gathering-storm · 5 years
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Commissions Info
Welp, I’m finally gonna do it…Commissions stuff! I spent like a week trying to get myself to do it, and bam. I’m gonna do both traditional art, and Digital art with the option of full color drawings or just line art.
All the info is in basically in the lil pictures I made but my PayPal is here : https://paypal.me/pools/c/8bPF6cbYXP
If you have questions, don’t be afraid to send an ask or message me!
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gathering-storm · 5 years
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Commissions Info
Welp, I’m finally gonna do it…Commissions stuff! I spent like a week trying to get myself to do it, and bam. I’m gonna do both traditional art, and Digital art with the option of full color drawings or just line art.
All the info is in basically in the lil pictures I made but my PayPal is here : https://paypal.me/pools/c/8bPF6cbYXP
If you have questions, don’t be afraid to send an ask or message me!
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gathering-storm · 5 years
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Residents of East Elencia
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gathering-storm · 5 years
Y'all ever get just a little excited when someone outside of your RP likes one of your reblogs of it?
Just that moment of "holy fuck, I'm doin some shit right enough ta get a secret admirer!"
Or even better is when someone slides inta yer inbox like "sup, saw yer thing, love yer style lets do somethin."
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gathering-storm · 5 years
honestly writing an OC in this community is another set of issues.
the soul crushing feeling when you see “no OCs” in someones rules
constantly having to dumb down your canon
adjusting to adapted canons
the amount of your own canon and lore you have to sacrifice to do that
when you mention wanting to write a canon, people that have never shown any real interest in your OC jump out of the woodwork to encourage you to do it
when you do it, and that canon gets more attention than your OC ever did
the alternative of that: when your first character was canon and you transition to writing an OC, people suddenly disappear
fandom OCs that outgrow their fandoms and muns that feel they have nowhere to put them
endlessly worrying if your character is too sue-ish, even after x-amount of years
oh my god female OCs need their own post
female OCs constantly being underestimated and dismissed; being held to a different set of standards than other OCs
honestly i know people that are straight up afraid to write a female OC for these reasons. they’re discouraged before they even start because they know they will never get the same acknowledgement
people assuming simple, stupid things about your muse (can we all agree to stop guessing whose muse is taller and just look from now on?)
feeling like you have to jump through hoops to keep up with everyone else and keep your character fresh and interesting so people don’t lose interest
canon blogs that shit on OCs– you realize you were OCs too right? what would the original writer of your canon think?
no seriously, it can be so discouraging writing an OC. how many ideas are you killing by snubbing OCs? the future of creative media is in our hands!
has someone stolen my canon?
is my canon too similar to someone else’s?
do they think i stole their canon?
and what do you do when somebody does steal your canon? it can be so hard to prove and it’s so easy for it to be dismissed
having your OC written off because of the face claim choice– that face is constantly typecast, nobody can take it seriously, they’ve been overplayed and ruined. (we love you, nina dobrev and 1D OCs, you’re doing gods work)
honestly, i’m sure i could keep going. if you ask your local OC muns, they’ll be able to tack a few of their own struggles onto this list. hell, i encourage you to!
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gathering-storm · 5 years
A voice soon fills the room with a sweet song alongside a whirling of multicolored wisps flowing in from every direction, those searching seemingly frozen in place by some unseen force.
"Three...two...one" your seatmate counts down whilst tapping his right index finger against the desk, the final number in perfect time with a brilliant flash of light coinciding with the serenade's grand opus, the silhouette of a long haired, slim woman vaguely visible amidst this blinding spectacle.
More Than Meets The Eye [[ Closed RP W/ @gathering-storm ]]
It had a been a few months since I met some strange man who came across me with an invitation. I had met two men, two kings. One of Gold, another of obsidian. I had shown promise and stubbornness and they both seemed to like that.
Now I was small and the only one from my world, I was seen as weak and yet we had mostly been learning theory, control and physical fitness… Of which I wasn’t great at. The other students weren’t too great either, they were asses most of them and so I preferred to keep to myself. Eating alone, spending free time studying and doing my work in my rooms.
Today was the first class of actual magic practice and I heard that some people only had affinities to one or two elements, that we were to practice and try to develop more… But I hadn’t been practicing, not since I grew a tree that bore the crystaline roses that had been presented to me by the golden king. I glance up at said rose on the shelf above my desk and frown slightly, I had been apprehensive to try magic but decided not to risk killing or hurting myself just yet.
I sigh and then adjust my robes, beneath them I wore trousers and on my feet I had comfortable leather boots. This world wasn’t like mine, it was so different but sometimes I didn’t even think about it. I shake my head with a small smirk and then pick up the hair brush and pull my hair back into a ponytail, revealing the shaved sides and underneath of my dyed red hair. I then do one last check over and pick up my bag before leaving the room and locking the door behind me, I slip the key inside my robes and then head towards the hall we were told to gather out.
I had a feeling we’d see one of the kings today, maybe even both, who knew? I walk into the hall and linger nearer to the door, avoiding the main crowd of students and surveying the room as my anxiety jittered and buzzed about inside me. My fingers tap against the strap of my messenger bag and I wait for the lesson or well… Induction to begin.
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gathering-storm · 5 years
"Oh hell yeah babe...", he responded after taking a brief moment to regain his breath, habd wandering down her side ever so teasingly toward her rear, "gotta make up fer lost time, don't we?" He smirked, a backward flick of his head emphasizing his words.
@gathering-storm liked for an rp starter!
Cue Myth hugging Jeri from behind, a tight squeeze more or less, she missed him a lot.
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gathering-storm · 5 years
"Your call", came the reply in tandem with a thick puff of purple smoke from the man's mouth, the pipe soon being extinguished simply with a thumb briefly put over the open lit end, "haven't seen another outsider here 'sides you, mind if I tag along?" He asked straightening his posture, his thoughts turning to what this other traveler was doing in such a mundane yet crowd ridden place.
Davix was new to this world, the loud sounds and bustling crowds a far cry from the quiet serenity of his rural birthplace and the noise was slowly starting to wear on him, his relaxed smile slowly turning into a subtle annoyed grimace as he made his way through the busy streets.
With a relieved sigh he relaxed against the cold brick wall of a relatively desolate alley, lighting a black wood pipe with a white skull shaped lighter before taking a long puff.
“Hey, you there, need a draw?” He questioned seeing the hedgehog walking by, the offer meant to help soothe the iritation he could clearly see on them.
Dan’s gaze would meet the other offering him a ‘draw’ to which he’d shake his head, “No thank you?” Not actually knowing what he’d meant though judging from how that pipe was smoking along with the exhaled puff escaping Davix he had enough of an idea.
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At least he didn’t seem to be paying attention to his abnormal arm unlike most did. “Just passing by and doing my own thing, so by all means, enjoy your draws to the full extent.”
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gathering-storm · 5 years
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“Bury a Friend”
“Then my limbs all froze and my eyes won’t close, And I can’t say no, I can’t say no”
Honestly just a fun lil thing with one of my personas, named Ssa, with some spray painted paper. It was kinda weird giving her pupils for once though…
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gathering-storm · 5 years
Davix was new to this world, the loud sounds and bustling crowds a far cry from the quiet serenity of his rural birthplace and the noise was slowly starting to wear on him, his relaxed smile slowly turning into a subtle annoyed grimace as he made his way through the busy streets.
With a relieved sigh he relaxed against the cold brick wall of a relatively desolate alley, lighting a black wood pipe with a white skull shaped lighter before taking a long puff.
"Hey, you there, need a draw?" He questioned seeing the hedgehog walking by, the offer meant to help soothe the iritation he could clearly see on them.
@gathering-storm liked for a starter!
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
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Grunted a slightly disgruntled demon-hog from another taking a little too long a look at his demonic limb, not that he could blame them directly for doing so, how often did you see something so bizarre? and he knew it was his own fault for simply not covering it up like he had previously.
But even that was proving to be more difficult considering the arm itself had only grew even more intense with that lavender aura the cracks along that ashen surface, even if he did cover it up the light glowing would likely pierce through the materials at this point. Demonic energy was hard to hide when it was practically oozing off of him these days.
Regardless, Dan moved on along ignoring the one he’d commented at, hoping he wouldn’t soon find another taking an interest in him.
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gathering-storm · 5 years
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Travels ♡
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gathering-storm · 5 years
Give me one Pro and one Con for living with my muse
Specify the muse(s)
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gathering-storm · 5 years
Physical Detail Ask Meme:
Σ(゚Д゚;): Have they ever sprained or broken their leg before? How about their arm? What was the story behind it?
╰(*´︶`*)╯: Do they appreciate hugs? Would they prefer to give hugs or receive hugs? What kind of hugs do they like to receive and/or give?
ಠಿ_ಠ: Do they look up or down when they are trying to recollect something?
ヽ( ´O`): What is their body language like when sleepy? 
(Д゚≡゚Д゚): When they are surprised by somebody do they physically jump? Scream? 
(⸝⸝⸝ ̑ ̑⸝⸝⸝):  Does their face get red after they drink?
(„ᵕᴗᵕ„): Does their face turn red when embarrassed? If so, how else do they react when embarrassed? (I.E. Shifting of weight upon foot, etc.)
( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ»: Do they have a sensitive spot/s?
(〇o〇;): What is their body language like when they are stressed? Do they try and hide the fact that they are stressed? How do they recover from said stress?
ಠ-ಠ: Do they like it when people touch their hair?
(ノ≧ڡ≦): Do they like to show affection by physically teasing? (I.E: Shoulder punches, etc.)
♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪: How are they like when they dance? Are they stiff? Fluid? A good dancer? Do they prefer to dance with a lot of others, with one other person, or alone?
ง ( ⌓̈ )ง: Are they physically strong when it comes to fights?
(´∀`): Do they laugh when they get nervous?
ಥoಥ: How are they like when they cry? Do they just stream tears nonstop? Does their nose get clogged to the point that it’s hard to breathe? Is it easy for them to speak when they are sobbing? Do they hiccup when they cry?
ಸヮಸ: Do they lean back or forward when they laugh hard? Do they snort? Slap their knee? Do that seal-esque clap? Do they often laugh to the point that you can’t hear their laugh anymore?
「(°ヘ°): How does one calm them down when they are freaking out? Do they prefer physical comfort, or would they rather be left alone?
⊙.☉: Does their voice get an octave higher when they lie? Does it crack?
( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡): Does having somebody stroke their head make them feel relaxed?
(ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*): Do they prefer kisses on the cheek? Forehead? What about neck kisses?
(-.-): How should one wake them up? Do they get out of bed easily?
(ó﹏ò。): Are there any foods that make their stomach upset?
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gathering-storm · 5 years
Send me “I can’t take it anymore!” to slam my muse into a wall and kiss them
or send me “Wha– Mmph” for the opposite
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gathering-storm · 5 years
☮ - friendship headcanon
Gonna do a few here
@healing-memories 's Shade and Daryl enjoy a collegiate friendship that often bleeds into the almost brotherly
@humming-twilight 's Neptune and Unmal's relationship started as somewhat of a wallflowers alliance before blossoming into the love it is today.
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gathering-storm · 5 years
☆ - happy headcanon for Jericho
Due to his work with orphans, some call him the "Ghetto Santa"
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gathering-storm · 5 years
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Liete…. ?
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