gabriela-27 · 6 years
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gabriela-27 · 6 years
One also has to make sure that in the winters the coop is not damp. A cold and damp coop can make the chickens sick which creates a lot of problems. To avoid any problems due to a damp coop insulate the coop or seal it with a silicone sealant so that the heat is there inside and there is no dampness. Installing a heat lamp in the coop is also a good idea.
Mostly people make a coop for the chickens to lay eggs so that they get good eggs for commercial and domestic purposes. Hence, you need to provide a nest to every chicken. One can make nesting boxes for this and these should be about 4 inches deep. These should be lined with hay and the hay should be changed every week so that the coop is hygienic. The hay and the nest make the chicken feel warm and safe and because of this they are able to lay more eggs. The hay also provides a soft base so that the eggs do not crack.
A very important thing is to protect the coop and the chickens in it from predators. A coop which has a run will always have space for predators to come in from the space below. The way out of this is to bury chicken wire about 1 foot below the run and attaching it to the run. With this one can stop the predators from coming from underneath and causing damage to the chickens.
Another aspect which is very important, while thinking of ways to design a chicken coop, is to see how and where to place water and the feed for the chicken. There are ways to do this and one needs to see their convenience and ensure that they are placed in such a way that the chicken cannot mess up the entire coop.
With the help of these tips one can get many options when looking for ways to design a chicken coop. This can be made easily and at a reasonable cost also.
cage heaven bird cage
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gabriela-27 · 6 years
Keeping chickens has been a part of civilization for centuries. Throughout the course of American history alone, there have been many people who have raised chickens and, as a result, many different types of chicken coops. Here are four unique types that will give you an idea of which type is right for you.
Chicken Coop #1 - The A-Frame
This unique design gets its name from its close similarity to the shape of the capital letter "A". This type of coop is very popular especially for portable coops for keeping chickens on a small scale. They are not very heavy, and, as a result, they are very easy to move to different locations on your property. The A-Frame usually includes scaled-down perches and nesting boxes to fill the needs of the small flock.
Chicken Coop #2 - The Chicken Ark
If you are keeping a medium size flock, it is very possible that the A-Frame many not be sufficient. Enter the chicken ark. This type of chicken coop tends to be larger than its A-Frame counterpart, and therefore heavier and more difficult to move. To accommodate moving the coop, it is often outfitted with small wheels to facilitate movement. The real difference is the appearance of the chicken ark in that it has a more square structure.
cage heaven rabbit hutches
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gabriela-27 · 6 years
cage heaven chicken coop You are not alone if you are one of those people wrecking their brains wondering how a chicken coop is built. The thing is that it is about time people get into their chicken coop, because it is becoming more popular by the day to house your own chickens. Spare some time reading this and utilize these design elements, and add these to your original chicken coop plan to help enhance the appearance to make it not only safe for the chickens but also a pleasure to look at. Use the following tips in order to build a safe and pretty chicken coop.
The first thing on your list is making sure hungry predators don't make your chickens their prey. At the same time, your chickens must be able to live through the worst natural elements: snow, summer heat and rain. Finding the right location for your coop is important. Safety is important. Your chicken house must be built reasonably high and in an area where water will not collect. Also, it is very important that your coop faces the sun, so that when it does rain it dries quickly and your chickens dry quickly.
The day the hot sun hits, ventilation is important. In this case, install slide windows and maybe doors to open when you want to provide your chickens with the proper, important ventilation.
When figuring out a way to protect the chickens and the coop from predators, use chicken wire to bury the runs. Do this at a depth of about 1 foot. This will prevent all except large predators from reaching the chickens.
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gabriela-27 · 6 years
While bringing up five children, four of them boys, we had just about every pet you could imagine at one time or another. It was always an adventure! It was also a lot of work for me...but hey, I learned how to scream! The most scary for me were the two ball python snakes that were kept in a 55 gallon aquarium and always managed to get out! Sometimes the kids would be playing with them and just leave them on the floor. I once went in to make up my sons bed and as I picked up the pillow, I picked up the snake (inside) the pillow case! My family is getting used to my screams. The boys would wrap it around their necks, then sneak up to hug me, producing a fairly loud scream. My daughter came to me once with her hair pulled up on top of her head...and the snake wrapped all through it, coiled up and hissing (I have pictures of this). I'll have to admit though, it was sort of cool to watch them swallow a mouse whole (of course if there were only one mouse, it could even be cooler)!
Have you ever seen a real live hedgehog?? It's a tiny little thing covered in very sharp quills. You can't play with it, hold it or pet it because cuddling is not it's thing! It would roll up into a ball, bristling up, jumping and hissing loudly anytime anything got too near...except for my one of my sons, who could pick him up and carry him around without being hissed at or stuck with those needles. (I, on the other hand, was stuck many times by those things!) I suppose it's a good thing that this was his pet because somebody had to get him out of the cage so the boys could play catch, baseball gloves and all!
cage heaven gerbil cages
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gabriela-27 · 6 years
cage heaven rat cages Travel RVing is fascinated with the assorted varieties of pets that RVers take along on their travels. Seventy five per cent of RV travelers take along their furry family members (well, most are furry) and wouldn't consider being without them. Of course, the vast majority have dogs or cats. But some walk to the sound of a different drum...
Animals come in all shapes and sizes, and many RVers find themselves devoted to unusual ones. They travel very happily with their chickens, ducks, rabbits, hedgehogs, pygmy goats, pot-bellied pigs, lizards, snakes, geckos, monkeys, skunks and many, many more. In short, if you can transport your pet's living habitat you are ready for the road.
Let's delve a little further into to characteristics of some unusual pets. Keep in mind that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What causes one's skin to crawl warms the heart of another.
Have you ever thought of cuddling up with a skunk? If bred correctly, a de-scented skunk can make a wonderful pet. They can be warm, funny, cute and affectionate sometimes. They can also be very demanding, stubborn, and aloof. Skunks are very curious-- you will find them rummaging through your drawers, purse, laundry hampers, bed linens and other places they consider to be intriguing. They also steal things to make their beds softer. Most skunks are good campers.
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gabriela-27 · 6 years
Among flying insects the hawk or hover fly is very helpful. These flies are not unlike wasps, and are easily recognized by their habit of darting about and hovering over flowers. They lay their eggs on aphid-infested leaves, the larvae feeding upon these as soon as hatched. Another flying insect of similar feeding habit is the lace-wing fly, belonging to the same order as the dragon-fly.
Ichneumon flies belong to the same family as bees, the Hymenoptera, and are of great service to the gardener, from their habit of laying their eggs under the skin of other insects. The resulting larvae feed on the tissues of their hosts, and are the cause of death to countless caterpillars and aphids. There are thousands of types of ichneumons, varying in size, but characterized by large round head, long thin antennae, and long slender waist.
Bees render inestimable service in the garden, being among the chief pollinators of flowers and blossom. Wasps are generally given short shrift. Yet they destroy numbers of injurious insects to serve as food for their young during the early part of the season. It is when they turn their attention to ripening fruit that it is time to destroy their nests with care.
Ants are seldom a serious menace in the garden. Their habit of maintaining aphids, however, is often responsible for constant plant infestation with these insects, and when ants become numerous it is better to banish them. Moles create havoc by burrowing through the soil after insect grubs and worms, but their work is ultimately beneficial. Shrews are helpful inhabitants, feeding on insects, larvae, and worms. The hedgehog, although omnivorous, cleans up slugs, snails, and grubs.
cage heaven hedgehog cage
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gabriela-27 · 6 years
cage heaven chinchilla cages
So you have finally made the big decision. You have thought about it long and hard, talked it over with your family and have decided to adopt a ferret.
This is great news for the ferret. Finally he will have a home to go to, and a family that he can call his own. Now all that you have to do is to make all of the things needed for your new ferrets arrival. By this time you should now have a pretty good understanding about ferret behaviour, and what to expect from your new furry friend.
Alright then, so by now you should have bought him a nice new ferret cage to live in. And now most of the essential elements have been added to the cage, the water and food bowls, some toys to play with. Great, you have even sorted out his dietary needs. But wait a minute!, there is something missing. The poor little guys got nowhere comfortable or safe to sleep.
Although ferrets seem to have boundless energy, they do however love to sleep. And a ferret when tired will sleep in just about anything, even an old crumpled up piece of rag. But that does not mean that you should skimp on his sleeping arrangements. That is because the ferret likes and needs somewhere that he can crawl into. He needs to be able to feel safe and comfortable in order to sleep properly. And the ferret can sleep for long periods of time, usually between 18 to 20 hours.
Ferrets are notorious for loving hammocks. This is probably because of the shape of their bodies. The ferret hammock will provide a safe place for your ferret to hide, but most importantly it enables him to maintain a healthy sleeping pattern. If a ferret feels uncomfortable, this will disturb his sleep and he will not live a healthy life.
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gabriela-27 · 6 years
cage heaven ferret cages Ferrets are friendly loving animals that you will love keeping as pets. However ferrets on a whole are shrouded with a lot of misbelief that they have managed to conjure up over the years. Surprisingly these myths or misbeliefs are nothing close to the truth. Ferrets are in fact great animals who are lovable and inquisitive. The sad part is that these beliefs still exist and many people still believe in them which are not the real facts. Most of these beliefs are due to lack of education and knowledge about ferrets as animals and pets. Once people gather enough knowledge about these lovable creatures their beliefs will take a complete turn towards reality.
Here are a few basic ferret facts that will help you change a few myths that surround the ferret.
Most people base their misconceptions about how far back the ferrets go. Common belief is that they are as ancient as ancient Egypt; this is probably drawn from the hieroglyphs where some of them looked like ferrets. However this does not in anyway lay down the facts of its existence and that pharaohs domesticated ferrets as pets.
The ferret facts are that, no one can really establish how far back ferrets go. Their scientific study from their diet, fat disposition, teeth etc all state that they could belong to the European polecats and could have been favored pets of the middle aged European royalty.
Odor- Ferret Facts
Every living being carries a distinct odor, and most people believe that ferrets have a very nasty odor. However ferret facts state that ferrets do not smell as bad as you imagine it to be. If ever you find a distinct odor coming from a ferret, you might want to look into their living conditions and the space assigned to them.
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gabriela-27 · 6 years
The Chinese dwarf hamster tail has no hair and measures approximately one inch; a big reason why they are often falsely accused for being a mouse or rat. While they are nocturnal, they can still be active during the daytime hours. These animals are timid, which means they are not the sociable type. Bear in mind that they won't snap at you but you should certainly consider your children before you buy one to keep for a pet. After all, they can be tough to deal with.
As they get older, Chinese hamsters can get aggressive especially when they are placed together in the same cage/aquarium. The majority of them are naturally communal but it is still complicated to place them together in the same cage. If you want to pair together two females, be sure you do so when they are young. Don't pair a male and female Chinese hamster together since the dominant female hamster will end up killing the male one.
Get A Cage For Your Hamster
It's important that you get a cage that's perfect for your hamster. If you've got more than one hamster in the cage, be sure it's got lots of levels and/or hiding places so the weaker hamster can hide and get away from the more dominant hamster. Make sure you give them aspen bedding, hay or paper. Don't use wire cages or cages that use cedar or pine wood shavings. Be sure your hamster is happy by maintaining the home, making it clean and tidy. Before you buy your dwarf Chinese hamster, make sure there are no restrictions on them where you live.
How To Feed Your Dwarf Chinese Hamster
When you're buying food for your pet, you can use rat or mouse mix as well as lab blocks. Don't forget to give them bits of fruits and vegetables. As a special treat, consider giving them bread or Cheerios. Avoid giving them fried foods, salted foods, candy, chocolate and other junk food.
Boost their diet by adding vitamins like Nutri-Cal. If you've got a pregnant hamster, you'll need to give her more calcium. Use water bottles instead of water bowls. For food, use stoneware or ceramic dishes, since they'll keep the food fresh and seeds from spilling onto the floor.
cage heaven guinea pig cage
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gabriela-27 · 6 years
cage heaven hamster cage The phrase dwarf hamster is commonly used to describe a group of hamsters that, although they share common traits, are quite unique in and of themselves.
All dwarf hamsters belong to the genus Phodopus, with the exception of the Chinese dwarf hamster - it belongs to a different genus altogether but is commonly referred to as a dwarf hamster because it shares so much in common with other dwarf hamsters.
The biggest difference between dwarf hamsters and Syrian hamsters is that dwarf hamsters tend to be far more social than Syrian hamsters. As you may already know you must never put another hamster in with a Syrian hamster, especially a dwarf hamster. The Syrian hamster is extremely territorial and will kill any other hamster that is introduced to its cage.
Dwarf hamsters do best when housed with one or two other dwarf hamsters of roughly the same size and breed. This means that although you can house a Campbell's Dwarf hamster with a Winter White hamster it will cause less stress on the hamsters to be housed with dwarf hamsters of their own breed.
A very important point to keep in mind is that unless you want to start breeding hamsters you must separate the male dwarf hamsters from the female dwarf hamsters. They are sexually mature at a very young age and will get pregnant early and often unless they are separated!
If you want to have several dwarf hamsters sharing the same cage it's best to get dwarf hamsters that were previously housed with other hamsters as they are used to the company. Be careful when introducing a new hamster to a cage previously occupied by a solitary dwarf hamster - he may have grown used to being alone and may challenge the new arrival.
If you do introduce a new dwarf hamster to a cage with an existing dwarf hamster then be prepared to hear some interesting hamster sounds and some minor scuffling. Don't be alarmed by this - it's likely due to the two hamsters trying to establish who's boss, and it rarely escalates into serious violence. Monitor the cage to make sure that the original hamster doesn't attack the new arrival - as mentioned above, sometimes they just get used to being alone and won't tolerate any new upstarts!
The most popular types of dwarf hamsters to keep as pets are the Campbell's Dwarf hamster, the Winter White hamster, the Roborovski hamster, and the Chinese hamster. The most popular of these is the Campbell's Dwarf hamster. The Cambell's Dwarf hamster was discovered in 1902 in Mongolia and is characterized by its trademark furry feet and short tail. If handled properly the Campbell's Dwarf hamster can be quite tame and friendly.
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gabriela-27 · 6 years
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