genlibrary ¡ 2 years
Introduction To The Flywheel Program: Staking Pool For Builders
By: Brokeboy96
The flywheel program is a $MAGIC staking pool that projects can leverage on to earn $MAGIC emissions they can use for building out their games. By providing a high yield staking pool, the flywheel program is able to provide a simple plug and play option for projects. Projects will therefore be able to build robust and connected in-game economies easily through the flywheel program. The goal of the flywheel program is to not just help existing projects build sustainably but also eliminate the onboarding friction for new projects planning to build with Treasure.
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Supporting TreasureDAO
The BattleFly team is working closely with the TreasureDAO’s team to ensure that the flywheel program goals are aligned with TreasureDAO’s vision. In this way, BattleFly is able to help support the long-term strength and ambition of the Treasure ecosystem.
Furthermore, the BattleFly team is also working together with partners of the Flywheel program to implement “Sinks” for Treasure Ecosystem NFTs to help build up the economic layer of the Treasure-verse.
How The Flywheel Works
BattleFly is currently earning massive yield from Bridgeworld due to the NFTs held by BattleFly’s treasury and also support from ClocksnatcherDAO. The Flywheel program basically allows for partners to benefit from this yield by allowing them to stake with BattleFly. This is done so through the flywheel staking contract. 
By staking in the flywheel contract, projects and individuals will be able to benefit from the massive yield, providing a solution for them to garner $MAGIC emissions. The simplicity of this solution will therefore allow for project builders to focus on building world-class games instead of worrying about the sustainability of their project. Projects can use these emissions to expand the team, build up their treasury or even as part of the game reward mechanism. Official Flywheel project partners will also gain access to BattleFly’s resources in advisory, consultation, marketing and exposure. 
It is to note that there is a 10% fee for all emissions garnered from the flywheel program. This service fee will be used by BattleFly to strengthen their treasury and invest in more resources to keep the flywheel spinning. Flywheel program partners can keep the other 90% or distribute it to users to their discretion.
How Do Projects Get Involved?
Projects can get involved by contacting the BattleFly / Flywheel team directly. 
For project leads who are interested, do send information about your project to [email protected] or connect with MachuPichu888#0875 on Discord. 
However, do note that there is a high level of quality control to ensure that flywheel partners are teams who have the best interests of TreasureDAO and the broader ecosystem in mind.
How Do Players Get Involved?
Although the flywheel program is mainly targeted at project builders and creators, BattleFly founders are also allowed to stake with BattleFly using the flywheel contract. Therefore, benefiting from the great yield.
Do note that to qualify as a BattleFly Founder, you will need to own either a Battlefy V1 or V2 FounderNFT. These are available on the Treasure Marketplace. 
The flywheel program is an amazing service for all projects wanting to build with Treasure. The provision of a simple plug to play staking service will also mean that the complexity of bridgeworld will no longer be a pain point for projects wanting to build or move over to the Treasure-verse. The flywheel program will also help to provide stability to projects through a steady stream of $MAGIC. 
Overall, the flywheel program is definitely a net positive to the Treasure-verse. The flywheel has already started spinning and I cannot wait to see the network effects generated months down the road.
Flywheel Program WP - https://docs.battlefly.game/battlefly-treasury/flywheel
BattleFly Twitter - https://twitter.com/BattleFlyGame 
BattleFly Discord - https://discord.com/invite/YzpajBfRNX 
*Disclaimer - None of the above written is financial or investment advice. This article is purely an educational piece on one of the Defi projects in the Treasure Ecosystem. Do your own due diligence into the potential investment risks as well as educate yourself on wallet safety.
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
Bridgeworld Questing V2: Adventuring Checklist for Dummies
By: Brokeboy96
The Ivory Tower is where Legions can set out on quests in search of Treasures and other items, growing more experienced as they continue to explore Bridgeworld’s frontiers. Questing points are awarded per completed quests, and these are used to automatically gain questing levels.
This checklist will help you get started with Questing V2 no matter how Smol your brain and contains all the information you will need to know. For a basic overview of Questing V2, read this thread - https://twitter.com/Br0keboy96/status/1523478713232289792 
Checklist / TOC
Refer to the checklist below for a brief overview and read further for a much more detailed guide! 
Decide Questing Zones.
Getting Constellation Tattoos.
Decide whether to equip your Legions with Treasure NFTs.
Start Questing
Decide whether to proceed to the next section or end the quest.
Decide whether to play the Treasure Triad game or end the quest. 
3 Questing Zones to choose from with 3 sections per Zone. By continuing from one section to the next (1 to 2, 2 to 3) you choose to forfeit the rewards from the previous section and take on the risk of Stasis (4hrs Stun) for a chance of getting better rewards in the next section. 
Rewards in Questing V2 are primarily Treasure Fragments which can then be turned into Treasures through mini crafting.
Genesis Legions are immune to Stasis and also have a chance of getting Full Treasures as rewards.
Features being added soon includes Mini-Crafting, Auto Questing and Recruits Revamp (Recruits can quest from Barracks for now).
Before you start Questing, start by preparing your legions for the journey. He who is well prepared has won half the battle.
Questing Zones? Start by deciding on one of the 3 Questing Zones below to quest in, they will affect the type of Treasure Fragments you receive:
Corruption Canyons - Alchemy/Arcana Fragments
Desert Ruins - Smithing/Leatherwork Fragments
Icy Ascent - Enchanting/Brewing Fragments
Constellations. The Magus Tower recommends you get a constellation tattoo if you plan to quest beyond Section 1. Minimum requirements as follow
Have Questing Level 3 Legion and must complete section 3. 
Have at least 1 level of constellation. Each level unlocks a slot for equipping Treasure NFTs.  
Have Treasure NFTs.
Make sure you have the right constellations from the starlight temple to reduce the chance of stasis between sections. Refer to below for questing zones, its corresponding constellations and also stasis reduction %:
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Equip Treasures? This is only for those who are interested in playing the Treasure Triad game! If you do, ensure you meet the minimum requirements below:
Have Questing Level 3 Legion and must complete section 3. 
Have at least 1 level of constellation. Each level unlocks a slot for equipping Treasure NFTs.  
Have Treasure NFTs.
Treasure Triad is a card game that can only be played by a legion at the third and final section of their journey. In this game, legions will be able to boost their loot drop rate. Check out this guide by the Treasure Team on how the Treasure Triad game works as well as the boost %. 
Personally, I wouldn’t worry about fully understanding the Treasure Triad game before I start a quest. Try it out first and learn as you play. Enjoy the whole process. 
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Now that your preparations are ready, you can start questing. Check off the steps below as you complete each of them.
For a video walk-through on how to get started questing. Check out this guide by the Treasure team.  
Start Questing?
Go to the Bridgeworld website. https://bridgeworld.treasure.lol/  
Proceed to the Ivory Tower.
Select “Embark on a Quest” and complete the “Approve Treasure” transaction.
Select your legion or legions if you have multiple, the questing zones you previously decided on and also the Treasure NFTs you want to equip if any before “Start Journey”. Your legions are now questing! (Gas optimization coming soon!)
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Continue Questing? (Applies for both Section 2 & 3)  
Yes. If you want to continue your adventure albeit taking on more risk such as losing rewards from previous section and stasis, click on the “Continue Quest” button and select the legion(s) that will continue on.
No. If you are satisfied with your rewards or are unable to continue the adventure due to questing level limitation, click on the “End Quest” button and select the legion(s) that will end their journey.
Play Treasure Triad Game? (Only after clearing Section 3)
Yes. If you have Treasure NFTs equipped and want to boost the rewards drop rate, click on the “Play Treasure Triad” button and select the legion(s) that will play.
No. If you are satisfied with the base drop rate or are unable to play the game due to not having Treasure NFTs equipped, click on the “End Quest” button and select the legion(s) that will end their journey.
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End Quest. What’s Next?
Send your legions on another adventure to collect more fragments!
Mini-craft your Treasure Fragments into full Treasure NFTs (Soon)!
Other Bridgeworld Activities!
Extra Information & Useful Links
Refer to these links for more information on:
Whitepaper on Questing V2 - https://docs.treasure.lol/bridgeworld/bridgeworld-litepaper/ivory-tower 
Bridgeworld Video Walkthrough - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KMlZCY7S2I 
Treasure Triad Game Guide - https://docs.treasure.lol/bridgeworld/bridgeworld-litepaper/ivory-tower#ending-journeys-with-treasure-triad 
Questing Exp & Rewards Drop Rate - https://docs.treasure.lol/bridgeworld/bridgeworld-litepaper/ivory-tower#quest-rewards 
Genesis Legions Bonuses - https://docs.treasure.lol/bridgeworld/bridgeworld-litepaper/ivory-tower#docs-internal-guid-c9503063-7fff-6414-44f5-cb6801d60334 
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
Magic Dragon DAO Explained
By: Magic Dragon Core
Editor: Brokeboy96
Magic Dragon DAO (MDD) was started by a group of Bridgeworld aficionados. MDD focuses on a variety of activities such as offering a service that allows for people to benefit from boosted yields in the Atlas Mine, to gameplay discussion pertaining to latest developments in the game and devising strategies to adapting in the most efficient manner possible. We take great pride in the great variety of members our guild has, ranging from the OG’s to players who have recently started playing, the MDD experience is all encompassing.
The vision of MDD is to level the playing field for all players, both whales and small players enjoy the same return, one that is significantly higher than any yield they would get if they played bridgeworld alone.
Magic Dragon DAO plans to have a Snapshot Governance model which means that anyone who stakes with them can signal their governance intention in an open public manner on-chain. Even if the team wanted to vote another way, anyone would be able to clearly see voter intention.
Phase 1: Staking Pool
In Phase 1 - A Tempting Offer, users can stake their $MAGIC with the dragon to receive boosted Atlas Mine rewards, with short-term two week locks. The DAO will stake Treasures and Legions to achieve the maximum boosts, achieving the greatest balance of yield and flexibility for stakers. The DAO will take a fee (24.69%) from rewards in order to grow its power and evolve towards the next phase. 
Currently, Magic Dragon DAO has a staking pool available to all with the highest possible yield boost in the Atlas Mine - 1316% higher than staking with no NFTs at all.
The guild has amassed two 1/1 Legions - Bombmaker and Dreamwinder - as well as a group of All-Class Legions, Grins and Honeycombs Treasures - in order to ensure that boosts always stay maximized, in both the Atlas Mine and other, future Bridgeworld staking pools.
How To Stake
Click “Connect Wallet” in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
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2. Choose MetaMask or Wallet Connect.
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3. Complete the connection steps for your chosen wallet
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4. Click the stake button under “A Tempting Offer”
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5. Choose the amount of $MAGIC to stake. Your deposit will be locked for two weeks.
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Phase 2: Staking Pool
In Phase 2, the Dragon demands a greater tribute. Players will be able to convert their $MAGIC into $drMAGIC, a wrapped token backed by $MAGIC, which represents rights to both the underlying $MAGIC, and the yield generated by the DAO’s resources.
The conversion from $MAGIC to $drMAGIC is a one-way operation. In order to convert $drMAGIC back into $MAGIC, Magic Dragon DAO will incentivize a $drMAGIC/$MAGIC liquidity pool. With $drMAGIC, loyal users can enjoy a share of the dragon’s power by staking $drMAGIC in the Lair, where they will earn both $MAGIC and $MDD rewards. Like in Phase 1, all rewards will be boosted by Treasures and Legions. The DAO will distribute all underlying $MAGIC between the Atlas Mine and Harvesters in order to earn the maximum possible boost and distribute it to $drMAGIC stakers.
Additionally, users can acquire $drMAGIC, create an LP position in $drMAGIC/$MAGIC, and stake $drMAGIC/$MAGIC LP shares in order to earn $MDD rewards. These tributes will be rewarded handsomely, as they ensure smooth onramps and offramps to the dragon’s lair
$MDD is the governance token of the Magic Dragon DAO, which can be earned via either of the staking methods mentioned above - single-sided or LP staking. In addition, those who wish to govern the Dragon’s power can earn $MDD in a number of other ways: 
Magic Dragon DAO will incentivize an $MDD-ETH liquidity pool. Liquidity providers can lock their LP shares with $MDD in order to receive additional $MDD rewards. 
From time to time, the DAO may want to acquire resources to build its power, in the form of new Treasures or Legions. NFT owners can sell their NFTs to the DAO via bonding, in return for $MDD.
$MDD holders will have the power to direct $MAGIC and $MDD emissions across the various staking pools mentioned above, vote on Bridgeworld strategies to maximize yield and/or resource generation and, ultimately, own a share of the Dragon itself.
MDD staking contracts have always been open source. They’ve also built a custom subgraph and intend to continue building "public goods" infrastructure and tooling for the broader ecosystem. Being an open guild, anyone can join their discord, contribute or stake in their mining pool and share in the rewards equally. There are no whitelists or exclusivity.
The core team of MDD is filled with avid and well known players of Bridgeworld. With the revenue from the mining pool, MDD intends to reinvest a significant amount back into gameplay — summoning, crafting, questing, buying treasures and working towards a holistic system for farming $MAGIC.
Magic Dragon DAO Twitter - https://twitter.com/MagicDragon_DAO  Magic Dragon DAO Discord - discord.gg/magicdragondao  Magic Dragon DAO Website - https://magicdragon.lol/
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
How to Start with your Seed of Life NFT
Check out our Gameplay Brief on LifeNFT as well as the official Lifepaper
Buy a Seed of Life NFT from the TreasureDAO marketplace
Go to the official game website at life.treasure.lol
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4. Enter the game and click on the "Tree of Life". Approve the Tree of Life to read your wallet.
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The bubble over each realm indicates the number of other Life-forms who belong to that realm. Each Life-form will belong to two realms: a place of birth and a place of upbringing.
5. Click on "ADD SEED OF LIFE" and select as many of your seeds as you like to start the evolution process.
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6. On the right hand side of the panel, click the "APPROVE" button to approve all the contracts until it shows "FILL ALL REQUIRED FIELDS"
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7. Click on your Seed of Life in the left panel
8. Choose your realms in right hand side of the panel
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Refer to the table below for the different skills that each realm can give you. You need to choose one realm for your birthplace and one realm for your place of upbringing.
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Choose the realm that speaks to you most; we will find out more in Gen 1 of the game how these skills and realms affect gameplay. Later on, you will also be able to use skill reset potions to reset your skills if you would like to change them down the road.
9. After choosing your realms, click Next to choose your evolution path
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You will then be prompted to stake treasures. If you choose evolution path III, your balancer crystal will immediately give you a baseline 20% chance of getting a skill reset potion (which you can use in Gen 1). Every additional T5 treasure you stake adds on 8% chance of getting the potion, while every additional T4 treasure adds on a 15% chance. You can stake any amount and any combination of treasures to reach the maxed out 100% chance of getting a skill reset potion.
If you kickstart the evolution process early enough (we don't know the specific deadline), you can receive 3 skill reset potions. If you are not interested in staking treasures for a skill reset potion, that is also okay.
If you leave your treasures staked for the entire duration of the 8-week evolution period, all treasures will be returned to you. If you unstake early, the treasures have a 15% chance of breaking (you don't get them back) and you will lose that additional bonus chance of getting the skill reset potion.
10. Finally, click "CONSUME" (you will find out what class your hero is assigned a few minutes after consuming the Seed) and watch your Lifeform grow and gain skills over the next 8 weeks! The artwork will evolve and your NFT will change as your hero goes through the 8 stages of its life. Keep a lookout for the skills your hero gains and we'll see you in Gen 1!
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Helpful Links
Lifepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HwV-90u5TwffAvk83DIxfCKKLHfBAdmo/view
Official Game Website: LIFE (treasure.lol)
Life Gameplay Brief by Magus: Introduction To Life NFT MMORPG: Gameplay Brief : 📖 Genesis Library 🧙‍♂️ by Magus
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
Introduction to Smolville: Home of the Smols & Frens
By: TiborTheMan
Editor: Brokeboy96
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Smolville is the wonderful place where Smol Brains, Bodies, Pets, & everything in between call home. This community-built metaverse will foster private homes and businesses alike, creating the ultimate social experience for lovers of NFT’s.
Why Join in on the Fun?
Smolverse is the happy-go-lucky meme filled ‘Cartridge” of the $MAGIC universe. If you are looking for a community that is supportive and always excited, you’ve found the right place. In this brief guide, you will learn a brief synopsis of the world to come (according to the current roadmap & whitepaper).
These dynamically evolving PFPs are monkeys who aim to grow their brains (and heads) to extreme sizes through gaining IQ in school!
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These Wrestlers spend most of their time stacking plates so that they can grow their muscles and become more “swol”.
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Enjoyooooors are not currently minted (as of 7 April 22) but are an enigma at this point. The only thing we know about them is that they must currently face a life changing decision: Grow old in their parent’s basement, mouth growing wider, dissatisfaction mounting OR Load themselves into the video game console to become gods, bravely risking death on the quest for $MAGIC.
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Smolverse will be an ever-changing and evolving place, we don't know what will happen in the future. But one thing is for sure, community-built projects will dominate & be put on spotlight in Smollville, in the form of shops, derivatives, and merchandise. Stay tuned to Smolbrains official twitter & discord to always be updated on the latest news.
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*Kaiju Kings, Llamaverses, Anonymice and a few other L1 collections are confirmed to have some sort of integration with Smolville. As of now, we know that these L1 collections will be able to earn Smolcoin (More details on Smolcoin below).
Smolville Land
Land is a piece of Smolville that its holders can make their own. These plots can be upgraded/changed to their owners liking through the usage of special items (treasures, potions, etc). As with the smols & swols, land will be an evolving NFT that will even change in terms of scenery autonomously (just like real life).
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Smol Treasures
On top of the current treasures in the $MAGIC ecosystem (i.e. bridgworld), Smols & Swols are currently farming special moon treasures. Their exact usage is not known at this time, but some of them (such as Alien Relics) are rumored to have mystical properties.
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This highly anticipated currency will become the ‘currency of Smolville’. You will receive UBI (universal basic income) based on the amount of Smolverse and also partners (Kaiju King, Llamaverse, etc) NFT’s you have in your wallet. Smolcoin will have many uses down the road in not just Smolville but even outside of it.
Tokenomics of Smolcoin
According to the whitepaper: There will be a total supply of 30 billion Smolcoin! These coins can be earned by each Smol’s UBI (as explained above) OR by providing liquidity to the Smolcoin-Magic Pair through the Treasure AMM (automated market maker). Note that AMM is not released yet.
30% of Smolcoin will go to Smol UBI.
20% will go to SmolBank rewards.
27.5% will go to the ecosystem fund.
15% will go to liquidity mining rewards.
7.5% will go to company development
Smolcoin emissions will decrease gradually over the next 5 years. The reasoning for this is to combat the deflationary issues that affect non-capped coins. The funds that will be allocated in the ecosystem fund will be used for bringing in new artists to Smolville. The ultimate goal of Smolcoin is that it will be used to further perpetuate the growth of Smollville through new items, goods, and services throughout this metaverse.
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Smolville Governance
Much like how $MAGIC holders can vote as a collective on issues/ideas affecting the DAO, those who choose to stake Smolcoin will do the same for the Smolverse! There will also be community accolades awarded to active members that will act as a badge of ‘good faith’ that other users can look to!
Smol Bank
Staking rewards will be available to members who put their Smolcoin in the Smolbank. Based on the amount/length of the funds staked your governance power will be adjusted!
Mini Smols
The goal of mini Smols is to bring the Smolverse experience to a larger audience with a lower cost of entry. Fractionalized NFT’s have had varying success due to the hurdles users face when it comes to reconstitution (putting them back together). Mini Smols aim to solve this problem by lasting for a finite amount of time before they melt back together into their original, whole NFT. Mini Smols will most likely be significantly cheaper than whole Smols, but there is one caveat… In order to ‘break’ whole Smols, a fixed amount of $MAGIC will need to be staked for the entire duration of the fractionalization event (the mini Smol’s lifespan). The ratio will be 10:1 (10 mini Smols : 1 whole Smol).
The smolverse will be an dynamic, autonomous Metaverse with integrations going much farther than just what the Treasure team is working on. The network grows stronger and stronger with each new partnership and the ultimate goal is an accessible ecosystem for all to enjoy. Come join us as we stand at the forefront of this community centered project!
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
To Burn or Not to Burn? Thorough Strategy Guide for all Smithonians
By: Gerguny
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We are blessed with great projects in Q2 2022 and SmithyDAO was the first to be minted within the Treasure-verse in this quarter. I hope this medium could serve as a good starting point where people start thinking how they can excel in this game, no matter how many genesis weapons you own.
Game Core
This project starts with 12,300 Genesis weapons and they were divided into 7 different classes. All of them would be wooden weapons for this season and can be upgraded to an iron one in the next season.
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As for season 1, the game loop is simple: you stake your weapon to farm resources and gain experience from each gathering mission (Continuous staking will earn you more experiences per mission). Resources collected can be
Burned to gain restoration point
Burned to gain experience; or
Sold on the secondary market.
On top of gathering missions, there would be quests popping up every now and then, and weapons that meet the eligible requirements can join. Quests would last for 2 weeks and you cannot go on gathering missions once you stake your weapon for quests. The earlier you stake, the more rewards you earn at the end of the quest.
So what choices do I make? If I view this as a P2E game, how do I maximize my profit with the amount of assets I have? Is the cash reward on the Top 100 leaderboard as juicy as it sounds?
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Let’s begin with all the rewards SmithyDAO is offering us in the first season:
Monthly Jackpot
To better estimate the monthly jackpot, it is worth noting all these figures first. It was stated on the whitepaper that 50% of secondary sale would be distributed to the top 100 players. While I am not sure the deal between TreasureDAO and SmithyDAO on how they split the secondary sale, it is known that TreasureDAO receives 5% royalties on all sales.
The volume of Smithonia Weapon is 89k $Magic over 4 days; Battlefly has ~1.3M $Magic(both Treasure MP and Tofu) volume over about 30 days; while Tales of Elleria has 200k $Magic over 6 days and Peek-A-Boo has 370k $Magic over 14 days. Considering that FP of Peek-A-Boo Buster has once reached 140 $Magic, I think it would be a tall task for Smithonia Weapon to surpass the 700k volume mark within the first month. That being said, the first jackpot would at most worth 700k*0.5 (50% secondary sale)*0.05 (all royalties received from TreasureDAO) = 17500 $Magic and therefore very optimistically, on average each player would earn 175 $Magic (of course the higher you rank the more you earn).
Quest Rewards
Quest rewards can be very juicy, it can be a genesis weapon (current FP is ~30 $Magic), a partnering project NFT, or some items that could be useful later in the game. Of course you also might gain a tremendous amount of experience (whitepaper suggests possibly 2000 exp, while at most you earn 7, 14 or 22 experience for easy, medium, hard quests every 24, 36 or 72 h respectively). To put it in perspective, 2 weeks worth of gathering is equivalent to <100 exp, while a single quest can potentially gain at least 10X as much exp.
Gathering Resources
You collect resources, treasure chests (yet to be known what’s inside) and Smithy Gold (off-chain token) on every gathering missions. Resources (but not Smithy Gold) can be directly sold on secondary market.
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Strategy for different players
a) For players with only 1 free-mint weapon
Realistically, you most likely won’t make it to the Top 100 Leaderboard. There are simply too many players out there with more than 1 genesis weapon.
* While you can only burn resources once a day to gain experience, there is no daily limit on how much resources you can burn to gain restoration points. *
A reasonable player eyeing the top of the leaderboard would most likely want to hoard items and burn them all at the very last second of the 1-month period so they don’t need to burn more than what is needed. It is more than likely that you don’t have as much resources as other players, and buying resources from secondary just to burn them for restoration point would expose yourself to too much risks as we are unsure of the jackpot by the end of each month.
With monthly jackpot out of the equation, what about quests or direct sale of resources? To answer this question, we must understand that a dynamic equilibrium in the market always exists and we will have to stay vigilant to make the best decision (current situation with price of Legion Aux vs. summoning rate in Bridgeworld is a good case study). So what is at stake?
You would yield the greatest if you join a quest early, yet the opportunity cost is 2-week worth of gathering rewards. In my opinion, the quest rewards and experiences far outweigh your potential farm. With that assumption, isn’t it a no-brainer to dive in quests? Unfortunately, there also could be quest requirements (i.e. type of weapon, experiences accumulated in weapon, requirement of Smithy Gold in later seasons, etc.). There is nothing you can do if you do not own the correct weapon type, and you also have to burn resources pre-emptively to gain experience as you can only burn one resource every 24 hours (amount of experience gained per resource is not yet revealed). By burning these resources for experiences, you obviously forfeit the chance to sell them on secondary.
Here is the feedback loop of how equilibrium would be achieved: If all players play the long shot and burn most resources on a daily basis, it will drive up the price of resources in secondary and should incentivize players to sell them instead. Such interaction should also be reflected in quests. If players value gathering time and resources over quest’s rewards, fewer players would stake their weapons for the next quest, or perhaps stake their weapons for shorter period of time. However, a reasonable game developer would then increase the quest rewards to put players in a constant dilemma.
With that said, if you are planning to HODL and you don’t have much time to chase the market trend, just burn your resources for experiences on a regular basis. A dagger with 500 experiences will always worth more than a dagger with no experience. For quests, just join them as soon as they are available if you are eligible for them.
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b) For players with multiple weapons
Quests should also be your top priority and therefore first and foremost, you might want to acquire different weapon types on the secondary market. You would probably also want to try your luck in the top 100 Leaderboard, and obviously you would want to stake resources on 1 or 2 weapons. It is not sure whether the leaderboard will be transparent for all players throughout the month (or maybe they do things in Copium-war style: updating you the top 100 restoration points daily). But regardless of its transparency, at this stage, the top 100 leaderboard is quite a gamble to me for several reasons:
Last-minute burn: As mentioned previously, rich players can burn all of their resources at the end of each cut-off period. In order to chase the run, amount of resources that were burnt might worth more than the share of the jackpot you are rewarded. Foreseeably, it would be hard to tell when to cut loss and when to keep chasing.
Uncertainties in Jackpot: At least in the first month, this pot of gold does not seem to be able to grow a lot. Resources burnt for restoration point might worth more in the secondary market in the short run or in experience in the long run. The amount of the total jackpot and % allocation of jackpot to each top 100 players are also big question marks. It would be impossible to have gains well-calculated at the end of the day.
But one thing we have to bear in mind: after each cut-off period, the top 100 will be rewarded in $Magic and their restoration point will be set to 0, which means the top 101–200 will then immediately move to the top 100. Therefore, in periods with small jackpots (which you could track it on Treasure MP), you would have a better chance to earn more if you stay out of the top 100 before the cut-off date, and gamble again in the subsequent month.
In other words, if you find yourself lingering at 90th in the last few days with few resources to burn, just stop. Wait for other players to catch up and take your spot.
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c) For both small and big players
While being lucky could possibly get you to Hall of Fame (HoF), being equally unlucky could also be a blessing in disguise. One of the most interesting features of SmithyDAO is the Hall of Shame (HoS). Though the exact reward/compensation is yet to be determined, it is tailor-made for the most unlucky players who top the list.
Undoubtedly, if you hold more than one genesis weapons, it will only make sense if you buy the Smithy Pass which will be released soon. The Smithy Pass is only 5 $Magic and it will ensure gathering missions being 100% successful (Fail rate otherwise ranges from 30–45% from hard to easy quests). On the other hand, if you hold 1 free mint wooden dagger and you don’t want to invest in the game, and also you fail the first few gathering missions, you might as well just pray and hope you fail even more in the future to top the HoS.
Similarly, for big players, while you pile up all your weapons in a wallet with a Smithy Pass (each wallet only needs one Smithy Pass), it would be worth taking the risk to just place a wooden dagger (yes, I assumed you will have more than 1 dagger if you consider yourself a big player) in a separate wallet without a Smithy Pass and hope it fails all the way.
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The first season of SmithyDAO is still an over-simplified version of what the game envisions to be. They work directly with the TreasureDAO, so rest assured that they are here for the long term. Their whitepaper has already offered us a sneak peek on what we can expect in later seasons:
6 new skills (mining, gathering, forestry, blacksmithing, herbalism and crafting);
Introduction of companions (you can also view this as an airdrop based on rarity of your genesis weapon);
In-game marketplace utilizing their off-chain Smithy Gold;
Adventures which drive the main storyline as after all, SmithyDAO is a heavily lore-focused game.
The use of T1 treasures in their game shows their potential incorporation in Bridgeworld (Let’s not forget Bridgeworld will eventually transform into a game, not just a passive-stacking, treasure-farming game). There are other projects (i.e. GorillaDAO) who has openly spoken in AMA that they would love to have SmithyDAO as their arsenal. SmithyDAO changed their name from SmolWeapons as they aim to be the crafting layer for the whole of Bridgeworld/Smolverse, so apart from weapons, you can foresee their expansion collection to armours as well. For what it is worth, their whitepaper has not even touched on how these weapons below(shown in the sneak peek channel in Discord) can be forged. It was only briefly mentioned in an AMA such that crafting of legendary weapons might incorporate the use of Treasures in BW.
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While people always consider floor price and volume to be the benchmark of how successful a project is, we have to understand that SmithyDAO is not a PFP project. In essence, ~95% of the NFTs are staked now and holders are seeing the potential growth of this project over time. Align with TreasureDAO’s vision, the value and longevity of a project is determined by the level of integration with other projects. This is what differentiates a stand-alone hyped project and a project which spirals through the whole Treasure-verse to build the entire infrastructure.
I was late to the Bridgeworld party and the FP of Legion Genesis is now ~5k $Magic (almost all time low since its emergence).
FP of Genesis Weapon is now ~30 $Magic.
Follow Gerguny on Twitter for more insights - https://twitter.com/Gerguny
0 notes
genlibrary ¡ 2 years
Introduction to Knights of the Ether (KOTE): A Beautiful Game of Two Halves
By: Brokeboy96
Editor: vic
Knights of the Ether (KOTE) is an innovative blockchain game that spans across two chains and features off-chain gameplay. The KOTE ecosystem consists of two games, a Play2Earn (P2E) staking questing game and also a Deck-Building Roguelike game.
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The P2E “Stake/Quest” game requires strategy and game theory as you make decisions in an ever-evolving economy. This game will run on the Arbitrum blockchain, an Ethereum Layer 2 which offers users significantly lower fees and faster transactions.
On the other hand, the Deck-Building Roguelike game will demand tactical skill from the player to defeat monsters. This is a game that offers both unlimited replayability and meaningful progression for dedicated players. No two playthroughs will be the same and every decision that you make has consequences. While this portion of the game involves NFTs on the Ethereum network, most of the gameplay will take place off-chain; fees will be minimized and more affordable.
Both the Stake/Quest and Deck-Building game are interconnected – to do well in one, you must play the other as well. Master both games and you just might find yourself at the top of the leaderboard.
The Playable Characters (NFTs)
Knights of the Ether NFTs
Knights of the Ether are the main NFTs and are based on top of Ethereum. Players can either choose to mint directly from KOTE’s website or buy one on the marketplace. To play the main Deck-Building Roguelike game, you will need a Knight of the Ether.
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Arbitrum Squires NFTs
Arbitrum Squires NFTs are the Knights’ supporting cast – they are required in the P2E staking/questing game and will live on the Arbitrum L2 network. For every Knights of the Ether NFT that you own, you will be airdropped one free Arbitrum Squire. Alternatively, you will be able to purchase Squires on a secondary marketplace.
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Although these NFTs live on different chains and are used for different games, they are closely tied together. Squires are crucial to the progression of their sires – they help knights earn resources and acquire higher-tiered gear for the Deck-Building Roguelike game. Knights are therefore weak without their Squires, and Squires are purposeless without their Knights.
Knights Of The Ether: Underdark ⚔️
Underdark is the first season of the KOTE game and focuses on the P2E staking-questing aspect with Arbitrum Squires NFTs. This is where players will be able to start building up the resources and gears of their Knights, in anticipation of the release of the Deck-Building Roguelike game in Season 2.
Squires can quest for new items, upgrade owned items and passively Earn $FIEF (In-game token needed to do certain activities) in the Squires game. Note that Knights will not be able to upgrade their items themselves.
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Questing will net you rewards. Every 24 hours, Squires can choose from 4 quest options, with different rewards per option. Refer below to see how making the right choice brings you to your ideal destination:
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Stats are on-chain metadata that scale with your Squire’s experience. The higher the stats of the Squire, the higher their chance of attaining better rewards. There are 4 stat classes as below:
Strength - Increases the base amount of $fief that your Squire can carry back from the Forest.
Wisdom - Decreases the base amount of $fief needed to upgrade and transform items in the shops
Luck - Increases your Squires chances of returning from quests with rare rewards.
Faith - Increases your Squires chances of upgrading their stats when visiting the Temple.
Squire Types
There are 4 types of Squire, with each type having its own specialty/ higher base stat.
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3 Types of Items available to Squires:
Potions - perishable/one-time use consumable that grants your knight a buff for one round of combat in the Deck-Building game.
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Trinkets - Grant a buff to the Knight in the Deck-Building game for one expedition.
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Rings - Buffs your knight over the long term. Items that, once found, will always be present in your inventory.
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Personally, I am really looking forward to Knights of the Ether as I am a huge fan of Roguelike games that feature variable playthroughs. I believe that replayability is very important for games. In KOTE’s Deck-Building game, players will not only be competing against other players, but also against themselves.
While the Squires game may appear “simple” on the surface, strategic players with foresight will be able to extract the greatest amount of value. After all, the Squires game is a precursor to the main game, and the performance of your Squires will have implications on the options that you can enjoy in the deckbuilding game.
In short, I can’t wait to see how these two games will complement each other and how players will strategize to maximize returns. For players to attain maximum potential, they need to play both games well. There is a “Scholarship Program” planned for the future as well, so if the NFTs are beyond your price range at the moment, do keep an eye out! (Side Note: we think the art is dope💖 )
Knights of the Ether Twitter: https://twitter.com/KnightsOfTheEth
Knights of the Ether Discord: https://discord.com/invite/kote
Knights of the Ether Website: https://www.knightsoftheether.com/
Knights of the Ether NFTs: https://opensea.io/collection/knightsoftheethernft
Arbitrum Squires NFTs: Secondary Marketplace (TBA)
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
Introduction to Lost SamuRise: Journey to Tengoku
By: Vic & FavLab
The Lost Samurise is a faction-based strategy game [set in] the fictional world of Tengoku (Heaven)... Our GameFi protocol is designed to be interoperable across the entire Ethereum L1-L2 ecosystem
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We’ve spoken at length about Treasure’s vision of becoming a hub of decentralized metaverses… but how do we get there? How do we grow the player base? Is the pie large enough for all of us?
To address these questions, the team behind Lost Samurise has chosen to turn their gaze outwards. They seek to incorporate L1 NFT communities and their treasuries directly into the Treasure ecosystem by providing “lifeboats” to these projects. From gameplay loops to ecosystem integrations, the team is taking the idea of “composable building blocks” to a whole new level. In this guide, we aim to give you a quick breakdown of the intriguing world of the Lost SamuRise (as per the latest version of the Washipaper 1.0.3).
Where to Buy
SamuRise NFT characters are minted and staked on Ethereum Mainnet (L1):
Any trading of your SamuRise NFT occurs at OpenSea on Ethereum Mainnet (L1).
SamuRise NFT must be unstaked before they can be sold. Note that staked SamuRise may still be listed on secondary marketplaces, but any attempt to purchase them will fail.
You'll be able to recognize staked SamuRise using their pre-reveal artwork: they will display "STAKED".
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All other gameplay and transactions take place on Arbitrum (L2):
To claim any in-game items, rewards or discord roles you must be connected to Arbitrum network (L2).
Swords, land, and all other in-game items will be traded on the Treasure Marketplace on L2.
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Game Setup
At its heart, Lost SamuRise is a board-game of social coordination: 3 teams race to complete achievements during a 4-month cycle. The goal of each Faction (team) is to "be the first to purify the lands within their 3 Provinces''. It may be confusing at first, but do bear with us 🥰
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We can think of it as a “game of threes”:
You’ll be able to claim one SamuRise per transaction during the initial Mint/Reserve List period. Players on both of these lists may claim 3 more during another 24-hour window pre-public sale. Finally, any remaining SamuRise will be available for the public to mint. Make sure to follow the announcements on the SamuRise Discord to stay up to date on the exact details of the mint.
A few weeks after minting, a snapshot will be taken for the land airdrop: every wallet that contains a SamuRise will receive a Land NFT.
In your wallet, you'll then have at least one SamuRise NFT and one Land NFT. Your Land NFT will be assigned a Faction and it will tag all the other SamuRise in your wallet with that Faction.
For example: if your Land NFT is assigned to “Faction B”, all SamuRise in your wallet will also now belong to Faction B. This assignment is permanent – even if you transfer your Faction B SamuRise to another wallet, it will retain its original assignment and stay in Faction B.
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How does this all come together?
There will be a total of three factions in Tengoku, with 3,333 SamuRise in each faction. Let’s continue the example of “Faction B”.
Since every SamuRise will have at most one piece of land, the 3,333 SamuRise in “Faction” B will have at most 3,333 pieces of land.
These (up to) 3,333 pieces of land are further divided into provinces under the faction’s management.
As such, “Faction B” controls 3,333 SamuRise and 3 Provinces, where each province contains up to 1,111 lands.*
*Side note: Lands are "up to" 3,333 per Faction and 1,111 per Province because only one Land is assigned per wallet. Hence, all wallets with more than one SamuRise will reduce total circulating Land supply. For example: if there were 9 players with 1,111 SamuRise each, there would only be 9 Land NFTs distributed.
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To win, a faction must be the first one to finish purification/development of its three provinces. Your faction must collectively build
1 castle;
1 theater;
and 1 temple
in each of its three provinces. Altogether, this means that your faction must finish constructing 9 buildings across its provinces in order to reach the end-game.
The following diagram from the Lost SamuRise Washipaper below illustrates the game's structure:
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But that’s not all 😏:
One in-game year in Lost Samurise equates to 4 months in real life.
Each game year is split into Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. There are many moving parts to sustaining your faction and completing development of your buildings over the seasons:
Feeding your worker SamuRise by harvesting rice ($GOHAN token)
Producing building materials and questing for upgrades/Treasures (!) for exotic crafting recipes
Choosing your council members to execute orders on your faction’s behalf
Training your faction’s army strength, measured in $CHIKARA
Attacking and sabotaging (!) the resources of other enemy factions through encrypted orders submitted by your faction’s council
At the end of each season all Faction decisions are resolved and the game updates for everyone.
Finally, Factions come before the Emperor and compete for his favor in the Winter Season (and deal with pesky revolts, if necessary). Further details on gameplay are still to be revealed, so stay tuned for future announcements from the Lost SamuRise team.
Ecosystem Integrations
Some of Lost Samurise’s planned integrations with Bridgeworld include its own Bridgeworld guild. This subDAO will be led by Master Tacticians chosen from the Samurise community, who will undertake the heavy responsibility of compounding Samurise's investment pool. Samurise holders will also have access to a customized $MAGIC staking platform, the yields of which can be enhanced by performing actions on SamuRise land and owning special assets (eg. female Onna Musha Samurai). Yields come in the form of $MAGIC and in-game $BUSHO tokens.
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As mentioned at the start of this article, we have the “L1 NFT Lifeboats” system as the cherry-on-top. Scandals are rife in the crypto-world, and the SamuRise team has been vocal about offering “rugged” projects the opportunity to participate in the Tengoku universe. L1 NFTs which fit a strict criteria will be burned and re-minted as peasants in SamuRise land who help tend to the farms. We’d highly encourage you to dive deep into the full WashiPaper at this link.
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Woven together, these threads of game mechanics and ecosystem integrations form a rich tapestry of unique episodic experiences for players. The game theory is certainly rich with this one… we’ll see you on the other side of the river.
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
Introduction to Realm: The Decentralized World Building Platform?
By: BrokeBoy96
Realm is a decentralized world building game that seeks to give ownership of in-game assets and rewards to active participants. Every owner of a Realm NFT will be able to build their realm in the way they want to, with their imagination being the limits to the possibilities. In this way, different realms will have different features and games, creating a diverse and engaging world for all to enjoy.
Realmer - Owner of a Realm NFT. They will play an engaging and strategic world-building game. Realmers will be compensated for building and also the usage of their realms.
Adventurer - Owner of an Adventurer NFT. They can travel, explore and play among the different Realms.
Gameplay Objectives
Construction - Develop your Realm by building Structures which will contribute to your overall population.
Production - Realms will be proficient in producing collectibles based on their geo features.
Activity - How active are adventurers in your Realm. Contributes to your renown.
Gameplay Season 1
Only Realmers are available for play in Season 1 of Realm. The Realmers can choose to stake their Realm(s) which will start to produce resources, collectibles and also structures.
Collectibles are not guaranteed and might drop whenever you collect resources from your Realm(s). Therefore, Realmers should make sure to collect from their Realm(s) on a daily basis. It is also important to note that the type of collectibles you will receive are based on the type of resources you have chosen to produce.
Structures will be built once you have started staking and the type of resources you choose to produce will have no effect on it.
For more details and also the figures for Season 1 of Realm, refer to their docs here - https://docs.rlm.land/season-1/staking-v1
Gameplay Season 2
Players will be incentivized to fulfill the gameplay objectives. The incentives are as below:
$MAGIC Emissions - Activity level will determine the amount of $MAGIC emissions you are awarded.
Ownership of Assets - As Realm grows, players will be given more ways to own assets through NFTs and tokens.
Unique 1/1 Art - Participation in Realm events could net you 1/1 hand drawn art from the team that might have in-game utility.
Realm(s) - S2
Note that your Realm natural resources in Season 2 will have been determined by its development in Season 1. In Season 2, your Realm NFT will give you the ability to build, produce and get rewarded for it.
*Note that every Realm will have 3 geo-features that will dictate the activities and production allowed in that Realm.
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Structures - S2
In Season 2, to make your Realm productive, players will need to do a few things.
Staking Structure
Usage of Treasure - Note that different structures will require a different treasure for it to be productive.
Staking $MAGIC
Stacked structures will still contribute to the total population score of the Realm.
Arenas are where adventurers can go for battles. Realmers will be able to customize the battle experience for the adventurers so as to adjust to market demands.
Collectibles will be required to build these Arenas.
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As per usual, do note that this is just an introductory write-up of the Realmverse. For a much more comprehensive read and also to see the exact assets required, figures and stats, I would strongly recommend reading through their docs here - https://docs.rlm.land/introduction/about.
Realm has been building for a long time with an amazing team. The potential and freedom for players to build their Realms in whichever ways they want means that the Realmverse will be perhaps one of the most entertaining and engaging metaverses you will ever visit. Realm has already been minted out and is now available on the Treasure Marketplace.
*Note that of the time of writing, Realm is in Season 1.
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Helpful links
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealmDao
0 notes
genlibrary ¡ 2 years
Introduction To SmithyDAO: Smithy Of The Treasure-verse
By: Brokeboy96
The SmithyDAO is neither a game nor a single NFT project. It is more so a community-created DAO that aims to create cross-metaverses/composable building blocks that can function across the whole of the Treasure-verse. These building blocks will take the shape of weapons and armors, making SmithyDAO the Smithy workshop of the Treasure-verse (Literally in the name :D).
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The first of many collections that SmithyDAO will release is ‘Living Weapons’. ‘Living Weapons’ is meant to be cross-metaverse so as to support the Treasure ecosystem and consolidate its functionality.
Can you do anything in SmithyDAO once it's launched?
Definitely, if SmithyDAO is the Smithy, players will be the blacksmiths. For more details on how you can get crafting your weapon, read the ‘Living Weapons’ section below!
Living Weapons
‘Living Weapons’ (Arbitrum Chain) will be the first collection alongside raw-resources (On-Chain) to be released in the Treasure-verse.
Obtaining a weapon
SmithyDAO is completely community driven and aims to build the community while providing fair-launch for all its collections. “Living Weapons” will be minting on 01 April 2022 and you will require a whitelist to get a free mint. Alternatively, you can purchase ‘Living Weapons’ on the Treasure Marketplace or opt for a ‘Rental’ which costs 15 $MAGIC. Rentals allow players to go on quests but will have certain restrictions such as only allowed easy quests, unable to be upgraded to a mid-tier weapon and being non-transferrable.
However, there is a catch. When you mint your ‘Living Weapons’, it will just be a wooden weapon. Only true adventurers and crafters will be able to turn it into a legendary Living Weapon at the Lost Smith. Refer below to weapon types probability:
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To level up your Wooden Weapon, you will need to go on adventures and quests where you will find the necessary resources needed for leveling up your wooden weapons. Players will need to venture further and further into the world of Smithtonia to unlock better gears, crafting resources and stories of old.
There will be 4 types of quests:
Easy: All Genesis Living Weapons and Rentals will be able to partake.
Medium: Only Genesis Living Weapons that have cleared 10 easy quests can partake.
Hard: Only Genesis Living Weapons that cleared 20 medium quests can partake.
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Magic Quests: Requires Genesis Living Weapons + Tier 1 TreasureNFTs (TreasureDAO Treasures - https://marketplace.treasure.lol/collection/treasures)
Hall of Fame
The Hall Of Fame is basically where the Top 100 Players in SmithyDAO (In terms of Devotion Points) will receive a share of the royalty generated by the Living Weapons collection! Note that the leaderboard rewards are paid in $MAGIC and refer to below for how you can gain devotion points:
By burning your resources you gathered from questing in Smithonia
By burning TreasureNFTs
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Living Weapons is an amazing project with innovative mechanics that I can’t wait to see play out. The DAO behind it, the SmithyDAO have been hard at work and fully community driven since the start. Do note that this is just an introductory write-up and for full details + lore, do check out their Smithonia Whitepaper.
I will end off with a quote from their whitepaper which I found really cool:
“We are an integration play, with the goal of getting our weapons widely distributed across many games. Just like how Excalibur, Masamune, Mjolnir transcend the boundaries of particular stories, and appear in many movies/stories/games.”
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Helpful links
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SmithyDAO
White Paper: https://assets.smithydao.lol/SmithoniaWhitePaper.pdf
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
How to earn $BOO in Peekaboo
By: @BerlinRobbery
(Link to original twitter thread)
There are 3 ways to earn $BOO in the @PeekABooGameNFT. You can either passively Stake your Ghost/ Buster, play actively (Hide-N-Seek Stake) or provide liquidity/ stake your $BOO. Here is a step by step guide for the $MAGIC- $BOO LP and staking $BOO:
1. Go to https://app.sushi.com
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2. Click into the first token field (here MAGIC) and put 0x6Ca1269a49A293124fe0a897Eb3CBACefEDdB6ca (the $BOO token address) into the field.
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3. Click on BOO and click "Import".
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4. Go to the menu "Legacy" and click "Add".
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5. Choose BOO and MAGIC (it doesn't matter which order). If you haven't interacted with BOO and/or MAGIC yet on Sushi, you have to approve each token first. You then simply "Confirm Adding Liquidity".
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6. Go to https://peekaboonft.io/boocanister and click on MAGIC-BOO sLP. Copy your Pool Tokens from the last step and enter it in the "Deposit $MAGIC-BOO" field. Click Deposit.
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7. If you just want to stake $BOO you go to https://peekaboonft.io/boocanister. Enter the amount of $BOO into the "Deposit $BOO" field. Click Deposit. Be aware to read: https://peekaboonft.io/ghostpaper about how canister rewards are paid out! Hope the guide helped.
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
Introduction To Tales Of Elleria: Gameplay Brief
By: Josh11
Editor: Brokeboy96
Tales of Elleria sets out to be a browser-based idle yet immersive game that will allow players to get acquainted with what Elleria is all about. Concurrently, Tales of Elleria is also creating an open-world game where players will be able to roam about, explore and fight.
Players will be able to receive rewards in the form of in-game tokens $ELM/$MEDALS/$MAGIC by using their Heroes to clear quests and battle bosses in a 3-D immersive experience through-out the lands of Elleria. Tales of Elleria is built on Arbitrum.
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Tales of Elleria will be released in phases. The initial release of Tales of Elleria game-play will be a browser game that is a staking, turn-based RPG which introduces you to Elleria. On launch there are 10,000 Genesis heroes being minted which act as your avatars in the game.
There are 4 Classes of heroes (Warrior, Assassin, Mage and Ranger) with 3 tiers of rarity : Common, Epic and Legendary. Classes will affect how players play the game as each class has its own pros and cons. Heroes will also be able to don equipment to help them defeat their enemies in battle. They will also be able to go on assignments/quests to receive game rewards.
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Tales of Elleria will be an open world RPG game. Players will then shortly after be able to explore Elleria in a social environment that allows for them to roam around with their avatars and interact with other players! Not only will players be able to interact with others from Elleria but there have been hints that NFT characters from other projects in Treasure-verse such as Smolbrains will be able to hang out in Elleria as well!
Summoning heroes
In order to play the game, players will need to summon their heroes into the world of Elleria. This basically brings the Hero On-Chain and into the player’s Metamask wallet. The next step will then be to bring the hero into Elleria through soul binding.
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Binding souls
To Bind Souls means to transfer Heroes from the blockchain into Elleria. (Wallet-> Game Server)
To Release Souls means to transfer Heroes back onto the blockchain. (Game server-> Wallet)
Players will only be able to play the game when their Heroes are living in Elleria (Game server). However, they won’t be able to sell their Heroes on the Treasure Marketplace in this scenario. In order for players to sell their Heroes, they will need to bring it back On-chain by Releasing its soul. Only then will they be able to list it on the Treasure Marketplace.
Viewing heroes
First thing players should do when their heroes have arrived in Elleria is to head to the Heroes Quarters. In the Heroes Quarters, players will be able to view all of the detailed information/stats, rename or upgrade their heroes.
Upgrading will require $ELM or $MEDALS. These tokens are needed to upgrade heroes and players receive them as rewards for staking their Heroes. Staking can be done at the Adventurer guild, read on for more details.
Staking your Heroes
The adventure guild is where heroes can choose their assignments, stake their heroes and receive rewards in the form of $MEDALS. Once heroes have claimed their rewards, they will then be able to use the $MEDALS to go on quests.
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To go on quests, players will need to send their heroes to the city gates. From there, players can then select a region and a stage to send their Heroes. Completion of Quests will net the players $ELM, $MEDALS and different NFT’s that will be useful in progressing through the game. These NFTs will also be tradable on the Market Place.
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Heroes who are questing will meet enemies! Players will now need to use their Heroes to defeat the enemies in a turn based game that operates similar to Pokemon. Offensive and defensive options will be available.
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TreasureDAO Partnership
Tales of Elleria has secured a partnership with TreasureDAO and will be listed on the Treasure Marketplace. This means that we will definitely see changes in some of these mechanics due to the integration of Treasure NFTs and $MAGIC. This article will be updated once more details on the integration are released to the public.
Hint: The heroes’ strength determines the amount of $MAGIC rewards they receive for playing Tales of Elleria in the future.
Tales of Elleria aims to build an exciting open world RPG game through the clever use of On-Chain and Off-Chain mechanics to provide a superb gaming experience. We also know that they have plans to make Elleria accessible to other Treasure projects such as Smolbrains, Bridgeworld and much more.
The above writeup is merely an introductory piece into the world of Elleria, the game itself has much more complexities built in. The wide range of gameplay features also allows for players of all commitment levels to get involved, helping to build a diverse and vibrant community. I strongly recommend to check out the whitepaper here to get a better understanding of the game - https://docs.talesofelleria.com/gameplay-prologue/core-gameplay-loop/player-types
Tales of Elleria will be available and listed on the Treasure Marketplace once minting goes live.
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
BW Bytes: What Can Prisms Do?
Prisms will have many functions in Bridgeworld, and their utility will continue to be updated. As of 26 March 2022, prisms can:
Decrease summoning duration
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Increase odds of obtaining a rarer legion via summoning
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Even with an Aux Legion which is born to be "unable to summon higher rarity legions", you can use a prism during summoning so that your Aux has a small chance of summoning a higher rarity.
Use prisms (together with Essence of Starlight) at the Starlight Temple to tattoo constellations on your legion
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In future game updates, legions with specific constellations will be able to quest to special regions which contain specific treasure rewards. You'll also be able to swap prism shards (questing reward) for actual prisms once the Merchant of Mystery is released.
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To obtain a prism, you can craft one or buy one from the marketplace under "Consumables".
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
BW Bytes: Quick Figures for Questing, Summoning & Crafting (as of 26 March 22 - No Craft XP Gains for now)
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As of 24 March 2022, EXP gains from crafting have been paused to give the team more time to develop the harvester update. (In this guide I call this the "crafter coma")
During the crafting coma, you can continue to earn prisms from crafting. Treasure breakage rates have also dropped by 50%. EXP gains from crafting will be resumed prior to the release of harvesters (announcement will be in TreasureDAO discord).
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Note that the table below refers to treasure breakage rates before they were cut by 50% for the crafter coma:
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Summoning success depends on the meter you see in the Summoning Circle pop-up:
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The success rate goes up as more people craft and goes down as more people summon.
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
Guide to Treasure Marketplace & Trove
By: Dominic
Editor: BrokeBoy96
Part 1: Checklist
✅ Have $MAGIC on Arbitrum (Treasure Marketplace Denominated in $MAGIC)
✅ Have $ETH on Arbitrum (Trove Denominated in $ETH, Gas fees paid by $ETH)
✅ Wallet connected to Arbitrum
Scroll down to Part 3 to learn about Trove
Part 2: How-to Treasure Marketplace
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Website - https://marketplace.treasure.lol/
Navigating Treasure MP
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Search for a collection using the search bar!
You can scroll through the different collections or type in the name of the collection.
Click on the collection you are interested in.
Purchasing an NFT
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Purchase an NFT by first clicking into the particular NFT you want to purchase from the collection page.
Click on the red “Purchase” button as shown in the screenshot above.
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3. An Order Summary will pop up, check that the details are correct and click “confirm order”. A metamask transaction will pop up which you will then need to sign for the purchase to go through.
For first timers, you will see “Approve $MAGIC '' instead. In this case, you will need to sign a transaction for approving your $MAGIC to be used on Treasure MP before you can make the purchase.
4. Click inventory on the top right corner to see your newly purchased NFT.
*There’s a quick purchase option now which lets you skip the first half of step 3!
Selling an NFT on Treasure MP
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To list an item, click on inventory, select the item you wish to sell
If this is your first time selling something from the collection, you will need to approve the collection to list and sign a transaction in your metamask.
Price the item at a price you feel is right. You can also click on floor price to automatically fill in the price box with the current market floor
Hit the drop down to choose how long you would like your item to be listed before automatically delisting
Select quantity (if necessary) and create your listing!
How to Transfer an NFT to Another Wallet
1. To transfer an NFT on Treasure MP, first go to your inventory which you can access through the top right corner!
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2. Next, click on the name of the NFT (In White) that you want to transfer. In our example, we will want to transfer a Smol Car to our friend!
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3. That should bring you to a specific page for that NFT as shown in the above screenshot. What you will want to do next is to click on the transfer icon in the top right corner.
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4. A pop up will then appear where you can fill in the address details of your friend who you want to transfer the NFT to. A metamask transaction will then pop up and once you complete it, the transfer will be completed.
Part 3: Comparing Treasure Marketplace vs Trove
Treasure Marketplace The Treasure marketplace is Treasure’s main NFT marketplace. All NFTs on the marketplace are priced in and can only be bought with $Magic. The NFTs listed on the marketplace are the ones that are directly under TreasureDAO or its closely affiliated partners. These partners tend to have integrated $MAGIC and also TreasureNFTs closely into their project. NFTs listed on the Treasure Marketplace range from in-game NFT avatars to items and even consumables. All items on the Treasure marketplace have a 5% royalty fee. 2.5% is redistributed to the DAO, while the other 2.5% goes to the creator of the collection. Check out the Treasure marketplace here - https://marketplace.treasure.lol/ Trove While the Treasure marketplace is a marketplace very closely affiliated with Treasure DAO, and as such very strict with who is allowed on the marketplace, Trove is a marketplace with a lot more freedom for creators and developers. The Trove marketplace serves as a more traditional and general NFT marketplace, denominated in ETH, while still retaining a relationship with the Treasure ecosystem. However, Trove does have some features that make them stand out from other NFT marketplaces in the wider crypto ecosystem. They are as follow:
All collections receive a level based on a variety of metrics including “floor price, volume traded, unique user count, and more”. Hence, allowing for buyers to easily track which projects are popular, have traction, etc.
An NFT graveyard & pit, allowing you to recycle your NFTs that went to zero into productive Treasure assets or small amounts of $MAGIC.
User levels that reward active market participants with further profile customization. Think steam profile customization.
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Free analytics tools provided courtesy of OriginsNFT that will display useful data to help you make informed decisions. Staking a Balancer Crystal in Trove will allow you access to even more analytics features as well! (Utility Liquidity)
A portion of ETH royalties will be distributed to those who stake $MAGIC in the Atlas mines or Harvesters, so you get $MAGIC and $ETH for staking. For more on staking, check out this article - https://library.magus.lol/post/679259174035750912/introduction-to-bridgeworld-part-1-how-to
How To: Trove
Trove is not yet released and this article will be updated once they have been released. Trove is slated for a Q2 release and you can keep updated on their launch by following them on Twitter - https://twitter.com/TroveByTreasure.
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genlibrary ¡ 2 years
BW Bytes: What can a recruit do? How do I get one?
If the legions on the marketplace are too costly, you can try out Bridgeworld with a recruit. As of the time of writing (20 March 2022), recruits can only quest for consumables (eg. Essence of Starlight, Prism Shards and rarely Universal Locks) at the Ivory Tower. Unlike Aux and Gen Legions, they cannot earn Treasures from questing and cannot level up. They also cannot craft or summon.
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For a fee of 10 MAGIC, you can obtain 1 recruit legion per wallet from the Barracks (next to the Atlas Mine). Do note that recruits cannot be sold or transferred to another wallet. The team is also planning to add more functionality to certain recruits in the future.
Now that you have your legion, you can quest, summon and craft to earn $MAGIC and Bridgeworld game items.
- Check out the Introduction to Bridgeworld (Part 2): A Brief Overview of Questing, Summoning & Crafting for more info
0 notes
genlibrary ¡ 2 years
BW Bytes: How Atlas Mine Staking APR Works
Why isn't there one specific figure for Atlas Mine APR? Why are my yields different from what I expected? We quickly explain how it works here.
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To summarize all the info in the pop-up:
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This meter refers to the percentage of total circulating $MAGIC that has been locked up in the Atlas Mine. As long as this value is > 60%, all of us will enjoy the full level of emissions possible from the Mine.
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On the left, you can stake $MAGIC.
On the right, you can stake Treasure NFTs or Legions to boost your $MAGIC yield. However, these NFTs will only boost yield on top of your existing $MAGIC stake, and cannot earn $MAGIC in and of themselves.
For example:
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Jim stakes 100 MAGIC in the Atlas Mine. The mine “sees” that he has 100 MAGIC and will give him yield accordingly. He now has the “mining power of a 100 MAGIC staker”.
Jim then decides to go to the Treasure Marketplace and buy a Treasure NFT (eg. Gold Coin). The marketplace listing shows that it’ll give him a 0.8% Atlas Mine boost.
Now that the Gold Coin is in his inventory, he stakes the NFT into the Atlas Mine.
Since the Gold Coin provides a 0.8% boost, the mine no longer sees his stake as just “100 MAGIC”. The mine considers the 0.8% booster he has, and sees his stake as “100.8 MAGIC”. With the NFT boost, he now has the mining power of someone who staked a liquid amount of “100.8 MAGIC”.
Another example:
Alice buys a Gold Coin from the marketplace and stakes it in the Atlas Mine. She doesn’t stake any $MAGIC tokens.
In Alice’s case, she will get 0 yield and putting her Gold Coin into the mine does nothing. Without any $MAGIC tokens in the mine, she has a mining power of zero.
As mentioned earlier, NFTs are merely boosters; the mine will only give you yield on $MAGIC tokens themselves.
For a passive yield, you can also choose to stake $MAGIC in the Atlas Mine without any NFT boosters.
There’s a reason why we don’t give one specific APY figure for Atlas Mine staking — the yield you can earn everyday changes as it depends on many factors. Some of these factors include the amount of revenue that TreasureDAO is making from its marketplaces and the total number of people competing for emissions from the Atlas Mine. The higher your mining power, the bigger your share of $MAGIC emissions.
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In order to stake $MAGIC, you must set a time-lock. You’ll see this window pop-up after clicking the “Stake” button.
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When you lock your $MAGIC in the mine, you cannot take it out till the time lock has ended. The longer you lock your $MAGIC, the greater your boost in mining power. This rewards long-term stakers and works the same way as that NFT boosters do.
Do note that locking your $MAGIC for 2 weeks DOES NOT mean that you’ll get 110 MAGIC back after an original stake of 100 MAGIC. The “10% boost” applies to your total mining power, similar to the NFT boosters in the Jim example. You can use this tool to roughly estimate your total $MAGIC yield/APY: Atlas Mine Canary: Bridgeworld Stats (treasure-canary.vercel.app). (Connect your wallet at your own risk as this is non-official community-made tool)
Think carefully before committing to a time-lock, as it cannot be reversed.
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When your time lock is up, you can click “Unstake” to withdraw your $MAGIC. If your time-lock hasn’t lapsed, the option to “Withdraw” your $MAGIC will stay grey-ed out.
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In the screenshot above, the player had staked their $MAGIC for 6 months, with a “vested duration of 30 days”. This means that after the 6 months is up, the “Withdraw” option will be clickable and the player can begin to withdraw their locked $MAGIC. However, he cannot unlock all his $MAGIC at one shot the moment the time-lock lapses; he can only withdraw his $MAGIC slowly in batches, over the course of 30 days. That is what “vested duration of 30 days” means.
To recap, the Atlas Mine has many components:
Stake $MAGIC tokens with a time-lock. The longer your time-lock, the higher your mining power/share of Atlas Mine emissions.
You can add NFT boosters such as Treasures and Legions to boost your mining power.
You will only get yield on staked $MAGIC tokens. Putting NFTs into the mine without any liquid $MAGIC tokens will give you zero yield.
After your time-lock has ended, you can withdraw your $MAGIC in batches over the course of the “vested duration”.
Helpful links for staking:
Atlas Mine — Treasure Docs
Atlas Mine Canary (Community-made tool to estimate your Atlas Mine APY)
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