Can we have a link
✩– Definitely, I’d give a link if/when I make it
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What would be your plans for such a multimuse blog? (Like who'd you want on it?)
✩– Well I will probably move Twilight there if I do make the blog, just for the sake of keeping everything together. I’d possibly also add Fluttershy, Luna, Discord, and maybe Starlight. (I’m sure there’s a few others but I can’t think off the top of my head at the moment.)
As far as OC’s, I do have a unicorn and a changeling I’d really like to write. 
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✩– Hey guys, just an update. I’ve been spending some time in other fandoms, but I think I might try to come back to this one. However, I think I might make a multimuse blog, for both canon and OC ponies. 
Would anyone here follow me to that?
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✩– Oh wow, nearly 50 new followers while I was on vacation! That’s something to come back to.
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Friendly reminder that I WILL NOT be on for a week or more! I’m heading to NYC here in 8 hours, so I need to get to bed and get ready for my flight. I won’t be getting any IMs during this time!
But you can join my Discord Server in the meantime! 
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Your RP partners are not toys. They’re people. People with emotions, with their set of morals and with their own personal issues.
Your RP partners are not gods. And they should not be treated as such. No one is untouchable, everyone has folly and makes mistakes.
Your RP partners are HUMAN. Please treat them as such.
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✩– Well, at least I hit it
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So about that
Discord Server...
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//mxsecastle// (Ember to Twilight) "How's smolder doing?"
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“Hey Ember! Smolder is doing great! She’s been getting along well with plenty of other creatures, and learning a lot along the way.”
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Send "You need your rest!" For My Muse's reaction to Your's trying to force them into bed and make them sleep
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Can the art posts be reblogged?
Sure! If I don’t want it reblogged it will be stated in the description. :) Thanks for asking!
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Third eye
Send my muse a curse to transform them
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“What’s that look for? Is something wrong?”
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✩– Well, I finished most of my asks. I’m feeling a bit better now after all that happened these last couple days. Maybe I’ll work on that Discord server...
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Terrible? Transformation Curses
Send my muse a curse to transform them for a day (or however long the mun/sender decides). Feel free to combine curses to create a terrible, or beautiful, monster!
Third Eye: The muse has an eye placed anywhere on their body that is often visible (forehead, chest, hand…) and this eye has the ability to see glimpses of the future, another dimension, and/or supernatural entities.
Horns: The muse has horns sprouting from their head. The size and number of horns is completely up to the sender!
Slither: The muse now has a long, serpentine tail and has lost the ability to walk on their legs.
Cloven hooves: The muse has to walk with a pair of hooves instead of feet. Add furry legs for a classic ‘satyr’ look if the sender wishes.
Lovely locks: Instead of hair, the muse now has … something else up there. Snakes, tentacles, spines, dripping slime - the sender can use their imagination!
Gaping Maw: If you have two mouths, can you eat twice as many tacos? Let’s hope. The muse has a second mouth placed anywhere on their body, either hidden or visible, and it’s full of razor sharp teeth.
Fangs: The muse’s ordinary mouth now sports sharp vampire-like fangs.
Jaws: Hell, since when is two sharp teeth enough? The muse now has an entire mouthful of razor fangs. 
Scratch: Instead of fingernails, the muse now has long, pointed claws. Be careful with those things. 
Thwump: Who doesn’t want a tail? Now the muse has their own tail. It can be cute and delicate or heavy and covered in spikes depending on the sender. 
Hiss: The muse has a long, long tongue. Tapered or forked is up to you!
Porcupine: Porcupines are cute, but a little hazardous when annoyed. The muse now has sharp spines placed anywhere on their body (back, elbows, legs…).
Swamp beast: The muse can breathe easy under water with a new set of gills, and why not webbed fingers and toes to go with it?
Majestic birb: Now the muse has the power of flight with their own set of wings. Are they fluffy bird wings, leathery bat wings, or buzzing insect wings? 
Piercing Gaze: Whatever the muse’s original eye color is, they now have something different and unusual. Pure black eyes, milky white eyes, bright red eyes - it’s up to the sender!
Snout: The muse has swapped noses with any type of creature. Give them a beak, a pig snout, a feline button nose, or even a canine muzzle. 
Solid, Liquid, Gas: The muse’s entire body is made up of something other than flesh! Turn them into a gooey slime monster, a red-hot lava monster, a hard rock beast, or even a wisp of person-shaped fog.
Leathers and Feathers: The muse has more than just smooth skin now. Add some scales, feathers, fur, or an exoskeleton!
Size Difference: Grow or shrink the muse either a little bit or a whole lot.
Chameleon: Give the muse bright neon skin, wild colors of hair, or exotic stripes and patterns. Plaid? Go for it.
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Hi there twilight what's it like to be an alicorn
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“It’s nothing too different, really. I’m still me, I just have wings and the title of Princess. Nothing special.”
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