gabsaku · 6 months
Sakura never beat sasori lol he let himself die and its not her alone who beat white zetsu hinata and others did it too. she's also not the only medic, we see hinata and ino can use ninjutsu medic too. sakura is still p useless admit it
Sakura never beat sasori lol he let himself die
Oh you mean actualy the same way deidara and danzo let themself die by exploding
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Or perhaps when itachi died due to his illness while fighting sasuke
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Or perhaps nagato’s suicide to bring back most of the people he caused the death
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And strange enough I still have to find a motherfucker who actualy doubts the fact that sasuke and naruto won over their enemies. Oh but the problems come whenever a girl like sakura is involved. You know hardwork instead of fillers. and some asspull overpowering like your oppai hime.
And guess what sakura would actually be perfecty capable of beating sasori alone. Maybe the outcome woud be fatal for both, but she still would.
As said by chiyo herself
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And by this point in the fight Sakura had figured out perfectly just how to read Sasori’s attacks and movements to assist her in evading his attacks without any help from Chiyo. Sakura discovered this was the weakness of puppeteers: being able to read teir finger and hand movements in order to determine the direction of the attack.Sakura could see through his attacks, something that not even his grandma couldn’t.
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its not her alone who beat white zetsu hinata and others did it too.
A segment of anime, whether it be an entire episode or part of one, which does not appear in the manga of the title. Fillers, as the name implies, “fills” an episode with non-canonical material which has been written usually by the same company which animates it.
In t.v. series that are derived from other forms like books or comics, fillers are episodes that did not appear in the book or comic. The creators of the television show make up episodes (that are normally really bad) and air those episodes that because they just needed to air an episode and they couldn’t use a real one.
Now this is a shitty filler
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Oh but is it me or she is like10090 times cuter than usual?
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she’s also not the only medic, we see hinata and ino can use ninjutsu medic too
Since you obviously don’t know what a manga is allow me to show you some of the most memorable pages in the Naruto manga.
Oh by the way :
 Manga: Japanese comic books that tell stories in pictures
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Meanwhile in the anime something called filler happened once again.
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So between ino failing to save asuma or hinata not giving a fuck, even trying to  save neji with her “medical ninjutsu” which one do you prefer the most?
As for me no one since sakura was the only student tsunade ever accpeted . And I don’t include shizune since she was almost family
You are wondering why? Beacuse sakura actually had the guts, the selflessness to put her friends life before her own. She was desperate to save them both and was ready to change her self in order to do so .And tsuande saw it and aknoweldged it
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Something that your oppai hime could never do :P
sakura is still p useless
The only useless thing here is your brain since you obviously don’t seem to use it :D.
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gabsaku · 6 months
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Sakura and Naruto Supporting Each other in the prelims
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gabsaku · 7 months
At least Hinata didn't cover up a clan massacre (SAKURA).
Hinata’s character is that of a slave owner who did nothing to change the fate of the branch family, even though she absolutely could. How many faceless, nameless Hyuugas had to die because they received the curse mark? How many didn’t have to? We will never know, and Hinata sure doesn’t give a shit. She’s a selfish, obsessive, opportunistic and creepy stalker, with no other defining character arch than having her lifelong obsession notice her (and even that she couldn’t achieve on her own, without him essentially being brainwashed by everyone within a five mile radius, act so ooc that even the average viewer thought it was off-putting, and not to mention actual canon lore being utterly ignored).
Sakura is a terribly written character, and so is Hinata. They didn’t need to be, but the story didn’t redeem them in any way. Which is a shame, because it’s not like they lacked (presumed) potential to have some proper development in the very beginning. Not sure if the purpose of this ask was to make me prefer Hinata’s character over Sakura’s. If that’s the case, you’re barking at the wrong tree.
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gabsaku · 7 months
Hinata is a Privileged Slave Owner
Can you people stop claiming Hinata was poorly mistreated by her father? Hiashi was strict to her. That's it (other clan leaders do the exact same thing to their children to ensure strong heirs that will maintain the family bloodline. That's literally how every clan functions in Naruto).
Let's look at some canon examples of her privilege. She was gifted her own slave (Neji) on her 3rd birthday.
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She rubbed Neji's status as a slave in his face (can you blame him from wanting to kill her?).
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Several Jounin jumped in to save her from getting killed by Neji because she's part of the Hyuuga Main family.
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She even has Hyuuga slaves other than Neji as her bodyguards!
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The girl is privileged. She benefits from the enslavement of the Hyuuga Branch family. The fact that she never did a single thing to change it is proof that she perpetuates slavery just like her father. Maybe if you people stop projecting your "daddy issues" onto her, you'd clearly see this.
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gabsaku · 7 months
Hinata, Hinata, Hinata. How's my favourite little slave owner doing? She okay? Well, not for long now, because I'm about to rip into her.
Here's the situation. She's bland. Frumpy. Too timid, too shy, too "kind", too awkward, too privileged, too busy idolizing Naruto and putting him before her kids, to be a Shinobi. To have the guts to do something about the slavery going on in her own family. To even acknowledge it.
That's annoying. Unfortunately, she, much like Sakura, was born in a world much too harsh for her. She doesn't fit in. She doesn't have what it takes to live up to the expectations placed on her as the heir (which is why Hiashi had to pass it down to Hanabi, a much more capable kunoichi, and no matter how much you vilify him for it, he was right to do so. He has a duty to his clan, he needs to be responsible. There's no space for coddling). She's preoccupied with stalking her crush from afar.
She's unimportant. She's just...there. Neji suffered the fate of his father saving her, a true loss of a much more important, likable, skilled character.
And she, instead of at least realizing, acknowledging how fucked it is that there are literal slaves in her family, whose lives are treated as lesser than hers, she just fawns over Naruto again.
In the fight with Pain, her confession was selfish, a suicide mission which endangered the lives of everyone, and specifically the fate of her bodyguard that told her that he'd get in trouble if something happened to her. She blatantly disregarded every warning she was given to not approach the battle.
All to confess her feelings to a stranger (because that's who Naruto is to her. He's a stranger, whom she knows only about his never-give-up mentality. And she, well. She is someone Naruto barely spoke to ever), get one panelled, and traumatize Naruto who would have to suffer with the guilt of knowing someone died for him out there. You could say he went ballistic over the fact that Hinata was injured and he loved her so, but the fact that he never once sought after her and ignored her love confession is proof enough that he only cared about her well-being as a mere comrade. Just knowing she's alive was good enough for him. Because Naruto is Naruto, and like it or not, he generally cares about people.
Her whole character falls apart the moment I erase her infatuation with Naruto; all the evidence you need that she's horribly written and shallow (Something also purposefully done by Kishimoto).
Hinata is simply privileged and irrelevant, in all the sense of the words. Seeing her stans point fingers and make fun of Sakura without realizing that they're both equally bad is hilarious.
Hinata wasn't made for the world of Shinobi, and it's blatantly clear.
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gabsaku · 7 months
kishimoto literally said in an interview that neji died as a cupid for naruhina, not that it’s not clear enough by the manga, but the creator said that himself. how can anyone take his death seriously? and when you look at the writing it’s just clownery after clownery.
as this post says, you have the wooden spears being fired, enough time for not one, but two people to jump in front of the attack, but not enough time to use a jutsu to break them, nor to push who’s getting attacked, and the spears aren’t even powerful enough to impale multiple people, just one. so neji, a jounin, end up taking the shot.
and then neji starts his final words with this:
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it seems that he is trying to push hinata to naruto, which makes no sense of his character to do that. of course he continues with this:
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and that makes a bit more of sense considering that if hinata’s life is at risk, it means his is as well, because, you know, he is her slave and must do that. but still, neji and naruto’s relationship has never been about hinata, it’s out of character of neji to do that, in his final moments above all.
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neji isn’t dying for naruto, he isn’t dying for his comrade, the wooden spike would only kill hinata, neji is dying for her, it makes no sense of him to say this either, they tried to push this idea that neji was dying for naruto because “he was called a genius” but i can’t buy any of that when it just looks like he was used as a cupid (and confirmed by kishi after).
and then what happens after obito mocks neji’s death? hinata says this:
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pushing some guilt trippy will of fire discourse onto him, and not only that, but the content itself sounds similar to naruto’s speech to his dark self only to repress it, that he needs to be the man, the hero, people expect him to be, which we know it’s bullshit, another part of the story that doesn’t look like it’s taken seriously by kishimoto either.
(would also like to comment about hinata saying “what inspired neji and carried him this far were those very principles” because they are again trying to mask how neji died for hinata as her slave, sweeping things under the rug much).
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hinata’s speech to him, which is complemented by kurama for some reason (why is everybody out of character in this moment oh my god), isn’t even that romantic if you look at it, it has a lot of “will of fire” content, and it makes waterfall of truth and boruto (and naruhina consequently) even more ironic and goofy imo. incredible how the parts of naruto’s character going wrong at the ending are all tied to boruto huh.
and if you look at naruto holding hinata’s hand… it’s still not shippy on naruto’s side… he had just thought about everybody “who’s been on his side” (those people… wtf really), and says it’s because of all of those people, not just hinata. even after all this bullshit, naruto can’t genuinely reciprocate her lol.
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just can’t wrap my head around how unserious this entire moment is, how damaging it is to the ending and naruto’s character, how it was set up only to push for the cash cow that is boruto, the level gets so low when the own writer doesn’t care about the writing.
disclaimer: sasusaku shippers dni, your ship is just as bad
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gabsaku · 8 months
Hero & Heroine of Naruto Manga
Naruto Uzumaki
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Sakura Haruno
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gabsaku · 9 months
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Takaya sensei was talking about drawing Shigure wearing a t-shirt, and just posted this, I’ve never felt to threatened in my entire life….
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gabsaku · 10 months
Since several people in my previous post were like "yeah, he cared about Naruto but he never cared about Sakura tho"
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Also can we appreciate Kakashi's incredible speed here? when when the Hyuga clan were having a hard time dodging these things, Kakashi just grabbed Sakura away from it with such ease.
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And even without the sharingan, his speed was still incredible enough to save himself, Sakura and Obito here while falling into Kaguya's lava dimension, and not just the speed of his body but also his thinking, to be able to come up with a plan to tie a kunai to a scroll and hook it to the edge, catching Sakura while throwing another kunai to pin Obito to the wall and save the 3 of them all in less than a second.
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"oh but he never taught Sakura anything tho" really? Then what was that? 👇
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Kakashi only spent one year training team 7, this year was divided between missions and training, and we've only seen so little of it while most of it was in time skip but it was implied and even literally stated by Kishimoto in the databook that he did train all 3 of them in this year, specifically stating that the 3 of them learned so much from Kakashi during this year.
Just because they were in a time skip off screen, it doesn't mean it didn't happen! Boruto and Himawari's birth happened during a time skip too, does that mean that they appear out of thin air and Hinata never really gave birth to them?. And we've never really seen any of the other Sensei's training their students either, that still doesn't mean they never trained them, come on now.
He also believed in her the same way he believed in Naruto and predicted that one day she'll surpass Tsunade.
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Not only that, he even supported and defended her and tried to explain her feelings to Sasuke.
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My man cares about all of his students despite all of his trauma, depression and being barley able to hold himself together, he was always.. always there for them whenever they needed him.
Edit: there's more about this in the reblogs here, please read it before saying anything negative that we already responded to 100 times before. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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gabsaku · 11 months
sasuke's clothes are torn
Also and sasuke opens susanoo so that sakura won't get wet
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sakura is sewing for him
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smiling looking at the piece being sewn
(Sasuke carries her with susanoo because sakura's leg is hurt)
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gabsaku · 1 year
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𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕣𝕒 ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕠 𝕚𝕟 𝕤𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕔𝕝𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕤 𝔽𝕦𝕝𝕝 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕖
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gabsaku · 1 year
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363 notes · View notes
gabsaku · 1 year
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Sasuke Uchiha AU Clothes: High School, Festival, Summer, New Year, Samurai, Halloween etc.
Official Transparent (Render) versions from Naruto Mobile, Naruto OL, Naruto Storm, Naruto Blazing, Naruto Shinobi Collection games 
for @kakashisquadseven
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gabsaku · 1 year
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846 notes · View notes
gabsaku · 1 year
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156 notes · View notes
gabsaku · 1 year
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843 notes · View notes
gabsaku · 1 year
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Sakura Haruno Wedding Render
うちはサクラ - 春野サクラ
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