gabriellagard · 4 years
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gabriellagard · 4 years
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Images for my flag and PSA
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gabriellagard · 4 years
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PSA to go along with the flag! In times like this (political chaos, pandemic etc.) it makes me long for a utopia. To me, this light yellow represents happiness, peace and excitement. This quote is by Jean Paul Sartre that I remembered from a philosophy class back in my undergrad. I feel as though it is very relevant to the current climate. The circles in the corner again symbolize peace and balance.
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gabriellagard · 4 years
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gabriellagard · 4 years
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gabriellagard · 4 years
Week 5 Photo landscape challenge
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gabriellagard · 4 years
faint talking
car doors shutting
in and out
buzzing humming
Whenever I heard people talking I would turn my head to see who it was. I listened to what was happening through inside my car in the parking lot of the studio I am working at. Sounds are coming from every direction, all the time but all easy to identify.
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gabriellagard · 4 years
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gabriellagard · 4 years
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Three Photos to replicate during class
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gabriellagard · 4 years
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Gestalt Principles of Design images I made on photoshop!
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gabriellagard · 4 years
Frank Film and Begone Dull Care
In both experimental shorts, the artists use a number of gestalt principles. Looking firstly at Frank Film (1974), off the bat you can see the use of common region in the initial sequence with the interchanging circles. These circles range from clocks to worlds but as a viewer although completely different images, we put them in the same category based on their common region. The main gestalt principle however in this film is figure/ground. There are high paced, intricate visuals all that work design wise because of the play with figure/ground. A good example of this being at about the 3:15 minute mark when the narrator discusses his teenage sexuality and the images start to layer resulting in just one loaf of bread dancing. This sequence works because there is a clear figure ground relationship in which the bread is highlighted and the most important images are visually packed onto one another.
 As for Begone Dull Care (1949) it could be argued that at one point or another all of the gestalt principles were used. To quote Kurt Koffka, “The whole is other than the sum of the parts.” Which can be directly applied to this film. A variety of shapes, lines, colours and images are presented nearly every second spread out in different patterns and different backgrounds. This is why I feel comfortable saying all of the gestalt principles were used.
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gabriellagard · 4 years
Creative Approaches of Three Different Videos- September 8th, 2020
 Vampires of Poverty (Dir. Luis Ospena), Islands (Dir. Richard Fung) and Consequence of Love by Gregory Porter all encompass a strong narrative point of view in three very different, yet effective ways. In Vampires, the film is on some level about actually making a film. The viewer gets the perspective of the director and crew, what their vision is for the documentary they are in the process of creating. It gives a viewer a very clear idea of what both the current film they are in is regarding, but also what the film they are in the process of making will be. With Islands, director Richard Fung doesn’t say a word, instead expresses himself through direct text on screen. The remix style opposed to a traditional film is interesting in a contemporary context. This method allows a cultural critique with visual examples, allowing the viewer to really think and take words in. As for the last video by Gregory Porter, unlike the former, this is a music video, with the music serving as a point of narration. In order to tell a story, this music video proves you don’t need hours, in fact stories can be told in under 5 minutes. Consequence of Love brings together multiple stories through the use of mail, done through effective editing so the viewer doesn’t need explanation. Although all different, each three of these videos presents very interesting narratives in very interesting spaces.
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gabriellagard · 4 years
Soundscape: 4:34pm-4:45
Buzzing loud but quiet
Shelf moving above me
Buzzing strong
Doors bursting open
A smile slowly turning into a meaty laughter
Click pause click click
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gabriellagard · 4 years
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Media Design: Images I DISLIKE! All photo credits are given.
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gabriellagard · 4 years
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Media Design: 5 photos I like. Every photo taken by myself reminding me of special times/places/people.
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