frischalexis · 4 years
You may or may not have inspired me to make a gay Columbo fic which I may or may not be too chicken to release 🥺👉👈
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Woahhh I’m completely thrown off by this but in the best way, anon!! I’m so happy to have inspired you and I promise you that the Columbo fanbase is not judgemental! ❤️ I do respect any decision you come to and my DMs are always open!
Even if you simply want to discuss Columbo, I’m there. (;
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frischalexis · 4 years
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ghibli vibes
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frischalexis · 4 years
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frischalexis · 4 years
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Some 3D renders of my favourite, the Burros Tail. by marcusboy
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frischalexis · 4 years
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Nacer, Crecer, Envejecer... Y Cuáundo se alcanza la madurez emocional? es algo en la vida que te va a costadar tiempo aprender.
Poder captar tus emociones se debe a varios factores y el principal radica en las experiencias que la vida te ha puesto a enfrentar y claro, se obtiene con trabajo interior, y no a sido nada fácil salir adelante con este aislamiento,(#Cuarentena #Covid19).
Por consecuencia, encontrarte cara a cara con el mundo es un paso gigantesto para adquirir esta virtud. Madurar va en cada uno, en los talentos, propósitos, ambiciones, sueños, independencias, gustos sin perder la ética y la empatía para con las demás personas. La madurez no es una etapa de la vida, más bien es un compromiso de querer ser la mejor versión de ti mismo y se que yo no lo soy, mas he aprendido a amarme y aceptarme tal y como soy con mis defectos y virtudes y sacar lo que tengas en la monte el cuerpo y el corazon! O vomitalo escupelo pero sacalo.
La madurez no se demuestra con la edad.
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frischalexis · 4 years
There’s an assumption that big age-gap relationships don’t work the same way as relationships between people similar in age. However, none of the men who spoke to Gay Star News confirmed this viewpoint.
In fact, difference in age aside, their relationships worked pretty much like any other relationship – although it obviously helps if your family are supportive.
All relationships take work and will have their ups and down. Bart’s advice for making age-gap relationships work is the same as one would offer any couple.
‘Always remember to listen and understand where your partner is coming from. You might be older or younger but that just means you have to be more open minded about it.
‘Make sure you communicate with each other openly and honestly. Put any issue each of you might have out on the table and deal with them so nothing can crop up later that could cause problems.’
And for those outside of such relationships, don’t make assumptions about them. After all, as we’re fond of telling the homophobes: Love is love. 🐻🏳️‍🌈♥️
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frischalexis · 4 years
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frischalexis · 4 years
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frischalexis · 4 years
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Let's Dance 🔥🔊
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frischalexis · 4 years
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🧸♥️ Mr. Alexander Frisch ♥️🧸
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frischalexis · 4 years
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frischalexis · 4 years
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Kino Beach 🌴🌊⛱
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frischalexis · 4 years
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El mamey el mamey 💪🏻💁🏻‍♂️
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frischalexis · 4 years
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My Love My King My Teddy Bear 🐻🏳️‍🌈💙
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