freya-lynch · 4 years
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A home for some, a sanctuary for others and a place where students could feel safe, loved and part of a large family. The four different houses, who couldn’t be more different, housed students of many different origins, genders, colours, races, shapes, sizes and species. The only students that were even remotely the same were the Lynch twin siblings, Freddie Alexander James and Freya Rose Marie Lynch. The siblings that attended the majestic castle, though different in gender, were still completely the same. Tanned skin, dark brown hair and bright hazel brown eyes, it was plain as day to anyone around them, yet the twins couldn’t be more opposite in some ways. Both holding the same big heart with a protective fierceness for their family and friends, Freddie was more outgoing, cunning, ambitious, and held more leadership qualities while Freya was the opposite. In public, she was the Ravenclaw sweetheart, brave, incredibly bright and clever, kind, compassionate yet competitve and wise beyond her years. But behind closed doors, she constantly fought with her demons who were desperate to be unleashed. Despite her fears, she was a true fighter, she was a Lynch and a Lynch always fights back.
There goes an old saying that good things come in small packages and the meaning behind it is said to be emphasizing that something does not need to be big in order to be good. As it was said by famous muggle author J.R.R Tolkien, ‘even the smallest person can change the course of the future’ and at her small height of 5″4, Freya was determined to prove those who doubted her wrong and prove herself. With her large bambi-like hazel brown eyes identical to her twin’s, her tanned skin and long dark hair, like a typical Lynch Freya was full of courage. Except not all the time.
Her ‘furry little problem’ as her parents used to call it when she was younger, was an every growing concern in the small girl’s eyes. She could steal herself away on the night of a full moon, away from her fellow students and transform in peace. Her ultimate fear and her boggart was her attacking a friend or family member in a blind rage and ending their life at her hands. With Freddie more open about their heritage, Freya tended to keep quiet about it and only talked about it when people asked. So far, all had been good, until she come across Freddie, also transformed on a full moon, and attacked him in an animalistic and uncontrolled fit of rage. Though Freddie had completely forgiven her and told his twin it wasn’t her fault, Freya still hated herself for what had happened. It is with this weight hanging over her shoulders that drives her to succeed.
With her heartwarming smile and her friendly exterior, with a name meaning humble, filled with great spirit and beautiful, Freya was the girl who wouldn’t hurt a fly unless provoked, who always gave everyone a chance even the mean Slytherin’s and the girl who would always help anyone if she could and put others problems before her own. That is until, someone upset her.
The moon was high in the pitch black sky as Freya stumbled through the forest in her underwear, her senses were all over the place, out of whack as her twin called it. She couldn’t focus on anything, all she could do was grab onto trees and brances as she moved. Her hands slipped against something warm and wet, what the hell was that? Seeing blurred lights up ahead, she slowly made her way over seeing a figure approaching her, she stopped in her tracks.
“Who..Who’s there?“
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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veronica lodge in chapter eighteen: when a stranger calls
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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#don’t mess with veronica lodge
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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What’s the one place in town that’s open 24 hours? Hint: we were just there.
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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I want ships named after me, not horses.
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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I know what you need, Cheryl, because I know who you are. You would rather people fear than like you, so you traffic in terror and intimidation. You’re rich, so you’ve never been held accountable. But, I’m living proof. That certainty, that entitlement, you wear on your head like a crown? It won’t last. Eventually, there will be a reckoning. Or, maybe, that reckoning is now.  And, maybe, that reckoning is me. Betty and I come as a matching set. You want one, you take us both. You wanted fire? Sorry, Cherylbombshell, my specialty’s ice.
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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Veronica Lodge’s speakeasy look appreciation.
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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Veronica’s ‘V’ necklace appreciation.
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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Riverdale Chapter Three: Body Double → Veronica Lodge
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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veronica lodge ✿ when a stranger calls
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freya-lynch · 4 years
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