fuckboy-jake · 17 days
I’m working on getting big so I can compete in bodybuilding competitions. Do you have anything that could help me roid up bigger into a big dumb meathead bodybuilder?
Yeah I can hook you up with something for sure, bro. I have some special files you can listen to at the gym. They're going to make you hit the gym extra hard, bro, I promise. There's some side effects, but don't even worry about that, okay? You won't even realize how much you're going to feel the urge to work out, how long you spend inside pumping up your muscles, lifting iron. Just slip on your headphones and put those files on, bro. Trust me. Before you know it, you'll be working out every day. It feels so easy, just sinking in and lifting the weights up and down, more and more. Muscles pumped, feeling so good, flexing in the mirror. You're growing so big, bro. You won't even notice losing some of your smarts the more you listen.
And then you stand outside the gym again in a daze. It's dark out. Hours gone by. Your dick painfully hard, a big stain of cum spreading from where your cock is tenting and throbbing, like you've been leaking for hours. But of course, all those files tell you not worry about any of that. You should focus on the important stuff: you're growing fucking huge. Packing on more muscle every day. Just look at you.
You've gone from big...
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...to bigger. Much bigger. More than you ever dreamed would be possible.
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Even bigger. More muscle. More gains. There's no stopping your growth, bro. You just got to keep going now.
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Until you can't even recognize yourself.
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You're welcome, meathead.
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fuckboy-jake · 17 days
Sir, my hole feels so empty without a real man's cock deep inside me but nobody wants to fuck me, can you make me a dumb bottom jock slut please?
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You are mindlessly scrolling for hours again, isn't that right, boy? Watching hot jocks on your screen. Dumb boys flexing, fucking, and showing off. Good himbo jocks obeying whoever holds control of their mindfucked heads. They have jockstraps framing their smooth asses, tanktops to show off their muscle tits, backwards caps, tongues out, slack jaws, pumped muscles, arched backs, endless loads spilling out of their tight holes, you name it. You can't get enough of it. It's all you want. It makes you so extremely horny.
Your hard dick leaks under you as you hump and scroll. It's easy to imagine being just like that, right? Going dumb, being a meathead, a brainless slut, a fucktoy made for the pleasure of real men. It's so hot and horny. It's okay to just give in to it, buddy.
You naturally arch your back just like all those good cock sluts you see on your screen. Fuck, your hole is so empty and needy. You're looking so fuckable, bro. Now, just put on that cap and turn it backwards. The dumb fucking jock fantasy feels complete like this, doesn't it? But this has never felt so good before. So real. And the hornier you get the more you can't really hold on to a thought, but that's okay, bro. You don't need to be present. Just be horny. Leak from your cock. And let your mouth fall open, your drool spilling out. Bro, you're looking kinda fuckin stupid right now. I promise I won't use big words on you anymore. Keeping your eyes glued to jocks on your screen is all that matters. Just let me into your head now, just like a hard cock sliding into your willing hole, ok buddy? Good, bro, you don't want to go back to how you were. You want this forever. Your dick throbbing, your thoughts slowing down. You're doing so good for me, bro. You're so fucking horny.
'Brahhhh...' Fuck, it just escapes your lips. That sounds so dumb, but it feels so right. Just makes you want to moan more. You're so blank. So much pleasure making your brain go numb. Only thing missing is a real man's cock up your ass. You'd do anything to have that. Real men have hard cocks they can use to fill you with, bro, but only if you are a good boy. You will obey until you're nothing more than another dumb jock slut, a pair of holes existing to get plowed. Fuck, I bet you can just blow your load knowing that is your reality, now and forever.
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fuckboy-jake · 19 days
Bully and humiliate this slave, boys. He deserves it.
My owner @fuckboy-jake has has me by the balls so bad. I’m a total loser for master jake. I can’t get enough of him. Can’t resist him.
He has me gooned, ruined and denied for weeks. Started off with a single week but manipulated me so subtly I didn’t even realize I was begging him to extend the time line more and more and it’s over 7 weeks now and even at the end it’s only a ruined orgasm that I’ll be getting. To top it off he made me think this was all a great idea and I jumped at it.
He’s been cucking me, ruining me, making me worse than I ever thought possible. I’ve been worshiping him any chance I get and I’m glad for it. I am a pathetic mess for him and I’m loving it extremely. Master Jake is a true alpha master, knows how to fuck up his f*ggots.
I’m so lucky to be able to serve him and be his slave. Owned by him. His fuck hole. I can’t resist telling him my deepest secrets without a second thought only for him to use them against me to fuck me up more😵��💫. He deserves to be the attention of every slut out there
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fuckboy-jake · 21 days
Everyone nearby spurts instantly. No resistance when I decide to assert my superiority.
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fuckboy-jake · 23 days
Get abused for the pleasure of real men, faggots.
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fuckboy-jake · 23 days
Why would I even apologize. You should be thankful lol.
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You know now that I think about it, you might be right.  I think I did piss all over the floor after you spent an hour cleaning it.  My bad.  DO it again.
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fuckboy-jake · 23 days
Yeah I got you drooling didn't I, slave?
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Look, slave, I’m drunk as fuck so heads-up before I pass out:
(1)  I need to piss.  (2) I need a bath.  (3) My clothes are soaked with beer.       (4) The floor is coated with beer too.   
Your mouth will handle all four of them, got it?  
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fuckboy-jake · 23 days
All boys should be dressed in a proper shirt and tie with the tie cinched up tightly, a side parting with copious pomade and brylcreem, along with severe spankings and face slaps to keep them in line. Do you agree? It’s a shame we can’t make these nationwide laws. It’d do us a lot of good to have well greased chivalrous men standing when a lady enters, offering chairs, all while referring in terms of sir or ma’am. Weekly barbershop visits and trips over dads knee with the hairbrush
I agree with your statement. Boys do so much better when they are raised this way, the dresscode, the haircut, the brylcreem. It is a strict life so the boy will need discipline until he learns to do it for himself every day, every moment, and making his father proud of him. Like this boy:
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fuckboy-jake · 23 days
Good muscleboys always feel the urge to strip and show off.
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fuckboy-jake · 23 days
Greased up fuckboy.
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fuckboy-jake · 23 days
Not pictured here are the two college admissions officers on their knees doing a poor job of licking my boots clean. They probably expected this interview to go very differently. These pathetic fuckers would be quick to accept me into this college if they can walk away with some extra cash in their pockets.
The dollar signs flashed in their eyes when I sauntered into the room. They think they're dealing with another boy reeking of daddy's money, with my expensive suit, silver watch, and hair meticulously styled with pomade. All part of the act. I grin. I like to scam my way through life not by hurling money, but through fucking domination. Me and my dick always get our way.
It's easy to wipe that insolent sneer of their faces, to gain the upper hand, to be in control. In just a minute they hang onto my every word and I have their wills tied to my pleasure. Obeying me gets their pricks stiff and leaking. Their eyes fill with adoration for the arrogant alpha fuckboy in front of them, unflinching when I spit them in the face. They'll do whatever the fuck I want. I let one of them suck my cock while the other signs all the necessary papers for my college acceptance. Then I get them acquainted with the underside of my boots, while they battle out which one of them is more worthy of getting to pay my tuition. I order them to cum, and they immediately spurt their brains out into their pants. Eyes rolling back. Twitching and moaning from the pleasure I graciously allowed them to have. It never gets old turning arrogant men into pathetic groveling slaves for a boy like me.
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fuckboy-jake · 30 days
Fuckin Jake brah. Enough said.
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fuckboy-jake · 1 month
Your view while I admire myself.
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fuckboy-jake · 1 month
Just rub it and huff, bro. Doesn't matter where.
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fuckboy-jake · 1 month
Bullies become bros
"You shouldn't go. They are going to prank you and release it to the whole school," warned David
"Yeah, but what if it's not a trap? What if it's just Sandra inviting me over and showing me she's a friend," replied Scott
"But it's not. You're a nerd. You don't just get invited to cool parties to hang. You only want to go because you're madly in love with your bullies. Those guys tease you and push you around all day, and they're perfectly straight. There's no chance," David explained, Scott not listening at all.
"But..." Scott tried to say before being cut off by David,
"You know what? Go. Go to that stupid party, and I will say I told you so on Monday or Tuesday. That's if you're brave enough to come to school, knowing you'll be laughed at, everywhere you go," David finished. Scott, yet again, didn't care or try to convince him. He said goodbye and left David, speeding off to the party.
Scott was currently studying computer science and at the top of his class. Scott was quite shy, largely due to the fact that at his school, being a nerd meant a wedgie or getting slammed into a locker on a daily basis. His friend Sandra, who was friends with everyone at school, had invited him to her party. It was unusual, but Scott wanted to see what it was like, and his crushes were there tonight. Scott had many common crushes of hot porn stars or celebs, but he also had some guilty ones. The bullies around the school were well built and extremely good looking. Although if they knew Scott was into them, he would probably end up in the bin. The main guys that he loved were Asher, Callum, Josh, Kyle and Dan. There wasn't too much difference between them. They all had the same perfectly sculpted abs, beautiful faces and well-groomed hair. Despite all being physically similar, they had some differences. Asher was much smarter than the others, achieving above-average grades and some B+'s. Callum and Josh were tall and both played lacrosse. Kyle was so strong and muscular, he could already lift like a professional bodybuilder. And finally Dan. He may be smaller in stature, but underneath his sweatpants was the largest shlong of meat around the school. Well, that's what all the girls said. But all the girls rated them all highly, which obviously meant Scott had no chance with them at all. And even if he did, they would probably just give him a wedgie.
Scott arrived at the house not long after leaving David. He went and rang the doorbell. As he did, he realised that he was hot, sweaty and looked in a bad state. Even if there wasn't a prank waiting for him, everyone here would see him as an absolute mess. The door opened before he could do anything to solve the issue. Sandra greeted him and let him in.
"Oh wow, you've really gotten a lot," Said Scott, seeing all the drinks and food out. He had never been to a party, and his usual gatherings only had a couple of pizzas and drinks.
"Oh, it's a bit, but there's more coming. You look a bit tired and sweaty. Maybe you should have a quick wash," offered Sandra.
"Oh, yeah, thanks. I think I will. By the way, why did you invite me out tonight? I don't usually get invited out," Scott inquired. Sandra looked a bit awkward, not knowing what to say.
"Well... I never usually invite you over because I know you're a bit quiet, and you don't really get on with most people," She explained before pausing to think. "I don't have anything against you coming, you're always welcome, but it wasn't me that asked you to come. Somebody asked me first," She finished. Scott was perplexed by what she had said. She was right that he wouldn't usually come to these events, and he didn't get on with many people. But who else would have asked him to come?
"Who asked me over then?" he asked.
"Oh, it was one of the teachers, now hurry on and go and wash before people get here," She blurted out. She seemed as if she was hiding something and didn't know what to say.
Scott didn't know why she was like that, but he was eager to get washed quickly and get himself ready. He had a change of clothes, and Sandra offered him a spare towel. She then said he would have to change in her brother's room, which was ok since he was out somewhere else. Scott went and washed, tying a towel around him when he was done. He got out some gel, which he brought specially for tonight. However, he didn't know how to use it, so his hair looked a bit funny. Perhaps Sandra could help later on.
He walked down the corridor and opened the door to her brother's room. As he entered, someone was going through his bag. He rushed in to see who it was.
"Hey, that's my stuff! You can't be here!" He yelled with determination. The figure slowly got up and turned around. Scott's, decisiveness instantly vanished as the smirking face of Asher presented itself to him.
"Holy shit, brah. That's the hardest he's ever been,” a voice spoke. It wasn't Ashers though, as his grin remained perfectly still. Scott turned, and from the shadow came Callum, with Josh just behind him.
"Yeah, bro, perhaps it's time," Came Kyle, swaggering over to him with Dan. They then stopped a couple of meters away. Scott looked around, he was surrounded by his bullies once again.
"I... I... sorry Asher, I didn't see you there," He stuttered out.
"No worries brah, but I think it's time," He said
"What?" asked Scott, fearing the worst.
"You've been such a good punching bag brah. You're even eager for it now. But we've decided its time," Asher explained
"Wait, you are not going to kill me, are you? Please, I don't want to go through this... I'll... I'll do anything," He pleaded, panicking at what he would have meant. The boys just laughed.
"That's a good one bro, but we ain't going to kill you. Why would we do that?" asked Josh.
"Bruh, relax. We don't waste time with nerds like you at parties," said Kyle
"So then, why are you here with me?" Scott asked.
"Firstly brah, it was us who invited you," Said Asher.
"And you're here because we're done with you as a punching bag," said Dan.
"We've bullied you since the start of school, and now you're so used to it's boring, and yet every time we see you it's so hard not to bully you," explained Callum. Scott gulped upon hearing that. As much as he hated being their bitch, thinking of what else they would do with him left a deep hole of helplessness in him.
"We've decided that it's time for you to join us, brah," Said Asher. 'What?' Scott thought, unable to comprehend those simple words.
"We don't mind adding a number six to the group, plus we've done nearly every prank there is to do, so why not see what our special number six can come up with," explained Josh. Scott was speechless. His face was both scared and perplexed.
"Don't worry brah, it won't hurt... for long," Dan joked. Before Scott could try to reason with them one last time, they all immediately lift up their shirts and tanks.
(Asher, Josh, Callum, Kyle, Dan in that order )
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As they did, they revealed the uniformed bodies that all had the same cut abs and beautifully bouncy pecs. Scott stood there for a moment, wondering what was about to happen. He couldn't feel anything, but the room was quiet and still as they stood there and smirked. Another second passed, and now he began to feel his dick twitch as he became uncontrollably erect to the guys. His dick grew hard, but it began to grow beyond its normal pathetic size. Suddenly an odd sense of weight fell on his head, pushing it down.
"See it's beginning bro, just turn into one of us," Dan taunted
The weight spread down to his neck, filling up his body before shooting down his arms and legs. Scott was unnaturally heavy, and he didn't like it. He turned and summoned up his strength to make it out, dropping his towel in the process. But as he made his way there, Kyle quickly grabbed him, putting one hand around him while the other helped up his tank.
"No running now bro, it’s already started. Let good old Kyle give you some of his strength. I'm stronger than all of these guys put together," said Kyle, as he held onto him.
Scott felt oddly comfortable in his embrace since he usually threw him to the ground. As he stood there helpless, his arms and legs grew heftier and more muscular. His shoulders stretched out broader, while his body added on a bit of weight to it. Scott didn't like what was happening one bit and attempted to push away. Kyle, seeing he had given all he could give to him, let him go.
Scott pushed his way free of Kyle, thinking he had freed himself, instead of being let go of, found himself in the middle of all five of them. He pondered for a second, thinking who he might be able to get by. Even though his muscles had grown massively, he wasn't fully aware of it, and he felt nearly drained of energy. The jocks stepped closer, their grins even wider and cockier as they got closer.
"Come on bro. You know you want to join us," Josh taunted. Upon hearing this, Scott panicked and ran for it again. There was no way he was going to become one of them. But as he took his first step, Josh and Callum lunged forward at him. Scott was caught and trapped, between both with no way out. They wrapped their arms around his body and pulled him in. Scott wasn't as tall as them and, his face was planted, right between their pecs.
"Got you, ready for a bit of Josh and Callum," Callum taunted smugly as he smothered Scott's head around his pecs. Scott replied with muffled moans, which unfazed the two jocks.
Scotts legs, torso and arms began stretching out gradually. His rather short height of 5'8 was slowly increasing. All the while his meat pecs began to inflate, becoming ballooned like the others. His stomach swelled with strength as a six-pack began to form.
Scott hated this. He knew deep down he was somehow transforming, most likely turning into one of them. He wanted to stop it, but his head was being suffocated in the jock's pecs, and worse his erratic thoughts of escape, vanished. Despite being scared and panicked by what was happening, Scott also felt a small sense of cockiness in him. He was swole as fuck now, he could bench, and he was getting taller. He knew this was a symptom of turning into one of them, which concerned him as he didn't want to become like them.
His head was soon free of their pecs as it crept up above their shoulders. He had gone from a measly 5'8 to a towering 6'2, the same height as Josh and Callum. Scott fully knew how much he was changing and decided he needed to escape. But it was so hard getting free from their clutch. Josh and Callum were grinning proudly and cockily at him, but their eyes were looking past him.
"You've taken so much from us bro, its time Asher had some fun with you," said Josh, and before Scott could respond or try to run, they pushed him toward Asher, who grabbed him tightly.
"Got you, bro," He said. Scott found it odd, the group of them were typically quite mean to him, sometimes homophobic, but they seemed to be concerned that his naked body was touching their pecs. He loved it though, rubbing his firm chest and pecs on theirs. It was a fantasy he had always had, well minus becoming one of them.
Scott felt only minor physical changes to himself while in Asher's embrace. The cockiness, nevertheless, grew larger, absorbing his memories and intellect.
The cockiness began manifesting itself into a personality. A personality much like the others. Scott tried to push it away, but the blob of this new personality, that dominated his mind turned into a raging headache. This headache kept Scott from focusing, but also hammered his IQ down.
Scott felt any kind of smart thinking quickly disappearing, instead to be replaced by more simple thoughts. And this new train of thinking was infested by the personality in his mind. All he began to think about was being swole and sexy. He craved fun, but not the fun he used to enjoy through games and nerd culture. Now all he relished was partying, sex and simple video games that required less brainpower.
The new personality grew larger, infecting all parts of his brain and gorging itself on his memories and old personality.
Asher was quite intelligent for a jock, so Scotts wasn't completely dumb. He could maintain a decent B+, but what really struck him was that he didn't give a shit for anything that wasn't fun or lifting.
His hair was changing as his mind changed, growing short and spiky, like Ashers. His six-pack was now becoming far more defined, almost an exact of the others.
Scott's breathing got faster as fear consumed what remained of him. The new personality was so great now, it started taking over his functions, his feelings too. He was forced to enjoy the transformation, and any resistance he tried to put up was swiftly engulfed by it. A wide grin forced its way onto his face, as he began giving in to the new personality. With this, Asher knew that Scott was almost finished and had one last destination for the group.
"Dan brah, he's all yours!" he said before pushing him to Dan. Dan caught him and wrapped his arm around him as far as he could. Scott should be able to over-power him. But due to the mental restraint on him, he was powerless to do anything.
Dan was the cockiest and most arrogant, and he was notorious for having the biggest dick in the group, despite being the smallest. Whilst Dan held Scott who's body was finalizing its physical changes as his abs were becoming a perfect copy of the others, the other closed in around him. Just being in their presence was causing Scott to change more and more. What power did they have that could do this?
Scott, deep down, wanted to cry or scream, but the cocky new personality in his head was now absorbing the last traces of his resistance. Anytime he tried to think of escape or scream for it to stop, it just became him visualising himself flexing or laughing arrogantly. Scott found himself mentally submitting to whatever they had done to him. But it wasn't over yet. His once frightened and terrified mind was overfilled, with confidence and arrogance from Dan.
Why cry about his old nerdy life vanishing, when he had a better one. A life more fun and laid back one, where he was part of the pack that ruled.
Scott's dick twitched to life with pleasure as it enlarged in size. At first, he thought he was getting hard from thinking about how sexy life was for him now, but he realised that it was getting bigger, becoming elongated. His balls also plumped up as they became filled with a new and more fruitful seed, which quickly superseded his old nerdy seed.
"Almost one of us now bro, just let go of yourself and join us," Josh praised.
"Yeah, brah, you're almost one of us now," Asher cheered.
His cockiness, confidence and arrogance were dwarfed by a powerful horniness that consumed his every being. He needed to fuck, to stick his dick in some guy. He began thinking of guys but found himself uninterested in them.
"Fuck guys this feels great, but I feel the need to fuck. Who's ass am I getting first?" Scott demanded cockily, unaware of his lack of interest in the guys around him. Scott's arrogance faded slightly as the group howled with laughter.
"Bro, we knew you were gay, but none of us are," Dan chimed cockily, releasing Scott. Scott found himself completely surrounded and once again nervous around the guys.
"Bro, we've been making you just like us. And none of us are gay, so you're gonna be as straight as us bro," Josh explained.
"Don't worry though, we've got you one last gift," reassured Callum.
"Come in," Asher yelled.
The group went behind Scott, lining up and turning around to face the other side of the room. Sandra walked in she almost gasped at seeing Scott but knew that there was nothing she could do. Scott's jumbo sausage began hardening as it turned into a powerful jackhammer. Sandra was dressed only in a dressing gown. Scott had never fantasized or thought of her like this, but with all the mental changes the bros had done to him, he found horny straight boy thoughts slither their way in. He couldn't stop thinking about all the things he could do with her. No, he would do with her.
"You two can have some fun, and we'll meet you, downstairs bros," said Josh as the group walked out.
"Wait, but..." Scott called, but as he let open his last fears they were quickly snuffed out and absorbed into his new cocky jock personality. He turned to Sandra, who dropped her robes and walked up to him.
"Hey, babe, wanna come and get some of this," He cooed, lifting up his dick in his hand and feeling it all the way to the tip.
Sandra continued to play along, feeling off about getting laid with her sweet nerdy gay friend, who had been turned into another douchy straight jock. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, which intoxicated him. The thought of being kissed by a girl had never crossed his mind. But this stuck with him.
Sandra laid down and opened up for him. Scott seeing her naked and ready wasted no time in getting his cock ready for her. Despite being his first time, he rammed it into her without looking. As he did, he was overcome with pleasure but also resistance. Scott's homosexuality, his last fibre of his old life being a gay nerd flared up, and he began to doubt whether this was right or not. But it was too late now. With each thrust into her, it was sponged away by his new personality and thrown into his new heterosexual fire. Any doubt or fear of being turned was swiftly absorbed and turned into excitement, as he was glad to rid himself of his old being.
Scott kept on fucking her, going deeper and harder. His old life was but a fragment now, vanishing from his mind. He began feeling her body and kissing her neck, making sure that his gayness was entirely gone. He was a big bad alpha bro like the guys who were now his best bros. He could have any chick he wanted and beat up any nerd. He would get drunkest and lift the heaviest weights.
Scott grinned smugly as he realised his old nerdy life was now gone. He liked it this way, and now he wanted to keep it that way. He would be just like the others. He kept on pumping her pussy harder and harder, giving her the best time she had ever had.
He came inside her eventually and left her on the bed exhausted. Scott was a jock now, and he remembered always being one. There was no trace of his old self, no doubt or regret. He grinned as he looked over his conquest of the night sleeping there, thinking about her tits and nothing much else. He searched for some clothes, and found a black snapback and spun it around backwards as if it was natural to him. Next to his were a pair of white briefs and sweatpants and some Nike sneakers. He dressed up and remembered the guys were waiting downstairs. He smirked to himself, thinking about how he would boast about this conquest. They would be impressed, after all, they were his bros.
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fuckboy-jake · 1 month
That hungry look your bros give you when it's your turn to be this week's cumdump.
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fuckboy-jake · 1 month
I got your pussy soaked. I turned your man into a cuck. Fuckboys always win.
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