facts you should know about Biotin.
You have probably heard a lot about Biotin as regards hair growth and other functions that it performs as regards body health as well. But how factual is it? Does Biotin actually work to grow your hair, nails and skin? Find out with these 12 facts on Biotin
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Biotin is not just for your hair alone.
As a B complex vitamin, it plays an important role in the body, converting the food you eat into energy that helps you to perform all activities that you should.
It also plays a role in forming the protein called Keratin which is what makes up your hair, nails and skin.
Biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss and brittle nails.
When your body lacks this vitamin, it shows up as weak, easily breakable nails, thinning hair or hair loss. This is easily fixed by taking a Biotin supplement to make up for the deficiency. Other symptoms of a Biotin deficiency includes red rashes on the skin.
You cannot be allergic to Biotin;
Biotin is a necessary component for life so you cannot have an allergy to it.
However, it is possible to be allergic to an ingredient in the supplement that you’re taking so make sure to always check the ingredients list for ingredients you may be allergic to.
You cannot overdose on Biotin;
Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin. What this means is that whatever excesses remain in your body will be passed out either through urine or faeces. So there goes!
Biotin is available in a variety of foods;
From eggs and dairy products to mushrooms, sardines and nuts, Biotin is available in foods you may eat. However, you may not be taking enough of these foods to increase your hair growth which is why a supplement is always recommended to stimulate increased hair growth, thickness and length.
Increase in Biotin intake stimulates your body to grow more hair cells;
This is what makes your hair grow thicker and also makes your skin to glow. Taking a Biotin supplement for example, will trigger this cell multiplication and this is what gives you thicker and longer hair.
A daily dose of 5,000 to 10,000 mcg consistently is enough to grow your hair;
This dosage should be taken consistently every day. A better way is to divide your dosage by taking in the morning as well as at night.(But if you’re not a fan of pills, we’ve solved that problem with Hair Growth Biotin Gummies!)
Hair growth depends on other factors;
Other factors like your body’s rate of metabolism, your diet, stress level etc will determine how fast Biotin will work in your body. Your results may not be the same as another person due to difference in body systems but best believe that consistency will give you great results in no time.
Biotin supplements are NOT magic;
Don’t take it and expect to wake up the next morning as Rapunzel! Like all good things in life, it takes time to see lasting results so make sure to stay consistent, keep up good hair care habits to encourage increased hair growth and health as well as to maintain your beautiful crown.
People who take alcohol and smoke excessively are prone to Biotin deficiency; Yes! In fact, excess alcohol can prevent your body from absorbing the goodness of the Biotin supplements you are taking so make sure to keep the alcohol to a minimum.
Pregnant women and people who take raw eggs i.e athletes are also at risk of Biotin deficiency - egg whites contain a protein called avidin that interferes with Biotin absorption.
In all, the goodness of Biotin is definitely not a myth. It’s more like a miracle if you ask me. With Biotin, you not only get thicker, longer hair - you also get stronger nails and glowing skin; if that isn’t THE ideal package, then I don’t know what is.
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The Hair Growth Biotin Gummies are a great way to supplement your hair growth and what’s more, you don’t have to swallow any more pills. These strawberry flavoured gummies give you the opportunity to eat your way to long, thicker hair!
Click here to order for your own Biotin Gummies NOW!
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