getwoswuguwu · 2 years
A bunch of different writing prompts MASTERLIST
updated 23.2.22
“Hate to break it to you, but …”
“Ok, this whole thing you’re doing? I’m gonna need you to stop.”
“I can’t help but feel jealous when you turn and smile at anyone else”
“So now what? You’re just gonna chase after them with a flashlight and righteousness?”
“To save you the time and me the breath …”
“Blackmail is more powerful than money. Once you have them with blackmail, you have them forever.” “I just asked you if I could borrow five dollars, I-”
“I can teach you something else if you want”
“Does anyone care what I think?” “I know I don’t!”
“Toss me!” “Toss you?!” “Do it!!”
“Hold my beer.” “This is a Capri-sun.”
“Wow that was so wild. Crazy”
“I hope common sense is the next cool trend”
“You think you can take me?”
“Bring it on.” “Enough with the movie references, can we just fight already?”
“Relax, there is no problem/we have no problems!” *B walks in* “Ok, one problem!”
“How did you even learn how to do this??” “It’s probably best that you don’t know.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.” “I guess that would be difficult.”
“You really think you can stop me? Adorable.”
“This is ridiculous, why did you make me carry you on my back?” “Stop complaining, I need a good vantage point!” “You can literally FLY!”
“Band-aids don’t fix bullet holes, *B*!” “Listen, I love a good Taylor Swift reference as much as the next guy, but now is probably not the time-”
“Don’t you have to be stupid somewhere else?” “Not until four.”
“Alright, fine. If I can’t get around you, I guess I’ll have to go through you!”
“So, you know how in _______, ___________ _______? That literally makes no sense.” “IT’S 1AM. Go to sleep!”
“For most people it goes, observe, think, speak. For *B* it goes a little differently.”
“This would be a lot easier if you weren’t so hot.”
“I don’t want your help, I want you safe!”
“Who buys 25 packs of balloons?!” “Leave me alone, it’s been a rough day!”
“Can you turn up the heat in here? It’s freezing in here!” “Sure baby, come on over here-” “nOt what I meant!!”
“Keep talking and maybe one day you’ll blurt out something intelligent.”
“I wish I was who you think I am”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” “How?” “That’s not your department.”
“An asteroid could hit Earth right now and I’d still be more upset about this”
“Could you please make an effort with them?” “I don’t care about them, I only care about is you.”
“Why not?” “Because I don’t want to die!” “You can be so boring sometimes why do I even hang out with you?”
“You know that’s never gonna happen, right?” “Just let me have this”
“You’re the Ethan to my Hila.” “You have to stop using modern references I have no idea what any of them mean”
“Rules are meant to be broken.” Actually, that’s not-“ "Come on!!”
“If I get shot, will you have my back?” “…. Well…” “Say yes!!”
“He’s the embodiment of everything wrong with the world. I’m kind of into it”
“Wow that was awful. Truly.” “Thank you.”
“I’d die for you.” “Please live for me instead.”
“I don’t know, it could be worse!” “But it could definitely be a whole lot better too.” “You have a point there.”
“I think I just met the human version of a dubstep remix.”
“You’re a mess. But you’re my mess.”
“If you don’t stop now I’m calling your mom!”
“Every time I see your face I go crazy.” “Crazy in a bad way or crazy in a good way?” “Undecided.”
“Love is like a plant. It has to be watered and nurtured and eventually it’ll grow and become stronger and stronger.” “Can our love be the plant that eats bugs and stuff? That one’s really cool.” “… sure.”
“If they don’t kill you, I will.”
“We’re going on a trip, in our favorite rocket ship-” “Please don’t sing the song-” “ZOOMING THROUGH THE SKY!!!”
“I can’t believe you’re scared of spiders, you’re massive.” “THEY’RE SMALL AND UNPREDICTABLE AND RUN REALLY FAST, OK?”
“My therapist won’t be happy when she hears about this.”
“You look awful. You look like someone drove you over, backed up, squashed you under their tyre and did donuts in an abandoned parking lot with your face in the ground. You look like someone crumpled you up and forced you down the garbage disposal. You look like someone played a game of Operation on you and didn’t clean you up afterwards. *pause* You look terrible.” “Yeah, I got that, thanks.”
“It’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it.” “You’re literally bleeding out!” “It’s fine-” “nO it’S NOT!!”
“I just wish you’d asked me first.”
“Poopity scoop.” “… can you please just-” “Poopity scoop. Poopity scoop”
“Can I please tell you-” “No, please don’t.” “… I love you.”
“So fight me, then!”
“Everything is going as planned!” “That’s because you have no plan.” “Exactly!”
“I love you.” “You shouldn’t.” “I know/I don’t care”
“I wish this thing came with an instruction manual.”
“You’re the only drug I need, baby” “That’s sweet but you still have to take your prescription”
“That’s not very professional”
“Argh, I broke a nail!” “Is that really your main concern right now??”
“That can’t be good.”
“Yet another day of oppression and agony. When will it end?” “We’ve been married for a week stop being so dramatic.”
“If anyone else asks me if I’m ok I’m going to go ballistic.”
“This doesn’t align with my morals.” “What morals?” “… fair point.”
“Shut up.” “..I didn’t say anything?” “Shhhh.”
“I just want to throw up and die”
“You make me wish I’d never been born.” “Funny, I was just wishing you’d never been born too!”
“What are you gonna do, sing about it?” “I might!!”
“I can’t keep going. Not like this.”
“What’s that?” “What’s what??” “That thing!!”
“Hey, so, uhm-” “What is it this time?”
“You make me wish I was better, I want to be better. But I don’t know how.”
“You’re the worst person I’ve ever met.” “Aw, thank you. That means a lot.”
“Did you know that during Prohibition, moonshiners would wear shoes with wooden blocks carved to look like cow hooves under them to leave hoofprints instead of footprints, helping them evade police?” “No, I didn’t, but more importantly, how did you know that?”
“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide …” “…*begrudgingly* No escape from reality.”
“Calm down, I don’t see what the big deal is.” “You stabbed me!!”
“What’s you excuse this time?” “I’m a little bit stupid :)”
“If you were a car, you’d be a BMW.” “Why?” “Cuz I want you to Be My Wife !” “…are you trying to propose to me?” “… Please say yes.”
“Oh no. That can’t be right.”
“You’re not allowed to do that!” “Says who?!” “Your mom.” “I can’t believe you called my mom.”
“You’re gonna have to stop narrating everything you’re doing, you’re gonna give us away.” “Sorry.”
“I’ve never wanted anything so much in my entire life.”
“He’s my worst enemy. My nemesis.” “Didn’t you meet him like five minutes ago?” “Yes.”
“This is it. This is my sign!” “… That’s a cereal box.”
“I’ve done my fair share of stupid things in my day, but this is just ridiculous.”
“I hate you. But I hate them more. So I guess my hatred for you can wait.”
“What? I told you it was going to be dinner with my parents.” “Yes but you didn’t tell me your parents were like that!”
“Whether you like it or not, I’m your only hope. So what’s it gonna be?”
“Can you stop it?” “What? I’m just looking at you.” “I know, it’s creepy, stop!”
“I don’t remember that, that doesn’t sound like me.”
“You think you can stop me? That’s so cute.”
“Can you just-” “CaN yOu JuSt-” “Stop!” “StOp!” “One of these days I am going to kill you.”
“I’ve never been this happy before.” “Not even when you had to wait at that burger place so they ended up giving you extra large fries for free that one time?” “Not even then.”
“Uhm, I fell.” “Upwards?”
“I feel like you’re not hearing me; I don’t want more flowers. I just want you here, at home, with me.”
“This is not how I thought tonight would go.” “I know, isn’t it great?!”
“Is it supposed to be able to bend that way?” “No, definitely not, this is bad.”
“How are you able to do that?” “I honestly have no idea.”
“You need me for something, don’t you?” “Oh please, like you don’t need me for something too.”
“Silvia…” “Yes, Mickey?” “How you call your loverboy?” “Come here, loverboy!” “And if he doesn’t answer?” “Oh, loverboy!” “And if he STILL doesn’t answer?” “Yo loverboy, you better listen up when I’m talking to you!-” “No babe, we practiced this”
“I’m not angry, just disappointed.” “For the last time, I didn’t know we only had one doughnut left or I would have asked you!”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” “Do you want to …sing about it?”
“You truly are one of a kind.” “Thank you.” “I didn’t mean that in a good way.”
“I know you think I’m the villain, but I’m not.”
“I just want you to be happy. Whether that’s with or without me.”
“Let’s never speak of this.” “Agreed.”
“You can’t pay to get this kind of entertainment, baby!” “You catching fifteen grapes in a row is not entertainment.” “Says who?!”
“Where are we?!” “What makes you think I’m any less lost than you are?”
“Let’s go back to our place.” “Our place?” “Yeah. If you want it to be.”
“I thought I could trust you.”
“Hey, uhm, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…” “Oh, no, don’t tell me you’re gonna go all sappy and confess your love and everything to me now, are you?” “Well now I’m certainly not gonna to do it!!”
“I don’t need your protection, I just need you!”
“This is making me really upset.” “I’m sorry but we don’t really have time for you to be upset about this right now.”
“Ugh, that kid is being so annoying.” “Isn’t that your daughter?” “Yeah, so?”
“I want to speak to the manager, please.” “Dude, this is a frat party, I don’t think they have-” “The manager!!!”
“What are you doing?” “What are you doing?” “Don’t change the subject!”
“Babe, we agreed to only use that code word for emergencies.” “I know, but-” “And a video of a turtle and a duck being best friends is not an emergency, is it?”
“I’m very easily upset and very outwardly aggressive, which is a terrible combination.”
“Wow, I’ve been really annoying today, haven’t I?” “Not any more than usual, sweetie.”
“Hey-” “No!” “Why are you groaning like that?” “No offense, but you’re the last person I wanted to see today.” “What, why?” “Cause I actually wanted to have a good day.”
“If I die on this night, then so be it! You have been a good friend, a trusted-” “You’re just going to a gas station, it’s not-” “Silence!!”
“I want you to stay. I’m asking you to stay.”
“Can you stop yawning, please?” “Sorry, but this is just so boring.” “It’s your daughter’s dance recital!”
“I don’t want to shoot you, but I will if I have to. Step aside.”
“You’re the most poorly written character I’ve ever met.” “What?” “What?”
“I don’t want to die, please don’t let me die!” “I’ll do whatever it takes to get you out of here alive, I promise.”
“I’m in love with you.” “Wow. I don’t know whether to thank you or give you my condolences, honestly.”
“What happened here?!” “I tried to catch a spider.” “With what, a flamethrower?!”
“This is amazing! How did you know I wanted this?” “What do you mean? I listened to you.” “You what now?”
“Over my dead body!” “Hm, shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Explain yourself!” “…I honestly don’t think I could even if I wanted to.”
“What are you doing here?!” “What do you mean? This is my house.” “You were dead two days ago!” “Oh, right, that. Well-”
“I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me.” “Would it help if I presented the information by way of dance?” “No but it would be funny”
“Hey, is this a bad time?” “Yeah, actually-” “Ok, great, so-”
“Unless they can hoedown, I’m not interested.”
“I can’t, I’m allergic.” “To water?” “… Yes.”
“Not to be rude but you’re the stupidest person I’ve ever met.” “Look who’s talking!!”
“I hate your guts.” “That makes two of us.”
“Do I know you?” “You will momentarily.”
“I didn’t come this far only to come this far.” (source)
“You can’t just say ‘yo mama!’ as a response to everything!” “Yo mama!” “no!!”
“Aren’t you supposed to help me?” “What do you mean? I am helping!” “You making paper airplanes out of the wrapping paper is not helping.”
“What are you thinking about?” “Wouldn’t you like to know?” “Yes, that’s why I asked dumbass”
“I don’t know how you’re gonna top this. Hopefully you won’t”
“This is gross, and illegal.” “So?” “Just thought I’d mention it.”
“Please don’t be mad”
“Why did you do that?!” “I don’t know!!”
“A good friend wouldn’t let me do this.” “It’s lucky I’m not a good friend, then.” “You’re right about that.”
“You know, you make being your guardian angel very difficult.”
“Every time I look at you I can only think of one thing.” “Oh yeah, what’s that?” “The Boney M 1994 smash hit that inspired an entire generation-” “Oh no” “Ra-Ra-Rasputin!!!!-” “PLEASE STOP”
“Don’t you think I’d love you back if I could?!”
“I’d rather eat a whole bag of pecans than spend another minute with you.” “…” “And I’m allergic to pecans.” “Yeah I got that.”
“Grief is the price we pay for love. Ask yourself if it’s worth it.”
“Get me out of here, now!” “What’s in it for me?” “Your head.” “… Alright.”
“I can’t do this anymore.” “You don’t have a choice.”
“I just want to make sure you’re ok.” “That’s very sweet of you but please stop flashing that flashlight into my eye every two seconds.”
“You want to what now?” “Open a bakery.” “That’s weird, I never saw you as the bakery type.” “Why not?” “Well for starters you’ve killed fifty people over the last two days.”
“I’m going to make you go first.” “Of course you are.”
“This makes no sense.” “Shut up.”
“I’d rather be stuck in a time-loop playing Monopoly forever than do that again.”
“Don’t take it personal, they always argue with people they like.” “I do not!”
“It’s of elvish make!” “Look, I don’t care if Elvis made it-” “… I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that.”
“Look upon me and fear!” “You’re 5'2” I could stomp you to death with one foot.“
"I’ve never used this before.” “It’ll be fine, just don’t- Don’t do that.”
“Can you cook me some-” “No.” “You didn’t even hear what I wanted you to make!” “Doesn’t matter. I’m never going into that kitchen ever again.” “What happened in there the last time?” “Horrors. Horrors you can’t imagine.”
“Careful!” “I’m always careful.” “That’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard.”
“It’s just personal preference.” “Whether or not to kill someone is not personal preference!”
“I wish you’d stop doing that.” “And I wish you’d stop being so annoying. Guess neither of us are getting what we want anytime soon, huh?”
“I hate you.” “I hate you too.” “… So, want to be friends?” “Sure.”
“I can’t believe you actually spent your money on this.” “I know, right?! You can’t put a price on this thing, baby!” “That’s.. that’s not what I meant.”
“Look, it’s obvious we won’t come to an agreement on this.” “Right.” “That leaves us only one choice, doesn’t it?” “Yes.” “Fight to the death-” “-Dance off.” “…”
“What would make you think I actually cared about you?” “Oh, please. You and I know both know the truth. You’re just too much of a coward to admit it.”
“Hey, are you listening to me?” “Sorry it’s just really hard to focus when you look like that”
“This is… interesting.” “No, this is wrong! This is vile, it’s disgusting!” “… Interesting.”
“For the hundredth time, constructive criticism about your cooking is not a personal attack-” “Then why did you say it in that tone?!”
“Don’t make me choose. Please don’t make me choose.”
“Well, they’re certainly sprightly, aren’t they?” “I don’t know what that means but yeah it sounds right.”
“Why do you always think the worst of people?” “Just saving time.”
“I just want you to push me up against the wall and shake me real good!” “Can this please wait we’re at Costco”
“Do you think they’d christen the baby with a squirt gun if we asked?” “… Why would we ask them about that?” “Do you think they would or no?”
“You wanna know what I think?” “No, but you’re probably going to tell me anyway.”
“I love you.” “Yikes, let’s not get into that right now.”
“Don’t talk to me!” “Please it was just a game of Monopoly-” “Silence!!”
“To save you the time and me the breath,”
“I know who you are.” “Oh, so you’ve heard of me?” “Your face is everywhere it’s kind of hard to ignore.” “Right.”
“Ye shall not pass!” “Please I just really need to pee!”
“I can’t believe they’re gone…” “Good riddance if you ask me!” “NOT at thE FUNERAL!”
“Don’t worry, I put the ‘fun’ in 'funeral’!” “I don’t want to find out what that’s supposed to mean.” “Oh, don’t worry, you will!”
“Look what you did!!” “You’re saying that like it wasn’t the point?”
“Every moment with you is a living nightmare.” “I’m glad.”
“Everyone has a weakness. Yours seems to be that you think you don’t have one.”
“There is a darkness deep within me… No matter my efforts it never ceases to claw at my heart, filling me with dread and despair day and night as I sleep and wake in a never ending cycle of doom and disaster, knowing I shall never be set free from the traps of time and torture within me..” “… Are you ok dude?”
“May I presume that you are, indeed, an idiot?” “Yes, you may.”
“I have to talk to you.” “Ok.” “And you need to actually listen.” “Oh..”
“Why on earth do you think I’m into you??” “You always use that sweet nickname for me, remember?” “'Stupid moron’ is not a sweet nickname!!”
“Don’t worry, nobody’s gonna see me.” “Someone is definitely going to see you.” “Why?” “Look at yourself!”
“Why are you so heinously incompetent?” “Can you please calm down, it’s only Monday morning.”
“Why are you smiling? I’m not dead yet, you know.”
“Hey babe, can you let me in? I forgot my keys.” “What’s the password?” “Can we not do this again we’ve lived together for five years-” “The PASSWORD!!!”
“Life is like a game of Monopoly, sweetheart. Equally chaotic and confusing with or without a plan.”
“I’m sorry I can’t go, I avoid any social situations at all costs.” “It’s our wedding-”
“Why are you so annoying?” “Why are you so mad about it?”
“Here are my final thoughts: You are stupid and this plan was dumb.” “Thank you.” “You’re welcome.”
“I’m sorry, I tried, I really did… I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”
“Please go away.” “We’re handcuffed together, how am I supposed to-”
“I love you with every fiber of my being.” “You’re a ghost so that really isn’t saying much sweetie.”
“Wait, you like me?” “Yeah, isn’t it obvious?” “You sure have a funny way of showing it!”
“I hate you!” “Well now we at least have one thing in common.”
“Listen, if ABBA could come together after both of their divorces and make more music together afterward, you can do this!” “Well after that passionate speech I guess I have no choice.”
“Sure, he’s handsome, but can he cook pecan pie without a recipe?” “Why would that matter?” “Answer the question!”
“You can disagree all you want but that doesn’t make me any less right.”
“You can’t make fun of me.” “Says who?” “Your ugly face, that’s who!”
“This has ‘This Will End Badly’ written all over it. Ready to go?”
“What happened in here?” “See, you ask me that but I don’t really know where to start-”
“Stop always asking me questions you know I don’t know the answer to.”
“I just wish things would make sense for a change.” “I wouldn’t count on it.”
“That’s *name*, otherwise known around these parts as the big dipshit.” “Oh, nice.”
“I’m not qualified to do this, but it’s never stopped me before, so I guess here goes nothing!”
“Oh, trust me, I can dance!” “Is that you or the tequila talking?”
“I don’t know what I thought was going to happen, but this was definitely not it.”
“What was that noise?” “What noise?”
“Gimme, gimmie, gimme a… serotonin.” “Are you ok?”
“Hi, nice to meet you. Prepare to be killed.”
“Where are we??” “Gee, I’m so glad you asked. Let me just activate my google maps implant and-”
“Hey, do you remember that time when-” “No. No, I do not. No further questions, please.”
“Why are you so upset all of the sudden?” “You killed my dad!” “Right, that.”
“I love you.” “Are we playing a game of telephone I don’t know about? What’s going on?”
“Don’t be stupid, I’m not in love with them! Why would you think that?” “Well for one thing you haven’t been able to close their facebook page from your browser in five weeks, so-”
“I just need someone to tell me they’re glad I’m alive.” “I am. So unbelievably glad, more than you could ever imagine.”
“Why aren’t you talking to me?” “Because I’m mad at you.” “Why?” “Need I remind you–”
“You’re everything I’ve ever dreamt of.” “So you’ve only ever had nightmares, huh?” “Yeah.”
“Isn’t it time for you to go to bed?” “Isn’t it time for you to mind your business??” “… Ok. Bed, now.”
“Are you drunk?” “Nooo, whyyy?” “Because you just told me you want to carry me around like a sloth baby.” “Ooooh my little sloth babyyyy!”
“Hon, it’s 4 am, why are you up?” “I… I just have to organize this bookcase…” “*sigh* ok, which is it, by height or color?”
“What did you say?” “WhAt DiD yOu SaY?” “STOP!”
“AHH!!” “What?? What is it?” “Why can you bend like that?!”
“I love you.” “YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW- Oh, wait, hold on-”
“That’s interesting.” “… You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?” “Not a clue.”
You come here often?“ "I- … We both live here.”
“I’m sorry but looking like that has to be a punishable offense.”
“Are you lying?” “Why would I lie?” “Because we’re sworn enemies and hate each other’s guts?” “Oh, right, that. Forgot”
“What are you doing??” “Bold of you to assume I’d have an answer to that question.”
“… Are you singing to yourself?” “Oh, yeah, sorry, I didn’t notice.” “No, please, keep singing. It’s nice.”
“Are you okay?” “No. But I will be, with time. I hope”
“Should we do something about this??” “… Or we could just do nothing?” “Yeah let’s do that.”
“How was the cult meeting?” “For the last time, family dinner is not-
"If you so much as look in their direction again, I will kill you, is that clear?”
“What are you doing here? I thought you were dead.”
“How long have you been having these nightmares?” “For months… I just need them to stop. I’ll do anything to make them stop.” “Anything?” “Anything.”
“I haven’t seen you since you blacked out and threw up in my shoes at that party last year.” “… So is that a ‘no’ to the date, or…?”
“Bro you must have the most selective hearing known to man.” “… Sorry, did you say something?” “AAARRRGH!!”
“I miss you. Please come home. Please.”
“He’s got a stick of something stuck up somewhere is you know what I mean.” “Nice.”
“I love you more than I love Ewan McGregor.” “Wow, babe, do you really mean that?” “…. yes.”
“Bro I’m pissed, you really can’t have s#!t in Detroit.” “…I gotta be honest, half the time I have no idea what you’re saying.”
“You really should get a grip.” “You’re one to talk!”
“Why did you do that?!” “I was just trying to be cool.” “Well, it did not work.”
“I gotta tell you, I don’t like our odds on this one.” “Since when has that ever stopped us?” “Just thought I’d mention it.”
“So, about last night…”
“How do you feel?” “Torn apart.”
“And you can be sure of this: I will never cry over it. Never.”
“This isn’t a competition, you know.” “Spoken like a true loser.”
“Hey, it’s me, hope you’re doing well.” “My dog died last night.” “Aw. Anyway-”
“I’m sorry, ok? Here, I brought cookies!” “You killed five people.” “Not a raisin person I see. Noted.”
“Where’s the kid??” “The what?” “You remember that you were supposed to pick them up today, right?” “… I gotta go real quick-” “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!”
“I can’t do it, I can’t…” “You don’t have a choice.”
“And whatever you do, don’t-” “Don’t what?” “… Do that.”
“I haven’t wanted anyone this bad in a long time.” “I hate that I have to ask this, but do you mean that in a romantic or violent way?” “Both.”
“How do you stay so good, even through all of this?”
“I need you to stay alive… please… I don’t know how to live without you.”
“I’m really glad you feel that you can be honest with me.” “Well you drugged me so I didn’t really have a choice-” “Shh. I really love the growth our relationship is going through.”
“Are you ok? And don’t lie to me.”
“Taken your meds today?” “Yeah, why do you ask?” “No reason.”
“I feel like I’m gonna throw up.” “Please don’t, this car’s new-”
“I think I’m ok now…” “You’re not.” “Why do you care, anyway? Aren’t you supposed to hate me?” “Be quiet. Lie still.”
“Ok bestie, I see what you’re saying.” “Please stop talking like that.”
“Ok, fine, it’s on. You. Me. Karaoke at eight.” “What kind of threat is that??” “You’ll see.”
“Did you just kick that guy in the nuts for no reason??” “Yeah, that’s feminism, baby!” “No, no, it’s really not-”
“Inhumane. Disgusting. I can’t believe you’d do something like that.” “Give me a break-” “Say hello to Geoffrey RIGHT NOW.” “He’s a dog, why do I have to-” “SAY IT!” “…. hello, Geoffrey.”
“Citation needed, please.”
“I don’t like the cut of their jib.” “Do you have to talk like that?” “Talk like what?” “Never mind.”
“We shouldn’t do this, it’s not right.” “Ok Mr. Geneva Conventions.”
“Now, kneel before me. Kneel!”
“Hey, come here a sec.” “Are you going to serenade me about how I’m the love of your life and how your universe would have no light if I weren’t in it?” “No?” “Then no.”
“You got what you wanted, didn’t you?” “I didn’t want it like this! Not like this…”
“I know it’s not much, but, maybe I could hold you, just for a little while.”
“If you want even the slightest chance of surviving this, you have to do exactly as I say, got it?”
“If only one of us is can make it out of here alive… it’s gonna be me.”
“Honey, what’s going on? Why are you crying?” “*sniffs* What if they don’t like the wrapping paper on the gift?” “They will, honey, don’t worry. Go back to sleep.” “Are you sure?” “One hundred percent. Trust me.” “Okay.”
“This is outrageous!” “Sweetheart, you have to calm down.”
“Back then I honestly didn’t think it could get any worse. But then I met them, and I thought, uh oh.” “And we’ve been inseparable ever since.”
“How was your day?” “Nice. Why do you ask?” “Because I wanted to make sure you had a nice last day before I kill you”
“Where are the others?” “You mean the scum you call friends?” “Yes, now where are they?”
“You’re an idiot.” “Takes one to know one.”
“Why did you do that?? I got what you were saying, I didn’t need a demonstration!”
“Listen, we don’t want any trouble.” “Well I guess that’s too bad, cuz I do.”
“What are you laughing at?- Actually, I don’t wanna know.”
“If only one of us is can make it out of here alive… it’s gonna be me.”
“Honey, what’s going on? Why are you crying?” “*sniffs* What if they don’t like the wrapping paper on the gift?” “They will, honey, don’t worry. Go back to sleep.” “Are you sure?” “One hundred percent. Trust me.” “Okay.”
“This is outrageous!” “Sweetheart, you have to calm down.”
“Back then I honestly didn’t think it could get any worse. But then I met them, and I thought, uh oh.” “And we’ve been inseparable ever since.”
“How was your day?” “Nice. Why do you ask?” “Because I wanted to make sure you had a nice last day before I kill you”
“Where are the others?” “You mean the scum you call friends?” “Yes, now where are they?”
“You’re an idiot.” “Takes one to know one.”
“Why did you do that?? I got what you were saying, I didn’t need a demonstration!”
“Listen, we don’t want any trouble.” “Well I guess that’s too bad, cuz I do.”
“What are you laughing at?- Actually, I don’t wanna know.”
“Happy birthday!” “My birthday was a month ago.” “Yikes.”
“So what are you doing to celebrate this year?” “The same thing I always do.” “Wallow in loneliness and self-loathing?” “Yup.”
“Tomorrow would’ve been their twenty-first birthday.” “Would have been?” “Yes. As in I’m going to kill them so they won’t live to see it.”
“I never thought I’d live to see this day.” “I’m so glad you have.” “Me too.”
“Happy birthday.” “How’d you know it’s my birthday?” “Just a lucky guess. Anyway, here’s your ID.” “Where did you get that??”
“I hope you like it, baby.” “Aw, this is so sweet, you shouldn’t have-” “… Well?” “Sweetie, what is that?”
“I know you usually hate celebrating your birthday, so I thought I’d make it a little bit extra special.” “By kidnapping me?” “Now you’re being a little dramatic.”
“Happy birthday!” “Didn’t we celebrate my birthday last year?” “Birthdays are kind of an annual thing.” “Oh.”
“I just want this day to go by in silence, ok?” “Sure, whatever you want.” “Thank you.”
“Do you know what kind of cake they’d like?” “How am I supposed to know that? Cake-preference isn’t really a common topic of conversation on the battlefield.”
“I need a reason to stay.” “I can’t give you any. Not any good ones, anyway.” “A bad one will do.”
“Want to know why everyone hates you? It’s because you are so obviously the envy of everyone in this room and yet totally unaware of it. It’s infuriating.”
“Remember that summer by the cabin when we stole your grandad’s boat and got stuck in the middle of the lake?” “I remember you being the reason we got stuck because you dropped one of the oars in the water.”
“Come, dance with me.”
“I don’t regret a single second I’ve spent with you.”
“You make me miserable, you know that?” “Then how come you’re smiling?”
“Don’t open your eyes yet!”
“You can’t tell me what to do.” “Listen, normally I’d let you do what you want, but when that thing involves holding a knife to my face, I feel like I should get to have some say.”
“Now, I’m not saying if I saw them in a burning building I would leave them in there, but-”
“Why does every outing with you have to turn into some sort of ethical dilemma?” “More fun that way.”
“So, yeah, anyway. Where was I?” “You’d just killed your brother with a teacup.” “Right. So, he comes back to life-”
“Boy, have I got news for you!”
“According to my sources, that’s a load of bullshit.” “What sources?” “How about my common sense?”
“Never you mind!”
“I’m not mad, she had to do what she had to do.” “She kidnapped your mom!” “I’m just saying,”
“I’m not so sure about this…” “That’s why you’re not the one in charge!”
“Suck it up buttercup, we’ve got work to do.”
“That’s interesting, but have you considered this…” “… what?” “Therapy?”
“I’d like to suggest a heart-to-heart conversation about this, but considering you don’t have one, that’d be difficult.” “Quite.”
“What happened here?” “I-” “No, stop, I don’t want to know.”
“You’re the eager kind, I see.” “No, just impatient.”
“I had no time to think, so I made a judgment call. But, as I should have known from previous experience, I have very poor judgment.”
“Well, what if you-” “No.” “What?” “I don’t want advice, I just want to complain.” “All right. Go off then, I guess.”
“I’m so single even my mom won’t return my calls.” “Your mom is dead, sweetie.” “I know, but still.”
“Just get it done; it doesn’t much matter how.” “… Machete?” “Yes.” “Gun?” “Yes.” “Lazer gun?” “Yes.” “Rabid monkey?” “Yes.” “Hm… what about a voice-activated fighting drone that shoots lemon juice into people’s eyes-” “JUST GET IT DONE!”
“How was your day?” “Oh, you know, the usual.” “I doubt there’s much ‘usual’ about your usual day.” “I won’t fight you on that one.”
“Well, what do you think?” “He’s nice.” “And?” “And I hate him with every fiber of my being.” “Why am I not surprised.”
“What are you doing?” “Waiting for inspiration to strike.” “How’s it going so far?” “Not good.”
“Crap, what do we do?!” “I don’t know! I majored in physics not in fighting big ugly monsters!” “Look, I don’t think calling it ugly is helping!”
“If nothing’s killed me so far, I doubt this will.” “One can only hope.”
“If we lose this-” “It’s just a game of Capture the Flag honey, it’s not that serious-” “If we lose this, I’m divorcing you.”
“What do you want from me?” “You’ll see soon enough.”
“Can I ask you a favor?” “Can you ask me? Yes. Will I do it?” “… you haven’t even heard what I was going to ask-” “No.”
“Never underestimate the power of a well-timed prank, young padawan.” “See, this is why I never introduce you to people.”
“Not to sound desperate, but, we’re desperate.”
“Don’t ever ask me about that again, is that clear?”
“Hear that?” “Hear what?”
“There you are! I’ve missed you!” “What- What’s going on?”
“Am I supposed to know who you are?”
“I’m bored, wanna do something?” “Sure, what do you want to-” “Bank robbery.” “…” “…” “Should I be concerned?”
“Please, tell me what’s wrong.” “*sigh* Lately, I don’t know, I guess I just don’t feel seen.” “Well, I am blind, darling.” “Yes, of course, sorry. My bad.”
“I love you.” “I don’t believe that.” “Doesn’t change the fact that I do.”
“What’s it going to take to convince you?”
“I’m in love with you.” “… What in the world for?”
“I would prefer death to this.” “I really wish you’d stop talking like that.”
“Why is your face purple?”
“I haven’t felt like this in a long time.”
“But I’ve realized that I’ll never be enough for you. And as much as it hurts me to say it, I’ve realized that you’ll never be enough for me, either.”
“I’m so nervous.” “It’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
“I was fine on my own, and then you came waltzing in with your long eyelashes and beautiful smile, and now look at me, I’m a mess of epic proportions. And it’s all your fault.”
“Something tells me I’m going to regret this.”
“This will be a lot easier for the both of us if you don’t fight.”
“Fighting is a lot more intimate than undressing, don’t you think?”
“What, you’re not hungry?” “Not hungry enough to eat whatever that is.”
“Why do you have to be so difficult? Sit still!”
“Get out of the way kid, this is none of your business.” “Oh no you don’t. If anyone’s going to kill her, it’s gonna be me.”
“This is getting ugly. We have to leave, now.”
“Don’t you realize that I’m only trying to protect you?”
“I want to stay with you.” “You know I’d never let you do that.” “Why?!” “Why do you think?!”
“Wait, were you worried about me?” “Don’t flatter yourself, I just didn’t want to have to deal with your corpse.”
“Look, I’m sorry I burned your house down and eradicated your entire family, but I think it’s time for you to stop holding a grudge.”
“Don’t give me that. You meant what you said and you know it.”
“All of that to say… I hate you and I wish you were dead.”
“Man, what’s up with that guy?” “He’s just like that. You get used to it. I hope.”
“Don’t you think you’re being a little overdramatic?” “I will literally set you on fire right now.”
“Don’t you think you should reconsider your copious intake of *insert food/drink*?” “Don’t you think you should shut your mouth?”
“This seems like a needlessly complicated way to do this.” “Well I’m in charge so if you have any better suggestions you’re free to keep them to yourself.”
“You want to tell me what’s going on here?” “No, no. Definitely not.”
“Will you stop that?” “Stop what? I wasn’t doing anything!” “I know. Just thought I’d save us the time for when you eventually do something.”
“I haven’t let a man speak to me that way since 2005, and I certainly am not about to now.”
“I promise you’ll be okay.” “What about you?” “Don’t worry about me. Just get out and don’t look back.” “But-” “Promise me.”
“We’re gonna need a whole lot of glitter glue to get out of this one, ladies.”
“That’s my girl.”
“You’re crazy!” “Oh, honey, rest assured, you don’t even know the half of it.”
“How can you be so calm right now?!” “Worrying won’t change anything. You need to calm down.” “Don’t tell me to calm down! You just blew that guy’s head off!!”
“Why are you wearing that thing?” “What thing?” “For goodness sake- YOU’RE WEARING A TRAFFIC CONE ON YOUR HEAD!”
“Don’t you realize how much is at stake?” “You know I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
“That’s embarrassing.”
“Look, I’m not any more thrilled about this than you are, but can we pretend to like each other for one night?” “All right, fine. But just know that I’ll be wanting to throw up the whole time.” “Likewise.”
“Wait, are you saying what I think you’re saying?” “That kind of depends on what you think I’m saying. But, yeah, sure.”
“What’s wrong with your face?” “What do you mean?” “Oh, wait- You always look like that? Yikes.”
“I would strongly encourage you not to do that.” “Why?” “You don’t want to know.”
“Come with me, please.”
“What’s that smell?”
“You kiss your mother with that mouth?” “Well, your mom never complained.”
“Just admit defeat, you’re completely powerless.” “Maybe. But that doesn’t mean I’m defeated just yet.”
“I’m here to do a job. Feelings have nothing to do with it.” “How naïve. Feelings have everything to do with it.”
“So how do you two know each other?” “We’re married.” “Oh!”
“How dare you speak to me that way?”
“I can’t go in there! Are you crazy?” “And why on earth not?” “Look how I’m dressed!” “Darling, you could wear a potato sack and still be the marvel in any room. Now let’s go show them, shall we?”
“Trust me, you’re doing great, just keep going.” “I’m so scared, I can’t do this!!” “Yes, you can. Trust me, you’re almost there!”
“I’m quite proud of you.”
“How do I know I can trust you?” “Well you’ll be dead in about two minutes if you don’t, but it’s up to you.”
“I would be lying if I said I didn’t see the signs… But then again I’m dyslexic, so-”
“Man, not this guy again…” “What?” “I’ve killed that guy five times already but he keeps coming back, it’s really starting to get on my nerves… Wait here, I’ll be right back.”
“You’re not scared of me. I like that.”
“What’s going on??” “Be quiet.” “Why?” “I’m grieving.” “Grieving what?” “My dignity.”
“Well I might not be the smartest guy around, but even a broken clock is right once a day!” “No, that’s… That’s not…”
“Do you see now why everyone hates you?” “Yes, isn’t it marvelous!”
“Are you ok?” “Please don’t ask me that.”
“Where are you going?” “I don’t know yet. But I’ll let you know when I get there.”
“Just because I’m not allowed to do it doesn’t mean I can’t do it. There’s a difference!”
“Enough talking. You came here to play, didn’t you? So, let’s play.”
“He’s dangerous.” “How? He seems nice.” “Exactly; he’s charming. And charm is a man’s most effective weapon.”
“Stop talking, please. Your voice is shrill and piercing and thoroughly unpleasant.” “A simple ‘shut up’ would suffice, you know.”
“I’m having murder thoughts. Come back later.”
“I can’t do it!” “Just shoot your shot, dude. One day they’ll be dead and so will you.”
“I’m so sorry I hurt you.” “Don’t sweat it, I could’ve just as easily have hurt you.” “Well, it’s cute that you think that.”
“May I thunder victoriously against him in the battle for your heart, my sweetest one.”
“What’s going on?!” “Just do as I say and ask questions later!”
“All right, that’s it! Your bloodline ends here!”
“This doesn’t look very promising, does it?” “In my humble opinion? No.”
“Is that mistletoe I see?” “I’m pretty sure that’s poison ivy, actually.” “Well, I’m not picky.”
“Am I crazy, or-” “Yes.” “… You didn’t even hear what I-” “Don’t need to.”
“I’ve loved you from the first moment I ever laid eyes on you.” “Wasn’t that at that party when I was hurling my guts out into the toilet?” “Okay so maybe not the very first moment,”
“Hate you.” “Hate you too. Have a nice day, sweetie.” “You too, babe. See you after work.”
“You followed a recipe this time, right?”
“Are we really about to have this discussion again?” “Yes, and we will keep having it until you realize that I’m right and you’re wrong!”
“How did you end up way out here?”
“Let me tell you something.” “Hm?” “If anyone were ever to write a biography about you, it’d be called The Life of a Dumbass. And situations like this are the exact reason why!”
“Why?” “I don’t know why, and I don’t care why!”
“I’ll give you a word of advice: never wear two pairs of socks.”
“I learned at seventeen why you should never ever wear two pairs of socks.”
“I’m a little kerfuffled.”
“That’s a good example of childhood trauma she hasn’t recovered from.”
“Maybe the oldies are onto something with this.”
“I’m forever in your debt, my friend.” “Just buy me a burger and we’ll call it even, okay?”
“I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I think you may be overthinking this.”
“I just want to be with someone who makes me want to live. Someone who makes me glad I’m alive, who’ll make me see the beauty of it. Right now, all I can see is the pain. I want to smile again.”
“I thought you didn’t care about me.” “Only you would be stupid enough to think that.”
“I know you’re a little behind the times, but that’s extreme even for you.”
“It’s scary.” “All of life is scary, sweetheart. But you can’t give up.”
“He’s a complete and utter grump and she’s a precious ray of sunshine. It’s meant to be.”
“Whew, glad that’s over!”
“Everyone’s going to see straight through this.” “No way, I paid top dollar for this!” “Where, the dollar store?!”
“I’m really nervous.” “Me too.” “Yeah?” “Yeah.”
“I had a really good time tonight.”
“You look gorgeous. As always.”
“Look, kid, this isn’t personal. It’s just business.” “You stole my grandfather’s ashes!” “Again, nothing personal.”
“Wow, I’ve never seen such a terrible bowler in my entire life.” “Shut up!”
“But just so you know, I intend on being as confusing and annoying as possible the entire time.”
“In terms of sense, there is none detected.”
“I can fix this, I can fix this!” “How?!” “I don’t know, but I can!!”
“Whatever you decide, whether I agree with your decision or not, I’ll support you.”
“Have you seen my bee-jar?” “Your what-now?” “My jar full of bees. Thought that’d be pretty self-explanatory.” “Yeah, I got that part,”
“Being a rational person, I’d strongly advise you against doing this. But I’m also a curious person, so by all means, go ahead.”
“Down, boy.”
“I feel conflicted.” “Why?”
“You obviously aren’t able to take care of yourself right now, so, just for now, I’m going to do it for you. But just know I’m not happy about it.”
“Maybe, just maybe, this was a bad idea.” “You think?!”
“I’ve done a lot of stupid things, but that was by far the stupidest.”
“This is not an insult, just an observation,”
“Oh no! … Anyway.”
“Just seems like everyone’s coming after me these days.” “Wonder why.”
“Room’s a mess, just the way you like it.”
"Don't be fooled, what you're witnessing is a crime."
"Just you wait."
"Deep breaths, come on. Deep breaths."
"This stuff is intoxicating." "Thanks!" "As in poisonous." "Oh."
"What do you mean 'why am I laughing'?!"
"Don't ever say I never do anything for you."
"You thought I wouldn't notice, huh?" "Shut up."
"I don't want to talk about it."
"What's so funny?"
"Is that a fact or are you just guessing?" "Do you even have to ask?"
"Look what I found!" "Oh, wonderful honey, wonderful, let me see. What is that...? IS THAT A SNAKE?!"
"Why are you doing that?" "I'm a little forgetful these days, so I need these notes to remind me of things." "You won't forget me, right?" "Oh, never! And if it ever seems like I have, I'm just playing a game, so you just play along, ok?" "Ok!"
"Look at my dress!" "Spectacular. Stunning. Slay."
"Have you seen my glasses?" "You mean the ones on the top of your head?"
"I picked you these flowers." "Daisies! My favorite!"
"I'll tell you, the world's a lot different now from when I was your age." "How?"
"Tell me a story!" "I think you've heard all of my stories, honey... Well, except one."
"I'm not interested in that stuff anymore, grandma/grandpa." "Pity me, I guess I missed the newsletter in which that announcement was made!"
"Did you really make these?" "Yes, I did." "Can you show me how?"
"Why are you walking like that?" "I put my leg on the wrong way this morning, I think!"
"I will not accept defeat. You either win, or you die." "All right, calm down, dude."
"Over my dead body."
"Why are you doing that?" "I'll give you a hint: Revenge."
"You have to leave. Now!"
"This is without a doubt going to have international implications." "It's just pie, honey-" "Just pie?!"
"Don't you think they're a little young for this?"
"Why did you do this to me?"
"You shouldn't be here!" "Neither should you!"
"Let's have a glass of milk and calmly discuss this like adults."
"Together?" "Together."
"Watch this." "Do I have to?"
"Like braids in short hair, I too am barely holding it together."
"I'm burnt out." "We just started!"
"I actually hold a world record." "Oh, cool! In what?" "Dumbassery."
"What's that smell?"
"How's that fair?"
"When I wake up I'm afraid of the idea of facing the day." "I'm sorry to ask this, but, are you... are you quoting Adele?"
"Take no pity, take no prisoners."
"If I'd known I'd have brought some flowers!"
"Meet me at the hotel room." "Ok, Mr. Pitbull."
"He's an evil prick." "Isn't he-" "My husband? Yes."
"I've come to steal and plunder, fellas."
"As they say, sharing is caring." "I don't think it applies in this situation."
"Play me something." "I haven't played in so long, I don't know..." "Please."
"If I'm going down-" "I'm going with you. I know, I know."
"I'll do whatever's necessary." "I hope so. For your sake. And for the sake of your loved ones."
"How's that even possible??" "We don't know."
"It's always excuses with you!"
"Out of all the people I hate, I hate you the most." "Aw, you really mean that?"
"I haven't been this stressed since I led the conga-line at Uncle Larry's wedding."
"You know... maybe I'm the problem." "You think?!"
"Now what in the fresh-" "My mother's here!" "-homemade bread is going on here? Roberta! Good to see you."
"It is as I suspected, he's a moron."
"Uh oh." "What do you mean 'uh oh'?!"
"Why are you shaking?"
"You're making it really hard for me to play nice right now."
"Tomorrow, he dies."
"Look at this plant!!"
"I'm hearing a lot of accusations and not seeing a whole lot of evidence!" "The dishes are right there!" "... Touché."
"It's time to get the old noggin' joggin', fellas."
"You're coming home with me."
"Please go buy some furniture, I'm begging, this is so sad."
"I suggest you get my name out of your mouth with quickness and haste, honey."
"He just told me I'm Corbin Bleu-ing it, what does that mean?" "I'm so sorry, he means to say that you're pushing it." "... To the limit?" "...Yeah."
"Does he always talk using movie references, or...?" "For my own sanity's sake, I'd prefer not to answer that."
"It's crime time, boys!"
"We're on the same page here." "Yeah, in different books!"
"It's time for you to step up."
"I'll take it from here."
"I'm trying my hardest not to be creepy here." "Yeah, well, try harder."
"Poor baby."
"How you like me now?"
"For once I'm going to need you to work with me instead of against me." "What's in it for me?"
"Come again?"
"You heard what I said."
"Can I ask you for some advice?" "Sure, but there's no quality guarantee." "Obviously."
"Why is she doing that?"
"I fear this is a real threat to my mental stability." "What mental stability?"
"Given the choice of failing on the cautious side and failing on the risky side, I've found the best place to land is in the middle."
"Be forewarned: I'm about to become ten times more insufferable."
"Since when do you knit?" "Since when did I give you permission to be all up in my business? Exactly. So shut up."
"Get in here, right now!"
"And I've been clear on that since the beginning."
"Give me the keys!"
"There's no way, there's just no way."
"Since when?"
"Is this what love is supposed to feel like?"
"I'm not going to let how I look, dictate the way I live my life."
"I feel like I'm gonna throw up." "It's cuz you're always on that phone!"
"I hate you." "Marry me."
"Life is a highway, and I'm always stuck in traffic."
"Bestie I will tear you to shreds."
"Your mother didn't carry you for nine months for you to behave like this." "You don't know my mom at all, do you?"
"Great, so out of two hundred-and-sixteen passengers there's not a single pilot/captain/doctor on board, but we've got five marine biologists, two graphic designers, ten chefs, one Banksy impersonator, and four composers. Fantastic. We're all gonna die." "Anyone here a funeral directory by any chance?"
"Why would you lie about something like that?"
"Stop being so dramatic." "There's a bone sticking out of my arm!" "And?"
"¿Como es?" "I don't speak french, sorry." "*visible confusion*"
"Boo, you psychopath."
"Make no mistake, vengeance will be ours." "Grandma-"
"I know you don't mean to, but sometimes you come across as very villainous."
"Do I regret it? Absolutely. Would I do it again? Without a doubt."
"You've got a real attitude problem, kid." "That's just his personality, sir."
"This isn't a competition, dude." "You're right, it's not even close!" "That's not what I meant."
"I want to go home..." "I know, I know. We will, soon, okay?"
"I've decided to be nice." "... Why?"
"Could you please shut up and stop being so annoying?" "Sorry, you're gonna have to pick one, I can't do both."
"Do you recognize this?" "Where did you find that?"
"Here, you're gonna need this." "Is that a machine gun? Who brings a machine gun to lunch??"
"And when I rule the world,-" "Don't you mean 'if'?" "... As I was saying, when I rule the world,"
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
literally geto suguru (16) jujutsu sorcerer turned monk wannabe
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34 notes · View notes
getwoswuguwu · 3 years
satoru being left out one time ‘cause suguru and shoko are smoking and having the time of their lives
and so theyre like, offering him a stick but he refuses with a pout,,,
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
oh god its goooood this is fucking canon
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After Shibuya case AU?
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
tangina tawang tawa ako putek
Yuji: Thinking about in seventh grade when when I got escorted to the police station after school because they found out I was prank calling local businesses as "Ricky Pee Pee" and when I walked in, Gojo, who was waiting there with Nanamin to talk to me, said, "If it isn't Ricky Pee Pee".
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
naoya telling blue balls queen that their purpose is to cuddle him
note: this is the only way Naoya would ever ask to cuddle warning: just like, referenced smut and some naughty words related drabbles
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Naoya hates that you’re always so quick to leave your bed right after you fuck. Not because he wants you to stay but because it makes him seem slow in comparison, like he’s lingering and wants more than just to fuck you so hard that the only thought you’re capable of thinking is about how good his cock feels inside of your cunt. 
This is exactly what happens one night when you somehow manage to be even quicker than usual. You already have a shirt over your head and are slipping on a new pair of underwear when you look over you shoulder and see that he’s still in the same spot as when you climbed off of him and his cock. 
“What?” he sneers when he sees you staring at him. You roll your eyes and grab his boxer briefs from the floor.
“Get the fuck out of my bed and out of my apartment,” you huff as you throw his underwear in his face before walking out of the bedroom and leaving him alone.
“What? Ya don’t wanna cuddle?” he calls after you sarcastically as he takes a moment to stretch before he sits up and begins to slide his boxer briefs up his legs. “Keep actin’ like that and I’ll start thinkin’ the only thing ya care about is my body.”
You amble back into the bedroom with a beer in hand to grab the phone charger on your dresser.
“C’mon, baby. Don’t be like that. I’m sure you’ve got a great personality,” you mock in return, not even bothering to spare him a glance before you’re gone once again. 
And as usual, Naoya is left alone to stew over how you always manage to get the last word. 
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
kansai language CHECK asshole? CHECK hot looks that makes yer pussy throb? CHECK
mamoru miyano can voice naoya zenin if possible
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
reader is a special grade sorcerer so they have the audacity to mock a special grade one like na*ya
👀 Naoya hate fic?? 👀 what if 👀 building on that bit you posted earlier, 👀 the woman he’s interested 👀 in said she’d stay only 👀 when he was the clan head 👀
I feel like the only way hate fucking with Naoya would work is if you’re completely ambivalent to his status as clan head because anything else would show some form of respect for his clan and his position. And the thing that fuels his hatred for you (and makes your hate fucking so fucking hot every single time) is how little respect you show him and his position as the future head of the Zen’in clan.
He’s the one trying to tout his new status as clan head to impress you but he should have known better. Somehow, you always seem to know things that you shouldn’t. When he tells you that he’s just been made the head of the Zen’in clan, he should’ve known that it was foolish to expect that you would finally kneel before him with respect and start calling him Zen’in-sama. 
Because when he shows up on the doorstep to the tiny one-bedroom apartment you live in -- a far cry from the grandeur of the imposing Zen’in clan compound -- to tell you that he’s now the clan head of one of the Three Great Families, you lean your shoulder against the doorframe and cross your arms over your chest with a smirk. There’s something in the way you hold yourself and the glint in your eyes that has his own smug grin fading just slightly.
“Clan head, hmm?” you ask, a faux look of innocence gracing your infuriatingly beautiful features. “That’s interesting. Because I heard that your old man agreed to pass you over for clan head and give the title to some Jujutsu Tech First Year...”
Naoya sees red and before he knows what he’s doing, he has his hand wrapped around your throat as he pins you to the wall of your pathetically small entryway. His grip on your throat grows tighter as he tries to cut off your laughter.
“I’m going to kill that speck of dirt, Megumi,” he hisses menacingly, but you only raise an amused eyebrow that has him squeezing your throat just a little bit harder. “And when I do, I’ll have secured my rightful place as clan head. And then, you’ll get on your knees for me where you belong.”
“But, Zen’in-sama,” you purr and he hates that the only way “Zen’in-sama” leaves your lips is if you’re mocking him. His hatred only grows when it makes his cock twitch in his pants. “Of the two of us, I think you’re the one who belongs on their knees.”
The air between you is charged and he hates how you’re smirking like you’ve already won. He hates how he releases your throat and sinks down to his knees in front of you, tugging your jeans and underwear down with him as he goes, even more.
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
In undercover mission-
Twice : According to Scooby Doo secret tunnels are always behind shelves and there’s going to be one.
Kurogiri : Could you not base your opinion on what does or doesn’t happen in Scooby Doo?
Shigaraki : We should split up. We’ll be able to cover more grounds and look for clues.
Kurogiri : finally a person wh-
Shigaraki : Also that’s what the Scooby gang would do.
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
this is so good can sm1 make an au of this
thinking about a satosugu howls moving castle au w howl!gojou and witch of the wastes!getou and the devastating tragedy of gojou seeing this guy he truly loved turn into this evil witch hated by the public and getous too far gone he’s beyond gojous reach and gojou tries to fill that hole that getou left and that’s how he become known as the heart eating menace
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
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Lets be honest this is everyone @ Endeavour
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
I feel like its pretty poignant that Hawks was still determined to be a hero last chapter, and this chapter basically everyone else decided to give up being heroes
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
oh my fucking god oxford comma
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
Yaga, looking down at his laptop, working: While you’re at it, could you get a two piece chicken meal for me.
Yaga: Satoru? Oh fuck’s sake-
Gojo, tearing up: That was his favourite.
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
gojo: explain yourself, suguru
shoko, at kfc's building, having the time of her life with a chicken bucket: this is where the fun starts
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
getou, freshly reincarnated into his own body again: let's free gojou and make the elders EXTRA mad
gojou: babe. babe you just came back to life why would you trigger ANOTHER execution on sight order
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getwoswuguwu · 3 years
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YuueiTeacher!Endeavor family life. A warm, comfy home filled with love (what could have been). Touya loves and respects him, he’s just an edgy teen that is in the rebel stage. Touya and Enji are just way too similar.
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