froglesbianphd · 9 hours
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shanks when your loved ones have a support group to deal with having known you it means youre the problem
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froglesbianphd · 9 hours
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he collar too big for he gotdamn body
(ogs under cut)
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froglesbianphd · 10 hours
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froglesbianphd · 18 hours
sister poll to the egg poll bc i looove hearing abt people’s food opinions. if you say “why didn’t you include X” Erm Sorry this is off the dome + thats what other is for … ok i love you. reblog wwith your thoughts
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froglesbianphd · 1 day
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froglesbianphd · 4 days
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summore misc NU doodles
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froglesbianphd · 4 days
Honestly everyone give it up for repulsed aces/aros. Yall get so much shit for having boundaries and its frustrating to watch. You're all getting sent complimentary gift baskets
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froglesbianphd · 4 days
Lactose: e-excuse me...
Stomach: hey, what do we have here? Some goddamned lactose!
Small intestine: we don't like lactose here, ya know? You're gatecrashing a very private party!
Large intestine: (pushes him, making him stumble) there's two ways you can leave here... The easy way, or the hard way. What's it gonna be?
Lactose: but I...
Lactase: (deep voice) step back, everyone. (walks up and puts his arm around lactose's shoulders) he's with *me*
Large intestine: lactase?!
Small intestine: b-but you're both...
Lactase: I *said* he's with me. You got a problem with that?
Stomach: (finishes sizing him up) right. Course not. It's cool, lactose. Just don't cause any *problems*, you hear?
Lactose: I-I w-
Lactase: you don't have to answer that, babe. Just keep walking
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froglesbianphd · 4 days
Lactose: e-excuse me...
Stomach: hey, what do we have here? Some goddamned lactose!
Small intestine: we don't like lactose here, ya know? You're gatecrashing a very private party!
Large intestine: (pushes him, making him stumble) there's two ways you can leave here... The easy way, or the hard way. What's it gonna be?
Lactose: but I...
Lactase: (deep voice) step back, everyone. (walks up and puts his arm around lactose's shoulders) he's with *me*
Large intestine: lactase?!
Small intestine: b-but you're both...
Lactase: I *said* he's with me. You got a problem with that?
Stomach: (finishes sizing him up) right. Course not. It's cool, lactose. Just don't cause any *problems*, you hear?
Lactose: I-I w-
Lactase: you don't have to answer that, babe. Just keep walking
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froglesbianphd · 4 days
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froglesbianphd · 5 days
Water is Thicker Than Blood Chapter 58
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Gotta get there quick! The princess is in need of saving :3c
{Start} {Prev Next (coming soon)} {MasterPost}
The next chapter is going to be the Act 3 FINALE!!!!!!! im so excited !!! its going to be a long one, and im going to be out for a while, so there most likely will be a hiatus for one to two weeks.
I cant wait for this act to be over, the next SBS post is gonna be so long.
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froglesbianphd · 5 days
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laios as that one calvin and hobbes panel
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froglesbianphd · 6 days
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“Look, I know this is pesky but… are you sure we haven’t met before?”
Think hard and please remember.
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froglesbianphd · 6 days
luffy paying the revolutionary army a visit
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froglesbianphd · 6 days
Hahahah Luffy hates Doflamingo (or mingo like he likes to call) because what he did to Law, even if he doesn't know the full story
I can only imagine Cora being a little insecure because they are brothers so he is not sure about Luffy reaction
But Luffy doesn't give a shit and liked Corazon
(and he also hates Doflamingo even more because he not only hurts Law but also Cora)
Maybe Luffy has even more issues seeing a brother betraying the other? Like not Cora because he knows the good intention, but for Doffy
He can't imagine how a brother could possibly kill his young siblings, since Sabo and Ace always protect Luffy and Ace was more than determined to die for Luffy
So yeah, Luffy has now a lot of reasons to hate this flamingo
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Luffy was more than happy to be friends with Corazon.
Corazon was just confused why Luffy trusted him so quickly.
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froglesbianphd · 6 days
rb for sample size yay 👍
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froglesbianphd · 6 days
there are a lot of bad takes floating around in op fandom but whitebeard slander is always the worst because oda took such care to craft a narrative in which this ONE character fits every mold of a platonic ideal of a father figure and i'm STILL seeing (thankfully not many) people misinterpret and take him in the worst possible faith and hold him to insane standards to which no other OP character is ever held
"he's sexist because he doesn't allow the women on his crew to fight"
word of god, not canon, also explicitly retconned with the presence of whitey bay on his crew in the oden flashback. there are also women who captain subordinate fleets who were clearly fighting alongside him at marineford. shanks's crew has no women at ALL yet no one ever comes at him about it??
even if it wasn't retconned, he served on the same crew as buckingham stussy, charlotte linlin and gloriosa. man knows women will fucking murder u.
he's very much portrayed as an old-fashioned 'dad' figure and OP's world is one in which sexism still exists. it's misguided but not unexpected for him to insist that his 'daughters' aren't put in even more danger because of his orders because he wants to protect them, but honestly given what we've seen of him if they wanted to fight he could NOT stop them lmao
"why would he raid marineford for ace but not avenge thatch or oden?"
ace is still alive. he didn't raid marineford for vengeance but to preserve a life that can still be saved
thatch and oden are dead and attempting to avenge their deaths would have racked up countless more casualties not just from facing off against kaidou or blackbeard's crew, but because in that big fight, he would be vulnerable to attack from other emperors and also the world government.
kaidou specifically used the raid on marineford to try and attack his flank, and was only stopped because shanks stepped in. wb only took the risk of raiding marineford because he felt that the life of one of his crewmembers was worth it, and he's explicitly pointed out that he would do the same for any other crewmember.
the fact that the navy only ever had the guts to try and execute ace because of his lineage speaks to how serious wb is about that particular threat.
"why didn't he listen to shanks??"
shanks wasn't telling him anything he didn't know. he already tried to stop ace, i don't doubt they've tried to call him back, but ace is also a pirate and whitebeard told shanks to butt out in order to preserve ace's reputation and autonomy. he respected ace's wishes to do what he felt was necessary and then he took responsibility for it on ace's behalf.
ace failed! he fucked up! ace felt ashamed enough, and whitebeard knew that, so he took the blame on himself as his father so that at least in the eyes of the world, it was his own reputation that took a beating and not his son's. i know a lot of people don't recognize that, but it is very much a selfless act of love and care. allowing his kid to make a mistake and then taking responsibility for it and helping him recover from it is the role of a good father
"he's too arrogant and trading on reputation and not actually that strong!"
he maintained order in the new world for 20 years after roger's death. he was a terminally ill dying man whose mere presence stabilized hundreds of islands because people were so afraid of him. he isn't overconfident or arrogant at all, he's more than earned any confidence he displays
he is BOTH trading on reputation AND monstrously powerful, but even he says that he's no longer at his peak and people don't live forever. it's well established that he knew he would probably die at marineford, and given the shrewd choices he made all throughout that battle, it's more than reasonable to assume that he prepared the crew for that possibility
"ace would have been a good captain/ace should have been the captain"
ace got them into that mess. he sure as damn hell would not have been a better captain, nor did he WANT to be a captain. ace never wanted to be captain or find the one piece or whatever, he wanted a family and he found it with whitebeard. ace was doing exactly what he wanted as whitebeard's 2nd division commander and all whitebeard wanted for him was to do what he wanted to, not force him to become PK
ace turned back because he couldn't shrug off an insult to whitebeard, and i'm mad at him for it, but it's also completely understandable why he did that. he's a sympathetic, nuanced, great character exactly because of that.
it takes a LONG time to train up haki, ace obviously wouldn't have had the opportunity to properly learn it when luffy could only manage it because one of the most refined users of haki who had all the time in the world to spend training him took luffy under his wing for two years. how the hell was ace gonna learn haki under whitebeard when whitebeard has 1600+ members to take care of and numerous territories to defend. he was growing at a very reasonable rate, it's not ace's fault nor whitebeard's that luffy's pace is so wildly accelerated
"marco didn't do a good job leading the crew"
they were together for a YEAR after marineford and still mustered the forces to fight a war. the story that circulated is that they attacked teach out of vengeance for whitebeard, but marco explicitly says that they moved on blackbeard because he was invading sphinx/other territories
marco is a careful, thoughtful guy. sphinx looked just fine. we heard the WBPs got scattered, but we didn't hear about any mass casualties and he also did not seem all that torn up about what happened during the payback war. actually, the fact that plenty of them and their allies were still alive and kicking for weevil to attack in the timeskip speaks to them being pretty okay after the payback war, if scattered. there's a lot that's still unrevealed about that conflict and i'm not casting judgment until we find out what
"whitebeard doesn't act like an all-powerful captain and he couldn't control the crew"
he's their dad. a dad doesn't exist to impose his will on his kids and force them to follow the path that he wants them to, his parenting is clearly in the style of 'give them a place to grow and thrive and don't worry about that other stuff, with some ground rules like don't be trafficking drugs or slaves or killing your crewmates'
the operation fell apart because blackbeard betrayed every ideal of whitebeard's and took advantage of his trust and kindness. so it's the betrayal of the ideal of 'family' that hurt them, not a problem in how the crew itself was run. it did, after all, function well-- better than any other operation in the new world-- for several decades.
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