ghoststeel · 10 months
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I am a daughter of Menzoberranzan's most ancient and powerful House, the Baenre. I survived my first assassination attempt while I still suckled at my mother's breast. (...) When I came of age, she tried to take my life herself, and I gave her fresh scars to match those she earned protecting me. (...) If the world were to end, I think my mother would survive to rule over the ruins. - Minthara Baenre, on herself.
A painting, somewhere in her family home in Qu'ellarz'orl, Menzoberranzan, depicting Minthara in days past when she was still in Lolth's service, and a mother who was out against her own blood.
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ghoststeel · 10 months
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Cutie-pie of the sea (x)
*Update: this is not a real octopus but a spy bot for research. In a BBC vid(here), the spy bot helps an octopus to protect itself from sharks.
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ghoststeel · 10 months
Holy fucking shit Bandai.
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I can't believe this was your move. G-Witch was created to bring in a new generation of younger fans because the franchise was stagnant and only popular among middle-aged Japanese men. And you SUCCEEDED, beyond anyone's wildest expectations, probably even your own, and grabbed a whole new generation of fans and re-engaged some old ones.
And you choose cowardice. You completely failed to understand your own show and what made it so popular in the first place. You created a BELOVED sapphic couple that was loved and important to so many queer and marginalized people and NOW you're going to hide and call it "open to interpretation?" Just absolute bullshit, Suletta & Miorine are MARRIED, it's in the text of the show, it's supported by the entire staff, including Kana and Lynn! Backpedaling now to appease homophobes is an absolutely cowardly move and you just pissed away all those new fans and the goodwill you built up.
Just imagine having sales numbers like these. Having your show trend weekly during it's airing and multiple times AFTER it airing. Having people celebrate the mention of their marriage so much that Sulemio Marriage trended on Twitter after that interview went live. And you pissed it all away by being cowardly and giving into homophobia.
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I want to thank the staff of G-Witch for fighting to give us what we got, and Kana Ichinose for sticking her neck out to say they're married when clearly the suits at Bandai fought against this the entire way. I firmly believe they had a kiss scene planned (there was even a very reputable leak that a kiss was animated!) and maybe even the wedding (listen to The Way We Wanna Go and tell me you can't hear that playing during their kiss or wedding). This is completely disrespectful to the staff who worked hard to bring us this show and the fans who supported it.
Regardless, like I said before: they can try and censor current and future content, but they can NEVER take Suletta & Miorine's relationship and marriage back from us. There is no "open to interpretation", they are textually and canonically married and nothing Bandai ever does will change how G-Witch ended when it aired.
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ghoststeel · 10 months
Miss Miorine is Finally Home!
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Source: https://twitter.com/chiliangtu/status/1686701729663041538 Always faithful!
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ghoststeel · 10 months
I reanimated the gund bit release from episode 1 but with calibarn
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final animation
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ghoststeel · 10 months
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Send me to Mars with party supplies before next august 5th
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ghoststeel · 10 months
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what the fuck is wrong with this movie
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ghoststeel · 10 months
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A sampling of new originals I'll have for sale at Gen Con next week!
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ghoststeel · 11 months
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ghoststeel · 11 months
Venting through Sulemio.. it's difficult being strong, but knowing that you're doing so for the people you love, perhaps its enough to keep going.
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ghoststeel · 11 months
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Fingon, war edition
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ghoststeel · 11 months
I’m caught between trying to live my life, and trying to run from it.
Stephen Chbosky
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ghoststeel · 11 months
It's been two weeks and I'm still not over Suletta & Miorine being OFFICIALLY, CANONICALLY, MARRIED! JUST LOOK HOW HAPPY THEY ARE:
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Just...Miorine's life being cold and lonely, trapped by her father's games and a future forced to be with someone she hates who only sees her as a trophy, wanting nothing but to escape to Earth. And then she meets Suletta and her whole life changes and suddenly she doesn't have to run, she finds someone worth loving and fighting for who cares about her and makes her happy.
And Suletta being a lonely child, anxious around everyone and desperately wanting to be needed, wrapped so tightly around her mother's fingers that even her beloved school list wasn't her own. She meets Miorine and falls in love with this beautiful girl who selflessly loves and protects her and her family, who finally gives her something to love and care for of her own choice, who she can love unconditionally.
And the way they found each other and make each other better, happier people and mean the world to each other. And now they're MARRIED! I just know their days together are filled with so much joy and happiness.
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ghoststeel · 11 months
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Let me tell you how much I love the fact that Suletta wasn't wearing the headband her mother gave her in the finale anymore. I love her growth so much, from pride in doing exactly what her mother told her to do. To freedom to decide what kind of life she wanted to live for herself and herself only. This show...
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ghoststeel · 11 months
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Its been a long time since I've watched a Gundam series. The last one I watched was the first build fighters but haven't since. That was until I saw a gif from G witch. It was of the Ariel with its bits surrounding it. I thought it was cool so I went ahead and started season 1.
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I immediately fell in love with suletta. And as the story went on I figured out why. I saw myself in her. The episode that hit particularly hard was episode 11. The feeling of being a hindrance to people how she didn't say anything even though there was no food left for her.
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That hit home in many ways. I often feel like I did or said something wrong or misunderstood the person’s reaction. Even so I feel like I insulted them or am bothering them so I leave them be. Things might clear up but most often we never talk again. I felt relieved, like a weight off my shoulder when miorine talked to her.
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The duality of her relationship with her mother how she would listen without questioning, when Mio made her lose, the gut punch when she found out the truth and was ejected from ariel. Watching all that hurt cause I connected with it.
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I actually waited till the remaining episodes came out to finish it cause I didn't want to watch her hurt.
I hated how she viewed herself. Because that's how I saw myself. Something about seeing it made me angry but not at her. Despite everything in my life, I'm still worried what people think of me, still presenting what my family expects me to be. Still fear that my existence is a hindrance. And watching a show like that hit too close. It made me feel like nothing's changed despite growing up.
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I've only recently started moving forward. Admitting who I am and who I want to be. And Im happy that she was able to overcome it and find happiness in the end.
With all that's going on in the world it was nice to see a happy ending.
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May All Blessings Find Their Way To You, I'm Wishing It
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ghoststeel · 11 months
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ghoststeel · 11 months
self-flagellation and self-bullying are all bad motivators for change BTW. it can be hard to escape from a spiral but genuinely u have to be nice to urself or nothing will change
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