giamia12 · 14 days
I really don't understand the writer's reasoning for race swapping the Velaryon's, when every Velaryon is mistreated or cast aside by the all white Targaryen's. Literally everyone of them.
• Corlys - Is apparently so selfish he's willing to disregard all of his blood related family to put a white boy that is no relation to him on his ancestral seat just because he carries his last name? Even though there's plenty of other actual Velaryon's that carry the Velaryon name.
• Vaemond - Gets murdered for telling the truth, and not wanting Driftmark to go to someone who isn't a true Velaryon. I think they only added him calling Rhaenyra a whore after calling her son's bastards to try and make his death justifiable, as if calling someone a bad name = off with his head.
• Laena - Is married to Daemon but knows that she isn't his first choice, and if he had his way he'd be with his (white) niece. Is stuck by his side in Pentos even though he knows she wants to return home. Supposedly dies a *badass* dragon rider death, but I just saw a pregnant black woman dying in agony. Like that doesn't already happen in real life when black women are four times more likely to die in childbirth.
• Laenor - The cuckold of all cuckolds. In almost every scene of adult Laenor he's completely miserable. And apparently he too is willing to disregard all his trueborn family to put a white boy that isn't his on the Driftmark throne. And I don't find Rhaenyra to be some great LGBTQ ally by "letting" Laenor run away and permanently leave his home and family behind so he can be with his partner and she can remarry.
• Baela and Rhaena - Have actual Velaryon blood through their mother, get passed over so another white boy can get something he has no entitlement too. Baela would have had a slim chance of ending up queen because even if Rhaenyra became queen, the lords of Westeros would have been very unlikely to accept an illegitimate son as her heir. Rhaena could become lady of Driftmark but only as a consort through Luke, meaning if he died her claim to Driftmark would die with him.
I'm all for diversity and representation, but was the family who consistently gets walked all over the best choice to make POC?
I think they were aiming for liberal and inclusive, but that doesn't really work when your white characters use and exploit the black characters you've purposely made black.
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giamia12 · 14 days
Laenor does not accept the Strong boys as his trueborn sons.
He admits it HIMSELF, but apparently everyone missed it.
Season 1. Episode 6.
Rhaenyra: “Dark rumors are hunting us Laenor. They nip at our heels. Questions about our son’s parentage. Vile, disgusting insinuations.”
Laenor: *scoffs* “Insinuates, are they?”
Rhaenyra: “They are our sons!”
Rhaenyra goes on about how their son’s “true father” won’t abandon them now. Laenor insists that he has played his part for the last ten years.
That sounds a lot more like Rhaenyra forcing him to play happy family in public and not him ‘accepting them as his own’. He admits he doesn’t think of them as his when he laughs at the idea that people are only insinuating they aren’t his. Even he knows how laughable the situation is. Rhaenyra then uses her station to prevent him from going to war and to stay by her side.
Y’all are aware that Rhaenyra is actually pretty abusive to Laenor, right? She isn’t above making snide homophobic remarks at him when he isn’t on her good side.
“Guzzling all the ale in flea bottom along with gods know what else” insinuates fellatio
“Wagging your sword around and winking at sailors” that’s just straight homophobic, imo. Double entendre for penis handling, and mocking him for flirting with men.
Forces him to play happy family.
Refuses to allow him to go fight like the knight he is.
That was all from a single scene, mind you! To add on, she expects him to be grateful because he has a lavish lifestyle.
Thing is… the Velaryons were one of the richest houses in the seven kingdoms. He already HAD all those things to begin with. So really, what does he even gain from this relationship? Seems like he gains ridicule from everyone that knows he is a cuckold and free berating from his wife over something he can’t even control.
Seriously, the more I watch this show, the worse I feel for Laena and Laenor. Both trapped in loveless marriages to a Targaryen that cheats on them. Oof.
(There is a deleted scene of Daemon flirting with a man while in Pentos. He was unfaithful to Laena, they chose not to show it. Hopefully because they realized what a bad look it was for two POC to be cheated on by light skinned blondes known for being obsessed with blood purity)
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giamia12 · 1 month
Advice I gave someone today was: 'do it stupid.'
She wants to learn photography. Do it stupid. Take a million photos. Don't think about why they're not good. Enjoy the process of taking photos.
Pick out tge ones you like the most and figure out why you like them. Is it because the subject is centered? Is it because you caught them doing something cool? Is it because the light made cool shadows?
Do it stupid. If you try to do it smart, youll get stuck. If you think too much you'll never get to doing. Do it stupid.
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giamia12 · 1 month
Aemond in his villain era, Rhaenyra in her villain era, Aegon in his I'm stuck in this mess and gotta do something era, Otto in I'm going to fix this mess don't you worry era , Helaena in her please save my family era , Daemon in his it's time to have fun and revenge era , Alicent in her lament/girl rot/ sad revenge era , Rhaenys in her I'm gonna say good quotes era, Baela in her warrier era , Criston in his I'm gonna save my kids and protect my firstborn's birthright era , Daeron in his am I ever gonna be presented era and me in my I'm gonna talk about this so much until everyone's ears bleed era
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giamia12 · 4 months
self care is turning on all my fairy lights, lighting a candle, and having a twilight marathon
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giamia12 · 4 months
I got bored and made some things…
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giamia12 · 6 months
me, trying to explain the succession contest arc: so the clown guy is trying to murder all the friends of the guy who killed him, the serial killer prince might have the head of a protagonist's friend in a jar, everyone is on a boat shaped like a whale and everyone is trying to murder everyone else, the mafia is there—
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giamia12 · 6 months
it’s both sad and hilarious how the phantom troupe has fallen from its days of glory in their backstory full of friendship, common purpose and connections to its most recent member additions of [checks list]: illumi “y’all better run me my check” zoldyck, kalluto “I’m on the worst school excursion of my goddamn life” zoldyck and of course hisoka “I’m just here to bang the boss” morrow.
HR department (chrollo) said we hiring anybody…..pls apply….no cover letter needed.
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giamia12 · 7 months
Hotd little league AU
Alicent Hightower and her son have arrived at the pitch fifteen minutes early.
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Rhaenyra arrives exactly on time with her son.
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Kids remain on the bench for the first half of the match, time to have a little snack!
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Alicent and Criston Cole do not agree with the referee. Aemond did not deserve a yellow card. Alicent will talk with the referee's wife tomorrow at church about it.
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Lucerys swears he did not jank Aemond's hair! Rhaenyra has threatened to call the football federation if further action is pursued.
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A scrap has ocurred on the pitch. Time remaining 5 minutes. Score 0-0
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Match is over, it's a draw. Both moms are having a little discussion. The referee is unsuccessful in stopping it.
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Like every Saturday morning both moms are forced to apologize to each other if they don't want to get banned again from attending matches.
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This is the spirit of football!
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giamia12 · 7 months
HOTD-Modern AU
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Aegon has been caught trying to buy stuff in his father's computer. The only thing he could come up withas an excuse was that he was trying to download Minecraft to play with Daeron while his little brother is in boarding school.
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To make it believable Aegon shows Viserys how to play. His dad is unimpressed until he finds out tou can build stuff.
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It is a success and has the unitended consequence of Viserys enjoying the game a bit too much and inviting his best friends to play with him.
Lyonel is retired and has nothing better to do. Otto, although retired, will take any chance to get a bit of his influence back. Rhaenys forced Corlys to go and socialise with people instead of tinkering the whole day with his boat.
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Things go out of hand soon. By the time Lyonel voiced the moral quandry of messing with the villagers both Otto and Corlys already had enslaved them, and were breeding them for the best trades. They have monopolized the emeralds, their power is getting to their heads.
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Viserys is very damn excited to fight the Ender dragon and would like for his friends to focuss and follow the plan.
Corlys has been exploring the sea and raiding underwater temples.
Otto has built a light tower and is mining his heart away (he sells the diamonds for outrageous trades but it's still better than searching for them yourself).
Lyonel is just happy to keep his animals and build them little houses and penns.
Aegon doesn't know how he ended up having to hang out every Sunday morning with a bunch of sixty year olds, but now he is too invested to back out. (Viserys gives him pocket money afterwards because he forgets Aegon is no longer fifteen so it works out)
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giamia12 · 7 months
Alicent and her family have arrived at the beach. They realize after the two hour trip they have forgotten Daeron at home. They are not going back.
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Rhaenyra has arrived with her family, the only food they have brought is a bag of cheetos.
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Rhaenys has her granddaughters sorted already, only sunscreen left!
Daemon is moping in the ocean meanwhile.
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Viserys and his least favourite daughter are having creative diferences about the sand Valyrian model. She wants to put pink seashells, he refuses. Alicent ends up scolding him.
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The kids find out someone has finished all the ice-cream. Lucerys has been crying for half an hour. It was Daemon.
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Helaena has found a crab she calls Herbert, no one wants to get near her. Aegon has passed out, being buried in sand as a punishment.
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Rhaenyra has promised Aegon a beer if he distracts everyone while she flirts with Daemon. Viserys feels something is not right but can't figure out what. Jacaerys is just happy to be included.
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The day at the beach was a success!!! No one was seriously harmed and everyone had fun.
Truly a first for the Targaryen family! ❤️
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giamia12 · 7 months
Aemond returning home after killing luceyrs and starting a civil war: I'd like everybody to take a moment and think back to a time when they did something stupid, how they were treated, and how they wished they were treated. Alicent: What the hell did you do?
Alicent: .... what?
Aemond: vhagerateluke
Otto: ....
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giamia12 · 7 months
Aemond trying to explain what happened at Storms End
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giamia12 · 7 months
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King’s Landing grieved, as only King’s Landing could. Jaehaera had been a frightened child, and from the day she donned her crown she had hidden herself away inside the Red Keep, yet the smallfolk of the city remembered her wedding, and how brave and beautiful the little girl had seemed, and so they wept, and wailed, and tore their clothes, and crowded into septs and taverns and brothels, to seek for whatever solace they could find. There the whispers soon were flying, just as they had when Queen Helaena died in similar fashion. Had the little queen truly taken her own life? Even inside the walls of the Red Keep, speculation was rampant.”
“All the same, the rumor of Queen Helaena’s “murder” was soon on the lips of half King’s Landing. That it was so quickly believed shows how utterly the city had turned against their once-beloved queen. Rhaenyra was hated; Helaena had been loved. Nor had the common folk of the city forgotten the cruel murder of Prince Jaehaerys by Blood and Cheese, and the terrible death of Prince Maelor at Bitterbridge.“
”That night King’s Landing rose in bloody riot.”
”The rioting began amidst the alleys and wynds of Flea Bottom, as men and women poured from the wine sinks, rat pits, and pot shops by the hundreds, angry, drunken, and afraid. From there the rioters spread throughout the city, shouting for justice for the dead princes and their murdered mother.“
"unloved" 💀💀💀
What you're saying is absolutely true, Sapphire, but what can you expect from people who have never even skimmed through the book and take their opinions from their twitter timeline? 🤦 There's no point in fighting with someone who is so unfamiliar with the source material.
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giamia12 · 8 months
everytime i see rhaegar and rhaelya worshippers making up takes and theories i just wanna gauge their eyes out. you bitches are the vilest delulus when it comes to elia and her children. gtfo and kys already❗❗❗
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giamia12 · 8 months
I cannot understand the rationale of "Good Stepmother Elia" or "Catelyn loves Jon Snow" fics where, because of the patriarchal and oppressive institutions, Elia and Catelyn are forced to live with their cheating husbands and, are expected to raise their husband's bastard born out of the infidelity that could pose a risk to their children's inheritance. I love Jon, but Catelyn's hesitance regarding him was valid. He wasn't a son, and he was the source of insurmountable shame to her.
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I couldn't have put it better myself, honestly. Those fics disgust me. I find them disturbing and repulsive with the way they turn Catelyn and Elia into Jon's cheerleaders LMAO AS IF. I'm sorry but some of these authors just love to turn every female character in ASOIAF into plot devices for Jon's story.
You will not believe how many fics I've read in which Robb always insists to push both Sansa and Arya further down the inheritance line, and the Northern lords and ladies just nod along and agree like a bunch of baboons and how Catelyn just have to suck it all up. Sometimes there is even a fic or two where Sansa insists that Robb points Jon as his heir to mark her so-called "development" when the narrative brings her to the Riverlands after escaping King's Landing, and in the process, ruining a mother-daughter relationship forever. Guess what's gonna happen? Yep. Robb dies and Jon becomes king with Sansa as his ever faithful advisor. Sometimes even Sansa is pushed away from the North and decides to stay in the South because Gods forbid she ever touch the Northern throne again. Lmao.
Or, you know, the favorite of all Rhaegar Wins AU, fics where Jon becomes the next king after Rhaegar because Aegon is gay and conveniently doesn't want the Iron Throne🥺
I'm a Jonsa stan. I love me some fics with angst; Sansa's struggle to overcome the fact that Jon's existence hurts Catelyn, etc. But there's a line for everything. For example, I fucking refuse to read Jonsa fics where Catelyn is so demonized one would think she constantly beat him when he's a child or told him to become a servant or a stable boy or something. And of course, Sansa gonna defend him with her whole chest and worships the ground he walks on. Lmao Unbelievable. What a way to degrade a female character, to turn her into a plot device--a cheerleader for their hero. Well done.
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giamia12 · 9 months
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- Parallels between Alicent and Rhaenyra.
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