friedaklang · 2 years
sex in Roma
Sexes, sensualité, sensorialité, caresses, fluides, odeurs, torpeur, flirt, mise à nu, joie, excitation, envie, vibration, secousse, tremblement, corps-à-corps, coït, mains, bouches, sourire, encore, plus fort, étreintes, embrasses, serres, devant, derrière, dessus, dessous, partout, ici, ailleurs, maintenant, oui.
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friedaklang · 2 years
“Tish I’m tea”
The title is a reference to Milos Forman movie’s Amadeus.
Cringe worthy voices ? No singing ? Nonsensical lyrics ? Weird talking ? Dissonances ? Overwhelming sounds ? Unfinished feeling ? Extreme length ? Maybe more cowbells ? Yes, please !
PS : sorry, not sorry
Tish I’m tea playlist : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ82WEFuWZ4npsI-1m799mnFNtl__AlnJ
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friedaklang · 2 years
Wedding dress
Cet été, je suis conviée à un mariage. 
Je n’aime pas spécialement les mariages : trop de monde que je n’ai pas choisi, obligée de bien s’habiller et de mettre des chaussures, et non pas des baskets. Sauf sur le dance-floor ! (j’ai demandé et c’est toléré).
D’ailleurs, je n’ai rien à me mettre...
Je ne crois pas me marier un jour. Et j’ai UN seul regret : le DJ set que je me serais offerte, la nuit endiablée sur le dance floor arrosé de prosecco…
Pour l’exercice de pensée, je me suis choisie une robe de mariée :
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Source : https://balzac-paris.fr/products/robe-n14-ecru
Une robe de mariée sans décolleté. Celle-là est cool, sans chichi, je suis sûre que j’aurais pu mettre des baskets dessous haha ^_^
Une bague :
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Un côté elfique, discret, romantique avec son infinity knot, va bien avec la robe.
Source : https://www.etsy.com/fr/shop/DoronMeravWeddings?ref=usf_2020
Un mari :
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Cheyenne Jackson : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheyenne_Jackson
Il chante (de la soupe), il work-out, il est drôle, il est beau, il est gay ; va bien avec la robe et la bague.
Mais plus sérieusement, la playlist ! Je laisse au DJ le soin d’enchaîner tout ça et d’y inclure des morceaux dans la même dentelle.
Wedding dress playlist : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ82WEFuWZ4kQd5_xHQyMXuzra-SalSG9
PS : je n’ai toujours rien à me mettre pour le mariage...
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friedaklang · 2 years
Strictly dancing the greatest drag race with the stars
I often let myself go with the flow of what YouTube suggest me after watching something, and that could be anything.
Long story short, I’ve been watching Strictly dancing and fell in love with Oti Mabuse. She is a professional dancer who gets to pair with a more or less skilled partner for the show. This woman dances so well, whoever is her partner will automatically look good. Plus, she seems to have so much fun !
So Oti Mabuse and Danny Mac danced to :
Cake by the Ocean by DNCE : https://youtu.be/vaxHg6UsUis
Magalenha by Sergio Mendes : https://youtu.be/CABJfSW6MXE
That leads me to The Greatest Dancer because Oti Mabuse is a permanent judge guest at this UK talent show that audition solo and group dancers in a live situation : if the audience likes the performance, the curtain opens and becomes a live show, the competitors remain in the show as long as the audience is willing to, through ratings.
I was mesmerized (yes ! me too) by the Dane Bates Collective’s performances. I love how they make chaos, total harmony. I was not so much into their music choices though it fit their style. It grew into me anyway as I loop watched their videos : 
Find me by SIGMA feat Birdy : https://youtu.be/iNlNcNM2v4s
Shake it out by Florence+the Machine : https://youtu.be/0VkStRPoJ1o
So “naturally”, I watched Dancing with the stars. My feed suggested me Jojo Siwa’s journey, so why not ?
Not really for the trendy trend of gender identity/sexual preferences yada yada buzz, but seriously : two women ballroom dancing together is just lit ! Jojo get clearly the male role of the pair but get to express herself as she is.
The last show (for now) is Ru Paul Drag Race, because chronologically I’ve been watching about make-up, extreme make-up, drag make-up and then drag.
Drag race is probably the most skill demanding contest : seamstress, make-up/wig artist, dancer, singer, impersonator, reader and lip-syncher !
Miss you much by Janet Jackson ; https://youtu.be/LVXDsZ9ldaI
100% pure love by Crystal Waters : https://youtu.be/_YZ22KEafkc
I did not find a good lip sync video of Nobody’s supposed to be here by Deborah Cox, remixed by Hex Hector, but a live version by Deborah Cox herself : https://youtu.be/6KJXUvvjGrg
So, that’s it, at least something valuable remains : a playlist.
Strictly dancing the greatest drag race with the stars playlist : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ82WEFuWZ4kVwQPGJKTNT_zeTELi6zDW
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