funtimefrcddy · 7 years
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                        && Soooomewhere over the raaainbow....
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funtimefrcddy · 7 years
Whispers softly that ima probs go on a mini hiatus until after the holidays bc ive been more swamped with family/gifts this week than I thought ;’) Aka be back on the 26th!
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funtimefrcddy · 7 years
『 Another Me? 』:
Toy Freddy shouldn’t have been able to move around, all things considered. He was supposed to just be a lifeless animatronic gathering dust as bits and pieces of him were taken away. Unfortunately for the company, that wasn’t on his agenda. He was curious, he wanted to know more about the location they had moved him and the others to, and so, he wandered.
It had been hard the first few times to do so, as he wasn’t yet used to lacking parts of his endoskeleton and suit. He would ungracefully fall over many times and his friends, just as torn apart as he was, would have to help him back up. But that was in the past, he was used to having pieces of him missing now, he didn’t need to have them around to assist anymore. Still, the bear felt a pang of regret for leaving them behind to explore.
He had never been able to get that far in his first attempts to learn more about the location, so only after walking down a hallway, he found unfamiliar territory. He continued on, not wanting yet to know of the rooms, for he still had the general layout to learn, after all. The animatronic went on and on, his lightless eyes only glancing at each room he passed by. There was a scooping room? What could that possibly do?
Then he came to a complete halt. The bear’s head tilted as he saw what stood before him.
Another animatronic. A part of him had expected to encounter one of the animatronics in this location, for there had to be some, why else would they be taking parts from the toys? What had made Toy Freddy halt however was that this animatronic looked like him. There were differences, sure, but it was close enough.
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“W-W-W-Well! H-H-Hi th-th-there! Ahu-hu-huh!” The bear blinked upon realizing his voicebox had been fiddled with. Why would they need to take from there? Couldn’t he at least keep his voice? “I do-don’t th-think I-I kno-o-o-ow wha-at ti-time it i-is!”
    Their voice box... their voice box was lacking, but not in the same way his was. Fun-Fred’s was occasionally shot from that raspy, loud tone-- that was expected, but this other bear--- their voice is broken upon different circumstances. He hated broken animatronics. No, not that he hated them themselves--- he just hated the fact they were hurt. As a robot who believes it has the right to be HUMAN... you could only imagine his disappointment in knowing such terrible procedures were being carried out.
    ( ‘When i’m human, i’ll fix them’ ) he and Bon-Bon would always think to themselves, glancing from afar from time to time-- usually incapable to gawk for more than a minute or two. Can they feel the same pain? The pain that comes with having their insides torn out, the hurt that is being handled like toys rather than the intelligent beings that they were. But toys--- toys are what they were referred to, aren’t they? What a pitiful existence. 
   “Well, that’s okay--- ‘’don’t sweat it’’, a-as they say!     Though, i’m still unclear on what sweating is... oh well! ”
   And speaking of a raspy voice, that’s about what he was using now-- not because his voice was worn down, trust me, it's well rested, but just because it’s the closest the animatronic could manage to a solemn tone-- avoiding shouting his words with any excited vibrato. As expected, the puppet in his arms caught on to this and decided to chime in, placing a single paw on his master best friend’s cheek in some odd attempt of comfort.
       【 << It’s probably nothing important, but I know what time it is!             Time to make a new friend, right, Freddy....s. Freddys?>> 】
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       “Well, I do guess you’re right there, buddy------ a friend          that could use some T-L-C, at that! I’m Funtime Freddy         and this here is my partner, Bawhn-Bawhn! You, uh--         look like you’ve had better days...i--i--is that my fault?”
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funtimefrcddy · 7 years
         She’d found the kitten wandering around the area when she’d gone to check on Balloon Boy, but decided to take it to her recent companion to see his reaction to it. It’d been a pretty docile ( and adventurous! ) little thing, allowing the Mangle to carry it with only some soft mewls. However, Freddy’s own hold on it seemed ever gentler than her own, as if the kitten were infinitely fragile.
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           “It’s a cat–well, a kiiiiiiiiitten. A bay-bay-baby. I don’t think it has a name, it probably came here loooooooooooking for food,” she admitted, ears perking up as the kitten began to purr. Whether it had its fill or not, it certainly looked content in its current place; there was always some leftover pizza in the kitchen before the staff took some home ( and threw the rest away ), so it must’ve smelled that.
            ( Silly little thing. It was lucky it wasn’t a human. )
            “And it can’t talk, it’s…just an animal. Not like us-us-us.”
    As mangle explained the origin and concept of a ‘’Kit-ten’’, his ears perked; plastic paws poking at it’s nose up until it mewled, lifting it’s own little paws up so it could grasp on to those invasive fingers, gnawing on them like some toy or foodstuff, catching the bear completely off guard. Was it mad? Did it think he was food? The thought of it just wanting to play didn’t cross his mind, but countless other things surely did.
    “Huh... does it think i’m the food? I don’t know if i’d like       to get eaten... but it doesn’t seem like it’s lil’ jaws can       do all that much damage! Hey, Bon-Bon, why don’t you       let it try to eat you? For... experiment sake! Ha-hah-hah ! ”
    【 << Freddy, I don’t think that’s a very good--- >> 】
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   Aaand, too late! He was already holding the kitten up to his best friend with this huge grin, the living animal bapping at Bon-Bon’s ears with playful mitts, the bunny whining softly and holding up his arms afront his face in an act of protection. Was he afraid of the kitten? Yeah... yeah, probably. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s developed a fear for something silly.
    “D’awww, look at that, it loves you, Bon-Bon! Heh-heh,      anyways, you found the guy--- want to give them a      name? Gotta be something perfect... i’m sure you      could do it! I’m no good with names, trust me-- if      I had the choice, i’d of named Bon-Bon---                【 << Freddy, no, don’t say it--- >> 】      BIRTHDAY BUN! He hates it, though, I still like it...”
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funtimefrcddy · 7 years
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      “…Are these gloves? I really like gloves, but these don’t        have any fingers on them! What kinda gloves are these?”
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【  fashionable! I know if I had legs, I’D wear them! >> 】
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funtimefrcddy · 7 years
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    Originally, he was extremely excited– taking the book from the child and grabbing a pen off of a nearby desk, attempting to draw with his obviously non-dominant hand as Bon-Bon was off with Bonnet for repairs. He was surprisingly mellow despite this, however, just because he was able to convince Riley to keep him company for the next few hours.    Proudly, he handed over his master-piece—   
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         —-But, immediately, slumped in posture.
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                   “….I really miss my other hand sometimes.”
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funtimefrcddy · 7 years
[?] x3
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              ----Probably just due to being a creation of Afton, but the first thought in his mind is to make a knife-shooting bow. Thanks, dad. You’ve taught me well.
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funtimefrcddy · 7 years
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     Being completely honest; he doesn’t know what this ‘’thing’’ is. It’s small and fuzzy… it almost reminds him of his stage partner, but in a different set of colors and at the size of a Minireena. The tiny mewls & curious paws, however, had stolen both the mechanical heart of the bear and his puppet; blue eyes blinking when he accepted it into the most gentle hold he could. (It feels like if he’s not careful, it could break— like fine china or the likes, he wanted… he wanted to keep it safe. )
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    “Oh Mangle— it’s so CUTE! What is this thing? Does it have a name? Why doesn’t it speak words?”  Turning from the fox, he instead looked back at the kitten in his paws— lifting it up and nuzzling his nose softly into it’s side. “Can you speak, little guy? My name’s Freddy— and this is Bon-Bon!”     --@themanglc
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funtimefrcddy · 7 years
Send me a [?] for my muse to receive a mystery box.
I’ll use this item generator to see what the box will contain.
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funtimefrcddy · 7 years
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hey y’all, this is a BRAND-SPAKIN’ NEW SIDEBLOG created for the character Bonnet from Five Nights At Freddy’s: Sister Location custom night !!
while the blog is still under HEAVY CONSTRUCTION, if you’d like to interact with her please hit that like/reblog button so i can check out your blog !!!
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funtimefrcddy · 7 years
  ★ mechaniicalinstiinct wants to have a party!
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     He didn’t like ‘’sleeping’’. He didn’t like staying here --- immobile, lifeless --- all because the prior plan went up in flames. He wanted to be human... humans can do ANYTHING they want, they’re not... limited to cold parts and service rooms or life paths; THEY have minds non-dependent on the capabilities of mechanics and creative minds.      ...But they’re fortunate enough to have special AIs that had learned from life and it’s experiences for countless years, the end result something that should of been foreseen and regrettably wasn’t --- they’re too lifelike for comfort now. Too sentient to be trusted.
   It took time, but Bon-Bon had broke the lock on the room. It was only a few days ago that he was stuffed in here for a stupid reason... trying to leave the building. Like a child in timeout, perhaps-- the funtime bear wasn’t very compliant. There was no lesson learned and only hatred for those who run this establishment gained; heavy footsteps passing through the frame and only halting when he’d bend down to pick up his little friend that no longer fit upon his hand--- he had broken the connecting piece after a fall from being pulled back and away from the elevator by annoying men -- ears twitching as he took in all the sounds that were muffled from behind those walls.
    Whenever the mechanic gets here... he’ll fix all these problems. He has to... Freddy was booked for a party tomorrow.
  Another set of footsteps,       Another set of eyes upon him.
   “W-W-Well, HEY----” His voicebox would stutter, blue eyes flickering momentarily due to malfunction or something of the like.  “Funny seeing you, OTHER ME! Hau-hau-hauh---- say... know what time it is?” Surprisingly chipper despite the circumstances, it seems. Well... that was just Funtime Freddy for you.       Maybe a bit insensitive, considering he KNOWS what they’ve been doing to the toys.                                                                                   ----He wouldn’t exist otherwise.
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funtimefrcddy · 7 years
シニタイちゃん を 歌ってみました。【ひめりんご】
Original by すいっち
Cover by ひめりんご
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funtimefrcddy · 8 years
Here’s Funtime Freddy’s new custom night voice lines!
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funtimefrcddy · 8 years
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funtimefrcddy · 8 years
         【 << …YOU THREW ME AGAINST THE DOOR,               FREDDY-- WHY WOULD YOU EVEN?? >> 】
      ❝  You’re so silly, BAWHN-BAWHN! Not like I knew he’d shut the door-- HAU-HAU!           We’re robots; so what, are you telling me you have a concussion? That’s funny! ❞
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        【 << That’s really insensitive, Freddy! How’d you like it            if someone threw YOU like a football? Jeez... I wish           Mr. Afton would of installed some manners in you!>> 】
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funtimefrcddy · 8 years
Funtime Freddy
Reblog is you agree
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funtimefrcddy · 8 years
【 𝙼𝚁. 𝙰𝙵𝚃𝙾𝙽 】:
The creator made sure not to stay hiding in one place too long, shamelessly breaking the rules of Hide and Seek. 
         He’s had years of experience, skulking about in the dark like this.
He has access to everything in the entire building, above and below ground.
                                  He created this entire world.
                                  ~This was going to be fun~
Afton placed a finger on his lips and shushed the puppet. “I know~” There was a strange levity in his voice, like all this really was just some kind of game. 
He peered out in the dim room from his hiding spot and cleverly waited until Freddy moved away from the the control room before sneaking over. 
No, his plan wasn’t to simply go inside and wait things out; where’s the risk in that? And there was no doubt Freddy would hear the vent opening. 
Shifting his free hand over the cold floor, he grabbed a stray bolt and gave it a fierce throw to the other side of the room where it hit a pipe and made a slight clatter. 
          Afton then took the opportunity to move to another hiding spot.
       He didn’t expect the puppet to stay quiet for long though, or at all.
                       ~But why not kill two birds with one stone?~
It was no understatement to say he felt like a child.
Anxious,    Alone,      Vulnerable,           Emotional.                                    ----- && he hated every last second of it.
To a degree, he respected Afton--     He had to, he wouldn’t EXIST otherwise. 
Bon-Bon, however, only feels fear towards his creator. 
When shushed, he quieted - sending his gaze towards where he heard Freddy with drooping ears and eyelids positioned to form a ‘’worried’’ expression, the softest near-inaudible squeak sounding from the rabbit in a sort of admittance to defeat. He was always one for Hide and Seek... but this wasn’t right. Afton was cheating... and this game was cruel. Games are supposed to be fun for everyone! Not... just one person.
But it’s not like the rabbit would ever vocalize something so rude.
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Ears twitch; head turning a bit faster than the body itself could towards that loud clatter, teeth practically grinding with what could only be assumed as anger.
Despite beginning to head towards that noise something just felt... off. Even as the bear closed in on his destination that intuition never left, and assumptions were only CONFIRMED when no sign of his friend nor creator remained, only.... only a measly; infuriating bolt.
                                                          ---Can he not trust his ears? What kind of test WAS THIS?
     ❝  A-AFTOoOo-nN!  ❞  Perhaps out of line; the funtime animatronic was quick to pick up that cursed screw and throw it in the opposite direction as hard as he could; lowering his head and stiffening completely after realizing what he had done. If that would of HIT the man... 
                                                                                    ...&& Perhaps, he is just a child after all?
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