friendstobrothers · 2 years
New story will be out
I will have a new story out soon please read the one that all ready out now, and don't forget about the Ukrainians that affected by Russia's aggression. It wasn't fair to them to have to fight for their country, yet, they are.
0 notes
friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 13: Thoughts
Sergei's Plight
By Charmed Wolf
Here we go, nearing the end of the story; this chapter is going to be titled thoughts, it's going to be about the thoughts from Sergei as he recouperating and on vacation and staying with Danieli's family. In the last chapter of this story, we have looked at some of Sergei's thoughts; this is also where he returns home and has a trip out before the big surprise and their return home to Omsk and to their community they came from. Yushka thought that if Putin wasn't going to rebuild homes that belonged to Sergei and his family; he was going to do that for his Russian family because he dared to care about them and stayed with Sergei while his Russian brother was going through burn treatment and physical therapy to improve on moving after having to have both knees replaced. I would keep in mind that this story is fictional as is the characters; the next part will come up once this is done.
~July 19, 2022~ What mischief can insue.
'Какой день для небольшого вреда, просто развлекаясь там. Что может пойти не так?' this is what Sergei was thinking; it's the mind of a man that is who made reputation on being smartass, I really can't blame my Russian brother on that one because that's big reputation he has there. I know his oldest son actually takes after his papa, Ilya sometimes say some of the most smartass things and it would make Sergei one proud papa. “Sergei, what are you thinking? It sounds like you're regaining that smartass reputation,” my Russian brother took sip of his water chuckling; well, that's exactly what was happening. Danieli was glad to see that his Russian friend was getting back to his usual smartass self, it was going to be later that Danieli and Sergei were going to get into so much mischief. “Oh just thinking that it's good day for a little mischief,” both of them were just laughing at that thought, at least it's better than what Sergei could be thinking; after all what he had been through since beginning of this whole thing. This whole vacation gave Sergei good chance to decompress and to recouperate from what happened to him, he had been doing good with caring for his skin after recovering from what happened to him. “У меня есть одна забавная история, которая действительно является историей двух частей,” Danieli was all ears for this one story, Sergei took a sip of his before getting into that story; it was one story out of Sergei's childhood in Omsk. It was one story that made him think of his papa, when he found out that Alyona was expecting; he wished that his papa was still alive so he could tell his papa about being grandpapa.
“Мои братья и я были увлечены нашим папой для выполнения упражнений на верховой езде на целый день, единственное, что моя папа не предупредила нас о низких ветвях. Ну, это была только моя удача, и настала моя очередь, я не видел эту низкую висящую ветку и ударил себя по лбу, заставляя Никиту и Антон смеяться. Все, что сказал мой папа, было «это было бы чудом, если бы он не оказался идиотом», что заставило моих братьев смеяться еще больше, все, что я сказал после того, как это было «Эй, кто положил этот низкий повес ветвь там?” both Danieli and Sergei were laughing at that, it was something that I know my Russian brother will always treasure; it made him think what happened 4 weeks after that. It was just one day after Sergei's 15th birthday, after getting his shashka from his father and that shashka is one beautiful girl; just like his wife and treated with honor and respect.
“Это спустилось до четырех недель спустя, мы с Антоном ходили в школу через день после моего 15 -летия, был один ребенок, не старше 7 лет. Он говорил всевозможные оскорбительные вещи о моей семье, и я, в этот момент, у меня было достаточно, и я стал умным. Антон увидел, как я снял мою сумку с плеча и поставил ее на землю, мой младший брат подумал, что мы опоздаем, и я знал, что Никита уже в школе. Итак, я подошел к этому ребенку и схватил его за ухо, у нас был разделительный столб, и именно здесь я взял его и заставил его лизать шест, на третьем уметно добрался до школы, где я получил похвалу от своего учителя,” both Danieli and I would be laughing every time Sergei would tell it, it's one funny story if I have ever heard on; I know it to be true as does his friends when they hear that. People try to accuse Sergei of fabricating that story when he knows it happens to be true when he has is that small scar on his forehead, not all of his scars were erased by what those teenagers; he still has his one scar above his right eye. “That is really a really funny story,” Danieli knew that Sergei was proud of that one because he played it smart instead of stooping to that kids level, and that was what won him the praise of his teacher that day; Sergei and Danieli had spent good part of their laughing with Sergei telling on himself. I also knew that Nikita had this big proud smile on this face when he saw his little brother walking into their school that very day, their papa was also very proud of Sergei for thinking ahead instead of stooping to that kid's level.
~July 20, 2022~ Thoughts of home.
'Прошло много времени с тех пор, как я увидел Омск, интересно, насколько она менялась из деревни в город,' Sergei was off by himself walking through market that he and Danieli were in yesterday, I know my Russian brother couldn't help to think of his home; I know from my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks that had told me that men and women of Siberian Omsk Cossack 8th Company came out to help rebuild all of original houses that were destroyed by the Red Army. Now, school in question had long sense been restored and added on because of amount of kids of Cossack families with in city, Sergei is going to be pleasantly surprised to see all what had been restored and rebuilt and built up since he and his family had to flee. 'Я не знаю, является ли хорошей идеей вернуться в Омск, а не после того, как Путин солгал моей семье, а затем обернулся, сказав, что он не собирается вторгаться в Украину, это оказалось ложью, потому что это именно то, что он сделал. Моя семья приняла решение за нас, когда мы знали, что в Омске у нас ничего не осталось; Я сказал Юшке, что единственный способ вернуться в Омск, как если бы я был мертв и в гробу, я знаю, что это болезненно, это то, как я чувствовал себя до 9 марта, и я нахожусь в больнице в течение 3 месяцев,' that's were his surprise will kick in, wealthy men and women don't have to take my Russian family home now; it is going to be their own Company bringing them home. I'm hoping that this would keep those banshees away from Sergei, I could be wrong though knowing that Sergei doesn't deal with them at all.
'Зная Юшку так, как это делаю я, я бы не стал ставить его выше, чтобы изменить то, в чем мы находимся, делая то, что должен был сделать Путин. Восстановление нашей школы, восстановление наших домов, единственное доброе, что Путин сделал для нас, это перезахоронил членов наших семей, которые были убиты Красной Армией,' and he's right because he does know me and doesn't know what I did for him and his family, it's been long past time to return to their home; what Putin should have done is what I had one for my Russian family. It was especially because they mean that much to me, from first time we met to when he did so much for us by getting us from harms way.
'Хорошо, мне не нужно задаваться вопросом, что он будет делать, когда мой день рождения наступит в сентябре, в какие неприятности мы попадем,' that thought just made him laugh, just thought of him and I getting into all sorts of mischief had him in good mood; he knows that I had been there when he needed me most after what happened to him. Now this vacation had gotten him to start to decompress, I think it's good idea for him to forget what happened to him and not to forget to forgive those teenagers that burned him.
~July 21, 2022~ Thoughts of mischief again
'Мысли о доме действительно заставляют меня думать о моем папе и семье, о том, как я хотел бы не потерять их так, как я это сделал. Ночные кошмары и ночи, когда я не высыпался, не очень помогли делу, особенно после Ялты и выяснения того, что Сталин приготовил для казаков, что по-королевски разозлило меня до бесконечности, будучи казаком. Слава Богу за то, что Антоний поставил ногу за мою семью и меня, он не собирался отказываться от нас от обещания, которое он дал моему папе. Теперь о зле,' Sergei still hadn't had idea that I had done what Putin should have done to bring my Russian family home, reason why I call Sergei and his family my Russian family is because I saw them as family and my that decision as Hetman to give them aid when they fled from Soviet Russia; I know they wish all of Russian and Ukraine is peace and I don't blame them for wishing that. They know that we're going to go back into warzone to start picking up pieces and rebuild, I know Sergei still knows that Russian troops don't want to be in Ukraine and seeing fellow soldiers commit same atrocities that Red Army had committed before.
'Что со мной в последнее время? Наверное, это моя репутация,' that thought left him chuckling as he thought of it, he does have reputation to being smartass; he says it's better than being dumbass and he's right about that. I know he also has knack for horsing around in literal sense, sometimes that just gets him into so much trouble with his wife or his sisters-in-law...that's when his wife grabs his ear.
'Теперь мне нужна только банка взбитых сливок и перо для Никиты, без пены для бритья, пожалуйста,' Danieli knows when Sergei gets that mischievous look about his eyes, and both of them would spend time laughing about it; laughing was such release for Sergei as he would try to read his book. It's good thoughts of his home and his reputation of being smartass was good release, I know he's going love good surprise once he returns home from his trip to Georgia and after decompressing from what happened to him.
~July 22, 2022~ Bouncing off the walls...uh oh.
'У меня не было сахара с тех пор, как я был здесь, должно быть, на днях,' just little chuckle came from Sergei as the thought of his brothers came into his mind; Danieli knew that Sergei and his family were and still are very close, when one gets hurts like way Sergei did, they all fell it. Even I felt it seeing how they see me as family, I appreciate fact that they do that not because I happen to be Slavic myself; it was how I treated them when they were feeling from Soviet Russia and in turn helped me out and refugees in Poland and Moldova when they fled from war after Russia invaded. 'Я думаю, что мне понадобится эта банка взбитых сливок и перо на Никите, мы не используем пену для бритья из-за наших волос на лице и того факта, что вы не можете есть пену для бритья,' Danieli came to see Sergei relaxing and reading his book on bed he was using when he came, now thought of practical jokes on his brothers is new one on me; although that is is good thought that Sergei had. Rest and recouperating was what my Russian brother needed to get his mind right back into order after what he had been through, next part of it is fact he's going to see his Company once home in Omsk.
“Sergei, tell me you're not planning on doing any practical jokes,” Sergei just looked from his book and shook his head, he wasn't planning any practical jokes at that moment; he was just thinking of one practical joke that he had played on Nikita when they had been living at Castra Praetoria. Of which, they will have permanent invitation to come and visit, and it is same with me and my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks. “Oh, Нет, I was just thinking of one I did to Nikita with can of whipped cream and feather,” I was hoping that Sergei would play that on Nikita once more before they would leave to head home, although; I do know that's just wishful thinking.
Sergei looked at time on clock to see what time it was and bookmarked his book to start getting ready for bed, it was good chance to actually rest and to get ready to head back and to finally get ready to go home. “Well, It is a good thought you had,” Danieli left room and let Sergei to go to bed, my Russian brother had his things neatly packed up and ready; our German friends were going to pick Sergei up and fly him home to Castra Praetoria. I was making sure things where in order, it was next day was when my Russian brother was going to return.
~July 23, 2022~ To Castra Praetoria.
'Одна только мысль о доме заставила меня скучать по моим друзьям, которых я должен был оставить позади,' Sergei was finishing up packing up his things after eating his breakfast, he thanked Sorya and Danieli for good time and chance to decompress; they took him to airport to be taken home. My Russian brother saw plane land to load him up to take him back to Castra Praetoria, from Georgia to Germany for refueling; then on from Germany to America and to Castra Praetoria. “How vas ze trip?” Deitrich asked Sergei as they were in Germany for refueling, Sergei smiled thing of all those good times he had; it made him feel better than nothing that man or woman can tear him down again. He shared with Deitrich what he he did and how much fun he had when he went to Black Sea, once from Germany, my Russian brother was on his way home to rest and relax.
“It was great, I enjoyed it, especially going to Black Sea,” Deitrich thought that was very good thing, so now; once back Castra Praetoria, there was loud cheers from everyone. Even my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks and I cheered being glad that Sergei had now neared ending of his journey and to be heading home soon. “I have one big surprise for you, all from Omsk,” I handed my Russian brother key to his new home in Omsk, he and his entire family had their homes now; something that should have been done 12 years ago. Now, It was something done to show Sergei and his family how much they mean to my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks and I; I brought over two glasses and bottle of great vodka and poured two glasses, linking arms; Sergei and I drank vodka together as brothers. 'Считается ли это братством? Я полагаю, что это делается с хорошей водкой или без нее, иметь таких, как Юшка рядом, это хорошо, я не могу поблагодарить его за то, что он ни разу не бросил меня и новый дом в Омске,' I could tell this means quite lot to Sergei and his family, here we are as family; as brothers, one Ukrainian and one Russian and both Cossack. I wouldn't trade it in for hundreds of millions of rubles, I'm happy with what I have with my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks and my Russian family.
“Спасибо тебе, Юшка, за новые дома, где ты можешь побывать, и за то, что ты не бросил меня, когда я больше всего нуждался в тебе,” I know Sergei and his family had gotten permanent invitations to come and visit just as much as my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks and I did, being regarded as family means so much to me; I was happy that Sergei and his family was so grateful for their new homes in their Cossack community. And it goes without saying that they couldn't say thank you enough, they're always welcome.
~July 24, 2022~ Trip out and treat.
“Getting ready to go out for today?” Sergei was changing into his best white clean Slavic shirt after we had gotten home from service, we were going out to spend time together before my Russian family leaves to return to Omsk; my Russian brother adjusts his Kubanka for leaving his room. It was going to be the last time he was going to be sleeping there, it was going to be he's going to wake up in his new home. “Да, это незадолго до возвращения домой в Россию,” for one last time, Sergei embraces Antony for one last time; I would say that this is bittersweet for Sergei because he has lived here for such long time after escaping Soviet Russia. Clean clothes were set aside for next day when being picked up for next day to go home, Sergei and his family have started to speak in their native Russian more and that's good deal. “I made sure your bears are released back into the wild,” Sergei smiles knowing he's going to miss his bears when he goes home to Russia, to home city of Omsk; there will be more bears for Sergei to rescue and rehabilitate and release. He finishes getting ready to go for our trip out, Proculeius dropped us off at museum to start our day out. “Два взрослых для билетов,” I paid for our tickets and we took our time going throughout entire museum, Sergei just had his luck when he found painting by Ilya Repin of Reply of Zaporozhian Cossacks; such beautiful piece of work like that took 11 years to just work on and complete. We couldn't read plaquards that they had for those works of valuable art, we also had seen beautiful statues of famous people who lived long time ago. “Эй, Юшка, ты готов к обеду?” At this museum was this wonderful restaurant, so we ate there for lunch; before we could get our lunch ticket, we had it paid for by some very nice young ladies. All we had to was get up to go, they did that out of respect I was told.
“Я думаю, что были готовы к некоторым угощениям,” Sergei and I walked into that one bakery looked at all of Ukrainian and Russian treats, I had gotten my favorites and Sergei had gotten his favorite Russian pastry; he did because there was this Karen behind us wanting same thing. He was teaching her that she can't have everything served to her on silver platter, she was going to get rude awakening that she can't throw fit if she couldn't have her way or have this certain arrogant attitude that's just rude and very condescending. “Спасибо за угощения, мне придется посетить, когда я приеду в гости,” The ladies that owned bakery understood what Sergei had said and waved as we left, those ladies just ignored that banshee and went to work on making more Russian pastries of all kinds; sweet and savory kinds. Sergei and I were licking our fingers because we had gotten sticky from our treats, it was all sorts of worth it as we laughed and licked our fingers.
“Как насчет одного для воспоминаний и дороги?” We had our pictures taken as brothers, we didn't know that we had guest in our picture; it turned out it was Sergei's papa. Just his way of telling his son that he's always looking for him, I though it was nice considering what my Russian brother had been through. 'Папа, это официально, мы собираемся вернуться домой, это было много времени,' embracing his papa one last time before Leonid would disappear, watching them was this banshee demanding that Sergei give her those Russian pastries; not even understanding her, he just flat out just ignored her as his papa disappeared. Proculeius came by and picked us up and we went back to Castra Praetoria, we were tired and had very full day.
~July 25, 2022~ Going home to Omsk.
“Антоний, спасибо и прощай, приходи и посетите, если вы в нашем городе,” the Omsk Siberian Cossacks were trustworthy in their word and came to pick up their fellow Siberian Cossacks to take them home back to Omsk, this was it for Sergei; now that my Russian brother was at end of his journey and his new journey will begin for him once he's home. Well, that one Karen that was there at that bakery was there seeing Sergei getting ready leave for Russia and to his new home, she started to demand that he give her the pastries that were there yesterday. “Техн��чески это невозможно, потому что я ел их, или если вы не хотите, чтобы я бросил вас,” that had every Cossack that was there laughing, and that really was both Ukrainian and Russian Cossacks; and Alyona was glad that Sergei had handed that Karen what she deserved. We embraced our Russian family one last time before they boarded plans with their things, what my Russian brother had say to her face really made her mad; and he just didn't care one little bit. “До свидания, Юшка, вы и наша римская семья могут посещать, когда в этом районе,» I knew he meant that as permanent invitation to come and visit, I will have to do that one day to come and visit with my Russian brother in Omsk; I'm glad that he's going to be going home once those planes were loaded and refueled. To Kyoki, this was better goodbye than having them unjustly ripped from Castra Praetoria illegally; she knew that she will be able to visit Sergei and his family in Omsk one day soon, I will have to join her in that and see some of the sights and have good tour guide that knows every little place and some good hidden gems around city, I'm going to miss my Russian brother.
“Well, there they go, on their way back to Omsk, it's a good ending for their exile after so many years of living with us,” those planes took off with my Russian brother and his family, it left that Karen fuming mad when my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks and I got ready to return to Ukraine, it was all despite fact that there is war going on in my native country; I'm going to start in rebuilding Zaporozhia Keep. It's very same keep that housed my Russian family for short time while they escaped Stalin and Soviet Russia, in my mind; that wasn't really an easy escape they pulled off. “Yes, Antony, we all been through a lot with them and now they get to return to where they belong, Omsk,” Kyoki said as everyone that was there to see Sergei and his family off, had also seen us off to go back to Ukraine; it was tough to say goodbye to sweet and yet very crazy wolf. Yet, we knew we had to when we started to load up to head to our home; at this point, I was glad to have seen Sergei and his family home.
“Now there goes Yushka and his fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks and their families, they are always welcome to visit, the same with Sergei and his family,” Antony and his fellow Romans loaded up to return to Castra Praetoria; they knew that they'll miss new friends they made and their Russian family, they just knew that it was best to let us go. I think Antony knew that Sergei was going to make it point to come and visit some time soon, it was going to be time that he confronts those teenagers that caused that burn scarring on him.
~One Year Later~
'Почему я так нервничаю по этому поводу? Я знаю, что должен, и все же я,' this was true release for Sergei, he had come from Omsk to visit that prison where those teenagers were being held; after that visit will come another visit that will mean more to my Russian brother. He was dressed in his new Cossack uniform of clean and pressed tunic and trousers; he also had new fur lined coat and new Cossack boots. “I see you made here in one piece,” Sergei shook hand of warden before they went to go inside to that room where those teenagers where sitting, needless to say; those teenagers didn't expect to see this tall Russian Cossack standing before them ready to condemn what they did and confront what these three had done to him. It had been long since time to just that, they tried to get up and run thinking that he was angry with them; he was just opposet of what they thought.
“Just sit down, they have you three chained to chairs to keep you from running, besides, I'm not angry with you three,” he was just more concered with why and fact he wanted to forgive them for what they did to him last year; he wanted to know why they chose to burn him way they did, I wished I could be there with my Russian brother to support him. But this was something that he had to do on his own, what those three teenagers had done to Sergei was wrong and should be confronted. “Why did you burn me in first place?” It was honest question my Russian brother had asked those teenagers, they were taken aback by what Sergei was asking; I know for fact they would give him one excuse. I know my Russian brother won't accept excuses as man in Russian Orthodoxy and as high ranking Cossack, first teenager thought Sergei was joking and he wasn't. “We did it because you're Russian and tying to fight for Ukraine here,” Sergei just sadly shook his head looking at those three, he prepares himself to confront those teenagers; warden stood near by in case Sergei needed something. I knew that Sergei is more than Russian, even his very DNA wears papakha in winter and kubanka in spring. “I know I am, and I also know for fact that Ukraine doesn't need that kind of support after my own country has invaded her neighbor, it still doesn't give you that right to siphan petrol out of someone's car and use that to burn me with. Had you known that I'm Cossack, would you have still done what you did to me?” Now those teenagers were in it now, he really had confronted them to see if they knew; he didn't have to wait long to get his answer. He still wasn't angry with them in slightest bit, he was just in attitude of forgiving them. “Had we known, we would have still done what we did to you,” at this point, he didn't have to say much of anything to them knowing that it was done; I knew Sergei didn't wish what he had been through on anyone else. He didn't want anyone else to go through same pain he had been in after that happened, and look on his face said it all to those three teenagers. “I'm just going to say this once, you can take it or leave it, I forgive you three of you for what you did to me, I don't want to be bitter as you think I should be, and I'm not,” he just turned and leave those three and grabbed his coat to leave, he left it in those teenager's court; what is going to come is real tragedy of this story. Sergei had known it moment he confronted those three teenagers, he would have condolences for their families after that.
“О, это перестало работать над вами?” Antony bumped his head on hood of jeep, he looked to see smiling face of Sergei and then washed his hands and embraced the Legendary Bear; he knew that this bear was visiting for little bit and then had to fly back to Omsk next day. Antony and Sergei were talking for little bit before he went to go visit his friends that he met when going to that support group, they were surprised to see Sergei standing in doorway of room where they would hold that support group and it has grown since then.
“I don't believe, that's a familiar face,” De'shaun got up to greet Sergei and introduce Sergei to new members, it was after that; next day after his visit, he had went back to Omsk and to his Omsk Siberian Cossack 8th Company and to his family. It was good to see friends and family for little bit, he was lot happier now in Omsk.
This is the end of the story through Yushka's eyes, and it's been quite a journey for Sergei. A new chapter is to begin in Sergei's life after recovering from severe burns, this time; the new story is going to be in Omsk where he would get himself into all sorts of mischief and trouble, he still won't deal with Karens and he's not afraid to say no to their faces. The next story will be in Sergei point of view and a lot funnier than what he went through, just the way we takes care of his skin is changed. Still, the characters in this story and next story are fictional; the situation in this story is real situation even though the story is fictional.
0 notes
friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 12: Release and Vacation
Sergei's Plight
By Charmed Wolf
One more day in the hospital and then Sergei will be released, Yushka is going to surprise his Russian family once his Russian brother gets back from his trip. Also, the abuse that Sergei and his family is experiencing is going to end, Yushka and his fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks are going to make sure of that; also Yushka and Sergei are going to go out to as brothers later to enjoy going to go to a museum to look at art and statues. This story is nearing the end, and what a journey this had been for Sergei all see from Yushka's point of view; from him witnessing his Russian brother getting horrifically burned to seeing through to the end. Danieli is up next to help getting Sergei to decompress and relax, he also going to take his Russian friend to best and hidden spots.
~July 8, 2022~ 1 day to release day
“One more day and he should be able to be released, I just didn't like the abuse that Sergei has been going through,” Danieli heard about abuse that these Karens had been leveling at Sergei and his family; I could tell that Danieli hated seeing Sergei and his family suffer for something they had nothing to do with, I told Danieli what I doing for Sergei and his family to get them back to Omsk. He liked the my idea on getting them home, question was how to execute this plan to get them home. “Yushka, there had been people willing to help to get them to Moscow and then from there,” I was pleased to hear this since airlines refuse to fly into Russia because of their invasion of Ukraine, now had this been alternetive reality and Sergei had gotten burned like he did; he would have been transferred to hospital in Moscow to be treated. I would still come to help take care of my Russian brother when he needs it most, I'll be happy to see Sergei and his family in their native country.
“It's people of wealth willing to help to get such a large Russian family back to Russia, we'll plan it out once Sergei returns,” and I had to agree with what Danieli was saying, Sergei was out of ear shot with Slavlana working with him; he doesn't know what I'm planning for him and his family. I'm going return to return to Ukraine with my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks to start with rebuilding, my main plan is to visit Sergei and his family in Omsk and celebrate Christmas with him and his family and have good time.
“I'm also putting the final touches on traveling with Sergei, Octavian is letting us use the super sonic private plane, same one that brought my friends and I here to help Sergei and his family,” I told Antony that Sergei is getting better despite emotional abuse that was going on; I have never heard man like Antony cuss so much like that in Latin in my life, I do same thing when pissed in Ukrainian or in Russian...not recommended. I do recommend treating people with respect and love, as much as I do for Sergei and his family. “Yushka, what are you and Danieli talking about?” Danieli and I chuckle when we looked at each other, what we were planning was surprise for Sergei; it was his family's desire to return to Russia and to their home of Omsk. I remembered what he said that he would rather see homes of Ukrainians rebuilt before his; he and his family is going to be surprised.
~July 9, 2022~ Release day, 54 days since being burned.
“Okay, it's release day for you, Sergei,” Danieli was helping Sergei to pack his things up to take to Col. Remer's car, according to hospital policy; Sergei was wheeled to entrence to load up into car. Col. Remer noticed that my Russian brother didn't have good night, he couldn't sleep because some banshee kept screaming for him to wake up and to get up. “Don't vorry, I'll make sure you take it easy, not easy I know,” Sergei's blanket that Danieli had given to Sergei was neatly folded and put into backseat with other get well presents, headset that Nikolai gave Sergei was placed into his bag of clothes with case; Dr. Stein signed release papers after one last exam and to give my Russian brother those protective sleeves for when he goes without shirt. I know it has been 54 days since he was badly burned by three teenagers back in March, I still regret witnessing that happen to Sergei knowing that he had nothing to do with Invasion of Ukraine by Russia; there was something else as if it would alternetive reality and not reality we all know it, that is Ukraine being invaded by Muslim migriants and not Russia.
“Да, I kept having this banshee waking me up just after I had just gone to bed,” Col. Remer chuckles knowing he's going to keep those Karens out so Sergei rest, Danieli and I saw car take off to go and we head back to Castra Praetoria to finish up with final stage of our plan; Sergei doesn't know what we're doing. Col. Remer had hotel room all set up for him and my Russian brother, hopefully there won't be any banshees there.
“Ah, ve park und get our room und you rest,” Col. Remer finds place to park for hotel and to let Sergei to get out of car, I know my Russian brother wanted that hospital bracelet off now that he had been released; once to their room, Col. Remer gestured to one of beds for Sergei to lay down. Once my Russian brother laid down on one of beds, he was out like light bulb asleep and Col. Remer just covered Sergei up with blanket to let him sleep. “I'll make one quick phone call and come back,” only thing that Sergei did was yawn in his sleep, he was laying on his stomach flat out sawing wood; you would too if you had problem with banshees. Col. Remer grabbed his phone and room key and left room to let Sergei sleep, our German friend called Octavian to tell him good news.
~July 10, 2022~ To relax without any banshees.
“I'm going to go swimming for some time,” Col. Remer nodded thinking that it was good idea and good for Sergei to keep working with those new knees to keep from locking up, there had been some banshees in hotel watching Sergei walk to pool room to swim for some time; to keep them from bothering my Russian brother; it was to front desk that they were told that there wasn't to be any trouble from anyone because Sergei had already been through enough. Front Desk were understanding from what they were hearing about what happened to him back in March, those Karens thought they could bother my Russian brother or at least be entitled to bother my Russian brother while he was gone to swim for some time. “Nein, zat ist not awolled,” Col. Remer was being protective of Sergei, oh here, I really couldn't blame him; I would be too and in fact after what I had seen with what happened to Sergei, I happen to be very protective of my Russian family. These Karens don't realize fact that Sergei and his family had nothing to do with Invasion of Ukraine, my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks are going to return to Ukraine to rebuild. “But-” Col. Remer cut her off as Sergei sank into pool to start swimming for some time; it's not nice to mess about with someone who is German, it's not pretty on what he'd do to this Karen. Sergei was at edge of pool waiting for what our German friend would say, it was funny with what Col. Remer did that got my Russian brother laughing at this Karen for acting like child way she was.
“I'm going be summing zat ist your age, trapped in your adult body, grow up,” Sergei sank underwater to avoid that Karen and to wet his hair, Col. Remer had taken this banshee out while my Russian brother was underwater; Sergei popped back up after that Karen was gone and Col. Remer was back. I know my Russian brother knows how to swim since he learned back in Omsk swimming in river as child, it was relaxing him so he could head back upstairs to take shower to wash his hair and dress for dinner; and he still didn't have that hospital bracelet off yet and that was driving him nuts with it still on his wrist.
“I think we better take this off, it's driving me nuts,” Col. Remer saw what Sergei was referring to, with being done with physical therapy; it was time for that to come off. My Russian brother got out of pool to dry off and to go take shower to get clorine out of his hair, he was relaxed after swimming for some time. “I'll can get it off for you, there isn't any sense in making people vonder if you escaped,” Sergei just let out chuckle at that, I know for fact that he was released from hospital to go home to recouperate; once back to room, Sergei went to bathroom to start his shower to get clorine out of his hair and that's especially his facial hair. Front Desk was so accomendating for Sergei and seeing to what he'd needed, once dressed in his green tunic; my Russian brother was sitting on bed to put his boots and his braces on so he could be ready for dinner.
~July 11, 2022~ Getting ready for a good surprise.
“Danieli is going to come by tomorrow to pick you up and you're going to go to Georgia with him,” Col. Remer noticed that Sergei almost spit out his tea when that was said, my Russian brother was surprised to hear that he's going to spend time with Danieli and his family; I think it's going to be nice for Sergei to decompress and have good time. He also has another surprise waiting for him when he returns, I know there are going to be times where I will visit Sergei and his family; he and his family is always welcome to visit Zaporozhia. “You mean for travel?” Sipping some fresh brewed coffee, Col. Remer nodded as Sergei finished his breakfast for morning; he was going to read for some time so he could relax. Neither one of them wanted to be watching any television at all, I really don't blame either one of them with what is on television and Sergei doesn't really have time for that.
“Ja, for you to decompress, Yushka has a good surprise for you when you get back,” that got my Russian brother curious, I think he was wondering what sort of surprise I have for him; I know he's most patient Cossack there is out of Russia. Well, he's going to have to be patient until he would return for that surprise, he doesn't know that back in March; I had sent some of my Zaporozhian Cossacks to Omsk to start rebuilding their homes.
“I wonder what it would be,” Col. Remer just chuckles knowing that Sergei was curious, I know my Russian brother is going to like this surprise; so really, he doesn't know that I had did this. It's really why I wanted this to remain surprise, even Nikita doesn't know about this surprise. “I'm really not at liberty to spoil zat for you at zis moment,” Sergei chuckles wanting to ask and that was something he wasn't going to do; he gets up to take care of his trash before going upstairs, boy accidently trips Sergei and profusly apologizes and gets trash picked up and thrown away. This boy help my Russian brother into chair to check his knee, Col. Remer knew that this boy didn't mean to trip Sergei and was actually helping my Russian brother with trash and to sit into chair.
~July 12, 2022~ Danieli picks up Sergei.
“Is Sergei ready to go?” Danieli was there to pick Sergei up right at check out for that hotel, he saw my Russian brother dressed in clean tunic and clean trousers; Col. Remer made sure that Sergei's boots were polished to good shine. I know how my Russian brother like to be well dressed, especially when he wears his Slavic shirt and his Cossack trousers. “Ja, he's ready to go, he's just finishing up packing und making sure he's not leaving somezing behind,” it wasn't long after that Sergei came downstairs to leave with Danieli, I know Danieli appreciated Col. Remer for keeping Sergei safe; they talked before my Russian brother was to leave with Danieli and his friends. I'm going to see Sergei when he returns from Georgia, he and I will go visit museum and have lunch out before revealing that their homes were rebuilt and their school restored. “Thank you, Col. Remer, it gave me good chance to relax,” there was smile to Sergei's lips telling Col. Remer and Danieli that he was feeling so much better, those Karens hadn't been bothering him like they wanted to; Danieli loaded Sergei's things into jeep that Proculeius was driving. After saying goodbye to Col. Remer, Sergei carefully loaded up in jeep being careful with his knees; Danieli's friends cheer for Sergei and they know he'd be welcomed as he is coming peacefully.
“So, Sergei, how does it feel to be out of the hospital after being their for three months?” Proculeius knew that Sergei had been released from hospital just few days ago; he could tell that my Russian brother fell so much better and didn't have that emotional abuse going on, he really didn't need to be treated like trash by anyone. One of Danieli's friends started to sing and they laughed, they were having some good time while on there way to private airport to head to Georgia. “It feels good to be released, now I can return to my family after spending time to decompress in Georgia with friends,” Proculeius understood what Sergei was saying, Danieli was glad that Sergei better; there were hidden gems in Georgia waiting for them. First time Sergei was there, he was shown those hidden gems and actually was relaxed by at vacation to be able to rest.
“Oh, that is good to hear, Sergei,” I know Proculeius and I both regreted seeing Sergei being lit on fire and so badly burned, that made me hurt and send for Danieli and his friends to come and fill in wherever they could while my Russian brother recovered from his burns; Danieli asked those three teenagers why they had burned Sergei way they did. He had gotten excuse of why they did what they did to my Russian brother, it was dumbest answer ever; they did it because they were trying make me feel better and fact Sergei is Russian.
~July 13, 2022~ First day in Georgia.
“Sergei, are you up for some horseback riding?” Sergei was up and ready to go with Danieli to go horseback through Caucasus Mountains, Danieli's sister had made them some lunch for them take; Sergei was happy that he was able to relax and to decompress. Danieli and Sergei took their lunch and mounted up to started to ride, it was about like first time Sergei was there. “I'm still thinking view of Black Sea is still beautiful,” Danieli chuckles thinking it would be good idea to take him to get up to Black Sea some time soon; an old Georgian blacksmith watched as Sergei and Danieli rode past to mountains, he wondering what Sergei had just been though just that three months earlier. It's given that my Russian brother doesn't ordinarially wear knee braces when riding or just walking, when pair comes back from their day; he was going to ask about it. “I think you're going to enjoy this,” Danieli and Sergei rode out to one of best spots in Caucasus Mountains, they were going to be their for most of their day; I wish I could be there with them and having good time. I was told that Sergei was starting to decompress from all what had happened to him, it was good to hear that Sergei was starting to decompress and relax; that's going to give me enough time to get things finalized for Sergei and his family to return to Omsk.
“Are you ready for this?” Sergei was surprised with what he was seeing, it was good surprise for my Russian brother; it was same spot that he had eat with Danieli first time he came. Historically, Germany had nerver made to Caucasus Mountains when they were blocked by Red Army and Cossacks, and that's good.
“Danieli, look what I just found,” they were looking at some things that Sergei had found; then they sat down to have their lunch, they started to laugh when Sergei said something rather funny. It felt good for Sergei to be laughing after he had suffered so much as he did, Danieli could see that some of that weight was starting to come off his Russian friend's shoulders after what had been happening. “Это всегда случается с Виктором, и я знаю, что вы встретили моих кузенов, и какой -то идиот всегда думает, что это хорошая идея, чтобы оскорбить Виктора, и это не так, как кто -либо знал. Итак, Виктор говорит этому идиоту «подожди, пока ты не попытаешься кивнуть» после вспышки серебра из его Шашки,” both of them just were having good time out, I think that's just what Sergei needed and Danieli had agreed; Sergei was eating what Danieli's sister had packed for them after the funny story that was told. Both Danieli and Sergei thought it pretty funny when my Russian brother had another funny story, that just sent them into another laughing fit.
~July 14, 2022~ Time to relax and to read.
“I asked my sister to hand wash your Slavic shirt, so you don't have to get up and do anything to day,” It was rather nice as far as I was told, it gave Sergei chance to relax for day; it also gave him chance to read his book that he brought with him. Danieli sat with my Russian brother to keep him company for some time, yesterday had had started to help Sergei to start decompressing after all what he had been through since March. “I have plenty of funny stories on my family, especially that of Anton,” they were chuckling when Danieli's sister came in after washing Sergei's Slavic shirt, she was wondering what they were laughing about; to her; it made her day to see Sergei laughing instead of crying or in pain. Danieli tells his sister that my Russian brother had some more funny stories, this especially true with Anton and doing Prisyadka for 2 hours and 50 minutes; so she just let them talk and tell funny stories. “Что обратныйОмскбыл конкурс, чтобы увидеть, кто мог бы сделать самую длинную присядку, Антон решил принять участие в этом конкурсе, он выиграл его в течение 2 часов и 50 минут, смешной стороной этого является то, что он не мог переехать на неделю,” both Danieli and Sergei were back to laughing at that, I know there had been some memories that my Russian brother would soon rather want to forget; Danieli and I really can't blame him after everything he has been through, from having to flee his home of Omsk to what just happened to him back in March. Danieli and I were very concerned that this would affect him in some way, because people had been enacting on their feelings and listening to trash instead of listening to truth and then treating my Russian family like trash; that's why I had sent some of my Zaporozhian Cossacks to Omsk to rebuild their homes and restore their school and to add to it.
“That was too funny, I had not known that he could do that,” Sergei nods still laughing, he had more funny stories on Anton, I know that Anton would be embarrassed if he knew that Sergei was telling those funny stories. Oh, Sergei was trying to calm down long enough, every time that good memory kept popping up into his mind; he kept laughing so hard from that memory. “Что еще было смешнее, так это то, что Антон продолжал испытывать проблемы с моим папой, выходя из своего седла, все, что я должен сказать, это «Папа, он делает это снова», а потом мы услышали: «Антон, вернись в свое седло»,” both Sergei and Anton were back to laughing, it was those good memories that my Russian brother wants to hold onto, he has those memories of when he and I got into so much trouble with our wives...Yikes! He was relaxed after laughing so much, that made Danieli feel better to hear him laugh and telling funny stories.
'Есть и другие истории, которые я мог бы рассказать, это те плохие воспоминания, которые продолжают ползть на меня, и мне это не нравится,” Sergei took a sip of his water as he opened his book to start reading, this wasn't first time he was treated like trash, there was time when he and his family had first came to United States from Europe. So many people thought he and his family were Communists, they didn't want to hear truth that they weren't and fact they hated Communism then and they still hated now.
~July 15, 2022~ Sleep in.
“Sergei is still sleeping, I would say just let him sleep in,” Sorya said closing the door to where Sergei was sleeping, Danieli agreed to letting my Russian brother sleep; there had been something brothering him that last night after telling funny story on Anton. I told Danieli what it was that really bothers Sergei, it's fact that this isn't first time that he and his family gets treated like trash. “Sorya, I think I know what is bothering Sergei,” he knew from what I told him; Sorya was concerned about what people did to him. After my Russian brother had went to bed that last night, Sergei had started to cry knowing this isn't going to be last time he's treated like trash.
“This isn't the first time he was treated like trash, he's been treated like trash before by people that thought that he and his family were Communists when the opposet was true,” Sorya was shocked to hear that, and it wasn't any different when he first came to America with Roman support; I hated it that when I was told that by Sergei when he called to tell me that he and his family made it safely. I know he and his family wasn't Communists because of that fact they hated it Communism deep down, that was then at height of Cold War when Russia was Communist country. “People are cruel there, letting three teenagers burn him just because they think he and his family has something to do with Invasion of Ukraine, he and his family didn't have anything to do with Russia's invasion of our country,” Sorya was hitting nail right on it's head, those people in America can be cruel; I, too, think that they let those three teenagers siphan two gallons of petrol from someone's car and pour that over Sergei and light him on fire. That hasn't replayed in his mind in such long time and I don't want that happening with my Russian brother, it's something like that he really doesn't need after suffering as much as he did.
“Why wasn't I waken up?” Danieli waved a sleepy Sergei over to table to get some breakfast and to get dressed, my Russian brother was told that it was better that they would let him sleep in; Sergei almost fell asleep at table when Danieli chuckled realizing that his friend is still sleepy. After breakfast was eaten, Sergei took hot bath to wash his hair; plan for tomorrow, swimming in river...Oh how fun.
~July 16, 2022~ Swim time, fun time.
“Up for swimming for today? It's going to be a little warm today?” Danieli didn't want Sergei to get overly heated considering what my Russian brother had been through, swimming was one of most recommended activities that Sergei could do to keep from overheating; he still had to take care of his skin to keep it from drying out. I know there is going to be one day that Sergei will be confronting those three teenagers on why they did what they did, My Russian brother deserves to have some answers and then to let it go. “I'm always up for swimming for today,” Danieli and Sergei leave with lunch to go find secluded spot along river to go swimming in, Sergei took his linen shirt off as he got ready to slip into river's cool water; there wasn't anyone there to see Sergei's burn scars. Fish seem to swim by without care with my Russian brother swimming near by, and he almost caught fish as he was swimming and having good time of it; river water dripped of his beard as Sergei spent time in water.
“I almost caught a fish while swimming,” Danieli and Sergei started to laugh about that, they thought it was very funny; not many people knew about this place to go swimming and that was good. Danieli knew that Sergei didn't need anymore trouble than what he had already been through, I know he's right about fact that my Russian brother has already been through trouble and didn't need anymore trouble than what he already had.
“I almost have tried that myself swimming here in, Sergei,” they spent the day out at river to escape hot part of day, it's been hot all over and swimming is good way to beat heat; Sergei sat on rock near by to dry off long enough to eat lunch with Danieli. Some people started to come to river to beat heat for little bit, they noticed Sergei's burns scars and wanted to ask what had happened; Danieli told them that Sergei had got caught in middle of invasion he and his family had nothing to do with and had been lied to. 'Если только Путин не солгал моей семье, если бы только он выполнил свое обещание, если бы только он не был таким коррумпированным и вторгся в Украину,' it was just that thought that said it all; and it has been said so many times; this was all on Putin that he lied to Sergei's family and then invaded my home country to point he gets caught in middle of that and then so badly burned. That was worst of how he was treated, Danieli told them that Sergei had been treated like trash and had trash dumped on him just because he's from Russia.
~July 17, 2022~ A cat.
“Sergei, you do realize you have a cat on you?” my Russian brother just took a look and really didn't much mind that cat, well; that cat just let out a soft meow and hopped off of Sergei. I know Sergei is owner of Russian blue cat named Anastasia, that same cat came back with cat toy that was crinkly and played with that while on my Russian brother. “I'm owner of one cat, it doesn't really bother me,” it was lazy day where Sergei sat at table to read stroking on cat, that cat on his lap just lets out this melodious purr enjoying stroking; Danieli just chuckles looking at that cat while Sergei tried to read. Every time Sergei tried to turn page and that cat would just swat at Sergei's hand; and it didn't matter which hand Sergei was using to turn page. “This cat is not letting me turn page,” that cat had just meowed and then went to her perch to watch Sergei, who just shook his head laughing at that cat; it was that cat reminded him of his cat. She'd swat at his hand, that was when turning page of his book.
“I wonder what was that all about,” that cat hopped off her perch and started to chase mouse, that mouse just lets out squeek and scurried on by followed by cat; all what Sergei and Danieli could do was laugh. For lazy day like this, it turned out to be good day for Sergei and Danieli...Sergei still doesn't know that he and his family will return to Omsk where they won't have any problems like what my Russian brother went through.
“The original cat and mouse rutine, it never gets old,” Sergei bookmarks his book and puts it away before going to do something else that Danieli had in mind; they decided to go through market to see what was there that looked good, they couldn't really stop thinking about that cat and mouse. So what had happened with mouse was fact that cat caught and ate mouse, it goes without question that cats are predators. “It goes with out saying because I just saw that cat eat mouse,” Sergei and Danieli both shuddered and made faces about that, it just didn't sound appitizing to either one of them; and then they left to go visit market to look see what they could find that looked good to them. Danieli found one stall that he knew Sergei would like, they stood there and looked at different items that and trying some out and having good time out.
~July 18, 2022~ Trip to the mountians and to the Black Sea.
“I thought you'd like another fun day out to the Black Sea,” Sergei was almost finished getting dressed for day, Sorya, Danieli's sister had made up lunch for them; they were going to spend day in mountians at Black Sea to relax. Danieli could see that Sergei had started to decompress from all what he had been through, it was good to see that my Russian brother was in such better mood. “Sounds good to me,” both Sergei and Danieli mount up to ride through mountains, those two were laughing as they were riding down to Black Sea; my Russian had brought his accordion with him to play. Music made for good day seeing Danieli enjoying hearing Sergei play, he knows that his Russian friend can play very fast when play any of his accordion. 'Это лучший день, чем я пережил с самого начала вторжения в марте этого года, мои друзья и семья правы, я не заслужил того, что получил, причина, по которой мальчики, которые меня сжигали веская причина. Да, я русский, в глубине души я больше, чем это, я не имел никакого отношения к вторжению в Украину. Россия, вторгающаяся на Украину, не означает, что люди должны делать некоторые невероятно ужасные вещи с другими только из -за того, чтобы быть другой страной, это невозможно и подвергается наказанию в соответствии с законом. Люди не знают мою историю или каково жить под авторитарным правительством, они не знают, что я делаю,' Danieli knew what Sergei was thinking as music played, my Russian brother was right; we who are his friends and family have said that he didn't deserve what he had gotten this March after invasion had began in Ukraine. People didn't care that he used compassion to help me out and to send water to Ukrainian refugees, Danieli and I knew what those three teenagers had done to Sergei was completely uncalled for and should never be praised; I had condemned their act after what they did.
“Sergei, I do have to say that you have to be feeling a lot better,” Sergei nods with big grin to his lips, it was good sign that when he gets home from Georgia; he was going to be in such better mood. More people came over with more food and music, it turned into big party full of music and fun. 'Этот день оказался больше, чем я ожидал, это хорошая вещь в этом отпуске,' by time Danieli and Sergei returned to Danieli's home that evening, Sergei was so relaxed and ready to go to bed for night; he took hot bath and got ready for bed. I can suppose it's going to be another day for Sergei to relax; my Russian brother just fell asleep after crawling in.
“I suppose he had a good time out,” Danieli nods after finishing up with horses, I know my Russian brother really needed to decompress; Danieli helped with that and enjoying music and food. Who knows what tomorrow would bring for Sergei, maybe chance to sleep in again.
So, here we are, Sergei is now out of the hospital and now is trying to decompress from what he had been through already because what three teenagers had done was really uncalled for, Yushka condemned that every act as barbaric and no better than what some Russian troops are currently doing. And the Zaporozhian Cossack is right about calling the act of those three teenagers barbaric; he has a big surprise in store for Sergei and his family once back. It's also better to remember that the characters in this story are fictional, the situation that Sergei just been through can happen. Again as I asked this before, and it should be asked again? Does it mean that the situation that Sergei just been through should happen in real life? No, it doesn't mean that kind of situation should happen; people are idiots as Yushka points out as he tells this story.
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friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 11: Physical Therapy part 2
Sergei's Plight
by Charmed Wolf
We are nearing the end of Sergei's three month stay in the hospital, this Russian Cossack had shown Yushka a side he doesn't want people to see. Typically, Sergei is strong Cossack that acts like a smart ass at times and can be aggressive like a bear if his family is threatened; this story shows that he ended up caught in the middle of something he had nothing to do with, he told Yushka that he rather rebuild Ukrainian homes than have his own rebuilt and that's where it gets heartbreaking. Both Yushka and Sergei wish for the same thing and blame Putin for the invasion; they both know that this is a mistake on Russia, even though Sergei is a Russian Cossack. It's important to keep in mind that this is a fictional story and the characters are fictional, the war in Ukraine is real and really mindless; as with any war, it created all sorts of problems, and even for Sergei.
~June 27, 2022~ The problems come back.
“Yushka, only you can calm him down, a Karen called him a piece of trash and he just blew up on her for that,” This was coming from Slavlana with Sergei being upset, I can't blame him for being upset over being called trash or monster; I know they say that he has something to do with Invasion of Ukraine. But fact is that he doesn't because 12 years ago; before this all started, Sergei and their family was supposed to be back in Omsk; and it looks like it's not going to happen at all, that's good thing because maybe they are meant to be free. “I'll give it go for Sergei,” I saw where he was sitting and really didn't want to touch him seeing how he's still upset, I think it's better let him calm down and to get rid of that Karen; if I can do that for my Russian brother, he'd calm down from this. So, I go to remove this Karen from sight of Sergei and long away from physical therapy room. 'Сергей, ты мой брат казак из России, мне не нравятся проблемы, которые у тебя здесь сложились только потому, что ты русский и это не правильно, мой русский брат казак,” I thought of that because it was Sergei and his family that brought Zaporozhian Cossacks over and welcomed us with love and compassion, it was same love and compassion we showed them when he and his family had to flee Soviet Russia; that was what that carried them to safety and freedom, same freedom that people here take for granted.
“You don't know Sergei, you don't know what he has been through, you don't know what it's like to have to flee from your home, you take so many freedoms for granted that in Russia that people only dream of,” that Karen thought I had grown second head, I know Sergei and know fact he doesn't take freedom for granted; he knows for fact that Russia always had authoritarian governments, from Tsars to Soviet governments to now all have been authoritarian. I didn't know that Sergei was hiding behind wall, he didn't know that I was actually defending him from what this Karen was doing to my Russian brother.
“Yushka, I know you're right and this banshee doesn't know what she's talking about, I do know what it's like to be under authoritarian governorments, from Tsars to Soviet governments, she doesn't,” I saw Sergei standing there as he was talking, he knew I had been right about him; I don't get why so many people want to create more problems for Sergei and his family like this. I knew he was still upset with what this Karen did, I didn't want anymore problems from them and Sergei being called anymore names; I don't appreciate it.
~June 28, 2022~ No amount of problems is justified.
“Нет, вы не знаете, каково это бежать от авторитарного режима, я вместе со своей семьей и своей жизнью бежал от Сталина, бегство из России многому меня научило в отношении свободы. Я вырастил своих детей здесь, мои дети вырастили своих детей здесь, теперь их дети воспитывают здесь детей, мы должны были вернуться 12 лет назад, этого не произошло, и теперь это вторжение сделало решение моего брата за него как за него атамана относительно мы остаемся или уходим, мы решили остаться,” I knew that Sergei was having some difficult time with English and reverted to his native Russian to be comfortable, Slavlana and I knew what he was saying subtlely; no amount of problems are justified considering what Sergei already been through with being burned and now physical therapy. That Karen couldn't understand that Sergei was saying; there was so much that she should learn instead of running her mouth like she is. “How does he know authoritarian regime is?” I wanted to take her to library and teach her about Tsars and then Soviet governments, I know he knows because he lived through Russian Civil War that put Lenin into power and then Stalin; there is so much that she doesn't know about Sergei that he doesn't talk about.
I knew Sergei wanted my family, fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks and their families to live in freedom away from what's going on in Ukraine; that's why I trust him like brother and help take care of his bears when I'm not at hospital with him going through physical therapy. “Юшка, есть столько людей, которые действительно знают, кто я, ты один из них, ты знаешь, через что я прошел, ты оплакивал со мной, когда я узнал о том, что Сталин сделал с моей семьей, он не хотел мои друзья тронули и Красная Армия ослушалась, у меня до сих пор есть та старая шпала, на которой вы вырезали столько имен, чтобы знать, что у меня есть украинская семья,” he knew that Slavlana knew him from time they had first met, she learned of Sergei's story and why he had to flee from Soviet Russia; there was still some desire to see his home and rebuild and that isn't going to happen. I know he rather see the Ukrainian people have their homes rebuilt before his, he was rather put others first over himself and people can't see that.
“Я знаю, Сергей, потому что ты нуждался во мне, когда тебе больно, мы все делаем, и тебе нужна банка сгущенки,” last bit of what I said got smile out of Sergei and chuckle, both he and I had good laugh in light of everything that my Russian brother had been through; he appreciated the laugh and my comment about needing can of condensed milk. Maybe even add some pirozhki to can of condensed milk, something to just to elevate his mood or something like that; I have to think of something for his birthday come September.
~June 29, 2022~ A can of condensed milk.
“Сергей, я принесла тебе банку сгущенки, я думала, тебе понравится,” I saw Sergei's face light up as he was getting his knee braces on for good walk, we were going to sit outside to enjoy sunshine and good treat; Slavlana said that it was good for my Russian brother to walk outside if he wanted to. So, we walk to garden of hospital hoping that there wasn't any trouble for Sergei, he really doesn't need that as Slavlana and I knew that from yesterday. “Спасибо, Юшка, ты скрасил мой день, мой украинский брат,” once we were outside to walk, there was someone's kid just running about uncontrolled; only mother was there doing amazing job on watching her child until that boy smashed into Sergei's right knee causing him pain and to fall. That amazing mother was horrified about what had happened grabbed her child, Sergei was sitting on bench holding his knee in pain; that mother was profusly apologizing to Sergei for what her son did to him. “Нет, это не твоя вина, извиняться должен твой сын,” the mother couldn't understand Sergei, but she did agree that her son should be one to apologize to my Russian brother; that boy refused to apologize to Sergei and going so far to calling him monster and other names. I know that mother knew better than to believe what her son was saying, she knew truth about my Russian brother and going so far as to say he's good teacher telling who he is and where he came from.
“I can't understand what you just said, but you're right and my son does need to apologize to you, he's the one that hurt you,” that boy was shaking his head calling Sergei all sorts of names, that mother was horrified at those names and knew that none of those names were true about my Russian brother; she knew what he had been through after being so horrifically burned. She was going to put her son into next year's summer program for spoiled kids and disadvantaged, this mother went through that program and became better person.
“I'm sorry, I have trouble with English and sometimes talking in Russian is easier on me,” that mother was so understanding and she took it upon herself to learn Russian to better talk to Sergei, she didn't have to do that for him; but she did just to make Sergei feel comfortable. I noticed that Russian brother was in trouble when he couldn't get up, his right knee was preventing him from getting up from bench he was sitting on. “I have big problem here, I can't get up,” I knew that and had to get Slavlana to see if we could get Sergei inside to see what we could do for him, I knew that mother felt terrible about what her son did to Sergei's right knee; especially after he had to have both of his knees replaced to fix damage done. Slavlana came running to check to see what was going on with Sergei, his knee was very swollen from what this kid had done earlier.
~June 30, 2022~ Having to stay in bed.
“Sergei, because of what happened yesterday with that kid near ruining your right knee, it's better you stay in bed,” this was sound advice because his right knee was very swollen, I really didn't see any since of reinjuring that joint; besides, that mother saw it that it was her child's fault for running into Sergei's knee and causinging pain like that. She couldn't stop profusly apologizing to Sergei and feeling bad for what her kid did and what her kid was saying, for next year's program, this kid is going to have Legendary Bear on his case if he doesn't learn to shape up and learn to listen and respect those in authority, especially those in military.
“That's understood, Slavlana, I can barely move my right knee as is anyway,” Slavlana had propped up Sergei's knee up and put ice pack onto swollen knee to try manage pain and get swelling down, it gave my Russian brother good chance to lay back and read for some time; I went to get him something to drink so he didn't have to get up on that sore knee. While I was gone to get some water for Sergei, this Karen came into his room finding him on bed with knee properly propped up because of pain with ice pack, her daughter had that look like she didn't want to be anywhere near her; it looked like Sergei couldn't blame that daughter. “What are you doing in bed? You're supposed to be up!” that witch screeched at my Russian brother while he was trying to read, I know Sergei to be very patient take so much from that banshee; he also had his headset on listening to Russian folk music to further ignore her. That Karen didn't like that my Russian brother was ignoring her, that daughter didn't much mind that her mother gets ignored and thinks she deserves it for acting like spoiled brat. “Mom, he's not getting up to serve you on a swollen knee, he's not some servant, he's a Russian Cossack, it's best to leave him alone,” that girl had common sense to know what was going on with Sergei, if I hadn't have my hands full with some drinks and tasty treats from Ukraine and Russia; I'd be applauding her at this moment. I went over to bed and hand Sergei glass of water and that Karen went to grab it as he already had hold of glass, I also handed him box of pirozhki and just look on his face lit me up like Christmas tree; in good way of course.
“Ах, спасибо, Юшка, ты знал, о чем я думал,” that girl knew what Sergei said to me because she was also taking Russian under Nikita, she turned to go leaving her mother bristling with anger; she was about ready to grab Sergei's box when Slavlana come in about ready to call for security to escort this banshee away from here. I had gained permission to get those treats so I could spend time with Sergei, I can tell anyone willing to listen that it's time best spent with someone I absolutely care about despite fact that there is war going on.
~July 1, 2022~ Is that an accordion?
“I'm just checking you knee to see if you can bend your knee,” she saw Sergei wincing from manipulation of his right knee, it wasn't as swollen as it had been; it was still preventing him from putting weight onto his knee so he could walk. Slavlana made sure that he stayed on his bed to rest his knee some more, she knew that some of swelling has gone down; still, more needed to go down. “Мне лучше поговорить с доктором об этом, я думаю, что -то может быть неправильным,” Slavlana leaves room to let Sergei to sleep after after giving him some anti-anflammotory medicine and ice pack, if I know that loveable wolf and I do, she'd suggest using Theragesic on Sergei's knee. Almost everyone knows what she does with Theragesic to Muslims, I'm not going to tell that one because I would be laughing my Ukrainian ass off because of that and it's too funny. “Хорошо, я все равно не могу сделать,” with that and yawn from Sergei, he was out like light bulb; he had rough night last night and he kept waking up in pain from his right knee. The anti-anflammotory medicine made my Russian brother tired, I was thinking that it's best I would just let him rest for some time.
'Я бы хотел, чтобы ребенок не столкнулся прямо в правое колено Сергея, вызвав мой русский казак -брат,” hours later, I was walking into his room to see him sitting up on his bed; he was rubbing his right knee as Dr. Fox came too to examine Sergei's right knee. The orthopedic doctor wonder what happened other day while Sergei and I were outside, he manipulates Sergei's knee and saw some wincing. “Был бегал ребенок, и что мать проделала прекрасную работу по наблюдению за этим ребенком, затем произошла катастрофа, этот ребенок врезался в колено и заставила меня упасть в боль,” Thankfully, there wasn't any damage done when Dr. Fox had to run an x-ray to see what he was dealing with; he told Slavlana to have Sergei keep off his feet for another few days until he could start to put weight on that knee again. Then I saw Sergei's Garmoshka out when I heard him playing, I knew he was starting to feel so much better.
“Прежде чем спросить, Юшка, да, я чувствую себя намного лучше,” Sergei knew that he couldn't get up for another few days, that was okay to him giving him extra time to rest; it also gives him time to play his Garmoshka like he wanted to. This also gave him some good time to read that good book his papa wrote as young man, if anyone don't know what that it is; it's called Герой России: рассказ о смелом казаке, there are so many people that wanted to see movie of this class book, what they don't really realize that it took years to develop skills that Sergei and his family have. “Я знаю, что тебе лучше, Сергей, поэтому мне не нужно спрашивать,” just to hear him laughing makes me feel so much better as he start to play Коробейники on his Garmoshka, I thought he'd make me do entire Ukrainian Hopak for second; if he did that, he knows I would make him do Trepak. I know that face he'll if I do make him do entire Trepak, after this whole thing is done and behind us; we talked about going to go entertain kids that suffer from cancer and other illnesses.
~July 2, 2022~ Герой России: рассказ о смелом казаке
“Сергей, Даниэли все еще выбирает вещи для поездки в Джорджию, это просто так, что вы можете распаковать после того, что случилось с вами в прошлом марте,” Nikita had come to see how his little brother was doing; he saw that his brother's knee was propped up, more of swelling came down and pain was less. I knew that he still couldn't bare weight on that right knee, I also knew that Sergei had been reading; his own life has have mirriored book from what was said to things he has done, I can go as so far to say that my Russian brother is real life Hero of Russia. “На самом деле, Никита? Я не могу дождаться, чтобы уйти,” I know that once he returns from Georgia, he's going to be so much happier; I know he's wishing that this war in Ukraine is over and Russia is out of Ukraine. He told me that he rather see those people of Ukraine to have their homes rebuilt than his own rebuilt, it's sad to look at his point of veiw and to see what he just been through since March.
“Да, действительно, маленький брат, он хочет, чтобы все идеально для вас,” Danieli knows that Sergei has always felt terrible about any war, he felt terrible about invasion of Georgia and now with this invasion of Ukraine; deep down, I knew he is still seeking that release because his heart still hurts. This is these are problems that Sergei started to face, and he wants that to end; I hope one day these problems for Sergei do end.
“Маленький брат, в чем дело? Я думал, ты будешь рад это услышать,” at first he was thrilled by news of what Danieli is doing for Sergei, there had be people still seeing him what they think he is and not for who he really is; it is main reason why I'm sharing this because two weeks prior to being burned, he had trash dumped on him that he had to strip out of his clothes once home and that's not what started trouble. It was what happened week prior to being burned, he was being treated like trash and almost having his tunic ripped that he wore; people still think he has something to do with Russia's aggressision toward when he doesn't and sad reality is fact he has grown used to and expects it almost every single day now. How can people treat someone like that just because of the ethnicity or where they come from? It makes me angry to see Sergei being treated like that.
~July 3, 2022~ Tears of emotional pain return.
“Sergei, you know how much I hate seeing people disrespect you like this, I thought I had that fixed,” I just felt a hand from Sergei, I knew that look on his face; something told me that's it's okay and fact he was used to it by now. He really shouldn't have be disrespected like in this manner, nor should he have to be used to it now. “Юшка, остановись, все в порядке. Я привык сейчас, мне все равно, что люди говорят обо мне или кого -либо из моей семьи,” I knew that look on his face telling me that it was okay, it really not okay for so many reasons; people shouldn't even treat people like trash just because they happen to be from different country or be of different ethnicity. I have said it before why this is happening in first place; I come from Ukraine with her being so war torn when Russia decided to be aggressor, Sergei felt so horrible about this war knowing that he'd be treated so horribly just because he happens to be Russian and it's home country being aggressor. “Нет, Сергей, вам не нужно привыкнуть к этому, это не нормально, что с вами обращаются как к мусору. Я не вижу мусора, я вижу, вы, как кто -то, кто проложил мне руку помощи, когда я нуждался в нем больше всего, как человек, который заботился о этих беженцах из Украины, вот что я вижу, мой русский брат казак,” I meant every last bit of it as this banshee came into Sergei's room, I know for fact that he doesn't really want her there; that banshee had to go before security had to throw her out. My Russian brother means great deal to me, and to see him treated like trash hurts me like it hurts him.
“You possibly can't mean those words?” I had to wince when I heard that banshee screech at me, I wanted to sit with Sergei alone to try to make him see that my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks and I do care about him great deal; when he gets treated like this and hurts, it makes us hurt. It's like they show us same disrespect they show Sergei, I don't like seeing him being used to this and hurting where he is in tears.
“Oh, I mean every word because I see him as my Russian Cossack brother, when he hurts like way you're hurting him, it shows us you don't care about anything,” that irked her in such way that she couldn't believe it that I was actually defending Sergei, I am defending him because he had nothing to do with any invasions by Russia at all; people like this banshee don't believe it fact that Sergei and his family had to flee Soviet Russia in middle of war and in winter. It happened because I helped Sergei and his family out by feeding them and watering their horses; it was my greatest honor to see my Russian family to safety and freedom, they already have suffered great deal in past during war and then Russian Civil War, they don't need to suffer like this now or ever.
~July 4, 2022~ America's independence day.
“Sergei, do you want to see fireworks?” I always knew that he always wanted see fireworks, something told me that he was going to refuse because there would be people that wouldn't want him there; he should be free to see those beautiful colors of fireworks. I saw that same look on his face that I saw yesterday; I grabbed his knee braces and put them on, he didn't make one word of protest about what I was doing when I had put his knee braces on him. “Юшка, что ты делаешь?” I tell him that we're going to roof of hospital way from those people that don't want him there; Slavlana had arranged it for Sergei and I to have advantage point, his friends came to sit with us because it's not as loud to cause PTSD to come up. I help Sergei up so we could go up to roof, his friends brought drinks and snacks so we could have good time without getting drunk. “Сергей, ты собираешься поблагодарить меня позже за это, тебе это нужно. То, что делают другие, не так, вам не нужно привыкнуть к тому, что они говорят о вас и вашей семье,” being way from people that think that he doesn't know what independence actually means when he does after fleeing Soviet Russia; he also knows what it means to be free, lot of people in oppressive regimes can only dream of what freedom is like.
He didn't have learn about America's Revolution against Britain to know what independence means or freedom, he learned that from talking to American soldiers and he could tell that they were fighting for liberation of Europe; at heart, Sergei is still Eastern European. “Юшка, я рада, что ты делаешь это для меня, мне это нужно было,” I knew he meant that deep down, and I also know he did needed this; there are people that think that he does belong here that know that there will be day where he and his family will return to Omsk; but that is in future and not here. There is going to be day where I will return to Ukraine with my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks and our families also, I know Sergei won't forget what it means to be free.
“Там прекрасные цвета фейерверков,” noise wasn't too much because of location of hospital, we had some good snacks; even some snacks I know Sergei would eat. It wasn't too much as we watched from roof from where we were, tomorrow is when he is to resume his physical therapy with Slavlana.
~July 5, 2022~ Physical Therapy resumes.
“Хорошо, сегодня мы будем работать в бассейне, учитывая, что это будет жарко,” Slavlana as she helped Sergei with getting ready for hydrotherapy for today, that cold water in pool felt good to my Russian brother; Slavlana started to work with Sergei as those Rednecks come back. I know my Russian brother and fact he doesn't want any trouble, not after what happened with those muskrat sausages and beer. “Мы не собираемся повторять то, что произошло в прошлый раз, это запах, который я не хочу снова пахнуть,” I don't blame Sergei for saying that; although it just confuses those Rednecks without end, Slavlana and I chuckle because we know what he had said since knowing Russian. It goes without question that my Russian Cossack brother is still Russian, as saying goes; you can Russian out of Russia, but you can't take Russia out of Russian.
“Now, what did he say?” one of those Rednecks had asked, he wasn't going to like translation with what Sergei had said; I know my Russian brother wanting to get his physical therapy started. Slavlana went on ahead to start hydrotherapy with Sergei, he was doing very good although those Rednecks could see those burn scars; they weren't as visable as they had once been when Sergei had first started. “He said that we don't want any trouble like after last time you were here, that was smell he doesn't want to be smelling again,” that was me reading between lines of what my Russian brother was saying, within few days; Sergei is going to be released from hospital. I know he's looking forward to that, so I know Col. Remer is going to be here in few days to help with Sergei before getting him home. “Then why did he have to say that?” it was because that he didn't want any trouble, I really don't blame him after what he had been through; after what those three teenagers had done to him. I know there were people that really can't blame him, not even Danieli could blame Sergei and often helped take care of him; I know it was Georgian brother taking care of his Russian brother when he needed it most.
“Let me tell you this, there are people that treat my Russian Cossack brother like trash, I know for fact that he doesn't need that,” I had to tell them that because I was getting tired of seeing Sergei getting treated like trash for reason not even that good, of course there is war going on Ukraine; he felt terrible about it because it is his home country invading mine. That wasn't only reason why he felt terrible about this invasion, other reason why he felt so terrible about this invasion was fact that there were Russian troops committing same atrocities that Red Army during Second World War; he had been told by many Russian troops that they don't want to be there.
~July 6, 2022~ 3 days to release day.
“Сегодня мы будем работать на параллельных барах, а затем начнем подготовить вас к выпуску за несколько дней,” Col. Remer had just came over from Germany to start getting things lined up and getting hotel lined up for few days for Sergei; Danieli was getting things lined up for Sergei's trip to Georgia, it was going to be time for my Russian brother to decompress. I noticed that Col. Remer had wanted nothing to do with any Karens, Sergei and I really couldn't blame him on that; so we talked after Sergei was finished for day with his physical therapy. “Well I never-” Sergei looks at that Karen just to shut her, Col. Remer and I knew that was more of Sergei's frustration coming out; we knew it was coming fast and furious. Slavlana was going to leave to get security to get this Karen away, Col. Remer and I both know you just don't mess about with Cossacks at all for any reason; and that's Ukrainian or Russian. “Замолчи! Ты никогда не что? Вы никогда не гуляли в моих ботинках, вы никогда не видели, что у меня есть, вы не знаете, каково это ужасно в том, что вторгается в родную страну вашей семьи, или что делают войска, потому что у меня было несколько русских войск, которые звонят мне и Скажи мне, что они были введены в заблуждение, и они не хотят быть там в Украине, у меня была российская высокая команда, позвони мне и признаю, что они ошиблись в том, что Украина никогда не должна была вторгаться в первую очередь. Что -то подобное должно было быть сказано в начале, они также сказали мне, что у них есть войска, совершающие те же глупые злодеяния, к��торые Красная Армия совершила во второй мировой войне, я увидел это и чувствовал себя больным, хотя я случайно случился с русскими,” I knew what Sergei was meaning, he did talk to Russian troops; he also had talked to the Russian High Command to point that they were admitting they made mistake. Col. Remer saw tears for himself from Sergei, my Russian brother was upset; and he had every right to be upset like that because he still feels terrible.
“But-” that look on Sergei had never wavered, just that glare just said everything in volume; it told that Karen that she has no business here to say anything. Men from security came seeing Sergei pinning this Karen to wall in such furious matter; she didn't know you don't mess about with Cossacks, Ukrainian or Russian. “Никаких "но! Вы ничего не знаете о том, что прошла моя семья, приехавшая сюда из Советской России, в середине войны, и зимой Юшка делает, потому что он попросил меня о помощи. Я дал ему больше, чем помощь, моя семья и я позаботились о том, чтобы у него была крыша над головой, вы ничего не знаете,” he finally lets her go, she started to make demands that Sergei would be kicked out until he showed those men from security fact he's patient at hospital; they left Sergei alone seeing how he showed them proof and truth. She started to screech when they led her out as Slavlana walked Sergei back to his room to rest for evening, that Karen had made mess of everything for my Russian brother.
“Does it it even bother you to be called an onion?” Sergei looked up to see his Finnish visitor, he didn't mind this person being there; in fact, he appreciated company. I really couldn't blame him after what that Karen was trying to do to my Russian brother, it really bothered him and Col. Remer and I knew it did. “Нет, that really doesn't bother me because you got those domes on top of Russian Orthodox churches,” the Finnish visitor nods as he saw fact that something was bothering Sergei, tears were threatening to come; my Russian brother didn't like spot he was in. This visitor saw what was bothering Sergei, he didn't have to ask and asked anyway. “Then what does really bother you?” It was an honest question to my Russian brother, this Finnish man knew that calling Sergei onion didn't bother anything; it was something deeper than that. People like that Karen treat my Russian family like trash, that isn't right to treat anyone like that and that bothers him when he says it does. “It bothers me that my family and I get treated like garbage when I say it doesn't,” the Finnish got up from where he was sitting to leave, he saw what people like those Karens are doing to Sergei; invasion or not, they will return Omsk. One way or another this is going to have to end, I don't know how much more Sergei is going to take of this abuse.
~July 7, 2022~ 2 days to being released.
“I'm getting worried that this will escalate to physical abuse, Sergei already had been through enough and doesn't need to go through anymore abuse,” That Finnish man told Sergei as he left that he being abused emotionally for the wrong reason, it was all because that my Russian brother and his family had deared to care about my fellow Zaporozhian and myself and the refugees; people could see that he and his family are capable of caring for others. I know for fact that they aren't aggressive all time, it makes me wonder why people like those Karens treat my Russian family as if they are always so aggressive; it just doesn't make sense and that Finnish man knew that Sergei being emotionally abused just because he happens to be Russian.
“I asked him if being called onion bothered him, he told it didn't because of the domes of the Russian Orthodox churches, it bothers him that he and his family get treated like garbage and he's saying it doesn't when it really does,” last night as that Finnish man left Sergei, my Russian brother was in tears and really didn't want to go to sleep because of emotional pain; being burned was bad enough and then Karens start to add emotional abuse to it. “I went to go wake him for therapy, I didn't have the heart to wake him, he cried in his sleep from the emotional abuse,” Slavlana knew she was seeing what that abuse was doing, Col. Remer was trying come up with solution to this problem; we all knew that Sergei and his family had nothing to do with the invasion of Ukraine. We also knew that those Karens don't see that when they look at my Russian family, I want to see them return to their native country and to have this abuse stop. “Не имеет значения, что люди говорят или думают о моей семье или меня,” we looked to see Sergei standing there, he had defeated look on his face; it was as if he was giving in and giving up. I saw an old Russian fighter pilot standing looking at Sergei; he was the fighter pilot that movie that Sergei watched was based on. “Казак, почему ты сдаешься? Вы сильнее этого злоупотребления, которого вы не заслужили, вы человек, а не мусор или монстр. Тот факт, что Россия агрессивна по отношению к Украине, это не значит, что люди должны злоупотреблять вам или вашей семьей,” Slavlana and I knew that he was right, Sergei is so much stronger than what these Karens are doing; when I look at my Russian brother, I see someone who isn't aggressive all time. He isn't some piece of garbage or monster as what people make him and his family out to be, this gives me idea of what to do to get Sergei and his family home to Omsk and back to their community.
Another 11days in the hospital, Sergei has two more days and then he's going to be released from the hospital, then he's going to spend a couple of days at a hotel and then two weeks in Georgia to decompress from what happened to him and the abuse that had started. Yushka has something up his sleeve to get his Russian family back home with homes that were rebuilt and a school meant for Cossack children, Sergei didn't know that Yushka had done that for him and his family after he told his Ukrainian brother that he'd rather see the Ukrainian homes rebuilt before his. There will be more to the story and a couple of twists; please stay tuned and remember that the situation is real and the characters are fictional, there is going to be a second part to this story, so stay tuned for that also and be prepared to be laughing at some of the things Yushka and Sergei will get into.
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friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 10: Physical Therapy part 1
Sergei's Plight
by Charmed Wolf
Here is the 10th 11 days of Sergei's 3 month stay in the hospital, he's on the road recovering from his burns and already had to have correction surgeries to help him to walk and the other was to just clear burn scars. Yushka had been there since very beginning, Danieli had been helping Sergei's family to get things ready for the Legendary bear's return. It's still in Yushka's point of view from the beginning of the story when witnessed three teenagers light his Russian brother on fire causing people lose their respect for Sergei and to abandon him, what one of Sergei's friends had done was to restore the respect; it was in the most unlikely of places. Still, keep in mind that this is a fictional story and the characters are fictional, the situation is real and not to be done on anyone.
~June 16, 2022~ Time to reflect at what happened
'Я прошел долгий путь после марша после ужасных ожогов, мне все еще нужна физиотерапия, чтобы привыкнуть к новым коленям,' and he has come along way, yesterday was big surprise for Sergei when group of young Marines had saluted Sergei out of respect; in some ways that I know for my Russian brother, that respect was slowly being restored. Had Sergei died of his burns in beginning, I would have been at his funeral; probably being of ones that would carry his coffin to be buried, I'm glad he didn't die of his burns proving that he's stronger than he was after what those teenagers had done. “Good morning, Sergei, I'm just here to see how well you're healing,” Dr. Wolf came into room to see how well Sergei was healing, my Russian brother was working with doctor letting him see what was done; it was healing well and looked very well done. I know that Dr. Wolff wanted to avoid any additional scars to Sergei, it was going to be another few days before my Russian brother could resume with physical therapy. I know Sergei isn't type to be laying around, he's more type to be active. “I would think in few days you would be back at physical therapy,” Dr. Wolff went to go talk to Slavlana as Danieli came to see how Sergei was doing, he noticed that my Russian brother was in different room now; I told Danieli about what happened other day. Needless to say that he was rather relieved that it was done; Slavlana and I knew that frustration was starting to build, and that other day was just that day that Sergei had exploded and released his frustration and to feel huge release from that weight he had been carrying.
“So you can say he was getting frustrated with what people was saying of him,” Danieli had it summed up in one sentence, in beginning of this; Sergei couldn't talk because his voice was gone because treatment that he was going under for was painful because of nature of his burns and accelerant used. I know next week that Dr. Wolff was going to be back next week to check on Sergei again to see how it healed over, this had been very trying on my Russian brother because of what of what he had been through already. “You just summed it up, Danieli, I was getting frustrated and couldn't say anything until recently,” Sergei was putting his knee braces on so he could get up, as soon as he got up; he tried to move on his own so he could reach bathroom. Danieli and I were glad that he was up trying to walk to bathroom without help, Slavlana was going to be pleased when she finds out.
“You made it to the bathroom by yourself, that's great,” it was as I knew, Sergei was pleased that he was actually trying to walk; Slavlana was proud of my Russian brother for trying to walk on his own. I know there will be Karens trying to badger him for what he's trying to do, Danieli and I looked at each other getting ready to block them to keep them from doing anything to upset Sergei; it's fact that he refuses to deal with them.
~June 17, 2022~ A walk in the hall.
“I'm going to let you get your knee braces on and we're going to walk the hall,” Sergei was dressed and his knee braces were on with some help, I know he made sure he had his Kubanka on; with little help, my Russian brother was able to get up on his feet to walk. Slavlana was going to walk with Sergei, it was just to keep his knees from locking up. “So, the monster stirs and stumbles,” one those Karens said to my Russian brother, he largely just ignored her at first; she just kept at it before he pins her to wall. “Замолчи! Как я и сказал тому ходячему мусорному мешку, ты меня не знаешь! Откуда ты знаешь, что я какой-то нечеловеческий монстр?! Как?! То, что вы говорите, отражает то, кто вы есть на самом деле, тот, кто монстр, это не я, это вы превратились в монстра,” Slavlana had enough of people like that Karen and that Muslim woman treating Sergei like way they are, I couldn't blame her for wanting to protect Sergei; Sergei's knees were starting to hurt him. Slavlana got my Russian brother back to his room and took his knee braces off, she couldn't blame him.
“I didn't know that she was going to be there, Sergei,” he just lifted his right hand up to gently stop her from continuing, he already knew it; Slavlana gently started to rub Sergei's knees to try to relieve pain and to help him relax. Once she was done and had left his room, something very strange happened; it was as if Soviet leader Stalin appeared to him. “Полегче, Сергей, я давно это отпустил, твоей жизни больше ничего не угрожает. Люди должны видеть вас таким, какой вы есть, а не таким, каким они вас считают. Вы из одной из самых знатных семей России, я думаю, вы приняли правильное решение остаться на своем месте,” Sergei knew this to be true, he did come from one of most honorable families that came from Russia; people should see my Russian brother for who he is and what they think he is. I had always known him to be man of honor, I have known his whole family to be men and women of honor. “Да, я знаю, Сталин, это те самые люди, которые отказываются видеть правду о том, кто я на самом деле, казак, застигнутый посреди вторжения в Украину. Все это вторжение - ошибка, оно вызывает дефицит, который не должен был быть вызван,” Stalin nodded agreeing with Sergei what was said, it was said that this whole invasion was mistake on Putin; Russian High Command had already admitted it. I know for fact that had Ukraine not been invaded and Sergei wouldn't have been burned as horrifically as he was, I know I can blame Putin for invasion of Ukraine and what had happened to my Russian brothers and sisters and not just Sergei.
“Население России сокращается из-за моих ошибок, вы это уже знаете. Путин делает все намного хуже, и люди, которые остаются, страдают от этого из-за санкций, введенных из-за его собственных действий, и вы оказываетесь в центре этого, из-за чего вы столько раз теряли свой дом, чтобы иметь кого-то бороться за тебя и твою семью,” Sergei knew that he and his family had their decision made for them because of invasion, my Russian brother put his hands to his face and began to weep knowing what was talked about was true. Stalin knew that it was okay to weep sometimes, it seemed like frustration started to melt off Sergei. “Буквально на днях я взорвался на женщину-мусульманку из-за того, что она сказала о моих шрамах от ожогов, она была похожа на мешок для мусора, а сегодня я взорвался на Карен за то, что она назвала меня монстром, и единственным монстром была эта Карен,” Stalin just shook his head knowing this wasn't fair, even I didn't have to say that to Soviet leader Stalin when he saw Sergei take his shirts off; he was showing his burn scars even though emotional pain is still there in his mind. Stalin just laid his hand on my Russian brother's shoulder, that Karen was listening in on conversation between Stalin and Sergei even though she can't understand them, she hoped Stalin would take her side; and she was wrong about that. “Я не вижу монстра, все, что я вижу, это человека в самом уязвимом месте, все, что я вижу, это человека, который был застигнут посреди чего-то, к чему ты не имел никакого отношения, и из-за этого ты ужасно обгорел. , это все я тебя вижу, просто ты как казак,” I knew that Sergei needed this because for fact and it has been said, I know my Russian brother isn't any inhuman monster; he was caught in middle of this invasion that he had nothing to do with and got treated like trash because of that. I know without doubt that those burns weren't self-inflected, nor were those burns were his fault or deserved.
~June 18, 2022~ Oddly quiet.
“Yushka, I'm worried, he's just quiet, does he get that quiet when something is wrong?” I thought it was an honest question, I suppose what that Karen said yesterday had affected him more than anything; physical pain had faded to leave behind emotional scars as well as physical scars. I knew that was something was wrong because Sergei wasn't his usual talkitive self, maybe it was last thing Stalin had said to him to work like ointment for emotional wounds; all I see when I look at Sergei, I don't see monster, just someone who really is hurting emotionally all over again, put into most vulnerable spot over and over again. “Sometimes, sometimes he gets that way when he's angry at someone or about something,” Slavlana thought it was good idea to let my Russian brother rest, it was then that I had found what was making him so quiet and so withdrawn; I showed Slavlana what I had found. I found it disturbing that someone would stoop so low to keep my Russian brother in that vulnerable spot, I couldn't read it because I don't read English; she looked at it and thought same thing I was. “How can someone stoop so low to even think about such violence against someone else let along Sergei?” That was good question and bit of mystery, I was going to have to tell Col. Remer about what was found; I know he wasn't to like it after he would be shown what it was. Sergei's door was quietly shut as we could hear him quietly cry, I think someone was trying to make my Russian brother to quit things he enjoys. “I think that's good question, I wish for people to see him for who he is and not what they think he is,” I step out to call Col. Remer and told him what was going on with Sergei, I knew he didn't want to come from Germany earlier than planned; he didn't like what he just heard and wondered how far human society had fallen. I told him about all of depravity I had seen just being here away from war in Ukraine, he told me that it would be that kind of depravity all over this world.
“I want to walk with Sergei in the hall, with those who wish for harm to him, it's impossible to do continue his physical therapy,” Dr. Stein was aware of what was going on with Sergei, he knew that my Russian brother was frustrated with how people are treating him again; I really can't blame my Russian brother for being so frustrated. Something had to be done to so Sergei could resume his physical therapy, I told Danieli about what had affected Sergei most; I know for fact that Danieli hadn't seen my Russian brother as monster either
“Slavlana, I thought you had shut door, it's open,” Sergei had gotten up and put his knee braces on and walked to where we were, we were trying to come up with solution on how we could keep people like that Muslim woman and those Karens from bothering Sergei when he does his physical therapy; I can clearly see that he was visably shaking. Slavlana let me go to Sergei and to bring him to sit down, he was holding onto doorway to try to stay up right. “So, what is going to happen?” I knew that was honest question from Sergei, and to be really honest; we don't know what going happen right now. “As of right now, we don't know,” Dr. Stein said after taking a drink of water, it had been hot this day; I suppose there are people that didn't like it that Sergei's life had been spared when those burns were treated. It turned out I was right about what I was supposing, Sergei is my Russian brother ever since he and his family fled Soviet Russia during war and winter.
~June 19, 2022~ Father's day and Junetenth
“Юшка, а решение принято, что делать, чтобы люди оставили меня в покое? Я устал от разочарований, я устал от того, что на меня навешивают ярлыки, которые не соответствуют действительност,” Sergei and I were walking hallway to keep his knees well moving, I had gained permission from Slavlana if I could; I saw frustration in Sergei's face and knew he was sick of it and wanted to be left alone instead of provoked into exploding like he had done. I don't blame him in least slightest for wanting to be left alone, I saw one woman watching my Russian be unsteady and then fall. “Нет, Сергей, они все еще пытаются придумать решение, я не виню тебя в том, что ты устал от этого, застрял в середине того, к чему не имеешь никакого отношения, ты невиновен в ошибке России с вторжением,” I try my best to help him to get up after he fell, I sensed something was wrong because Sergei was limping; one of his knees had become swollen after he fell. That woman that was watching went to tell Slavlana what happened, I stayed by my Russian brother when his knee brace was taken off; fortunely, damage wasn't done to his knee after he had fallen. “I think it's going to be a while before we can resume your physical therapy so the swelling can go down,” Sergei was taking off his other brace so he could lay on his bed, I knew he understood that swelling had to come down first before physical therapy resumes; Slavlana gets him ice pack to put onto his swollen knee.
“Папа, матушка рассказала мне, что случилось,” Sergei shifted some with ice pack on his knee to reduce swelling, he embraces his eldest son; Ilya Sergeevich Brevsky, I was happy when Sergei became papa for first time after trying for so many years during that time. Alyona and Sergei raised their childern in traditions of Siberian Cossacks and had them bapitized in Russian Orthodox faith, Ilya turned out to be more like Sergei than his twin brother, Stepan Sergeevich Brevsky. “Илья, я устал от того, как к нам относятся, неважно, что мы русские,” Ilya knew that I had been getting treated better they were, they were ones that were illegally kicked off their home only to be brought back; I told Ilya that I had told American Congress that they were being bunch of assholes. He agreed with it and always called me his fun loving Ukrainian Cossack uncle; hehe, I did see him and his siblings grow up and get married and have kids of their own and their kids getting married and having kids of their own to let Siberian traditions continue as what Leonid wanted for his family.
“Папа, есть люди, которые останавливают то, что они делают с нами, Юшка знает, что мы застряли в середине того, к чему мы не имеем никакого отношения. Это все на Путине, мало того, что он наврал и дяде Никите, и дяде Борису, и Дмитрию, а потом это вторжение все усугубило, и вы обожглись,” I knew that Ilya was right, there were people stopping what they were doing to Sergei and his family; I knew that my Russian family was caught in middle of something they had nothing to do with. Majority of people that stopped treating my Russian family like trash were those of Black communities, there were Jewish communities starting to stop with what they were doing; I do know that Asian communities have long since stopped since Sergei had been hospital since March of this year for horrific burns. “Да, Илья прав, есть те, кто относился к тебе и твоей семье как к мусору, сейчас нет,” Karens outside Sergei's room didn't know that Ilya never learned to speak any English, which was good to keep conversation in Russian; it was just to keep them from knowing what we were talking about. It was also good way to let Sergei be comfortable talking in Russian and not in English, I know my Russian family hasn't been comfortable with English when talking.
~June 20, 2022~ Resuming physical therapy
“Хорошо, Сергей, мы собираемся возобновить физиотерапию, я надеюсь, что у нас больше нет проблем с людьми, которые тебя беспокоят,” Slavlana got Sergei over to parallel bars to start working on physical therapy there; there was some pain from his knees, but not enough for them to stop. I saw Sergei wince when he start to move, I noticed that there was few Karens starting to gather to start giving my Russian brother some grief. “Я не хочу, чтобы эти Карены были там, они ничего хорошего не замышляют,” I saw what Sergei meant as did Slavlana, my Russian brother was holding onto those bars just to hold himself up and keep from falling like he did yesterday; I went to deal with those Karens so Slavlana could focus on working with Sergei on his physical therapy for today. They weren't happy when they saw me coming toward them to confront them, all of them were older ladies and looked like they had been sucking on one too many lemons. “We are entitled to be here,” one of those sour pucking lemon sucking Karens had told me; I think I have surprise for them that they aren't going to like, there were some people there encouraging Sergei as he was focusing on his physical therapy. I felt better about this when I showed them why they aren't entitled to anything, they didn't like hearing that either and I really didn't care what they thought of that and what I told them out right.
“I took care of that problem, they looked like they were sucking on one too many lemons,” for first time in couple of months, I had actually heard Sergei laugh as if his joy had been restored to him; Slavlana and I both thought that was very good thing to hear him laugh when I said that I thought those Karens looked like they had been sucking on one too many lemons. I'm glad I can make my Russian brother laugh, it helped him to focus on his physical therapy. I know having good sense of humor is good thing, especially after what he just had been through; he kept trying until it was time to stop for day so he could rest for night.
“Юшка, спасибо, что заставили меня смеяться сегодня,” Sergei and I had good laugh over that, I knew he had appreciated that from this morning; those that came appreciated my Russian brother. Slavlana appreciated those people that came to encourage Sergei, he really needed that encouragement.
~June 21, 2022~ First day of Summer.
“Сергей, так как это первый день лета, мы будем заниматься лечебной физкультурой в бассейне, я получил добро от доктора Вольфа сегодня утром,” Slavlana got Sergei into pool to start working with him, there was young mother with her child watching my Russian brother work with Slavlana on trying to walk; that young mother was telling her little boy to be just as courageous as Sergei. He heard what that that young mother said, he had nothing but gratetude for what she had said. “Спасибо за то, что вы против того, что делают другие, я ценю это,” this young mother didn't care that Sergei was Russian, I was grateful for that from outset when she first came here with her son for therapy; her son knew that my Russian brother was trying his hardest to go through his own physical therapy. Slavlana keep working with Sergei on walking so he wouldn't be unsteady and used to having new knees, I don't like thinking about what those teenagers had done to my Russian brother back in March; it makes me upset that it happened to him after being treated like trash.
“Добро пожаловать, вы не заслужили, чтобы с вами обращались как с мусором, и вы не заслужили того, чтобы на вас вывалили мусор, все это было неуместно настолько, насколько вы были сожжены,” it was more than realization that Sergei didn't deserve what happened to him, it was showing people that they can't treat someone like trash and expect any respect; that's what happened leading up to my Russian brother being burned so horrifically as he was. Those teenagers didn't have to do what they did, they could have thought it over and see that their actions would have big serious consequences. “Есть еще много людей, которые этого не осознают, а некоторые отказываются это осознавать. Мне сказали, что все мои ожоги были вызваны самим собой, а Карен сказала мне, что я какой-то нечеловеческий монстр,” that young mother just shook her head, she didn't believe what those others had said; she knew truth about his burns being intentionally done. She knew that she wasn't looking at inhuman monster; she was looking at someone who is very much human and was dealt one raw hand and got seriously burned for it, being Ukrainian herself, she saw someone who showed people like her compassion; although it was anonymously done. “Нет, все, что я вижу, это кого-то, с кем обошлись грубо, все, что я вижу, это кого-то, кто способен быть сострадательным, все, что я вижу, это то, что вы пытаетесь исцелиться от того, что с вами случилось. Нет, я не вижу монстра, все, что я вижу, это кого-то, кто так же важен, как я и мой сын, для меня ты и мой сын важны для меня больше всего на свете, это ваше сострадание привело меня сюда из Украины,” that touched Sergei most, she was that young mother that was shown that picture of his friends and myself around his bed when he was going through treatment; she saw that I was kissing my Russian brother. She knew what compassion was, I knew that she knew that Sergei needed compassion.
“Вы так много значите для своих друзей и семьи, у вас есть чему научить подрастающее поколение,” this young mother was right, my Russian brother means so much to me is apart of my reason why I call him my Russian brother; I rejoiced with him when his sons and daughters where born and saw them grow up and have children of their own. So, I'm happy to say that Sergei's family is close and he matters to them, I know for fact that Nikita and Sergei are very close as brothers; and I can't forget Anton and their sister, Natasha.
~June 22, 2022~ Ice cream and pirozhki
“We're going to work over on the bench,” Sergei understood what Slavlana was saying about his physical therapy, there were still people coming to encourage him to help him focus on what is before him; I still see down road that he will be home and whole. I know those teenagers need to be confronted by my Russian brother, that's going to have to wait until he's done healing from what happened to him. “Slavlana, is it going to hurt?” I knew it was going to hurt as Slavlana started to manipulate Sergei's knees, she was trying to be as gentle as she could; it started to help loosen up his knees little bit. Sergei was thinking about his favorite pastry, he really doesn't eat pirozhki all that often as not to make habit. “Sergei, what are you thinking about? I have never tasted ice cream until I came here with my son,” there was a chuckle out of Sergei, I knew that his wife would make pirozhki every once in while; oh here I go again, talking about food is making me hungry. Slavlana smiles as she gets Sergei sitting up, day's therapy wasn't done; it was just beginning as she was going to make it fun. “I was thinking of my favorite pastry, pirozhki, and it doesn't which flavor of filling,” Slavlana thought that sounded good too, she didn't care that Sergei came from Russia; she knew his story when he told her when they first met. She knew it wasn't easy on Sergei having to say goodbye to his parents, in-laws and other family members and then having to ride early in the morning to escape Soviet Russia; she also knew there was silver lining in his story. I became that silver lining by becoming his Ukrainian nut..I mean brother, Slavlana knew I had grieved with Sergei when he found out that friends and family were murdered by Stalin's order; youngest victim wasn't supposed to have been murdered by Red Army and yet he was, that's here Sergei's oldest had gotten his name.
“That sounds good, Sergei, there is a bakery that sells both Ukrainian and Russian pastries,” Sergei knew that because that's where pirozhki he has eaten has come from there, he and I have plan to visit that peticular bakery on our trip out after he has come home to recouperate; Slavlana started to work with my Russian brother on parallel bars to start trying again walking. So far, he was doing good walking lot better, then he started to get tired as it was starting to get close to stopping to let him rest until dinner.
“Well, good news is fact we didn't have any Karens, I don't know if they took hint that you're someone that had been going through rough patch or not,” Sergei knew I was right, those Karens hadn't been out to give him any trouble; they always poke wrong bear when they try their demands on him because he doesn't want to hear it. Slavlana and I really can't blame him for that, no one wants to deal with them because their attitude thinking that they are better than everyone else and entitled to everything. “I hate to tell those piranas that they are not entitled to everything, hard working people earn what they get by hard work they put out, not other way around,” I knew Sergei was right about those Karens, Slavlana didn't like having to deal with them being physical therapist, Sergei and I couldn't even blame her for that. I saw my Russian brother let out yawn like bear, it was known that he wants to rest for while; he moved to his bed and took his braces off and laid down.
~June 23, 2022~ Movie and popcorn.
“I thought you would like to rest and watch a movie, Sergei,” he didn't much mind watching movie, there had been one movie he wanted to watch that came out last year from Russia; movie was called: Пилот: битва за выживание. One Karen had come and saw Sergei with his phone out and getting movie pulled up, she came unglued and pitched fit. “Заткнись, ты, кислая шайба, лимон, сосет большой ребенок, если Сергей хочет посмотреть кино, то ему можно, ты не имеешь права сказать, что он не может,” Sergei and I look at where Nikolai was standing and saw that Karen, we both started laughing at what Nikolai had said; and these Karens don't know who Nikolai is. I know for fact that he's one of Sergei's cousins with name of Nikolai Mikhailovich Androshnev, that Karen didn't like what Nikolai had told and he had big grin on his face.
“Sergei, was that your cousin that just got after that Karen?” Slavlana had never met Sergei's family, I had long time ago when Sergei and his family was fleeing Soviet Russia; Nikolai has two diminutives for his name that are both used just for his friends and family, one of them is Niko and other is Kolya. Sergei just chuckles waving Nikolai over, Slavlana told that Karen to leave as Nikolai came over from doorway. “Slavlana, this is my younger cousin, my aunt was his mother, his name is Nikolai Mikhailovich Androshnev, his twin brother is Viktor Mikhailovich Androshnev, we call Nikolai sometimes Kolya or Niko,” Nikolai and Slavlana shake hands in polite manner, and that Karen sees Nikolai handing Sergei box; inside that that box was bluetooth headset, so my Russian brother can watch his movie in private. Then that Karen started to make demands that Sergei hands her that headset so she could take it home to her good for nothing son, Sergei looked at her when he knows it was Nikolai had those headset for him. “Нет, ты, кислый, морщивший лимон, сосущий большую суку, мой двоюродный брат заказал мне эту гарнитуру, твой сын не более чем паразит,” Sergei connects his new headset to his phone and started his movie, Slavlana had went to get some popcorn for him so he could enjoy his movie; and that headset comes with case for easy storage. What was surprise to Sergei was fact I helped Nikolai to pick it out and it's noise canceling too, so now my Russian brother is happy watching his movie.
“This is actually good for Sergei to rest,” Sergei actually thought that movie he just watched was very well casted and thought of, ending was nice touch to Soviet pilots who lost one or two legs and then just went back to flying against German fighters in World War II; also good way to show how much Russia sacrificed during that war. I know Putin is making shrinking population problem worse, I know those Russian troops don't want to be there; calling their families and telling them that, they even told Sergei that they feel bad about him being caught in middle of their mess, of which they totally blame their own High Command and Putin for that.
~June 24, 2022~Rednecks and muskrat sausages.
“Okay, we're going to try again at the pool since it is warm out and I really don't want to overwork you today,” Slavlana was trying to get Sergei ready when Rednecks start to come, one of them was trying to use common sense and not to bother my Russian brother; I know what he can do when angry and it isn't pretty. I could here that group getting closer, oh there was that smell that was in hallway leading to group of Rednecks. “It's fine with me, Slavlana,” moment that Sergei had said that, here came trouble and Sergei just took his shirt off; it's linen fabric of fine quality from Russia. I was about ready to hit bathroom and throw up what I ate for lunch, I'm not curious enough to ask what that was that smell horrible. “Anyone up for muskrat sausages and beer?” Sergei and I look at each other, neither one of us drink beer, I'd rather have good glass of vodka with my Russian brother, he's my Russian brother that I'm willing to defend and to refute lies that were said of Sergei. I noticed that he was about ready to throw up, I really didn't blame him because I'm about ready to do that. “We don't drink beer, if you haven't noticed, Yushka and I are from Eastern Europe as is Slavlana, I have physical therapy right now,” I noticed Slavlana had gone to go talk to talk with Dr. Stein about this problem, Sergei was trying to stand there ready to go and with this his knee braces on; Slavlana motioned Sergei to come to her to get him out of this room. I followed suit to keep my Russian brother from falling, I know he appreciated that from me.
“I think we'll just make this a pool party then,” Sergei just face palms as they started to walk to where the pool was, I wanted to turn around and slap them silly; I thought better of it knowing they were already silly. I knew Sergei just want to get his physical therapy done and to rest, Slavlana and I couldn't blame my Russian brother on that one; I think he earned himself some pirozhki for this.
“Hey, Rednecks, I prefer vodka over beer, I rather have that bite from that than to drink beer,” I couldn't blame Sergei thinking that beer came from what just came out of his horse, in fact; I thought same way. Once to pool, Slavlana got Sergei into pool to start his physical therapy; the Rednecks didn't realize that they would be dealing with pair of Cossacks. “Oh, we got that covered with moonshine,” they didn't realize we don't drink any moonshine like that; it was hard to get it through their heads that we don't drink beer or moonshine, this wasn't social club to socialize. Once Sergei was starting to work with his physical therapist, it should tell them that it's time for them to go; yet they decided to stay. I don't think they have noticed Sergei's burn scars from when three teenagers had poured two gallons of petrol over my Russian Cossack brother and lit him on fire, Slavlana was proud of Sergei for coming this far in his physical therapy. “A couple more steps and you're done for the day on your physical therapy,” Slavlana said while ignoring those Rednecks, Sergei was looking forward to laying down and resting for change; if there was one thing that I wanting to hear is my Russian brother play his Bayan. Music I know has calming effect on people, for Sergei and I, it's folk music from Ukraine and Russia.
~June 25, 2022~ A present from Danieli, all the way from Georgia.
“Hey, my parents sent something for you from Georgia,” Danieli was impressed with how far Sergei had come in physical therapy, that is good sign that my Russian brother will be able to walk mountians of Caucasus of Georgia; decompressing after what he went through would be good for him. Sergei opened up box to see what was inside, it was brand new accordion for him to play; that was one thing that was needing to be restored. “I don't know what to say except thank you, Danieli,” Sergei carefully picked up the accordion, he tuned it to try it out, it ran out beautifully as he played. Danieli saw the smile on Sergei's face, my Russian brother enjoying playing his new accordion; he thought of something to play for Danieli that he would appreciate.
“You're playing Jeirani,” I knew my Georgian brother would be pleasantly surprised by it, I don't know where Sergei learned to play traditional Georgian dance like that; I didn't know where he learned to play traditional Ukrainian Hopak either. I'll have to ask Sergei when he returns from Georgia, I knew my Russian brother was actually happy when he saw his initials and last name in beautiful silver leaf. “I know and I don't how I can play it, and yet I can,” Danieli lets out a laugh as I heard Sergei start to play Hopak, I wonder if he'd know how to play Trepak; one of most Russian dances that ever come from Russia. Slavlana came to see what was going on; she knew that my Russian brother can play well any accordion from accordion family. “Just coming to see what was going on,” Sergei was happy to show off his new accordion, I'm hoping that this one doesn't end up stolen like his old accordion was; Danieli had helped restore apart of Sergei's life. Sergei was raised on music when he was going up in Omsk, Omsk Oblast Russia, he taught himself how to play garmoshka and bayan when he was young; I forget what age he said that he did that back in his native home.
“Sergei, I'm glad you like your new accordion, I made sure that your initials were put on it in beautiful silver leaf so it wouldn't be removed,” it went with silver of his shashka, believe it or not; Sergei and his family have silver eagle's head shashka, and only those connected to Ataman could get one like that. Well, his father was Ataman, that explains how Sergei and his brothers and their cousins all can get silver eagle's head shashka.
~June 26, 2022~ Time to relax.
“Сергей, мы попробуем снова пройтись по стене, надеясь, что у нас не будет проблем, как в прошлый раз,” Sergei was trying to get up with his knee braces on, yesterday after the music; I had taken his accordion home to be with his Bayan and Garmoshka. Slavlana was concerned with pain that Sergei was having with his knees, she took them off and there was swelling. “Не волнуйтесь, мы решим эту проблему,” Sergei was trying to figure out what we did yesterday to make his knees hurt, he was given something for pain and it made him sleepy; Slavlana left room to let my Russian brother sleep for some time. I always find Sundays to be lazy day for me, I watched Sergei sleep for some time before going to get some tea to drink. “Юшка, сколько я сплю? By time I returned with my tea, Sergei was awake and sitting on his bed and that pain was lessened; I knew he wanted to know for how long he had been sleeping. I look at clock on wall, it had been at least 2 hours since Sergei fell asleep after being given some pain medicine for pain in his knees.
“Oh, for about 2 hours, and you needed it,” Sergei just let out yawn looking at clock, He knew I was there to help him to get his knee braces on so he could get to bathroom; just getting up from his bed made him wince with pain. I know for fact that he still wished to return to Omsk, deep down; he knows that's not going to happen at all, he knows that his family was lied to by Putin that their school would be restored and their homes rebuilt.
“I rather rebuild Ukrainian homes than to see mine rebuilt,” it was heartbreaking to hear him say that out loud, yet that was how he was honestly feeling about this whole thing; it was that lie that ruined his desire to return to Russia. This war in my Ukraine made that impossible and made that decision for him and his family to stay were they're at, I noticed tears in Sergei's eyes and I knew they should have been home 12 years ago and then Putin lied to Nikita; Boris, and Dimitri, I sit by my Russian brother knowing that he still feels terrible about this whole invasion of Ukraine. “Иди сюда, мой брат русский казак, я знаю, как ты убит горем, мне это тоже не нравится, я хочу, чтобы это закончилось, чтобы не проливалась больше украинская и русская кровь,” I felt Sergei's tears hit my shirt and just let him cry, if there was one thing about Sergei; he absolutely hates being lied to about anything. I don't blame him for not trusting Putin now, I don't think my Russian brother has ever trusted Russian president at all; I can say I don't blame him for that. Would I like to see my Russian family to return to Omsk? Maybe, when Putin isn't in power and this mistake of an invasion is done.
Here's the 10 11th days for Sergei, he's showing the vulnerable side of himself to Yushka; instead of holding contempt for Sergei, he sits with Sergei and lets him cry on his shoulder. I don't know what Sergei is going to do with Putin, it's clear that he doesn't trust him; and with good reason. He also rather restore homes of the Ukrainian people instead of seeing his own being rebuilt, he's tired of the bloodshed on both sides; it's apart of the reason why he feels the way he does about the whole invasion. The odd thing is the fact that he had a talk with a long since gone Soviet leader and finding out that his life is no longer in danger, and the nicest thing that Danieli has ever done was replace the accordion. Yushka knows that it would be soon Sergei is going to be out of the hospital, he knows his Russian brother will still have to go through physical therapy for a while. Sergei will not be the same after this whole incident, the only thing he'll do is just forgive and move on from there.
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friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 9: Correction Surgeries
Sergei's Plight
By Charmed Wolf
Here we go, the 9th set of 11 days for Sergei before he goes home to recouperate with his family from his burns, his emotional scars still need time to heal before he would be back into swing of things. Yushka is still hoping that Sergei would be back to being respected like he was once before; time will only tell if that's going to happen for him, this is also the start of the correction surgeries for Sergei so he could walk more normally instead of having the scars hampering the way he walks. Yushka is going to continue to try to build Sergei's reputation as a nice man back up, there would be people in his way to tell him a complete lie about his Russian brother. Keep in mind that this is a fictional story with fictional characters, it's to illustrate real problems that can go on in the real world, also keep in mind that Sergei is Russian and Yushka is Ukrainian; they hold a friendship that had bloomed into a brotherhood that no war could ever sever, and the incident that happened to Sergei made Yushka stand by his Russian brother more than ever. That is even right through every painful bandage change, now it's not as painful as when he first got to the hospital on the evening of March 9th.
~June 5, 2022~ First of many surgeries.
“We'll start in getting correction surgeries planned and line up for the first one already, so he could be walking a little better,” we all understood what Dr. Stein was saying so Sergei could be moving easier before he could return home, I'm looking forward to day that Danieli could give my Russian brother some time to decompress and to relax; majority of people that actually hate him haven't given him moments rest and been giving him stress. That isn't good for Sergei to be stressed out like that and causing him to cry in real emotional pain, he doesn't need to be treated like trash like that either; that was what was causing stress for Sergei. “I think you should try to change that for him, get his reputation back to what it was,” it was all of his friends suggesting I do just that, well; I'll do just that for Sergei, or at least try to do for my Russian brother. I hope first surgery is successful in starting to loosen up those scars so he could walk once cast is off his leg, whoever did that was still such bonehead doing that to Sergei making it that much more difficult on him. “Alright, I'll do that for Sergei because he's worth everything, he's someone we all hold dear to,” I knew Sergei could be legendary bear when it came to defending his friends and family; that's how he earned his nickname of Legendary Bear, it was all because he can be very aggressive at times. There had been major spat between this kid and Sergei not long after Germans invaded Russia; this kid and he was having it out wanted my Russian brother to join Red Army and this honorable Siberian Cossack wasn't about to do that, he told the kid that he wasn't to be there to save his ass like he did before, needless to say, that kid didn't survive war, getting killed at Stalingrad and Sergei not shedding tears.
“Why do you have such a fancy story like that to tell of that monster?” It makes me mad to here that from that man that was around, I will have to take him aside to talk to him in little bit so I could finish my story about Sergei; I know he's not some monster that has to be taken down. His friends were waiting until Sergei was out of his first correction surgery while I went to tell my story to anyone who would listen, I was told that first of his surgeries had been successful and doctor was going let my Russian brother heal before next surgery is be done.
“Because everything of that story is true and only one that is monster is you, not Sergei, I know him where you don't, I see him as my Russian brother and knowing that he has nothing to do with invasion of Ukraine or the autroucities being commited by Russian troops,” I knew Sergei to be of honor and to know better not to follow what those Russian troops, lately; I have been helping my Russian brother to get his reputation back to what it was long before invasion of Ukraine even began. I looked this man where his jaw just drops to ground in surprise, I do know Sergei to be respectful and very charming as far as Russian Cossack would go. “You take your freedom for granted, Sergei came from Russia long before you were born,” That was what I was trying to tell people, there were few willing to listen not only with their ears; they listened with their whole being. This was coming from those who had once disapproved of my Russian brother, they were finally seeing truth about Sergei.
~June 6, 2022~ Restoring the reputation.
“I heard that Sergei's reputation is finally being restored,” I nod as I was sitting in cafeteria of hospital enjoying some tea, I couldn't stop helping my Russian to have his reputation of being most respectful and most honorable in this city; he deserves as much love as I do because he hadn't have anything to do with invasions.
Sergei was sleeping after his first surgery had been done, in few days; Dr. Stein was going to start on another surgery to help free Sergei up to where he could walk better. “I'll say his skin is looking better than when it did,” I had to agree there, between correction surgeries and his burn treatments; his skin no longer had that charred look and it was getting better. He was starting to look like well defined Russian Cossack, Slavlana was still going to work with him to help him to walk once his cast is off. “These nurses are sweethearts, I like how they take care of Sergei,” Miguel had said as he saw one of nurses come into Sergei's room with familiar bakery box, someone must have known that my Russian brother loves pirozhki pastries; all of nurses treated Sergei well and all he showed for it was gratetude because he didn't expect compassion. It's like that one worship song sang at most churches, everyone needs compassion; it's true because that's what Sergei needed and he also needed time to decompress and heal, both physically and emotionally from what happened to him. “Мы пошли в булочную и купили тебе пирожки,” one of nurses helped Sergei to sit up so he could eat his favorite pastry, I think it would be fun to visit that bakery and pick up some Russian and Ukrainian pastries to eat while we would be out for day to have fun; oh and I just made myself hungry talking about Ukrainian and Russian food, oh well.
I suppose I'll have to stop soon and get lunch with Sergei's friends before we go back up to visit with my Russian brother, I'm going to be even happier to see Sergei home from hospital and his trip to Georgia. “I heard that someone had been vandalizing Russian owned businesses,” I had heard of same thing, it was all connected to Russian Orthodox church burning down and Sergei being burned; I though of that one sign that I had once seen in store, I thought of my Russian brother when I saw that. Sign read what doesn't kill you makes you stronger except bears, bears can kill you; I would like to get that for Sergei because he is definitely bear and he owns grizzlies.
~June 7, 2022~ Beware of grizzly bears...seriously.
“Nikita, are you going to start up summer programs?” I wanted to confirm what I was thinking, I was thinking that my Russian family was going to take summer off because of Sergei is in hospital because of being burned horrifically; Nikita was taking care of Sergei's bears. He hadn't answered yet, those bears were waiting for my Russian brother to get home as Nikita fed them. “We just started yesterday with Luka taking over until Sergei is better and home,” Well, I was wrong about that then; it was okay when I noticed Luka with some summer school students, first thing that those kids forgot is that you don't piss of Russian Cossacks. They already tried that with Viktor, he almost had to draw his shashka on one of those students. “Viktor, have they insulted Luka yet?” I had to ask that because I had a feeling that it would happen or one of them provokes Sergei's bears, only think Viktor did was shake his head; I'm hoping one of those kids would insult Luka or provoke those bears. I suppose you can say that is most badass Russian thing to do is have bears, makes me love my Russian family all more than I have when I had first met them when they were fleeing Soviet Russia to freedom.
“Юшка, Луку просто оскорбили и он в бешенстве.” oh so it finally happened, some kid decided to be idiot and insult Luka after his teacher said not to; that is good idea to follow rules and listen to teachers. Some kids just don't care and won't listen to their teachers at all, and people wonder where the kids had learned that behavior from, look at their parents. Then you have kids indirectly insulting Sergei for what happened to him, when he got burned that severely; it wasn't really his fault and he didn't deserve it one bit.
“ЭТОГО ДОСТАТОЧНО!! Well, that kid pushed one too many buttons on Luka regarding Sergei, and wait until he finds out what Luka had done to this kid; it was that kid that have paid attention to what happened to Sergei and why he's most vulnerable spot right now. Those kids that laughed weren't that much better, they ended up getting punished by their teacher for what this kid had done to indirectly insult Sergei. “Лука, что он сделал?” Luka looked to see it was Nikita, he wasn't just Luka's cousin; he was Ataman for entire 2 ½ squadrons of cavalry. I knew what was going on and what was pissing Luka off, it was not good thing to piss off any Russian Cossacks. “Этот парень, Никита, косвенно оскорбил Сергея,” Nikita was furious about it, it wasn't with Luka he was furious; it was that kid he was furious with because of that insult that was said. You really don't want to mess with Nikita when he's furious, my Russian really don't like when they get insulted, I don't blame them.
~June 8, 2022~ Sergei's second correction surgery.
“Dr. Stein had taken Sergei for his second surgery, it's just where he could move better,” I had informed his friends about what was happening, legiments in both of Sergei's knees had been damaged from flames when he was burned; same orthopedic doctor had fixed Sergei's leg was working on my Russian brother's other knee.
First surgery was complete success to replace what was damaged, I was hoping that this surgery is successful because I don't want Sergei to have any problems with walking while we would be out and enjoying ourselves. “Well, he's out of surgery and that went well, it was also a complete successful,” Dr. Stein said after he came from operating room, it would be after one hour that we would be able to go see Sergei; I know his knees would hurt after having them operated on to replace what was damaged. It wasn't just his side and back that had been damaged, Sergei's joints at his knees were damaged from those flames also. “That's great to hear, Sergei will little to no difficulty in moving now,” doctors also did some skin graphing to further free up my Russian brother, I know I'll be happier when walking with Sergei when he's home; I called Danieli to tell him that both surgeries on Sergei's knees were successful and he will be able to walk without any trouble. I know Sergei still doesn't want any trouble, I really don't blame him for not wanting any trouble. “I take it Danieli took the good news well,” I knew Miguel was itching to go up to see Sergei, it hadn't been at hour mark yet before he was moved back into his room to rest; once my Russian brother is back in his room is when we could go see him.
“Hey, what happened yesterday with their program they run?” De'shaun had a little brother that was going through those programs to be taught discipline, I had to tell De'shaun since he's only one that is having to step up to raise his brothers and sisters; so being brother and parent is very hard on him. It all started with one insult and then Luka yelling that it was enough in Russian, I take De'shaun aside to tell him. “One of those students at summer school thought it was good idea to indirectly insult Sergei and it pissed Luka off,” student that insulted Sergei indirectly wasn't De'shaun's brother, so that was good there; that insult really pissed Luka off that it made Nikita come over to see what was going on. And he was told by one pissed off Luka, it really made Nikita that much furious with that kid that you don't want to be messing about with Russian Cossacks.
~June 9, 2022~ 27 days since the incident.
“Прошло 27 дней с тех пор, как я получил ожог, и я уже прошел через многое, через операции по пересадке кожи, и теперь мне пришлось заменить оба колена из-за нанесенного ущерба,” Sergei was awake after his second correction surgery, he was grateful that he is alive; he also has support of his friends and family to help him get better. It was painful when Slavlana would work with my Russian brother to start getting used to his new knees, once cast comes off; Sergei will be able to be worked with more to move better. “Доброе утро, Сергей, я вижу, у тебя хорошо заживают колени, это хорошо,” Slavlana smiles as she went to go see how Sergei was doing, he was in a good mood knowing that he will be home soon after staying with Danieli in Georgia for some time; I knew Slavlana was going wait at least week before working with my Russian brother to start getting up and walking and, she knew that Sergei's leg was still healing nicely from being broken. “Доброе утро, Славлана, немного поболели, в остальном все нормально,” Sergei had smiled back being in such good mood, he knows that he's going to have to go through; it wasn't too hot outside for program to continue going on. I'm sure Luka or Nikita wouldn't want to tell what one of those kids had done and ruin Sergei's good mood, when it comes to problem kids; he's most patient with them so what they do falls back on themselves.
“Этого следовало ожидать, я надеюсь, что боль хорошо справляется,” Sergei had told her that it was, so his knees didn't hurt as much and that was good; he was uncomfortable with having to have pillow under his legs to keep his knees elevated, well, with that and him not used to laying on his back. When Slavlana left his room after helping Sergei to move to sit for little bit to read until lunch, Dr. Fox came to see how Sergei's knees where healing; he had a very good bed side manner as he checked the knees.
“Эй, Сергей, держу пари, ты взволнован тем, что скоро поедешь домой,” Luka had come to see how his older cousin was doing, I knew Sergei was wanting to stand to give his cousin a big bear hug; he'll have to wait until his cast is off for that. I heard laughing from Sergei and Luka when they were talking about what happened other day, my Russian brother knows how furious Nikita can get when it comes to problem kids pushing Luka's buttons one too many times and with that insult that was said about Sergei. “Что случилось с ребенком?” Sergei had to ask about that, Luka knew about Dimitri's habit of duct taping Viktor to Sergei's door just to piss Sergei off; Nikita had to ask for Dimitri's help with this kid. Viktor was glad that it wasn't him getting duct taped for change, instead; he helped Dimitri with duct taping. “Дмитрий и Виктор закончили тем, что приклеили этого ребенка скотчем к столу, что вполне уместно, учитывая, что Никита был очень нетерпелив,” that set Sergei off laughing thinking that was very fitting for this kid for acting like jackass, now I know that this kid's mother is Karen and she had tried to get Dimitri and Viktor to get him untaped. They refused to do so and she went over to Nikita, she demanded that her kid was untaped and Nikita refused to her face.
~June 10, 2022~ Sergei's burns itch, good sign of healing.
“He's not letting anything get to him, except for the burns starting to itch more,” I understood what Dr. Stein had said, Col Remer was starting to get things lined up for Sergei once released out of hospital; it wasn't going to be long before my Russian brother would be moved from burn floor to rehab floor once they think that his leg is healed enough to start with rehab. I'm hoping it would be so he could be up and walking, I'm still planning to walk with him and going through museum and have good time. “It sounds like Sergei is having more good days than he is of bad days, that's very good to hear,” I looked over as Dr. Fox took off the cast off and x-rayed the leg, it looked like it was healed over enough for Sergei to start rehab and to be moved to that floor; I went to go called Nikita to tell him about what was going on regarding Sergei. He was overjoyed with the news that his brother was going to be moved to rehab floor to start with physical therapy to get worked with to where he can walk without any problems, I was happy about fact that Sergei was able to be off any pain medicince. “I think your new room is bigger than one you were in when you first got here,” and that room Sergei was moved to was bigger, Col. Remer was protecting my Russian family by setting up relay to get clothes to Sergei for bed and for his physical therapy. “Да я знаю, Юшка, хоть хорошо,” he was able to get onto his bed very carefully, I know that Slavlana was told that Sergei never wears shoes and it was always boots; she understood fact that my Russian Cossack brother is from Siberia. Talk about cold winters there and annual snowball fights, just don't get pelted with snowballs from his sister-in-law, Sarina; sometimes she will hide rocks in her snowballs.
“Я рад, что ты, наконец, скоро вернешься домой,” I knew he was excited about about finally being able to go home, first; Danieli wanted Sergei to be able to decompress after what had happened to him. I think that's good idea on Danieli's part, also it was in part that there was contract hit out on Sergei's life. “Юшка, ты знаешь, как только я вернусь из больницы, мы с тобой должны будем посетить музей,” I chuckle about that realizing he was right, tomorrow was when Slavlana would start working with Sergei on getting him up to walking; before he'd know it, he'd be back to running. So far, I'm happy to have my Russian brother; I know he chose to forgive instead of holding onto bitterness, so many people want him to hold onto bitterness instead of letting it go like way he was raised in Russian Orthodox church as boy growing up.
“Не с нетерпением жду физиотерапии, да ладно, это еще один шаг к исцелению,” it was time for me to go home to let Sergei to rest, it was good to see him moved to bigger room on rehab floor; I think in coming days we'll more of my Russian brother's sense of humor. I think that is what helped him most to heal was knowing his friends and family hadn't abandoned him and fact he still knows how to be funny.
~June 11, 2022~ First day of physical therapy.
“Okay, we'll get you up and dressed before we start with breakfast and therapy,” Sergei starts to move slowly, he was still tired from being moved from burn floor to rehab floor to begin his physical therapy; I know he wasn't looking forward to that physical therapy. It was to point were he was still healing from his burns, Slavlana was being firm but gentle with Sergei when working with him. “Больно вставать и просто двигаться,” I think Slavlana understood that and stopped to let Sergei rest; it will get easier as time passes, this was just his first day of physical therapy. It won't be long until my Russian brother would be up and walking, his physical therapy was going to be long process just so he can walk without trouble. “Только в первый день терапии со временем боль начнет уменьшаться, вы сможете ходить без боли или дискомфорта,” I knew that Slavlana would be good to Sergei as she would be working with him; every time it would start to hurt after being worked with, she'd stop and let him rest until he's ready to start again with therapy. I would say by next week, pain with Sergei's knees would be less by more he moves and works with Slavlana. “Сергей, я так рада, что у тебя начинают получаться физиотерапевтические процедуры,” once he was back to his room to rest, he was pleased that he had done well with his first day of physical therapy; he let out yawn being tired and he laid back to rest for little bit. I know Sergei will continue to work until he could walk without any problems, Slavlana left Sergei's room after he had fallen asleep after his first session of physical therapy for that day.
“How was his first day of physical therapy?” Dr. Stein wanted to know as he saw that my Russian brother was laying on bed asleep, it had been very full day for Sergei since being moved to rehab floor; Nikita wanted to come and spend some time with his brother for evening break. I know Col. Remer thought it was dangerous do that considering that there were still some people out that didn't want my Russian family here at all, it's people like that don't know what it's like to have to flee from only country they ever know and in middle of war and winter.
“He did fine, he stopped several times because it was starting to hurt,” it was good news to here as my Russian brother was sleeping, all of his therapy were in morning after breakfast; to further protect his knees, I know Slavlana had gotten some specific knee braces for him to wear until his knees heal. Dr. Stein was pleased with news and finished up with release papers to get Sergei to be released some time in July, that would be time for Col. Remer to get hotel room and pick Sergei up. “That's good to hear, I'm glad, I'm going to have him released on the 9th of July so he could be home with his family,” I was going to tell Danieli that plans for him to take Sergei to Georgia were on, my Russian brother was going to be released on July 9th; that meant he will have extra time to decompress and heal from what all had happened to him since March.
~June 12, 2022~ Second day of physical therapy.
“Now this is going to be a little different as far as physical therapy, seeing how this is Sunday,” Slavlana was using her day off to work with Sergei, there were still people that still call him inhuman monster; although that number is not a great as it was. Slavlana could see that my Russian brother isn't inhuman monster or trash or anything else, she had to confront man as she was walking into hospital to work with Sergei. “Typically this would be your day off,” Sergei was wondering why she was coming in on her day off, she had chess set and set it up knowing my Russian brother would play chess as someone who knows strategy; I have always known that he'd be very smart when it comes to chess and to using strategy. This man doesn't know what Sergei is really like as person, that man that was badgering Slavlana hadn't known what Sergei's full story was. “I thought you and I could spend some time together,” I knew they got to know each other after she had immigrated from Ukraine and Sergei had helped her and her son with finding place to live and for her to find work to go to school, that was pretty generous of Sergei to do that for Slavlana; it only proves that he's isn't some inhuman monster. It only also proves that he doesn't deal with Karens and male equivilant there, it was all that remained of those that still call Sergei inhuman monster and trash and other sorted names they could think of without realizing what it's doing.
“Since being here and being treated for burns, I have missed playing chess with Alexei,” Slavlana knew that was Sergei's brother-in-law, or at least one of his brothers-in-law; hehe, Так, Sergei and his brothers all have 7 brothers-in-law. It goes without question that he was ready to return home, oh; even I would like to have him home so he would have place to recouperate from his burns and from what those three teenagers did to him. “I don't expect those Karens will try again to redicule you again,” Slavlana knew that Sergei knew what she had meant by that; that's one more reason why he doesn't deal with such people, as I had said before, I really can't blame him. Well, to come to think of it; neither could Slavlana, she didn't like dealing with one mother when her son had to go through physical therapy after being injured seriously in car accident at fault of that kid's mother.
“Speaking such entitled idiots, I make it point not deal with people like that,” Slavlana liked how Sergei had thought of that, in fact; it was actually Nikita that came with that. I know he doesn't like to deal with entitled brats either, like one that tried to make off with his kubanka and wear it. “The kid I had to work with once was sorry for his mother, who kept yelling at me saying that I was hurting her child when I wasn't,” Sergei knew that there was kids that would be embarrassed of their parents behaving worse than toddler, there was one time that my Russian brother had to ask one Karen of how old she was and then ask her not to act like toddler; so it was understandable for Sergei with summer programs for both entitled kids and those from disadvantaged homes.
~June 13, 2022~ Third day of physical therapy for Sergei.
“What's next for physical therapy? I enjoyed yesterday,” honest question and Sergei really did enjoy time off from physical therapy, Slavlana was working with my Russian brother over on parallel bars to get him used to his new knees; he was feeling some pain and it wasn't so much that they had to stop. I knew what Slavlana was doing when she put knee braces on Sergei to further protect his knees, these were kind that were allowed to bend with knees and she made sure that they were comfortable. “Okay, we're ready to start up with trying to get you used to the new knees,” I think Sergei understood what Slavlana said as she carefully helped him up, this was good start on road to return; I'm hoping better than before he was burned and treated like trash. Everyone knows that is wrong and should never be allowed, well; it still happens in parts of this world and it's starting here right now. “Getting up was easy part, hard part is getting moving,” Slavlana giggled at that and started to help Sergei to start into working on walking, what was amazing on therapy floor as there was double amputee cheering for my Russian brother; not caring one bit that Sergei is Russian. It was good to see that my Russian brother is back to wearing his kubanka, well; I'm happy to say that Legendary bear is going to back if he keeps this progress.
“It seems you have someone cheering you on,” Sergei didn't see who it was that was, it was friend of Peter's that was cheering for him; another physical therapist was pleased with how my Russian brother was making great progress trying to walk. It was hard for Sergei to move, but he kept trying to walk with Slavlana gently coaxing him to keep trying. “Is it starting to hurt?” Slavlana knew Sergei was starting to tire from pain and it was almost time to stop, he told her that it only hurt just little bit and not whole lot; she let my Russian brother give it one last try before stopping for day. It was known that Sergei's gait had changed since being burned that March, after that last try; Sergei was allowed to go back to his room to rest and those braces were his.
“I'll let you rest for today and we'll try again in a couple days,” Slavlana had said after getting Sergei back into his room, I think it was for tomorrow that they were going to try hydrotherapy to try to loosen up his knees at least little bit; I know that would help Sergei out great deal. I asked Slavlana if swimming would be good for Sergei, she said it would be good; especially during the summer season when it gets hot.
~June 14, 2022~ Welcomed Hydrotherapy.
“We're going try a little bit of hydrotherapy to see if we can loosen up the knees,” Sergei was helped to get ready, Slavlana was in decent swimmwear to start working with my Russian brother in pool start with therapy there; Muslim woman saw Sergei's burn scars and thought they were self-inflected. I know what really happened to Sergei, I witnessed three teenagers pour petrol over him and then lighting him on fire; she hadn't seen what I had and fact she doesn't know what Sergei has been through already, now he's going through physical therapy to get used to having both knees replaced because of damage done. “I suppose you can say it's self-inflected just so he could get sympathy,” just glare she got from my Russian brother, I know what he's going to say; I also know fact he'd be right. There is so much about Sergei that he doesn't really want to talk about and keep to himself, I know there is some things that he will talk about; especially of how he and his family had to flee from Russia.
“Замолчи! Ты меня не знаешь, ты не знаешь, что я пережил с самого начала дурацкого вторжения в дом моего украинского брата, ты ничего не знаешь, кроме херни и того, что ты мусорный мешок,” there was applause from Slavlana and myself, I knew it was matter of time before Sergei would snap; and to him, it felt like weight off his shoulders that had been on him since beginning of invasion of Ukraine. As I had known it, Sergei was right when he just snapped; Slavlana knew that when my Russian brother snapped, she knew that was Sergei she met as new immigrant from Ukraine. “But--” that same glare came back as he looked at this woman, Slavlana wanted to get therapy started; I know Sergei didn't want mess around with that walking trash bag. I know what was coming next from when he snapped, that Muslim woman had really provoked wrong bear. “Никаких но, за исключением того, что ты убираешься отсюда до того, как тебя выгонит охрана,” that Muslim woman ran away in tears after what my Russian brother had done, he had enough of what she said and stopped it; Slavlana managed to get Sergei into pool to start hydrotherapy for day. I was glad that Sergei showed his bear side and that reason why you don't want to mess with him, Так; I need to get him that sign that I had once seen in store. “Sergei, I bet you feel better after that,” just to hear that chuckle out of him, I know it did make him feel so much better to snap like that; Slavlana was doing great with Sergei to get him to work against water's resistance. I could see that he was doing good job trying to work against water, after few times; it was time for Sergei to stop and to dry off and to relax for little bit after therapy.
“It did, I got tired of it after fact she doesn't know what I had been through,” Kyoki told me what she thought of their religion, so I had to ask her once; and her response made me laugh. And Sergei had picked up on it and called it for what it really is, this is coming from someone who is expert at riding horses.
~June 15, 2022~ Time for a good rest.
“I think it's a good time we let you rest so you don't overdo on the physical therapy, Sergei,” Slavlana knew that Sergei was trying his best to walk, it had been it has been hard on my Russian brother; that Muslim woman didn't help matters yesterday when he was trying to work with Slavlana on his physical therapy. What she said finally made him snap with being frustrated with her and with himself, he really didn't need all what she was saying of those burn scars; and both Slavlana and I knew it. “Does it have to do with what happened yesterday morning?” It was honest question as he looked at Slavlana, I think part of it had to deal with what that Muslim woman did to cause Sergei to snap; I also think she brought it on herself for trying to get Sergei kicked out. He's patient at this hospital and not her, I had bad feeling that she may had made complaint against Sergei.
“Apart of it is because of that, it also has to deal that you still have some more surgeries to go,” the next surgeries were more cosmetic and not actually to work on any joints, I knew that Sergei had understood that when plastic surgeon came to see what he could do when he was taken to one of those exam rooms; Dr. Wolff took a looked at Sergei's burn scars and noticed that 3rd degree burns had minimal scarring from skin graphs it was other scars he was going to work on so my Russian brother can be comfortable taking his shirt off. It was today that Dr. Wolff started to work on restoring skin to Sergei's chest and enhanced around chest also; once finished with Sergei's surgery, my Russian brother was allowed to rest in his room to give time for medicines to wear off. “It went well, we didn't have any problems, I would think in a couple of days he can resume his physical therapy with Slavlana,” once awake, Sergei's stomach was upset again; Slavlana got some ginger ale for Sergei to help with upset stomach. I have to praise Dr. Wolff's decision on to helping Sergei; that heiress that we met few weeks back was going to pay for that also, it was nice to hear that there are some people that are decent. “Теперь я не чувствую себя подсознательно, когда снимаю рубашки,” Slavlana had set out Sergei's book for him if he wanted to read for little bit; my Russian brother picked up his book and laid on his side and started to read when another Muslim walked in, it turned out that this was that Muslim woman's husband. I figured as much that Sergei was not wanting any trouble, it turned out that I was right when these Marines came and had to physically picked the man and carried him off leaving Sergei laughing because it reminded him of two of his brothers-in-law.
“Теперь я не ожидал, что это произойдет,” those Marines return to salute Sergei, he didn't have to wonder why they were saluting him; he knew why they were saluting him. Peter had told them that my Russian brother is Legendary Bear and fact that he had been going through very rough patch, earning respect from United States Marine Corps wasn't that easy of thing to accomplish and Sergei had managed to do just that.
Sergei is one more step to going home, this is the end of his 9th 11th days in the hospital; what surprised him the most was the fact he ended up earning the respect of the Marines. A respected Russian Cossack going through a very rough patch after he was seriously burned after being lit on fire ends up gainning respect in the unlikely of places, it was a big surprise for him to have these young Marines saluting him. He's still has a lot to go with physical therapy, and those Marines will be back to cheer Sergei and Yushka still telling the story. As I have said repeatedly, this is a fictional story and the characters are still fictional; there still a good lesson here to be learned. I'll have more to come for Sergei and Yushka, and Sergei isn't the one that's going to be killed and neither will Yushka; there is going to be a twist in the story.
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friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 8: Petitions
Sergei's Plight
By Charmed Wolf
Here is the 8th 11 days that Sergei had been in the hospital since March 9th after being so horrifically burned by the hatred of three teenagers, he finds it that none of his family or his friends had once even abandoned him. His new friends had started to petition for Sergei and his family to be allowed to stay on Castra Praetoria for good; they knew that their petitions would fall on deaf ears, Yushka knows why the petitions had fallen on deaf ears. And he has said it repeatedly, where he gets love and attention just because he's Ukrainian is where Sergei gets nothing but hatred and malice and treated like garbage just because he's Russian. Sergei's friends know that it's wrong to treat someone like that, this heiress deep now knows that everyone needs compassion; to be loved despite where they are from. Sergei is originally from Russia and had nothing to do with Russia's agression against Ukraine, and the one that knows it the most is Yushka. This is still a fictional story to show that Anti-Russianism still wrong; even the characters in this story is still fictional, Yushka still cherishes his Russian brother.
~May 25, 2022~ Talk of petitions and actions.
“I hate it when people don't listen to what's being said, I thought it was because, I'm Asian-American,” I just shook my head, I knew truth of what's going on regarding Sergei; De'shaun was feeling same way while we talked. Miguel and Kennedy came to join us after they tried to get people to sign their petition, they were just so discouraged when so many people were just walking by without so much as thought. “That's not it, people just don't care or they care for wrong reason, it's hate for Sergei that clouds their judgement, blinds them and deafens them,” Peter and De'shaun knew I was right when I said that it was hatred for Sergei that clouds judgement; blinds them so they can't see deep down and deafens them just where they can't here truth anymore, it bothers people whenever truth is being told. Recently, I had told Karen that I would rather trust Sergei over someone like her; she didn't like it when I said in ear shot of my Russian brother, it shows that I still cherish and trust Sergei. “I take it you told Ms. Bad attitude off,” I chuckled at what my Irish friend said, I had gotten such charge out of that; I saw that cleaning on Castra Praetoria was underway by Danieli as Kennedy came over to help so many times. I hoped that Sergei could play music once more once home, only time would tell if he wants to or not.
“Hey, Yushka, what do you wish most when Sergei returns home?” I thought about that for quite some time before answering, everyone knows that Sergei is very talented when it came to music; after I came from Ukraine, he actually played Hopak and I realized that it was his way of welcoming us to Castra Praetoria when we got there. At dinner, they share different dishes for verity, it was then that Sergei would bring out his accordion.
“My greatest wish that I wish most is to see Sergei back to playing his accordions, that's what I miss when he's not at Castra Praetoria,” De'shaun had never heard some Russian folk music before, I know Sergei had promised his friends that he would play his Bayan for them; my Russian brother will make do on his promise to play for them. I know which songs that he would like to do for his friends; one of songs is one that his cousins would use their shashka in Cossack sabre dance plus one more.
~May 26, 2022~ More Rainy days.
“I don't know how much more I can take of people not caring about Sergei, I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse for him,” I had to agree because this kind of hatred isn't really fair to my Russian brother or to his family when they had nothing to do with Russia's Agression against Ukraine, I don't know if it would make difference if were Ukraine was one being aggressive against Russia and seeing Russian civilians flee and Russian troops fight their hardest for their country; since reality is Russia is aggressive toward Ukraine and fact remains that people deep down hate Sergei and his entire family for stupid reason. I have been trying to help his friends with their petitions for people to leave Sergei and his family alone, and not one was listening to me when I tell them truth about Sergei and his family; just fact they had been living here legally under protection of their Roman friends.
“I try telling people what I saw when three teenagers grabbed him from behind and dragged him to alcove and one of those teenagers had knocked his papakha off making Sergei mad,” I knew I didn't have to tell rest of details of what happened March 9th because they already knew what three teenagers had done to their Russian friend, Miguel hated it because now he knows that much of scars of Sergei's life is erased; Kennedy did to.
I know Sergei's friends wanted to make those three teenagers see what they had caused, with every action is fact that there will be reactions; that is way things are and that can't be changed. “So with their actions, they caused this where Sergei used to be well respected and now hated,” De'shaun figured it out when he knew that every action has equal reaction; I know Sergei didn't expect to be burned way he did that night, that will be forever ingrained into his memory of what hatred did to him. I really hope there could be someone that my Russian brother could talk to stop the nightmares of what happened to him that night, not one vulenteered for to be counsel for my Russian brother, that really doesn't sit right with me or his friends.
~May 27, 2022~ People seem more distant toward Sergei.
“Man, it's like people seeing Sergei without value, I know for a fact he does have value, this is getting old fast,” I knew of De'shaun's frustration for this whole situation that my Russian brother was so unfairly put into by what happened to him, I polled good number of people on what they think of Sergei; heartbreakingly, only 5% of that number I polled actually felt bad for my Russian brother. That wasn't whole lot of people that wished that burning incident hadn't happened, I know Sergei's friends agreed with that 5%. “What did the majority say when you polled them?” It was honest question by Kennedy, nothing can prepare anyone for answer so bad; when I had heard their answers, I thought I was going to cry or be furious. Majority of people I had polled don't know what Sergei has seen, he has see Red Army commit most grievous of autroucities; it doesn't make any difference because he knows that Russian troops are committing same grievous of autroucities and people think that my Russian brother has something to do with that. “They ones being fools, they think Sergei has something to do with autroucities that Russian troops are committing, that is further from truth of what is really going on,” I knew what truth held and it wasn't pretty, Miguel got idea of what I was say; basically, it was Russians killing Russians and Sergei knew that it would happen. Before Sergei got horrifically burned, he and I had talk about what was on his mind about what was going on in Ukraine, he thought it was like WWII all over again seeing those same autroucities being commited by those Russian troops; I know he has too much honor to do that.
“It's apart of why Sergei felt so terrible about this war and knowing that same autroucities that were committed then are being committed now making that much more worse,” That was what was making this so tragic about my Russian brother, majority of people I had polled also thought that Sergei and his entire family should deported back to Russia; if that were to happen and it almost did, my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks and I will go back to Ukraine with our families to rebuild, it's simple as that. Sergei and his family mean so much to his friends and to his adopted family, and that is including me; I never had any contempt or malice for my Russian family; and I won't start now because I don't want to start with that because I see past his scars and see his beauty.
“Sheesh, people are idiots when they can't see the truth right in front of them, it's like they want something to itch their ears,” Peter was right when he just put it out there, his friends can see right past Sergei's scars to his soul; they try to help piece the shattered pieces of his life back together. People redicule them for it calling Sergei all sorts of names that don't define who he is, I know my Russian brother and I know he's in most vulnerable spot that he doesn't need to be in with him recovering from burns from when three teenagers had lit him on fire. “And you're right about that, they won't see past Sergei's scars or hear his cry for help,” it was most sad to know that when you go talk to my Russian brother; it's those crys that get ignored by those who hate him so much, Tomorrow, Danieli and I will go to talk to Sergei. I know emotional pain he's in and he really didn't want to be there, yet; he is in that vulnerable spot because of being burned, I think he made up his mind to forgive.
~May 28, 2022~ Sergei chooses to forgive.
“Had he told you anything about what happened prior to being burned?” I know what Danieli was asking about when last time Sergei and I had talked, I told him prior to being horrifically burned; he had his accordion stolen and sold it. I knew that Danieli was thinking of what to do for Sergei, my Russian brother needs to have time away from all pain that he's going through. “Why would someone want to steal an accordion and then sell it?” that was especially when that accordion wasn't belonging to whoever bought it, they should have checked whose initials was on that accordion in first place; Danieli was going try getting Sergei's accordion back for him whatever it took to do so. I told him that if he couldn't get that instrument back, it was going to be okay to replace it for him and it was understood. “I caught wind of what was going on, Yushka,” I knew he knew I had been trying to help his friends to get people to see Sergei, he didn't know that Danieli was going to do that for him; well, I know Danieli wasn't going to have any luck finding it. He was going to call his father, he was going to replace.
“I polled people on street what they thought of you, only 5% of that actually felt bad for you,” he knew that wasn't very big number of people, and it's just fraction of those who really thought that Sergei had got caught in middle of this war in Ukraine; I know my Russian brother felt terrible about whole war from very beginning of this invasion. He made his decision to help my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks and our dear families out of Ukraine to him and his family, then he and his family used compassion on those refugees by sending them water; only humans can do what Sergei did proving people that disappove of him and his family wrong. “People don't have any clue what I have seen long before any of them were even born, they don't know what it's like to see Red Army commit grievous autroucities, they haven't walked mile in my boots,” I knew he was right, people think that they know Sergei haven't seen what was committed by Red Army and now Russian troops; burning Sergei just because he's Russian and thinking he had something to do with those autroucities that Russian troops are committing right now when he doesn't is just plain wrong. There were some consequences that went with what happened to Sergei, people have forgotten that three teenagers were severely punished.
“You're right, Sergei, they haven't walked a mile in your boots and seen the things you seen, they don't know you,” Danieli and I had to agree with Sergei on what he said, Sergei said truth worth more than any diamonds; too bad people these days don't even value any shread of honesty anymore. To put it honestly, this is coming from one man who had his world shatter, and having things stolen from him shattered him even more.
~May 29, 2022~ Sergei's tribute for the fallen.
“I seen families of fallen services members drop food off for your family,” it seemed that those that had lost loved ones in line of duty stepped up and started to take care of my Russian family, they know that their family members didn't fought and died for people act like idiots to make other families homeless because they happen to be Russian and there was war on in Ukraine; I know compassion was there and those families realize that Sergei's family needs home too. I'm not only one that is wanting home, I know Sergei and his family wanting their home back. “I had taken pictures of those that have fallen in line of duty that you had drawn, it was placed with appropriate music,” I knew this was Sergei's tribute to those that had served and fallen in their service, it was since it was going to be America's Memorial Day holiday tomorrow; it was my Russian brother's way to say that their sacrifice was appreciated for freedom. Back in his native Russia, he wouldn't have such freedom like people do here; people take that for granted when you have people coming over from countries with opressive regimes or are war torn, like Ukraine. “I wish people would awake up to see what Socialism can do if not already is doing to their country with that idiot in White House,” I know he wished that he and his family could have moved when they had chance to do so; since what happened with Putin lying to them and then invasion of Ukraine, it all lead up to Sergei getting trash dumped on him and then horrifically burned like he was. Out of that 5%, it's those people that know better than to be hating Sergei and his family for nothing; they know that my Russian brother didn't deserve what happened to him when he had nothing to do with Invasion of Ukraine.
“Будет ли это иметь значение, если я поменяюсь ролями и буду заботиться о тебе с таким же состраданием?” It was good question that I had wondered about my self, I don't know it would make one bit of difference if it were alternative reality; it would still remain same as people are still jerks. I'm thinking Sergei realizes this after all what happened with him, Dr Stein had been trying to get protective sleeves for Sergei's arms and legs because being little bit sensitive; just not as sensitive as his right side and his back. “Не знаю, если честно, Сергей, если бы это была альтернативная реальность, люди все равно были бы придурками,” it seemed that he understood of what was being talked about; I knew he was tired of being treated like trash, I was asked why I was visiting Sergei when they say he's nothing more than just trash or refuse. I know better than to believe the lies that are coming from their mouths, I know my Russian brother isn't trash.
“Тогда правда суровая реальность,” this was coming from someone who just had his whole world just shatter to pieces, he's trying to put his life back together without much luck; what he's trying to do isn't helping. Even I'm trying to help him piece back his life, I do know now that he knows what's it's like to be broken beyond any repair. “У вас все еще есть семья, которая поможет вам исцелиться, ваши друзья отказываются бросить вас,” he knows that I'm right and had said that I am family, he knows that he means more to me now since he was badly burned; I know for fact that he's one broken man since that burning incident leaving emotional scars as well as physical scars. Treatments for those burns don't hurt him now as they did in beginning of this whole ordeal, I forgot to mention one thing about these nurses; they were all from Ukraine and running on compassion for Sergei because they didn't want to pity him since they felt bad.
~May 30, 2022~ Memorial Day.
“Hey, Peter, did you see Sergei's tribute?” I know Sergei's friends had seen that tribute, because they each all had lost friends during battles; they thought seeing their friends honor showed them that Sergei has so much honor. If only people could see that about my Russian brother; I know 5% do know that of him. “Yeah, I seen it and couldn't stop bawling,” Peter knew that Sergei had enough sense to know what Memorial Day was really about; it was about honoring those who made ultimate sacrifice in defence of America, he wanted them to be recognized be for that. Only idiots would forget that Memorial Day means to honor fallen heroes, food comes second on holiday like this; at least they should recognize because of that sacrifice that they can enjoy cookouts and picnics, they take their freedom for granted. “De'shaun, did you see the end of the tribute in bold Russian? He said thank you to the fallen brethern for the freedom,” Kennedy knew that only someone like Sergei would appreciate what freedom is after escaping Soviet Russia long time ago, now Soviet Russia was one place that even truth could cost lives; that's apart of Sergei's story of how he and his family came to Castra Praetoria to escape Stalin. Majority of people would refuse to hear that if Sergei would tell them his story, they would think he would be lying about having to escape; even if I would verify his story knowing his escape was how he lost family.
“Yushka became Sergei's Ukrainian brother and we became his best friends, he honors us just by spending time with us,” Miguel was right when it came to Sergei, they had been trying to petition people to see truth about their friend; I knew they were getting frustrated with it that no one wanted to even hear truth. As I have said before with this story, Sergei and his family had to escape Soviet Russia because of Stalin since he knew truth about Stalin; that was hard on Sergei and his family to go through that during winter no less.
“I would think that people would have blinders on that they can't see past the end of their noses and past the scars that some people have, some physical and some emotional,” Peter was right and very profound with what he said, Sergei has have told his friends about his story and about some of the scars that he had; since being burned as horrifically as he was, those scars were erased and by something far more painful. His world in shattered pieces and then those pieces shattered to even more pieces, I don't know how much more he's going to take before it starts to become too much for Sergei after what he had been through all ready.
~May 31, 2022~ Could the pieces be pieced back together?
“Danieli had talked to his parents to letting you stay with them for 2 weeks, just to let you heal from what had happened to you,” I thought that was nice considering that things like being burned was what Sergei didn't deserve, then theft and having trash dumped on him was completely uncalled for; my Russian brother didn't deserve being treated like trash just because my native country is being invaded by Russia. That doesn't mean that Sergei or anyone of his family is aggressive and ready for fight, they do more to keep peace like peace keepers while they live on Castra Praetoria; they also teach at Roman school when in session and summer programs that should come into play or start up now that school is no longer in session. “Сергей, кому ты доверишь учить, когда мы вернемся в Кастра Преторию?” I knew that Sergei trusted Luka with filling in for him, Nikita knew something was wrong when his younger brother had suggested Luka; I didn't have remind Nikita about the contract hit on Sergei's life. I knew he already had know about that, I'm hoping it doesn't happen because I afraid of looking anyone of my Russian family. “Братишка, почему Лука?” Sergei looked at his older brother with that one look on his face, I had bad feeling that Nikita might be burying his younger brother; it was those nightmares again. It was making me upset that I might be losing Sergei, we already been through this before and none of us need to go through it again, not now and certainly not ever again.
“Никита, он знает, что происходит, он знает, чему учат,” it goes without question that Sergei knows Luka pretty well, I know for fact that move back to Castra Praetoria hasn't started yet; there are those that are trying to fight that resolution to keep Sergei and his entire family off Castra Praetoria. I know those people are fighting it won't succeed to getting it reversed; not even idiot in White House can't even fight it, my Russian family was taken off Castra Praetoria illegally because it's Roman property and they had every right to be there and to live there. “Ладно, ладно, я скажу Луке, что он заменит тебя, пока тебе не станет лучше,” I don't know if pieces of Sergei's shattered world could be pieced back together after those pieces were made into even smaller pieces, I know I can trust Luka like I do Sergei right now; with everything that had happened to Sergei this year because of invasion of Ukraine has been very hard on him. I think with what Danieli is planning to do for my Russian brother, Sergei needs some time to decompress after some corrective surgeries to correct his burns.
“Yushka, what does Danieli has in mind for Sergei?” I knew that Nikita was curious as we left room to go get something to drink and talk, all what was missing now was big samovar full of tea to make it complete; oh well, we talk anyway. I know that Dr. Stein had gotten some protective sleeves for Sergei to wear when he needs to, just so he could protect his skin for few months. “Oh, Danieli is going to take Sergei with him after correction surgeries to let Sergei decompress and to relax,” Nikita nodded after taking sip of his tea, both he and I prefer our tea to be hot rather than iced; Nikita liked that idea of letting Sergei to decompress with Danieli and his family.
~June 1, 2022~ First day of June.
“I have never been so disgusted in my life to see such display of depravity,” Both Nikita and I were both disgusted with how depraved people were acting, it was really sick and not in good way; celebrating pride like that leads to all sorts of consequences here and in eternity. We were just glad that Sergei didn't see what we just did, children should never be taught how to act like that or to be exposed to such depravity and vile behavior what so ever. “I have to agree with you there, Nikita, I know you and your entire family were raised to know better than that,” now had Leonid been able to live and escape with his family, he would have had some choice words with current adminisration and few choice names; still, this is just reality as we know it. Nikita is glad that his papa doesn't have see such deprave behavior, it's nothing worth celebrating because of forementioned consequences.
“Now I would have to change my tunic just after seeing that, no one should ever act that deprave and yet they do here,” I knew what he was saying as we made our way up to Sergei's room, I know there was some people of questionable behavior were going to try to visit Sergei, Nikita was smart and requested that only friends and family would allowed to visit. Those of that disgusting lifestyle will be in for rude awakening when they try to visit Sergei, they should have not to entangle themselves with Russian Cossacks; especially on with moniker of Legendary Bear, and I'm not talking about teddy bears, I'm talking of big grizzly bears. “Sergei, I brought your book for you that you wanted to read,” Sergei looked to see his older brother and I at doorway, it was same book that Sergei had other day when that idiot say to effect of why read book when one could go see movie; but thing is there isn't any movie by book's title. So joke is on that idiot if he tries to look it up, I could tell Nikita and Sergei were proud of that book; I know why for fact that author of that book was their papa. “I hear those kind of people we saw,” just the look on Sergei's face said it all, just that lifestyle was pretty insulting to Sergei; now whenever they saw Nikita kiss his brother, they think that my Russian brothers aren't brothers, but lovers. That's further from truth about Nikita and Sergei, truth being is fact they are in fact really brothers in little sense.
“Не беспокойся о таких людях, братишка, им сюда нельзя,” when those men heard Nikita say it in his native Russian, they got to the door to enter when Luka stepped in front of door; they don't realize that Luka and Sergei are very close. They just don't see what Luka would do to them when they see his twin shashka at his hip and on his back, yes, you don't mess with Siberian Cossacks; and you certainly don't burn one.
~June 2, 2022~ To check the leg.
“We're going to x-ray the leg to see how it's doing, I really don't want you on it very much though because it's still healing,” Sergei nodded seeing how he understood what doctor was saying, I know my Russian brother has not been on his leg all that much; just long enough just to go use bathroom. I know Sergei is one that just doesn't like to lay around, especially when it comes to his back and his right side. Sergei knows with in few days Dr. Stein was going to move him to private room out of burn unit, it was going to be in July that Sergei would be released to go home. “Вы ждете выписки из больницы?” I knew that he ready to see his family, he wasn't looking forward to correction surgeries to help correct some of those burn scars; still, it needs to be done so he would be able to walk bit more freely instead of being stiff. I would think keeping skin soft and protected would might help with that as what Dr. Stein has said, I'm looking forward to seeing Sergei home with his family.
“There is also the trip to Georgia he would be looking forward to,” Danieli was right because his parents agreed to let Sergei stay since he would come in peace; he just needed a place to decompress from all what had happened to him, anyway, with that out of the way. The doctor takes an x-ray of Sergei's leg after getting cast off for that x-ray, bone was actually healing very nicely and knitting well considering that it was clean break and easy to fix. “We'll put a clean cast on the leg and let you rest in your room,” once new cast was put onto Sergei's leg, he was taken back to his room to rest for bit; he still didn't want anyone of deprave lifestyle to bother him. My Russian brother was trying to rest when someone from that deprave lifestyle did just that, it wasn't pretty.
“Твой выбор образа жизни возмутительно отвратителен, я не знаю, как ты можешь так жить и пихать свой образ жизни в глотку тем, кто не хочет этого видеть,” Luka didn't want any unwanted stress to his older cousin, speaking in Russian easier on my Russian family than speaking in English; it confuses people of deprave lifestyle and they don't care. I can understand what Luka was saying, he called them deprave to their faces, he can be fierce when he needs to be; these home wreckers didn't know that Luka being protective of his older cousin to stop any unwanted stress and just to use chance to confuse them to without end.
~June 3, 2022~ Moving Day.
“Ah! What wonderful day this turns out to be,” Nikita was in very good mood about today; it was moving day for them, my Russian family was coming home to Castra Praetoria. This means that Sergei is going to have his home when he returns from Georgia, I was happy to have my Russian family back right where they belong at Castra Praetoria. “Ryunosuke was sure pleased when he saw trucks to see your things,” I was helping to put their things back where they go, Alyona was happy to be home and couldn't wait to have Sergei home. “Чтобы завершить это, Сергей, как только он вернется домой, это будет хороший день,” and Alyona was right and we all agreed to it, Nikita was going to go up to hospital to talk to Sergei; hopefully, he could have some good pirozhki once home. I know Sergei would be in good mood once he is told that his family has returned to Castra Praetoria and right where they belong, enough with this pain of being treated like trash; it's causing Sergei unwanted stress, people were also just pushing him and his family away where they had once been welcomed and respected. I don't know if Sergei will get the respect back, I would like to see that happen that he would get that respect that he once had back; only time will tell if that would happen or not.
“Сергей, наконец-то мы дома, значит, когда ты вернешься из Грузии, ты вернешься домой,” I know there was smile to Sergei's lips, he was happy to finally be home; I had hunch that these people of deprave lifestyle was going to offer Sergei and his brother place to stay or to live. I don't think they seen wedding bands on their left ring finger, Nikita is married to Sarina while Sergei was married to Alyona and Anton had married Anna with having seven brothers-in-law. “Действительно? Когда ты вернулся?” Nikita just had biggest grin on his face, they did just had moved back just right then; now when I saw those trucks, I wondered who was moving in until I saw Nikita. My Russian family is home to stay, hopefully this time it's for good.
“Это было только что, Серёжа,” Nikita and Sergei just put their foreheads together like they always do to show these deprave people that they are brothers and not lovers; I guess I can say what they were thinking was out of pit of hell, Nikita kissed his brother on his temple to further say it. I knew that they are brothers from very beginning from when I had first met them, that was that see of friendship that not even war can sever.
~June 4, 2022~ The start of emotional healing for Sergei.
“I'm hoping that this would be the start of healing for Sergei, he's been through a lot since March 9th when he was first burned,” De'shaun was trying to get people to see for once that Sergei isn't bad as what they say he is deep down, he does have boundaries that have to be aheard to in order to keep people safe; my Russian brother had learned early in his childhood to set boundaries that should never be crossed. He told me that his papa had taught him and his brothers what honor meant to all Cossacks, from Zaporozhia along Dnieper to Far East end of Russia all hold honor; that made me proud to be Zaporozhian Cossack, that's apart of my reason why I call Sergei my Russian brother and fact he and I both smart asses, that is what makes it fun. “Yeah, he doesn't need anymore pain like he already had, I'll be happy when he's out of the hospital,” Kennedy had said and I know everyone had agreed with it, I could already tell that Sergei's skin had already had been starting to scar as he was starting to heal from being burned by three teenagers almost 3 months ago; people thought that those teenagers were doing me such favor, that was further from truth that I'm actually happier with my Russian family.
“Dr. Stein said that he was going to start on some of the correction surgeries to get those out of the way before Sergei could be released to go home,” Danieli had been talking to doctor about what was going to happen during these surgeries, I know what I'm going to do for Sergei to help heal him after all what happened and what he had been through; and what I what I had in mind involved going to museum for time as brothers to look at works of art and statues and get lunch out. Nikita thought that was good idea to show people that Sergei isn't some inhuman monster, most times when they say that about my Russian brother indirectly like that; it turns that those people are ones that are real inhuman monsters and not Sergei, also it's out of ignorance of not knowing him.
“Sergei, we'd be glad to see you back at the support group, you're always welcome,” that was rather good to here that Peter wanted Sergei to be able to return to support group; those Karens are like flies trying to disrupt lives and make it all about themselves and not anyone else, Sergei is smart not want to deal with them for any reason. They are kind of people that had been calling my Russian brother inhuman monster when they are inhuman monsters, I know for once Sergei told me one funny story of when he told Antony that it wasn't his job to deal with big babies; his words of how he actually said it. “Спасибо, Питер, я ценю это,” I know for fact that Sergei's friends will one day become apart of his family; there were times that they have stuck up for each other and now for Sergei, he would do same thing for them in hearbeat. I know he does it for his family, it wouldn't be any different if he did it for any of his friends; they stood by him when he was going through pain like this.
Here you have it, Sergei is almost done with his burn treatments; he's going to be going home soon to be with his family. The next 11 days are up next for Sergei while he's in the hospital; he had a lot of ups and downs throughout his stay in the hospital. What will be next is anyone's guess of how this will end, Yushka is glad to have his Russian family back; and he does care about them as much as they do him. I suppose you can chalk it up to respect between Zaporozhian Cossacks and Siberian Cossacks, Yushka is telling the story trying to point out that with the war in Ukraine going on; there is another problem of Anti-Russianism. I don't know if that's going on right now or not, that's why I'm trying to write this story from Yushka's point of view to point out what happened to Sergei from having trash dumped on him and being treated like trash to being lit on fire and burned. The burns have been healing, it's the emotional scars that will take the most time to heal for Sergei. When reading this story through someone who was brought out of a war torn country brings a point of view of seeing his Russian brother get treated like trash just because of the war in Ukraine; it when as so far as Sergei having gasoline poured on him and then lit on fire, that was Yushka's biggest regret of not being able to do anything to help his friend. Keep in mind this is a fictional story and the characters are fictional; it's just to illustrate what could happen.
0 notes
friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 7: Frustrations
Sergei's Plight
By Charmed Wolf
Here's the next 11 days of Sergei's stay in the hospital, he knows that there is one sovereign that was doing what he could to help to get Sergei and his family back to where they belong. Sergei still has some weeks to go before being released, he knows that the community that he once known don't even want anything to do with him or his family; it wears on him and it gets frustrating to see it happen by Yushka. Antony knew that this was going to be an up hill battle to get Sergei and his family back to their home; this story is purely fictional to show what can happen to people who are Russian and not have anything to do with Russia's agression to Ukraine. So are the characters as Sergei or Yushka, Sergei is Russian and he's the one that's being hated because of him being Russian; Yushka is Ukrainian and he admits where he gets love where Sergei gets nothing but hatred for something that he had nothing to with in Ukraine.
~May 14, 2022~ Nothing but frustration.
“I didn't know that there are so many assholes in Congress that won't listen,” putting the tea cup down after sipping from it, Octavian nods letting out bit of frustration; I knew he knew that were those that had their heads so far up their asses to point where they could taste their own shit. I was going to go with Antony's brother-in-law to Washington to see if I could them to see what is really going with Sergei and his family, they can't stay in that shelter for more than month or they would literally be out on streets. “I'll warn you right now, I will get love just because I'm Ukrainian where Sergei gets nothing but hatred and contempt because he's Russian,” I suspected that Octavian knew it, and it turned out that I had been right; he did know it as did Antony that I'd admit that my Russian brother gets nothing but hatred where I get loved on. Sergei had just accepted it that not single one person will talk to him or his family; to me at this point, it's not right to do that anyone at all. “I can go directly over the heads of the White House and go to the United Nations if I have to get Sergei and his entire family home,” it wasn't idle threat that Octavian had made, it was promise that he was going to keep; Sergei and his family have always been apart of mine and nothing can change that. Despite I happen to be Ukrainian, I can always treat my Russian brother's family like way I treat my own family.
“Well, when do we go? There is so much that those pin heads are missing,” I was asking and Octavian was getting ready to go, I wouldn't be hear hadn't Sergei been true to his word; it's because of that trustworthy attitude that my Russian brother had shown that all of Zaporozhian Cossacks out with our families. It was something I appreciated once we got to Castra Praetoria, I told Sergei how much I had appreciated him and his family; and he knew it from when we had embraced as brothers in front of those hyenas.
“Yushka, do you have everything?” I had notes of what needed to be addressed to get Sergei and his entire family home, Castra Praetoria had been too quiet; I miss sharing some pastries with my Russian brother and I hate it. I followed Octavian as we were going to make one stop to hospital to talk to Sergei, I knew he should know what we were doing for him and his family. “Спасибо, Октавиан и Юшка, не знаю, чем я вам отплачу,” I just shake my head going to go kiss his temple way family does, I know for fact that he more than paid me back for everything I could do for him; especially when he had broken jaw and really couldn't speak or eat. I took over some of his chores and help mend broken fence where Sergei's horse had broken it, everything Sergei would do I would do for him while he was recouperating from some terrible injuries from being beaten in Nikita's place.
~May 15, 2022~ Washington, what a corrupt place.
“First day in the most corrupt place,” I knew that Moscow wouldn't be much better considering that Putin was still in power, one really have to wonder what he was thinking when he launched that invasion that devestated much of Ukraine; it also leaves Sergei with scars of what hatred of three teenager had done to him of emotional and physical. He had accepted this situation as new normal for him that there isn't any one that is willing to talk him or anyone of his family, that even makes me angry when I defend who Sergei Leonidovich Brevsky really is.
“You know, Octavian, it doesn't really surprise me why stupid people vote in even more stupid people to their Congress,” young sovereign knew exactly what I had meant, people really are pretty stupid and really uninformed when voting; it's same in any country if I were to be asked.
Octavian didn't like having to deal with joint session of Congress, I thought it was funny when he called them bunch of baboons for way they act. “You know, Yushka, I have seen baboons behave better than this at a zoo or on the Serengetti,” I knew what he was meaning seeing how those hyenas act, and that was especially at that time we Zaporozhian Cossacks came to Castra Praetoria; I told Danieli not to let those Karens to deal with Sergei until we get back and hopefully with good news that Sergei and his entire family has their home back. I know Danieli is Georgian Cossack and very capable of handling these hyenas, I know it's insulting those actual hyenas considering that they behave better than these Karens do on any given day; it makes you facepalm.
~May 16, 2022~ Time for change of strategy.
“I think we better change our strategy before we get into trouble,” I thought that would be wise idea to do before we go to joint session of Congress, otherwise; we would be frustrated with Congress. I tell them from my notes that as bad as Russia's agression is to Ukraine doesn't mean Sergei or any of his family had something to do with that, they had been living on Castra Praetoria until recently when they were illegally kicked off of home they had known for years; no one seemed to want to listen to what was being said to be addressed. “Ladies and gentlemen of Congress, get your heads out of your asses and see what is going on, yes, Ukraine needs support deep down, this invasion of my country created another problem that you're sweeping under rug, I have brother that is in hospital due to undeserved burns because of Anti-Russian hatred, that's right, my brother I speak of is Russian,” I had the pictures of Sergei's burns before they were being treated, I had all of illegal paper work of what it took to kick Sergei and his entire family off Castra Praetoria; I also had legal paper work to keep he and his family on Castra Praetoria where they are most happy to be instead of shelter or on streets. Octavian knew that I was furious with Congress for sweeping Anti-Russian hatred under metaphorical rug, something had to be done to ensure that Sergei and his family to return to their home at Castra Praetoria.
“I hate it when not one person listens that what is going on with Sergei, I don't care if he's Russian, I only care about him and his family,��� there was one Senator that understood and was willing to do whatever it took to get Sergei and his family home for good, we talked to this Senator and told him what our frustrations were, I showed him what had happened to my Russian Cossack brother. He saw how raw those burns were just after Sergei was so badly burned, those teenagers that did that had been punished for their action.
“If it doesn't pass, I suggest you go over the idiot's head and go directly to the U.N.,” Octavian and I didn't have to say anything to what he was planning to do; I know that idiot in oval office won't pass anything at this moment regarding Sergei and his family, unless confronted by real Roman sovereign, it looked like we were going to be going to go United Nations to get this resolved. I hoped there would be someone that would be able to help us because I want Sergei and his family home, I'm still upset because of hatred of others; that's is the ugliest thing of human beings without any shred of doubt or anything else, that is bottom line.
~May 17, 2022~ To U.N and an ally waits there.
“Yushka, we have a German ambassador waiting for us, he's wanting to help,” I was surprised that there was someone at United Nations that wanted to help get Sergei and his family back right were they belong; among friends who became family to them, now people want to end that when it was promised by Antony that he'd look after Sergei and his family. I didn't blame Antony for being so furious to point that he had to call Octavian, I know that Octavian had gotten furious with what he was told about what had happened. “Well, Heinz Koller, it's good we meet before the session of the U.N.,” the man on other end of phone was our ally, he was the German ambassador with in United Nations; so, we met him before session of that very United Nations. It was Octavian's turn to make his speech with hope that would help to get Sergei and his family home, I was there to be support seeing how this is his first time as Roman sovereign to make speech. “Ladies and gentlemen of the United Nations, I stand before you as a Roman Sovereign, as terrible as the Invasion of Ukraine is, it has caused another problem that the current American Administration refuses to address and actually encourages the problem, I have had a friend that is currently in the hospital due to undeserved burns because of the problem of Anti-Russian hatred, Ukraine needs support and homes, that is a given, Sergei and his family was unfairly and illegally taken off the Roman base off Castra Praetoria, of which, it has been their home long before anyone here was born, they need a home also and not be out on the streets, especially for Sergei after he's released from the hospital,” I know there was some contempt from Britain hearing the speech; Ukrainian Ambassador stood up in favor of ending the hatred and showing compassion, this is what Sergei needed after all what he went through.
I saw Russian Ambassador stand up in solidarity for Ukraine, because he knows what was going on in my home country is wrong and fact that Anti-Russian hatred is wrong on so many levels. “Anyone else willing to join to end all sorts of hatred? I can only see three standing, I want to do this out of solidarity for Ukraine and to end the Anti-Russian hatred and to get Sergei and his family home,” I saw Polish Ambassador stand and two other Ambassadors, others remained seated out of contempt of what was being addressed; I could tell that Octavian was disappointed in those that stayed in their seats. One of Ambassadors that stood was American and brought up excellent point that everyone needs compassion in their lives, other Ambassador that stood up was from Israel and what was said that those remained in their seats should be ashamed of themselves; I knew it to be true as ones that wanted to find solution to end war in Ukraine as well as to bring Sergei and his family home for good.
“Before you go, you had India's Ambassador to stand, more started to stand,” it was good step in right direction, only ones left were Muslim majority countries and China; war in Ukraine is something I wish it never happened in first place. Octavian didn't have to tell United Nations that Sergei is Russian Cossack, nor did he have to show pictures of what had happened to him. “So, just the majority stood?” Octavian was surprised as well as I was, maybe this is the solution we need to bring Sergei and his family home; I want to hear Sergei play and sing like he has done so many times. I want to share bottle of vodka, maybe one or two glasses; that's all I ask for.
~May 18, 2022~ Success at U.N.
Today is one day they were going to pass resolution about Russia's agression against Ukraine and to see about getting Sergei and his family home home, I prayed for there to be success at United Nations to just get my Russian family home; that's was all I wanted for Sergei. “We're going to go pick something up for Sergei to brighten up his spirits,” Octavian said while he finished getting ready, we were going to observe vote on resolution; Octavian was hoping that luck would be on our side as we didn't want anymore frustrations. I wanted to find what would make Sergei smile once more, like he used to before this whole incident happened and invasion of Ukraine had happened; that smile is what I wanted to see more than anything.
“Yushka, what is your greatest wish right now?” Octavian asked me this morning when we were heading to United Nations building, I thought about it for long time before I could answer; I knew what my wish is and was taught it was bad luck to tell your wish was. Octavian kept driving as I thought of Sergei playing his garmoshka, just quite happily singing with his foot keeping time with song he would be singing. “My greatest wish is to see Sergei to smile like he has done before invasion of Ukraine and burn incident,” once to United Nations building; Octavian parks his car and we got out to head toward building, he knew what I meant by my wish. Leading up to Sergei being burned way was, he had trash dumped on him multiple times and treated like trash that way; it hurt me to see him to point where he doesn't want to play his garmoshka or any of his other accordions. “You know, I can understand what you're wishing,” I knew it would be wishful thinking into wishing seeing my Russian brother to smile; I don't know if saying that time heals all wounds or not, I hope time would heal his emotional wounds deep down. Octavian wishing for the resolution to pass and for Sergei and his family to be home; that was all that was wished today deep down, that's was all what we wanted.
“Here, we better take our seats before the vote begins,” so we do take our seats, resolution to end war in Ukraine didn't pass; what made up for that was resolution to permanently bring Sergei and his entire family home for good, ones that didn't want that to pass was China and Muslim majority. North Korea most likely followed China with their vote while South Korea went in other direction with their vote, they were siting that everyone should be allowed to have home; it didn't matter what country they would be from. “Yushka, we did it, we got Sergei and his family home, his home is your home, he made sure of that,” that made me feel good to know that Sergei would do that for me and my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks to provide home, I wanted to head home to tell Danieli good news that Nikita could come back; I knew that Germans were going to help us with Sergei. One Col. Fritiz Remer was in New York and he was going to take care of my Russian brother, I mean he's going to let him stay in hotel for little bit before it would be safer for Sergei to return home. “So, resolution starts after Sergei is out of hospital?” Octavian just nods after we went to little coffee shop to get some tea, it was same one that Sergei when to with Octavian after young Roman sovereign had been accepted to college; there was one time when my Russian brother was young that he tried to drink tea straight out of samovar. He told me that story first time we met years ago; he knew that wasn't good idea to do, now even some of his scars from his childhood were erased by those burns. Will this resolution be permanent fix to never ending problem? Will it end a growing problem of Anti-Russianism? I don't know, I sure hope it does because as I said in beginning that I don't want to lose him.
~May 19, 2022~ Danieli puts caution to the test.
“Danieli, who was that on the phone?” Danieli looked up to see Antony washing his hands, they had grease on skin; Antony had been trying to fix one of jeeps because it wasn't working. Danieli looked to see if there were any of those banshees, there weren't any Karens around on Castra Praetoria to inspect their work. “Yushka had called saying that the United Nations had passed a resolution to bring Sergei and his family home,” Antony saw that Danieli was being very cautious, it was with good reason to be cautious now; Antony knows that Octavian likes to keep one or two steps ahead when planning for anything. We were trying to stay one or two steps ahead of those banshees, Col. Remer was going to volunteer to pick Sergei up and get him to hotel to rest.
“That's great to hear because I'm looking foreward to seeing them come back, we'll have to do it where those banshees don't know about it,” Danieli asked if Antony had anything in mind of how to bring Sergei and his family home; Antony did have anything in mind, I came up with idea of move at night with some help to keep it quiet. Both Antony and Octavian loved that idea to do move at night, Col. Remer was told about what we were doing to move Sergei's family back to Castra Praetoria. “Now the banshees better not find out about this,” I knew that Danieli was right; it was most important to keep what we were doing to bring my Russian family home for good, I didn't want any trouble for Sergei or any of his family. Those banshees are nothing but trouble for everyone, it's no wonder that Sergei doesn't want to deal with them. “I'm going to see to that their rooms are kept clean and ready for them when they come back,” Antony okayed it seeing Danieli to go get rooms cleaned up for Sergei's family, Sergei had one more month before he was to be released from hospital to Col. Remer's care.
Sergei still wanted release because people from outside world still hate him, I find that very shameful to do to someone like Sergei or anyone else. “I'm going to go spend time with Sergei if you don't mind,” I didn't mind Octavian going to spend time with Sergei, I think it would do my Russian brother some good to see visit with young Roman Sovereign; after all, it was Sergei that stayed with Octavian when he was sick. It was just one way to repay one kind gesture, Sergei was glad to see Octavian walk in.
~May 20, 2022~ Sergei's good surprise.
“After the resolution had passed, I don't see anyone ignoring what those banshees are saying,” this was Antony saying this, and he was right; no one wanted to even bother. Except our Anon friend, he had been making sure that my Russian family had food and place was kept clean; he let them know out of ear shot of those crazy banshees that they will be will be moving back to were they belong and fact Sergei was going to stay for few days with Col. Remer because of the contract hit on my Russian brother's life. “Когда начинаем собираться?” Our Anon friend told Nikita that he'd let them now when right time to start packing, even Sergei's things had to be packed up; Col. Remer had been given some of Sergei's clothes so my Russian brother could be able to dress to head to hotel. With hope, cast would be off his leg so he could wear his boots; also it would help considering that he's still healing from being burned. “Col. Remer told me that he has the hotel room reserved for when Sergei is release, then he's going to pick him up and to the hotel,” Antony was glad that this was happening for Sergei and his family, one of Germans living on Castra Praetoria had thought that it's been too quiet; I had to agree with what he was thinking. We all missed my Russian family so much, Deitrich started to plan one grand dinner for when Nikita and others return home; that was one of best ideas I had ever heard in my life.
“That would make them feel right at home, also, everyone is to contribute something to this dinner,” I know that Deitrich had agreed to that, just to make it so that everyone would have more than enough to eat; I don't think I ever had Greek food, oh that would be interesting. With things lined up for when Nikita and his family they are to return some time in July; I was cautiously hoping that music would return to Castra Praetoria for good.
“With everything planned, I still do not wish for these banshees not to know because I don't want to be dealing with them,” I had been taking care of Sergei's bears while he was in hospital; I bet that his bears will be glad to see him home, I don't mind these bears even though they are grizzly bears. I know Sergei had these bears appropriately named for region they came from, he kept them well fed until hibernation season for these bears. Would I trade my friendship with Sergei for anything? No, I really wouldn't do that, I wouldn't hurt Sergei in anyway; he's my Russian brother. Do I like seeing him suffer like this after being burned like way he was? That is my greatest regret deep down when it comes to Sergei, he didn't deserve to have trash being dumped on him; he didn't deserve being treated like trash or being being burned like he was back in March.
~May 21, 2022~ Sergei's mood has never changed.
“Despite good news, Sergei's mood hasn't even changed, I think he's seeking release,” Danieli knew it every time he seen Sergei's face, I prayed for comfort and release from this pain would come for my Russian brother; like in beginning of this whole thing, whenever Sergei hurts like this, we all do hurt. He hasn't cried like he had in beginning of this ordeal, he has to live with these scars for rest of his life; maybe that's was why he was seeking release because he knows that he has to live with what those three teenager had done to him. “I know, I know, Yushka, he's both emotionally and physically scarred, what gets me is that people didn't treat him like trash when Russia invaded Georgia, now they are,” I knew what Danieli was hinting at, he was right about it also; there was something really fishy about what was going on with Sergei. My Georgian brother and I were going to get to bottom of this and end it before it ends Sergei's like, neither Danieli or I wanted that to happen. “Danieli, that begs question though, why is outside world here now treating him like this?” It was honest question about what's going on with outside world treating Sergei like trash now, I supposed they wanted to wait for Russia's final agression toward her neighbor; I was just guessing though. Then clues started to make sense, first it was trash being dumped on Sergei and then being treated like trash; they were wanting him to feel what Ukrainian civilians are feeling, I know he already knows what they are feeling because he already felt terrible about whole invasion. He had that feeling that Putin lied to his family members, then fact they should have listened to Vladimir in first place.
“What people don't get here, Yushka, is the fact Sergei visited Georgia in peace, just before the invasion the following week after he left,” Danieli told me about Sergei's trip to Danieli's country, it was just vacation to have time to relax and get away for some time; Sergei had enjoyed his trip to Georgia and to him it felt good to visit old friend of his. That was all that happened with that trip, he wasn't scouting out Danieli's country for Russia because he didn't know that his native country was going to invade following week. “Danieli, you give me good idea to look at my history with Sergei, I think that would help him to be reminded that there are opinions that are better left to certain individuals,” Danieli knew what I was planning to do for Sergei, there was once time that he was well respected and honored; like way my Russian brother had honored and respected President Zelenskyy when he sent that heartbreaking message to him. I wanted to get Sergei back to place where he was before this burning incident, Danieli and I figured out that it is younger generation behind this and Karens pick it up.
“So, when are you going to do this?” it was late and visiting hours were done, Sergei was asleep in his bed; I have had clue of when to do it. I was going to do it tomorrow and right in front of those Karens, history matters and deserves to be learned. “I'm going to do this tomorrow because it's late and visiting hours are done for today,” Danieli nods thinking that it was good idea to wait until morning, I don't care what people say I should do with Sergei; not even this war could sever this friendship I have with my Russian brother. If I hated Sergei right when this invasion happened, I wouldn't be asking for his help to get out with my family while I still could.
~May 22, 2022~ Time to pick up the pieces and restart.
“Sergei, I think Danieli and I got down to why people from out side world hate you so much, it's much of younger generation not learning history, and you and I have history together,” I said that after coming here from service, I see Sergei's eyes look at me; that got his attention when he looked at me. He knew I was right, deep down; we met peacefully in war so not even this war could sever this bond I have with my Russian brother. “Why do you think younger generation isn't learning from history?” Sergei brought up excellent question for this matter and for way he had been feeling, I couldn't be anymore honest when I told him that younger generation think that history is too hard; I knew that look from anywhere. I heard from this stern Cossack that this younger generation is doomed to repeat history, he was right and I had to agree with what he said. “Sergei, do you remember when we first met?” He wondered where I was going with this, I was going to try to get my Russian to start again; this has gone on too long. It didn't long for him to figure it out from when he and I first met to now, he knows I would never abandon him like those of this community has done to him. “Да, я помню, это был декабрь, и моей семье пришлось бежать из России,” I nodded knowing what he said, what people say of him and think of him are two different things; I find it that people can be such hypocrites deep down. I don't care what people think I should do with Sergei, I remind them that if I hated Sergei; I wouldn't have asked for his help to get out of Ukraine when I did. “Верно, именно с этой первой встречи были посажены семена дружбы, и посмотрите, к чему это нас привело,” it was brotherhood that war can't even sever, Sergei and I put our foreheads together like brothers; one Ukrainian and one Russian, and I had always prayed that it would remain like this. It seems with what happened to Sergei, it looked like my prayer had been answered that I'd remain by Sergei.
“Сергей, тебя никогда не волновало, что о тебе думают или говорят, не начинай сейчас,” I think memory of what happened to him had become one big road block, for lack of better word for this; someone from doorway had taken picture of us with our foreheads together as brothers. This person knew that Sergei was permanently marred from what happened, from her clothing; she was very wealthy from being heiress from which company I don't know, she offered to pay every single cent of Sergei's medical bill. “You don't have to for anything,” she just smiled as she stayed at door, I knew that Sergei was right; this heiress doesn't have to pay for anything of Sergei's bill. Neither my Russian brother or I was prepared for what she said next, she didn't care that Sergei was Russian; she just saw past that as saw that he's human like everyone else.
“You're right, I don't have to, I want to,” that surprised us that someone was willing to pay every cent of Sergei's medical bill, this was change after all what Sergei had been through; I know not all of 7 to 8 billion people on this earth are hypocrites. She wanted to use her wealth to spread good to those who need it, it was like what Slavlana had said to my Russian before; he deserved to be loved.
~May 23, 2022~ Paid in full.
“Raining here with Sergei sleeping, well, trying to,” Antony had come to visit with Sergei, and every so often; Sergei would twitch being that sensitive on his back and right side. It was still good to see that his burns are healing, last night; he had gotten quite surprise from when wealth heiress offered to pay every cent of his medical bill so Antony wouldn't be doing that. “I do hope that it's not a trick, he's not in any mood for tricks, he has already been through enough,” Antony was right deep down, Sergei doesn't need anymore tricks; he has been hurt bad enough way it is. Sergei woke up around noon in time for lunch, it was getting hard for my Russian brother to eat because it was starting to get stiff as his skin was starting to heal from the burns.
“Stiff from healing from burns?” Sergei was trying not to scratch when he itched, it was driving him up wall with itchyness; nurse came in to check on Sergei saw that he was trying to keep from scratching at his burns and causing any problems. “Oh dear, I think it's about time to check the burns,” nurse leaves go get clean bandages to change from old bandages; the skin was red and not infected, it was it red because there was a rash forming. So nurse started to treat rash and get that cleared up and get my Russian brother into clean bandages, I think medicine she used started to soothe Sergei's issue. “There, that should help with the rash and the itch from your skin healing,” that nurse was such sweetheart to Sergei, I know for fact that he deserved to be treated with honor and respect; prior to being burned like he was, he had trash dumped on him and then it started where he was treated like trash. That is what started to affect him most when not one person wouldn't even just talk to him like human being, he knows that I have admitted that where I get love and attention is where he gets nothing and hatred; and it was all because he's Russian and I'm Ukrainian and I know that isn't right. “Спасибо, уже чувствую себя намного лучше,” my Russian brother started to settle down when itch started to die down so he could eat; medicine used had help to soften up his skin, once full, Sergei was able to relax for some time.
I know he remembers that he and I have history together since he and I had first met, he knows what I had done for him; no one knew that 12 years ago that I came by myself to take over for Sergei while he had recovered from injuries from being beaten when he took his older brother's place, and now people outside here call Sergei trash and inhuman monster, they are ones that are trash and inhuman monsters. “Yushka, did you bring my book so I could read?” I brought book that his papa had written as young man, title reads as Герой России: Сказка о храбром казаке, that's if you could read Russian; luckily, for me, I can read Russian as well as Ukrainian. I tell everyone that I'm really comfortable around Sergei and his entire family, I'm comfortable having fun with them and playing some music with them and sing; I'm comfortable with going swimming with them too if you ask.
~May 24, 2022~ A good read is worth its weight.
“Why are you reading that when you can see the movie?” Sergei just glares at person had been at doorway, everyone knows that there isn't movie of this book because Sergei's life mirrored book, from everything that was done to everything that was said, including every smart ass comments that were said. There had been some producers that wanted to make Герой России: Сказка о храбром казаке into movie, I know those producers wanted to talk to actual author; that was and still is impossible because Leonid Mikhailovich Brevsky had died long time ago to allow his family to escape. It's because of that sacrifice that I could meet my Russian family, Nikita called Sergei and and I nuts and we took that as compliment when we started to laugh.
“Yushka, do you remember those times I had done most smart ass things?” Oh do I ever remember those smart ass things my Russian brother has done, and I happened to have helped with those smart ass things he has done; whenever Nikita was sleeping, out comes can of whipped cream and feather. I had tried to keep from laughing, especially around Nikita; he didn't really find that funny when that happened. “I'm thinking you're starting to return to being smart ass,” all I heard from Sergei was his laugh, I was right; he was returning to be a smart ass. This was my Russian brother, he knows he's still hated; but he just doesn't care anymore about that. “Я думаю, кто-то должен сказать этому идиоту, что это не фильм по этой книге,” Sergei just went back to his book, for him; it was reliving all of things he once done as young man, and then maturing out. When he returned to Novosibirsk, he had grown famed Brevsky beard and kept it so beautifully well trimmed and making his parents proud when he married Alyona; whom he still loves very deeply.
“I don't get what he just said,” well, everything that Sergei just said was in Russian, I can speak Russian; I understand what Sergei was saying, I really wished for this idiot to leave. I know my Russian brother doesn't like to be bothered very much, it just irritates him and don't think about trying to insult him; he'll use his silver eagle's head shashka and then people would have to try nodding without their heads. “Я думаю, пришло время этому идиоту уйти,” I said that and this idiot refused to leave; I know Sergei was about ready to call for security to get this idiot away, my Russian brother really wanted to read this book of his. It was the same book that Nikita gave him for early birthday present, and Sergei's birthday is in September.
Well, here we are, we're the nearing the end of Sergei's plight, he still has a long road ahead to recover from what had happened to him. He knows that he and his entire family was almost made homeless from what callous thing that anyone can do; where his family had been living legally is where they had been kicked off rather illegally. When someone of power has to get involved to make sure that Sergei and his entire family return to what had been their home, even Yushka had to help because it was his Russian brother had helped to get him out of Ukraine; the next 11 days will how tight knit Yushka and Sergei. Also more of Sergei's personality will come out to show who he really is, just like what Yushka was trying to show after what happened to Sergei. Please keep in mind that this fictional, and the characters are also fictional.
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friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 6: Father's protection
Sergei's Plight
By Charmed Wolf
The sixth 11 days of Sergei's three month stay, his heart breaks knowing that he no longer matters; it makes Yushka mad because he knows that this isn't the brother he knows. Sergei knows his father had visited, there are going to be some hauntings, especially among the Karens; that think that they have influence in the community and try to get Sergei and his family off the Castra Praetoria. Sergei has another month before he could be released; he knows those Karens will try one last time to remove him and his family from their home and away from friends, not if Leonid has anything to do with stopping them for good.
~May 3, 2022~ First haunting, please don't piss off an angry Russian Cossack that has been dead for years.
“Я скорее вижу, что у тебя есть дом, как я и предполагал, когда Антоний заметил срочность моего письма, Sergei knew what his father was saying, so did I if it meant to prevent those Karens from removing Sergei and his family from Castra Praetoria; I saw Leonid kiss his son's cheek before disappearing to start some work. I think he was going to haunt ones that are hurting my Russian brother most, Leonid didn't like it when his son hurts emotionally like this. “Yushka, do you think I'll still have my home? You made it yours also after coming here,” I didn't want to lie to Sergei, he was right and I did make his home my home; it felt good to be with my Russian family. Now that Sergei is forever marred by those teenagers, he knows he will have to do some changes to better keep his skin moisturized and well protected from sun's rays.
“You better get the whatever out of my house, now,” that banshee screeched at Sergei, who rightfully ignored her for her rudeness; he didn't want to deal with her one bit and I couldn't blame him for that. Firstly, I know that isn't how something should be asked for, secondly; even if she did politely asked what she wanted done in first place; there wasn't any way to get his father to stop what he was doing. “даже не думай, что я скажу своему папе, чтобы он перестал преследовать тебя и тебе подобных, так что отвали,” when she saw Sergei's face, it was exactly same as Leonid's; right down to very same scar across right eye. Resemblance between father and son was remarkably uncanny, even Sergei has same Hetrocromia in same pattern and same smart ass attitude and sense of humor; I even can't forget same temper and drive for patience, Sergei was born on his father's birthday. Leonid Mikhailovich Brevsky couldn't have been happier to have surprise born on his birthday, which turned out to be Sergei Leonidovich Brevsky; who grew into Hero of Russia.
“I suppose you can say hauntings will continue,” Antony went to his brother-in-law in order to keep my Russian family on Castra Praetoria, for now; those hauntings were proving successful as much as our advicate in general. Antony called me with good news for my Russian brother, our advicate made it permanent where my Russian family cannot be removed from Castra Praetoria; that was really good news to hear.
~May 4, 2022~ Star Wars Day. May the Force be with you.
“Вчера я был рад известию о том, что вы и ваша семья можете оставаться там, где вы находитесь,” Sergei was glad to have home to go to, so that means I get to have time out with my Russian brother when he gets home; today, it's very special day. It's Star Wars day and nurses had Start Wars scrubs on because of today, Sergei and his family don't have time to see movies being so busy working. “Я чувствую себя хорошо,” I knew that my Russian brother did feel good about it; his father was still making sure that these Karens hadn't done anymore damage than what was already done, even though he was dead, he still looks out for his family. And rightfully so, those Karens come today making their demand known to Sergei; I know for fact he doesn't need to answer them when they are so rude and patiently wait them out. “Юшка, мне нужна помощь, чтобы добраться до туалета, я должен помнить, что моя левая нога все еще сломана,” nurse shoo those Karens out of room, for me; I leave on my own accord and to give my Russian brother privacy. Those banshees make a lot of noise demanding to be let back in, they were never allowed back into room once he was done.
“You make lot of noise for banshees,” I saw Sergei sitting on his bed, he was laughing at what I just said to those banshees, I knew he had to agree to that deep down; they didn't find it funny one bit, and we didn't really all that much cared about that. Luka came up to spend time with his older cousin, Vladimir came with and saw that his cousin was laughing and sitting with his left leg in cast; I told him what had happened day before.
“Я есть те, кто желает Сергею смерти,” Luka and Sergei and I all knew that Vladimir was right about that, but right now; it was enough to stay with Sergei. Threats to my Russian family was getting serious, I have said it so many times that I don't wish for Sergei's death because he had nothing to do with invasion of Ukraine; I wished that people wouldn't be so ignorant of Sergei or of any member of his family. “Это данность, Владимир, никто из нас не хочет терять Серёжу,” I hadn't told anyone about this, I have had nightmare were someone had killed Sergei; at end of nightmare was that not single person cared about his family. The people that did care; tried their best to comfort the family, sometimes the best isn't good enough.
~May 5, 2022~ Sergei's nightmares return
“Юшка, тебе опять приснился такой кошмар?” All I could do was nod, I knew Vladimir suspected something was wrong; it was time it comes out. Since coming here at beginning of Invasion of Ukraine, I have always been afraid of someone killing Sergei just because he's Russian; Karens all made demands for me to stop visiting with my Russian brother, and I refuse to give into what they want. “Итак, вы знаете, что происходит,” I don't mind talking with Sergei's cousin, Vladimir was right that something was wrong; I told him that I made it clear on numorous occations that I didn't want Sergei's death or that anyone else of my Russian family. He knew it was dangerous to head out to teach at Roman school, his little brother; Luka, had something hard thrown at him.
“Я подозревал, что такие вещи, как это, и твои кошмары продолжаются,” he showed me stone that was thrown at Luka, it had hit him in his head giving him nasty concussion; one of those students had done this deed and got expelled that principal at school had to call Proculeius to come. Luka still is taking over for Sergei until he recovered from his burns, I didn't know how bad it had gotten with Luka. “Владимир, ты все еще хочешь пойти со мной к Сергею?” I knew he did because he's family, Sergei still had his ups and downs with all that is happening with his emotional state and those undeserved burns; once we got to Sergei's room; we could hear him crying. It was obvious that he was having another day where he just can't quite pull himself together, and I knew why he was crying deep down; he knew doesn't matter anymore. “Is it possible if we could go in and spend time with Sergei?” There was Karen there hoping that this nurse would say no, instead; nurse at station told us that she was hoping we would come, she let us go into spend time with Sergei. Vladimir goes to his cousin's bed and being careful of his burns, he wondered what had upset him that much.
“Серёжа, иди сюда, мы здесь и никуда не уйдём,” Vladimir holds his cousin close, now Vladimir goes by his diminunitve because he shares same first name as Russian president; I really don't blame him for wanting to go by his diminunitve because of his first name. I see Sergei lean into his cousin, just where Vladimir was stroking his cousin's hair very softly; just to calm him down.
~May 6, 2022~ One reporter's accusations.
“Why am I not allowed into the room?” Vladimir was blocking doorway on purpose because he sensed something was not right, I had to agree with him helping Sergei to toilet while he was on crutches due to broken leg on top of burns; I had sense to think that this reporter had never met Sergei deep down as human being. There was some accusations about Sergei's burns and broken leg, Vladimir knew for fact that none of any of those accusations were true; and I know that he told that reporter that as true Russian Cossack.
“What makes you think that the accusations aren't true?” With one glare from Vladimir said it all, he knows his cousin; after growing up in Omsk, he and Sergei are close. I could tell that Sergei wanted this reporter gone from his room, Viktor and Luka came up to room to help Vladimir. “I would suggest you leave right now unless you want to face off with my little brothers,” this reporter slowly turned to see Viktor and Luka, they had their hands on their shashka; with serious looks on their faces. I knew that both Viktor and Luka were about ready to strike if they needed to, this reporter make right decision after insulting Sergei. “Не волнуйся, Серёжа, мы покончим с этим раз и навсегда,” as Vladimir went back where his brother was sitting in chair, he touched Sergei's cheek wiping away tear from his cousin's eye; he knew it was wearing thin on Sergei with this pain. I couldn't blame him for being tired; neither anyone of his family couldn't blame him from on set of this ordeal.
“I'm thinking of letting him return to his family once release, he needs to be with his family,” from very beginning he had been seeing this play out; he knew Sergei's emotional pain from very beginning, lot of it came from those Karens creating so much trouble for my Russian Cossack brother and his family.
~May 7, 2022~ The pain keeps ramping up.
From yesterday, I had heard that one of those Karens had went to Russian Mafia for arranging contract out on Sergei; it was news from one of Sergei's brothers-in-law, Alexander, that was telling me this. “Откуда вы узнали об этом?” I had to ask because it was making that much worse, he told me one of those men that had been in Russian Mafia had told him and had been looking for something to do to break this deal; this man knew what happened to Sergei that March 9th. That reporter from New York Times hadn't take notion and do some investigating about what really happened instead of just spouting off some nonsense that just came out his ass. It shouldn't take rocket scienist to figure out what really happened to Sergei, my Russian brother; people who hate him that much really are that much ignorant of who Sergei and his family really are.
“Саша сказал мне, когда мы с ним встретились в пекарне, что у него есть важные новости, и я спросил,” I knew what Alexander was saying when he was mentioning that he had met someone that had been in Russian Mafia; everyone of Sergei's family was willing to protect their family at all costs, I knew that Dr. Stein was looking to release Sergei earlier than planned. I saw why he wanted to do that for Sergei, seeing that his burns were healed over at least little bit; there was still some healing that my Russian brother still needed to do.
“Сергей, доктор считает, что вас скоро могут отправить домой,” I still could see that heartbreaking look on my Russian brother's face from beginning of this whole ordeal; I knew what he was going to do, I don't know if it would be right thing to do, considering this situation he's in. I saw message he was going to send to Ukrainian president, it was full of honor and respect; in same regards, it was also very heartbreaking to even send it let alone as to write it. “Вы можете меня не знать, меня зовут Сергей, я русский казак, не имевший никакого отношения к вторжению в вашу прекрасную страну, единственное, что у меня есть для вас, это почет и уважение, где мне только было дано много ненависти только потому, что я русский,” with that message sent, Sergei didn't expect reply back deep down; I hoped he would receive one and to be loved and not hated. To be shown that he matters more than anything to his friends and to his family. He matters so much to my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks, we see him as our Russian brother deep down.
~May 8, 2022~ Sergei's surprise.
“Я должен поблагодарить вас за честь и уважение, я думаю, вы должны заслужить то же самое, а не ненависть только потому, что вы русский, в глубине души вы больше этого, я видел, что с вами произошло, и вы не заслужили что либо,” this message came from Ukrainian president himself, he was actually thanking Sergei for honor and respect, he told my Russian brother that he didn't deserve hatred just because he's Russian; I know Sergei is more than that. I knew that my president had seen what happened to Sergei that night, I knew he had to try to get President Putin to see what this invasion had done to my Russian brother and not just to Ukraine. “Сюрприз, я знаю, ты не ожидал такого ответа, Сергей,” I kept seeing that heartbreaking look, I have always wanted to see look of peace on Sergei's face; not this constant look of emotional torture caused by those that hate him without reason. I know it hurts Sergei know that President Putin doesn't even care one little bit, I know these Romans had made my Russian brother and his family welcome and gave them home as much as they did for us after what Sergei pulled to bring us here.
“Часы посещения закончились, я вернусь завтра, чтобы остаться с тобой, мой русский брат,” I kissed Sergei's temple, that was when I heard tears start to come; Sergei always hid his face to avoid showing people that he's actually crying. I met Lucius outside to head to jeep to head home, I thought I felt my heart sink into my boots hearing my Russian brother hide his face and cry, just being in most vulnerable position.
“How is Sergei doing?” I didn't know what to tell Lucius about what Sergei was going through, Danieli hadn't given up on my Russian brother; he also knows about that contract hit on Sergei's life. Something has to be done to break that deal to save Sergei before it goes down, I know my Georgian friend had been busy with work at Castra Praetoria to keep things ready for Sergei; I don't know how to tell Danieli about what Sergei had been thinking or that heartbreaking message he had sent yesterday. “Yushka, what happened yesterday?” I went to where Danieli was to talk to him, I had to tell him that my Russian brother still had that same heartbreaking look on his face from beginning of this ordeal; I told him about message he sent yesterday to my president to give him just nothing but honor and respect to him. He also just told President Zelenskyy as much as he's honored and respected, he's only one that's is taking all of hatred just because of being Russian.
~May 9, 2022~ 18 days since the burning incident.
“Somehow, Sergei had woken up feverish,” I was hoping it wasn't infection again, it only turned out that it just that; this makes it 4 infections in course of his stay in hospital. Dr. Stein had caught it early and started to treat infection seriously, I wondered if any of those Karens had something to do with this. “He's been sleeping quite bit,” Nikita was hoping that this infection wouldn't get any worse, he kept stroking his brother's hair in soft motion; Viktor and I had to have some help from Danieli to confront those Karens to leave Sergei alone, Nikita saw his papa appear into room to spend time with at least two of his sons, he gently touches Sergei's chest.
“Я сделаю все для своей семьи, я уже умер один раз, я не могу умереть снова,” when that was said, fever had broken and infection had left; Leonid smiles and touches Sergei's cheek. My Russian brother was awake seeing his papa on bed, he was glad to see his papa as foreheads; another aspect of Leonid was same cut to forehead from low hanging branch from riding exercises in forest outside Novosibirsk. When looking at Sergei very closely, one could see Leonid in him; right down to same smart ass attitude.
“Я всегда буду присматривать за вами, мои сыновья, это касается Антона и Наташи,” Anton saw his father briefly before he disappeard; he knew that he was doing just what he said he would when creating way for his family to flee Russia years ago, when I saw them riding in through Ukraine, they were fleeing their native Russia because of what Sergei had known of Stalin. I knew that was where Sergei and I formed our friendship that bloomed into brotherhood, I had helped him so many times that he answered my call for help when I needed it; I knew he wouldn't refuse out of honor and respect for fellow Cossack. “Yushka, is there one thing that you regret?” Honest question from my Russian brother, I refused to hurt Sergei more than he already was emotionally; I also refuse to give into demands of Karens with bad highlights and sense of entitlement. There is one thing that I do regret, that's what watching him burn way he did; I told that to him without lying to him.
~May 10, 2022~ Sergei's nightmares intensify.
“I hate having nightmares, I can't sleep, and when I do, that's when they happen most,” I want some way to stop these nightmares; they were same nightmares that I had been having, I know I don't want to lose Sergei in anyway or anytime. He is my Russian brother as I had seen him long before this invasion, then; Leonid gave me idea to try to with Sergei to stop these nightmares, it involved my Bandura and it greatly helped. “Фруктовые петли?” Well, there goes Sergei's smart ass attitude and sense of humor; between his smart ass comments and music from my Bandura, nightmares started to stop and hopefully for good. I was hoping that this was real Sergei coming through after all what he had been through already, I know it felt good to laugh at his comments.
“Как вы думаете, это Сергей возвращается?” I didn't know if it was, I told Nikita that I wished it were real Sergei coming out; then realization hits him like ton of bricks that what we were suspecting about this community was true, they just didn't care about them any longer. What Sergei was feeling all along was correct from weeks ago, nothing of what Danieli and I had done had made impact and we felt disappointed by it.
“Я не знаю, кажется, то, что мы с Даниэли сделали для Сергея, оказывает влияние,” I honestly didn't know as Nikita looked at his little brother, I know to friends and family; he matters great deal. It was hard on Sergei to know that this community hate him without knowing deep down who he really, it didn't make any sense why they would hate someone like Sergei; whom they don't know. “Я хочу, чтобы это сообщество просто увидело вас такими, какие вы есть на самом деле, в глубине души это идет в одну сторону, и мне это не нравится,” I knew Sergei knew what I meant by it, he knew that I don't want to lose him in any way tragically; I know Sergei to be strong and have limit to how much he could take. This was one of nightmares that he and I were having now until I had started to play my Bandura, music always seem to calm Sergei down whenever he would be having nightmares or when he wouldn't be feeling well. 'Я просто хочу, чтобы эта боль закончилась, я устал от этого,' I knew he was tired of people hurting him indirectly by hating him just because he happens to be Russian; I do know his leg is healing nicely so cast could come off soon, I don't like leaving when visiting hours are done. I really don't like leaving Sergei alone when he needs me most, it's about same as fact I don't want to lose my Russian brother; I'm thinking that these Karens are behind this that this community won't listen to Danieli or I for that matter about who Sergei really is. What are they afraid of most about my Russian brother? Why are they singling him out for something he has nothing to do with Invasion of Ukraine? Are they blind to truth of who Sergei really when he had been living here before they were born?
~May 11, 2022~ Hope to heal.
“Nothing of hopes and wishs can be coming true,” It was true of what said about what was going on with Sergei, Danieli and I were going to try again to get truth out there about my Russian family; Sergei didn't need this and neither did his family. Nikita had found an illegal eviction notice on gate for them this morning, it wasn't in Antony's handwriting; no less, it was taken to Antony to be shown. “Sergei isn't even out of the hospital and they pull this,” it was evident that Antony was furious with this, I suspected someone was behind this illegal notice; I didn't want to tell Sergei about what just happened this morning. Dr. Stein knew that Castra Praetoria was better than to being on streets, if they're going to be homeless; then I'll go and find them and bring them home.
“I would love to say it to whoever is doing this that being at the Roman base is better considering he's going to need take care of his skin after being burned like he was,” I had to agree and so did Danieli when it came to Sergei; we wouldn't be here had those teenagers hadn't burned my Russian Cossack brother way they did with petrol. Seeing him being lit on fire like that was one of most regretful things to see, that was what I was witnessing up close; it was hatred for someone who had nothing to do with invasion of Ukraine.
“It's clear that no one wants to listen to the truth anymore, especially when it comes to Sergei,” I knew Danieli was right, no one wanted to know who Sergei really is; I know for fact that he started to accept it. His family made it open for those that did want to come, they were welcome; it was only trick deep down. “Юшка, ничего страшного, я научился просто принимать это, это был всего лишь трюк,” deep down, I wasn't going to give up on Sergei; he and his family need home, they gave us one and I know I will return them to their home. It was start of picking up pieces of his shattered life, I'm willing to help him if he wants my help.
~May 12, 2022~ Shattered life to pick up.
“Antony, he accepted this as new normal for him, he just wants to pick up pieces of his shattered life,” I had to tell that as heartbreaking as it was, I'm willing to help Sergei in any way; if he wants it. Antony told me that he wasn't going to give up on Sergei and his family to bring them back, I told Antony that I would do whatever it takes to find Sergei's and his family. “It's fine, just as long as they're safe,” I left to find Nikita packing up their trunks to leave, I knew this was it for Nikita; it was going to be hard to say goodbye to someone I had known for years. I didn't want them to lose their homes and I didn't appreciate it one bit, this wasn't fair to Sergei with him still in hospital. “Никита, лучше бы мне вообще не прощаться,” I saw him turn around slowly, he had been crying for most of day; he was heartbroken over this because he didn't and to leave and I couldn't blame him. It was upsetting me also that they are subjected to this hatred; I called shelters to see if they could house my Russian family, it was hard to get any answer from any of shelters to house 100+ Russian Cossacks.
“Я знаю, Юшка, мне тоже нелегко,” Vladimir didn't want to leave either, it was everyone of Nikita's family that didn't want to leave; if I told Sergei about this, he'd be very furious about it and I can't risk that. I tried one more shelter to get something arranged for Nikita and his family so Sergei would have something over his head, this time, I was successful into getting them into shelter; it meant that Nikita and his family would have place to sleep instead of streets, place to wash and dry clothes and food so they don't go hungry.
“It was our Anon friend that set up temperary place for you and your family, I hope this isn't permanent where I don't see you again,” that was last time I embraced Nikita, he and his family moved into that shelter; it was better than nothing by are. This Anon friend of ours spent time to restore old apartment complex just in case something like this would happen; my Russian family moved into that shelter. “Прощай и спасибо, Антоний, тебе доверяли все эти годы,” whoever did this didn't know what Antony had in mind or up his sleeve, I was next to embrace and the tears would not stop; it was even harder Nikita since he and his family were ones that were leaving. All I wanted to do was hold him, I know Sergei must have found out about this shelter; so he wasn't really angry about this, just upset is he was now made homeless. “Прощай, Юшка, ты был нам как брат все эти годы,” with that, Nikita and his family had moved from Castra Praetoria to this shelter; Castra Praetoria seemed empty without them being here, there was nothing now, not even Viktor shouting at his brother for duct taping him to door or table from Kyoki's stash. All there was now was cussing and howling from Kyoki, this move had made her upset, and I really couldn't blame her for her howling. “Давай лучше проведем первую ночь здесь, я знаю, мне здесь тоже не нравится, но мы должны жить здесь,” Nikita started to unload trunks and got them inside, their thoughts went to Sergei and Castra Praetoria, it was indeed sad night
~May 13, 2022~ First unlucky day in the new shelter.
Antony and I went to visit Nikita and his family, just their looks on their faces told me that they missed us and wanted to come home. “Nikita, I know you want to come home, my brother-in-law is working on it to bring you and your family home,” I know Nikita had seen Sergei and told his brother about this move and shelter, I know Leonid was trying his best to see that his family to return for good to Castra Praetoria; something else had been weighing on my heart and it was Sergei. I hadn't visit him yet and I know that Danieli was, I knew that Sergei had known that he's homeless from what he was told; not single person knew who did this.
“Сергей, у тебя есть сильный союзник, который борется за то, чтобы вернуть тебя домой, на базу, где ты и твоя семья, Юшка сказал, что ты и твоя семья заслужили дом, потому что ты сделал свой дом своим,” Sergei just looked at Antony as to ask who could be fighting for him, that's when he sees this familiar face at doorway wearing purple silk men's shirt; this was Antony's brother-in-law fighting to keep my Russian family on Roman military base. My Russian brother and I could tell that he was frustrated with what was going on, I told him that Sergei's family has temperary shelter for time being. “How for much longer can they stay there?” I honestly didn't know that, all I knew was fact that they weren't on streets and they had food and place to wash clothes and dry them; they also have places for good bath, especially when you have someone like Sergei who needs to use moisturizing soap to start keeping his skin soft. “I honestly don't know that part, I just feel terrible that he and his family are subject to this hatred,” Octavian nodded understanding what I had said, he felt bad about it himself; and his apartment was near by so Sergei could come and visit if he wanted to. He was going to go and continue fight to bring my Russian family home for good, Antony knew that good fortune was on our side and held to that ancient belief; funny note, Antony is lot older than what he looks.
“I just frustrated with what is going on, Sergei, you and your family are always welcome to come and visit any time you need to,” I knew there was another way to get Sergei and his family back to Castra Praetoria for good, it was by petition and have people sign petition in favor to stop this hatred; I already miss Nikita and Anton and their brothers-in-law and their cousins. It's everyone I miss most that had to move from Castra Praetoria, I know it's going to be soon that I'll miss Sergei and hearing him play and seeing his foot tap.
Here's the sixth 11 days for Sergei being treated for his burns, he's now homeless and his family are in a temporary shelter where they kicked off the home they were living on legally for years. It shows that shows that it's not just Sergei that is catching the hatred, it's his entire family that's being unfairly hated just because they are Russians; it's making Yushka mad because he knows that Sergei and his family had nothing to do with the invasion of Ukraine, even though he's native to the war torn country. In the next 11 days, it's also making Danieli upset because he and his friends had come from Georgia to help clean; instead, he had to help Nikita to pack up the trunks to move from the one home they known since moving from Omsk years ago.
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friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 5: Unexpected visit
Sergei's Plight
By Charmed Wolf
Here we go, fifth set of 11 days of a three month stay on the burn floor of the hospital; now with the trial done and the teenagers that burned him horrifically sentenced, Sergei is left to pick up the pieces of his shattered world. He's going to get the best possible surprise that is close to home, it will be clear to see who it is; because Sergei shares the same trait as this person regarding the eyes. It sets the stage of what's going on as more people are starting to get a sense of what going on and a little bit of who Sergei really is; Yushka wants to help Sergei to restore his world, and the thing is the fact, our Russian lets him instead of pushing him and accepts him as much as he was getting accepted by our Ukrainian here. Also, be mindful of this story being fictional, the characters themselves are fictional; it's just show what can happen as a what if. Does it mean that it should happen in real life right now? No, it doesn't mean that it should happen, what it's showing that people should treat others as they want to be treated; what I'm talking about is the Golden Rule, do unto others as others do unto you.
~April 22, 2022~ Sergei's big surprise from the other side of eternity.
Sergei was awake during daytime, it was just after he had his bandages changed; when this figure in white appeared into his room, my Russian brother quickly recognized who this figure was in his life. “Папа, я рад тебя видеть, я скучаю по тебе и маме,” this figure smiled just way Sergei's father would, it turned out that his figure in white Cossack clothing was my Russian brother's father, tears flowed freely from Sergei's eyes as gentle hand wiped them gently away. At first, this figure didn't speak, but he did know what his son is going through and kissed Sergei on his forehead; just like he did when alive when raising three sons and one daughter. “Да, Сергей, это я, мой сын. Я скучаю по тебе и твоим беспокойствам и сестре тоже,” he had seen what happened to his son and watching what was going on, it was clear and for fact that this figure didn't like seeing Sergei emotionally suffer like this; he knew that there were some that don't know Sergei that just hate him with passion. I watch this between father and son with Danieli, I remembered that old railroad tie that I made memorial for Sergei; his father's name was Leonid Mikhailovich Brevsky and that was on that memorial, that was who this figure was in life as brave Cossack and noted author of such classic book.
“Спасибо, что присматривали за Сергеем, он расцвел в то, что никакая война не может разлучить,” Leonid, even though just spirit; was very grateful that I had officially became adopted brother to Sergei, I noticed Leonid's eyes and knew where my Russian brother had inherited hetrocromia from, it came from his father. Leonid knew of Sergei's vacation to country of Georgia long before Russian invasion, he saw his son and Danieli becoming good close friends and approved of it. “Я рад, что ты пришел к Сергею, когда ты был ему нужен, спасибо,” Danieli knew that Sergei came at peace and not war, that made up big difference to Sergei and to Danieli; showing my Russian best places in Georgia and getting to swim in some best remote places. I think that's what Leonid was most grateful that we stay by him, there were those that wanted to know who Sergei is really are welcome to come. “Пожалуйста, продолжайте присматривать за Сергеем, он сокровище,” we all understood what he meant by he said; by then, Sergei had fallen asleep. With a smile to his lips looking at his son, Leonid knew it time to go; his visit was at its end, although this visit was just what Sergei needed. “What was that all about?” Kennedy was asking as he saw Leonid disappear; I know this wasn't going to be last time we see him, he was going to make his presence know when I plan to help Sergei to pick up pieces of his shattered world.
I knew Kennedy hadn't seen anything like this, he saw Sergei sleeping after Leonid's visit. “That was Sergei's father, Leonid Mikhailovich Brevsky, Kennedy,” I knew this afternoon was when Slavlana was going to work with My Russian brother, those burns were almost to point where he could touch him; it was also almost time for Sergei to start picking up pieces of his shattered world. Kennedy walked to bed to watch my Russian brother sleep, in his hand was that very book, Hero of Russia: Tale of brave Cossack; he was going to read that and let Sergei sleep. “Oh, I though you were to go book shopping with Peter,” I knew that was Sergei's voice as he was talking to Kennedy, there was some chuckles as Peter walked in; it was clear that they did go book shopping before seeing Sergei. Slavlana came into room to start working with my Russian brother, he had been doing good when he was working with Slavlana. “Does it hurt when I touch on your right side?” she noticed that he was laughing, oh; his right side didn't hurt when it was more ticklish. After gown was put on, Slavlana went walking with Sergei in hall for little while; just before dinner was to be served. Had those who hate Sergei that deeply seen Leonid would that make such difference in Sergei's mind and stop what's going on? I don't know.
~April 23, 2022~ Pieces of the past reveal something deeper.
“I heard you had quite the unexpected visit,” De'shaun said talking to Sergei there was some chuckling from him; that visit was more than just unexpected, it was much needed for Sergei's sake. I knew there was things that have never been revealed before, there had been things that Sergei had never talked about. “That was my papa that visited, he was Ataman before Nikita inherited title,” De'shaun's face let up when he heard that with what was said; Leonid wrote Hero of Russia: Tale of brave Cossack when he was young man, Sergei was one of sons of Ataman of their village. Nikita was oldest son, then Sergei came next; then Anton came and then their little sister came, her name is Natasha, ironically, she married Boris. “You're the son of an Ataman?” Sergei nods after sipping some water, it explains his beautiful silver eagle head shashka of his status; that shashka was Sergei's 15th birthday present from his father. That was just on piece of Sergei's past, that was something he could freely talk about and where he grew up; it was never anything hard that he went through. “I will tell you funny story, it happened after my 15th birthday, and that's big deal when coming of age,” Sergei was happy to tell this story of what he did to another boy, first time I heard that that story from my Russian brother; I almost had wet myself from laughing so hard from Sergei's story. De'shaun was anticipating this story, it also happened to be true since dividing pole in Sergei's home village is still there. “It always snows in Siberia in fall and winter, well, day after my birthday, I was heading to school with my brother, Anton, there was this kid no older than 7, he was saying so many insulting things about my family and me, I sat my bag down and went to where this kid was sitting and grabbed his ear and dragged him to dividing pole, I dared him three times and third dare he licked that pole and his tongue got stuck to it, I whispered into his ear not to mess about with us again or son of Ataman of village, he ended up in trouble where I had gotten praise,” De'shaun was laughing from the story, he knew that Sergei was kind of person to pull it off and not get into trouble; my Russian brother also has small scar on his forehead from hitting branch.
It was those little pieces that made up who Sergei, it was good and bad that made him more patient where Nikita is impatient. “What happened to this kid?” my Russian brother looks at De'shaun and told him that he didn't survive; that was nature of what war is, it's not easy thing to go through and Sergei knew that. He has been through that all too many times, and then this happens to him being put into hospital just because he's Russian.
“And those teens are no better than what that kid was,” Sergei knew that De'shaun was right about that and they didn't care how terrorified he was after pouring petrol over him and lighting it on fire; they didn't count fact there were those that saw what happened, now they didn't count that Sergei's father would come to defend his son. I knew that Brevsky is close and tight knit family that war can never sever; Alyona came to be with Sergei for little while, she didn't know that her father-in-law had come to pay my Russian brother good visit.
~April 24, 2022~ Sweet treat.
“I asked one of nurses if I could bring you something you'd like, she said yes after talking to your doctor about it,” Sergei's face lit up knowing what I have, he knows of box in my hand; I made stop at this bakery that sold Ukrainian and Russian treats to pick up these Russian pastries for my Russian brother. These pastries remind him of his home; their papa would often get Sergei and his brothers and sister these pastries after their riding practices and other practices. “Юшка, спасибо, ты знаешь, что я должен поделиться,” Sergei did share his pastries with me, that's the satisifing part of becoming brothers with someone like Sergei or anyone of his large family; Anton has similar personality as Sergei being born right around same time as his older brother. Funny thing is fact that Sergei and Anton both inherited hetrocromia from there father, Sergei's left eye is green and his right eye is blue; Anton's left eye is blue and his right eye green. “Я никогда не спрашивал тебя, как у тебя появился этот маленький шрам на лбу,” Sergei just chuckles because he knows that's funny story and go with other story of how he had to make this kid to stop with insults; only goes to my Russian brother saying subtlely that people are idiots, only thing is fact I have to agree with it. Sometimes, people don't always make best decisions, that is really sad when you know that people can lie and cheat others for reasons that aren't good.
“Ну, за четыре недели до моего 15-летия мой папа взял меня и моих братьев на занятия верховой ездой, он забыл предупредить нас о низко висящей ветке, ну, в конце концов я ударился головой об эту ветку, и мои братья смеялись после тот,” I knew that wasn't whole story, there was more to it as he paused because there was Karen there listing; neither he or I wanted her there when Anton walked into room to see his older brother. He, being Anton, called her pest and other names he could think of; of course he would do it all in Russian just to confuse her from here to end of this world, he put her in her place.
“Во всяком случае, мой папа сказал: 'Было бы чудо, если бы он не оказался идиотом', что только рассмешило моих братьев еще больше, когда я сказал: 'Эй, кто положил туда эту низкорослую ветку?',” Anton was trying to keep from laughing at that memory of their papa; Sergei just started to laugh making us all laugh, he was fond of that memory and not getting hit in his head with low hanging branches. I could tell he missed his papa as did Anton; that Karen started into screaming and demanding that we pay attention to her when this brave Cossack stood up to put her in her place once and for all. “Замолчи! Никто не хочет иметь дело с кем-то, кто ведет себя так по-детски, к��к вы, требуя внимания! Когда ты так себя ведешь, ты не заслуживаешь внимания,” even the nurses were applauding as much as we were, I know for fact that Sergei was so proud of Anton for saying it; I was glad he said it to her face after straighting up his tunic he was wearing that day. Those nurses had to call for security to remove this Karen, she said if she had to leave then so should Anton; jokes on her, my other Russian brother was allowed to stay because he's visiting.
~April 25, 2022~ Funny story swap with the favorite wolf
“I'm so glad you're starting to feel better, Sergei,” she could tell that he still knew that he was hated even though he was swapping some funny stories; Kyoki has some funny stories of her family, she even had some when she and Sergei first met. She held my Russian brother close, I swear she could feel his heart breaking again. “I swear I would like to make this end if I could,” she could could tell tears were there as her hand when to dry them before they could fall; I knew it was just being there brought most comfort to Sergei, I knew there was sense that something more had to be done for my Russian brother. Anton walked into room to be with his brother, he knew that his brother was heartbroken from what Nikita had been telling him. “Дорогой брат, это закончится, я обещаю тебе,” Anton knew what was was going on, I suspected he had something up his sleeve; it was something Danieli had suggested to Kyoki and to Anton share some funny stories, I thought it was good idea. So did Anton and Kyoki, and that's what those Karens were anticipating with Sergei.
“Серёжа, я знаю, ты это помнишь, когда у папы начинались те моменты, когда ему приходилось ладонью,” Sergei looks at his younger brother, both of them started laughing at memory of their papa having to facepalm at what their older brother had done; Nikita had climbed up tree and got stuck. Neither Sergei or Anton knew how Nikita got stuck in tree, it had to be admitted that it was pretty funny.
“Ах, да да, тогда Никита застрял на дереве, папа был не в восторге,” Kyoki stiffled a giggle as Anton and Sergei bust into laughing fit, then Nikita walked hearing his brothers laughing; then he knew what just happened and started to laugh. It was of good memory of their home when they were growing up in their home village, I know there was something was up Nikita's sleeve for Sergei. “Эх, Серёжа, это было время, когда ты ел пирожки, когда жена не смотрела, тебя ругали,” Sergei just blushed at fact his wife can scold him every time he does something he wasn't supposed to; this time it was Nikita and Anton that were laughing. It was causing those Karens to get angry, and that was best for Sergei because he didn't need them their.
~April 26 2022~ Painful reminder of what he has already been through.
“I don't know what happened, it's like someone had the slip of the mouth,” Kyoki was largely furious at who ever did this to Sergei, Danieli and I couldn't blame her for being that furious, I knew that my Russian brother didn't need painful reminder of what he already been through already. This person was hiding in shadow and largely gotten hold of those pictures of Sergei's raw burns before they were treated, it largely upset Sergei to point were he wanted to find this person tell them point blank that they hadn't any right to do what they had done.
“I know for a fact I didn't give out those pictures to any one else, besides the police and Danieli, no one else should have gotten a hold of the pictures,” I knew Proculeius was being honest with us because only two groups he sent those picures were to police and then to Danieli, there was problem; it sounded like someone had hacked into Proculeius' account to get those pictures. This wasn't needed as someone literally was out to ruin Sergei, those that hate him that much are enacting on that hate. “Kyoki, you didn't tell Yushka what this sick individual had said,” I looked at Kyoki to hear was this person had said, I knew that my Russian brother was very quiet as he was very angry; Kyoki knew this as did Proculeius when Sergei would get very quiet. Kyoki just looked up this page that she had found this sick person, she showed me what this person had said; and quite sadly though, this individual and others like minded wanted my Russian brother to be given poison instead of being treated for deep 2nd to 3rd degree burns and pain that was assoiciated with those burns.
“That's what what pissed me off most and I know you would be also,” Sergei was right when I saw what this sick person had said, I had handed Kyoki's phone back to her largely pissed; I know for fact Sergei did nothing to deserve what he's going through, I didn't ask for it and this was entirely unfair to my Russian brother and to me. Proculeius looks up to see where this person lives, it seems that he and I would have to go see if we could put end to this once and for all; it's going to end tragically if this keeps up.
~April 27,2022~ Only the shadow knows.
“How are we going to find this person?” I had to ask, and Proculeius was wondering same thing as we kept looking; I was being to think that this individual wanted to remain anonymous and work from shadows just to ruin Sergei for life. I was going to talk to actual Anon member, and one of their rules is not to bully anyone. “I had see what this sicko had done, I have to apologize, this is really against our rules,” he had largely reported anonymously the website to have those pictures taken down or site itself, I took this peron at his word when I asked him if he knew where this individual was; he told me that his location keeps changing because this individual was kicked out of place he was living at, the Anon member left to head to hospital because he knows one that he should apologize to for this was Sergei. Kyoki hadn't have a problem with it as she met him outside Sergei's room, my Russian brother had fallen asleep as he waited for word of what we were doing.
“He just fallen asleep waiting for Proculeius and Yushka,” good thing is that Sergei didn't need bandage changes as often as he did, Dr. Stein started to think that it was going to be okay that my Russian brother could almost start getting into clothes again; it was start of Sergei getting released from hospital. I knew he would still have ways to go with his recovery, and what did most good was to know how far he came so far.
“It's fine, I owe him a huge apologize for what's going on,” it was honest when he saw that Sergei was now awake and sitting on edge his bed looking to doorway, he bade Anon member to enter room telling that it was okay for him to come; they had lengthy talk when my Russian brother, Viktor, come into room. His brother, Dimitri, would always duct tape him to either table or Sergei's door; Nikita decided that it was good idea to send Viktor to Sergei to escape Dimitri for little bit. “Нет, все в порядке, он мой двоюродный брат, Виктор,” this intrigued this Anon member to wanting to become friends with Sergei and his family; despite fact that Sergei's family is Russian, this is what I wanted to see and to happen for Sergei. I never asked for pain to be brought to my Russian brother, that March 9th did just that where he was literally in physical pain as well as emotional.
~April 28, 2022~ Nikita puts a stop to his brother's pain once and for all as Ataman.
“Невозможно сказать, где этот человек в этот дождливый день,” Nikita was searching everywhere for this kid, our Anon friend was helping us to locate where this kid would might be; I can can say that this was for Sergei's sake. Good news was that site was taken down for good because it sited violence against my Russian brother and his family, I didn't like this and it was known that Sergei didn't either. “У меня есть один вопрос по этому поводу, откуда мы знаем, что этот человек существует?” It was honest question, and thing is fact we don't know if this kid does exist or not; I knew that Viktor was getting tired as it was going late. Tomorrow, we were going to go back at it; Sergei was itching to be home and I couldn't blame him.
“Виктор, у него еще есть время в больнице до возвращения домой,” Nikita didn't tell Viktor about Sergei itching, so I told him about some of changes that he was going to have to make; it took everything in in Nikita's cousin to keep from laughing. So I told him about 3rd degree burns making Sergei's right side and back were more sensitive, I think I saw wheels turning thinking of ideas of what to do to poor Sergei.
“Юшка, кажется, я знаю, что думает Виктор, что делать с Сергеем,” I knew what Nikita was meaning, I knew it had to be time to hide all those feathers from Viktor; so, Nikita started to talk to Anton to about what Viktor what thinking of doing to Sergei. Knowing Anton, he gave his cousin a hit to his back of his head to tell him not to think it; more like telling him to wait until Sergei was home. “Нет, Виктор, ты не делаешь этого с Сергеем, когда он приходит домой,” Viktor was too busy laughing at what he was thinking, this is what I had gotten to know and see as brothers and sisters; even hearing Boris playing his balalaika and me grabbing my buben playing that on my head to join them to enjoy evening air. I was hoping that there would be music to be played day Sergei comes home; Luka had been asking for Sergei ever since incident, there had been no easy way of telling him about what happened to Sergei and why he was in hospital.
~April 29, 2022~ Luka finally brings himself to visit and Sergei is going to change rooms soon.
“Лука, я думал, тебе никто не сказал о том, что произошло,” Sergei saw look on his face, he knew I told him what happened to him; he moved to sit in chair because it was increasingly uncomfortable for my Russian brother to lay. I knew that it was from him being so ticklish and sensitive on his right side and his back ever since his childhood and now this, Luka knew that things won't be same for his older cousin considering what three teenagers had done to Sergei and what people's hatred of him is doing to him right now. “Юшка рассказал мне, что случилось, я бы хотел, чтобы этого никогда не было, и чтобы тебя здесь не было,” Sergei waves his cousin to him knowing how he feels, being Russian; he kisses Luka's cheek softly and putting their foreheads together. I knew they are family, they also see me as family, one of nurse comes into room to talk with Sergei knowing in few weeks that he's going to move to different room before being released out of hospital.
“Sounds good to me, I was hoping when I would soon I would be going home,” after nurse had left after talking with Sergei, he was going to resume talking with Luka about what they were taking about before; I knew my Russian brother was going to get some jeers out of those who hate him. Luka didn't understand why his older cousin was so hated, I know Sergei didn't either understand why and he deep down hated it “Я знаю, Лука, я знаю, есть такие, которые не хотят нас здесь, они думают, что мы как-то связаны с агрессией России против Украины и не верят нам, когда мы говорим, что мы не,” Luka knew how this was going to end and he wasn't prepared to lose his cousin, Sergei saw it in Luka's eyes that held sadness; his own eyes held same sadness. I saw what was going on, and this individual was systematically going after Sergei, Nikita was still hunting this individual for suggesting that my Russian brother should die.
“Сергей, я боюсь того, что будет дальше,” my Russian brother knew and understood what Luka had said, he had his cousin lean down once more; he kissed his cousin on his cheek understanding fear. Dimitri had thought that this was connected to what happened to Sergei, it turned out he was right and it was connected.
~April 30, 2022~ Dimitri may have saved Sergei.
“Ребят, а что если это все дело связано? Серьёзно обжегся Сергей, надо бежать глубже,” all eyes were on Dimitri while he was eating piece of good Russian Rye bread with his lunch, our Anon friend did some looking and found out that Dimitri was right; this whole thing was connected from different case back in Feburary when Russian Orthodox Cathedral was burned down to ground. It was sad to hear about that, it was those same teenagers that had burned Sergei as had done this Arson of Russian Orthodox Cathedral. “Дмитрий, возможно, вы только что взломали это,” Nikita looks at screen and those teenagers were never caught for that arson, and our Anon friend thought if it was right if he should send everything they discovered about what happened to Sergei and torching of Russian Orthodox Cathedral; then he made disturbing discovery as of yet with this. One accelerant that common in both cases was petrol, then he knew that this had to be turned over to correct authorities to be used against those teenagers and hopefully this would stop for good before tragedy strikes.
“Не знаю, как ты, Никита, пойду расскажу Серёжа о том, что открылось,” Nikita thought that was fine and told him to be weary of Karens, I knew that Dimitri understood that seeing how he doesn't want to be dealing with world's biggest babies; both Nikita and I laughed at Dimitri's terminology for it and found out he learned that from Kyoki. That just made us laugh all harder at that terminology used, makes me wonder what else did they learned from that loveable crazy wolf while they had been living here long before any of this started.
“Gaius, do you mind taking me to see Sergei?” one of Roman twins of 2nd legion didn't mind dropping Dimitri of at hospital to see his cousin, I knew Gaius was wanting to see my Russian brother for little bit; as they were heading to hospital. There had been car following them and Dimitri didn't want to hit any innocent bystanders or cars, that's what this car wanted them to do so this person could pin them. “I think we better make them lose interest,” when Gaius said that he took a turn to head up to hospital and parked, well; that person that was driving that car quickly lost interest quickly, that person found out that Dimitri was man of honor. Gaius and Dimitri both got out of jeep and went to find Sergei's room, only to find Sergei actually asleep in chair. “Okay now what?” Dimiri just shrugged and went in anyway just to be his cousin; Gaius followed suit being quiet letting my Russian brother sleep, I knew there some fresh bandages after bandage change on Sergei. Dimitri was going to wait for as long as he can until his cousin woke up, which wasn't long; I know my Russian brother was glad to see Dimitri and had to ask if he had been duct taping Viktor to table again; and he wasn't doing that at this moment.
~May 1, 2022~ May day!
“Dimitri, you sure hit the nail on the head, how did you know that these cases were connected?” our Anon friend had to ask, this Karen was near by listening, anticipating Dimitri; Viktor went to his older brother handed him duct tape and to be weary of that Karen behind him. It was Kyoki's idea for duct tape to tape this Karen, she knew that Sergei hasn't any time for people like these Karens. “У меня было подлое чувство, что это было связано,” I knew that Dimitri had been right to act on his feeling, about like when I told him about Sergei's skin drying out; he went to go find some moisturising lotion after he duct taped that Karen's lips shut and her arms and legs together and worked with his younger brother Viktor to throw her out without so much protest from her.
Antony went with them to look for right kind of moisturising lotion for Sergei, it doesn't matter as long as my Russian Cossack brother matters to everyone here; then that would be enough for me while he recovers from those burns. “I anonymously sent what was found to the police to further connect the cases, just so no one else gets hurt or worse,” I appreciated that for Sergei's sake, I knew Danieli had been busy with visiting with my Russian brother; that was fine that he did that for Sergei. I know Danieli had come from long way from his home country of Georgia, it was all to just be with my Russian brother while he recovered.
“I realized something, without Sergei, he wouldn't have helped you out Ukraine or send water to Poland and Moldova,” our Anon friend was right, Sergei is and always be treasure to everyone that is touched by him in positively; I know those from Ukraine were touched by gift of water and wanted to send him big thank you. I knew that when they found out what had been happening, they were told that he felt terrible about this war because it's his native country invading what had been their homes and destroying that; he felt heartbroken because this war had made decision for them. 'Те матери, что привезли сюда своих детей подальше от войны, имеют значение 12 лет назад, я имела значение, я не имею значения сейчас,' it was painful realization on Sergei's part when he knew that numbers of people that hate him were increasing daily, those tears returned as did emotional pain; my Russian brother matters to me because he put himself last to help me and my fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks out of Ukraine. He matters like any brother to Danieli having good memory of Sergei's vacation to Georgia and getting present of new Georgian flag blanket, Sergei matters to his family great deal; he even matters to Slavlana, who chose to help Sergei because he helped her and her son.
~May 2, 2022~Search for release from the emotional pain.
“Yushka, no matter what I do, it doesn't help the situation at all for Sergei, it's like he's stuck,” Danieli said worried about Sergei, this is where I wished for Leonid's wisdom in this matter when it came to my Russian brother; I filled my Georgian friend in with what was going on. I also wished for Leonid to come and make things back to normal, by then; Sergei had already accepted this pain as new normal. “I know, Danieli, he had already just accepted this pain as new normal,” this wasn't Sergei we all knew deeply on personal level, when now he talks to any of us; his voice is so quiet where you can't quite here what he was saying. No one of everyday world would dare to come to talk to Sergei or just to get to know him, I knew that was hurting him most when he knows that it was only few friends or family that come to visit; last time that I did visit, I saw those tears flow freely without stop and he hidden his face to hide fact he really was in most vulnerable spot that he didn't want to be in
“Sergei, this isn't like you, I know you didn't want to be put into this most vulnerable position where you're heartbroken,” he barely looked at me, I saw what he was writing; it was note to those mothers that came here with their childern who were suffering from cancer and he wanted to make sure that they knew that they mattered. He was thinking that he did matter to everyday world anymore, that was what that hurt him most to know that. “I know, Yushka, I had already just accepted it,” I knew what he was planning to do once released from hospital, I wanted some time out with Sergei before he set out what he had in mind on doing; I wanted to spend time going through museum with my Russian brother. I had accepted fact that I might not get to do that, there had been a rumor that there is contracted hit out on Sergei. How many more times do I have to tell people that I don't ask for his death? How many more times do I have to say that my world would be empty without him? Why does it even matter that he's Russian? Is it all because his native country is committing war crimes against my country and they think that he had something to do with that? “Sergei, look at me, people don't see you as I see you,” I see those tear stained cheeks, I try to tell him that he matters to me and to everyone that do know him; he already knew that matter to everyone that knows him. If Sergei was killed, everyone would be losing someone that had been such treasure; music that he once played won't be played again.
“I wish there was some way to make this stop and reverse,” I remembered first time I came here to spend time with Sergei, he was both physically and emotionally hurting; I told him that it was okay and justified that he'd cry because he was hurting. I stick by those words as much as I do stick by my Russian brother, my hand goes to his cheek to wipe away his tears and to kiss him on his cheek; Slavlana came to walk with Sergei for little bit, she and I know that there was something wrong because my Russian brother fell and his leg broke. “Easy, I don't want that leg more broken than it already is,” Dr. Stein got orthopedic doctor into room to look at Sergei's leg, it was bad break and it was causing more pain for my Russian brother; but good thing was fact that his leg was taken care of very quickly. I figured as much that someone wanted Sergei to fall, it turned out I was right.
Here's the fifth 11 days for Sergei, toward the end his leg breaks. At the beginning, he did get an unexpected visit from his long since past father, Leonid, he'll show up again to those who don't know who Sergei really is. Well, in the next 11; that's exactly what happens, Leonid because hardened spirit, he tries to end what's going on with his son. It upsets him like it would any parent; but he does come back and help the doctors to heal Sergei's leg, so his son could walk without pain.
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friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 4: Rage and tears
Sergei's Plight
By Charmed Wolf
Here is the fourth set of 11days of Sergei's three month say in the hospital, his friends and family can clear see that he's suffering. Yushka tries to point it out where he gets love and Sergei gets nothing but the hatred and telling that it's not fair; he also points out that nothing in this life is ever going to be fair, his heart breaks because Sergei is heartbroken, Yushka doesn't like it on bit. He rather hear Sergei laughing and talking about pleasant things than to hear him so quiet and distant, Yushka wants his brother back to being who he is instead of suffering because people who don't know him deep down hate him. Again, please remember that this is a fictional story and the characters are fictional; I just want to point that this war in Ukraine effects everyone differently, in this case, it's the people that are making Sergei to suffer needlessly.
~April 11, 2022~ Yushka's gift to Sergei.
I saw young nurse help Sergei to sit on edge of his bed for bandage change, she saw look on his face and felt heartbroken for him; I really couldn't blame her as she started to take off old bandages so she could place clean bandages on Sergei's legs. She started with his legs first to be through to get clean bandages on Sergei and then back into bed, my Russian brother wasn't talking or screaming, this nurse saw tears fall from his eyes; Sergei was literally crying out of emotional pain. “I know what's going on and it's making him upset and heartbroken to were he's crying and calling for help and no one else is answering,” Peter Tan walked in at moment Sergei was finished with his bandage change, I knew this young man didn't like seeing his new friend in tears; he had heard stories of how brave Sergei is and now seeing him in most vulnerable spot and asking for help. Kennedy knew that Sergei had some scars deep down that no one can see; he was coming to spend time with Sergei.
“я устал от боли, я устал от боли, я хочу, чтобы эта ненависть ушла,” I had to leave room knowing how angry Sergei can get, he knows fact I get love where he was getting nothing; I have told him that me getting love and him getting nothing but hate wasn't his fault nor fair to him. I watched from doorway him place his face into hands to start weeping, I wanted to go to him to hold him close and then realized I had to do something for Sergei and fast. “Kyoki, where is he going?” Danieli knew I was furious as Kyoki, I was getting tired of seeing everyday people hurting my Russian brother like this; I had a feeling that some of those Karens had hand in reason why Sergei is so hated, they were spreading lies about him. Peter Tan went with me to see if we could put end to this, there isn't any reason why Sergei must suffer way he is. “There has to be a way to stop this before something tragic happens to Sergei,” I knew Peter was right about this, Sergei can't keep suffering for something he had no hand in; it was very senseless in least little bit.
There was something else I could do for my Russian brother, Peter had received call on his phone telling us that we were needed back to hospital and we feared worst. “He started to run a fever all of a sudden, they had to place him under again,” Kyoki was heartbroken about this and I couldn't blame her, Sergei had to be placed on ventilator for third time; that's when I had gotten this idea to have something made for him that no one could take away from him. Just like they couldn't take away blanket that Danieli had made for Sergei, then that's what I was going to do with old picture of him and his brother to have blanket made for him.
~April 12, 2022~ Still no sign of Sergei waking up.
“Still no sign of waking up from Sergei, I'm getting worried,” worry was evident in Kyoki's voice for Sergei, for my Russian brother; I too am worried about him. I had found someone that had been willing to get to know who Sergei is, she had heard his story and what going on with him. “I know what you're saying clearly, Kyoki, deep down, I'm worried about him also,” I went over to Sergei's bed and held his hand close, this is kind of infection wasn't caused by what we did; it was caused by unauthorized people that shouldn't be in Sergei's room in first place. My other hand went to stroking Sergei's hair very gently, I knew there were some people wanted to see my Russian brother to wake up and to be emotionally whole that not anyone to can put him back into this situation again; it was the same people had heard his story and copied what Sergei did, they were praying for him. “We need you, Sergei, there are hundreds of people that want to know the real you,” Kyoki said by Sergei's bed, it had been real waiting game with my Russian brother; we knew this infection was bad and wished it never happened in first place, Nurses were coming and going from Sergei's room to see if his fever broke.
Kyoki started to stick to her roots and play something for Sergei, still no movement from him, it was worrying everyone that knew him well. “Маленький Брат, пожалуйста, выздоравливай, ты мне нужен, ты нужен нам всем,” Nikita's voice was starting to crack from being upset because Sergei is so sick, I couldn't blame Nikita for being upset; I was hoping that maybe Sergei would be able to hear Nikita's voice and start to wake up. Yet there was no such movement, I saw Nikita sit by his little brother stroking his brother's hair softly.
“If there was one thing of this, hundreds of people aren't giving up on Серёжа,” Nikita knew something was going on, voices of these hundreds were drowning out lies that were being spread about Sergei; they were wanting truth to drown out what was said. How do ones that are spreading lies know it's true about Sergei? How do they know that he's some inhuman monster? Truth is fact Sergei responded in pain when three teenagers had burned him, inhuman monsters wouldn't do that; my Russian brother is capable of compassion where inhuman monsters aren't. “Guys, look, Sergei is waking up,” Nikita and I look to see bright and clear eyes looking at us wondering what just happened; his fever had finally broken, we wondered if his mind was whole. He wanted to rest for change, nurse came to check on Sergei only to fall asleep being tired.
~April 13, 2022~ At least it isn't friday.
“Я надеюсь, что ты чувствуешь себя намного лучше, братишка, ты мое сокровище, Серёжа,” two brothers put their foreheads together like they have done before; I knew that they were close, there were times where Sergei needed his older brother and vise versa. Dr. Stein was setting up for final skin graph for Sergei before my Russian Cossack brother is well enough to return to Castra Praetoria, it now been made official that it had been Sergei's permanent residence since start of war in Ukraine, deep down, he made it my home and for that I had been grateful for it. “Да, Никита, мне намного лучше, я все еще знаю, что есть еще люди, которые меня ненавидят, и мне все еще больно,” I knew it was fact this was now new normal for Sergei, he hated it and I knew it; I couldn't blame my Russian Cossack brother and I really don't want to deep down.
So, nurses come into room to get Sergei ready for skin graphs, every time he's touched on his right side; I know he starts to squirm because he is so sensitive there. “Last skin graph before you go home,” that made Sergei think of Castra Praetoria as home; I was hoping that Antony would be successful on making Sergei's residency at Castra Praetoria, I was wanting to see my Russian brother to be told that he's home. If I knew anything at all, it would be fact Ryunosuke would try to help Antony to make it permanent for everyone, and not just Sergei.
“I'm hoping Antony is successful so I would have home to go to,” it was hard hearing that from my Russian brother, Antony called Kyoki later that afternoon with some heartbreaking news; appeal that Antony was making had been denied for one obvious reason. It was looking like Sergei wasn't going to have home once he was released from hospital, I couldn't blame Ryunosuke for being angry about this. “I really hate to tell Sergei when he gets out of surgery,” and honestly, I really didn't want to tell my Russian brother; it would throw him into rage fit, I don't want him to go through that. I know he would be told anyway, I realize something had to be done or Sergei and his entire family were going to face being homeless and out on streets with not one person caring about them or lending anything to help them or bring them food or money. “So what we do now, Yushka?” I could tell that Kyoki was worried and right to be so, I didn't know what we could now for Sergei but to let Antony to try again; Kyoki and I went downstairs to wait for Sergei to get out of surgery. I dread telling my Russian brother that Antony had been denied, my heart sank into my boots at thought of Sergei being homeless or worse, deported.
~April 14, 2022~ Antony keeps trying to appeal.
“Thankfully, they aren't asking for deportation, they just want an eviction notice, and legally, they can't do that because we authorized them to live at the Castra Praetoria legally,” it was enough to get the notice to be stopped, and it was permanent; Sergei was going to have a home once out of hospital. I have said once before that if Sergei and his family were ever deported back to Russia, my family and fellow Zaporozhian Cossacks and I were going to return to Ukraine and rebuild. “Antony, tell me that you're successful into making sure Sergei has home,” just smile on Antony's face said it, right now; I wanted to celebrate, it wasn't good idea because my Russian brother was asleep. It was good to see that his physical pain was getting less as was bandage changes and need for skin graphs, Dr. Stein was pleased with how Sergei was healing and didn't have a problem releasing Sergei to go home after being in hospital for three mounths for treatment of serious burns, I knew that Sergei was still not same man I knew and met years ago because of those burns and people's hatred of him, and it still hurts.
“Сергей, я вижу, как ты дергаешься несколько раз. Это так сильно щекочет?” Sergei just started laughing at that, and it got me to laughing; then you had two grown men laughing, one Russian and one Ukrainian. I thought it did him some to laugh despite what people do to him, now those hundreds of people were different story as many had wanted to come and get to know who Sergei really is; Nikita said that they were welcome to come and talk to his little brother and to get to know him.
“Да, Юшка, сильно щекочет,” I knew with those 3rd degree burns, his right side and back were always going to be that sensitive as in ticklish; that's okay anyway because I love hearing Sergei laugh or sing or play anyone of his accordions instead of him crying. I think Dr. Stein was going to let my Russian brother to get up to walk, I know Slavlana keeps working with him to keep those burns from becoming stiff. “Dr. Stein, did you manage to get copy of after burn treatment skin care reutine for me?” I know there was reason why he was asking about that, I knew Dr. Stein hadn't forgotten about it; I also remember that Sergei was trying to keep from itching and was squirming because it was starting to tickle. Hence why my Russian Cossack is more comfortable on his stomach instead of his back or his right side when going to bed, of course; Alyona just doesn't mind as long as Sergei holds her close to him, I don't blame him for being so protective of her. “I gave the skin care instructions to your older brother,” Sergei understood what good doctor had said, as soon as Dr. Stein had left room, my Russian started into doing dueling whistles and I joined in when Nikita walked in. I knew we were about ready to start laughing when he walked in, then there goes Nikita and all three of us laughing.
~April 15, 2022~ Getting closer to going home.
“Your burns are looking good, I would think in another couple of months, you should be able return home,” Sergei understood what Dr Stein had said, I knew what was referenced to be Sergei's home; even the men at the Castra Praetoria welcome us with open arms. As I have said before, there are still those that refuse to acknowledge Sergei deep down as a human being; they don't know how much that hurts Sergei as well as me in this matter. “Only matter of time before it ramps up,” I knew for fact that he was speaking of hatred that he was receiving so unfairly, it's not fair to me to see my Russian brother being treated this way; it's also not fair to him to be treated with hatred just because he's Russian; I know his heart is breaking because of actions of those who hate him without reason and it breaks mine to see him in tears. I know this war in Ukraine effects everyone in different ways, Sergei feels terrible about this war because it's his native country is invading mine; it still is no excuse to treat someone like trash way those that hate my Russian brother.
“Sergei, I hate it that you're being treated by everyday people like this, it's not fair to you,” just this yesterday, we were doing dueling whistles with his older brother; Sergei just looked at me and told me that this wasn't fair to me either, and funny thing was fact he was right. He didn't like fact I didn't like seeing him being subjected to hate like this, I perferred fact Dr. Stein wanted to know where my Russian brother came from; he wanted to get to know who Sergei is as person. “I'm going to put stop to this so you don't suffer emotionally like this again” he knew I was furious about this and didn't want to see him suffer emotionally to point where he's going to start withdrawing; Proculeius had stayed with Sergei while I went to put end to what they were doin to my Russian brother. I was getting tired of this, honestly; I don't think they were going to stop until they achieved their goal of getting rid of Sergei. Why kill someone who doesn't have hand in this invasion? What good would that do to make his entire family suffer because of what Russian Government is doing in Ukraine? “I finally found troll that is spreading lies about Sergei and his ordeal isn't even over, he was so badly burned after three teenagers had poured 2 gallons of petrol over him and lit that on fire,” this person thought it was funny that my Russian brother was in hospital being treated for burns, this troll has sick mind taking pleasure in Sergei's burns and his emotional suffering; he told me that he was doing this for me and every Ukrainian that's in his country and in Ukraine. I told this person that I know who Sergei is and he didn't believe me when I said that my Russian brother is brave, loyal, honorable, respectful; all hallmarks of Siberian Cossack, and only one at 15 to make another kid to lick dividing pole back in his native village, but that is another story for later. “How do you know what you're saying is true that he's all the hallmarks of a Cossack?” So I told him how I know it's true what I'm saying of Sergei, I didn't count on this boy's father would be listening what was going on; he heard what I had said and took it for truth and recalled Russian Cossack saving his wife, this Cossack had dark brown hair and one eye green and one eye blue. It turned out this Russian Cossack matched Sergei's description very closely, that being my Russian brother has his left eye green and his right eye blue and dark brown hair. “For what it's worth, I'm going to see my son is punished for this,” and true to his word, this boy's father had punished his son for what his son was doing to Sergei; this boy thought my Russian brother killed his mother, that was further from being true
I return to hospital to be by Sergei, I could see his bandages on his legs as nurse comes into room to help Sergei to sit in chair. “Did you manage to stop it?” I knew what he was asking, he was trying to get comfortable even though it tickled; unless there was someone else, I may had stopped it to keep Sergei from emotionally suffering. Proculeius was looking at some sites on his phone, I may have stopped one; there were more out there.
~April 16, 2022~ The Karens last pitched effort to ruin Sergei's life.
“They did what?!” Antony was furious at what these hyenas had done, he was yelling on the phone at this individual; Proculeius was thinking about going straight to a friend of his. It was needing to end before Sergei was to be released to go home, again with lies; I thought I had it taken care of for Sergei's sake. “They are making a last pitched effert to ruin Sergei's life,” Antony was talking to Proculeius about this, I know what my Russian brother to have home to come to; these Karens don't even know that Sergei shared his home with us who are Ukrainian. At this point, I don't think they even care about that or anything; especially fact my Russian brother is still recovering from burns and undergoing treatment. “Yushka, do you have any ideas of what to do?” I had to think, what was Sergei's home became mine temperarly because of what's going on. Well, lady had finished my present for my Russian Cossack brother, I was pleased how it looked, Antony and I went up to hospital to visit with Sergei; only to find him sleeping, or at least trying to because of how ticklish his back really is.
“Antony, Sergei really is that ticklish, so it's not good idea to touch him there,” Sergei and I just start to laugh about that, then I present him my gift for him to get better; he treasured Danieli's blankent and now I know he's going to treasure mine. I know Sergei knows that we're fighting for him to have home to come home to; then again, there is Legendary wolf to throw monkey wrench into their plans again. “Юшка, ты клад с первой встречи, Спасибо,” I saw how grateful he was as he held that blanket close, he knows I treat him well like brother; as I had said in beginning of this whole ordeal, I had met my Russian brother as human being and not some inhuman monster like what these Karens see him as with drawn shashka and back of horse. Only time I have seen Sergei on back of his horse was when he'd be practicing his sword swing or he's standing in his saddle teaching class, that was it with him being known to jump into his saddle at full gallop and then to hold his reigns in his mouth just to shoot his rifle from horse back while at full gallop. “Добро пожаловать, Сергей, мой брат русский казак,” he knows I won't see him as anything else but my Russian Cossack brother, someone who took my family and other Zaporozhian Cossacks in; he gave us place to call home freely because he wanted to. I even knew that his entire family had sent water to those refugees to have water to drink, deep down; it was all done freely out of his free will despite fact he's Russian and those refugees are Ukrainian.
“Oh here we go,” Sergei and I started in with the dueling whistles when good news came in, what those Karens were doing was illegal considering that Castra Praetoria is actually Roman grounds; they didn't know who Proculeius had called to let Sergei and his entire family to stay. And it worked to stop them from appealing ruling that this judge had made, legally now; my Russian brother will have home to go home to.
~April 17, 2022~ Here we go again with the Dueling whistles.
“Well with events of past few days gone, Sergei is in much better mood, although he knows he's hated by majority of those that don't know him,” Nikita knew what I was talking about, those that did want to know Sergei as human being; I knew that my Russian brother was getting his bandages changed after bath, not medicated bath by any means. It was normal bath, he had to use soap that had moisturisers in it so his skin wouldn't dry out. “I feel lot better after that,” I helped trim Sergei's beard so it wouldn't be messy, when he dresses in his tunic; he wouldn't want that getting caught in what he was wearing. I told him good news that those Karens were court ordered to leave him and his family alone, I knew he was happy about that; so we ended up doing dueling whistles again. “You know, it makes me feel good when we can laugh together, Sergei,” I knew he knew that deep down, I know that he knows I call him my Russian brother on purpose; well you see, it's because he is my Russian brother deep down. I know he treats me and other Zaporozhian Cossacks with honor and respect, we treat him and his family in that way he treats us. Oh how wonderful it is when we share pastries together, and he often let's me have last one; more often than not, I split last pastry with him, that's how we avoid fighting. “I bet you miss me letting you eat fruit off ground,” I just started to laugh, I knew he was right; I did miss him letting me eat good fruit off ground when he practice with his shashka. Now his shashka has silver eagle's head on pommel, eagle's head looked like it was wearing papakha on top; that meant of honor and status as son of their Ataman, or in my case, Hetman, we work together and put aside our differences and work on our simularities and strengths.
“Well, since you said that, I acually do miss that, people find it really weird and I don't really care what people think,” Sergei laughed finding it good to know that he's not alone in not caring what people think, I think one day; he and I will have to go find museum and look at art and historical pieces. We'll have to do that when he gets out of hospital, one time; he found picture of one famous painting by Ilya Repin, we were discussing historical content, he told me that it may have happened. “Once you're home from hospital, you and I will have to go find good museum to look at art and historical pieces,” I knew Sergei liked that idea of visiting museum, right now; his burns need to heal so he can return to his family. I think he has been away from his family long enough and it's about time he goes home, Dr. Stein asked if Sergei wore any short sleeve shirts; I know Sergei doesn't and nature of what he does as Siberian Cossack, it always had been long sleeves.
“Do you ever go shirtless at times?” My Russian brother told him about that, good moisturising sunscreen was recommended for him to use when he does go shirtless; and that was good thing to help protect his skin after being burned horrifically by three teenagers. Yesterday, Danieli went to where those teenagers to ask them what did they want to prove by burning Sergei; they wanted to remove him for me. I don't want him gone from this world, my world would be empty if he were killed just for being Russian.
~April 18, 2022~ Sentencing phase planned.
“Yusha, we're planning for the sentencing part of the trial, I want your honest opinion what the sentence should be,” I knew what our prosecutor was hinting at, deep down; I wanted so much for Sergei because of what these teenagers had done to my Russian brother. He made us welcome by opening up what now is his home because he was seeing what was happening to mine, there was compassion sent to refugees in Poland and else where because he knew what that was like. “I would suggest maximum sentence because it's not wished on anyone to go through what Sergei went through,” I knew that prosecutor was considering what I had said seriously, I knew that these burns that my Russian brother had received is what he didn't deserve; there are those like me that think that way of Sergei. I know Danieli thinks the same way even though he's Georgian, He met Sergei when he was on vacation long before Russian agression against Georgia where they became close friends.
“I can remember the days spent by the river and being able to swim with Sergei, that was so much fun to go riding and seeing him goof off in his saddle,” I knew Sergei was able to do every kind of trick in book in his saddle, that was how he had gotten few medals to show his courage; those that hate him for nothing good won't see that with Sergei. At same time, they won't see him for who he really is, and fact of that remains to be that it hurts not only me; it actually hurts Sergei deep down to point where he's in tears because of it.
“Okay, that's what I wanted to know and ask for the maximum sentence for those teens, and thank you for sharing that,” it put smile on Danieli's face after prosecutor had left, it was one step closer to getting justice for Sergei after what happened to him; those that wanted to know him had been following trial close. I know my Russian brother doesn't wish this on anyone, there are those that think that he does when I know he doesn't.
~April 19, 2022~ Sentencing begins and the wolf returns.
“Well it begins, Sergei,” now I know he knew what Kyoki had meant, it was beginning of end and start of whole new journey for my Russian brother; I know Legendary wolf knew his tears and could name them for rage that he had been feeling. Both she and I really could never blame Sergei for way he was feeling, there was also rage behind how he is being treated because he's Russian, it hurts us to see him hurting by ones who want to see him to suffer because of what Russia is doing in Ukraine now. “I know this isn't fair to you or to Yushka, those who are doing this think they are doing our Ukrainian brother a favor, Sergei,” Kyoki and I know better than to believe what those idiots are saying and doing, they aren't doing me any favors by emotionally making my Russian brother suffer; they don't know that this war in Ukraine makes Sergei feel worse than anyone just because it's his native country invading my country. I know he thinks it's stupid to invade another country just because they had discovered shale oil in different areas of country, I really can't blame him for thinking that because I largely agree with him about this stupid war. “Kyoki, what is your honest opinion on this whole war?” It was honest question from Sergei, Kyoki knew what he was asking and was prepared to answer him; there was Karen at doorway to his room anticipating Kyoki's answer. She's going to get big surprise when Legendary wolf gives her answer to my Russian brother, it's what he had been thinking all along about this whole war considering that his older brother was lied to by Russian president about rebuilding their homes and restoring their school.
“I hate it because of how others are treating you because of what your native country is doing to Yushka's native country, it's not fair to either of you,” Sergei was satisified with what Kyoki had said, it threw that Karen for loop just by Kyoki's answer; for what it was worth, Kyoki stuck by what she said and meant what she said. I knew that my Russian brother was grateful for what Kyoki had said; that Karen at doorway started to scream until Sergei looked at her. “Замолчи! ты из тех, с кем я не имею дела,” Kyoki respectfully stayed quiet for Sergei about ready to defend him at all cost, I knew trial was beginning and Kyoki was someone that is to never to be messed with; she knew what Sergei had said with him tired of this Karen. Security personal came to help out with Sergei, he was sitting on edge of his bed with this look one his face of displeasure with this Karen.
“Do you want us to take here away?” Sergei nodded when Kyoki translated for him, this Karen didn't know that my Russian brother wasn't very comfortable speaking in English and prefers to speak in his native Russian; that rage was building and I know I had asked for people to leave him alone when he didn't want to be bothered. Those that wish to know him were asking for those that don't know Sergei to leave him alone, I know what they're really provoking, and it's really not right that they do this to my Russian brother.
~April 20, 2022~ Justice for Sergei.
“Там были люди, призывающие к справедливости для тебя, Сергей, они считают, что это было несправедливо по отношению к тебе,” Kyoki said to Sergei as she sat down by his bed; he also knew that there was people at courthouse calling for those teens to be set free, trial began without any trouble when this judge began his work and talk to our prosecutor. Kyoki knew that look on Sergei's face, she knew that he wasn't in any good mood and she stayed quiet by his bed. “Те, кто меня не знает, испортят этот суд, они должны знать, что эти подростки разрушили их жизнь так же, как и мою,” Kyoki knew what he was saying about trial, and fact is that he was right about it and it makes him upset; I knew for fact that my Russian had nothing to with this invasion. And yet he still gets hate and knows it, he also knows that I want it to end so Sergei wouldn't suffer emotionally like this; in my thinking, this was going to end in tragically for my Russian brother.
“Ты знаешь, что ты прав, те люди, которые тебя ненавидят, устроят беспорядок, поэтому Юшка борется за тебя, Сергей,” Sergei ignored second Karen there as she was demanding that he'd look at her instead of Kyoki, he knew what Legendary wolf had said was to be true; he could understand what Kyoki was saying in his native language than the screams. I was fighting for my Russian brother because I know he had nothing to do with Russian agression against my country, he didn't deserve those burns he had gotten or hatred that he's receiving right now; I know it for fact that it was coming to head.
“Киоки, ты думаешь, он взорвется?” Kyoki told him that it was, I had been afraid that it would end in Sergei's death; now that's something I don't want because my world would be empty and those people won't be doing me any favors by killing my Russian Cossack brother for something he didn't have hand in. Kyoki knew why I was fighting for Sergei's sake, she knew that none of us want to see Alyona become widowed and be forever mourning death of her beloved husband. “Я ненавижу, что дело доходит до того, что Юшка буквально боится тебя потерять, Сергей,” that gave Sergei sense of what's on with trial, Kyoki knew that Sergei has faced death many times; he's not afraid to face death now if those that hat him would kill him. It was that look on his face that says it all, he wanted to have some release from this emotional pain.
~April 21, 2022~ Yusha's stand.
“I'm really upset that his is going on, I thought I had done my best,” I knew that Danieli was upset with this; Kyoki and I couldn't blame him for being upset, I told him that I was literally afraid of losing Sergei to this whole ordeal. Little by little, I knew that my Russian brother had not one reason to smile now; it was starting to get very bad when this was happening. “Yushka, you have to do something before someone decides to take Sergei's life,” I knew what Kyoki was meaning and she knew that I knew Sergei better than anyone else, he has told me what disliked and what he really liked; there had been reporters at trial that wanted to have my side of this story and how I really felt about what was going on in Ukraine. What really surprised me most was fact they wanted to air Sergei's story and to find some release for my Russian brother. “Kyoki, do you think he's going to take a chance to get Sergei's story to a greater audience?” Kyoki knew what Danieli was asking, and for Sergei's sake; I was taking cue from Danieli and taking chance to take this to greater audience. It was with hope that more people would listen, I'm Ukrainian defending my Russian brother because that's how I know him.
“He's taking that chance because you chose to set the presidence and took the chance to take Sergei's story out,” Kyoki saw sentencing being rendered to judge and read out loud, those teenagers were sentenced maximum for what they did to my Russian brother; after trial was done, I took time to talk with these reporters about everything. They took time and listen and not misquote what I was telling them, they knew I didn't like this war in Ukraine as much as Sergei; I told them that my Russian brother hated it more because it's his native country that was invading mine and fact that Russian president had lied to his older brother.
“They are doing this at studio, they know Yushka is telling truth,” Kyoki and Danieli both knew what Sergei said, with trial was over and Sergei's time to pick up pieces of his world was just beginning; I wanted to give back that reason to smile to Sergei. I wanted to restore his world and let music flow so freely, I even wanted to play music with him and enjoy seeing him smile and hearing him laugh at funny stories and jokes.
This is the fourth set of 11 days of Sergei in the hospital, there is still more to come for our Russian; he's going to get a good surprise in the next chapter. At the end, it's going to end in hope, so Sergei isn't going to die in this story. But he is going to offer hope though and stick close to his Ukrainian brother, I'm not going to spoil the surprise; I will say this though that it's going to have a supernatural feel to it. Yushka had no idea that this mysterious person was sent to help heal Sergei, our Russian will recognize who this mysterious person is.
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friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 3: Trial
Sergei's Plight
By Charmed Wolf
Alright, the third 11 days of Sergei's treatment, it's also the start of the trial of the three teens that burned Sergei as horrifically as they did. The pictures that was taken of the raw burns before treatment were entered as evidence to be used, there were people that were helped by Sergei at the trial to support Nikita and Sergei; even though Sergei couldn't be at the trial because he was still going under burn treatment. Still, there were people that thought that Sergei deserved the burns when the truth said otherwise.
~March 31, 2022~ Kyoki's choice threw a monkey wrench into the Karens plans.
“I'll do what I can for Sergei, after all he and his family is considered family,” I was satisified with Kyoki's answer, I suppose those Karens that were listening to us talk were expecting negitive answer; well, Kyoki threw monkey wrench into their plans with her choice. If I knew that wolf, I would know she wouldn't back down from anything and that's including defending Sergei and anyone of his family. “So, I suppose that puts a monkey wrench into your plans, I don't turn my back on family,” she was calling my Russian brother family, she did that on purpose saying that Sergei is family; I know for fact that she's only one sniper that can hit smallest target on human body, femrol artery, also not afraid to tell truth. One of those Karens went to Kyoki and tried to slap her when Danieli got in between them, hand on his dagger, he wasn't about to let those Karens touch Kyoki, or for that matter, slap her. “You touch or slap her, there is no telling what she'd do to you,” it was warning from Danieli as he had his hand on his dagger, those Karens have to back off or be mauled by wolf; and that's wouldn't be pretty.
Kyoki got to Sergei's room while he was in process having bandage change, she saw the burns for themselves and literally felt like ripping up those teenagers that did this to him. “Some of the burns are still blistering, for right know, Dr. Stein will do one more bath later and then skin graphs,” Sergei understood what nurse had said; those clean bandages felt itchy to my Russian brother, also it comes with territory of burns, Sergei always had been sensitive on his right side most and these burns made that even more sensitive. “I'm glad you came, Kyoki,” she walked in once covered, she was aware that Sergei was still undergoing burn treatment after what those teenagers had done; she knew better than to touch bandages once to his bed. Some of those burns had made it hard for Sergei to move, working with Slavlana helped relieve that stiffness. “I don't turn my back on family, and you know that, Sergei,” My Russian Cossack brother nodded sipping some water, he knew that Kyoki would never turn her back on her family; there was more important news from courthouse. They were going ahead with trial, even though Sergei wasn't going to be able to come to testify, prosecuting atterney had idea to tape Sergei's testimony for trial. “The prosecutor came to the Castra Praetoria, he's going ahead with the trial, he still want your testimony, I suggested he tape it,” I know my Russian brother was ready for this, he wanted this done at very beginning of his ordeal; Kyoki knew how much pain Sergei had been in since beginning. People that didn't know Sergei, they were ones that were supporting my Russian brother most when he needed it.
“Why so soon?” Kyoki told him that there wasn't anything on prosecuter's desk to take care of before Sergei's case, trial date was set for tomorrow and it's not April fools joke; I knew Kyoki wasn't foolish as those Karens thought she was. Oh, she's smarter than what other people think she is, Sergei knew it when they first met years ago. “Tell me that's April fools joke,” there was gentle smile to her lips, that said it for my Russian Cossack brother that this isn't; like had been said, Sergei deserved justice for what happened to him. Alyona had also come to be with Sergei, by then, he had fallen asleep after getting news about trial going foreward.
~April 1, 2022~ April fools, the start of the trial.
“It's the start of the trial, I'm wanting to get your testimony for your case,” this prosecutor was fighting go get Sergei justice that he deserves; I knew taping it didn't take long, this prosecutor had got what he needed to help my Russian brother. I know Sergei gave some strongly words to defence atterney, this defence atterney doesn't know my Russian brother way I know him, he knows nothing of what Sergei likes and dislikes. “Спасибо, for this chance to at least emotionally heal from this,” Danieli knew that this was start of Sergei healing emotionally and not just physically; he also knew that there had to be someone that could relate to about being burned for my Russian brother, of course, the itchiness came back and it was kind of funny to see him sit and try not to srcatch at it so much. Some kindhearted person left a nice moisturising lotion, it was something recommended for Sergei.
“I think my skin is starting to getting dry,” Sergei said trying not to scratch at his burns, then he and I started to laugh at an old memory of when he and I first met; it was time for me to go to courthouse for trial. I was going to do my best to support Sergei, he's more than friend, he became my brother from Russia. “I hope to be back later to sit with you,” I had told him as I had left room, he knew that I had to be their to testify about what happened night he was burned; he knows I will be honest, I know for fact I didn't like seeing my Russian brother getting burned like this. I wondered who that kindhearted person was that left that decent moisturising lotion for Sergei, there was note taped to bottle, note itself wasn't bad and very nice. ~'I'm sorry about what those teenagers had done to you, the fact remains, you didn't deserve what you got after the kind things you did. If you need someone to talk to, I'm avilable at anytime.'~ Maybe this person had heard what had happened and wanted to offer support, I just don't know though; the lotion was unscented as that was recommended for after treatment skin care, Dr. Stein also recommended moisturising sunscreen if Sergei was going to be taking shirts off.
I know for fact Sergei is going to take and pay closer attention to caring for his skin, if anyone touches him on his right side, I know he'd be laughing because he'd be sensitive there. “Whoever this person is, she most have known what is like to be burned,” Sergei said looking at bottle of moisturising lotion, sure enough; this person that had gave my Russian brother lotion, did know what it was like to be burned. Of course, he was grateful that someone who could relate to his situation and to give him helping hand with after treatment skin care by giving him things he needs, there was going to be more to come with skin care and this trial.
~April 2, 2022~ Day two of the trial, Prosecution's evidence mounts up.
“They did opening statements yesterday and a review of evidence, Sergei, it's all in your favor to help you to heal,” Kyoki pays attention to trial to keep updated with what's going on, those Karens really didn't like what she had done other day; Danieli said once that once Kyoki makes up her mind, it stays made up. And he's right about that, once this legendary wolf makes up her mind, it stays made up. “Have they started with testimonies yet?” Kyoki looks up from what she was reading, she knew that Sergei was tense and didn't really want those Karens near by; it looked like they were up to nothing good. One of nurses had to ask them to leave burn floor because they were making my Russian brother nervous, if they didn't leave, security would have to be called to escort them out of hospital entirely. “Not yet, and that's listed for today,” she had a feeling that those teenagers were going to lie on stand and under oath, and she's usually never wrong about things like this; it turns out she was spot on with her feeling. Those teenagers did lie through their teeth about what had happened that March 9th, Proculeius and I both knew truth of what really happen that night. “They just ruined their lives when they did this to me,” Kyoki knows when Sergei gets pissed, he gets rather quiet to a point where he won't say anything; and that's where he is now. My Russian bother knows Proculeius and I will tell truth about what really happened, we all knew that Sergei didn't deserve those burns as those teenagers said he did.
“Now it's Proculeius' turn to testify about what happened,” Kyoki knew that Proculeius actually came through and gave an earful to defence atterney, he was right to say that this defence atterney was foolish thinking he knows Sergei; he doesn't know my Russian brother in least little bit. I took stand after Proculeius was done with defence atterney, I knew I had to be just as honest as Proculeius was. “I know Yushka will be honest about what happened March 9th,” Sergei was right when I took stand; I was honest about what I saw, it was because I knew what I saw. I knew those burns weren't even self-inflicted, those were delibretly done to Sergei.
“I can't believe that the defence atterney just walked into his own trap,” Kyoki knew what was going on with trial, I gave defence atterney good thrashing; prosecuter called for Sergei and said he had done do deligence and taped his testimony for this trial. So, it was because that my Russian brother was still in hospital because of what those teenagers had done to him; Sergei told defence atterney that he doesn't even have any clue to who he is, what he likes and dislikes or what the aspect of honor is to Cossack and among other things. “There you have it, he played his best card, those teens are sunk,” Kyoki just turned tv off knowing that Sergei had went quiet, he wasn't mad at prosecutor; it was those teenagers he was mad at for what they did to him, scarring him for life after pouring petrol on him and then lighting him on fire. Kyoki could see tears in his eyes fall one by one; she knew that those teenagers had not only scarred Sergei for life, they also had ruined their own lives with what they had done. “Sergei, you have every right to be upset with those teens and what they did to you, they said you deserved those burns, they're wrong because you didn't deserve this,” Kyoki was right with what she had just said; Sergei knew it deep down that Kyoki was right, this is what it means to be supported and not abandoned. I wish this community would open up their eyes to see that, right now, they really are blind to fact that Sergei isn't bad at all.
~April 3, 2022~ Third day of the trial, Prosecution keeps the evidence coming.
“Dr. Stein had testified on your behalf,” Kyoki was still by Sergei considering that he's more like family than friend; it was explained in detail of how severe those burns were, he also described how much pain Sergei was in after first few days after coming into hospital. I know the rawness of those burns when Sergei had first came in, there was reasoning behind his decision to document how severe those burns were. “I suppose it should be told so people would know,” Those Karens wouldn't believe what Dr. Stein was saying, he was being honest with what was going on going with my Russian brother's treatment; it meant that Sergei isn't as much pain as was when he first came in. Kyoki noticed those Karens were back looking at Sergei's blanket, Danieli spent too many hours on making that blanket for him. “Kyoki, don't tell me that they're back,” she didn't have to tell him that they were, his eyes drifted over to doorway and saw those Karens; Danieli knew as well as Kyoki that they weren't up to any good. The Legendary wolf got up to doorway to wave nurse over to tell her that those Karens were back, I knew Sergei wasn't going to give up his blanket, his name was put into blanket.
“What did you do to them, Kyoki?” she just smiled as she sat back down to see what was going, security personel came and had to escort those Karens out of hospital; they vowed that they will get that blanket. Kyoki didn't think they will be back, there were effectively banned from entering this hospital again. “All I did was to have them thrown out because they were wanting to steal your blanket, Sergei,” he knew that Kyoki was trying to pay attention to trial, there was another witness that saw what Proculeius and I did; it was from another angle from where we were. My Russian brother recognized who this man was, it was Karl Freiderich Housen, he immigrated from Germany years ago to start all over. “He just pointed out that those teenagers were lying through there teeth because he knows what he saw,” Kyoki said looking up at the tv screen, Karl often would visit children in the Children's hospital; one of those children told Karl that Sergei was in hospital with severe burns. Karl sweetly told that little girl that he knew because he saw what had happened, he had plans to visit with my Russian brother when he was done with his visit with the little kids, and often in his Native German clothes. “I enjoyed Karl's company one evening when I couldn't talk,” I knew Karl would know that sometimes best guestures don't require any words; the old German had come through my Russian brother with his testimony, judge called Recess until next day. Nurses come into his room with bandages for bandage change, it was deep 2nd degree burns to 3rd degree burns on his body, those 3rd degree burns were mostly consetrated to his right side and back under his right shoulder. “Okay, time for bandage change, Sergei,” those burns didn't looks as bad as when he first came to hospital; old bandages were coming off easier, it could be seen that Sergei's skin was permanently marred.
Sergei wanted to show those teenagers what they did to him, I know he was literally angry with them for screw up his life as well their own lives for those burns. “We're all finished with the bandage change,” one of nurses said as old bandages were changed, as soon as they left; Sergei's pentup emotions came out and he just started to cry. When Kyoki told me what happened, I wished I could be there by his bed.
~April 4, 2022~ Defence's pitiful display.
“I will tell you that defence atterney is making a pitiful display,” Sergei was right about what defence atterney was doing; especially when crossexamine what we were saying, it was disrespect and Proculeius and I repeatedly called him out on him. Even Karl had to call him out on him, I didn't want my Russian brother to be upset again as did Danieli and Kyoki. “I haven't seen those Karens all day today,” and that was good to hear that they hadn't made their apperence; I know Legendary wolf would make it stay that way, Danieli freely gave that to Sergei as way of telling him to get better and to know that he was there for him. It was support that my Russian brother needed that community refused to give him, they refused to give support just because he happens to be Russian, deep down, that's worst thing to do to another human being. “Sergei, You're quiet,” Kyoki sensed something wrong when he when quiet, whenever my Russian brother goes quiet like this; there is something wrong and he's angry. He just didn't say anything because of what was going on, he was upset and he knew it as well as Kyoki knew it. “He's making mokery of my heritage,” Kyoki knew that was reason why Sergei was so upset, she couldn't blame him and didn't want to blame him; Sergei stood by her when certain senator had made bold claim about being Native American. He knew better because he knows Kyoki has more Native American in her than this stupid senator, and He told me about it, making that wolf angry is bad idea. “Kyoki, Спасибо, вам не нужно было оставаться,” all what she did to answer him was touch his cheek, she didn't have to stay and she did anyway; it was like what she said about family; she never turns her back on family. Family doesn't have to be related by blood, adopting others into family can make up family, like everyone did at Castra Praetoria.
“Нет, Сергей, я хотел остаться, потому что ты моя семья, ты мой русский брат,” that made Sergei smiled when he heard Kyoki speak in perfect Russian, it was pleasant surprise to hear that from this beautiful wolf; he had not any idea that Kyoki could speak Russian. She turned tv off when trial was at Recess to give my Russian Cossack brother chance to rest, by then, Sergei was already asleep before Kyoki left his room.
“I have a feeling that it was going to be tomorrow the closing arguments,” Kyoki had said while walking to waiting jeep with Danieli, they both knew that prosecuter was asking for maximum sentence because of severity of what they did to Sergei; I don't know how many times that judge had to repramand defence atterney for what he was doing. Even Sergei's friends were calling for harshest sentence possible, they didn't like seeing their Russian friend wrapped up in bandages going through skin graphs, medicated baths and bandage changes. He was in so much pain at beginning of this whole ordeal, I knew he wanted this to end and I couldn't blame him and didn't want to blame this man who had been my brother for many years from first time I met him to now.
~April 5, 2022~ More despicable acts of the Defence.
“All I can see is more mess that this defence atterney is making,” Kyoki knew better than what this defence atterney was doing, he went to as far as to make fun of Sergei's Russian culture; it was making me mad when he went as so far as to accuse Sergei of having something to do with Invasion of Ukraine when I know it wasn't true that he didn't have anything to do with that. I know he and his family helped us tremdiously to get us out, then sending all those cases of water to Poland for refugees from Ukraine. “He's lying through his teeth and Yushka knows it,” my Russian brother was right that I did know it; Sergei didn't want that man anywhere near him now, I really couldn't blame him being so angry with him. I suppose Sergei's words didn't connect with this man's brains or he just didn't care, Kyoki suggested it was both, the words that Sergei said and fact that this man didn't even care. “Sergei, do you want me to just turn it off?” Sergei just shook his head, he was wanting to hear verdict being read; I was hoping it would be that would be good verdict. I knew prosecuter had said his closing statement to end this part of trial, I wished there was something more we could do for Sergei. “Well, the jury will be out for awhile,” Kyoki said seeing that there wasn't more that could be done, it was up to members of jury to render verdict, it didn't take long for those jury members to render their verdict. “I feel vindecated now those teenagers had been found guilty,” I had to congratulate prosecuter on his win, next step in this journey was sentencing phase of this trial; Sergei felt like weight had been lifted of his shoulders. There was more yet to come in his journey to heal and recover from his burns, I know he's never going to be same after his whole ordeal.
“Well, those teens really ruined themselves, royally,” Sergei didn't have to say anything about that, he already knew what Kyoki was meaning; he hated fact they had literally lit him on fire trying to kill him when he had done nothing wrong to deserve such pain that he had gotten while he was just trying to walk to our jeep just to get home, in beginning of this journey, all what Sergei could do was scream in pain or cry because of amount of pain he was in both physically and emotionally. And what broke him most was fact this community had largely abandoned him only to find out that his friends became his family and his aquantinces he met became his friends really quick, they learned very quickly who Sergei really is and what his personality is really like.
“Одна нога готова, другая для начала. Никиту обманул российский президент, и эта война решила за нас,” Sergei knew this was just the beginning of what was still to come, he knew his brother was lied to after what they were promised; he knew they weren't going to be getting what they were promised. Then this war happened further causing problems for my Russian brother, then it came to March 9th where he ended up getting burned horrifically on his arms, his legs, his back, his sides and his chest and abdomen.
~April 6, 2022~ Sergei's determination to never give up.
“Okay, we're going to do one more bath, after that, I'll do more skin graphs on your side and back to further clean it up,” Sergei had something to say to Dr. Stein, it was something out of his childhood that needed to be explained; those 3rd degree burns had made my Russian brother that more sensitive on his on his right side, so when nurses go to put medicated burn cream on him, he had to try everything to keep from laughing because it really does tickle. I think Sergei found it embarrassing for him to say anything, with sentencing phase 2 weeks away, prosecuter's office had sent nice gift to Sergei to get better and that nice and they didn't have to. “Yushka, I think I had told you about my most ticklish spot,” I knew which spot he was talking about, he did tell me of how when he was child; he had been so ticklish on his right side and now those burns made it that more ticklish.
Dr. Stein started to get things lined up for Sergei's bath, I had noticed that it didn't hurt as much as it did in beginning of this and that was good. “Is there one thing you need to tell me before we begin?” I knew that Sergei was going to tell good doctor about his sensitivity on his right side; that was something that was needing to be made known, then there was problem with those Karens trying to take Sergei's Siberian region flag blanket multiple times before Kyoki had to step in and put end to it. I could tell it on Sergei's face that he was rather embarrassed about it, so I had to encourage him to go ahead to tell Dr. Stein about it.
“It's more embarrassing than anything else, I have been more sensitive on my right side ever since childhood, it doesn't hurt, just ticklish,” my Russian brother knew that Dr. Stein had gotten charge out of that when Sergei told him, it was something unexpected and different; usually with burn patients, those 3rd degree burns would start to hurt. With my Russian brother, it was making him more sensitive on that right side to his middle of his back, it explained why he couldn't lay on his back when going up. “I have never heard that before out of a patient,” he knew he was going to be extra careful with Sergei because of that level of sensitivity; he told the nurses to be extra careful with Sergei's right side with it being ticklish, Danieli knew why my Russian brother always slept on his stomach. With the things set up for bath, one of nurses came to get Sergei to get to where they have tub, they would gently get him out of his old bandages and trying to be extra careful on his right side. “Okay now, we can start,” Dr. Stein worked on cleaning up those burns, like he did in beginning of this journey; Sergei was being good trying not laugh. It still tickled as medicated wash was put over his right side and down right side of his back, I knew as well as Danieli that this was last of medicated baths he's going to need.
~April 7, 2022~ More support to come.
“I hope there wasn't anymore bandage changes to,” I knew Sergei didn't enjoy going through those bandage changes, even though they don't hurt as much as they did in beginning of this; deep down, I knew he still hurt emotionally from what had happen to him. I can't blame my Russian brother for feeling this way, I still don't blame him for feeling way he does, this war in Ukraine hurts everyone in different ways. “Sergei, lean over here against me,” I let him lean over toward me, just as he did in beginning of this whole ordeal; I could see emotional pain come out Sergei. It was heartbreaking to someone I had been so close to feel so abandoned, I know where to put the blame for this, I was at loss for words for the emotional pain this brother of mine is feeling. 'Должен быть какой-то способ перестать причинять такую ​​боль,' I just do only thing I could do, that was to hold him close and be mindful of his bandages; this wasn't cry of pain like in beginning, this was cry of something deep down something more painful than any physical pain. How could majority of this community just turn their backs on Sergei when three teenagers had taken petrol and poured it all over him and then just light him on fire? How can majority of this community just abandon someone who had nothing to do with that invasion? “Мой брат русский казак, мне больно видеть, как ты так страдаешь,” Before anything could be said, I had learned Russian growing up in Zaporozhia; so I'm very fluent in Sergei's native language. It hurts me to see when he's hurting like this, no one has ever believed him when he says anything about he has done to help refugees, if I could, I would show people here what real compassion is of what was shown to those refugees.
“Yushka, is he that hurt?” I didn't have to answer Nikita, he saw tears for himself and knew his brother was emotionally hurting; he didn't have any words for this himself as much as I didn't. It was like reel that keeps playing without end of what those teenagers had done, I stood there by his bed just to softly stroke his hair just to try to get him to calm down or to fall asleep, which ever came first on Sergei. “You know, Nikita, this is where I wish had my Bandura to play, just something to calm Sergei,” I knew Nikita knew what I was meaning, Nikita and I both saw some Asian-American ladies at doorway; it looked like they came long way. Their intentions were gentle and good, they came into his room just offer their support for Sergei just because they knew he was hurting.
“It hurts to feel abandoned, but he's not alone,” it true words, his friends hadn't abandoned him; his family hadn't abandoned him. I knew he had know that I had been their in beginning, Proculeius had been making progress in clean up efforts to make sure that Castra Praetoria was cleaned up, he never once and never will abandoned Sergei. “People are blind when they can't see past the fact he's Russian, it doesn't mean he's a bad person,” it was one of the women that was talking, all we could do was listen to what she was saying; she saw how heartbroken we were to see my Russian brother feeling rejected and abandoned just because he's from Russia, his older brother found it frustrated that no one would talk to him for same reason. I know that Dr. Stein had seen how emotionally hurt that Sergei is, he wished that there was some way he could make people see what their actions are doing to Sergei, even if it means taking this story online.
~April 8, 2022~ People shamed for praising for what happened to Sergei, it was unwanted.
“I wish people would stop praising those teens for doing something is condemned, it had hurt him so much physically as well as emotionally,” Dr. Stein was talking to psycologist who happened to be Asian-American, she took time to listen; she knew what was going on. She knew about what Sergei was going through right now, people don't listen to me when I try telling them that Sergei isn't bad and fact he's human like all of us.
“I refuse to listen to those that think what happened to Sergei is a good thing,” I shared Kyoki's feelings deep down, I knew what she said was true; I saw my Russian brother walking hall with Slavlana. She hadn't given up on Sergei after all what he had done for her when she had immigrated from Ukraine, it was evident by his look on his face that people had given up on him. “I'll get you back to your room if you're tired, I don't want to wear you out,” Sergei just shook his head not wanting to say anything; he wasn't tired from walking halls with Slavlana, he was tired of being hated just because he's Russian. I know I get love because I'm Ukrainian, to me, this doesn't add up why I get love while my Russian brother gets nothing but trash dumped on him and then this happens where he's burned by three teenagers; I had been trying to make people see what their hatred is doing to him and it's wearing him out. “Alright, we'll continue, you just say when you would like to return to your room, I can help you,” he understood that fact she wasn't going to give up, she knew sad fact that Sergei was being hated for reason that wasn't very good; as what Kyoki would say, it's wrong so many levels. I could tell on Kyoki that she was getting furious with those that think this acceptable; I also can tell she wants to shake those people and tell them to wake up and show them that this isn't acceptable what so ever.
“I'm starting to get tired,” Danieli knew that it wasn't Sergei's usual voice, this voice was quiet and sounded heartbroken; Slavlana took Sergei back to his room. She thought that he belonged here among his friends and family, she saw look on Sergei's face and it broke her heart. “Why are people doing this to him?” it was rehtorical question because we already knew that answer and it was reality, he knew that I would be getting love while Sergei got nothing; I knew what Danieli was planning to do to try get people to wake up. It even meant taking Sergei's story to air waves and to tell everyone what is really going on, as it was said before, this invasion of Ukraine hurts everyone in different ways; in this way, three teenagers had tried to kill my precious Russian brother. Why do I call him precious? Because he's precious to everyone that knows real him, not just me or Danieli or any of his family, everyone that considers Sergei to be good close friend or brother.
~April 9 2022~ Danieli takes to the air waves, it had people crying.
“Danieli made it to the radio station, I'm hoping he's successful, this has to end now,” Kyoki was right because all of us are tired of seeing people treating Sergei like trash, I know as well as Kyoki that he's not trash or any kind of refuse; Kyoki and I see him for who he is. Seeing him hurt emotionally like this makes us hurt, it also makes this magnificant wolf very very furious and I can't blame her. “I brought a radio so we can listen,” I knew that was smart, so we tuned into radio show to see if Danieli was successful; it turned out that this radio host was looking for saddest story, it turned out that Sergei's story was just what he was looking for.
This radio host had heard of Sergei, it got him curious what his story was. “I have it on so we can listen to the show,” this was hopefully beginning of help for Sergei, I shouldn't be only one that get love; I know for fact that my Russian brother deserves to be loved also and not getting hate like this. I'm afraid it will kill him one day if this doesn't end, this radio host was intently listening to this story and was instantly heartbroken. “So far, it's working,” I knew what Kyoki meant by it, I had know idea that there were thousands of other people listening to this show; people hadn't had sign that this was happening to Sergei. Fortunately, we had radio down low enough so we can hear it and to let him sleep, now those people that had tuned in were heartbroken how tragic this was getting to be. “I can say we wait, I hope response would good,” Kyoki understood I what I was saying, it was now waiting game to see if any would respond; as tragic as this invasion is doesn't mean that people can treat others like trash like this. I knew this must be replaying in Sergei's mind as this prosecuter was preparing for sentencing phase of this trial, he knew how horrific those burns were and how tragic this was. “I'll be right back, I'm going downstairs to get something to eat, come and get me when Sergei wakes up,” I knew Kyoki was hungry and had to get something to eat, so far; Sergei hadn't moved to wake up. That wasn't good sign to see him not wanting to wake up, I was beginning to think that something could be wrong as Kyoki came back. “Any movement from Sergei at all?” I sadly shake my head and just stroke Sergei's hair, for me; only hair I have is my forelock and my Russian brother knows that from first time we met long time ago.
“How long have I been sleeping?” It was Sergei waking up, his voice still quiet and heartbroken; I told him that he had sleeping for about 2 hours. Kyoki remembered of all funny times of when Sergei and I would have dueling whistles and his older brother had to get involved, now not even that doesn't appeal to him; that is how much he's emotionally hurting that fun things that he once wanted to do aren't even appealing to him. “Sergei, I know this hurts you, Danieli is trying make people see your story, Yushka is trying to wake people up to see what their hatred is doing to you,” Kyoki could see tears well up in Sergei's eyes, there was little girl at doorway with her grandmother; she saw how sad Sergei was; deep down, it was more than just saddness, there was hurt there also. Kyoki softly stroke Sergei's hair as he leans foreward with his face to her shoulder, this grandmother was blogger and took her granddaughter home and started to blog Sergei's story to get his story out.
~April 10, 2022~ Hundreds of people know Sergei's story, they offer to donate in his name to those in Ukraine.
“Any answers to the radio show yesterday?” Danieli shook his head as he sat by Sergei's bed, I though it was good idea to get his story out; just to tell people what is going on with my Russian brother and what this hatred is doing to him. It's making me concerned about him, I don't like seeing him hurt like this one bit. “I know you're getting furious about this, I'm furious also,” I could tell that Danieli wasn't happy by this, until one man started to take a chance; and that's all it took from reading this blog and listening to this radio show. He walked a mile situation almost like Sergei's, he didn't want to use pity, he wasn't about to do that to Sergei.
“All I can see is the fact he wants a chance and there is a call for help and it's being ignored,” this young man was right, he was new to same support group that Sergei had been going to; he wanted to get to know Sergei as man and as human being. Hundreds more started donation drives in Sergei's name, taking what good my Russian brother and his family had done and multiplied it. “Is it okay if I stay?” Sergei looks to doorway to see who this young man, he saw past those scars to see a human being; like his other friends, all what was needed was one chance. People that were doing and running donation drives, they were trying to tell others about Sergei's story, there will be people that don't want to listen, and it's on them for hating someone they don't know. “I don't mind if you if you stayed,” this young man knew deep down that this wasn't Sergei's voice, he was concerned about my Russian brother as he came to the bed; there was one question on his mind. We all new that answer all to well, Peter wanted hear it from Sergei first hand. “Who hurt you to where you sound so heartbroken?” Peter had been in Marine Corps, he was taught that you never leave brother behind; he saw those tears in Sergei's eyes fall before they could be wiped away. I wanted to say something, but with good reason decided not to, I wanted them to talk to get to know each other. “Physically, it was three teenagers that tried burning me alive, emotionally, it was people who don't know I really am,” I could tell that Peter wasn't going to leave, he was beginning to see Sergei as brother; this young man was upset that my Russian brother was being treated this way. He knew that Dr. Stein and nurses were taking chance on Sergei when he saw Sergei shift to sit, he saw white bandages down Sergei's legs, he had heard about trial; now he sees what really happened to Sergei. Still, he decided to stay by my Russian brother, still believing that Sergei needs a chance despite fact he's Russian.
“Yushka, you wouldn't believe this,” Kyoki showed me overwhelming response from hundreds of people to Sergei's story, hundreds of people wanted to know who Sergei is deep down; they wanted to see past those burns down to his very soul. Peter already took that step and just came when people hadn't, now it looked like things were changing, although, there could be some people to spoil it and try to convince people otherwise.
Sergei was sounding heartbroken because he was, one of his friends decided to take matters into his own hands and take to the air waves and to bring to light how wrong Anti-Russian hatred is and what it's doing to just this one man; it's bad enough to be burn so horrifically by three teenagers, what hurt him the most was being abandoned by a community that had once stood by him without cause. One had made a bold choice to see Sergei for who he is deep down, this young man in the story can be anyone that can be brave to see people for who they are, that's what Jesus did before He went to the cross, He saw past the sins of people and ate with the Tax collecters and other sinners of His time. It made the Religious leaders at that time mad, Jesus loves the lost.
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friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 2: Sergei's Wish
Sergei's Plight
By Charmed Wolf
This is the chapter for Sergei's wish, it's still in Yusha's point of view of what Sergei is going through after being burned horrifically. Remember that this is still a fictional story of what could happen, in the first chapter; it was graphic of when it first happened. Also, the characters are fictional and from two different countries, Sergei is a Russian Cossack while Yusha is from Ukraine. The conflict in Ukraine is a sad plight and isn't wished on the people themselves; that is Sergei's wish for peace between Ukraine and Russia without military intervention turning it into a world war, that's the last thing people need now.
~March 20, 2022~ Another infection, another cause for worry.
There was someone going around when they weren't suppose to be causing an infection in Sergei, I knew that Dr. Stein suspected that there was someone here that was wanting my Russian Cossack brother gone for good and buried. It was wise to only to allow those who are working at the hospital and friends and family into Sergei's room; I sat in his room seeing that nurses and Dr. Stein rushed to start treatment right away, Danieli was wondering why someone be that cruel to cause more harm to Sergei. “I don't like it why someone wants to do more harm to Sergei, he's been through enough already,” I had to agree with Danieli, my Georgian brother; he knew that Sergei has already suffered more than he should have. Dr. Stein had to insert tube into Sergei's throat so this brave Cossack could breathe, both Danieli and I knew that Sergei was definitely fighting for his life now.
“Danieli, my Georgian friend, I have to agree, now that Sergei literally fighting for his life,” we hoped that Sergei would pull through and beat this infection, Nikita was at doorway looking at his brother; there was anger there that his brother is in this condition again and it wasn't at us. I knew that he'd be upset because of this happening, Danieli saw the tears fall from Nikita's eyes bade him to come and sit with his brother for bit. “We're not going to abandon Sergei now, nor will we ever,” Danieli was right about that, we can't abandon Sergei now nor do we want to; nurse came into room to check on medicine that our Russian brother was on, he was low and it needed to be replaced. Dr. Stein had put Sergei into medically induced coma to start treating that infection, Nikita was starting to stroke his brother's hair knowing that comforts his brother most when he wasn't feeling well. “I know this always made Серёжа feel better,” Nikita said still stroking his brother's hair, soft brown; like soft cotton at harvest. I had my Bandura with me, Nikita asked me to play something that was soothing that was for both Russia and Ukraine. “I can think of one, I'll play it,” so I play my Bandura softly for everyone in room as Danieli played accordion, offering nice melody to my Bandura; and Nikita knew words to song we were playing and started to sing for his brother. Even nurses found comfort in fact we put aside our differences to come together for Sergei, I know my Russian brother; when he hurts, we all do hurt.
“It's nice to see people put aside differences for a friend,” one nurse said carrying in bandages for bandage change for day, I was happy for change to play for my friends. Nikita couldn't stop stroking his brother's hair seeing that it is time for bandage change; he knew he had not choice to stop so nurses could do their work, I could tell he wanted to stay by Sergei and that was something I could understand that.
~March 21, 2022~ First day of Spring, second day of vigil over Sergei.
“Second day up of watching over Seryozha,” Nikita said after he sat by bed holding his brother's hand, he didn't mind fact his brother was needing medicines to fight this infection. I know how important family is; I have brother myself, even he had been helping over at base helping clean and other work around base so Sergei can have good place to rest. “Серёжа, Пожалуйста, проснись, ты нам всем нужен,” Nikita said getting up to go downstairs to get lunch to eat, instead of trying to eat; his hand went to his mouth and started to cry. There was women there watching Nikita cry, they saw how vunrable he was being close to losing his younger brother; they went over to him to tell him that it was going to be okay and by time he goes back upstairs, Sergei would be awake and fever would broken and infection would be gone. “Спасибо, приму к сведению,” those women left to head home, Nikita ate what he had and left to go back upstairs to be with his brother. It was like what those women had said, Sergei was sitting up in bed, he wasn't feverish and he wasn't suffering from infection. “Мой младший брат, Серёжа,” Nikita was glad to see his brother better and sitting up in bed, there was still some issues with breathing; but that was from being burned nearly to death.
Nikita knew that he still couldn't touch his brother, still his hand went to his brother's cheek with a smile to his lips. “Я рад, что тебе лучше, братишка, нам еще предстоит пройти долгий путь, прежде чем ты вернешься домой,” Nikita and Sergei put their foreheads together like they have done before, I have never heard in my life Nikita using Sergei's diminunitve of his name; Danieli had once before when he came to visit once after Sergei's visit to Georgia in Spring. “Я давно не слышал, чтобы ты употреблял мой уменьшительно-ласкательный падеж, Никита, Sergei had said shifting to sit on edge of his bed, he still has bandages to his legs when he sat at edge of his bed; movement didn't hurt as much as it did in beginning. It was good sign that he was healing from those burns, I wish I could say he was healing from this emotionally. “Я знаю, братишка, я думал, что это правильно, Серёжа,” Sergei chuckles as Dr. Stein came into room to inspect Sergei's burns and to get clean bandages on him to start preventing another infection; least worst burns were starting to blister again after bandages were taken off, Nikita saw this look in his brother's eyes. Nurses came into room to take my Russian brother to bath to remove blisters, it was medicated bath time and it was painful to see Sergei having to go through pain. “Okay, we start with the blisters,” Dr Stein starts into working on lancing blisters, this time; Sergei was trying to focus his Cossack roots instead of pain. Good doctor was trying to be as gentle as he could with those blisters, Sergei was maintaining his focus of being Cossack while Dr. Stein and nurses worked on burns and washed them. “Where about in Russia are you from?” Dr. Stein asked while he was working, he had never heard real Russian accent; Sergei had never been asked before by anyone since this happened.
My Russian brother smiled at that while they worked, he hadn't expected to be asked like that. “I came from Siberia, well, at least Steppe of Siberia,” Sergei's voice was clear except for damage from when he was first burned, it created breathing problems for Sergei and Dr. Stein knew that would have to be treated soon. Another doctor was called to see if breathing problems could be treated before they were to get worse; other doctor started to look and take a listen to Sergei and began to treat problem, that's something that he would to remain on for time being because of smoke inahlation doing that much damage internally to Sergei.
~March 22, 2022~ Another day going by.
“What happened with Sergei?” it turned out that my Russian brother devloped pneumonia because he couldn't breathe and it was from smoke inahlation; Dr. Kleig hoping that this could be treated quickly before it could be permanent damage done, I wanted to stay by my close friend as did Danieli. I saw they had to place Sergei on oxygen because of pneumonia and those burns, they had him sleeping because of combination of medicines. “Yusha, I worry about Sergei, I wish we could be with him every moment,” I knew what Danieli was meaning, I shared same worry about our Cossack brother; Nikita really was trying to keep calm every time he heard his brother cough from pneumonia. Slowly, it started to clear up and leave Sergei, things take time to heal and clear up. “Никита, ты волнуешься?” Nikita looks up from his book he was reading, gently touching his brother on his cheek; I knew their bond of being siblings and being close. I always knew that Nikita always watched out for everyone from their escape from Russia years ago, that was when I had first met them as genuine and down to earth Russian Cossacks from Siberia region of Russia.
“Да, Серёжа, я за тебя переживаю, за Алёну тоже переживаю, за твою жену,” Nikita said sitting with Sergei, I always knew that would help out where ever needed; and at the start of this war in Ukraine, that's exactly what they did. They were never praised by their actions to help refugees by sending water to them so they wouldn't go thirsty, all what Sergei got was pain from being burned horrifically and that was something he didn't deserve. “Nikita, I know this for fact that since this burning happened, Sergei didn't deserve it, none of you deserve this hatred and the death threats, Yusha knows what I mean because he has found a lot of the hand written death threats and let Astrid burn them, the threats were for you and your family,” Danieli didn't like those threats, I could tell that Nikita didn't either; Danieli almost had to draw his dagger out in Nikita's defence because of verbal threats. Thankfully, police came in nick of time to defuse situation, even I almost had to defend one of Nikita's cousins, Viktor, from some of threats leveled at him that was completely uncalled for.
“So, what do we do with those threats? We can't stay put while Sergei is in hospital,” Nikita had good point, I knew he was getting frustrated with situation because of those threats; Danieli had known that these death threats wouldn't be good for Sergei considering his state right now. Police were investigating this burning incident as hate crime, I thought that was good idea as did Nikita and Danieli. “Yusha, did you save some of those threats for police?” Nikita asked knowing that this would add fuel to this investigation, I did save some of those threats for police; I wish it would also erase those burns while at it and heal Sergei's mind so this doesn't replay.
~March 23, 2022~ Another day like any other, watching YouTube.
“This would be his third skin graph over his burns along his back and side,” Dr. Stein said looking at Sergei's back, Sergei kept his composure of being Cossack; at being of treatment of those burns, he wouldn't be able to pull it off at all because of pain. He was starting to come back being Cossack brother I knew, I knew him to be able to pull his rifle off his shoulder with his reigns of his horse in his mouth while at full gallop or him using his Шашки with excellent sword arm and swing keeping blade level. “Danieli, was there anymore threats against our Russian brethern?” Danieli showed me three more threats, two of those threats were in Arabic and none of us could read or understand Arabic; one was in poorly accented Russian. I think I had it narrowed down to where it was coming from, it was from community with in New York of Muslims that really over stayed their welcome. “Is it true in this country that it's considered a crime to make a threat of any kind?” Danieli had to ask those detectives while visiting their station, they were handed those threats with care; they knew answer to Danieli's question and going to answer him accordingly. It was looked up to see if it were true or not, they held onto those threats as evidence for trial against those teenagers. “Yes, it's considered a crime and we'll handle it as such,” I could tell Danieli was grateful to hear it as I was; interesting part of it was fact that it was tied to Sergei's case, I know my Russian brothers and sisters wanted to return to Russia at some point, now with war in Ukraine made their decision for them and they chose to stay where they're at. One night, Sergei had told me once that only way he'd go back to his home village in Russia was if he had died, it was a bit morbid talking about it and it needed to come out. “Yusha, they're staying here, aren't they?” I suspected that Danieli had known that there wasn't anything back at their home village, and I was right; he did know that there wasn't anything left for them.
It's heartbreaking knowing that there isn't anything left for them, not even any homes for them to live in and raise new generation. “I don't have to answer that, I think we both know answer,” I was right as we went back to where Proculeius was and went home, once back at Castra Praetoria; I sensed something wrong when I saw Nikita holding some paper and shaking. Paper said “Go home, you're not wanted here” and I could tell he was upset, Proculeius took paper to Antony to see what he thinks. “Please, don't tell my brother, it would effect him more than what those burns had done,” Nikita had said going to sit at table with tears in his eyes, this was getting worse moment by moment; I don't know what I would do if Sergei had found out about this. That was reason why Nikita said not to tell his brother, I can't understand what they're going through now.
“Nikita, you and your family always had been welcome here, even Ryunosuke values you and your family as if you're family is apart of his, whoever sent this is wrong,” Antony was right as he came over to were Nikita was sitting, Ryunosuke came from Japan and knew what it's like to be hated; what people don't know about Ryunosuke is fact he is lot older than what he looks and is an actual samurai. He believes in code of honor as he had done before in his home country, he knows what's going on and has now defended Mihkail Sergeevich Pentalev numorous times. “I know, Antony, I know, it doesn't change fact that there are people in this country that don't want us because we happen to be Russian,” Antony knew that Nikita was right, Ryunosuke came over to table and sat down; he realized that Nikita was upset by this. At same time, he realized that his Russian brother has too much honor to give up, he knows that Nikita or any of our Russian brothers would never take their Kubanka or papakha off for any reason other than doing things a normal human being would do. “I know you all too well, Nikita-san, you never give up, don't you start now, you have a home here, with us, because we find value in you and in your family,” Ryunosuke was right about it, Sergei has a home to return to when he's released from hospital; Nikita realized that Ryunosuke was speaking of honor. I know Sergei is going to find out about what is going on, I know how close he and Nikita are as brothers.
~March 24, 2022~ Everyone rallies for Sergei.
News was good out of Oklahoma, an organization called Call for peace was formed when people had read article and saw picture in newspaper. “That's good that this happened, not only peace in Middle East is being called, they also are calling for peace in Ukraine,” Nikita and Sergei looked at me, people were rallying for Sergei to stay; that note that Nikita found was wrong. Sergei looked at his brother sensing that there was something wrong, I knew Sergei had found about last night and what was found. “Nikita, there is something that you're hiding from me,” Nikita looks down knowing that his brother found out, I left room to let those to talk about this and to come to knowing they don't have a choice in this; they do have home here after they came here from their native Russia. Sergei knew deep down that they weren't going to return to Russia, he didn't wish what he just been through for anybody else as horrific as it was and with it as painful as it was.
“Sergei, I think there was someone listening on our conversation,” I noticed that there was someone that wasn't supposed to be on burn floor, I know my Russian brothers typically put their conversations into Russian to keep them private; it was fact they had not gotten comfortable with speaking English for the most part. It's not easy language to learn or speak in, Sergei moved to sit on edge of his bed with his legs still covered in bandages covering those burns. “Никита, ты наш атаман, тебе решать, останемся мы или вернемся в Россию,” Sergei said looking at his brother, and he was right though, it was Nikita's decision whether if they stayed or leave for Russia; I knew Nikita was leaning toward staying because there is nothing in their home village for them. It was already decided for him and he knew it, Sergei saw it and looked to doorway. “Я знаю, Серёжа, но в начале этого конфликта решение было принято за меня, мы остаемся,” I knew it was at least for now and Antony was working for some way to make it permanent if there really isn't anything in the home village for them, then Ryunosuke's words came back to Antony and realizing that he was right; it looked like Nikita's decision was going to be permanent and not temperary. I wanted them to be able to return their homes like I wanted to return to mine, conflict in Ukraine is making that impossible right now to do that.
“Я желаю, чтобы не было всей его войны, где я был бы здесь лечился от ожогов, это больно,” I think Nikita knew what Sergei was saying, I knew that Sergei didn't ask to be burned like he did either; yet it happened to him for no reason at all. I know he's been in pain ever since night of March 9th, this whole thing isn't his fault and he knows he didn't deserve it one bit. “Я понимаю, что ты говоришь, братишка, я просто не понимаю, какую боль ты испытываешь сейчас, физически и эмоционально,” there was a level of honesty Nikita was showing his brother, I knew that Nikita didn't know what his little brother was going through and he still wants to be there for his brother; I couldn't blame Nikita for that. Dr. Kleig wanted Sergei to rest for awhile, the pneumonia was still evident in Sergei from he starts into coughing.
~March 25, 2022~ Another skin graph and another day.
“Start getting him prepared for skin graphs, I want to continue making sure his burns are still healing and not have anymore problems,” I heard that pneumonia was clear enough so that Dr. Stein would do more skin graphs on Sergei, worst burns were almost closed up on my Russian brother; I knew that his scarring was going to my him walk little stiffer than he normally would. I had known that nightmares had started up again for Sergei, he thought they had stopped for him after he began to live here. “Yes, doctor, I'll see it done,” one of nurses said as she went to Sergei's room to get him ready, he looked at her with very tired look; it was nightmare after nightmare that had kept waking him up. Nikita had seen this before and knew that his brother needed help with those nightmares, it was keeping Sergei from getting rest he really needs.
“I have seen this before, it was before we came to live here,” Nikita had pointed it out that these nightmares were part of reason why Sergei couldn't rest, nurse got it sorted out and got Sergei ready for his skin graph surgery; she had put Sergei's mind at ease to get him to focus on something else. What she got him to focus on was his Cossack roots as she got him ready, he was brought into operating theater so he could be further prepared for new skin graphs to be placed over his worst burns. 'Я жажду увидеть Россию-матушку, увижу ли я ее снова? Я больше ничего не знаю,' Sergei had started to think as he started to be put under for skin graphs, I don't know if he's going to see his home village again; I would like for him to be able to live in his home village and not having to suffer through these burns. I would like to be able to visit my friends in their home village, and not like this for them and for everyone. 'Почему эта война должна была начаться? Все, что мы хотели, это шанс, и никто не даст нам его,' Sergei was put back into his room to recover, Danieli and I could read what he was thinking; it was heartbreaking to know it. I also knew that they deserve chance, no one around here would give them one except for ones that brought my Russian brothers and sisters out of danger.
“I don't like it when no one is giving them not one chance,” I heard Proculeius say once Sergei was back into his room to recover, I knew that Dr. Stein was taking chance on Sergei to see him through treatment; nurses were sweethearts to Sergei when they were changing bedding or changing his bandages. Then there is Slavlana taking time to work with my Russian brother to help him move past pain, I knew that Proculeius was meaning everyday people not giving any of my Russian brothers and sisters chances. “Proculeius, do you mean ones outside Castra Praetoria?” I saw Proculeius nod saying yes except for prosecuting atterney and those detectives that are working on this case, Antony was shown where it had happened and was disgusted with what's going on so far. And I really can't blame him for being disgusted, I am too disgusted myself that Sergei was burned.
~March 26, 2022~ Karen is still a problem now.
“I think we're doing good on your recovery, in physical sense, I'm glad you have friends and family that would help you the rest of the way,” Dr. Stein was going to set Sergei up to have scars corrected to let him walk more normally; I would like to see my Russian brother home at Castra Praetoria, there are those that see him more as family than friends. I saw that there were some people calling for Sergei and his family to be deported back to Russia after fact they had been living here legally for years among friends that call them family, when Ryunosuke found out about what was going; he had pitched a fit and went to lawyer to find out if this was legal to do.
“I have some news for Sergei-san and his family, all of it is good, the lawyer I talked to said legally that Sergei-san and his family cannot be deported back to Russia,” Antony took that as good news, it meant that my Russian family were staying; that meant they could stay. Deep down, I was happy that they could stay, Nikita was fighting for us to stay for as long as we want to. “Серёжа, Рюноскэ за нас прорвался, мы жили здесь легально несколько лет, он упомянул, что вбить точку,” there was group of Karens trying to make sense of what Nikita had just told Sergei in their native Russian; I recommended to Nikita to keep their conversations in private in Russian, even if it was good news like what Nikita just told his brother. It was people like those Karens that wanted Sergei and his family deported, and just the look on Sergei's face was a good look. “Он действительно справился с нами, старший брат?” Only thing I know that Nikita did was nod quite excitedly, it meant Sergei will have home to go to once done with burn treatment. Danieli was doubling his efforts to help clean up Castra Praetoria, he knew news and wanted to see Sergei home.
“Dr. Stein said you could sit for a while in a chair, I know you're doing well,” nurse helped Sergei with gown and helped him to sit in chair that was in his room and covered him with clean blanket, I was was glad to see him sitting for change instead of laying in bed; those Karens saw Sergei reading his book Nikita had brought for him to read, for once, I saw Sergei more comfortable sitting in that chair than he was laying in bed. I was happy for once to see my Russian brother recovering well, still, there was more to come in way of treatment for those burns; by then now, I saw Sergei asleep in that chair instead of his bed and that was okay.
~March 27, 2022~ The Legend walks the halls.
“It's stiff for now, it's also leaving me in pain,” Sergei said as Slavlana took him back to his room, it was wasn't known among everyday people why Sergei is call Легенда; I knew why he was called that in first place out of all things. Reason why he was Легенда is because of his riding skill and his bravery, it's how he had earned his nickname after he defied his commanding officer's orders and becoming wounded himself. “Not to worry there, I'll have you to your room, you look tired,” Slavlana said working with Sergei to get him back to bed, Dr. Stein was pleased with progress being made on my Russian brother; I would think within three months that family could return home. With the legalities taken care of, I can say that he will be welcomed home. “Okay, let's get you back into bed so you can rest,” once Slavlana got Sergei back into his bed, he was already asleep by time his head had hit his pillow; he really was that tired and that rest was needed. Nurse pulled down shade to make it darker in Sergei's room so he could rest, those Karens came back to get my Russian brother upset only to find him asleep after working with Slavlana on getting up to walk and work through physical pain.
“I'm sorry, only friends and family can enter there, we make exceptions for the police and for those that work here,” Those Karens got angry when Danieli got to hospital and up to Sergei's room, I knew he had one thing to say to them about Легенда; he and I knew Sergei and these Karens do not. When he got up to burn care floor, Danieli was going to be staying by Sergei for this day. “I'm sorry, we just cannot have anymore set backs with Sergei, he has friends and family here to welcome him home,” Sergei didn't know what Danieli meant as he stood in from of door way, then it dawned on him that this war in Ukraine made it impossible for them to return to Russia and made Nikita's decision for him; deep down, he realized that he and his family already has a home at Castra Praetoria. He was already awake after resting for some time, he was beginning to realize fact he had made friends here and shown them what it means to be friend and to help them when they need it.
“I realize I made friends here, going back to Russia would tear them up,” Sergei was right as he was shifting to sit on edge of his bed; those Karens saw those bandages over his legs, they were going to say something about Sergei getting burned was just way for him to try to get sympathy. I came up to burn floor with Antony, and their argument was shut down moment they tried to open their mouths to say anything.
~March 28, 2022~ Miguel's birthday, he wanted to learn Russian to better talk with Sergei.
“Is it safe so that I can see Sergei?” nurse at her station said it was safe so Miguel could go in to see Sergei, he was surprised to see my Russian brother sitting in chair; there had been no more set backs for Sergei this time. I was there to help nurses with needs my fellow Cossack needed to be fulfilled, I was wondering when Sergei would allowed to return home to recouperate. “Yes, for the most part it's safe to go in,” covered with yellow covering, Miguel came into room; Sergei was glad to see him without having to be in so much pain like he was in beginning of his treatment. I could tell that my Russian was actually happy for a change, I didn't know that Miguel had been trying to learn Russian knowing that Sergei wasn't comfortable with talking in English and didn't know Spanish. “Я думал, что зайду в гости, Сергей, просто посмотреть, как ты,” I took that as sign that Sergei was impressed with how much Miguel had learn in past few days; I also saw that those Karens starting to get irritated with what Miguel and Sergei were talking about in Russian and laughing, all what they were talking about what was going on with support group, and it turned out everyone that was at this group was learning Russian so they could make Sergei that more comfortable. I didn't mind that one bit, Sergei needed to know that he's loved by his friends and his family; now with me, I can already talk with my Russian brother in his native Russian because I already know his language after being taught as small boy years ago in school.
“это весело раздражать дерьмо из этих Карен, которые действительно заставляют меня сходить с ума,” Miguel was chuckling from what Sergei had said seeing those Karens; I had known that my Russian Cossack brother wouldn't bother people like that, he just doesn't have time for entitled people like that and has put them in their place in way only Russian Cossack can. I find it so hilarious with how he dealt with one from very beginning, I would have to have Sergei to tell that one story later on.
“Сергей, тебе предстоит рассказать эту историю о том, как ты поставил одну на ее место так, как можешь только ты,” Sergei knew what I meant when I said that and that got him laughing, it peaked Miguel's curiosity about what Sergei had done; I knew he was going to do it. I knew I wanted see Sergei home from hospital before his birthday, which means fact his birthday is in September and fact he can show unbelieveable amount of patience as Cossack; that meant that Nikita is one to be impatient. “Ладно, одним жарким летом мы с Никитой решили снять майки, чтобы начать работу, становилось жарче, позже мы решили зайти ненадолго выпить водки и стакана воды, телефон продолжал звонить, я подошел, снял его с крючка и повесил обратно, мой брат смеялся, когда вошел Антоний, это случилось двенадцать раз, он сказал мне, что не хочет иметь с Ней дела, когда она,”there we were laughing at that story Sergei told, it's still funny every time he tellsthe story; I was beginning entitled people don'tlike being put into their place and especially by Russian Cossack. Well, I would have to tell them that they don't have right to act like brat, and my Russian Cossack brother had pinned Karen down and against wall by her wrists and told her that she was acting like spoiled brat because she didn't like fact he was shirtless and hot because it was getting hotter that summer; now I knew why Sergei likes winter weather most.
~March 29, 2022~ Clean bandages.
“Okay, time to change bandages and then let you sit in the chair for a bit,” one nurse said as another came into room with clean bandages, and it pained Sergei to sit on edge of his bed as he shifted; nurse started to gently take bandages off to start applying medicated burn cream over those burns. I was hoping that it wasn't like in beginning of this ordeal, where my Russian Cossack brother was in constant pain. “We're almost done with the bandage change,” one of nurses had said and another brought in grown for Sergei to wear, he was tired of being in pain; nurses knew that his friends hadn't abandoned him. We care so much for him that we really don't want to give up on him, even ones that Sergei had met in this support group didn't want to abandon him. “Alright, all done with bandage changes,” nurse smiles she helps my Russian Cossack brother into that clean gown and into chair to sit, she covered him with that blanket that Danieli had made and brought for Sergei; she knew he was in pain and when to give him little bit of Morphine for pain. What it did was made him relax a bit, ultimately, Sergei had fallen asleep after being given Morphine for pain and just to relax for a bit.
“How is he doing?” Dr. Stein said looking into room seeing Sergei sleep, nurse told good doctor that my Russian brother was in pain from those burns; I knew that Dr. Stein was hoping this wasn't a sign that there was infection somewhere. I knew that Sergei can't afford another infection like this, my Russian brother has already been through so much already and really don't need anymore set backs.
“Okay, just monitor him, if it gets any worse, come and get me,” nurse understood good doctor had said and when to monitor Sergei, so far; he hadn't develop fever or any other symtems of infection. Around clock, nurses were keeping watch over Sergei, I wondered what made community turn their backs on my Russian brother like they did. “Hey, Yusha, do you ever wonder what made this community turn their backs on Sergei?” I look at Danieli knowing what he was asking; there is not an easy answer to anything about this, Danieli knew as well as I did about why Sergei got burned as horrifically as he did. Danieli and I both knew as well as Sergei's friends that he didn't deserve those burns, friends at Castra Praetoria became more like family and friends he met had became his best friends. Where does that leave me? Why as family, that's where it leaves me and Danieli.
~March 30, 2022~ Those burns start to itch.
“Is there something you need?” nurse smiled walking into Sergei's room; my Russian brother was trying to keep from scratching, he was itching really bad. That nurse knew that was good sign that those burns were healing well, she told Dr. Stein about Sergei itching and he seemed to agree that those burns were healing, she came back with anti-itch and clean bandages to try to control it. “It brought some relief, I still itch,” Sergei said as his itching started to subside, nurse thought it could be bandages that was making my Russian brother itch that bad as well as those burns healing; Kennedy came to visit with Sergei to spend time with him. Just some of the funny things that were said, Kennedy wanted to know what diminunitve of his name was. “It's Seryozha, my brothers use it from time to time when in private,” Kennedy knew how close Sergei is to his family, both biological and adopted; I see Sergei as my brother Cossack even though he's Russian. Kennedy had became one of Sergei's best friends, not caring one bit if my Russian brother is Slavic and native to Russia, it was same for Miguel and De'shaun. “There was once chicken, she wandered into camp, she didn't stay as chicken,” Sergei said while trying not to laughing; that joke was funny when it was told, Kennedy chuckling at what was being said. I knew Sergei was in good spirits, it was good to see and hear him laughing, it did me good know that was Sergei I had known.
“Funny as that sounds, she became stew,” Kennedy and Sergei were laughing at that, Nikita came into room to see his brother; seeing him sit in chair having good time. I knew as well as Nikita that Sergei was getting closer to coming home after burn treatment, I hope that there wasn't anymore set backs for Sergei-san.
“Фруктовые петли?” Nikita and Sergei was laughing at what Kennedy had said, it was funny day.
This is the second 11 days of Sergei's burn treatment, each day gets Sergei closer to going home; it still shows that that there are people that don't want the Russian Cossacks there after years of living at the Castra Praetoria. The war in Ukraine made their decision for them seeing how there wasn't anything left anymore in the village they grew up in, the third 11 days will mean more treatment for Sergei and the second month of being in the hospital. Of course he didn't wish what happened to him on anybody else; the next set will be the charges filed and trial date set for the teens that burned Sergei.
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friendstobrothers · 2 years
Chapter 1: Yusha
Sergei's Plight
By Charmed Wolf
This story is told by a friend very close, he had dared to treat his friend as a brother instead of an enemy during the conflict in Ukraine. Although this story is fictional and the characters are fictional; there is still a lesson to be learned here of how Sergei had put himself last and putting others first. Keep in mind that even though that this is a fictional story, there are some parts of this story that will be graphic in nature; so be aware of that. Yusha came from Ukraine with aid from Sergei as payback for what Yusha did for Sergei.
~March 11, 2022~ Among the snow on a cold day
Ah, welcome, friend, my name is Yusha, I came from Ukraine with help from my close friend; who sadly is in hospital because some teenagers decided to be idiots and burn Sergei almost to death, accelerant used for burns was petrol. It's commonally called gasoline here in America, still, people shouldn't treat others like this because of their ethnicity; Sergei is Slavic and native to Russia. “Yusha, Are you going to be with Sergei? You are the only one that has stayed with him since the beginning of all this,” Proculeius had rightfully said, and he's right about that. Everyone else had been busy cleaning place so Sergei could have place to recover from his burns without any sign of infection; that would be bad for my Russian brother to get serious infection like that. “Так, I will be going, although I thought my heart was going to go into my boots,” when I saw him that night, all what Proculeius and I had found was his Slavic shirt and his linen undershirt. What was odd was fact that Proculeius had found Sergei's papakha on sidewalk, I knew something was rotten; because he never took his papakha off for any reason unless situation calls for it. “Sergei is done with the first treatment, I'll drop you off so you can see him,” Proculeius went off to sign for one of jeeps, I was asked once I got here why I cared so much for someone who is Russian; I gave them my answer and they didn't like it one bit because it was truth of what Sergei did.
That person that asked me why I cared about Sergei, term used for such female person is Karen and she didn't like my answer because I was being honest and she didn't know how close I really am to Sergei. “Okay now, ready to go,” I was ready to, I knew Sergei's voice was tired because of all screaming because of pain he really is in. Proculeius took pictures of raw burns before treatment began, he sent them to Georgian friend and to police as evidence for this assult, and for what? For Sergei being who he is? For him being Russian? A fellow Ukrainian saw pictures and his heart just sank torn into two just seeing that happen to another human being; he started to make page on Facebook called “Stop Hate”, it was for everyone and for everything, it was even for Antisemtism. “Danieli is going to be coming from Georgia through Germany here, he's going to fill in where he can,” Proculeius said getting into driver's seat, I thought it was nice for Danieli to come from his native Georgia just help out and fill in wherever needed, he wasn't doing this for pubilcity, he was doing this for Sergei.
Now, I don't mean state of Georgia, I mean country of Georgia; Danieli saw page and posted that he was going be with Sergei for 3 months, until burns heal. “That's good deal, we can use his help to help heal Sergei from this ordeal, physically and emotionally,” I said that to Proculeius while he and I were on way to hospital for me to see Sergei, I knew that my Russian brother would be tired from being in pain from these severe burns.
Let me get into how this all started and to were we are now, this war in Ukraine and this kind of hatred has to end because I can't stand to see Sergei cry in pain or scream to point where he has no voice left.
~Night of March 9, 2022~ A clear cool night, after a support meeting.
Sergei was walking alone to jeep, where Proculeius and I were waiting. Something seemed off as he was walking, I knew distecnt sound of his boots; Sergei never wore shoes, it was always boots. “Yusha, something feels off, not quite right,” I knew what Proculeius had meant when I saw teenagers grab and knock his papakha off and drag him back into alleyway, I had seen that they had two jugs of petrol with them and box of matches. Proculeius saw what I did realizing that those teenagers were going to burn Sergei, this was start of Anti-Russian feeling; something that is still wrong like Antisemtism and Anti-German and Anti-Italian or deep down, Anti-Asian. “Don't you think we should go get him and bring him here?” I had asked Proculeius, he didn't think that was bad idea to do so. We got out of jeep and and walked to alley; we could smell petrol as we got closer, I could see terror in Sergei's eyes as third teenager had struck match to throw at my Russian brother.
“Нет, нет, нет!” They ignored terror in his eyes, from what was going on; they were laughing at this and didn't count on that there were witnesses. Third teenager threw lit match at Sergei and my heart sank hearing those screams as flames licked his bare skin from front and from back, I saw window open and seeing someone dump bucket full of water mixed with baking soda and vinegar; that was what put flames out saving Sergei, but damage was already done, those burns were horrific all over and Sergei was just laying there and not moving and just crying in pain. “I wish to touch him and comfort him, but I can't because of burns,” I told Proculeius holding close Sergei's papakha and his shirts, this kind hearted woman who had dumped that mixture came out and wrapped blanket around Sergei and held him. Proculeius called for help on his phone so burns could be looked at and treated accordingly. “No, it's not a good idea to do that with bare hands,” And Proculeius is right about it seeing this woman hold my Russian brother until ambulance came, those paramedics couldn't believe their eyes when they saw how badly burned Sergei was. They got down to it as we were told to head home, instead we went to hospital following ambulance there; Danieli had to be told and soon of what just happened to Sergei.
“Why do people have to be so cruel to others?” Dr. Hassan asked with tears to her eyes when she saw horrific burns on Sergei, she knew she couldn't treat him; but she knew who could treat burns and start process of healing. She called Dr. Stein to come and take look at burns for his recommendation on what to do for Sergei because of burns, he came from burn unit of hospital to see for himself how horrific burns really were; he recommended that Proculeius to document burns for police to catch those teenagers before they do it to another person of Russian anscestory. “Before we start with the treatment is to get a documention on the burns and tell the police about this,” Dr. Stein said to Proculeius and I, and he's right; so we did that very night. Dr. Stein was gracious to help with documenting those burns, those pictures were sent to police and to Danieli. “Okay, we're going to rush him upstairs to start with shluffing off the dead skin and then start with the medicated ointment over the burns and wrap clean bandages,” I saw that look on Sergei, he knew what was coming and it was painful.
I didn't want to leave man who had been my brother from another country, I wanted to stay by Sergei and be there for him while he went through this. “Okay, we need to start with the medicated bath,” Just terror in Sergei's eyes told Dr. Stein everything, once my Russian brother was placed into that bath; he just screamed in pain because it hurt. Dr. Stein worked with nurses to clean up those burns, even worse burns got attention and cleaned up. “Okay, let's get the burn cream on and then bandage him,” Dr. Stein could only put his hand to Sergei's cheek to tell him that it was going to be okay, and good doctor was right to say that knowing that Sergei screamed in so much pain that this man before him had lost his voice temperarly. Dr. Hassan came up to talk with Dr. Stein seeing this man being settled for night; what happened to Sergei wasn't his fault and he didn't deserve it.
~March 10, 2022~ A clear morning, the aftermath of incident.
“I'm here to visit with Sergei, only if he's up for it, if not, I understand,” I told nurse at her station working on some paperwork after my Russian brother was admitted to hospital, she knew what had happened because one of teenagers was her son and she was understandablly upset that this happened. She was kind to get yellow covering and rubber gloves so I could see my close friend, she even went so far as to ask Sergei if he wants to see me; and he did want to despite pain he was in. “You're welcome to go to him, be mindful of the bandages covering his burns,” I knew what she meant because any touch and any movement hurts him, so I go into his room all covered to see and visit. He couldn't talk when he looked at doorway, he had tears in his eyes, terror replaced by sadness and pain. “Sergei, just look in your eyes is just heartbreaking,” I said once to his bedside, only thing he could do was to lean over best he could, being mindful of his bandages; all I could do was hold him while he cried in pain and out of sheer sadness. I knew this wasn't Sergei I knew, I knew him to have bright and clear eyes with left eye green and his right eye blue. “Danieli and I will take turns taking care of you, to get you better, this pain isn't like you, Sergei,” I knew Danieli was still lagged from flying in from Georgia, I knew he knew what happened and decided to come with his friends to help. They had gotten in fine with few problems only to have Antony to tell Karen to back off, of course; same question was asked to Danieli.
“It's okay, Sergei, it's justified that you cry because you're in pain,” all I could do was stroke his brown hair softly, Danieli looked from doorway seeing his Russian friend lay in bed covered in bandages; I swear I could hear Danieli's heart break into pieces seeing Sergei like this. He didn't like seeing him like this, I knew this man didn't want to be in pain and now he is because of hatred of others. For what? For Sergei being Russian? Because of all what is happening in Ukraine that he gets treated like this? I won't stand for it, this has to end now because of what it's doing to my Russian brother; I dared to treat him close like brother because I know him.
“I wish there was some way to take away Sergei's pain and make him feel better,” I knew Danieli knew what I meant, there wasn't any reason for this to happen, reason why Danieli cared about Sergei is because he couldn't hate someone who has nothing to with any invasions; last Orthodox Christmas, Danieli received new Georgian flag blanket from Sergei. I thought that was rather special that this Russian Cossack would do that, I had gotten some new boots from him that same Orthodox Christmas. “Yusha, I know what you mean by wanting to make his pain to go,” I knew Danieli was taking up hobby, I just didn't know which hobby though. It just dawned on me when I saw two blankets, one was for me of Ukrainian flag and Russian flag tied with olive branches because of how I dared to treat Sergei. Other blanket was for Sergei, it was of Siberian region flag; Danieli had it sanitized and left mine on my bed at base. “I'll hold Sergei while blanket is spread over him,” I said to Danieli as he proceeded to spread blanket over our friend being careful of bandages; by then, Sergei had fallen asleep.
Night that attack by three teenagers happened, Nikita was worried when Proculeius and I came back without Sergei; I had told him truthfully what happened to Sergei. “Is he finally sleeping?” I knew he was, it was Nikita at door looking at his younger brother. Tears and crying in pain had exhausted Sergei to point where he would simply fall asleep, Danieli and I took rubber gloves and yellow covering off; Nikita knew it was time to let his brother to rest. “Nikita, I have never seen Sergei in this much pain before, physically and emotionally,” I was being honest with Nikita as we went down for lunch; Sergei needs to rest so he could heal from burns and heal emotionally from being attacked way he was to point where he cries in pain, it hurts me to see him be in that much pain where any touch and any movement just is torture for him. Even Danieli couldn't stand to see Sergei being in so much pain, just look itself was just heartbreaking to see.
~March 11, 2022~ Morning snow makes for a beautiful scene
“Time for bandage change and to see how the burns are healing,” nurse said with her arms full of clean bandages, she knew that this hurts Sergei even though she's trying not hurt him and being very good to him. Even I could see that with this young nurse started to gently take old bandages off, much of dead skin was taken off from medicated bath, Dr. Stein walked with good bedside manner and inspected those burns; he knew that my Russian brother still hurt and left him notebook and pen. “Here, for you to find your voice, I hope it helps you to say what you need to,” It was that compassion that Dr. Stein showed to this fallen Russian Cossack, this Jewish doctor was showing compassion to Sergei because he didn't want to refuse to help heal. He saw Sergei's hand slowly reach pen that he just gently put pen into hand, tears of gratetude came instead of pain. “Спасибо за сочувствие,» Sergei wrote gratefully for doctor, he now has his voice where he lost it from all screaming he had done when he was in pain. Dr. Stein recognized gratetude I know Sergei was showing, for once; he was being treated like human being that I know he is. “Is it safe to see Sergei?” I know Nikita wanted to be there for his brother and to take care of him, Danieli already made sure that Sergei had breakfast eaten. As I said before, every movement and touch was torture for my Russian brother, Danieli cared to feed Sergei and to clean him up.
“Yes, it's safe, just be mindful of the bandages he's covered in” Nikita understood what doctor had said and walked into room in yellow covering and rubber gloves, Sergei's face lit up to see his older brother at hospital to be with him. Doing best he could do, he leaned toward his brother; all what Nikita could do was to kiss top of his little brother's head. “Я скучаю по тебе, маленький брат,” both brothers had tears in their eyes as Nikita held Sergei until younger brother fell asleep, Nikita sat by bed with open book softly reading and checking his brother every now and then. It wasn't until noon that Sergei woke up only to find his brother still by his bed reading book, with those burns; it was evident that Sergei didn't feel very hungry because of pain. “I go for lunch later, you're more important, маленький брат,” I came into room just to hear Nikita tell his little brother that he was more important than his own needs, I had to agree; Danieli did too. My Georgian friend went to bed to touch Sergei's cheek, it was only clean place we could touch freely and not bandages.
“I was was starting to think it's about to start graphing the worst of the burns tomorrow to start reducing the scarring,” good thing out of it was fact that Sergei was going to be unconsicous for skin graphs, I knew that Dr. Stein was a very capable doctor and could start closing up worst burns. Nikita carefully made sure Sergei got lunch, nurses made arrangements with dietian to get food that I know that Sergei is used to eating, and don't forget rye bread and other good food; with gentle hand I would make sure that Sergei was cleaned up. “Yusha, I can't understand why people had to do this to my brother,” I understood what Nikita meant, he couldn't be blamed for something that was going on in Ukraine because they had no part in invasion what so ever. Even I couldn't blame someone that had been so close, I dared to treat my Russian brothers and sisters like family because they are.
~March 12, 2022~ No snow, just beautiful Spring like temperatures.
“We start with skin graphing the burns,” Dr. Stein made sure that Sergei was prepared and viable skin graphs where prepared to close up worst of burns, surgery itself was long and I hoped that skin graphs would take hold to my Russian brother because those worst burns couldn't remain like way they were. I also hoped there would be complete restoration physically and not just emotionally; this compassion has to remain for Sergei and for everyone, sometimes people remain as jerks with no compassion in them. “He's back in his room, he's going to out of it for a while,” I knew what Dr. Stein had said when he said that Sergei was back into his room to recover from skin graph surgery, I knew clean bandages when I saw it on my Russian brother. I was even asked why I called Sergei what I do call him; I tell them because he is my Russian brother and fact he's not inhuman monster like so many have started calling him, which he didn't deserve that either when this invasion began.
“I wish people weren't such dicks to Sergei, he doesn't deserve it not having anything to do with the invasion in Ukraine,” I heard one of Sergei's new friends tell other two, I couldn't help but to agree with what was said. Danieli had been at base helping with cleaning and sorting and making sure new trousers were ordered for Sergei to wear; so he had been busy there, it was fine when reporter from state 700 miles away came for picture project he was working on for newspaper when no television reporters even dared to care, he did care.
“If those who work the networks won't care, I'll care out of free will,” at least there was someone taking time to care and to think, he took five of us when Danieli got to Sergei's room to take picture. I kissed top of Sergei's head out of compassion and knowing it just might help; one can only hope that it would help heal my Russian brother, my Russian Cossack brother is what I call him with love and compassion. “I'll print this picture in the newspaper, I know there will be people that will see this,” and he was right, people read his article and saw picture and thought five of us weren't doing this for pubilcity; we were doing this because it was right thing to do for friend, I'm going to say it because it needs to be said. Sergei got caught in middle because people thought he was just like Russian soldiers in this invasion, here's truth in this; he had nothing to do with invasion because he had been here since he and his family had to flee from their home village years ago because of what was very dangerous. “спасибо, что не отказываетесь от меня, Юша, я желаю, чтобы люди могли принять урок от вас о лояльности и истинной дружбе,” I knew he was being grateful for true and lasting friendship, I knew that through this burn treatment; Sergei needed someone to stay with him through every step.
~March 13, 2022~ More Spring like temperatures.
Dr. Stein had another medicated bath for Sergei to remove more dead skin and to lance blisters, especially ones on arms and shoulders. “We're almost done, it's okay, you're going to be okay,” Dr. Stein had been hearing whimpers instead of screams, Sergei's voice was still healing from all screaming he had been doing. Nurses start coating burns in medicated burn cream and wrapped Sergei in clean bandages; he was now not in as much pain as he was when he was first brought to hospital, worst burns were starting to heal after skin graphs. “I came for a reason to care for someone who wasn't involved in any way with the invasion,” this was therapist that immgrated from Ukraine years before invasion, and one that helped her and her son was Sergei, he did it out of compassion and not because he had to. This was her way to help Sergei and let him heal; she heard heartbreaking story of what happened to my Russian brother, she shed tears because she knew that he wasn't involved with invasion of Ukraine. “It's okay, I'm doing this because you deserve to be loved and you had nothing to do with the invasion of Ukraine,” she gently started to work with Sergei to get past physical pain, she wanted to start work with Sergei to point where she could work with him to walk. This was kind of love she showed to Sergei; she put him first to work with him; Slavlana cared about him, she would stop when she could see he was getting tired.
“It's time for lunch,” nurses had been just checking in seeing Slavlana working with Sergei to point where he could eat and not be hand fed, he still had to be cleaned up after lunch; but that was okay because it was difficult for my Russian brother to eat when in bandages. Nurses came into room to clean Sergei up and to change bedding and to make him comfortable, just so he could rest more comfortably at night. “Okay, all cleaned up and in clean bedding,” one of nurses had said touching his cheek, all he could do was lean his head to her hand. I miss seeing his smile and hearing him talk; I miss hearing his laugh when he would be in good mood, it was always never good idea to make him mad because he'd literally break bones and it hurts. “It's okay, you're okay, you're healing,” burns were healing just fine with no complications, I know that Sergei really doesn't need complications.
~March 14, 2022 ~ Pie Day!
Nikita was pleasantly surprised to see his brother eating after Slavlana had been working with him to move despite pain, he was still going to need to be cleaned up after breakfast. “I'm glad you're doing better, маленький брат, I can't wait until you're home,” Nikita started to clean his brother up, that's when I saw Sergei's smile as he was being held by Nikita. I had sense to know that's what family does and I had been treated like family; mostly because they saw me as family, and it wasn't just me that was seen as family, there were others from Zaporozhia that were recognized as family. “So, he's starting to heal physically, that's good to see,” I went to Sergei's bedside, I knew he knew I didn't abandon him when he need someone by him. I saw some detectives from police outside room investigating what happened to Sergei; it made me wonder if they were going to press charges against those teenagers that did this, three more teenagers came and dropped off get well presents for Sergei and that was thoughtful. “We're here to talk with Sergei Leonidovich Brevsky about the night of March 9th,” smile didn't fade from Sergei, he expected this would might happen and let those detectives in covered.
It was rather brave of Sergei to do this, those teenagers that did this to my Russian Cossack brother needed to be punished; they should see pictures of those raw burns and shown what they did. “Wait one moment please, I'll see if he's wanting to see you,” one of nurses came to doorway to talk to Sergei if he wanted to talk to decetives, and he did want to; even if it meant having to write his answers down with his voice still healing. I knew these detectives were respectful towards to Nikita and I allowing us to stay by Sergei, they told him that they were considering pressing charges for assult on him; I knew both Nikita and Sergei understood that. “Is that fine that we go ahead and press charges?” they saw Sergei's hand grab pen and opens up notebook to write his answer down; they knew that Sergei had lost his voice from screaming in pain, only thing that was written down was Russian in beautiful handwriting and Nikita translating for his brother. It was kind of funny when Nikita translated for his brother because when they spoke in English, they spoke with thick Russian accent and it was very difficult to understand either one of two men or anyone of their family for that matter. “Да, Это хорошо со мной, те, которые отвечают, должны быть наказаны в соответствии с вашими законами,” I knew what Sergei was trying to say and can't physically say, he was willing to press charges against those teenagers.
Out of respect for my Russian brother, I don't blame him for wanting to do this; it was needing to be done and not go unpunished. “Okay, with that established, we want to know what your point of view is on this,” Lead detective told Sergei, he had courage to write it because he was trying to let his voice heal. “Все, что я пытался сделать, было пешком, где моя поездка была, когда эти три подростки захватили меня и стучали моего Папаха, Юша знает, что я никогда не сниму его,” other detective looked at Nikita for translation of what was being said, and Sergei was right though; I do know that Sergei never takes his papakha off. Nikita read what Sergei had written and knew what his brother was saying, both detectives saw the look on Nikita's face.
“He's saying he was walking that night to meet his ride to get home when those teenagers grabbed him and knocked his papakha off, Yusha knows that Sergei and I never take our papakha off,” they didn't know what papakha was, so Nikita briefly took his off to show them what it was; it was hat that Cossacks wear.
~March 15, 2022~ A special day.
Nurses went into Sergei's room to change his bandages, Slavlana had Sergei sitting on edge of his bed waiting for them to come. “It looks like you're ready to have your bandages changed and done,” one of nurses had said as another brought in clean bandages and medicated cream for his burns, old bandages came off and it didn't hurt as much. Nurses inspected his skin graphs and saw they were healing nicely; was going to be soon that Sergei was going to need go for his second skin graphs to further clean up those worst burns, I still hope nothing bad happens to Sergei, he doesn't need that. “There, all done with bandage change,” another nurse came into Sergei's room with special treat for Sergei to enjoy, it didn't happen every time with bandage changes. I knew more of Sergei's personality was starting to return, I knew also that he still emotionally hurts from this senseless act.
“Here, we got you a special treat for you, despite the pain you had been in, you have been doing really well,” Sergei knew what they meant and saw they had gotten some Russian pastries for him from a good Russian Bakery; that had really boosted his mood a great deal, to him, the pastries tasted good. For once since he was brought to hospital, he was starting into be in good mood and not being in so much pain as he was.
“Спасибо за выпечку, они были усилителем настроения,” Sergei had written down as he ate his pastries, Dr. Stein knew he was going to need to inspect burns next day. None of nurses or Sergei knew was brewing for tomorrow; I would hope it would be good day for Sergei, I enjoy seeing my Russian brother wake with bright and clear eyes. “You're welcome, Sergei,” soon my Russian Cossack brother was asleep, and actually resting for a change. Danieli and I were both glad to see that Sergei was actually sleeping and not from exhaustion from being in so much pain; more rest like this less pain he'd be in, something was brewing though.
~March 16, 2022~ Spring like temperatures.
“Sergei, hang on, you're going to be okay,” he was found this morning very feverish, something was wrong as if Sergei had an infection. It turned out that it was exactly what happening; Sergei did develop serious infection, it was nothing we did to cause it. “Okay, I need a syringe of a strong fever reducer and another of a strong sedative,” nurses were scrambling to get things what Dr. Stein needed, they were starting into treating infection seriously, they also had to insert tube into Sergei's throat so he could breathe. Dr. Stein was wise to place my Russian brother into medically induced coma because of infection, once we were allowed to enter his room once more; he was on ventilator so he could breathe because of how strong fever reducer is. “My dear Russian brother, hold on and fight, I know you're strong,” I picked up his hand and held his hand close, my other hand went to stroking Sergei's soft brown hair. The doctor and nurses had placed Sergei onto feeding tube to keep up nutritional needs; I thought of Sergei's wife and how she was dealing with this situation, she must have been beside herself in tears. “Yusha, I don't see why can't let Alyona see her husband,” I knew what Danieli was saying about letting Alyona to see Sergei, I thought that was good idea; just not when he's in this condition.
Danieli and I took turns staying by Sergei while he was fighting this infection and for his life, something must have happened that caused this fever and infection. “Just coming into check on Sergei,” nurse had said checking on Sergei, she was only doing her job with compassion. She gently filled feeding tube to start nutritional feeding for Sergei; stuff they used for feeding tube was consistancy of smoothie, but it was thicker than smoothie and went down slowly. “I don't want to leave my Russian Cossack brother, I'm fine, just not hungry seeing Sergei in this condition,” nurse smiled and reassured Danieli and I that our friend would be okay, they are monitering him in case he'd get worse. I know my dear Russian Cossack brother won't get worse, Dr. Stein and nurses are trying everything they're doing to save Sergei; I don't want to see Nikita having to bury his brother.
“It's okay, he's going to be fine, I won't let any harm come to him,” nurse just let us go downstairs to eat some lunch while Sergei was fed through feeding tube, she finished feeding my Russian brother through feeding tube; she made sure he was as comfortable as he could be. I tried to eat as did Danieli, we both knew that this was what none of us wanted to be in with friend as close as Sergei. “Let's go back up and hope there would a miracle with Sergei,” I agreed to it while Danieli and I prayed that fever would break and infection leave this brother of ours, this Karen thought it was rather stupid that Danieli and I be praying for our close friend. Well despite what she was saying, good miracle did happen for Sergei moment we prayed; fever broke and infection left him.
“Yusha and Danieli, I'm glad to have you for friends,” it was Sergei sitting in his bed, that was his voice that returned. Danieli and I were just so glad that this Karen was wrong; I knew Sergei was feeling better than when he had come to hospital, Danieli and I both knew that prayer of two or more people holds power.
~March 17, 2022~ Happy St. Patricks Day! Wear green!
“Hey, you gave us a scare,” Kennedy told Sergei when he went to bed, I knew that Sergei didn't mean to give scare. Dr. Stein had come into room to inspect burns to see how they were healing; those burns were healing well after that scare, if Danieli and I hadn't done what we did, we'd be having to say good bye to our close friend and burying him in his native village. “We're getting things lined up for the second skin graph, I hoping that things well like the first time,” he knew that there were be Karens and male versions of that around, he didn't want things like that messed up and causing trouble for Sergei. Sergei was glad that his was helping him heal, I want to see him back to his family; especially that of his wife, Alyona, I know she misses him terribly. “Dr. Stein is ready to start the skin graphs,” nurse came to get Sergei to get him prepared for skin graphs, we went downstairs to wait for word on our dear brother. I saw Alyona come to us; I didn't know how resourseful Sergei's wife really is, I go to great her and let her sit with us while we wait for Sergei to get out of surgery.
“What happened to Sergei that required him to go through this, Yusha?” I can't lie to Alyona about what happened, Danieli and Kennedy knew that Alyona deserved to know what happened to Sergei. I carefully sit Alyona down to tell her, I was nervous not know how she's going to take news; I witnessed how it happened and how those teenagers doused Sergei with petrol and then lit him on fire. “Alyona, this isn't easy to tell you, three teenagers took Sergei to alley, he had taken his shirts off and they doused him with petrol and literally lit him on fire,” I saw tears well up in Alyona's eyes when I told her what happened to Sergei, I knew she loves her husband for long time. I knew Sergei to be born Cossack and married into being Cossack; and then this happened to my Cossack brother, I don't think those teenagers knew that Sergei was Cossack nor did that cared about that. “Why did this have to happen? Does anyone care anymore?” I couldn't answer Alyona about this because I didn't know answer to first question, I knew answer to second question. I didn't like seeing her in tears what I had told to her about what happened, although fact remains that she needed to know; with Sergei being treated for those burns like this, Alyona has to know she can't just embrace him like she could before he had gotten burned.
Hours later, Sergei was put back into his room after surgery to recover, I knew he would be still out of it and more of his burns was cleaned up and covered up by skin graphs. “Now, I will say this, Alyona, if there wasn't anyone that cared here, you'd be widowed,” nurse came to take us back upstairs to be by Sergei once more, this time; he was sleeping and in clean bandages. Alyona went to Sergei's bedside once she was covered to be by her husband, she wanted to hold him and that wasn't possible with Sergei covered in bandages. “Alyona, what are you doing here?” she was surprised by my Russian brother asking her, he just didn't want her to worry about him. He knew that his wife had to know, he wasn't angry; just surprised to see his wife.
~March 18, 2022~ 9 days after the incident.
Sergei was healing nicely and those burns were clearing up and still needed bandage changes and skin graphs on those worse burns, Dr. Stein thought that if Sergei kept healing like this; he'd be able to return to Castra Praetoria to recouperate. “There is going to be some things he's going have to do protect his skin for now on considering the scars,” Danieli and I understood he meant about Sergei needing to protcet the skin, I knew my Russian brother knows it also. Only one I know that doesn't know would be his wife; Danieli knew that would be an easy fix to have Nikita sit with his sister-in-law, I had to agree with what Danieli had come up with. “Anything else we need to know?” Danieli asked Dr. Stein with Sergei getting bandages change, least burns weren't blistering as much since being treated. Of course there was more information that we needed to know, some of scarring could be hidden by a certain lotion; there was one other way and I would think Sergei would want to wait until he's done with burn treatment and recovered enough over what happened.
“I would leave the last bit for later down the road, right now, he's still healing and going under treatment for his burns,” Dr. Stein had said handing us right information on care after treatment, there was one other thing Sergei was going have to wear to protect his skin before getting dressed was a protective sleeve. That wasn't too bad for my Russian brother after all what he had been through, Dr. Stein said sleeve was only temperary until scarring could be corrected; since being here, I would be glad to help where I can to let Sergei recouperate.
“Yusha, I wonder what mischief I can get into once back,” Sergei and I had a laughing fit at what he had said, lately, his beard needed trimming; so I help him with that so it would be neat and trimmed. I know there will be a day where he will be doing trimming himself again with pair of sissors and a mirrior, my Russian Cossack brother appreciated having his beard trimmed well. “I think more of your sense of humor is coming back after what you just been through,” I said to Sergei as Danieli came into room, he just said something funny causing all of us to be laughing hard. And what he just said was of breakfast cereal, it felt good to him to laugh after what he had been through; and Danieli and I knew that it was just one week of treatment and more was to come.
~March 19, 2022~ Spring like temperatures again, Spring is coming.
“We're going to do one more medicated bath, and then start it about once a week with it and start introducing another bath in,” Dr. Stein seeing how those burns starting to heal and least severe burns started to blister less since medicated burn cream started to work, bandages were starting to be less frenquent seeing how well Sergei was healing since that night he was badly burned. Alyona came to be with her husband when she saw that I had neatly trimmed his beard for him; when you see his old picture of him and his older brother, you really can tell that they are brothers with their arms around their waists and in their faces.
“This is good news to hear,” Danieli said to Dr. Stein, and I had to agree. It was good news to hear; I bet Sergei was glad to hear it before he fell asleep, it was also good that he's finally resting instead of just passing out from exhaustion from being in pain. “Is it safe so I can hold my husband?” Danieli had to shake his head at that, it wasn't until he's home that she could, not until then and not while he's undergoing treatment for those burns. I realized something that could help Sergei; had those teenagers not been there and doing what they were doing, I knew Sergei wouldn't be undergoing burn treatment right now. “The lead prosecutor is on his way to talk to Sergei about what happened, he wants to know for himself,” by then, Sergei was awake sitting in bed; those burns even when down to his legs and burned him there, his trousers had to be cut off him even though he didn't like it. It had to be done so his burns could be cleaned up and dressed, that was important before beginning any treatment.
“I'm here to see Sergei to talk about what had happened the evening of March 9th,” Sergei looked to doorway to bade lead prosecutor to come into his room, when those detectives came to talk to my Russian brother about what happened; he couldn't talk at all with his voice still healing from screaming in pain. Once into room to talk to Sergei, of course he had to be corrected on correct pronunseation of his name. “I got to remember you're a Russian Cossack,” Sergei nods with a certain look on his face, people has forgotten about way Sergei dresses; I know kind of shirts he wears when not busy or on duty. I also know different hats he wears, during fall and winter he wears his papakha; he wears Kubanka during Spring and Summer and never takes them off as a matter of honor of Siberian Cossack. “That's correct, I am out of Siberia,” Sergei's voice clear when they started to talk about what happened, my Russian brother shifted to sit at edge of his bed; lead prosecutor saw bandages on Sergei's legs realizing that petrol went every where. When that match was lit to be thrown, Sergei was looking for way to escape from being lit on fire and burned as badly as he was from those teenagers. “At first, I thought those teenagers wanted to fight, then I realized they had jugs of petrol and matches,” I noticed tears were welling up in Sergei's eyes, that night still haunts him to now. I couldn't really blame him to be upset over this, when I first met him; I knew I would have long time friendship with Sergei Leonidovich Brevsky; not even war can sever that.
That's just the first 11 days, more is to come in store for Sergei. It's all from Yusha's point of view; he would never leave Sergei, he knew deep down that his friend is more than Russian, and what Yusha was trying to convey is the fact his Russian brother is more than Russian. He's trying to show that Sergei is a human being and not some inhuman monster, he always called Sergei his Russian brother. Yusha doesn't see his Russian brother as an enemy; he doesn't want to, he wants to see Sergei as family.
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friendstobrothers · 2 years
Ready to go
Ready to go with the story, just remember that this is fictional and the characters used are fictional. It's just a way to show what can happen; it's to illustrate how war can effect people in different ways. I wish I could draw it and show it that way also, writing is my only way to show people. So, please do not get mad at me for posting this here; I don't want negative feedback about this, it's just a what if story where a Ukrainian Cossack is telling this story, he admits he gets the love where his Russian brother would be getting nothing and ended up getting trash dumped on top and then horrifically burned. You'll see how much things change, you'll see the heartbreaking moments.
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friendstobrothers · 2 years
From friends to brothers
I'm writing a what if story to show what can happen, it also shows that this war in Ukraine can effect every one in different ways. It also can show that people can be very hateful toward someone else just because they come from another country, in this case, the point of view is from a Zaporozhian Cossack; he never let this war in Ukraine to sever a friendship that turned into brotherhood. I just don't want people mad at me for posting something like this on here; I'm just trying to paint a picture of what can happen. I'm just saying that this story is fictional as are the characters I used, one is Ukrainian and the other is Russian; you can tell which one in the story that gets the hate and which one that's telling the story.
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