gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
     The green-clad hero listened on as he followed the other closely, unable to keep his eyes from wandering about and taking in the strange sort of people to inhabit the place he suddenly found himself in. This place, ‘The Neath’ as Cichol called it, was unlike anything Link had ever seen before, and it left the blond feeling more out of place than ever.
     “H-hyrule… it’s… a place… a… a kingdom… I–” The hero was stunned, to say the least, unable to quite keep up with the man’s ramblings as the information given to him was practically splashed upon him like a wave. “– E-excuse me?” And what in heaven’s name was with that look? Link didn’t know wether to be flattered for the invitation or bewildered.
     He was… a bit of both, if he were to be honest.
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     “I-I’m sorry, Lord Cichol, but I… I don’t understand.” Any of this, really, but he would be sure to specify one thing at a time, first. “What do you mean by… The Surface? Is this place… underground, or something?” And what of that bit about dying? He spoke as though it were a mere inconvenience! “H-how would I get back up to the surface? I-is… is there someone I should speak to? Someone in charge or something…?” Ah, worry weighed heavily on his brow, his gaze growing downcast as he attempted to establish some form of a plan in his mind.
Blinking, he tilted his head at the other. “My, you are lost, aren’t you? Look up, dear-- it may look like nighttime, what with the false-stars, but that is a cavern roof you’re looking at, not the sky.” A thoughtful look settled on his face as he decided be a bit bolder and examine the other’s appearance more blatantly, especially lingering on the elf-like ears. A certain suspicion started to form in his mind, which would normally be ridiculous, but what with the deconstruction of all notions of “common sense” and reality that the Bazaar brought with it, it wasn’t strange at all. After all, there were several dimensions and realms different from their own exerting their influence in London already, what was weird about another one?
“...I suppose I shall have to start from the beginning. We are currently in the city of London, part of the British Empire. It used to be a Surface city as well, but one day it was stolen underground by bats, and well, the Bazaar and its Masters essentially run this city now, what with the-- ahem, Her Majesty, holed up in the Shuttered Palace and such.”
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“If you wish to go up to the Surface, then you should seek out a zee captain to take you to the Cumaean Canal. Though, ah, you mostly likely do not have papers, do you... Mm, no matter. I’m sure I can get something sorted out for you. And of course, smuggling is always an option.” He said cheerily, winking in a teasing, conspiratorial way. “I’m sure you’d be able to find someone willing to take you, considering you’re a handsome foreigner from a faraway kingdom. I should put that in my next book-- I’m sure the public will just eat it up.”
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
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Mr Wines… just Mr Wines 
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
     It was with great hesitance that the blond managed to tear his gaze away from the seemingly drug-addled man, choosing instead to focus upon the newest stranger who approached, and even bothered to converse with him to begin with. This place– it was the strangest he had found himself in, by far, and Link had been to many a place. “H-honey?” He inquired tentatively, not quite understanding how something so sweet and harmless could have blame for such a terrible condition. “I… N-no, I’m–” Oh, Farore above, what was happening? There, just beyond the glow light of crowded buildings and amidst the alleyways!
     … What a terrible way to treat a cat!
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     “I’m sorry, I’m just a little… lost…” It was a drastic understatement, if he were to be honest. “I-it’s nice to meet you, lord Cichol… My name is Link. I’m, ah… I’m not from around here, as you can see. Would you be able to point me towards Hyrule?”
“An absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance as well, Link!” Putting his hand on his chest, he bowed a little in greeting. The poor man was so clearly a Surfacer, it was both charming and quite pitiful to watch. “I haven’t heard of a place called High Rule before. Is it a surface city, or a zee colony? You must tell me more about it, I do so love to hear stories of distant lands. Do walk with me?”
Making a little gesture, he started strolling once again down Veilgarden, periodically checking to see if the other was keeping up. “I completely understand your bafflement, by the way. I myself once lived on the Surface many years ago-- so orderly out there, basking in the Sun’s radiance. I’m not sure how you managed to get lost and stumble down in the Neath, but I do recommend you leave quickly if you like order and law. Staying down here too long, especially if you are killed, makes it so that you cannot go back. The sunlight burns you, you see. But if you do wish to stay to indulge in Neathy delights, I would be more than happy to give you a little guidance.” 
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He gestured to a side street with a few well-known honey dens. “For example, your earlier inquiry-- When Londoners speak of honey, they usually speak of Prisoner’s Honey. It is, ah, a hallucinogenic substance... would be the not-quite-correct, but easier to understand explanation. A drop on the tongue causes you to have wonderful, indulgent dreams. Perhaps we can try some together, and share dreams.” Cichol sent a probing, flirty glance at the other, before chuckling good-naturedly.
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
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To celebrate the official release of Sunless Skies, I finally finished drawing my Fallen London boy Lord Cichol! He’s a respectable socialite and author who writes trashy gothic romance novels. Oh, and fools around with Correspondence sigils to travel across dimensions.
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
Inhospitable expression remains in place she does not move to take the offered handkerchief having instead wrap her bloody arms around her abdomen as though she were trying to prevent any more blood from spilling forth from the sides, Celia regards him with a raised brow of feigned interest as she allows for his prattle to flow through harkening ears, not once did her patience wane away yet her annoyance was gradual in rising as she is not one for conversations or any attempts of forming some sort of bond. “I already know how they work and I’d like to see them try to take advantage of me when I’m like this,” she scoffed, memories of her time spent with The Lich flows in her mind. Aye, perhaps she was all too aware of how the devils can work. However, Celia was fully confident that she will be able to charm her way out of whatever unfavorable deal they may make for her should they sense a moment of weakness.  
By the gods, how she wanted to say no to him, to promptly tell him to “fuck off” and leave her be so that she can bleed out in silent peace without listening to his chatter but benevolence was a weakness, one that could oh so easily be exploited. The city was a vast place and far too many times did she lose her way. It was irritable and a huge inconvenience to say the least. 
“… if you want,” she merely says, picking herself off from the corner of the wall Celia would walk past him, pointedly ignoring his arm. “Hurry up. The sooner we get there the better.”
“Of course, my lady~. Let us be off then.” Not dissuaded by the cold shoulder, he shrugged and casually lowered his arm and lead the way towards the Brass Embassy at a brisk but manageable pace for the woman at his side. A few people rose eyebrows at his company’s rather bloody condition, but tipped their hats to him all the same as they passed by, which Cichol returned with a smile and nod. “Devils are a very polite bunch anyway-- I’m sure a lady with such a strong personality such as yourself would have little trouble with them. They don’t like taking souls by force, you see. More profitable for them if it’s all willing.”
A merry turn here, towards the glint of brass, as the author prattled on. “Spirifers, however, tend to loom about and grab souls out of those almost dead when their guard is down to sell them illegally. Though I admit I am a bit of a collector myself, I don’t quite understand those that are heavily involved in black market soul trade, do you? I suppose it is profitable, but there are a great many other lucrative avenues to pursue in London that do not raise the ire of Hell.”
He knew was being rather free with his information and thoughts, and for someone who clearly didn’t enjoy his company, but ah well. Perhaps if he chattered enough, she would be more amiable-- at least, when she was not on the verge of death. Speaking of, “I recommend a spoonful of F.F. Gebrandt’s Tincture of Vigour before a meal to help those wounds of yours by the way, though I suspect it is of little use at the moment. At the very least, you may enjoy a nice rest, hm? Oh, if you do end up on the river, do pass my regards to the boatman.” He hummed, face overcome with a pleasant nostalgia. “It’s been so long since I visited the boat-- I quite miss our chess games. Do you play?”
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
Well then. It wasn’t exactly uncommon to see a person or two wandering around on their last legs, so really he shouldn’t be so concerned, but he was the sort to stick his nose in when it wasn’t welcome. Magnanimous, you know. So he approached anyway, with a handkerchief in hand extended to the other. Cichol blinked a bit at the tone he was greeted with, but otherwise didn’t mind it-- he had companions from all walks of life after all, and zee-captains and criminals tended to be more menacing than the woman in front of him. Especially when said woman was in a rather pitiful state. “As you were then, my dear lady. I hesitate to simply leave you in such a state however, especially if you will be dealing with devils. Terribly charming bunch of course, and quite interesting conversation partners, but tis also why it is inadvisable to show them much weakness. They can be so comforting and easy to trust at times...” 
Oh, dear-- perhaps he spoke for too long. He did have an unfortunate habit of rambling on. Giving the other a friendly and apologetic grin, he dipped his head a little and tapped his staff on the ground. “Ah, but look at me going on and on. I’m sure a capable young lady such as yourself can make your own decisions about your soul. Please excuse my impertinence-- The Brass Embassy is just a couple jaunts over to Ladybones Road. Shall I accompany you?” He offered his arm with a cheery chuckle.
“Don’t bother with helping me. I’m fine.” Blunt words spoken in harsh tones, her voice pitifully weak from the strain of staying conscious. Lone viridescent eye narrows in barely concealed contempt and aggression, her unbridled vexations evoked by the mere fact of having been caught during a moment of weakness and o’ how much Celia hated to be seen in her most vulnerable state where her magic sapped away her strength and bestowed ‘pon her wounds where crimson would trickle forth. She had been far too arrogant in believing that she could use a fraction of her powers without worrying about the recoil effect due to the short amount of time she had meant to use her magic. How wrong she had been. Eventually, she decides, she’ll patch herself up but for now, she had urgent matters to take care of. “Just tell me where the Brassy Embassy is and I’ll get out of your way.”
@gaslvght / starter call. / closed. 
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
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“Oh, dear-- I highly recommend to simply leave the poor man to it, my good sir.” Tapping the end of his staff on the cobblestone in front of the stranger, Cichol smiled disarmingly, a marshy-green light settling on his head like a crown from the flickering flame in the staff’s chamber. Just a couple meters away, a man sits on the curb, eyes neither here nor there, shouting about some inane something or another. Poor sod. Temptation could be so cruel. “There isn’t much one can do for the honey-mazed. He will have to return from where he has gone on his own. Fear not! It is not a permanent state. Usually.” 
The man let out a loud groan, something about fruit and snakes, and the other people strolling down the street clucked their tongues at him in disapproval. “Let us not linger, hm? Are you a tourist? Ah-- where are my manners. I am Lord Cichol. Apologies if I am coming on strong-- I am a bit of a busybody you see.” He chuckled and offered a hand to the other.
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
At last, that which I have suffered the scratches and penetrating colors for has finally come to fruition. I have dedicated an entire chamber in my home for the objects-- perhaps seven locks on the door is a bit paranoid, or perhaps it isn’t paranoid enough. Surely the Masters would strike me down for such an invention, if they cared much, and in fact I suspect that there is no particular group in all of London who would have approved of my project besides some of the more radical scholars in the University. Or perhaps not even them-- when the last sigil was carved, the violant etching into my eyes, there was a chilling terror that covered me like a wave, causing every fiber of my soul to screech in protest, to destroy the mirror as soon as possible. And yet, a temptation-- like a siren song, lulling me and calling for me, warring against the fear to tug my insides in opposite directions. It is electrifying and fascinating. If I were not holding onto the staff I had created alongside the mirror, perhaps I would already be swept away into its jaws, doomed to wander in the non-existent space between realities as an Am-Not. I wonder if that would count as ascending the Chain? Certainly not in a preferred way.
At any rate, the staff is soothing and I can tell that it is decidedly on my side. Has it gained sentience? I am not sure-- I assume not, but then again, I did take a brief trip to Polythreme in the middle of its assembly. I trust it anyway, even as I know that trusting anything covered in Correspondence sigils is generally a bad idea, like entrusting too much of yourself to a kind devil. But it helped me keep sane after finishing the mirror just long enough to grab a bottle of Gebrandt's finest nightmare scrubber and down it like a man in a desert.
Of course, Laudanum doesn’t do much for me anymore-- and as maddening as they may be, oftentimes I find myself welcoming dreams, even ones that end in a room on fire or snakes biting my ankles. The latter do tend to cause more physical wounds apart from the scars on my mind, but I do not feel much of a grudge-- perhaps I had done something to offend them, and who am I to offend royalty? At any rate, I believe my mind to be sufficiently seared to the point where I truly believe that this whole thing is an absolutely fantastic idea. Perhaps my existence will be torn apart the moment I am sucked into the dark glass, but there are many worse fates out there for the poor sods who start poking around in the secrets of higher order beings like I have been doing.
Perhaps another drop. I suspect I won’t find much of the stuff in whatever mysterious land I find myself in, and I could use the little boost closer to sanity if only for the journey through. It would be a little disappointing of course if my invention simply took me to Parabola, but there would be no loss-- the Mirror-Marches were, is, and will be fascinating, and I have learnt my lesson about consuming juicy, plump fruits, no matter how appetizing they may seem. But I really do hope that I will discover somewhere new-- perhaps somewhere that has a kinder sun, not beaming its rays down in grief and duty. Imagine that-- a sympathetic star. 
That’s surely the most mad thing I’ve written in this d___med journal, isn’t it? To whomever reads this after my most likely untimely and unknown unexistence, I do hope you got a little chuckle out of that, even if it is in disbelief. Anyway, I feel that it is time try entering the gateway I have created. Wish me luck in the future-- perhaps your well-wishes will carry itself to me through a strange but commonplace wiggle of time.
Lord Cichol Gricenchos
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
I mentioned this on Cichol’s about page, but if y’all have any suggestions for developing his character or some other advice for running an OC blog, I’m all ears! I spent several days working on him, and I have yet to shade his reference art... but I think otherwise he’s done? (besides the verses and relationships page, but hey, not even Vaati has those lmfao)
I’m pretty sure 90% of my writing partners for this blog are going to have no idea what Fallen London is or anything my muse is talking about... But hey, that’s fine and fun for me! ;) I really apologize for those who don’t like that though. I tried to write the profile so you can get the gist of his character without necessarily needing to know anything about the game.
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
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Mr. Wines invites you to behold The ECHO BAZAAR - London’s DAZZLING heart of COMMERCE AND DELIGHT. Observe as it ILLUMINATES the journey into a BRAVE NEW CENTURY.
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
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network iii | preview - code (raw), alternate
a minimalistic network/family page that features
custom colours for background, border, scrollbar and more
header with a circle icon, title, description and combination filters
fixed sidebar with unlimited links
each box contains name, icon, url and a short description 
changeable number of columns - directions are in the code
this is for anon who requested a network page with eloquence’s sidebar! credits to icons by @lilabard​ and combination filters script by @magnusthemes​.
everything needs to be edited in the code, therefore basic coding knowledge is required. if there are any issues or glitches, don’t be afraid to send me an ask here.
reblog/like if using and please do not repost or steal!
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
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Interlude  —  Preview / Code
Family / network / relationships / biases / pairings page.
Horizontal scroll.
Images are 100px x 310px.
URL appears when you hover over the image.
Keep the description short.
Notes are included in the code itself for reference.
Please reblog/like if using. 
Browse More: Free Themes / Custom Theme / Kconet
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
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BASIC 01 by airi-nyaan
static preview | code | base codes
500px post size
200px sidebar image
4 custom links
blog title & description
fade photos & hover tags
like & reblog buttons
index & permalink pagination
font awesome icons
custom colors
google fonts
webkit scrollbar
simple code
you may..
edit as much as you like
use it as a base code
use it as a personal theme
Like/reblog if you’re using
Don’t claim/repost/add credit as yours without heavy edits
Please follow the rules, and happy customizing!
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gaslvght-a-blog · 5 years
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Page - Aeolus; [preview] [code] [magnusthemes]
A modular about page featuring Pantone color of the year 16-1546 Living Coral.
As this about page is built on a modular basis, you can arrange as many boxes as you want, in whatever way you want, and have them in whatever size you want. 
I highly recommend that you have some basic HTML/CSS knowledge before using this page. Please read the instructions in the code for more information!
This page was made for the Coding Cabin Awards Pantone Challenge. Please like and/or reblog this post if you use or plan or using this page, or just if you like it (: Thank you for your support!
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