gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
oh fuck you bethesda now i want to go back to my dishonored blogs!!! i don’t need this!!!!! BETHESDA GET OUT AND STOP THREATENING MY VOID BOYFRIEND’S LIFE
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
sorry for not being on all weekend!! it’s been a very busy two days and now that im finally available my spoons are depleted :’) but tomorrow should be good for replies again after i finish some summer coursework!! once i get a decent schedule going things should be more regular. thanks for patience ;;
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
when will my spoons/attention span come back from the war
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
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Herbs - Royal Elfroot
Royal Elfroot is a rarer variety of elfroot and is found to be more useful for herbalists.  Unlike the typical elfroot, the royal elfroot has a blue and green stem with purple tinted leafs.
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
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                  ;;    —–    ᴄᴏᴠᴇʀᴇᴅ ɪɴ s ᴏ ᴏ ᴛ                 ᴄ ᴏ ᴠ ᴇ ʀ ᴇ ᴅ     ɪ ɴ      ʙ ʟ ᴏ ᴏ ᴅ                 ᴄᴏᴠᴇʀᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴡᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ ᴛʀᴀɢᴇᴅʏ;                 ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴜɪʟᴛ ᴡɪʟʟ ʟᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏ ʙᴜᴛ                 ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴇs ᴡɪʟʟ ɴᴏᴛ. –  ℋ
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
i hope everyone knows that if i weren’t a lazy ass i’d actually have one of the adorable pride month icons for anders (yay bisexuality!). 
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
“Oh I was being entirely literal. That man should be thinking twice about anything that comes from his mouth.” She grinned while speaking, eyeing the man from their spot standing from one of the balconies on the tower. Refusing the urge to send a simple ice spell down just to scare him, she turned to the man standing next to her instead. “Why do you talk about yourself as if you’re some weak thing? Obviously you’re strong enough to be here in this chaos.”
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“Honestly!” He says with a laugh. “I mean, really. Then again, I think he’s Orlesian? Does he look Orlesian to you? I think their noses are so far up in the air they really can’t see where they are at any given moment, which I suppose is why he doesn’t realize how many mages there are around here.” He clucks in mock pity. “I hope he steps in really fresh horse dung.” Though a tiny little spell to make him trip wouldn’t hurt, would it? So tempting...
Her question makes him pause, though, and he sighs. “Well, physically? I don’t know, maybe I’m tougher than the average mage? Don’t want to test that,” he says, deflecting. Weak? Him? Probably, though he’s trying to fix that. “I don’t know about being strong enough for the chaos -- it’s more that I’m used to it.” Spend long enough time with people like the Warden-Commander and Hawke, and chaos becomes your new ‘normal’.
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
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LIES. Without my good looks I’m nothing, I tell you, nothing!
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
We’re neither pure, nor wise, nor good; we do the best we know.
Voltaire (via wordsnquotes)
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
This is going to get put in it’s own page on the blog, too, but just for reference: unless I’m dealing with a Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor or someone who has a specific version of the Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor, I’m going to use my default world state! The details are below the cut (a bit short and sweet bc I forgot my login to get into my Tapestry >>;;)
[ an added note, however, that despite these girls being my personal worldstate, i’m open to discussing mains! ]
WARDEN: Warden-Commander Briallen Cousland, Queen of Ferelden
Female Human Noble
Mabari is named Maric.
Everyone recruited and helped successfully with their sidequests.
Rogue (spec’d in Duelist and Beastmaster, uses two swords)
Married Alistair. (Obviously, Alistair did the ritual with Morrigan.)
Killed Connor’s demon, sent Jowan into the Fade to do it. 
Did not defile the Urn.
Destroyed the Anvil and supported Bhelen.
Convinced Zathrian to break the curse.
Saved the Circle mages.
Sided with and spared the Architect.
Protected Amaranthine, Vigil’s Keep did not fall.
HAWKE: Aderyn Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall
Female Rogue (spec’d Dual Weapon/Assassin)
Very, very purple, though can be diplomatic on occasion.
Romanced Fenris.
Maxed out friendships with everyone.
Did not hand over Isabela.
Did not kill Merrill’s clan.
Sided with Larius in Legacy. 
Spared Anders
Sided with mages.
Sebastian was never recruited.
INQUISITOR: Inquisitor Viruth Lavellan, Herald of Andraste
Female Lavellan Rogue (Dual-Weapon, spec’d Assassin)
Romanced Solas.
Allied with the mages.
Allied with Wardens. 
Reconciled Briala and Celene.
Allied with Abelas.
Drank from the Well.
Sent Blackwall to the Wardens.
Gave Vivienne the snowy heart. 
Had Cole become more human.
Saved the Chargers.
Let Solas take her vallaslin.
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
❛ god, i hope you’re satisfied. ❜
hamilton starters | accepting 
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Is he satisfied?
The world is burning around him, ashes rain from the sky, blood runs red in the streets enough so that their boots stick to the ground. Mage kills Templar, Templar kills mage, and abominations and demons shriek in the streets, called forth by all this death and pain and whatever miasma of misfortune bleeds from Kirkwall’s very soul. 
And he did this. He’s clearer in mind now than he’s been for– for years, perhaps. For the first time since he woke up in Rolan’s camp with Justice in his head. The spirit is nothing but triumph and joy – they did this, they fought for their cause, they were right, this was good – but Anders? Anders wants to curl up and be sick. He wants to cry. He wants Astor to kill him; he knows Hawke wants to. He knows half of the people around him now want to. And really, if they were to do it, leave him another body in the streets, it would be well within their rights. He’d thank them, probably.
(But no, isn’t that just running away again? Like he ran from the Circle, ran from the Wardens, ran from all his problems until they quite literally blew up in his face? Death wold just be running away again, and the tiny rational part of him – that’s also apparently rather masochistic – says he has to live and suffer this uncertain future.)
But: Is he satisfied?
To say no would make it sound like he wants more of this. To say yes would make it sound like he’s happy.
“I don’t know,” he whispers, his voice hoarse from yelling earlier. “Yes. No– I–”
Words fail, and he glances into the sky as if the Maker himself would strike him down if he hoped hard enough, before looking at Hawke. “I’m tired,” he says quietly. He’s tired of this. Of everything. Of fighting, of running, of the reek of copper and sulfur and burning flesh that permeates Kirkwall right now. Of the blood on his hands and the voice in his head. He’s tired, and he’s sorry.
But sorry isn’t good enough, is it? Sorry wasn’t enough for Carver, for Leandra, for anyone before this – and it’s not enough now. So he doesn’t say it.
What will happen after, he doesn’t know – but for now, he’ll keep them all alive until this ends. It’s the least he can do.
Is he satisfied? 
No, he thinks. I can’t be satisfied if I never wanted this.
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
should i write up mini-bios/my HC worldstate for my warden/hawke/inquisitor just in case they’re needed? idk...hm.
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
❛ have i done enough? will they tell my story? ❜
hamilton starters | accepting
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“I don’t know,” he admits. “But isn’t that the question everyone asks themselves? Have I done enough, will I do enough, is what I’ve done enough…” He laughs hollowly, shaking his head. “And then you do it, and you either realize you did nothing, or you did more than enough – you did too much.”
He twines his fingers together, staring at his chipped nails and callused palms. “If and when they tell your story, my friend? Make sure it’s a good one. Because mine? Mine’s not. At least, the story they’ll all remember me for isn’t.”
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
❛ oh my god. tear this dude apart. ❜
hamilton starters | accepting
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“Are we talking literally or figuratively, because unfortunately for you, I have the physical strength of a newborn kitten. As such I can’t actually tear anyone apart – well, except for maybe a few stubborn plants.” He snorts. “But figuratively, I can do that. Probably.” He aims an imaginary spell at the man, pretending to fire it off. “He really shouldn’t be talking like that about mages in front of a pair of them.”
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
❛ i may not live to see our glory, but i will gladly join the fight ! ❜ [jeez hawke why you gotta be so dramatic. also hello!!]
hamilton starters | accepting
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“You had damned well better live to see our glory, Hawke,” he says, without looking up. “I mean– what kind of a healer would I be if you didn’t? Or any of us, really. Okay, maybe not Fenris, but–” A pause. “I’m joking, I’m joking! I won’t let any of you die.”
He glances up at her, then, with a faint smile. “But…thank you, Hawke. None of these are your fights, but you join them anyway. I’m sure everyone appreciates it as much as I do.” Maker, but Hawke was a good person, wasn’t she? 
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gerechtsein-blog · 7 years
❛ look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now. ❜ (Also, Hi =w=)
hamilton starters | accepting
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“I’m looking, Kieran,” the mage says dryly. “And I’m mostly just seeing how close we were to dying horribly. You know, grrr, argh, I’m being chewed on by a darkspawn, help! and all that.” 
A pause, though, and he laughs. “But hey! You’re right, we’re alive! Alive is good. Why do we keep going into miserable, damp, monster-infested caverns, by the way? I mean– we’re Wardens, yes yes I know, protecting the world from evil and all that, but can’t they decide to spend time in, I don’t know, a sunny field filled with flowers or something?”
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