gandalfsmagick555 · 20 days
Various Tips
Use an item to hold excess spiritual energy after rituals. It serves to make a good reservoir for other rituals. A tip I also learnt is to put the excess energy into the altar and it empowers the altar a greater deal. Of course, energy raised during curses isn't put into the altar but maybe a second item which can then be used in future curses.
Have a pot nearby with some dirt that you've consecrated with the four elements. Then you have a place near your altar that you can bury items in to charge, especially placing them under the moon for a while. A second pot can also be consecrated during the Deipnon and dedicated towards the Holy Dead, which then can become a relatively good substitute for graveyard dirt.
On that note, here's a fun bit from 'Tools of Avernus' by S. Aldarnay on a simple item called the Orcus Casket which can be used to charge items with the energy of the Underworld, or Hades rather. A wooden box is taken and filled some or all of the following: grave dirt, powdered bone (a nice chicken bone may also be buried in the grave and then left for a few nights before being dug up with a prayer and ground up), yew wood shavings (cypress could also be well and good) and baneful or poisonous herbs and plants. You could then probably place it back in the Death-Dirt for another lunar cycle, saying prayers to the Mistress over it for that time before digging it back up and using it to charge items for necromancy.
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gandalfsmagick555 · 22 days
Review: Consorting with Spirits by Jason Miller.
I have followed Jason’s work for several years and have even taken a few of his more intensive courses that he offers multiple times a year. I am a fan of his work, and I feel this must be stated up-front. Not because I am biased by these facts, but mostly because I had an appreciation of his work, his stance on things, and the way he teaches prior to coming to this work.
I am quite well-read and have read both things released recently and works stemming from centuries ago. This book is like the missing link, a jigsaw piece which connects the work of the past to the work of the present. It takes what we knew about spirits in centuries past, how this changed in recent times, and how we relate to the spiritual world as modern magical practitioners.
Jason begins by outlining what he believes spirits are, he gives a simple definition and explains it in such a down-to-earth way that its simplicity is close to perfection. He then moves on to the different levels and modes through which spirits can communicate with us, and us with them. All while drawing on solid magical theory as well as on a wealth of personal experience. It is the personal stories which really seem to bring this book to life.
He also addresses one of the most under-addressed issues in spirit based magick- the fact that grimoires were largely written by and for members of the clergy. That following these to the letter may or may not be necessary depending on the circumstance, magician, and spirits involved. He also explicitly states that it is better to forge working relationships with such spirits through offerings and mutual service and respect instead of through force alone. It is necessary to have authority and be able to use this force when necessary, but it is not necessary all the time. It is refreshing for a modern author to take this stance, it is often a stance not even entertained. It is a recognition that the grimoires were written in different times by different people, perhaps of a different faith and mindset. Jason’s message is clear, treat spirits as you would strangers, give them a chance at first!
There are also numerous techniques, prayers, and spells mentioned and given in the book. Including preliminary exercises only very slightly adapted from Jason’s Hekate and Cyprian courses. The tech in those courses works, and these may offer the reader a little taste of the powers that operate behind them. The prayers given will certainly open the senses of the magician and allow them to become more receptive to the spiritual forces around them.
At the end of the book, there is a pretty thorough Q and A section where Jason has collected real questions from his students and answered them, publishing the most common ones in the book. This is a great way to end a book that has been conversational in tone throughout. This has not been a laborious read, it has been like having a conversation with Jason, or completing one of his courses. I love the drawing on of personal experience rather than just theory, and the humorous tone, and no-nonsense attitude throughout makes this a refreshing read.
I have enjoyed reading this book and I recommend it to every magical practitioner out there. Jason states repeatedly, this should not be your first book on magic, and I agree with this. I would recommend you read all of Jason’s books, but perhaps start with Strategic Sorcery and then move on to Consorting with Spirits. The former will give you theory and tech to work with. The latter gives you everything you need to know to forge spiritual allies, which I believe is the crucial factor to not only Jason’s brand of sorcery, but magic in general.
I cannot stress enough the importance of this book; however, it is also the most personal work of Jason’s to date. Featuring personal stories and a conversational tone. This isn’t to imply that these things aren’t present in his previous works, they are. But this feels more like the author is having a conversation with the reader, as opposed to the reader simply absorbing information. It is definitely one of those books I will re-read, and it’s tone and style remind me of Lon Milo DuQuettes “My life with the spirits”. Which is a compliment as that is also one of my favourite occult books.
There are aspects of the book I do not agree with. For example, Jason has a stance on banishing rituals I disagree with. He worked with them from Kraig’s “Modern Magick” and perhaps this is where my disagreement comes from. Many books purport that the purpose of banishing rituals are to banish spirits, I disagree with this. I don’t believe the LBRP can banish real spirits, simply astral leeches that aren’t all that autonomous. I also disagree that it places you in an impenetrable bubble. However, I also believe that one can use the LBRP to create such a hostile environment for spirits if one intends to do so.
I don’t believe it is the rituals that are the problem, rather the banishing mindset “We must banish all spirits”. These rituals respond to intention, and I believe that is where the error lies. The ritual itself is more about reinforcing the body of light, mastering the elements, and establishing a holy temple for the HGA to dwell in. Perhaps Jason is correct, I am able to maintain I can be wrong, but I feel my experience differs from his in this regard. My use of the pentagram ritual is different to those who are simply reading primers that are outdated and quite frankly not well-informed. It’s okay that we disagree on one point, I agree with pretty much everything else, and I love the book regardless.
To summarise, whilst I still consider Strategic Sorcery to be Miller’s Magnum Opus, I believe this is my favourite book written by him. I also think this book is one of the most important books written about magick and spirits in particular in the 21st century. It is a much needed, refreshing take on living life as a modern-day sorcerer.
I don’t like rating books on a scale, so we will simply stick to don’t bother reading, read if interested, or must read. This book is a must-read.
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gandalfsmagick555 · 22 days
Strict Tarot Rules My Grandma Taught Me
Sweep the floor with a whisk broom before every reading. It shows respect for the old gods who will be coming in.
Answer only three questions for a querent in one seating. Revealing too much sacred information will dilute its meaning.
Always use the Celtic Cross for a personal reading. “You cannot truly appreciate the weight of the advice you are giving if you don’t fully understand the way the querent is feeling.”
Make an offering to the querent’s higher self before proceeding. “The body may want a reading, but the soul may be unwilling.” A piece of chocolate or anything sweet should be appropriate.
Ensure the querent’s hands are clean. Prepare a hot towel or a water basin. It rids their body of negative energy and keeps your cards from getting dirty.
Dim the lights before you deal the cards. “The Fates live next to Hades. They are not used to harsh lighting.”
Play soft and quiet music. It calms the mind and encourages the querent to bravely tell you what they really seek.
You shuffle, they cut. Shuffling lets the cards connect you to the source. Cutting allows the cards to feel the querent’s life force.
Honesty is better than sympathy. Exaggerating hopes and softening harsh truths do more harm than good.
Never forget to thank your cards afterwards. “The messages come from the goddesses, yes. But your cards make the effort to speak them in the way you can understand best.”
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gandalfsmagick555 · 23 days
Considerations Therefrom on the Money Bowl/Planetary
Some times of Working: Thursday, Sunday, Wednesday.
Sunday seems duly appropriate as it is a time of prayer and dedication and thus it can be used as a day to cleanse the past week and to welcome the new week. Due to the solar energy present, it is also a good time for removing evil forces, negativity and for working with solar stones such as Citrine which is regarded as being able to attract wealth. The number six is also potent because it refers then to the six directions, north, east, south, west, above and below.
Thursday is a good day to work on affairs relating to the home, to rent, to payments needed in which the bill granted will be fumigated with something like frankincense and anointed with a blessing oil as a way to bless that the money and good fortune will be able to cover one's needs. Furthermore, this can be a time of libation to the spirits of one's practice as it is associated with the Jupiterian Graal and the recitation of Psalm 23 over the spell. The number four is prevalent thus offering four coins, a battery of four or four recitations of a prayer can be done here as well.
Mercury would be good when one has an obstacle they need to face or overcome. Here they could offer or use a key set aside for the money bowl, burn appropriate incenses and place forward their petitions.
The colours of the money bowl can then be a dark blue, to represent Jupiter, orange, for Mercury, and gold, white or yellow to represent the Sun.
Appropriate seals from the Pentacle of Solomon would include:
The Sixth Pentacle of Jupiter which serves against all earthly dangers to those who regard it with devotion and say the versicle about it. The Seventh Pentacle of Jupiter which appears in the works of Gemma Gary, using the central pattern, which acts against poverty. It works in the same way as the Sixth.
The First Pentacle of the Sun is known for its power to grant the desires that one would wish by calling divine forces. It also serves as the base for work for the Second and Third Pentacle of the Sun, in which all three are made and used together as by some interpretations.
The Fifth Pentacle of Mercury which serves to open closed doors, both literal and metaphroical.
Due to some of the symbolism, having the Ace of Cups present at the altar is also a good way of working.
Due to Jupiter's Nature with Four, one could use dirt from the Four corners of the home as a taglock.
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gandalfsmagick555 · 24 days
So the more I read and the more I explore the thoughts and ramblings of other witches, magicians and sorcerers I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t really care how magick works.
By that I mean that I’m less concerned with the model by which magick is believed to work; the psychological, energetic, spirit or other. I don’t care anymore. Perhaps none are the pathway through which magick works and there is some unknown model that we have yet to discover, or perhaps only a singular model works and the rest is just acting. My leaning at this current moment in time is that they all work; sometimes in unison and sometimes in their own singular way. But during any work that I part take in will be worked through the lens that they all work together.
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gandalfsmagick555 · 24 days
The Enduring Power of the Oil Lamp: A Time-Honored Tool In Mountain Folk Magick
The Appalachian region is known for its enchanted mountains, which hold a deep-rooted past of practical but extraordinary techniques and traditions. Among them, one tool has stood the test of time - the oil lamp. This unassuming yet potent household item has been used worldwide throughout time. Also, it has been an essential part of mountain folk magick for generations, renowned for its effectiveness and versatility in money drawing, legal matters, love drawing, protection, asserting dominance, and aid in various long-ongoing workings.
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A Purification & Path Clearing Working
Working The Oil Lamp:
Personally, I prefer using oil lamps for my own personal work instead of candles. One of the main reasons is that there is less mess and the ability to adjust the flame during my working to my liking. Another added benefit is that technically the lamp never has to be extinguished... However, in our busy modern lives, it's not always feasible to constantly monitor a burning source like fire. It is important to prioritize safety and practicality rather than adhering to tradition or the idea that the lamp can never be extinguished until completed. No working is worth the cost of losing your home or space!!!
When preparing your oil lamp, it is necessary to prepare it properly. This involves blessing and dressing the lamp. I always make sure to clean my lamps with either Florida Water, Moon Water, Smoke, Sound, Prayers, or Chants beforehand. Once the lamp is thoroughly cleansed and blessed, the work can begin.
Important note: Beforehand you might want to ensure that the ingredients that you plan to use in the lamp can be easily removed from the basin after the work is completed. It is important to keep in mind not to overload your lamp with herbs, as this can affect the flow of the flame and the absorption of the oil.
Personal Tip: I have found it best to work in intervals of 3, 6, or 9, as these numbers hold significant spiritual meaning. Additionally, in my personal opinion the use of more than 9 different herbs in lamp magick, is overkill... but do whatever makes you happy! Don't forget to make sure you have blessed and charged those herbs with your energy and intention before loading them in your lamp. And on the note of lamp oil, I use paraffin since it is smokeless and odorless. For added potency, you can bless and charge your lamp oil beforehand by setting it out under any moon phase, deity, patron, chants, prayers, or harnessing your breath with intention and blowing into the oil.
Now, before loading the basin with herbs, you might want to have a petition ready. Some practitioners choose to pin their petition to the part of the wick directly under the screw top, but this may not be the best option for everyone. An alternative method is to place the lamp directly on top of your petition. Another technique among practitioners is creating a sigil and drawing it onto the glass of the lamp with a Sharpie. Once the working is completed, the sigil can easily be washed off, and the lamp can be cleared and cleansed for future workings. Also before burning, make sure you have let your wick soaked at least an hour before burning.
Once all the pieces are put together and you're ready to light the wick, you can begin by either grasping the lamp and rubbing the basin or placing your hands around it while reciting chants, focusing your energy, and bestowing blessings. Continue this practice for as long as you feel necessary before lighting the lamp. It is important to keep the lamp in a safe location for an extended time, but be sure to follow proper fire safety precautions. To avoid the risk of the glass breaking, start the flame on a low setting until the glass has warmed up. Don't leave the lamp unattended or on a high flame. If you need to extinguish the flame, you can always restart the lamp using your own energy, intentions, chants, or prayers like you did at the start of the working. Personally, I keep the lamp burning until the oil is depleted and my intended goal is achieved, but you can also trust your intuition or seek guidance from divination methods.
In conclusion, the oil lamp is a versatile and potent tool in Folk Magick. When used correctly and with proper intention, it can bring forth powerful results in long workings. Just remember to burn safely, and always prepare your lamp with a clear intention. Happy casting!
Lamp Purchased From Amazon:
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gandalfsmagick555 · 24 days
Ritual Gestation and Birth: A relatively low-spoons method (at least I think so) of creating powerful* servitors, enchantments, etc
*Powerful as compared to other techniques that work worse.
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A common spellcasting method is to immediately deploy the spell once the casting is complete. In fact, deployment is often a part of the casting ritual in and of itself.
A different option is to keep the spell vessel in a state of magical gestation over a period of days or weeks, so that it slowly matures, gains strength, and solidifies, until it's born into this world, ushered by your hands.
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This method is opposed to one where huge amounts of energy need to be raised at once. It's not a technique I'm able to manage in a sustainable way, and I find the results to be a little too... jittery.
If you are a witch who must not, or may not, raise lots of energy at once, this technique may be more manageable. It involves supervising a pot of spell, a bit like a simmering pot of stew, but overall I find it to be less of a draining process. Perhaps other people will find the same.
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I believe that creating a magical seed (or embryo, if you like), and tying it to a physical object - such as a candle, crystal, piece of jewelry, charm bag, poppet, and so on - is in and of itself a powerful act of magic. This is why a candle can be enchanted, immediately burned, and still result in miraculous effects.
However, I also believe that giving the seed time to magically gestate can produce deeply powerful, effective, and long-lasting (or perhaps better to say, permanent) results. This isn't the same as completing a casting and letting the enchantment sit until you're ready to use it - it's an active process of nurturing.
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Instead of immediately sending a spell to go out and work, sending it to a gestation phase is an easy change. If our spellcasting methodologies are anything alike, all you've got to do (in crude terms) is to swap out your targeting/release portion of the spell with an introduction to the magical womb, or egg, or embryonic sack, (&etc), within which the spell will grow and gain strength.
If you direct energy as you raise it, instead of chanting, focusing, writing, or affirming that the spell goes to the target as you raise the energy, instead C/F/W/A that the spell goes into the gestational vessel.
If you gather energy and imprint/program it before you deploy it, send it to the gestational vessel instead of the target.
If you fully enchant a spell vessel (such as enchanting a candle, or creating a poppet), after the spellcasting is complete, instruct the new spell to rest and grow strong within the gestational vessel, until it's time to be fully born.
After the spell is cast, and you have magically moved the spell into its gestation phase, the spell components should be placed securely within the gestational vessel and tended to until they're ready to be born.
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The "gestational vessel" is a physical object - in Traditional Witchcraft, this is most suitably the cauldron. But the gestational vessel only needs to meet a few qualifications, regardless of its ability to make campfire stews:
The gestational vessel must have a secure lid, even a makeshift lid, which blocks out the light.
It must be large enough to completely hold the physical components of the spell which it gestates.
It must be able to be stored without disruption, where no unqualified persons may accidentally remove the lid or disturb it.
Moving the vessel doesn't seem to typically disrupt what's growing inside. It can be taken down from a shelf, etc.; as long as the lid isn't opened without due cause.
I do not personally consecrate gestational vessels to that special purpose. I tend to use multi-use vessel which I'll use for other things later.
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When the spell is inside of the magical egg (tired of saying gestation), it becomes your job to tend to it by providing energy. This can take many forms, and is an intuitive process.
Feeding the spell can be done in any manner which you usually recharge objects, or provide offerings to spirits. The line is blurred here, I think.
Feed the spell more of what you fed it in order to create it; that is, more of the same energy you raised, more of the same emotion you spent, and so on.
If preferred, feed the spell food, candle, and incense offerings. A general offering of "white light," or another creative energy, also does well here.
Intuition may advise that different foods are wanted by the spell at different times. Do with that as you please.
Those able to "tune in" to the energies of their spells and environment may find it to be very easy to keep track of the embryonic spell's hunger. Otherwise, follow a simple schedule.
I usually do not find that spells need to be fed every day, and when they require feeding, I do not find that they respond to huge amounts of energy or offerings.
Feeding about every three days is a safer bet for me.
I notice that an excess of provided energy just seems to pool up and go to waste.
A feeding may be as simple as placing a bit of your dinner next to the gestation vessel along with an offering charm, or if you're able to, lighting a single tea light.
Persons interested in psychism may have an excellent time noting the energetic change in the spell as the gestation develops.
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The lid may be carefully opened to peek inside, especially if normally helpful intuition fails without peeking in; but treat the vessel gently, as if a tiny embryonic baby chicken is inside. Be quiet and gentle, and avoid disrupting the lid unless you really need to.
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Ahead of time, before you even cast the spell, you should have decided how long you're going to gestate it for. Three days, or a full moon cycle, or dark to full moon, are a good bet; so is one week if you're doing a planetary thing. I find that even a shorter gestation period provides delightful results compared to doing none at all.
Intuition may advise that the spell is ready to be born early, or would like to stay a little longer.
If intuition is not your ally in these matters, follow the schedule you've set. All will be well.
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The appointed time has arrived - the spell is to be born! (Celestial enthusiasts may be wise the the idea of birthing their spell at a special hour, day, or election).
Frankly, popping off the vessel lid, saying, "your time of rest is done, you are now at full power, go now and begin your duties" will perfectly suffice.
But better can be achieved.
If possible, consider employing a birthing ritual. Here are ideas, in no particular order:
Symbols of a gateway or passageway are very good, even something as simple as two stones or two candles to mark a 'gate'.
Using an actual doorway, especially moving from indoors to outdoors (or vice-versa, depending on the nature of your spell).
Using a hag stone to represent pulling the spell from the faerie world into our physical one; the reverse process of how such a stone is often employed.
Using a family tradition, or religious or cultural tradition, to celebrate the birth of a new baby; even if this tradition is only symbolically simulated through key points ("I am the grandpa of this family, and as the grandpa, I announce the new baby's name!")
Doing something celebratory and evocative, like that Lion King scene where Rafiki holds up baby Simba, etc.
In general, the spell should be removed from the gestation pot in a ritualistic way, glistening with the gravity of ushering new life into this world.
The spell may be carefully taken from the vessel and passed through a doorway or liminal space; symbolically drawn through a hag stone or other physically impassable space; held up to greet the first light of the day, or the light of a certain moon phase; be passed over a fire; or any number of ritualistic acts to denote movement into a new phase of life.
At this time, you should magically assert that the spell is born, and ready to do its task.
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Of course, you do more. And in these matters, I find that more is better.
A christening ceremony, or a baptism, is most excellently employed to further empower this new life to be a living being in our world, capable of great influence and change - as we all imagine our children will be.
A bit of anointing oil, a touch of holy water, a formal naming ceremony ("I name you, My Paycheck is Cleared. Your name is My Paycheck is Cleared."), whatever you like - especially include a small gift to the spell (perhaps a few coins to set it on the right path in life), or - I suppose this post has gotten long enough. You can perhaps imagine what more could be done.
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When all is said and done, employ the spell; light it if it's a candle, whisper things to it if it's a poppet, hang it up if it's supposed to be hung up, and so on.
Do mind that such things, having being born into this world and given real life, do not tend to quit it so quickly as only bornless energies that are diffused just as they were raised; like waves, forming and dissipating.
Things with birthdays and names and birthday presents and baptisms and godparents tend to feel as if this world is theirs, too.
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I am generally not very much of a "be careful" sort of poster, but for this sort of technique, I'd recommend being careful. It really does work fantastically, and that's the problem.
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Feed the spell with your blood at the moment of conception, and at the moment of birth, for something extra delightful.
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gandalfsmagick555 · 24 days
So I’m posting this here just because I feel like I need a place to store my thoughts on developing my practice that’s just in a “journal or book of shadows”. I’ve been reading some of Jason Millers work again on occult practices- particularly Financial Sorcery- because I want to start building a better life for myself, creating a solid foundation for my practice in the process.
As such I’m going to start implementing Millers core skills or practices as presented in Financial Sorcery:
•Vase Breath
•Pillar and spheres
• offerings to the spirits
• altar keeping
I need to integrate these practices into my current day to day life - particularly my working life- as I find this may have the greatest impact on having any sort of successful practice. At the same time I’m going to try to attempt reading some books on basic personal finance to get a greater understanding of finance in general.
Today in work I was thinking on how to improve my current altar set up, particularly my money altar - though I keep my money altar, ancestral altar and a current set up to St Expedite in the same space. I have my money altar set up with a Jupiterian theme atm but after watching some of Jason Millers videos and reading his blog I’ve decided that I need to change my approach to this altar. I, like many others, have my Jupiterian altar set up in the approach of planetary magick however I’ve never quite understood how a planet could have particular influence over such things like finance and expansion. Perhaps that’s because I’ve only really dabbled in planetary magick and never really taking the time to develop a good understanding of it, but now I’m going to approach Jupiterian magick for the understanding of Jupiter as the god Jupiter from Roman tradition. So I’ve sketched out a design of an updated Jupiterian money altar that I’m going to set up and work over the next few weeks - I will keep an update in here how I find the new set up and my experience working it.
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gandalfsmagick555 · 1 month
Fashion/Style Tips for the Rising Signs 👠
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These is a gender-neutral post, by the way. Anyone can be a fashionista: male, female or non-binary
The Rising sign is the key to maximizing and defining your personal style. While Venus shows the way you'll want to feel in your clothes or put them together, your Rising sign indicates the kind of styling you'll like best/look best in and the aesthetic that is fit for you
(All the famous fashion icons in these gifs have these respective Rising signs, btw)
Fashion tip: Be bold
Aries Risings look best when they're wearing things that most people would not have the confidence to wear. Daring pieces and ensembles fit you like a glove, whether you are showing some skin or just pushing the edge of accepted taste. Something that could possibly look like a tragedy on someone else but that actually looks good when you wear it. You find your fashion sense when you take risks, which may end up starting trends. But, please, don't follow any trends yourself. You are meant to set the trends, honey!
An athletic or athleisure look would also be perfect for you. Sweatpants or track-pants aren't bummy on you. Aries Risings shine when they look like they just left the gym or are just going to the gym. Y2K fashion is coming back so, ladies, you would really rock a Juicy tracksuit (If you're old enough, maybe you did back in the day!) Regardless of your gender, adding a masculine touch to your ensemble will really make it pop. Also, red is your power color! Red pieces, red shoes/bottoms, red hair. It's bound to be memorable.
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Fashion tip: Keep it simple
Taurus Risings look their best when their ensembles aren't flashy or busy. Less is more for this very casual placement. But, we're talking "chic casual". Maybe some low-key jewelry added but that's it. You could make a simple jeans and t-shirt outfit look impressive. As long as you're comfortable, you're good. Yet, it is very important that your clothes fit you perfectly. If the proportions are off, your discomfort will be obvious and it just won't look right. So, try everything on before you buy it! Know your measurements and, if you can afford it, get some of your clothes tailored.
Surprisingly, Taurus Risings aren't huge on labels. As the pragmatist you are, you will often thrift before you buy designer. Quality is VERY important to you and you have a radar for cheap or low-quality fabric. You would prefer to avoid fast fashion brands. You never, ever want to look cheap, even if you only spent a few dollars on the 'fit. But, if you do want to spend a little, you would look amazing in anything silk, wool, cashmere, velvet or fur. Fabric that is sensual or luxurious or elegant was made for you. The same goes for anything floral.
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Fashion tip: Don't be dull
Gemini is one of the Rising signs that can get away with a lot more because your style is best when it's interesting. And when observing your fashion choices, some may say "interesting" in a shade-throwing way. But, it's better than being boring! Gemini Risings look best in the clothes they choose on a whim. Don't nail yourself down to one aesthetic. You can dabble in SO many different looks and pull them off. You also can be very trendy, always in touch with what's currently happening. You wouldn't dare keep last season's shoes in your closet. You also just get bored easily with old clothes. So, you might have quite the shopping habit to satisfy your current tastes.
Gemini Rising has the most fun with fashion when developing a sort of character through it. Are you the wild bohemian or the serious professional today? You can take it to the level of a borderline Halloween costume. You know how to adapt and shape-shift, style wise, based on the situation. You've got range, okay? And you will embrace all the accessories and colors that come with it. You will also definitely be someone who has sped through so many different looks and hairstyles in their life, to the point where you look like different people. When looking back at photos of your old self, you may cringe especially hard or just laugh and say, "I was working those bangs, wasn't I?"
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Fashion tip: Stick to what you know
What a Cancer Rising's actual look is will vary significantly. It has to be a style or aesthetic that is very personal; something that means a lot to them or that they're very comfortable in. But, whatever it is, you shouldn't stray too far from it. This Rising sign can play it safe with style but that doesn't have to be a negative. You just know what works. It ain't broken and you're not trying to fix it. You might also go through distinct phases where you are rocking a particular look for a long time and then you decide it's time to change. Your clothes are a direct reflection of how you're feeling.
Due to your love of comfort, you might be especially fond of sweaters. The bigger and cozier the better. Wintertime may be your favorite time because you enjoy wearing multiple layers. Cancer Risings LOVE coats and jackets, particularly the ones that they've had for years and hold sentimental value. It's hard for you to toss out old clothes, in general. You also look great in anything retro or vintage. It's that attachment to the past. Fashion from decades prior cycle back around eventually but you're usually ahead of the curve, already wearing that old stuff. You might be especially attached to styles from your younger days or from a certain time period in your life
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Fashion tip: Make a statement
Leo Risings are capable of using fashion as an ideal vehicle for self-expression. Ideally, when you walk into a room, you want your ensemble to get attention. Now, that doesn't mean choose pieces that are loud or flashy or gaudy, even though some Leo Risings go that route. More so, it's about making sure that your clothes pop, that they really stand out. You look your best when you are the definition of "fashion statement" and that takes a great deal of confidence. Your clothes definitely need to wear you, not the other way around. Whatever you wear will work if you make it distinctive.
There are so many style choices that could work for you. Bold statement tees, for instance, are right up your alley. (Think Regina George's "a little bit dramatic" shirt in Mean Girls) But, you could also glam yourself up. You were meant to dress up, to possibly overdress for certain occasions. Not necessarily formal; more so polished or glossy. You would be that person to show up in a fancy 'fit to a casual event and some might hate but they'd low-key admire it. Also, you don't feel your best without the right pieces of shiny jewelry. And you would shine in colors like yellow, gold or orange.
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Fashion tip: It's all in the details
As a Virgo Rising, you maximize your style when you pay attention to the details. The way everything is matching, the color of your nail polish (if you wear it), the fabric of your shirt, the fit of your pants. You look best when you put a lot of thought into your style, including your hair. Often, especially your hair. Virgo Risings rock the hell out of the "messy hair" look because it is very strategically messy. Even when you look like you're not trying, fashion-wise, there is a lot of time and effort behind it. On the flip side, you might actually roll out of bed and throw something on. But, somehow, when you do, you do it perfectly.
This is another placement where it is crucial for you to get clothes that fit you like a glove. The more form-fitting, the better. But, of course, not too tight, either! Baggy clothes would only work for you if that's the exact aesthetic you're going for. Speaking of which, you can master an aesthetic, once you choose one. You commit fully. The "clean girl" or "hot nerd" vibes would fit you most obviously, along with neutral or earthy colors like white, brown and green. But, you're also a style chameleon! Many with this Rising can wear androgynous pieces and styles extremely well. You might really impress by taking a generally masculine ensemble and adding a feminine piece or vice versa.
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Fashion tip: Just look pretty
Surprisingly, Libra Risings can be very hit or miss when it comes to style. They're either impeccably dressed or look like they got into a fight with their closet and lost. However, the face card never declines! So, if all else fails, you're still going to look cute. Your looks either elevate your outfit or save it. What might look ugly on someone else has a certain charm when you wear it. Yet, many Libra Risings will have a Cher Horowitz kind of vibe: very stylish and chic in a way that is aspirational. You could really, really love fashion. You absorb a lot of current trends yet you could also become a bit of a trendsetter as people will find your wardrobe so aesthetically pleasing.
You could really benefit from having the input of someone you trust when it comes to clothes, whether that's a stylist or a very fashionable bestie or partner. Your shopping ventures are most successful when they're undertaken with someone else. Also, whenever there is a dress code, whether it's for a social event or on the job, Libra Risings will fully understand the assignment. You thrive by adding a more feminine touch to what you're wearing. For women, that could mean Barbiecore, being very girly or glossy/glittery/sparkly. Tomboys can have this placement but they doll up VERY well. And the men can get super-polished, wear pieces with a more feminine flair or even, in select cases, certain clothing meant for women. Both genders look amazing in pink.
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Fashion tip: Get a reaction
Scorpio Rising people look best in clothes or looks that are going to have a strong impact. Whatever you're wearing, it works best when it makes an intense impression. Kind of like Leo Rising but they are more about glam, pizzazz, expression. With you, it's more about taking it to an extreme. Your style could be incredibly out there or provocative. It might also be more low-key but you impress most when your fashion gets a rise out of others. Whether it's by having a dramatic and severe style, going totally monochromatic or giving very sexy looks, you have the power to stop others in their tracks with your clothes.
There are so many directions you can go in. Every Scorpio Rising's look will wildly differ because every day is like Halloween for you. I said the same about Gemini Rising but it's more lighthearted and playful with them. You can truly use clothes as a disguise. It's sort of your armor, which is why dressing sexy or showing skin is such a power move for you. Stereotypically, there is the goth look or the witchy aesthetic. But, this Rising sign has range. You can also shine in any type of power suit, emulate the mystique of Old Hollywood or, honestly, sell virtually any aesthetic since you will commit 110 percent. Of course, black is your power color and you look damn good in lace, leather, mesh or any type of boots. So, find a way to work those things into your ensemble.
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Fashion tip: Be like a rock star
Sagittarius Rising looks best when not feeling hemmed in by other people's fashion rules and regulations. A carefree approach works very well for you, fashion-wise. When in doubt, ask yourself what a rock star would wear. That may lead to some questionable or messy choices, in others' eyes. But, you really pull it off! And even if you land on someone's Worst Dressed list, it doesn't matter much to you. Many people with this Rising sign really don't care much about fashion to begin with. And the ones who do know that a true fashionista takes risks and that is not always going to be loved by everyone. Whatever! Better luck next time.
You might be able to find your style by using a particular rock star as inspiration. It's no surprise that a lot of Sagittarius Risings prefer or look better in casual wear. But, it's more so casual with an edge, not just a shirt and jeans. You can feel very inspired by edgy street style and go in that direction. You're very adventurous with clothes and willing to try a lot of things once. The 1970's hippie/bohemian aesthetic would look really good on you. Instead of a power color, you can make the biggest impression in any kind of animal print: snakeskin, zebra stripes, cheetah print. Even those tropical-type/Hawaiian prints could work. What would be tacky on someone else could look oddly appealing on you.
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Fashion tip: The world is your catwalk
First of all, so much of Capricorn Rising style comes from having a commanding presence. Being able to walk into a room and shift it, make people sit up. This attitude will only make your clothes more impressive. You need to think of yourself as a fierce 90's supermodel, just in terms of elegance and presence. If you don't have that type of confidence, work on it! Put effort into how you carry yourself, into being graceful yet strong, having a powerful walk. As you evolve into this majestic being, it will elevate whatever you wear. You make the clothes but the clothes also make you.
Like an iconic supermodel, you're most impressive in clothes that convey status or class. If you've got the coins, you will want the luxury brands: Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Armani, so on. If you don't, you will have a store or brand that is your version of Gucci. You're practical but don't like cheap clothes. You want to feel sophisticated. Capricorn Rising style is about developing a particular "uniform". Although some may thrive in formal/professional attire or a business-casual vibe, others can go in less traditional directions. In any case, you have very strict fashion rules you abide by. You look best in black, grey or beige. It's a rather basic color palette to many but you just find it to be a classic look.
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Fashion tip: Be experimental
As an Aquarius Rising, you develop a sense of style by treating fashion like an endless experiment. You can be very innovative and inventive when it comes to your looks, from your ensembles to your accessories to your hair. I would say "don't be afraid to be different" but you've already mastered that! Most of your looks will be applauded, not ridiculed, for their uniqueness or riskiness and may even be highly imitated. This is definitely another "style icon" placement. The thing that makes it work is your free spirit, your casual poise, and disinterest in impressing anyone with your style. You're not trying to be cool and that's what makes you one of the coolest people in the room.
I hesitate to recommend an aesthetic to you because you would find that kind of... inauthentic. No offense to anyone else but that just feels like trying too hard to you. You wear whatever you want and there may be no predictable pattern. Also, you absolutely HATE looking like anyone else (which is why it may be a little frustrating if/when others copy you). So, if you do adopt an aesthetic, it will be your own uniquely invented one. You are most striking in blue or silver but Aquarius Risings have also been known to impressively rock neons or other quirky colors. Some of them may just give a James Dean-like plain tee and jeans look, as if they are too cool to care about clothes. But, they look best when wearing pieces that really stand out, whether it be futuristic, couture or casual glam
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Fashion tip: Go with the flow
Pisces Risings maximize their fashion sense by embracing the current mood. And this doesn't necessarily mean your mood, although it can. You have the ability to be a sponge for current trends, reflecting whatever is happening at the moment. Therefore, if you're into fashion, you can make a big impression because you are like an embodiment of what's in season. As a result, you might do a lot of shopping in order to keep up. Or you could go the easier route and simply embrace the flow of your fashion taste. This could make you invariably casual, even when the situation is more formal, or give you a different fashion sense every time you step outside.
Yes, Pisces Rising people often need some help in the fashion department, sometimes desperately. This is why it may be easier for you to wear what you know is "in". However, many with this placement are capable of carving out their own look. Often times, the "flower child" or New Age aesthetic works well, complete with actual flowers or crystals as accessories. You can find a way to turn your ethereal charm into a fashion statement. When in doubt, style yourself like an angel, an elf or a fairy. But, you also have what it takes to shape-shift into any style you want. To you, clothes are meant to be disappeared into. Any shade of purple, the color of the third eye and crown chakras, would look amazing on you. Also, you look really good in sandals, flip-flops or any open-toed shoes, which you will love wearing to the point that you might have to remind yourself that there's a time and place
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gandalfsmagick555 · 2 months
A traditional prayer to St Expedite💸
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St expedite is a wonderful spirit to include in your money potions and financial related work! I include him as one of my spirits in my money bowl I petition, and often go to him when I need some cash in a pinch. Wednesday’s are good money magic days and when I give him offerings, so I’m sharing this traditional prayer that I use! 🪙
Dear Saint Expedite, you lay in rest,
I come to you and ask that this wish be granted
(express what you want, asking him to find a way to get it to you) Expedite now what I ask of you. Expedite now what I want of you, this very second. I know your power, I know you because of your work. I know you can help me.
Do this for me and I will spread your name with love and honor so that it will be invoked again and again. Expedite this wish with speed, love, honor, and goodness.
Glory to you, Saint Expedite!
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gandalfsmagick555 · 2 months
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A bit on st expedite🕊
St expedite is obviously known for liking poundcake and appreciating offerings of cake/sweets(my first time praying to him I gave him donuts lol) but I just want to emphasize the importance of simple prayer and a candle, or even less. It’s okay to go to saints when you need help and don’t immediately have something to offer in exchange or in thanks, or at all. Just go to them and ask for help and see what happens, we do not automatically owe something all the time. It’s okay to be helped and need help without having something to give. Saints are here to help. If you do promise something, or noting here one of the traditional st expedite prayers ending in telling him you’ll spread his name and about his intercession, make sure that you show up. This can simply be a post, as I’ve been making posts on Wednesday’s regarding st Expedite bc I promised him that, or telling your witchy friends about working with him. Promise things that you would be able to regularly afford financially or energy wise to keep up! Today I happened to have extra Rice Krispie treats and had promised him a Wednesday sweets offering, so I gave him some and am making this post about him. But just keep in mind that a saint offering can be simply praying to them with a novena candle, and still be just as impactful and powerful.
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gandalfsmagick555 · 2 months
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All seeds share a common bond, calling to each other across infinity.
Artist: Anthony Palumbo
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gandalfsmagick555 · 2 months
Do you have any advice for finding magic that works for you? So far candles and jar spells haven't done much and I'm genuinely at a loss at where else to look cause it seems like that's all there is
I recommend dropping online spaces as a source of information and turning towards books. I'm assuming that you're only finding candle and jar spells because these styles of spellcasting are extremely popular in online spaces.
The problem with just trying out spells people share online is that they usually don't come with a couple hundred pages of written theory, explanation of why the spell is the way it is, exploration of the fundamental frameworks that spell relies upon, and a discussion of foundational skills, tools, and exercises required to find success in the spells presented.
Basically... there is a difference between someone handing you the steps for a spell, and someone explaining to you how to do magic. A person who knows how to do magic doesn't need to look up a spell. A person who hasn't yet learned how to do magic is going to have trouble finding success no matter how many spells they try.
I think though that you should get a copy of Oven Ready Chaos by Phil Hine. Chaos Magick excels in breaking down concepts in order to give clear insight into how magic is done. I've never really delved into Chaos Magick much but it seems to be heavily results-oriented, and discusses sorcery without the nature-venerating spiritual element ubiquitous in witchcraft books.
If witchcraft itself is what you're after, I recommend The Crooked Path: An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft by Kelden.
The Witch's Familiar by Raven Grimassi is decent if you want to explore sorcery via spirit-work.
Weaving Fate by Aiden Watcher is another good resource just to see what else is out there. His Black Book hyperspell in particular is extremely different from "add herbs and visualize" spells you'll find online.
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gandalfsmagick555 · 2 months
RIP to the legend Mariusz Lewandowski
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gandalfsmagick555 · 2 months
occult books and references!
collections: (pdfs on google docs)
above is the holy grail for beginners! so many great resources.
satanic bible:
beginner chaos magick
mirror magick
preotection and reversal magick
72 angels
ars vercanus advanced witchcraft
art of evocation
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gandalfsmagick555 · 2 months
The Elements (cont.)
Each of the Elements has three signs attributed to it, and three modalities therefrom. So we can derive a variety of forces from a singular element. Obviously, this is applied in reality. One can hardly argue that the fire on a candle is similar to a blazing wildfire that is eating up an entire landscape, although they're the same element. Likewise, the water of a river has a distinctly different pattern than the water of a lake, or stagnant water or the water of the sea. Greater still, the element in its lower form is much more different from its Archetypal Form which can be seen as the sum of all its aspects. The water becoming the baptismal cosmic waters. The air being Aleph which unites Heaven and Earth as well as the breath of life which animates man. The fire being the cosmic fire, Kaalagni, the Fire within the Ajna Chakra and the purifying fire. The earth being the very columns of the universe, the bread of life, the archetypal substance of form.
So, we have four elements, each with three signs and three extant modalities.
Earth: Taurus Virgo Capricorn
Water: Cancer Scorpio Pisces
Air: Gemini Libra Aquarius (this annoys me to no end)
Fire Aries Leo Sagittarius
Each sign can be considered a smaller manifestation of their respective element, for it is above that shows the below and the below which reveals the above. There are three main modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable.
The Cardinals are initiatory or pushing of their respective signs. They are the active and expansive part.
The Fixed are the lovers of the Cardinals, representing a more internal, static and quiet energy. They both share their fault in that the Cardinal will constantly push forward, even against themselves and that the Fixed may result in their own isolation and stagnancy. Consider this the controlled aspect of any given element.
Mutable is often considered to be the meeting point between these two. They have the capacity to push forward but also a tendency to remain inwards and so on. So, this would be the Divine Hermaphrodite. of any given element
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gandalfsmagick555 · 2 months
The Hexagram Invocation
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Above is the Hexagram that shows the Planets, it is used as a base of study for the Ritual of the Hexagram which is used to attune a space or area towards a particular planet or element. This rite is designed towards necromancy, more or less, but can be used for any ritual as a prior invocation. The usage is in the symbolism, the Hexagram and Pentagram are two very potent protective symbols and aids in holding spiritual power. The Sun at the Centre can be used as a way of affirming the age old meditation that one is at the centre of the universe. As the planets revolve around the sun, the forces revolve around you, giving power and blessing. Let us begin
The Magus touches the head, imagining a divine sphere of energy over it:
Thou giveth form to the formless, granteth the mysteries of death, thou who holds the scythe that reaps the corn, the transformative peak of alchemy, granting then the solidity of the self and the firmness of spirit. Ave Saturn.
To the left Hip:
Thou beareth the essence of the mind and soul, granting then the gnosis of the spirit, bearing the grail of wisdom and gnosis, opening the spirit to divine wisdom, grant us the ability to walk between thew worlds, as thou who walketh between the heavens and the hells. Ave Mercury
To the Right Hip
Thou bearest the Transformation of the Self, and grant unto us the knowledge of beauty, philosophy and the arts. Thou bearest the bottle of poison that grants the Venefic Gnosis, and unites the soul to its highest beauty through life, grant unto us the gnosis of the Rose-Crowned Queen, Hidden and Bearing the Copper Scythe, nunc et in hore mortis nostri. Ave, Venus
To the Right Shoulder:
Thou art my blade, thou art my sword, and thou shield standeth about me as fire against the wrath of my enemies, thou fires inciteth the wars and granteth the Courage of the common man. Thou art the fires of revolution and of protection, guiding the soul of the warrior unto the Heavenly Sleep, protect me against an untimely death and protect me against the wrath of my enemies. Ave Mars
To the Left Shoulder
Bearing the Sceptre, the Pentacle, the Chalice and the Blade, thou standeth in thy throne beyond the heavens, Paterfamilias, strengthening the resolve of the common man and in thou grace doth extendeth the mind beyond the corporal, and open the way to the spiritual attunement to the great mysteries, rising the soul above the heavens and the heavens rise in the soul. Ave Jupiter
To the Genitals
Thou art the Lunar Sign that completeth the gates, bearing then the power of the Spirits into the manifest, as Yesod unto Malkuth and Gamaliel unto Nahemoth, thou standeth as Mistress who can lift the veils of the mind and grant them but so too, Mistress, thou bear the grail that enliven the soul with the mysteries of the Unseen and raiseth the Mind to the Heavens, thou who art the Gate Eternal, and welcometh the magus with wisdom and the sight opened.
The hexagram is imagined as shining bright in the body throughout the entire essence and the hands are put at prayer position in front of the chest:
Thou fiery sphere, enlightens the Mind, and illuminates the Soul in Fervor. Cleanse me of my iniquity and raiseth me above them, and grant me the knowledge of the Heavens and the Hells and focus my will unto the manifestation of the Lapis Philosophicus as I enter this rite. Grant light unto my eyes, my head, to perceive, hear, speak to, and partake in communion with the spirits.
Saturn-Mercury-Venus = OHW -EH-AY
Mars-Jupiter-Moon =EUW -OH- AH
Sun = EE
The above are vowels dedicated to each of the planets, sourced from Advanced Planetary Magick by Jason Miller. They are as they are given (Saturn - Ohw, Mars -Eew, Sun is EE - etc).
Thus the final chant of closing could be vibrated as follows:
OHW-EH-AY; EUW-OH-AH, EE Seven brought into One, One brought into Seven May Harmony Come, As Seven Balance And Seven in One As Child of Earth and Starry Heaven Exat,
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