fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
“I can always send out one of your Rooks. But it still will take some time I guess. Until then you can tell what happened maybe.”
Henry told her some of it, but Evie was pretty sure Jacob had some more to tell.
“Yes, send them.” Jacob agreed, starting to sip his tea slowly, wincing a little at every sip. Swallowing was rather painful.
“And I know that means that I have to tell you or you’ll hurt me more.” Jacob teased her. “But fine. Fetch me my pie and I’ll tell you my life story.” Now he was just being dramatic.
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
Send (・_・;) and I'll generate a number 1-14 for what my muse will say to yours.
Missing You Version
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
Tol & smol sentence starters
(some are jokey, some can be insults, some for tall people, some for small people)
“I’m so glad you’re tall, you know?”
“My feet are so small I can get my shoes cheap from the kids’ section so who’s the real winner?”
“You’re tall, can you reach that for me please?”
“Can you not put the chocolate on the top shelf? You know I can’t reach”
“You’re the perfect height for an arm rest”
“How tall are you anyway?”
“Us short people can hide in places you couldn’t think of”
“Once I got drunk and told somebody I was 5′12"
“I bought you a stepstool so you can reach the kitchen cupboards”
“You’re too small/tall”
“You’re in another level of the atmosphere up there”
“You’re so close to the average height of a primary school child”
“If anyone laughs at your height I’ll end them”
“I’ve always been the tallest/smallest of my friends”
“You can’t deny you’re small/tall at (height)”
“I don’t think I’ve grown since I was 12″
“If I knock you out you’ve got further to fall”
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
Nonsexual forms of affection. Send a symbol to….
💗 Suddenly hug my muse 
🌟 Go stargazing with my muse
🎼 Dance with my muse
💋 Give my muse a kiss
🌹 Give flowers to my muse
❄️ Huddle up together with my muse for warmth
☔️ Share an umbrella with my muse
🌺 Surprise my muse with a date
💌 Give my muse a love letter
📷 Take pictures in a photo booth together with my muse
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
❝ It looks like a mystery to me. ❞
❝ I can already taste those chocolate-covered hotdogs. ❞
❝ I’ll wait here and when you find out, send me a telegram. ❞
❝ Can I help it if my first toy was a garbage disposal? ❞
❝ I’m so scared I wish I had a ham sandwich. ❞
❝ It sure would help if we could find another clue. . ❞
❝ Well, we saw a very strange character running around out there. ❞
❝ Besides us there is no one else on this island. ❞
❝ We know we didn’t imagine all those kooky things that happened. ❞
❝ Maybe the moonlight was playing tricks on you. ❞
❝ You shouldn’t believe everything you read. ❞
❝ Soap? I hardly use it myself, but why not? ❞
❝ Creeps and Crawls! They sure picked the right lawyers for this job. ❞
❝ Come on, ______. Where’s your sense of humour? ❞
❝ I’m beginning to think that following ghosts is safer than following you two! ❞
❝ Another mystery bites the dust. ❞
❝ I have to figure out why my trap didn’t work. ❞
❝ Oh, good gracious! What is that? ❞
❝ Why do you need more money? ❞
❝ What about this locket we found where you were digging? ❞
❝ Well, guess we owe you kids thanks. ❞
❝ Like, uh-uh– Like, who–who is this? ❞
❝ The real mystery has just begun.. ❞
❝ You don’t know what you’ve uncovered. ❞
❝ You should never have brought that locket out of the cave. ❞
❝ Gang, we have a mystery on our hands! ❞
❝ Think you could come and get us? ❞
❝ I guess we’re here for the whole night. ❞
❝ I left a few pages blank, you know, for future traps. ❞
❝ Rule number two: stay in your rooms, no matter what you hear. ❞
❝ I’m starting to smell a little… funky. ❞
❝ Like, I’ve got a bad feeling we’re gonna find out. ❞
❝ Are you trying to set me up with - him/her/them? ❞
❝ Anyone with hair that perfect has to be guilty of something. ❞
❝ Does this mean you finally accept what I want to do with my life? ❞
❝ Wow, who are you trying to impress? ❞
❝ Like, what can I say? Junk food and me have a very special relationship. ❞
❝ I have no idea what you’re talking about.  ❞
❝ You promised me you were going to start caring more about your appearance. ❞
❝ What in the name of whole wheat toast is going on? ❞
❝ I didn’t know this year’s prom theme was terror and pandemonium. ❞
❝ I need to tell you something and I need you to listen. ❞
❝ Isn’t it obvious? My looks are starting to fade. ❞
❝ But what are you doing here? Why have you been sneaking out? ❞
❝ Like, you don’t hear many monsters from other dimensions scream for help. ❞
❝ Why can’t anything in this town ever turn out to be real? ❞
❝ Hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! ❞
❝ Hey, little muffin, how ‘bout you and me go for a moonlight ride? ❞
❝ All I know is, since my dad owns the place, we get free refills. ❞
❝ Did you break into the armory and steal a rocket launcher? ❞
❝ Don’t be so hard on yourself. You tried to do a very brave thing. ❞
❝ I’m going to have to let out an unearthly howl and destroy you. ❞
❝ I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling– ❞
❝ Zoinks! ❞
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
Things Said in my Group Chat Starters
Feel free to change as needed!
“Beat up a doctor then steal his healing powers. You’ll never get hurt.”
“I made a coffee martini today. Tasted like satan’s sweat.”
“Time heals all wounds but not this bitch’s windows.”
“She had it coming. She had the mom sidebraid.”
“I need to stab.”
“Eat the trees.”
“Sleep is just a myth anyways.”
“Hot writers in YOUR mobile game? It’s more likely than you think.”
“I wanted to burrito in bed today.”
“No embarrassment, we die like men.”
“Eat the world.”
“This summer I am exclusively eating bread.”
“We must stab it 23+ times.”
“A trumpet a day keeps the cold away.”
“Thot successfully repelled.”
“Don’t die. Death is dangerous.”
“You fool. That is not merely writing. That is art.”
“Centuries of evolution and mankind produces me. A person who can’t wear matching socks.”
“Your moral compass is a fidget spinner.”
“You appeared so I wanted to hug you.”
“Why are you breaking everyone’s arms?”
“Stabby dreams.”
“I must stop this harem in progress.”
“All we can do is stick out our leggy.”
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
Send “cozy” for our muses to share a blanket.
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
Send "Kiss me"
and I’ll generate a number from 1-45 to determine where my muse will have to kiss yours:
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
She giggled. “Yes, I know.” Relief hit her as she bent down to press a soft kiss on his for head then on his lips too. “I am just happy you are alive.”
After a minute or two she jumped up to bring in the tea for him. Set the tray on her desk, poured the milk into the cups and then the tea - he also got some sugar into his - and helped him to sit up, towering up his pillows for him. Everything settled she offered the cup to him.
“Any special wish? Don’t you want to eat something?”
Jacob couldn’t help the dopey grin when she kissed him, breathing out softly to try and ease the pain as he sat up.
“Any special wishes?” The grin found itself on Jacob’s face almost without permission as he accepted the tea, cradling it on his lap with care. “I can think of a few, but you wouldn’t let me.” He was teasing, of course. That was really the last thing on his mind, it was just fun for him to tease Evie.
“I could murder a steak and ale pie though.” He admitted. “But only if you don’t have to leave to get it.”
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
TEXT MESSAGE STARTERS ! Send one of the prompts below to get a response from my muse.
drunk texts:
( ✉ → sms ) plea se eh elep me im drunk and i dotn know whe re i am
( ✉ → sms ) i fukcing miss yo u
( ✉ → sms ) i look so fuckigjn GOOD
( ✉ → sms ) i csnst stop throwiging up
( ✉ → sms ) fu ck you  for hurting me
( ✉ → sms ) why dotn you ever call me anymore huh
( ✉ → sms ) stop being so fuckigjn borign and coekm to my party
( ✉ → sms ) i dropped my pzziza o nt eh floror im fuckgin pissed
( ✉ → sms ) i j sut left you a 3 mintue long voicemail singing. sorry
( ✉ → sms ) even when i’m durnk ic ant sotp thinking about oyu
hateful texts:
( ✉ → sms ) you’re pathetic
( ✉ → sms ) you make me miserable
( ✉ → sms ) fuck you. delete my number.
( ✉ → sms ) you never meant anything to me, anyway.
( ✉ → sms ) fuck your apologies, you can keep them.
( ✉ → sms ) congrats on always ruining everything
( ✉ → sms ) my life would be so much easier without you.
( ✉ → sms ) and next time you feel like calling me… don’t.
( ✉ → sms ) i don’t want anything to do with you anymore.
( ✉ → sms ) if your goal was to make me hate you, then congratulations. mission accomplished.
misc/random texts:
( ✉ → sms ) i think my neighbor is an alien.
( ✉ → sms ) help me think of a name for my new dog
( ✉ → sms ) sooooo… what was your first impression of me
( ✉ → sms ) should i get pizza or chicken wings for dinner?
( ✉ → sms ) no one’s ever made me feel the way you do.
( ✉ → sms ) i borrowed your weed. hope you don’t mind.
( ✉ → sms ) why do they say drugs are bad when they make you feel so good
( ✉ → sms ) today is the oldest you’ve ever been, but the youngest you’ll ever be again…
( ✉ → sms ) [ File Attached: 001329.jpg ] of all the drunk pictures i have of you, this one is my favorite.
( ✉ → sms ) i used your pics to catfish someone, and since they bought me a laptop… you have a date with them tomorrow.
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
Misc. sentence starters.
Modify pronouns and wording as necessary! Some may be slightly unsafe for work / sexual in nature.
“Why did you come here when you knew I’d only send you away?” “I thought I made it clear I didn’t want to see you.” “I look at you, and all I can think about is how much better you deserve.” “Why haven’t you left me yet?” “The things I would do for you terrify me.” “Nobody likes a tyrant. Show the people you can be reasoned with.” “Your people will only tolerate so much.” “If you want to ruin your life, be my guest, but leave me out of it.” “Can’t you touch anything without breaking it?” “Please don’t leave me. Please.” “I’m sorry. I’ll do anything.” “My life was grey before I met you. Now it’s so colourful I can barely stand it.” “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” “I’d do anything for you. I’d kill, lie, cheat and steal for you. You wouldn’t even need to ask.” “For the purposes of tonight, you and I will be taking on certain roles. You are not to break character under any circumstances lest you blow our cover, is that understood?” “I am not here to make friends. I am here to offer you something you cannot refuse.” “You don’t have to play coy with me - what do you really want?” “You really fucked me over, you know. You really messed me up.” “You piss me off so much sometimes I can barely stand it.” “Why are you like this? Why do you have to ruin everything?” “You really would do anything for me, wouldn’t you?” “I like the way you beg, boy.” “Do you drop to your knees for everyone that shows you attention, or am I a special case?” “Shh, it’s okay. I know how much you need this. I know how much you want to be wanted.” “I can think of better uses for that mouth of yours than back-talking me.” “Just let go. It’s alright, I’ve got you.” “Don’t talk. Just open your mouth.” “Tell me what you want from me.”
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
She was few carts away, doing a good, strong tea for him and walked back to him when heard his calling. Tray was putting away, she hurried to him.
“I’m here Jacob, I’m here.” she told him, her breathing was a little bit too fast as she checked up on him, full of worry, looking after the traces of fever. But thankfully his skin seemed to be normal, no sweat either - he was just scared for a moment.
Once again sat beside him, more calmer this time, gave him a soft smile.
“Hey. How are you?”
Jacob relaxed once Evie returned, taking her hand again and breathing out softly. “I’m okay.” He promised her. He paused, glancing at the bed beneath him carefully.
“I’m also sorry, a prick, and an idiot.” He rattled of quickly, hoping a joke might make her slightly less mad with him. Jacob slowly moved to try and sit up, struggling and hissing with pain.
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
“Don’t mind that.” told him, finally pushing him back.
Thankfully she wasn’t alone for too long, as the expert help joined to her and gently pushed her away from the way - Miss Nightingale could do more for Jacob than Evie and probably it was better if Florence did the sewing.
Once everything was settled and she was left alone with him, she could finally sit next to him, gently caressing his face, just watching him.
“You idiot.” scoffed at him a little, half serious “What should I do if you die?”
Jacob slept for a good few hours. But when he awoke, it was sudden and full of panic. He was sore, but that didn’t really register. His only thought was his sister. He vaguely remembered her being there when he passed out, and he had to be sure she was okay.
“Evie!?” He couldn’t quite manage to sit up, but his eyes were open and he was searching for her with his hands. “Evie!?”
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
She had a hard time to keep him down.
Her day was quite peaceful, working quietly on her research, maybe softly humming to herself.
And then blood and noise found its way into her world and ruined her peace.
First she thought it was just an injured Rook or Jacob returned from Topping, blooding but victorious.But it was more serious than that.
Much more serious. 
It was Jacob and there was blood too, yes. But it wasn’t just a simple beating or a cut. Her idiot twin seriously got injured. Mr. Green brought him back and told her what happened. Apparently Jacob went to a mission. And it ended as it used to.
Right now, she tried to keep him still, needle in hand to try to patch him up a little, sewing close the worse wounds of his. This was the moment when he tried to get up, fighting her off.
“Jacob, calm down! It’s me, it’s only me…”
She was angry at first. Then scared. The thought of losing him really scared her. But now she had to be strong and calm. Her voice was soft as she tried to calm him down, reassuring him about everything was fine and nothing bad can happen with him now.
It took a little longer for Evie’s words to filter through Jacob’s brain. She was the one who was talking to him, who was holding him down.
“The sheets...” He repeated weakly, though he let her force him down into a horizontal position. “Blood...” he added on, just in case she wasn’t getting why he was complaining. She’d spent so long complaining about him tracking in mud, and now he was staining them with something far worse.
But his complaints didn’t last long as he slipped off into unconsciousness. Greenie had called upon Florence Nightingale, and the two were on their way back to the train to make sure he was truly going to be alright.
In a haze, before he’d slipped away into dreams, Jacob had found Evie’s hand and was clutching at it tightly.
Florence cleared him quickly. He’d be fine. He was stitched up and bandaged, and Florence assured Evie that he’d pull through just fine, if a little sore. And he was to be on bed-rest for at least a week.
“Enjoy that.” Had been her final words to Evie before departing back to her own base of operations for the night.
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
text post sentence starters  /  original version here
“bro, you look so cute right now. dude, you are so fucking adorable.”
“wanna watch this murder documentary with me?”
“i may act like i’m sassy but if you’re mean to me there’s a 900% chance i’ll cry.”
“i may act like I’m clueless but actually know what’s going on at al times.”
“attention: i need attention.”
“i don’t have a nervous system. i’m a nervous system.”
“drugs? no thanks, the only ‘high’ i need is the natural rush you get from commiting a murder.”
“i think i’m subconsciously trying to ruin my own life.”
“why fall in love when you can fall on the floor and never get up?”
“i try not to sound like an asshole but it’s really hard because i am an asshole.”
“i don’t want to look ‘pretty’, i want to look otherwordly and vaguely threatening.”
“i’m the nicest, sweetest, most rage-filled person i know.”
“girls are so soft and amazing and nice and beautiful and mysterious and complex and loving and caring. i don’t remember what i was going to say but i’m just gay.“
“i’d love to relax but that’s just not realistic.”
“contrary to popular belief i’m actually soft and have feelings.”
“this could be less hetero.”
“to be honest i just need a hug.”
“why can’t I be mentally chill instead of mentally ill?”
“this is it, this is how i die: lack of attention.”
“are we just friends or is this flirting serious?”
“i have this problem where i isolate myself from civilization and then get upset because i’m lonely.”
“i may be ugly but at least i have an ugly personality too. consistency is key.”
“i don’t wanna get involved in drama i just wanna know 103% of the information on what happened.”
“i am bysexual as in i’m not interested, goodbye.”
“i could win an olympic gold medal in being ignored.”
“fill your heart with bees. if someone breaks your heart then they have to deal with the bees.”
“i’m so tired of not being a multimillionaire.”
“i panic a lot of other places besides the disco.”
“which layer of hell do you think you’re going to?”
“my kink is being right.”
“my kink is being home alone.”
“you’re really sensitive for a selfish asshole.”
“i can tell myself to be heartless but in all reality, i have a big heart and can’t treat people badly, that’s just not me.”
“what about netflix and kill?”
“no offense but why does everyone hate me?”
“i’m a strong independent introvert who don’t need no social life.”
“why do i get struggles instead of snuggles?”
“if a conversation goes on too long without being about me, i’m out.”
“i’m small, queer and something to fear.”
“all this sadness is bad for my skin.”
“i’m cute and perfect but also unstable, violent and self-destructive”
“i’m beautiful and underappreciated.”
“she’s beauty, she’s grace, she’s me.”
“sorry for being awesome, loser.”
“is ‘no’ an emotion? because i’m feeling it.”
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fromthetrain-blog · 7 years
acts   of   affection   /   platonic   edition.
specify   which   muse   preforms   the   action!
(   ☂   )   one muse gives the other their umbrella.
(   ♬   )   one muse sings or plays a song on an instrument for the other.
(   ✿   )   one muse hands the other a bouquet of flowers.
(   ☼   )   one muse puts sunblock on the other.
(   ✂   )   one muse puts a band-aid on the other’s cut.
(   ❤   )   one muse pulls the other into a tight hug.
(   ❦   )   one muse reads the other a book.
(   ✵   )   one muse brushes the other’s hair.
(   ♨   )   one muse cooks for the other.
(   ✧   )   one muse adjusts the other’s necktie or jewelry.
(   ✎   )   one muse gives the other a picture they drew.
(   ✪   )   one muse puts their head on the other’s shoulder.
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