ghost-requiem · 4 years
It has happened.
I have purchased Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus
Will provide updates
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
Hey, I wanna talk about a piece of fridge brilliance (pun intended) in The Boiling Rock.
Specifically, about the Coolers. And about Zuko.
The Coolers are, first and foremost, a means of firebender suppression. They are invoked as a punishment against unsanctioned firebending. They are designed, specifically, to shut down firebenders who have toed out of line. Like the metal prison in Imprisoned, like the suspended cages in The Puppet Master, these are prison facilities designed with a specific sort of bender in mind.
So then - Zuko.
Why throw Zuko in the Cooler as part of the escape plan? He should be EXACTLY the sort of person the Cooler is designed to work most devastatingly against. It would almost make more sense to try to get Sokka thrown into the cooler - he’s from the South Pole at least. Or maybe Suki, who’s not a bender at all. But they choose Zuko. And he’s successful. Subjected to the most severe form of firebender suppression in the Fire Nation’s most high-profile prison, Zuko is able to dismantle the Cooler and walk away smiling.
I want to walk you through some facts:
In a tidbit of behind-the-scenes trivia, it was revealed that airbenders can regulate their body temperature with their breath alone. This is why Aang is so weirdly comfortable traveling around the South and North Pole (and really any climate in the series) in his normal monk garb. Everyone else changes outfits to reflect the changing climate, but not Aang, his breath has that covered.
It would be quite useful if a technique like that could be adapted to another style of bending. The same way that a waterbender’s redirection of their opponent’s energy could be adapted to the redirection of a firebender’s lightning. I bet the man who invented lightning redirection by studying waterbending would have some brilliant insight into using the breath for warmth by studying airbending.
In fact, that exact man tells Zuko “Remember your breath of fire. It could save your life out there.” back in Siege of the North. We see Zuko use his breath to warm himself that very episode, per his uncle’s instructions.
And we see Zuko use his breath of fire in one other case:
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To endure the cooler.
I’m willing to bet - Breath of Fire, as a means to keep oneself warm, is not a native firebending technique. If it was, the whole concept of the Cooler would be laughable. Any prisoner would just Breath-o-Fire himself warm in there, and the prison guards would all collectively say “oh wow, the Cooler was a stupid idea, time for a new plan.”
But we know a traditional firebender would be sapped so cold in the Cooler that his firebending becomes unusable. If Zuko were relying on traditional firebending techniques, the same would happen to him. But he’s not.
Zuko’s Breath of Fire is an airbending technique. 
One that Iroh taught him. One the Fire Nation has no precedent for. One which lets Zuko ward off the freezing effects of the Cooler like it’s nothing, and allows him to dismantle it from the inside and come away smiling, unhindered, unaffected, warm to his core. 
It’s another case of Iroh’s brilliance. And I’m betting he and Zuko may be the only two firebenders in the world who could pull this off.
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
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Hi, Clair. I’d like to come in and talk with you. Would that be all right?
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
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Have some sub-par memes I made to procrastinate on my homework
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
Cat loaf in a bread loaf
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
yall look at this shit ad*be is tryna pull now on ppl who have outdated software:
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(note for context: i’m all for piracy, but in this case my copy of CS6 was downloaded years ago when they were giving it away to students. i got it totally legally.)
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
Hey, so...
…”Will you tag (something that is not a common phobia or trauma trigger)?” is always an appropriate request.  Even if you’re asking “will you tag for the letter ‘e’,” you’re not crossing boundaries unless the person you’ve asking has already said, clearly, that they will not tag for a thing.
However, “no,” is an equally appropriate reply.  It’s nice to have reasons (no I will not tag frogs because I post too many frogs and I forget, meaning that the tag will not protect you; no, I will not tag Disney princesses because it says “Disney princesses” in my blog description and you knew this was a dead dove before you took a bite), but they are absolutely not required.
“Will you tag for birds of prey?”  “No.  Please unfollow me if you require that tag.”  is a perfectly polite exchange.
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
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Never related to anything more
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
Thank you to all the fan fic writers who won’t get a post dedicated to them today or any day. Your writing still matters, your writing is still important. Your fic touched someone, it is someones favorite fic, their comfort fic. Don’t stop writing, don’t ever give up. I appreciate you and your writing. Thank you for all you do.
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
i’ve finally found my drawing style
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
Hey all, I'm still here. We had a death in the family last week, and this Monday one of my partners had surgery. I'll get back to the Buried Alive AU, my Brickoppy/Suddenly Centaur AU, and the couple of one-shots I've been working on, soon.
I haven't been in a good headspace. The pandemic was wearing me (and I'm sure many many others) thin already, so it's taking me a bit to recover. Thanks for your patience.
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
Werewolf: *transforming* You have to go, now! I don’t want you to see me like this…
Human s/o: Don’t push me away! I’m not afraid of you!!
Werewolf: No no I’m just really dumb as a wolf and I don’t want you to see me bark at a mirror for two hours 
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
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If you dare come at me about banning straws, I will throw you into the sun cannon. I’m disabled, I’m crippled, I need disposable plastic straws, and all those pricey ridiculous alternatives aren’t working as well. Plastic straws were invented for the disabled.
Way to shit all over a vital access need because you think straws are worse than corporate greed.
We all care about the turtles, the seals, the oceans, obviously. Notice how the easiest thing to yell about was something that would barely affect anything but appealed heavily to emotional discourse.
The disabled community is huge, and it can be joined by anyone. Most of those As Seen On TV products were invented for us. Society still mocks us and ignores us, and often outright harms us in multiple ways.
Communicate better. Listen better. But stop putting us out in the cold because you are inconvenienced by our simplest needs.
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
good parents dont hit their children. good parents dont touch their children inappropriately. good parents dont scream at their children. good parents dont manipulate their children. good parents dont imprison their children at home. good parents dont threaten their children. good parents dont starve their children. good parents dont harass their children.
good parents do not abuse their children.
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ghost-requiem · 4 years
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