fully-grown · 4 years
The Witch is Back on Her Own Blog
@pythxnissam !
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fully-grown · 4 years
This Blog Has Been Archived!
You can find me at @flos-timore, my brand new multimuse centered around villain and morally grey muses!
Don’t worry about any on-going threads, we had! They’ll all be seamlessly continued over on the new blog! <3 
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fully-grown · 4 years
I’m… considering making a multimuse, since… I run so many blogs and I… constantly worry that I’m making my partners wait a little TOO long… y’know…
… Thoughts? Would ya’ll be cool if I gathered up all my blogs and made a multimuse for them? As of right now, the muses that would be there are @fully-grown , @domiinion , @garden-uprooted , @sxndial , and @sicagone . More might be added afterwards, but yeah. 
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fully-grown · 4 years
Cue One (1) Demon Wife smoochin FG's cheek.
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And cue One (1) Eldritch Wife clinging onto her gorgeous beloved and PEPPERING her with butterfly kisses. 
She didn’t miss Shimmer, no, not at all. Shut up.
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fully-grown · 4 years
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— Again that sharp-teethed smile,
            again the wonderful melody of her joy as she giggled - as if she didn’t know! As if she had never been worshiped the way she ought to be, never been adored so evidently by anyone but him. For shame! Sure, his eyes peered right through the layers of deception, reading into the radiations of pure and terrifying greatness. Though, he knew his otherworldly vision would’ve caught note of her auras even without his sense of sight. The silk-haired mystery just had a very, very, very prominent presence, one his heart gravitated toward very naturally, very shamelessly.
Cadillac frowned and eyed the mashup of colors that surrounded them, as well as what could only be considered as junk tainting the surface of the place in the distance. He said nothing, though his expression must’ve given away that he agreed: it was a vile mess. “Who…” The warlord wanted to pry, ask what she meant with ‘was’, find out what or who had taken her home from her so mercilessly.
However, her own curiosity beat him to it. His gaze wandered. “… I have come from a world beyond this one. A universe in which the laws of physics work differently from the ones in here, from what I can tell… They’re more restricted in there, I suppose.” A universe that did not and could not serve him as a home. “Though, I am from somewhere entirely different. Most people don’t take kindly to that sort of truth, however.” Black lips pressed together. While he felt she was different from the gods who’d rejected him through retches and loathing, the thought of disgusting her the same way upon first meeting, was enough to fuel the paranoia gnawing in the back of his head. He cared little for the disgust of others, though he wasn’t ready to be faced with hers so early on.
So he clicked his tongue and moved on, the only hint of unease being the prolonged silence that had followed beforehand. “We opened a portal to this world in the hopes of discovering anything of interest. Everything I’ve come across so far has been… interesting alright, although I don’t know if any of it is worth our time and attention. I don’t care much for the smell of… sticky lemonade.“ But then a smile tugged at his lips, and once again, she was the center of his intense attention.
“Well, until I ran into you. You stand out very wonderfully, like an amaryllis too beautiful to pick. I’d much rather rip the weeds surrounding you, offer you a valley that fits your grace.” It was no empty promise. “Surely, there’s still ways to get back what is rightfully yours. Tell me more about yourself and this place, and I might find a way to help you with just that. I can’t imagine all hope is lost, not when you, a woman who belongs in the vast and vicious cosmos rather than the filth of this world, is still here. Still alive.”
The sound of Cadillac’s voice drew her closer- a tentative step in his direction was taken before she’d even thought about executing it. It was simple to see from her gaze alone that the witch hung on every single word, every single breath. Her head tilted, curiously, as he spoke of things that- that she couldn’t even BEGIN to fathom. Told her about a place so mysteriously enchanting that she couldn’t help but to grasp for a better understanding of it all. 
Of course she’d noticed that pause. Of course she’d noticed something to be slightly amiss. Cadillac had her full, undivided attention, and as such, her mind became a whirlpool of spinning, swirling thoughts. The being before her was... immaculate. Godly. Much, MUCH too much like... 
.... herself, in many ways. And perhaps THAT was ultimately WHY she’d tolerated him, from the beginning. Should it have been anybody, anybody else, she would’ve cursed them out; called them mad. Insane. Repulsive. 
But, no. No, his words, although foreign, alien, nonsensical... She would listen. She would listen to every single honey-sweet syllable that fell from his lips, she would heed every enticing promise, if only to satiate her thirst; her hunger for knowledge. 
She had to, she NEEDED, to know MORE about this wonderful stranger. It was a must. A primal need, at this point. 
Though she’d remained relatively silent throughout Cadillac’s explanations, his flattery set her face ablaze. A darker, vibrant green bloomed, made itself known, just under her skin- her eyes crinkling with barely suppressed delight. Rows and rows of teeth proudly revealed themselves, once more, as a clawed hand found itself to her chest. 
A lady, through and through. Falling oh-so easily for someone she barely knew, and yet doing it with grace. 
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“... My, word,” she all but GASPS out, voice quiet, surely, yet AWED, all the same. “Well, you- CERTAINLY know how to make a lady listen to you, I’ll give you that much~!” 
She stalked forward, tail sweeping curiously along the ground as she circled Cadillac. Voracious eyes darted along his body, his form, his FACE. She wanted to cement it all to memory. She wanted to memorize his scent, his voice, his EVERYTHING, should he fade away and return to the realm of the imaginary.
“You’re simply- simply EXTRAORDINARY, is what YOU are! A place OUTSIDE of this island, you said? And you mentioned others.... Hmm...” 
The gears were turning for the witch, and turning quickly. For all of Cadillac’s charm and grace, pretty words, alone, weren’t going to be nearly enough to sway her to his side of things. Not fully. He must REALIZE this, right? As much as she WANTED a way out of her eternal prison, CRAVED her freedom, someplace better.... 
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“... In-teresssting,” she drawls out, a forked tongue making its brief appearance. “Interesting, indeed, my dear! Quite the STORY, as well!” 
A pause. 
“.. Though, if what you SAY is true, then before I share anything about myself and this island’s origins, would you mind me asking a few more questions, myself? It isn’t every day that I encounter an intelligent creature in this wasteland, you know.”
Stopping in her compulsive circling, the witch props an arm up on her elbow; a finger tapping idly on her own chin as she continues to look Cadillac up and down. Up and down... 
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“Mmm... For starters.... What.. EXACTLY were you hoping to do with anything you found that was... “of interest”..? To serve what purpose..? Don’t get me wrong, I’m more than merely tempted to take you up on your offer, but we’ve only just met, is all! I didn’t even get to have your name, yet, darling.” 
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fully-grown · 4 years
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My, what have we here?
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fully-grown · 4 years
Sleeping must be very, very nice in a great bed like that. Where can I get a bed like that?
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“Give me your credit card details, and I’ll tell you!” 
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fully-grown · 4 years
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“The parents have to be another species of fowl.” She sipped at her own tea. “And come on, ‘horrendous?’ How is a chicken ‘horrendous?’ Dim-witted, sure, but chickens are perfectly reasonable and understandable birds.”
Note to self: bring specific information regarding the evolutionary history of chickens the next visit. If just so that Full Grown got the complete details for herself.
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“Correction!” the witch was quick to get out, a finger pointed up in the air. “Birds, chickens especially, are ATROCIOUS! Horrid! They’re nothing but troublesome little heathens that peck and- FLY AROUND as if they OWN the place!” 
“Honestly, Madison, it’s as if I have to teach you everything!” Yes, as if Madison hadn’t just educated HER on an age old question. “Haven’t you ever seen a BIRD, before? Surely you know what I’m talking about!” 
The age old question, well, in question, however, didn’t seem to be the topic at hand, anymore. Full Grown’s hatred of birds knows NO BOUNDS, after all! 
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“Disrespectful pests..! The lot of them! It’s why I ERADICATED the wretched things in the FIRST place!” 
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fully-grown · 4 years
Send “💕” if you ship our muses! // Still Accepting!
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Wdym, Shimmer’s already her wife. They got married and everything- 
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fully-grown · 4 years
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Bounty hunters? Epithets? A 6′3″ beanpole of a garbage cowgirl? 
    You bet’cha! This is an ask/role play blog for Zora Salazar from Epithet Erased! Please give this post a like, or better yet, a reblog, and I’ll be sure to check you out! <3
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fully-grown · 4 years
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“You’d be surprised how often I get this question,” she replied with a small smirk. “It’s common, but it has an easy answer. A chicken first comes into existence as the result of a mutation from its non-chicken parents. Since it’s first born in an egg, the egg came first.”
The witch nods along as Madison speaks; one leg crossed another. She’s seated comfortably on her lavish bed, a tea cup in hand, and tea plate in the other. 
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“Hmm... I suppose that DOES make, sense, yes... Albeit in a... very confusing, very convoluted and not at ALL simple, way...” 
A pause for a dainty sip. 
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“.. But then what of the NON-chicken parents? How on EARTH did they create something as vile and horrendous as a CHICKEN, of all things? And if they’re NOT chickens, then what ARE they, Madison? I desire answers, here!” 
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fully-grown · 4 years
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Butt Witch , I had this saved since I saw twelve forever.
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fully-grown · 4 years
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12 Forever had a good run and buttwitch will always be a fav of mine!
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fully-grown · 4 years
oh... i just realized that the way i edited my icons made the witch have pink hair.... and now that i’ve been using those for so long... i kinda somehow forgot her hair ISN’T canonically.... pink..... it’s... a very pale lavender..... 
...................... her hair is pink on this blog, i can’t see her any other way now, help m-
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fully-grown · 4 years
⚠️ SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!
Send “⚠️” plus a warning label for my muse // Still Accepting! 
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fully-grown · 4 years
Send “⚠️” plus a warning label for my muse.
(If you cannot see the emoji send “Warning”)
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fully-grown · 4 years
not the mun but tbh i ship her and cadillac so 💕
Send “💕” if you ship our muses! // Still Accepting! 
@destructiveglitch IT WAS MEANT TO BE!!!! 
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