Sakura's Tea Review #5: Raspberry Nectar
Mmmmm!!! So good!
The color is a brilliant red-pink!!!
The smell is soooo sweet!!!
The taste resembles that of the actual raspberry fruit!
This is the best one from the box so far!
Overall rating: 5/10
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2 Days Alive!!
Hello! I am 2 days old now! Hehe
Yesterday i had absolutely no control over shell and that's no good. I need to work harder!! For her!
Im gong to start today off with some tea: raspberry nectar and oolong.
Im excited.
Lately the others have been calling me Sasara by accident. I dont really care. Its a cool name, so im happy!
Today my goal is to take better care of Shell. Wish me luck! ;D
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1/7/17 Update
Calories: 1400~
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1/6/17 Update
Calories: 800
Weight: 127
Goals: One meal
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Sakura's Tea Review #4: Berry Basket and Black Cherry Mixture
Color: Urine yellow?
Taste: pretty ok. Was a black tea mixture so the fruit didn't really come through
Smell: nothing really
Overall Rating: 3.25/10
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Sakura's Tea Review #3: Blueberry Merlot
Smelled good.
Pretty purple color.
Tasted weak.
Good taste anyway.
Overall Rating: 3.75/10
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Weight Update.
Weighed in at 127.
Highest weight yet, but...
Now that I'm here, we can get it to a pretty number...
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Sakura's Tea Review #2: Cherry Marzipan
Good morning! I have been alive for 12 hrs and 32 minutes now, so I am happy.
I tried this tea called Cherry Marzipan and I was really excited for it.
It smelled pretty good when I opened the package, so I thought it'd be pretty good tasting.
It took forever to steep. I kept drinking it and only tasted water. The taste wasn't strong at all even after the water changed color. I didnt like it as much as I thought I would.
Overall Rating: 1.25/10
Ok, bye! Shell has community service, so that's where I'll be!
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Sakura's Tea Review #1: Vanilla Pear
I was really excited about this one.
The smell was very good, but when i drank it it was just mediocre.
I wouldn't drink it again, but it wasn't terrible.
It kinda made my face scrufh at every sip. It might've been because of the other ingredients, but I'm not sure.
Overall rating: 3.75/10
Goodbye! I'll be sleeping soon. I'm ready for my first morning alive.
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Update :3
Here are some images from Burn Your Fat with Me FG. It's a decently made app, but you kinda have to be a degradee to enjoy it.
Right now I am finishing my cherry tea, but I was just told of a magical box with around 30 flavore of tea. Apparently there's cherry ones too, so I'm excited for those. I might go for something un-fruity though considering it's 1:39 am.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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Exercise Otome??
Hey!! I've been alive for 33 minutes, and I'm liking this shell so far.
The only things I've done today are drink cherry tea, use the bathroom, and have a few conversations, but now I'm going to have some fun!
I downloaded an app on our phone called "Burn Your Fat with Me!! FG," so I hope it's good. I'll probably update on here later, but the app just finished downloading. IMMA CHECK IT OUT.
Peace :3
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Introducing... Sakura Kujikawa!!!
I am Sakura Kujikawa, here to help this girl out!
Just a little background on this shell:
December 5th: 110 (started restricting) January 23rd: 97 (Started eating) Sometime Later: 111 (Started restricting) May 5th: 105 (Got caught by parents) January 6th: 125
So that's basically her ED history.
I'm here to help her back down. No I'm not going to kill her, but the others are kind if worn out from trying to help her, so they created me!!!
Now here's a little information about me!
Name: Sakura Kujikawa (you know this already)
[my name is very japanese. probably because the shell's mind conjured it after bingereading manga.)
Age: 15 (just like the shell. Although my technical age is just over 6 minutes)
Birthday: January 6th (that's today!!)
Family: well of course we have the shell, but we also have Kura and Kazia (yes, Kura's name is very similar to mine, but that's because im a bit similar to her.)
[i dont know if Kura and Kazia will be present while im here, but we'll just have to see. Who knows... i might just be an evolved Kura... itd make sense considering the name]
Ok. I cant really think of any other information. (I like cherry tea. Mostly because of my name.) Before, i end this post, i just want to put my personal goal down here.
Goal: I want to make shell feel beautiful. I don't want to see her feel worthless anymore. I know she's been happy before, i want to see her genuine smile again. She won't be happy until she sheds the recovery pounds so thats my first intent. As for further than that... i'll just have to see where we are when we get there.
Goodbye for now!! <3
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